Bug 1449255: Part 8 - Rename test_bug455906 to test_blocklist_severities.js and modernize a bit. r?aswan draft
authorKris Maglione <maglione.k@gmail.com>
Tue, 27 Mar 2018 15:18:51 -0700
changeset 773474 652994715180be882e0c54fd8676a384684f1328
parent 773473 8e391ea428c8421c1e076874c4a7ceeac46b8537
child 773475 3f1ff7f750f34021efd5a0d7775e8b0bf89d2b3c
push id104243
push usermaglione.k@gmail.com
push dateWed, 28 Mar 2018 00:15:32 +0000
bugs1449255, 455906
Bug 1449255: Part 8 - Rename test_bug455906 to test_blocklist_severities.js and modernize a bit. r?aswan MozReview-Commit-ID: 515VqigTDK6
rename from toolkit/mozapps/extensions/test/xpcshell/test_bug455906.js
rename to toolkit/mozapps/extensions/test/xpcshell/test_blocklist_severities.js
--- a/toolkit/mozapps/extensions/test/xpcshell/test_bug455906.js
+++ b/toolkit/mozapps/extensions/test/xpcshell/test_blocklist_severities.js
@@ -1,21 +1,18 @@
 /* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
  * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
  * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
 const URI_EXTENSION_BLOCKLIST_DIALOG = "chrome://mozapps/content/extensions/blocklist.xul";
 var gTestserver = AddonTestUtils.createHttpServer({hosts: ["example.com"]});
-const {promiseObserved} = ExtensionUtils;
 gTestserver.registerDirectory("/data/", do_get_file("data"));
 // Workaround for Bug 658720 - URL formatter can leak during xpcshell tests
 const PREF_BLOCKLIST_ITEM_URL = "extensions.blocklist.itemURL";
 Services.prefs.setCharPref(PREF_BLOCKLIST_ITEM_URL, "http://example.com/blocklist/%blockID%");
 var ADDONS = [{
   // Tests how the blocklist affects a disabled add-on
@@ -68,31 +65,29 @@ var ADDONS = [{
 }, {
   // Spare add-on used to ensure we get a notification when switching lists
   id: "dummy_bug455906_2@tests.mozilla.org",
   name: "Dummy Addon 2",
   version: "5",
   appVersion: "3"
-function MockPlugin(name, version, enabledState) {
-  this.name = name;
-  this.version = version;
-  this.enabledState = enabledState;
-Object.defineProperty(MockPlugin.prototype, "blocklisted", {
-  get: function MockPlugin_getBlocklisted() {
+class MockPlugin {
+  constructor(name, version, enabledState) {
+    this.name = name;
+    this.version = version;
+    this.enabledState = enabledState;
+  }
+  get blocklisted() {
     return Services.blocklist.getPluginBlocklistState(this) == Services.blocklist.STATE_BLOCKED;
-Object.defineProperty(MockPlugin.prototype, "disabled", {
-  get: function MockPlugin_getDisabled() {
+  get disabled() {
     return this.enabledState == Ci.nsIPluginTag.STATE_DISABLED;
 var PLUGINS = [
   // Tests how the blocklist affects a disabled plugin
   new MockPlugin("test_bug455906_1", "5", Ci.nsIPluginTag.STATE_DISABLED),
   // Tests how the blocklist affects an enabled plugin
   new MockPlugin("test_bug455906_2", "5", Ci.nsIPluginTag.STATE_ENABLED),
   // Tests how the blocklist affects an enabled plugin, to be disabled by the notification
   new MockPlugin("test_bug455906_3", "5", Ci.nsIPluginTag.STATE_ENABLED),
@@ -100,406 +95,331 @@ var PLUGINS = [
   new MockPlugin("test_bug455906_4", "5", Ci.nsIPluginTag.STATE_DISABLED),
   // Tests how the blocklist affects an enabled plugin that was already warned about
   new MockPlugin("test_bug455906_5", "5", Ci.nsIPluginTag.STATE_ENABLED),
   // Tests how the blocklist affects an already blocked plugin
   new MockPlugin("test_bug455906_6", "5", Ci.nsIPluginTag.STATE_ENABLED)
 var gNotificationCheck = null;
-var gTestCheck = null;
 // A fake plugin host for the blocklist service to use
 var PluginHost = {
   getPluginTags(countRef) {
     countRef.value = PLUGINS.length;
     return PLUGINS;
-  QueryInterface(iid) {
-    if (iid.equals(Ci.nsIPluginHost)
-     || iid.equals(Ci.nsISupports))
-      return this;
-  }
+  QueryInterface: XPCOMUtils.generateQI(["nsIPluginHost"]),
 // Don't need the full interface, attempts to call other methods will just
 // throw which is just fine
 var WindowWatcher = {
   openWindow(parent, url, name, features, windowArguments) {
     // Should be called to list the newly blocklisted items
     if (gNotificationCheck) {
-      var args = windowArguments.wrappedJSObject;
-      gNotificationCheck(args);
+      gNotificationCheck(windowArguments.wrappedJSObject);
     // run the code after the blocklist is closed
     Services.obs.notifyObservers(null, "addon-blocklist-closed");
-    // Call the next test after the blocklist has finished up
-    do_timeout(0, gTestCheck);
-  QueryInterface(iid) {
-    if (iid.equals(Ci.nsIWindowWatcher)
-     || iid.equals(Ci.nsISupports))
-      return this;
-  }
+  QueryInterface: XPCOMUtils.generateQI(["nsIWindowWatcher"]),
 MockRegistrar.register("@mozilla.org/plugin/host;1", PluginHost);
 MockRegistrar.register("@mozilla.org/embedcomp/window-watcher;1", WindowWatcher);
-function create_addon(addon) {
-  var installrdf = "<?xml version=\"1.0\"?>\n" +
-                   "\n" +
-                   "<RDF xmlns=\"http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#\"\n" +
-                   "     xmlns:em=\"http://www.mozilla.org/2004/em-rdf#\">\n" +
-                   "  <Description about=\"urn:mozilla:install-manifest\">\n" +
-                   "    <em:id>" + addon.id + "</em:id>\n" +
-                   "    <em:version>" + addon.version + "</em:version>\n" +
-                   "    <em:bootstrap>true</em:bootstrap>\n" +
-                   "    <em:targetApplication>\n" +
-                   "      <Description>\n" +
-                   "        <em:id>xpcshell@tests.mozilla.org</em:id>\n" +
-                   "        <em:minVersion>" + addon.appVersion + "</em:minVersion>\n" +
-                   "        <em:maxVersion>" + addon.appVersion + "</em:maxVersion>\n" +
-                   "      </Description>\n" +
-                   "    </em:targetApplication>\n" +
-                   "    <em:name>" + addon.name + "</em:name>\n" +
-                   "  </Description>\n" +
-                   "</RDF>\n";
-  var target = gProfD.clone();
-  target.append("extensions");
-  target.append(addon.id);
-  target.append("install.rdf");
-  target.create(target.NORMAL_FILE_TYPE, FileUtils.PERMS_FILE);
-  var stream = Cc["@mozilla.org/network/file-output-stream;1"].
-               createInstance(Ci.nsIFileOutputStream);
-  stream.init(target,
-              FileUtils.MODE_WRONLY | FileUtils.MODE_CREATE | FileUtils.MODE_TRUNCATE,
-              FileUtils.PERMS_FILE, 0);
-  stream.write(installrdf, installrdf.length);
-  stream.close();
+function createAddon(addon) {
+  return promiseInstallXPI({
+    name: addon.name,
+    id: addon.id,
+    version: addon.version,
+    bootstrap: true,
+    targetApplications: [{
+      id: "xpcshell@tests.mozilla.org",
+      minVersion: addon.appVersion,
+      maxVersion: addon.appVersion}],
+  });
-function load_blocklist(file) {
-  Services.prefs.setCharPref("extensions.blocklist.url", "http://example.com/data/" + file);
-  var blocklist = Cc["@mozilla.org/extensions/blocklist;1"].
-                  getService(Ci.nsITimerCallback);
-  blocklist.notify(null);
+async function loadBlocklist(file, callback) {
+  let blocklistUpdated = TestUtils.topicObserved("blocklist-updated");
+  gNotificationCheck = callback;
-function check_addon_state(addon) {
-  return addon.userDisabled + "," + addon.softDisabled + "," + addon.appDisabled;
+  Services.prefs.setCharPref("extensions.blocklist.url",
+                             "http://example.com/data/" + file);
+  Services.blocklist.QueryInterface(Ci.nsITimerCallback).notify(null);
+  await blocklistUpdated;
 function check_plugin_state(plugin) {
   return plugin.disabled + "," + plugin.blocklisted;
 function create_blocklistURL(blockID) {
   let url = Services.urlFormatter.formatURLPref(PREF_BLOCKLIST_ITEM_URL);
   url = url.replace(/%blockID%/g, blockID);
   return url;
-// Performs the initial setup
-function run_test() {
-  // Setup for test
-  dump("Setting up tests\n");
-  // Rather than keeping lots of identical add-ons in version control, just
-  // write them into the profile.
-  for (let addon of ADDONS)
-    create_addon(addon);
+// Before every main test this is the state the add-ons are meant to be in
+async function checkInitialState() {
+  let addons = await AddonManager.getAddonsByIDs(ADDONS.map(a => a.id));
+  checkAddonState(addons[0], {userDisabled: true, softDisabled: false, appDisabled: false});
+  checkAddonState(addons[1], {userDisabled: false, softDisabled: false, appDisabled: false});
+  checkAddonState(addons[2], {userDisabled: false, softDisabled: false, appDisabled: false});
+  checkAddonState(addons[3], {userDisabled: true, softDisabled: true, appDisabled: false});
+  checkAddonState(addons[4], {userDisabled: false, softDisabled: false, appDisabled: false});
+  checkAddonState(addons[5], {userDisabled: false, softDisabled: false, appDisabled: true});
+  checkAddonState(addons[6], {userDisabled: false, softDisabled: false, appDisabled: true});
+  equal(check_plugin_state(PLUGINS[0]), "true,false");
+  equal(check_plugin_state(PLUGINS[1]), "false,false");
+  equal(check_plugin_state(PLUGINS[2]), "false,false");
+  equal(check_plugin_state(PLUGINS[3]), "true,false");
+  equal(check_plugin_state(PLUGINS[4]), "false,false");
+  equal(check_plugin_state(PLUGINS[5]), "false,true");
+function checkAddonState(addon, state) {
+  return checkAddon(addon.id, addon, state);
+add_task(async function setup() {
   // Copy the initial blocklist into the profile to check add-ons start in the
   // right state.
   createAppInfo("xpcshell@tests.mozilla.org", "XPCShell", "3", "8");
-  startupManager();
+  await promiseStartupManager();
-  do_test_pending();
-  check_test_pt1();
+  for (let addon of ADDONS)
+    await createAddon(addon);
-// Before every main test this is the state the add-ons are meant to be in
-function check_initial_state(callback) {
-  AddonManager.getAddonsByIDs(ADDONS.map(a => a.id), function(addons) {
-    Assert.equal(check_addon_state(addons[0]), "true,false,false");
-    Assert.equal(check_addon_state(addons[1]), "false,false,false");
-    Assert.equal(check_addon_state(addons[2]), "false,false,false");
-    Assert.equal(check_addon_state(addons[3]), "true,true,false");
-    Assert.equal(check_addon_state(addons[4]), "false,false,false");
-    Assert.equal(check_addon_state(addons[5]), "false,false,true");
-    Assert.equal(check_addon_state(addons[6]), "false,false,true");
+add_task(async function test_1() {
+  // Tests the add-ons were installed and the initial blocklist applied as expected
+  let addons = await AddonManager.getAddonsByIDs(ADDONS.map(a => a.id));
+  for (var i = 0; i < ADDONS.length; i++) {
+    ok(addons[i], `Addon ${i + 1} should be installed correctly`);
+  }
-    Assert.equal(check_plugin_state(PLUGINS[0]), "true,false");
-    Assert.equal(check_plugin_state(PLUGINS[1]), "false,false");
-    Assert.equal(check_plugin_state(PLUGINS[2]), "false,false");
-    Assert.equal(check_plugin_state(PLUGINS[3]), "true,false");
-    Assert.equal(check_plugin_state(PLUGINS[4]), "false,false");
-    Assert.equal(check_plugin_state(PLUGINS[5]), "false,true");
+  checkAddonState(addons[0], {userDisabled: false, softDisabled: false, appDisabled: false});
+  checkAddonState(addons[1], {userDisabled: false, softDisabled: false, appDisabled: false});
+  checkAddonState(addons[2], {userDisabled: false, softDisabled: false, appDisabled: false});
-    callback();
-  });
+  // Warn add-ons should be soft disabled automatically
+  checkAddonState(addons[3], {userDisabled: true, softDisabled: true, appDisabled: false});
+  checkAddonState(addons[4], {userDisabled: true, softDisabled: true, appDisabled: false});
-// Tests the add-ons were installed and the initial blocklist applied as expected
-function check_test_pt1() {
-  dump("Checking pt 1\n");
+  // Blocked and incompatible should be app disabled only
+  checkAddonState(addons[5], {userDisabled: false, softDisabled: false, appDisabled: true});
+  checkAddonState(addons[6], {userDisabled: false, softDisabled: false, appDisabled: true});
-  AddonManager.getAddonsByIDs(ADDONS.map(a => a.id), callback_soon(function(addons) {
-    for (var i = 0; i < ADDONS.length; i++) {
-      if (!addons[i])
-        do_throw("Addon " + (i + 1) + " did not get installed correctly");
-    }
+  // We've overridden the plugin host so we cannot tell what that would have
+  // initialised the plugins as
-    Assert.equal(check_addon_state(addons[0]), "false,false,false");
-    Assert.equal(check_addon_state(addons[1]), "false,false,false");
-    Assert.equal(check_addon_state(addons[2]), "false,false,false");
-    // Warn add-ons should be soft disabled automatically
-    Assert.equal(check_addon_state(addons[3]), "true,true,false");
-    Assert.equal(check_addon_state(addons[4]), "true,true,false");
+  // Put the add-ons into the base state
+  addons[0].userDisabled = true;
+  addons[4].userDisabled = false;
-    // Blocked and incompatible should be app disabled only
-    Assert.equal(check_addon_state(addons[5]), "false,false,true");
-    Assert.equal(check_addon_state(addons[6]), "false,false,true");
-    // We've overridden the plugin host so we cannot tell what that would have
-    // initialised the plugins as
-    // Put the add-ons into the base state
-    addons[0].userDisabled = true;
-    addons[4].userDisabled = false;
+  await promiseRestartManager();
+  await checkInitialState();
-    restartManager();
-    check_initial_state(function() {
-      gNotificationCheck = check_notification_pt2;
-      gTestCheck = check_test_pt2;
-      load_blocklist("bug455906_warn.xml");
-    });
-  }));
-function check_notification_pt2(args) {
-  dump("Checking notification pt 2\n");
-  Assert.equal(args.list.length, 4);
+  await loadBlocklist("bug455906_warn.xml", args => {
+    dump("Checking notification pt 2\n");
+    equal(args.list.length, 4);
-  for (let addon of args.list) {
-    if (addon.item instanceof Ci.nsIPluginTag) {
-      switch (addon.item.name) {
-        case "test_bug455906_2":
-          Assert.ok(!addon.blocked);
-          break;
-        case "test_bug455906_3":
-          Assert.ok(!addon.blocked);
-          addon.disable = true;
-          break;
-        default:
-          do_throw("Unknown addon: " + addon.item.name);
-      }
-    } else {
-      switch (addon.item.id) {
-        case "test_bug455906_2@tests.mozilla.org":
-          Assert.ok(!addon.blocked);
-          break;
-        case "test_bug455906_3@tests.mozilla.org":
-          Assert.ok(!addon.blocked);
-          addon.disable = true;
-          break;
-        default:
-          do_throw("Unknown addon: " + addon.item.id);
+    for (let addon of args.list) {
+      if (addon.item instanceof Ci.nsIPluginTag) {
+        switch (addon.item.name) {
+          case "test_bug455906_2":
+            ok(!addon.blocked);
+            break;
+          case "test_bug455906_3":
+            ok(!addon.blocked);
+            addon.disable = true;
+            break;
+          default:
+            do_throw("Unknown addon: " + addon.item.name);
+        }
+      } else {
+        switch (addon.item.id) {
+          case "test_bug455906_2@tests.mozilla.org":
+            ok(!addon.blocked);
+            break;
+          case "test_bug455906_3@tests.mozilla.org":
+            ok(!addon.blocked);
+            addon.disable = true;
+            break;
+          default:
+            do_throw("Unknown addon: " + addon.item.id);
+        }
-  }
+  });
-function check_test_pt2() {
-  restartManager();
+  await promiseRestartManager();
   dump("Checking results pt 2\n");
-  AddonManager.getAddonsByIDs(ADDONS.map(a => a.id), callback_soon(function(addons) {
-    // Should have disabled this add-on as requested
-    Assert.equal(check_addon_state(addons[2]), "true,true,false");
-    Assert.equal(check_plugin_state(PLUGINS[2]), "true,false");
+  addons = await AddonManager.getAddonsByIDs(ADDONS.map(a => a.id));
-    // The blocked add-on should have changed to soft disabled
-    Assert.equal(check_addon_state(addons[5]), "true,true,false");
-    Assert.equal(check_addon_state(addons[6]), "true,true,true");
-    Assert.equal(check_plugin_state(PLUGINS[5]), "true,false");
+  // Should have disabled this add-on as requested
+  checkAddonState(addons[2], {userDisabled: true, softDisabled: true, appDisabled: false});
+  equal(check_plugin_state(PLUGINS[2]), "true,false");
+  // The blocked add-on should have changed to soft disabled
+  checkAddonState(addons[5], {userDisabled: true, softDisabled: true, appDisabled: false});
+  checkAddonState(addons[6], {userDisabled: true, softDisabled: true, appDisabled: true});
+  equal(check_plugin_state(PLUGINS[5]), "true,false");
-    // These should have been unchanged
-    Assert.equal(check_addon_state(addons[0]), "true,false,false");
-    Assert.equal(check_addon_state(addons[1]), "false,false,false");
-    Assert.equal(check_addon_state(addons[3]), "true,true,false");
-    Assert.equal(check_addon_state(addons[4]), "false,false,false");
-    Assert.equal(check_plugin_state(PLUGINS[0]), "true,false");
-    Assert.equal(check_plugin_state(PLUGINS[1]), "false,false");
-    Assert.equal(check_plugin_state(PLUGINS[3]), "true,false");
-    Assert.equal(check_plugin_state(PLUGINS[4]), "false,false");
+  // These should have been unchanged
+  checkAddonState(addons[0], {userDisabled: true, softDisabled: false, appDisabled: false});
+  checkAddonState(addons[1], {userDisabled: false, softDisabled: false, appDisabled: false});
+  checkAddonState(addons[3], {userDisabled: true, softDisabled: true, appDisabled: false});
+  checkAddonState(addons[4], {userDisabled: false, softDisabled: false, appDisabled: false});
+  equal(check_plugin_state(PLUGINS[0]), "true,false");
+  equal(check_plugin_state(PLUGINS[1]), "false,false");
+  equal(check_plugin_state(PLUGINS[3]), "true,false");
+  equal(check_plugin_state(PLUGINS[4]), "false,false");
-    // Back to starting state
-    addons[2].userDisabled = false;
-    addons[5].userDisabled = false;
-    PLUGINS[2].enabledState = Ci.nsIPluginTag.STATE_ENABLED;
-    PLUGINS[5].enabledState = Ci.nsIPluginTag.STATE_ENABLED;
-    restartManager();
-    gNotificationCheck = null;
-    gTestCheck = run_test_pt3;
-    load_blocklist("bug455906_start.xml");
-  }));
+  // Back to starting state
+  addons[2].userDisabled = false;
+  addons[5].userDisabled = false;
+  PLUGINS[2].enabledState = Ci.nsIPluginTag.STATE_ENABLED;
+  PLUGINS[5].enabledState = Ci.nsIPluginTag.STATE_ENABLED;
+  await promiseRestartManager();
+  await loadBlocklist("bug455906_start.xml");
-function run_test_pt3() {
-  restartManager();
-  check_initial_state(function() {
-    gNotificationCheck = check_notification_pt3;
-    gTestCheck = check_test_pt3;
-    load_blocklist("bug455906_block.xml");
-  });
+add_task(async function test_pt3() {
+  await promiseRestartManager();
+  await checkInitialState();
-function check_notification_pt3(args) {
-  dump("Checking notification pt 3\n");
-  Assert.equal(args.list.length, 3);
+  await loadBlocklist("bug455906_block.xml", args => {
+    dump("Checking notification pt 3\n");
+    equal(args.list.length, 3);
-  for (let addon of args.list) {
-    if (addon.item instanceof Ci.nsIPluginTag) {
-      switch (addon.item.name) {
-        case "test_bug455906_2":
-          Assert.ok(addon.blocked);
-          break;
-        case "test_bug455906_3":
-          Assert.ok(addon.blocked);
-          break;
-        case "test_bug455906_5":
-          Assert.ok(addon.blocked);
-          break;
-        default:
-          do_throw("Unknown addon: " + addon.item.name);
-      }
-    } else {
-      switch (addon.item.id) {
-        case "test_bug455906_2@tests.mozilla.org":
-          Assert.ok(addon.blocked);
-          break;
-        case "test_bug455906_3@tests.mozilla.org":
-          Assert.ok(addon.blocked);
-          break;
-        case "test_bug455906_5@tests.mozilla.org":
-          Assert.ok(addon.blocked);
-          break;
-        default:
-          do_throw("Unknown addon: " + addon.item.id);
+    for (let addon of args.list) {
+      if (addon.item instanceof Ci.nsIPluginTag) {
+        switch (addon.item.name) {
+          case "test_bug455906_2":
+            ok(addon.blocked);
+            break;
+          case "test_bug455906_3":
+            ok(addon.blocked);
+            break;
+          case "test_bug455906_5":
+            ok(addon.blocked);
+            break;
+          default:
+            do_throw("Unknown addon: " + addon.item.name);
+        }
+      } else {
+        switch (addon.item.id) {
+          case "test_bug455906_2@tests.mozilla.org":
+            ok(addon.blocked);
+            break;
+          case "test_bug455906_3@tests.mozilla.org":
+            ok(addon.blocked);
+            break;
+          case "test_bug455906_5@tests.mozilla.org":
+            ok(addon.blocked);
+            break;
+          default:
+            do_throw("Unknown addon: " + addon.item.id);
+        }
-  }
+  });
-function check_test_pt3() {
-  restartManager();
+  await promiseRestartManager();
   dump("Checking results pt 3\n");
-  AddonManager.getAddonsByIDs(ADDONS.map(a => a.id), function(addons) {
-    // All should have gained the blocklist state, user disabled as previously
-    Assert.equal(check_addon_state(addons[0]), "true,false,true");
-    Assert.equal(check_addon_state(addons[1]), "false,false,true");
-    Assert.equal(check_addon_state(addons[2]), "false,false,true");
-    Assert.equal(check_addon_state(addons[4]), "false,false,true");
-    Assert.equal(check_plugin_state(PLUGINS[0]), "true,true");
-    Assert.equal(check_plugin_state(PLUGINS[1]), "false,true");
-    Assert.equal(check_plugin_state(PLUGINS[2]), "false,true");
-    Assert.equal(check_plugin_state(PLUGINS[3]), "true,true");
-    Assert.equal(check_plugin_state(PLUGINS[4]), "false,true");
-    // Should have gained the blocklist state but no longer be soft disabled
-    Assert.equal(check_addon_state(addons[3]), "false,false,true");
+  let addons = await AddonManager.getAddonsByIDs(ADDONS.map(a => a.id));
-    // Check blockIDs are correct
-    Assert.equal(Services.blocklist.getAddonBlocklistURL(addons[0]), create_blocklistURL(addons[0].id));
-    Assert.equal(Services.blocklist.getAddonBlocklistURL(addons[1]), create_blocklistURL(addons[1].id));
-    Assert.equal(Services.blocklist.getAddonBlocklistURL(addons[2]), create_blocklistURL(addons[2].id));
-    Assert.equal(Services.blocklist.getAddonBlocklistURL(addons[3]), create_blocklistURL(addons[3].id));
-    Assert.equal(Services.blocklist.getAddonBlocklistURL(addons[4]), create_blocklistURL(addons[4].id));
+  // All should have gained the blocklist state, user disabled as previously
+  checkAddonState(addons[0], {userDisabled: true, softDisabled: false, appDisabled: true});
+  checkAddonState(addons[1], {userDisabled: false, softDisabled: false, appDisabled: true});
+  checkAddonState(addons[2], {userDisabled: false, softDisabled: false, appDisabled: true});
+  checkAddonState(addons[4], {userDisabled: false, softDisabled: false, appDisabled: true});
+  equal(check_plugin_state(PLUGINS[0]), "true,true");
+  equal(check_plugin_state(PLUGINS[1]), "false,true");
+  equal(check_plugin_state(PLUGINS[2]), "false,true");
+  equal(check_plugin_state(PLUGINS[3]), "true,true");
+  equal(check_plugin_state(PLUGINS[4]), "false,true");
-    // All plugins have the same blockID on the test
-    Assert.equal(Services.blocklist.getPluginBlocklistURL(PLUGINS[0]), create_blocklistURL("test_bug455906_plugin"));
-    Assert.equal(Services.blocklist.getPluginBlocklistURL(PLUGINS[1]), create_blocklistURL("test_bug455906_plugin"));
-    Assert.equal(Services.blocklist.getPluginBlocklistURL(PLUGINS[2]), create_blocklistURL("test_bug455906_plugin"));
-    Assert.equal(Services.blocklist.getPluginBlocklistURL(PLUGINS[3]), create_blocklistURL("test_bug455906_plugin"));
-    Assert.equal(Services.blocklist.getPluginBlocklistURL(PLUGINS[4]), create_blocklistURL("test_bug455906_plugin"));
+  // Should have gained the blocklist state but no longer be soft disabled
+  checkAddonState(addons[3], {userDisabled: false, softDisabled: false, appDisabled: true});
-    // Shouldn't be changed
-    Assert.equal(check_addon_state(addons[5]), "false,false,true");
-    Assert.equal(check_addon_state(addons[6]), "false,false,true");
-    Assert.equal(check_plugin_state(PLUGINS[5]), "false,true");
+  // Check blockIDs are correct
+  equal(Services.blocklist.getAddonBlocklistURL(addons[0]), create_blocklistURL(addons[0].id));
+  equal(Services.blocklist.getAddonBlocklistURL(addons[1]), create_blocklistURL(addons[1].id));
+  equal(Services.blocklist.getAddonBlocklistURL(addons[2]), create_blocklistURL(addons[2].id));
+  equal(Services.blocklist.getAddonBlocklistURL(addons[3]), create_blocklistURL(addons[3].id));
+  equal(Services.blocklist.getAddonBlocklistURL(addons[4]), create_blocklistURL(addons[4].id));
-    // Back to starting state
-    gNotificationCheck = null;
-    gTestCheck = null;
-    promiseObserved("blocklist-updated").then(run_test_pt4);
-    load_blocklist("bug455906_start.xml");
-  });
+  // All plugins have the same blockID on the test
+  equal(Services.blocklist.getPluginBlocklistURL(PLUGINS[0]), create_blocklistURL("test_bug455906_plugin"));
+  equal(Services.blocklist.getPluginBlocklistURL(PLUGINS[1]), create_blocklistURL("test_bug455906_plugin"));
+  equal(Services.blocklist.getPluginBlocklistURL(PLUGINS[2]), create_blocklistURL("test_bug455906_plugin"));
+  equal(Services.blocklist.getPluginBlocklistURL(PLUGINS[3]), create_blocklistURL("test_bug455906_plugin"));
+  equal(Services.blocklist.getPluginBlocklistURL(PLUGINS[4]), create_blocklistURL("test_bug455906_plugin"));
+  // Shouldn't be changed
+  checkAddonState(addons[5], {userDisabled: false, softDisabled: false, appDisabled: true});
+  checkAddonState(addons[6], {userDisabled: false, softDisabled: false, appDisabled: true});
+  equal(check_plugin_state(PLUGINS[5]), "false,true");
+  // Back to starting state
+  await loadBlocklist("bug455906_start.xml");
-function run_test_pt4() {
-  AddonManager.getAddonByID(ADDONS[4].id, callback_soon(function(addon) {
-    addon.userDisabled = false;
-    PLUGINS[4].enabledState = Ci.nsIPluginTag.STATE_ENABLED;
-    restartManager();
-    check_initial_state(function() {
-      gNotificationCheck = check_notification_pt4;
-      gTestCheck = check_test_pt4;
-      promiseObserved("blocklist-updated").then(check_test_pt4);
-      load_blocklist("bug455906_empty.xml");
-    });
-  }));
+add_task(async function test_pt4() {
+  let addon = await AddonManager.getAddonByID(ADDONS[4].id);
+  addon.userDisabled = false;
+  PLUGINS[4].enabledState = Ci.nsIPluginTag.STATE_ENABLED;
+  await promiseRestartManager();
+  await checkInitialState();
-function check_notification_pt4(args) {
-  dump("Checking notification pt 4\n");
+  await loadBlocklist("bug455906_empty.xml", args => {
+    dump("Checking notification pt 4\n");
-  // Should be just the dummy add-on to force this notification
-  Assert.equal(args.list.length, 1);
-  Assert.equal(false, args.list[0].item instanceof Ci.nsIPluginTag);
-  Assert.equal(args.list[0].item.id, "dummy_bug455906_2@tests.mozilla.org");
+    // Should be just the dummy add-on to force this notification
+    equal(args.list.length, 1);
+    equal(false, args.list[0].item instanceof Ci.nsIPluginTag);
+    equal(args.list[0].item.id, "dummy_bug455906_2@tests.mozilla.org");
+  });
-function check_test_pt4() {
-  restartManager();
+  await promiseRestartManager();
   dump("Checking results pt 4\n");
-  AddonManager.getAddonsByIDs(ADDONS.map(a => a.id), function(addons) {
-    // This should have become unblocked
-    Assert.equal(check_addon_state(addons[5]), "false,false,false");
-    Assert.equal(check_plugin_state(PLUGINS[5]), "false,false");
+  let addons = await AddonManager.getAddonsByIDs(ADDONS.map(a => a.id));
+  // This should have become unblocked
+  checkAddonState(addons[5], {userDisabled: false, softDisabled: false, appDisabled: false});
+  equal(check_plugin_state(PLUGINS[5]), "false,false");
-    // Should get re-enabled
-    Assert.equal(check_addon_state(addons[3]), "false,false,false");
+  // Should get re-enabled
+  checkAddonState(addons[3], {userDisabled: false, softDisabled: false, appDisabled: false});
-    // No change for anything else
-    Assert.equal(check_addon_state(addons[0]), "true,false,false");
-    Assert.equal(check_addon_state(addons[1]), "false,false,false");
-    Assert.equal(check_addon_state(addons[2]), "false,false,false");
-    Assert.equal(check_addon_state(addons[4]), "false,false,false");
-    Assert.equal(check_addon_state(addons[6]), "false,false,true");
-    Assert.equal(check_plugin_state(PLUGINS[0]), "true,false");
-    Assert.equal(check_plugin_state(PLUGINS[1]), "false,false");
-    Assert.equal(check_plugin_state(PLUGINS[2]), "false,false");
-    Assert.equal(check_plugin_state(PLUGINS[3]), "true,false");
-    Assert.equal(check_plugin_state(PLUGINS[4]), "false,false");
-    finish();
-  });
-function finish() {
-  do_test_finished();
+  // No change for anything else
+  checkAddonState(addons[0], {userDisabled: true, softDisabled: false, appDisabled: false});
+  checkAddonState(addons[1], {userDisabled: false, softDisabled: false, appDisabled: false});
+  checkAddonState(addons[2], {userDisabled: false, softDisabled: false, appDisabled: false});
+  checkAddonState(addons[4], {userDisabled: false, softDisabled: false, appDisabled: false});
+  checkAddonState(addons[6], {userDisabled: false, softDisabled: false, appDisabled: true});
+  equal(check_plugin_state(PLUGINS[0]), "true,false");
+  equal(check_plugin_state(PLUGINS[1]), "false,false");
+  equal(check_plugin_state(PLUGINS[2]), "false,false");
+  equal(check_plugin_state(PLUGINS[3]), "true,false");
+  equal(check_plugin_state(PLUGINS[4]), "false,false");
--- a/toolkit/mozapps/extensions/test/xpcshell/xpcshell.ini
+++ b/toolkit/mozapps/extensions/test/xpcshell/xpcshell.ini
@@ -36,34 +36,34 @@ tags = blocklist
 # Bug 676992: test consistently hangs on Android
 skip-if = os == "android"
 tags = blocklist
 tags = blocklist
 skip-if = os == "android"
 tags = blocklist
+# Bug 676992: test consistently hangs on Android
+skip-if = os == "android"
+tags = blocklist
 # Bug 676992: test consistently hangs on Android
 skip-if = os == "android"
 tags = blocklist
 # Times out during parallel runs on desktop
 requesttimeoutfactor = 2
 tags = blocklist
 skip-if = true # Bug 1358846 Bug 1365021 Bug 676992
 skip-if = os != "win"
-# Bug 676992: test consistently hangs on Android
-skip-if = os == "android"
-tags = blocklist
 # Bug 676992: test consistently hangs on Android
 skip-if = os == "android"
 # Bug 676992: test consistently hangs on Android
 skip-if = os == "android"
 tags = blocklist