Bug 474043 - Merge common_test_handlerService.js. r=paolo draft
authorMarco Bonardo <mbonardo@mozilla.com>
Tue, 13 Mar 2018 16:59:35 +0100
changeset 766923 106c9265f9cb500ceb598b729607532d877e6d53
parent 766922 545a594ff0d93f13d614fabc77fd9c2b4eaeeaa9
child 766924 77558078765b1aeb82eb52a74609761eeb368276
push id102448
push usermak77@bonardo.net
push dateTue, 13 Mar 2018 16:59:58 +0000
Bug 474043 - Merge common_test_handlerService.js. r=paolo MozReview-Commit-ID: mr4kd1LnDI
deleted file mode 100644
--- a/uriloader/exthandler/tests/unit/common_test_handlerService.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,605 +0,0 @@
-/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain.
- * http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ */
-HandlerServiceTestUtils.handlerService = gHandlerService;
-// Set up an nsIWebHandlerApp instance that can be used in multiple tests.
-let webHandlerApp = Cc["@mozilla.org/uriloader/web-handler-app;1"]
-                      .createInstance(Ci.nsIWebHandlerApp);
-webHandlerApp.name = "Web Handler";
-webHandlerApp.uriTemplate = "https://www.example.com/?url=%s";
-let expectedWebHandlerApp = {
-  name: webHandlerApp.name,
-  uriTemplate: webHandlerApp.uriTemplate,
-// Set up an nsILocalHandlerApp instance that can be used in multiple tests. The
-// executable should exist, but it doesn't need to point to an actual file, so
-// we simply initialize it to the path of an existing directory.
-let localHandlerApp = Cc["@mozilla.org/uriloader/local-handler-app;1"]
-                        .createInstance(Ci.nsILocalHandlerApp);
-localHandlerApp.name = "Local Handler";
-localHandlerApp.executable = FileUtils.getFile("TmpD", []);
-let expectedLocalHandlerApp = {
-  name: localHandlerApp.name,
-  executable: localHandlerApp.executable,
- * Returns a new nsIHandlerInfo instance initialized to known values that don't
- * depend on the platform and are easier to verify later.
- *
- * @param type
- *        Because the "preferredAction" is initialized to saveToDisk, this
- *        should represent a MIME type rather than a protocol.
- */
-function getKnownHandlerInfo(type) {
-  let handlerInfo = HandlerServiceTestUtils.getBlankHandlerInfo(type);
-  handlerInfo.preferredAction = Ci.nsIHandlerInfo.saveToDisk;
-  handlerInfo.alwaysAskBeforeHandling = false;
-  return handlerInfo;
- * Checks that the information stored in the handler service instance under
- * testing matches the test data files.
- */
-function assertAllHandlerInfosMatchTestData() {
-  let handlerInfos = HandlerServiceTestUtils.getAllHandlerInfos();
-  // It's important that the MIME types we check here do not exist at the
-  // operating system level, otherwise the list of handlers and file extensions
-  // will be merged. The current implementation adds each saved file extension
-  // even if one already exists in the system, resulting in duplicate entries.
-  HandlerServiceTestUtils.assertHandlerInfoMatches(handlerInfos.shift(), {
-    type: "example/type.handleinternally",
-    preferredAction: Ci.nsIHandlerInfo.handleInternally,
-    alwaysAskBeforeHandling: false,
-    fileExtensions: [
-      "example_one",
-    ],
-  });
-  HandlerServiceTestUtils.assertHandlerInfoMatches(handlerInfos.shift(), {
-    type: "example/type.savetodisk",
-    preferredAction: Ci.nsIHandlerInfo.saveToDisk,
-    alwaysAskBeforeHandling: true,
-    preferredApplicationHandler: {
-      name: "Example Default Handler",
-      uriTemplate: "https://www.example.com/?url=%s",
-    },
-    possibleApplicationHandlers: [{
-      name: "Example Default Handler",
-      uriTemplate: "https://www.example.com/?url=%s",
-    }],
-    fileExtensions: [
-      "example_two",
-      "example_three",
-    ],
-  });
-  HandlerServiceTestUtils.assertHandlerInfoMatches(handlerInfos.shift(), {
-    type: "example/type.usehelperapp",
-    preferredAction: Ci.nsIHandlerInfo.useHelperApp,
-    alwaysAskBeforeHandling: true,
-    preferredApplicationHandler: {
-      name: "Example Default Handler",
-      uriTemplate: "https://www.example.com/?url=%s",
-    },
-    possibleApplicationHandlers: [{
-      name: "Example Default Handler",
-      uriTemplate: "https://www.example.com/?url=%s",
-    },{
-      name: "Example Possible Handler One",
-      uriTemplate: "http://www.example.com/?id=1&url=%s",
-    },{
-      name: "Example Possible Handler Two",
-      uriTemplate: "http://www.example.com/?id=2&url=%s",
-    }],
-    fileExtensions: [
-      "example_two",
-      "example_three",
-    ],
-  });
-  HandlerServiceTestUtils.assertHandlerInfoMatches(handlerInfos.shift(), {
-    type: "example/type.usesystemdefault",
-    preferredAction: Ci.nsIHandlerInfo.useSystemDefault,
-    alwaysAskBeforeHandling: false,
-    possibleApplicationHandlers: [{
-      name: "Example Possible Handler",
-      uriTemplate: "http://www.example.com/?url=%s",
-    }],
-  });
-  HandlerServiceTestUtils.assertHandlerInfoMatches(handlerInfos.shift(), {
-    type: "examplescheme.usehelperapp",
-    preferredAction: Ci.nsIHandlerInfo.useHelperApp,
-    alwaysAskBeforeHandling: true,
-    preferredApplicationHandler: {
-      name: "Example Default Handler",
-      uriTemplate: "https://www.example.com/?url=%s",
-    },
-    possibleApplicationHandlers: [{
-      name: "Example Default Handler",
-      uriTemplate: "https://www.example.com/?url=%s",
-    },{
-      name: "Example Possible Handler One",
-      uriTemplate: "http://www.example.com/?id=1&url=%s",
-    },{
-      name: "Example Possible Handler Two",
-      uriTemplate: "http://www.example.com/?id=2&url=%s",
-    }],
-  });
-  HandlerServiceTestUtils.assertHandlerInfoMatches(handlerInfos.shift(), {
-    type: "examplescheme.usesystemdefault",
-    preferredAction: Ci.nsIHandlerInfo.useSystemDefault,
-    alwaysAskBeforeHandling: false,
-    possibleApplicationHandlers: [{
-      name: "Example Possible Handler",
-      uriTemplate: "http://www.example.com/?url=%s",
-    }],
-  });
-  Assert.equal(handlerInfos.length, 0);
- * Loads data from a file in a predefined format, verifying that the format is
- * recognized and all the known properties are loaded and saved.
- */
-add_task(async function test_store_fillHandlerInfo_predefined() {
-  // Test that the file format used in previous versions can be loaded.
-  await copyTestDataToHandlerStore();
-  await assertAllHandlerInfosMatchTestData();
-  // Keep a copy of the nsIHandlerInfo instances, then delete the handler store
-  // and populate it with the known data. Since the handler store is empty, the
-  // default handlers for the current locale are also injected, so we have to
-  // delete them manually before adding the other nsIHandlerInfo instances.
-  let testHandlerInfos = HandlerServiceTestUtils.getAllHandlerInfos();
-  await deleteHandlerStore();
-  for (let handlerInfo of HandlerServiceTestUtils.getAllHandlerInfos()) {
-    gHandlerService.remove(handlerInfo);
-  }
-  for (let handlerInfo of testHandlerInfos) {
-    gHandlerService.store(handlerInfo);
-  }
-  // Test that the known data still matches after saving it and reloading.
-  await unloadHandlerStore();
-  await assertAllHandlerInfosMatchTestData();
- * Check that "store" is able to add new instances, that "remove" and "exists"
- * work, and that "fillHandlerInfo" throws when the instance does not exist.
- */
-add_task(async function test_store_remove_exists() {
-  // Test both MIME types and protocols.
-  for (let type of ["example/type.usehelperapp",
-                    "examplescheme.usehelperapp"]) {
-    // Create new nsIHandlerInfo instances before loading the test data.
-    await deleteHandlerStore();
-    let handlerInfoPresent = HandlerServiceTestUtils.getHandlerInfo(type);
-    let handlerInfoAbsent = HandlerServiceTestUtils.getHandlerInfo(type + "2");
-    // Set up known properties that we can verify later.
-    handlerInfoAbsent.preferredAction = Ci.nsIHandlerInfo.saveToDisk;
-    handlerInfoAbsent.alwaysAskBeforeHandling = false;
-    await copyTestDataToHandlerStore();
-    Assert.ok(gHandlerService.exists(handlerInfoPresent));
-    Assert.ok(!gHandlerService.exists(handlerInfoAbsent));
-    gHandlerService.store(handlerInfoAbsent);
-    gHandlerService.remove(handlerInfoPresent);
-    await unloadHandlerStore();
-    Assert.ok(!gHandlerService.exists(handlerInfoPresent));
-    Assert.ok(gHandlerService.exists(handlerInfoAbsent));
-    Assert.throws(
-      () => gHandlerService.fillHandlerInfo(handlerInfoPresent, ""),
-      ex => ex.result == Cr.NS_ERROR_NOT_AVAILABLE);
-    let actualHandlerInfo = HandlerServiceTestUtils.getHandlerInfo(type + "2");
-    HandlerServiceTestUtils.assertHandlerInfoMatches(actualHandlerInfo, {
-      type: type + "2",
-      preferredAction: Ci.nsIHandlerInfo.saveToDisk,
-      alwaysAskBeforeHandling: false,
-    });
-  }
- * Tests that it is possible to save an nsIHandlerInfo instance with a
- * "preferredAction" that is alwaysAsk or has an unknown value, but the
- * action always becomes useHelperApp when reloading.
- */
-add_task(async function test_store_preferredAction() {
-  await deleteHandlerStore();
-  let handlerInfo = getKnownHandlerInfo("example/new");
-  for (let preferredAction of [Ci.nsIHandlerInfo.alwaysAsk, 999]) {
-    handlerInfo.preferredAction = preferredAction;
-    gHandlerService.store(handlerInfo);
-    gHandlerService.fillHandlerInfo(handlerInfo, "");
-    Assert.equal(handlerInfo.preferredAction, Ci.nsIHandlerInfo.useHelperApp);
-  }
- * Tests that it is possible to save an nsIHandlerInfo instance containing an
- * nsILocalHandlerApp instance pointing to an executable that doesn't exist, but
- * this entry is ignored when reloading.
- */
-add_task(async function test_store_localHandlerApp_missing() {
-  if (!("@mozilla.org/uriloader/dbus-handler-app;1" in Cc)) {
-    info("Skipping test because it does not apply to this platform.");
-    return;
-  }
-  let missingHandlerApp = Cc["@mozilla.org/uriloader/local-handler-app;1"]
-                            .createInstance(Ci.nsILocalHandlerApp);
-  missingHandlerApp.name = "Non-existing Handler";
-  missingHandlerApp.executable = FileUtils.getFile("TmpD", ["nonexisting"]);
-  await deleteHandlerStore();
-  let handlerInfo = getKnownHandlerInfo("example/new");
-  handlerInfo.preferredApplicationHandler = missingHandlerApp;
-  handlerInfo.possibleApplicationHandlers.appendElement(missingHandlerApp);
-  handlerInfo.possibleApplicationHandlers.appendElement(webHandlerApp);
-  gHandlerService.store(handlerInfo);
-  await unloadHandlerStore();
-  let actualHandlerInfo = HandlerServiceTestUtils.getHandlerInfo("example/new");
-  HandlerServiceTestUtils.assertHandlerInfoMatches(actualHandlerInfo, {
-    type: "example/new",
-    preferredAction: Ci.nsIHandlerInfo.saveToDisk,
-    alwaysAskBeforeHandling: false,
-    possibleApplicationHandlers: [expectedWebHandlerApp],
-  });
- * Test saving and reloading an instance of nsIDBusHandlerApp.
- */
-add_task(async function test_store_dBusHandlerApp() {
-  if (!("@mozilla.org/uriloader/dbus-handler-app;1" in Cc)) {
-    info("Skipping test because it does not apply to this platform.");
-    return;
-  }
-  // Set up an nsIDBusHandlerApp instance for testing.
-  let dBusHandlerApp = Cc["@mozilla.org/uriloader/dbus-handler-app;1"]
-                         .createInstance(Ci.nsIDBusHandlerApp);
-  dBusHandlerApp.name = "DBus Handler";
-  dBusHandlerApp.service = "test.method.server";
-  dBusHandlerApp.method = "Method";
-  dBusHandlerApp.dBusInterface = "test.method.Type";
-  dBusHandlerApp.objectPath = "/test/method/Object";
-  let expectedDBusHandlerApp = {
-    name: dBusHandlerApp.name,
-    service: dBusHandlerApp.service,
-    method: dBusHandlerApp.method,
-    dBusInterface: dBusHandlerApp.dBusInterface,
-    objectPath: dBusHandlerApp.objectPath,
-  };
-  await deleteHandlerStore();
-  let handlerInfo = getKnownHandlerInfo("example/new");
-  handlerInfo.preferredApplicationHandler = dBusHandlerApp;
-  handlerInfo.possibleApplicationHandlers.appendElement(dBusHandlerApp);
-  gHandlerService.store(handlerInfo);
-  await unloadHandlerStore();
-  let actualHandlerInfo = HandlerServiceTestUtils.getHandlerInfo("example/new");
-  HandlerServiceTestUtils.assertHandlerInfoMatches(actualHandlerInfo, {
-    type: "example/new",
-    preferredAction: Ci.nsIHandlerInfo.saveToDisk,
-    alwaysAskBeforeHandling: false,
-    preferredApplicationHandler: expectedDBusHandlerApp,
-    possibleApplicationHandlers: [expectedDBusHandlerApp],
-  });
- * Tests that it is possible to save an nsIHandlerInfo instance with a
- * "preferredApplicationHandler" and no "possibleApplicationHandlers", but the
- * former is always included in the latter list when reloading.
- */
-add_task(async function test_store_possibleApplicationHandlers_includes_preferred() {
-  await deleteHandlerStore();
-  let handlerInfo = getKnownHandlerInfo("example/new");
-  handlerInfo.preferredApplicationHandler = localHandlerApp;
-  gHandlerService.store(handlerInfo);
-  await unloadHandlerStore();
-  let actualHandlerInfo = HandlerServiceTestUtils.getHandlerInfo("example/new");
-  HandlerServiceTestUtils.assertHandlerInfoMatches(actualHandlerInfo, {
-    type: "example/new",
-    preferredAction: Ci.nsIHandlerInfo.saveToDisk,
-    alwaysAskBeforeHandling: false,
-    preferredApplicationHandler: expectedLocalHandlerApp,
-    possibleApplicationHandlers: [expectedLocalHandlerApp],
-  });
- * Tests that it is possible to save an nsIHandlerInfo instance with a
- * "preferredApplicationHandler" that is not the first element in
- * "possibleApplicationHandlers", but the former is always included as the first
- * element of the latter list when reloading.
- */
-add_task(async function test_store_possibleApplicationHandlers_preferred_first() {
-  await deleteHandlerStore();
-  let handlerInfo = getKnownHandlerInfo("example/new");
-  handlerInfo.preferredApplicationHandler = webHandlerApp;
-  // The preferred handler is appended after the other one.
-  handlerInfo.possibleApplicationHandlers.appendElement(localHandlerApp);
-  handlerInfo.possibleApplicationHandlers.appendElement(webHandlerApp);
-  gHandlerService.store(handlerInfo);
-  await unloadHandlerStore();
-  let actualHandlerInfo = HandlerServiceTestUtils.getHandlerInfo("example/new");
-  HandlerServiceTestUtils.assertHandlerInfoMatches(actualHandlerInfo, {
-    type: "example/new",
-    preferredAction: Ci.nsIHandlerInfo.saveToDisk,
-    alwaysAskBeforeHandling: false,
-    preferredApplicationHandler: expectedWebHandlerApp,
-    possibleApplicationHandlers: [
-      expectedWebHandlerApp,
-      expectedLocalHandlerApp,
-    ],
-  });
- * Tests that it is possible to save an nsIHandlerInfo instance with an
- * uppercase file extension, but it is converted to lowercase when reloading.
- */
-add_task(async function test_store_fileExtensions_lowercase() {
-  await deleteHandlerStore();
-  let handlerInfo = getKnownHandlerInfo("example/new");
-  handlerInfo.appendExtension("extension_test1");
-  handlerInfo.appendExtension("EXTENSION_test2");
-  gHandlerService.store(handlerInfo);
-  await unloadHandlerStore();
-  let actualHandlerInfo = HandlerServiceTestUtils.getHandlerInfo("example/new");
-  HandlerServiceTestUtils.assertHandlerInfoMatches(actualHandlerInfo, {
-    type: "example/new",
-    preferredAction: Ci.nsIHandlerInfo.saveToDisk,
-    alwaysAskBeforeHandling: false,
-    fileExtensions: [
-      "extension_test1",
-      "extension_test2",
-    ],
-  });
- * Tests that duplicates added with "appendExtension" or present in
- * "possibleApplicationHandlers" are removed when saving and reloading.
- */
-add_task(async function test_store_no_duplicates() {
-  await deleteHandlerStore();
-  let handlerInfo = getKnownHandlerInfo("example/new");
-  handlerInfo.preferredApplicationHandler = webHandlerApp;
-  handlerInfo.possibleApplicationHandlers.appendElement(webHandlerApp);
-  handlerInfo.possibleApplicationHandlers.appendElement(localHandlerApp);
-  handlerInfo.possibleApplicationHandlers.appendElement(localHandlerApp);
-  handlerInfo.possibleApplicationHandlers.appendElement(webHandlerApp);
-  handlerInfo.appendExtension("extension_test1");
-  handlerInfo.appendExtension("extension_test2");
-  handlerInfo.appendExtension("extension_test1");
-  handlerInfo.appendExtension("EXTENSION_test1");
-  gHandlerService.store(handlerInfo);
-  await unloadHandlerStore();
-  let actualHandlerInfo = HandlerServiceTestUtils.getHandlerInfo("example/new");
-  HandlerServiceTestUtils.assertHandlerInfoMatches(actualHandlerInfo, {
-    type: "example/new",
-    preferredAction: Ci.nsIHandlerInfo.saveToDisk,
-    alwaysAskBeforeHandling: false,
-    preferredApplicationHandler: expectedWebHandlerApp,
-    possibleApplicationHandlers: [
-      expectedWebHandlerApp,
-      expectedLocalHandlerApp,
-    ],
-    fileExtensions: [
-      "extension_test1",
-      "extension_test2",
-    ],
-  });
- * Tests that "store" deletes properties that have their default values from
- * the data store. This is mainly relevant for the JSON back-end.
- *
- * File extensions are never deleted once they have been associated.
- */
-add_task(async function test_store_deletes_properties_except_extensions() {
-  await deleteHandlerStore();
-  // Prepare an nsIHandlerInfo instance with all the properties set to values
-  // that will result in deletions. The preferredAction is also set to a defined
-  // value so we can more easily verify it later.
-  let handlerInfo =
-      HandlerServiceTestUtils.getBlankHandlerInfo("example/type.savetodisk");
-  handlerInfo.preferredAction = Ci.nsIHandlerInfo.saveToDisk;
-  handlerInfo.alwaysAskBeforeHandling = false;
-  // All the properties for "example/type.savetodisk" are present in the test
-  // data, so we load the data before overwriting their values.
-  await copyTestDataToHandlerStore();
-  gHandlerService.store(handlerInfo);
-  // Now we can reload the data and verify that no extra values have been kept.
-  await unloadHandlerStore();
-  let actualHandlerInfo =
-      HandlerServiceTestUtils.getHandlerInfo("example/type.savetodisk");
-  HandlerServiceTestUtils.assertHandlerInfoMatches(actualHandlerInfo, {
-    type: "example/type.savetodisk",
-    preferredAction: Ci.nsIHandlerInfo.saveToDisk,
-    alwaysAskBeforeHandling: false,
-    fileExtensions: [
-      "example_two",
-      "example_three"
-    ],
-  });
- * Tests the "overrideType" argument of "fillHandlerInfo".
- */
-add_task(async function test_fillHandlerInfo_overrideType() {
-  // Test both MIME types and protocols.
-  for (let type of ["example/type.usesystemdefault",
-                    "examplescheme.usesystemdefault"]) {
-    await deleteHandlerStore();
-    // Create new nsIHandlerInfo instances before loading the test data.
-    let handlerInfoAbsent = HandlerServiceTestUtils.getHandlerInfo(type + "2");
-    // Fill the nsIHandlerInfo instance using the type that actually exists.
-    await copyTestDataToHandlerStore();
-    gHandlerService.fillHandlerInfo(handlerInfoAbsent, type);
-    HandlerServiceTestUtils.assertHandlerInfoMatches(handlerInfoAbsent, {
-      // While the data is populated from another type, the type is unchanged.
-      type: type + "2",
-      preferredAction: Ci.nsIHandlerInfo.useSystemDefault,
-      alwaysAskBeforeHandling: false,
-      possibleApplicationHandlers: [{
-        name: "Example Possible Handler",
-        uriTemplate: "http://www.example.com/?url=%s",
-      }],
-    });
-  }
- * Tests "getTypeFromExtension" including unknown extensions.
- */
-add_task(async function test_getTypeFromExtension() {
-  await copyTestDataToHandlerStore();
-  Assert.equal(gHandlerService.getTypeFromExtension(""), "");
-  Assert.equal(gHandlerService.getTypeFromExtension("example_unknown"), "");
-  Assert.equal(gHandlerService.getTypeFromExtension("example_one"),
-               "example/type.handleinternally");
-  Assert.equal(gHandlerService.getTypeFromExtension("EXAMPLE_one"),
-               "example/type.handleinternally");
- * Checks that the information stored in the handler service instance under
- * testing matches the default handlers for the English locale.
- */
-function assertAllHandlerInfosMatchDefaultHandlers() {
-  let handlerInfos = HandlerServiceTestUtils.getAllHandlerInfos();
-  for (let type of ["irc", "ircs"]) {
-    HandlerServiceTestUtils.assertHandlerInfoMatches(handlerInfos.shift(), {
-      type,
-      preferredActionOSDependent: true,
-      possibleApplicationHandlers: [{
-        name: "Mibbit",
-        uriTemplate: "https://www.mibbit.com/?url=%s",
-      }],
-    });
-  }
-  HandlerServiceTestUtils.assertHandlerInfoMatches(handlerInfos.shift(), {
-    type: "mailto",
-    preferredActionOSDependent: true,
-    possibleApplicationHandlers: [{
-      name: "Yahoo! Mail",
-      uriTemplate: "https://compose.mail.yahoo.com/?To=%s",
-    },{
-      name: "Gmail",
-      uriTemplate: "https://mail.google.com/mail/?extsrc=mailto&url=%s",
-    }],
-  });
-  HandlerServiceTestUtils.assertHandlerInfoMatches(handlerInfos.shift(), {
-    type: "webcal",
-    preferredActionOSDependent: true,
-    possibleApplicationHandlers: [{
-      name: "30 Boxes",
-      uriTemplate: "https://30boxes.com/external/widget?refer=ff&url=%s",
-    }],
-  });
-  Assert.equal(handlerInfos.length, 0);
- * Tests the default protocol handlers imported from the locale-specific data.
- */
-add_task(async function test_default_protocol_handlers() {
-  if (!Services.prefs.getPrefType("gecko.handlerService.defaultHandlersVersion")) {
-    info("This platform or locale does not have default handlers.");
-    return;
-  }
-  // This will inject the default protocol handlers for the current locale.
-  await deleteHandlerStore();
-  await assertAllHandlerInfosMatchDefaultHandlers();
- * Tests that the default protocol handlers are not imported again from the
- * locale-specific data if they already exist.
- */
-add_task(async function test_default_protocol_handlers_no_duplicates() {
-  if (!Services.prefs.getPrefType("gecko.handlerService.defaultHandlersVersion")) {
-    info("This platform or locale does not have default handlers.");
-    return;
-  }
-  // This will inject the default protocol handlers for the current locale.
-  await deleteHandlerStore();
-  // Remove the "irc" handler so we can verify that the injection is repeated.
-  let ircHandlerInfo = HandlerServiceTestUtils.getHandlerInfo("irc");
-  gHandlerService.remove(ircHandlerInfo);
-  let originalDefaultHandlersVersion = Services.prefs.getComplexValue(
-    "gecko.handlerService.defaultHandlersVersion", Ci.nsIPrefLocalizedString);
-  // Set the preference to an arbitrarily high number to force injecting again.
-  Services.prefs.setStringPref("gecko.handlerService.defaultHandlersVersion",
-                               "999");
-  await unloadHandlerStore();
-  // Check that "irc" exists to make sure that the injection was repeated.
-  Assert.ok(gHandlerService.exists(ircHandlerInfo));
-  // There should be no duplicate handlers in the protocols.
-  await assertAllHandlerInfosMatchDefaultHandlers();
-  Services.prefs.setStringPref("gecko.handlerService.defaultHandlersVersion",
-                               originalDefaultHandlersVersion);
--- a/uriloader/exthandler/tests/unit/test_handlerService_json.js
+++ b/uriloader/exthandler/tests/unit/test_handlerService_json.js
@@ -5,18 +5,618 @@
  * Tests the nsIHandlerService interface using the JSON backend.
 let gHandlerService = gHandlerServiceJSON;
 let unloadHandlerStore = unloadHandlerStoreJSON;
 let deleteHandlerStore = deleteHandlerStoreJSON;
 let copyTestDataToHandlerStore = copyTestDataToHandlerStoreJSON;
-var scriptFile = do_get_file("common_test_handlerService.js");
+HandlerServiceTestUtils.handlerService = gHandlerService;
+// Set up an nsIWebHandlerApp instance that can be used in multiple tests.
+let webHandlerApp = Cc["@mozilla.org/uriloader/web-handler-app;1"]
+                      .createInstance(Ci.nsIWebHandlerApp);
+webHandlerApp.name = "Web Handler";
+webHandlerApp.uriTemplate = "https://www.example.com/?url=%s";
+let expectedWebHandlerApp = {
+  name: webHandlerApp.name,
+  uriTemplate: webHandlerApp.uriTemplate,
+// Set up an nsILocalHandlerApp instance that can be used in multiple tests. The
+// executable should exist, but it doesn't need to point to an actual file, so
+// we simply initialize it to the path of an existing directory.
+let localHandlerApp = Cc["@mozilla.org/uriloader/local-handler-app;1"]
+                        .createInstance(Ci.nsILocalHandlerApp);
+localHandlerApp.name = "Local Handler";
+localHandlerApp.executable = FileUtils.getFile("TmpD", []);
+let expectedLocalHandlerApp = {
+  name: localHandlerApp.name,
+  executable: localHandlerApp.executable,
+ * Returns a new nsIHandlerInfo instance initialized to known values that don't
+ * depend on the platform and are easier to verify later.
+ *
+ * @param type
+ *        Because the "preferredAction" is initialized to saveToDisk, this
+ *        should represent a MIME type rather than a protocol.
+ */
+function getKnownHandlerInfo(type) {
+  let handlerInfo = HandlerServiceTestUtils.getBlankHandlerInfo(type);
+  handlerInfo.preferredAction = Ci.nsIHandlerInfo.saveToDisk;
+  handlerInfo.alwaysAskBeforeHandling = false;
+  return handlerInfo;
+ * Checks that the information stored in the handler service instance under
+ * testing matches the test data files.
+ */
+function assertAllHandlerInfosMatchTestData() {
+  let handlerInfos = HandlerServiceTestUtils.getAllHandlerInfos();
+  // It's important that the MIME types we check here do not exist at the
+  // operating system level, otherwise the list of handlers and file extensions
+  // will be merged. The current implementation adds each saved file extension
+  // even if one already exists in the system, resulting in duplicate entries.
+  HandlerServiceTestUtils.assertHandlerInfoMatches(handlerInfos.shift(), {
+    type: "example/type.handleinternally",
+    preferredAction: Ci.nsIHandlerInfo.handleInternally,
+    alwaysAskBeforeHandling: false,
+    fileExtensions: [
+      "example_one",
+    ],
+  });
+  HandlerServiceTestUtils.assertHandlerInfoMatches(handlerInfos.shift(), {
+    type: "example/type.savetodisk",
+    preferredAction: Ci.nsIHandlerInfo.saveToDisk,
+    alwaysAskBeforeHandling: true,
+    preferredApplicationHandler: {
+      name: "Example Default Handler",
+      uriTemplate: "https://www.example.com/?url=%s",
+    },
+    possibleApplicationHandlers: [{
+      name: "Example Default Handler",
+      uriTemplate: "https://www.example.com/?url=%s",
+    }],
+    fileExtensions: [
+      "example_two",
+      "example_three",
+    ],
+  });
+  HandlerServiceTestUtils.assertHandlerInfoMatches(handlerInfos.shift(), {
+    type: "example/type.usehelperapp",
+    preferredAction: Ci.nsIHandlerInfo.useHelperApp,
+    alwaysAskBeforeHandling: true,
+    preferredApplicationHandler: {
+      name: "Example Default Handler",
+      uriTemplate: "https://www.example.com/?url=%s",
+    },
+    possibleApplicationHandlers: [{
+      name: "Example Default Handler",
+      uriTemplate: "https://www.example.com/?url=%s",
+    },{
+      name: "Example Possible Handler One",
+      uriTemplate: "http://www.example.com/?id=1&url=%s",
+    },{
+      name: "Example Possible Handler Two",
+      uriTemplate: "http://www.example.com/?id=2&url=%s",
+    }],
+    fileExtensions: [
+      "example_two",
+      "example_three",
+    ],
+  });
+  HandlerServiceTestUtils.assertHandlerInfoMatches(handlerInfos.shift(), {
+    type: "example/type.usesystemdefault",
+    preferredAction: Ci.nsIHandlerInfo.useSystemDefault,
+    alwaysAskBeforeHandling: false,
+    possibleApplicationHandlers: [{
+      name: "Example Possible Handler",
+      uriTemplate: "http://www.example.com/?url=%s",
+    }],
+  });
+  HandlerServiceTestUtils.assertHandlerInfoMatches(handlerInfos.shift(), {
+    type: "examplescheme.usehelperapp",
+    preferredAction: Ci.nsIHandlerInfo.useHelperApp,
+    alwaysAskBeforeHandling: true,
+    preferredApplicationHandler: {
+      name: "Example Default Handler",
+      uriTemplate: "https://www.example.com/?url=%s",
+    },
+    possibleApplicationHandlers: [{
+      name: "Example Default Handler",
+      uriTemplate: "https://www.example.com/?url=%s",
+    },{
+      name: "Example Possible Handler One",
+      uriTemplate: "http://www.example.com/?id=1&url=%s",
+    },{
+      name: "Example Possible Handler Two",
+      uriTemplate: "http://www.example.com/?id=2&url=%s",
+    }],
+  });
+  HandlerServiceTestUtils.assertHandlerInfoMatches(handlerInfos.shift(), {
+    type: "examplescheme.usesystemdefault",
+    preferredAction: Ci.nsIHandlerInfo.useSystemDefault,
+    alwaysAskBeforeHandling: false,
+    possibleApplicationHandlers: [{
+      name: "Example Possible Handler",
+      uriTemplate: "http://www.example.com/?url=%s",
+    }],
+  });
+  Assert.equal(handlerInfos.length, 0);
+ * Loads data from a file in a predefined format, verifying that the format is
+ * recognized and all the known properties are loaded and saved.
+ */
+add_task(async function test_store_fillHandlerInfo_predefined() {
+  // Test that the file format used in previous versions can be loaded.
+  await copyTestDataToHandlerStore();
+  await assertAllHandlerInfosMatchTestData();
+  // Keep a copy of the nsIHandlerInfo instances, then delete the handler store
+  // and populate it with the known data. Since the handler store is empty, the
+  // default handlers for the current locale are also injected, so we have to
+  // delete them manually before adding the other nsIHandlerInfo instances.
+  let testHandlerInfos = HandlerServiceTestUtils.getAllHandlerInfos();
+  await deleteHandlerStore();
+  for (let handlerInfo of HandlerServiceTestUtils.getAllHandlerInfos()) {
+    gHandlerService.remove(handlerInfo);
+  }
+  for (let handlerInfo of testHandlerInfos) {
+    gHandlerService.store(handlerInfo);
+  }
+  // Test that the known data still matches after saving it and reloading.
+  await unloadHandlerStore();
+  await assertAllHandlerInfosMatchTestData();
+ * Check that "store" is able to add new instances, that "remove" and "exists"
+ * work, and that "fillHandlerInfo" throws when the instance does not exist.
+ */
+add_task(async function test_store_remove_exists() {
+  // Test both MIME types and protocols.
+  for (let type of ["example/type.usehelperapp",
+                    "examplescheme.usehelperapp"]) {
+    // Create new nsIHandlerInfo instances before loading the test data.
+    await deleteHandlerStore();
+    let handlerInfoPresent = HandlerServiceTestUtils.getHandlerInfo(type);
+    let handlerInfoAbsent = HandlerServiceTestUtils.getHandlerInfo(type + "2");
+    // Set up known properties that we can verify later.
+    handlerInfoAbsent.preferredAction = Ci.nsIHandlerInfo.saveToDisk;
+    handlerInfoAbsent.alwaysAskBeforeHandling = false;
+    await copyTestDataToHandlerStore();
+    Assert.ok(gHandlerService.exists(handlerInfoPresent));
+    Assert.ok(!gHandlerService.exists(handlerInfoAbsent));
+    gHandlerService.store(handlerInfoAbsent);
+    gHandlerService.remove(handlerInfoPresent);
+    await unloadHandlerStore();
+    Assert.ok(!gHandlerService.exists(handlerInfoPresent));
+    Assert.ok(gHandlerService.exists(handlerInfoAbsent));
+    Assert.throws(
+      () => gHandlerService.fillHandlerInfo(handlerInfoPresent, ""),
+      ex => ex.result == Cr.NS_ERROR_NOT_AVAILABLE);
+    let actualHandlerInfo = HandlerServiceTestUtils.getHandlerInfo(type + "2");
+    HandlerServiceTestUtils.assertHandlerInfoMatches(actualHandlerInfo, {
+      type: type + "2",
+      preferredAction: Ci.nsIHandlerInfo.saveToDisk,
+      alwaysAskBeforeHandling: false,
+    });
+  }
+ * Tests that it is possible to save an nsIHandlerInfo instance with a
+ * "preferredAction" that is alwaysAsk or has an unknown value, but the
+ * action always becomes useHelperApp when reloading.
+ */
+add_task(async function test_store_preferredAction() {
+  await deleteHandlerStore();
+  let handlerInfo = getKnownHandlerInfo("example/new");
+  for (let preferredAction of [Ci.nsIHandlerInfo.alwaysAsk, 999]) {
+    handlerInfo.preferredAction = preferredAction;
+    gHandlerService.store(handlerInfo);
+    gHandlerService.fillHandlerInfo(handlerInfo, "");
+    Assert.equal(handlerInfo.preferredAction, Ci.nsIHandlerInfo.useHelperApp);
+  }
+ * Tests that it is possible to save an nsIHandlerInfo instance containing an
+ * nsILocalHandlerApp instance pointing to an executable that doesn't exist, but
+ * this entry is ignored when reloading.
+ */
+add_task(async function test_store_localHandlerApp_missing() {
+  if (!("@mozilla.org/uriloader/dbus-handler-app;1" in Cc)) {
+    info("Skipping test because it does not apply to this platform.");
+    return;
+  }
+  let missingHandlerApp = Cc["@mozilla.org/uriloader/local-handler-app;1"]
+                            .createInstance(Ci.nsILocalHandlerApp);
+  missingHandlerApp.name = "Non-existing Handler";
+  missingHandlerApp.executable = FileUtils.getFile("TmpD", ["nonexisting"]);
+  await deleteHandlerStore();
+  let handlerInfo = getKnownHandlerInfo("example/new");
+  handlerInfo.preferredApplicationHandler = missingHandlerApp;
+  handlerInfo.possibleApplicationHandlers.appendElement(missingHandlerApp);
+  handlerInfo.possibleApplicationHandlers.appendElement(webHandlerApp);
+  gHandlerService.store(handlerInfo);
+  await unloadHandlerStore();
+  let actualHandlerInfo = HandlerServiceTestUtils.getHandlerInfo("example/new");
+  HandlerServiceTestUtils.assertHandlerInfoMatches(actualHandlerInfo, {
+    type: "example/new",
+    preferredAction: Ci.nsIHandlerInfo.saveToDisk,
+    alwaysAskBeforeHandling: false,
+    possibleApplicationHandlers: [expectedWebHandlerApp],
+  });
+ * Test saving and reloading an instance of nsIDBusHandlerApp.
+ */
+add_task(async function test_store_dBusHandlerApp() {
+  if (!("@mozilla.org/uriloader/dbus-handler-app;1" in Cc)) {
+    info("Skipping test because it does not apply to this platform.");
+    return;
+  }
+  // Set up an nsIDBusHandlerApp instance for testing.
+  let dBusHandlerApp = Cc["@mozilla.org/uriloader/dbus-handler-app;1"]
+                         .createInstance(Ci.nsIDBusHandlerApp);
+  dBusHandlerApp.name = "DBus Handler";
+  dBusHandlerApp.service = "test.method.server";
+  dBusHandlerApp.method = "Method";
+  dBusHandlerApp.dBusInterface = "test.method.Type";
+  dBusHandlerApp.objectPath = "/test/method/Object";
+  let expectedDBusHandlerApp = {
+    name: dBusHandlerApp.name,
+    service: dBusHandlerApp.service,
+    method: dBusHandlerApp.method,
+    dBusInterface: dBusHandlerApp.dBusInterface,
+    objectPath: dBusHandlerApp.objectPath,
+  };
+  await deleteHandlerStore();
+  let handlerInfo = getKnownHandlerInfo("example/new");
+  handlerInfo.preferredApplicationHandler = dBusHandlerApp;
+  handlerInfo.possibleApplicationHandlers.appendElement(dBusHandlerApp);
+  gHandlerService.store(handlerInfo);
+  await unloadHandlerStore();
+  let actualHandlerInfo = HandlerServiceTestUtils.getHandlerInfo("example/new");
+  HandlerServiceTestUtils.assertHandlerInfoMatches(actualHandlerInfo, {
+    type: "example/new",
+    preferredAction: Ci.nsIHandlerInfo.saveToDisk,
+    alwaysAskBeforeHandling: false,
+    preferredApplicationHandler: expectedDBusHandlerApp,
+    possibleApplicationHandlers: [expectedDBusHandlerApp],
+  });
+ * Tests that it is possible to save an nsIHandlerInfo instance with a
+ * "preferredApplicationHandler" and no "possibleApplicationHandlers", but the
+ * former is always included in the latter list when reloading.
+ */
+add_task(async function test_store_possibleApplicationHandlers_includes_preferred() {
+  await deleteHandlerStore();
+  let handlerInfo = getKnownHandlerInfo("example/new");
+  handlerInfo.preferredApplicationHandler = localHandlerApp;
+  gHandlerService.store(handlerInfo);
+  await unloadHandlerStore();
+  let actualHandlerInfo = HandlerServiceTestUtils.getHandlerInfo("example/new");
+  HandlerServiceTestUtils.assertHandlerInfoMatches(actualHandlerInfo, {
+    type: "example/new",
+    preferredAction: Ci.nsIHandlerInfo.saveToDisk,
+    alwaysAskBeforeHandling: false,
+    preferredApplicationHandler: expectedLocalHandlerApp,
+    possibleApplicationHandlers: [expectedLocalHandlerApp],
+  });
+ * Tests that it is possible to save an nsIHandlerInfo instance with a
+ * "preferredApplicationHandler" that is not the first element in
+ * "possibleApplicationHandlers", but the former is always included as the first
+ * element of the latter list when reloading.
+ */
+add_task(async function test_store_possibleApplicationHandlers_preferred_first() {
+  await deleteHandlerStore();
+  let handlerInfo = getKnownHandlerInfo("example/new");
+  handlerInfo.preferredApplicationHandler = webHandlerApp;
+  // The preferred handler is appended after the other one.
+  handlerInfo.possibleApplicationHandlers.appendElement(localHandlerApp);
+  handlerInfo.possibleApplicationHandlers.appendElement(webHandlerApp);
+  gHandlerService.store(handlerInfo);
+  await unloadHandlerStore();
+  let actualHandlerInfo = HandlerServiceTestUtils.getHandlerInfo("example/new");
+  HandlerServiceTestUtils.assertHandlerInfoMatches(actualHandlerInfo, {
+    type: "example/new",
+    preferredAction: Ci.nsIHandlerInfo.saveToDisk,
+    alwaysAskBeforeHandling: false,
+    preferredApplicationHandler: expectedWebHandlerApp,
+    possibleApplicationHandlers: [
+      expectedWebHandlerApp,
+      expectedLocalHandlerApp,
+    ],
+  });
+ * Tests that it is possible to save an nsIHandlerInfo instance with an
+ * uppercase file extension, but it is converted to lowercase when reloading.
+ */
+add_task(async function test_store_fileExtensions_lowercase() {
+  await deleteHandlerStore();
+  let handlerInfo = getKnownHandlerInfo("example/new");
+  handlerInfo.appendExtension("extension_test1");
+  handlerInfo.appendExtension("EXTENSION_test2");
+  gHandlerService.store(handlerInfo);
+  await unloadHandlerStore();
+  let actualHandlerInfo = HandlerServiceTestUtils.getHandlerInfo("example/new");
+  HandlerServiceTestUtils.assertHandlerInfoMatches(actualHandlerInfo, {
+    type: "example/new",
+    preferredAction: Ci.nsIHandlerInfo.saveToDisk,
+    alwaysAskBeforeHandling: false,
+    fileExtensions: [
+      "extension_test1",
+      "extension_test2",
+    ],
+  });
+ * Tests that duplicates added with "appendExtension" or present in
+ * "possibleApplicationHandlers" are removed when saving and reloading.
+ */
+add_task(async function test_store_no_duplicates() {
+  await deleteHandlerStore();
+  let handlerInfo = getKnownHandlerInfo("example/new");
+  handlerInfo.preferredApplicationHandler = webHandlerApp;
+  handlerInfo.possibleApplicationHandlers.appendElement(webHandlerApp);
+  handlerInfo.possibleApplicationHandlers.appendElement(localHandlerApp);
+  handlerInfo.possibleApplicationHandlers.appendElement(localHandlerApp);
+  handlerInfo.possibleApplicationHandlers.appendElement(webHandlerApp);
+  handlerInfo.appendExtension("extension_test1");
+  handlerInfo.appendExtension("extension_test2");
+  handlerInfo.appendExtension("extension_test1");
+  handlerInfo.appendExtension("EXTENSION_test1");
+  gHandlerService.store(handlerInfo);
+  await unloadHandlerStore();
+  let actualHandlerInfo = HandlerServiceTestUtils.getHandlerInfo("example/new");
+  HandlerServiceTestUtils.assertHandlerInfoMatches(actualHandlerInfo, {
+    type: "example/new",
+    preferredAction: Ci.nsIHandlerInfo.saveToDisk,
+    alwaysAskBeforeHandling: false,
+    preferredApplicationHandler: expectedWebHandlerApp,
+    possibleApplicationHandlers: [
+      expectedWebHandlerApp,
+      expectedLocalHandlerApp,
+    ],
+    fileExtensions: [
+      "extension_test1",
+      "extension_test2",
+    ],
+  });
+ * Tests that "store" deletes properties that have their default values from
+ * the data store. This is mainly relevant for the JSON back-end.
+ *
+ * File extensions are never deleted once they have been associated.
+ */
+add_task(async function test_store_deletes_properties_except_extensions() {
+  await deleteHandlerStore();
+  // Prepare an nsIHandlerInfo instance with all the properties set to values
+  // that will result in deletions. The preferredAction is also set to a defined
+  // value so we can more easily verify it later.
+  let handlerInfo =
+      HandlerServiceTestUtils.getBlankHandlerInfo("example/type.savetodisk");
+  handlerInfo.preferredAction = Ci.nsIHandlerInfo.saveToDisk;
+  handlerInfo.alwaysAskBeforeHandling = false;
+  // All the properties for "example/type.savetodisk" are present in the test
+  // data, so we load the data before overwriting their values.
+  await copyTestDataToHandlerStore();
+  gHandlerService.store(handlerInfo);
+  // Now we can reload the data and verify that no extra values have been kept.
+  await unloadHandlerStore();
+  let actualHandlerInfo =
+      HandlerServiceTestUtils.getHandlerInfo("example/type.savetodisk");
+  HandlerServiceTestUtils.assertHandlerInfoMatches(actualHandlerInfo, {
+    type: "example/type.savetodisk",
+    preferredAction: Ci.nsIHandlerInfo.saveToDisk,
+    alwaysAskBeforeHandling: false,
+    fileExtensions: [
+      "example_two",
+      "example_three"
+    ],
+  });
+ * Tests the "overrideType" argument of "fillHandlerInfo".
+ */
+add_task(async function test_fillHandlerInfo_overrideType() {
+  // Test both MIME types and protocols.
+  for (let type of ["example/type.usesystemdefault",
+                    "examplescheme.usesystemdefault"]) {
+    await deleteHandlerStore();
+    // Create new nsIHandlerInfo instances before loading the test data.
+    let handlerInfoAbsent = HandlerServiceTestUtils.getHandlerInfo(type + "2");
+    // Fill the nsIHandlerInfo instance using the type that actually exists.
+    await copyTestDataToHandlerStore();
+    gHandlerService.fillHandlerInfo(handlerInfoAbsent, type);
+    HandlerServiceTestUtils.assertHandlerInfoMatches(handlerInfoAbsent, {
+      // While the data is populated from another type, the type is unchanged.
+      type: type + "2",
+      preferredAction: Ci.nsIHandlerInfo.useSystemDefault,
+      alwaysAskBeforeHandling: false,
+      possibleApplicationHandlers: [{
+        name: "Example Possible Handler",
+        uriTemplate: "http://www.example.com/?url=%s",
+      }],
+    });
+  }
+ * Tests "getTypeFromExtension" including unknown extensions.
+ */
+add_task(async function test_getTypeFromExtension() {
+  await copyTestDataToHandlerStore();
+  Assert.equal(gHandlerService.getTypeFromExtension(""), "");
+  Assert.equal(gHandlerService.getTypeFromExtension("example_unknown"), "");
+  Assert.equal(gHandlerService.getTypeFromExtension("example_one"),
+               "example/type.handleinternally");
+  Assert.equal(gHandlerService.getTypeFromExtension("EXAMPLE_one"),
+               "example/type.handleinternally");
+ * Checks that the information stored in the handler service instance under
+ * testing matches the default handlers for the English locale.
+ */
+function assertAllHandlerInfosMatchDefaultHandlers() {
+  let handlerInfos = HandlerServiceTestUtils.getAllHandlerInfos();
+  for (let type of ["irc", "ircs"]) {
+    HandlerServiceTestUtils.assertHandlerInfoMatches(handlerInfos.shift(), {
+      type,
+      preferredActionOSDependent: true,
+      possibleApplicationHandlers: [{
+        name: "Mibbit",
+        uriTemplate: "https://www.mibbit.com/?url=%s",
+      }],
+    });
+  }
+  HandlerServiceTestUtils.assertHandlerInfoMatches(handlerInfos.shift(), {
+    type: "mailto",
+    preferredActionOSDependent: true,
+    possibleApplicationHandlers: [{
+      name: "Yahoo! Mail",
+      uriTemplate: "https://compose.mail.yahoo.com/?To=%s",
+    },{
+      name: "Gmail",
+      uriTemplate: "https://mail.google.com/mail/?extsrc=mailto&url=%s",
+    }],
+  });
+  HandlerServiceTestUtils.assertHandlerInfoMatches(handlerInfos.shift(), {
+    type: "webcal",
+    preferredActionOSDependent: true,
+    possibleApplicationHandlers: [{
+      name: "30 Boxes",
+      uriTemplate: "https://30boxes.com/external/widget?refer=ff&url=%s",
+    }],
+  });
+  Assert.equal(handlerInfos.length, 0);
+ * Tests the default protocol handlers imported from the locale-specific data.
+ */
+add_task(async function test_default_protocol_handlers() {
+  if (!Services.prefs.getPrefType("gecko.handlerService.defaultHandlersVersion")) {
+    info("This platform or locale does not have default handlers.");
+    return;
+  }
+  // This will inject the default protocol handlers for the current locale.
+  await deleteHandlerStore();
+  await assertAllHandlerInfosMatchDefaultHandlers();
+ * Tests that the default protocol handlers are not imported again from the
+ * locale-specific data if they already exist.
+ */
+add_task(async function test_default_protocol_handlers_no_duplicates() {
+  if (!Services.prefs.getPrefType("gecko.handlerService.defaultHandlersVersion")) {
+    info("This platform or locale does not have default handlers.");
+    return;
+  }
+  // This will inject the default protocol handlers for the current locale.
+  await deleteHandlerStore();
+  // Remove the "irc" handler so we can verify that the injection is repeated.
+  let ircHandlerInfo = HandlerServiceTestUtils.getHandlerInfo("irc");
+  gHandlerService.remove(ircHandlerInfo);
+  let originalDefaultHandlersVersion = Services.prefs.getComplexValue(
+    "gecko.handlerService.defaultHandlersVersion", Ci.nsIPrefLocalizedString);
+  // Set the preference to an arbitrarily high number to force injecting again.
+  Services.prefs.setStringPref("gecko.handlerService.defaultHandlersVersion",
+                               "999");
+  await unloadHandlerStore();
+  // Check that "irc" exists to make sure that the injection was repeated.
+  Assert.ok(gHandlerService.exists(ircHandlerInfo));
+  // There should be no duplicate handlers in the protocols.
+  await assertAllHandlerInfosMatchDefaultHandlers();
+  Services.prefs.setStringPref("gecko.handlerService.defaultHandlersVersion",
+                               originalDefaultHandlersVersion);
  * Ensures forward compatibility by checking that the "store" method preserves
  * unknown properties in the test data. This is specific to the JSON back-end.
 add_task(async function test_store_keeps_unknown_properties() {
   // Create a new nsIHandlerInfo instance before loading the test data.
   await deleteHandlerStore();
--- a/uriloader/exthandler/tests/unit/xpcshell.ini
+++ b/uriloader/exthandler/tests/unit/xpcshell.ini
@@ -1,13 +1,12 @@
 head = head.js
 run-sequentially = Bug 912235 - Intermittent failures
 firefox-appdir = browser
-support-files = common_test_handlerService.js
 support-files = mailcap
 # Bug 676997: test consistently fails on Android
 fail-if = os == "android"