Bug 1443792 - Move ComputeTransformForScrollThumb to APZCTreeManager. r?botond draft
authorKartikaya Gupta <kgupta@mozilla.com>
Thu, 08 Mar 2018 13:44:33 -0500
changeset 764982 05d35ca6637c9100489bcfe0a479b6f4ecfaa254
parent 764981 de8700fc7d88e4ab945e75454c98504d46e8557a
child 764983 ae4a773d3b59a123652a6056af93097acf9b2910
push id101912
push userkgupta@mozilla.com
push dateThu, 08 Mar 2018 18:44:58 +0000
Bug 1443792 - Move ComputeTransformForScrollThumb to APZCTreeManager. r?botond This makes more sense in APZCTreeManager, but is exposed back to AsyncCompositionManager via APZSampler. This also makes the APZ code better encapsulated since the method API exposed on APZSampler doesn't need to take a AsyncPanZoomController; it can just take the LayerMetricsWrapper instead. MozReview-Commit-ID: I9WJFkFYX55
--- a/gfx/layers/apz/public/APZSampler.h
+++ b/gfx/layers/apz/public/APZSampler.h
@@ -2,35 +2,38 @@
 /* vim: set ts=8 sts=2 et sw=2 tw=80: */
 /* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
  * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
  * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */
 #ifndef mozilla_layers_APZSampler_h
 #define mozilla_layers_APZSampler_h
+#include "LayersTypes.h"
 #include "mozilla/layers/APZTestData.h"
 #include "mozilla/Maybe.h"
 #include "nsTArray.h"
+#include "Units.h"
 namespace mozilla {
 class TimeStamp;
 namespace wr {
 class TransactionBuilder;
 struct WrTransformProperty;
 } // namespace wr
 namespace layers {
 class APZCTreeManager;
 class FocusTarget;
 class Layer;
 class LayerMetricsWrapper;
+struct ScrollThumbData;
 class WebRenderScrollData;
  * This interface is used to interact with the APZ code from the compositor
  * thread. It internally redispatches the functions to the sampler thread
  * in the case where the two threads are not the same.
 class APZSampler {
@@ -69,16 +72,23 @@ public:
                                 const CSSPoint& aOffset);
   void SetTestAsyncZoom(uint64_t aLayersId,
                         const FrameMetrics::ViewID& aScrollId,
                         const LayerToParentLayerScale& aZoom);
   bool SampleAnimations(const LayerMetricsWrapper& aLayer,
                         const TimeStamp& aSampleTime);
+  LayerToParentLayerMatrix4x4 ComputeTransformForScrollThumb(
+      const LayerToParentLayerMatrix4x4& aCurrentTransform,
+      const LayerMetricsWrapper& aContent,
+      const ScrollThumbData& aThumbData,
+      bool aScrollbarIsDescendant,
+      AsyncTransformComponentMatrix* aOutClipTransform);
   virtual ~APZSampler();
   RefPtr<APZCTreeManager> mApz;
 } // namespace layers
--- a/gfx/layers/apz/src/APZCTreeManager.cpp
+++ b/gfx/layers/apz/src/APZCTreeManager.cpp
@@ -604,17 +604,17 @@ APZCTreeManager::PushStateToWR(wr::Trans
         HitTestingTreeNode* scrollTargetNode = it->second;
         AsyncPanZoomController* scrollTargetApzc = scrollTargetNode->GetApzc();
         LayerToParentLayerMatrix4x4 transform = scrollTargetApzc->CallWithLastContentPaintMetrics(
             [&](const FrameMetrics& aMetrics) {
-                return AsyncCompositionManager::ComputeTransformForScrollThumb(
+                return ComputeTransformForScrollThumb(
                     aNode->GetTransform() * AsyncTransformMatrix(),
@@ -2931,17 +2931,17 @@ APZCTreeManager::ComputeTransformForNode
     // transformation that will be applied to the thumb in
     // AsyncCompositionManager.
     ScrollableLayerGuid guid{aNode->GetLayersId(), 0, aNode->GetScrollTargetId()};
     if (RefPtr<HitTestingTreeNode> scrollTargetNode = GetTargetNode(guid, &GuidComparatorIgnoringPresShell)) {
       AsyncPanZoomController* scrollTargetApzc = scrollTargetNode->GetApzc();
       return scrollTargetApzc->CallWithLastContentPaintMetrics(
         [&](const FrameMetrics& aMetrics) {
-          return AsyncCompositionManager::ComputeTransformForScrollThumb(
+          return ComputeTransformForScrollThumb(
               aNode->GetTransform() * AsyncTransformMatrix(),
@@ -2984,16 +2984,178 @@ APZCTreeManager::GetAPZTestData(uint64_t
   auto it = mTestData.find(aLayersId);
   if (it == mTestData.end()) {
     return false;
   *aOutData = *(it->second);
   return true;
+/*static*/ LayerToParentLayerMatrix4x4
+    const LayerToParentLayerMatrix4x4& aCurrentTransform,
+    const Matrix4x4& aScrollableContentTransform,
+    AsyncPanZoomController* aApzc,
+    const FrameMetrics& aMetrics,
+    const ScrollThumbData& aThumbData,
+    bool aScrollbarIsDescendant,
+    AsyncTransformComponentMatrix* aOutClipTransform)
+  // We only apply the transform if the scroll-target layer has non-container
+  // children (i.e. when it has some possibly-visible content). This is to
+  // avoid moving scroll-bars in the situation that only a scroll information
+  // layer has been built for a scroll frame, as this would result in a
+  // disparity between scrollbars and visible content.
+  if (aMetrics.IsScrollInfoLayer()) {
+    return LayerToParentLayerMatrix4x4{};
+  }
+  AsyncTransformComponentMatrix asyncTransform =
+    aApzc->GetCurrentAsyncTransform(AsyncPanZoomController::eForCompositing);
+  // |asyncTransform| represents the amount by which we have scrolled and
+  // zoomed since the last paint. Because the scrollbar was sized and positioned based
+  // on the painted content, we need to adjust it based on asyncTransform so that
+  // it reflects what the user is actually seeing now.
+  AsyncTransformComponentMatrix scrollbarTransform;
+  if (*aThumbData.mDirection == ScrollDirection::eVertical) {
+    const ParentLayerCoord asyncScrollY = asyncTransform._42;
+    const float asyncZoomY = asyncTransform._22;
+    // The scroll thumb needs to be scaled in the direction of scrolling by the
+    // inverse of the async zoom. This is because zooming in decreases the
+    // fraction of the whole srollable rect that is in view.
+    const float yScale = 1.f / asyncZoomY;
+    // Note: |metrics.GetZoom()| doesn't yet include the async zoom.
+    const CSSToParentLayerScale effectiveZoom(aMetrics.GetZoom().yScale * asyncZoomY);
+    // Here we convert the scrollbar thumb ratio into a true unitless ratio by
+    // dividing out the conversion factor from the scrollframe's parent's space
+    // to the scrollframe's space.
+    const float ratio = aThumbData.mThumbRatio /
+        (aMetrics.GetPresShellResolution() * asyncZoomY);
+    // The scroll thumb needs to be translated in opposite direction of the
+    // async scroll. This is because scrolling down, which translates the layer
+    // content up, should result in moving the scroll thumb down.
+    ParentLayerCoord yTranslation = -asyncScrollY * ratio;
+    // The scroll thumb additionally needs to be translated to compensate for
+    // the scale applied above. The origin with respect to which the scale is
+    // applied is the origin of the entire scrollbar, rather than the origin of
+    // the scroll thumb (meaning, for a vertical scrollbar it's at the top of
+    // the composition bounds). This means that empty space above the thumb
+    // is scaled too, effectively translating the thumb. We undo that
+    // translation here.
+    // (One can think of the adjustment being done to the translation here as
+    // a change of basis. We have a method to help with that,
+    // Matrix4x4::ChangeBasis(), but it wouldn't necessarily make the code
+    // cleaner in this case).
+    const CSSCoord thumbOrigin = (aMetrics.GetScrollOffset().y * ratio);
+    const CSSCoord thumbOriginScaled = thumbOrigin * yScale;
+    const CSSCoord thumbOriginDelta = thumbOriginScaled - thumbOrigin;
+    const ParentLayerCoord thumbOriginDeltaPL = thumbOriginDelta * effectiveZoom;
+    yTranslation -= thumbOriginDeltaPL;
+    if (aMetrics.IsRootContent()) {
+      // Scrollbar for the root are painted at the same resolution as the
+      // content. Since the coordinate space we apply this transform in includes
+      // the resolution, we need to adjust for it as well here. Note that in
+      // another metrics.IsRootContent() hunk below we apply a
+      // resolution-cancelling transform which ensures the scroll thumb isn't
+      // actually rendered at a larger scale.
+      yTranslation *= aMetrics.GetPresShellResolution();
+    }
+    scrollbarTransform.PostScale(1.f, yScale, 1.f);
+    scrollbarTransform.PostTranslate(0, yTranslation, 0);
+  }
+  if (*aThumbData.mDirection == ScrollDirection::eHorizontal) {
+    // See detailed comments under the VERTICAL case.
+    const ParentLayerCoord asyncScrollX = asyncTransform._41;
+    const float asyncZoomX = asyncTransform._11;
+    const float xScale = 1.f / asyncZoomX;
+    const CSSToParentLayerScale effectiveZoom(aMetrics.GetZoom().xScale * asyncZoomX);
+    const float ratio = aThumbData.mThumbRatio /
+        (aMetrics.GetPresShellResolution() * asyncZoomX);
+    ParentLayerCoord xTranslation = -asyncScrollX * ratio;
+    const CSSCoord thumbOrigin = (aMetrics.GetScrollOffset().x * ratio);
+    const CSSCoord thumbOriginScaled = thumbOrigin * xScale;
+    const CSSCoord thumbOriginDelta = thumbOriginScaled - thumbOrigin;
+    const ParentLayerCoord thumbOriginDeltaPL = thumbOriginDelta * effectiveZoom;
+    xTranslation -= thumbOriginDeltaPL;
+    if (aMetrics.IsRootContent()) {
+      xTranslation *= aMetrics.GetPresShellResolution();
+    }
+    scrollbarTransform.PostScale(xScale, 1.f, 1.f);
+    scrollbarTransform.PostTranslate(xTranslation, 0, 0);
+  }
+  LayerToParentLayerMatrix4x4 transform =
+      aCurrentTransform * scrollbarTransform;
+  AsyncTransformComponentMatrix compensation;
+  // If the scrollbar layer is for the root then the content's resolution
+  // applies to the scrollbar as well. Since we don't actually want the scroll
+  // thumb's size to vary with the zoom (other than its length reflecting the
+  // fraction of the scrollable length that's in view, which is taken care of
+  // above), we apply a transform to cancel out this resolution.
+  if (aMetrics.IsRootContent()) {
+    compensation =
+        AsyncTransformComponentMatrix::Scaling(
+            aMetrics.GetPresShellResolution(),
+            aMetrics.GetPresShellResolution(),
+            1.0f).Inverse();
+  }
+  // If the scrollbar layer is a child of the content it is a scrollbar for,
+  // then we need to adjust for any async transform (including an overscroll
+  // transform) on the content. This needs to be cancelled out because layout
+  // positions and sizes the scrollbar on the assumption that there is no async
+  // transform, and without this adjustment the scrollbar will end up in the
+  // wrong place.
+  //
+  // Note that since the async transform is applied on top of the content's
+  // regular transform, we need to make sure to unapply the async transform in
+  // the same coordinate space. This requires applying the content transform
+  // and then unapplying it after unapplying the async transform.
+  if (aScrollbarIsDescendant) {
+    AsyncTransformComponentMatrix overscroll =
+        aApzc->GetOverscrollTransform(AsyncPanZoomController::eForCompositing);
+    Matrix4x4 asyncUntransform = (asyncTransform * overscroll).Inverse().ToUnknownMatrix();
+    Matrix4x4 contentTransform = aScrollableContentTransform;
+    Matrix4x4 contentUntransform = contentTransform.Inverse();
+    AsyncTransformComponentMatrix asyncCompensation =
+        ViewAs<AsyncTransformComponentMatrix>(
+            contentTransform
+          * asyncUntransform
+          * contentUntransform);
+    compensation = compensation * asyncCompensation;
+    // Pass the async compensation out to the caller so that it can use it
+    // to transform clip transforms as needed.
+    if (aOutClipTransform) {
+      *aOutClipTransform = asyncCompensation;
+    }
+  }
+  transform = transform * compensation;
+  return transform;
 #if defined(MOZ_WIDGET_ANDROID)
   return mToolbarAnimator;
 #endif // defined(MOZ_WIDGET_ANDROID)
--- a/gfx/layers/apz/src/APZCTreeManager.h
+++ b/gfx/layers/apz/src/APZCTreeManager.h
@@ -50,16 +50,17 @@ class FocusTarget;
 struct FlingHandoffState;
 struct ScrollableLayerGuidHash;
 class LayerMetricsWrapper;
 class InputQueue;
 class GeckoContentController;
 class HitTestingTreeNode;
 class WebRenderScrollData;
 struct AncestorTransform;
+struct ScrollThumbData;
  * ****************** NOTE ON LOCK ORDERING IN APZ **************************
  * There are two main kinds of locks used by APZ: APZCTreeManager::mTreeLock
  * ("the tree lock") and AsyncPanZoomController::mRecursiveMutex ("APZC locks").
  * There is also the APZCTreeManager::mTestDataLock ("test lock").
@@ -479,16 +480,48 @@ public:
       uint64_t*             aOutFocusSequenceNumber) override;
   void UpdateWheelTransaction(
       LayoutDeviceIntPoint aRefPoint,
       EventMessage aEventMessage) override;
   bool GetAPZTestData(uint64_t aLayersId, APZTestData* aOutData);
+  /**
+   * Compute the updated shadow transform for a scroll thumb layer that
+   * reflects async scrolling of the associated scroll frame.
+   *
+   * @param aCurrentTransform The current shadow transform on the scroll thumb
+   *    layer, as returned by Layer::GetLocalTransform() or similar.
+   * @param aScrollableContentTransform The current content transform on the
+   *    scrollable content, as returned by Layer::GetTransform().
+   * @param aApzc The APZC that scrolls the scroll frame.
+   * @param aMetrics The metrics associated with the scroll frame, reflecting
+   *    the last paint of the associated content. Note: this metrics should
+   *    NOT reflect async scrolling, i.e. they should be the layer tree's
+   *    copy of the metrics, or APZC's last-content-paint metrics.
+   * @param aThumbData The scroll thumb data for the the scroll thumb layer.
+   * @param aScrollbarIsDescendant True iff. the scroll thumb layer is a
+   *    descendant of the layer bearing the scroll frame's metrics.
+   * @param aOutClipTransform If not null, and |aScrollbarIsDescendant| is true,
+   *    this will be populated with a transform that should be applied to the
+   *    clip rects of all layers between the scroll thumb layer and the ancestor
+   *    layer for the scrollable content.
+   * @return The new shadow transform for the scroll thumb layer, including
+   *    any pre- or post-scales.
+   */
+  static LayerToParentLayerMatrix4x4 ComputeTransformForScrollThumb(
+      const LayerToParentLayerMatrix4x4& aCurrentTransform,
+      const gfx::Matrix4x4& aScrollableContentTransform,
+      AsyncPanZoomController* aApzc,
+      const FrameMetrics& aMetrics,
+      const ScrollThumbData& aThumbData,
+      bool aScrollbarIsDescendant,
+      AsyncTransformComponentMatrix* aOutClipTransform);
   // Protected destructor, to discourage deletion outside of Release():
   virtual ~APZCTreeManager();
   // Protected hooks for gtests subclass
   virtual AsyncPanZoomController* NewAPZCInstance(uint64_t aLayersId,
                                                   GeckoContentController* aController);
--- a/gfx/layers/apz/src/APZSampler.cpp
+++ b/gfx/layers/apz/src/APZSampler.cpp
@@ -141,10 +141,27 @@ APZSampler::SampleAnimations(const Layer
           activeAnimations |= apzc->AdvanceAnimations(aSampleTime);
   return activeAnimations;
+APZSampler::ComputeTransformForScrollThumb(const LayerToParentLayerMatrix4x4& aCurrentTransform,
+                                           const LayerMetricsWrapper& aContent,
+                                           const ScrollThumbData& aThumbData,
+                                           bool aScrollbarIsDescendant,
+                                           AsyncTransformComponentMatrix* aOutClipTransform)
+  MOZ_ASSERT(CompositorThreadHolder::IsInCompositorThread());
+  return mApz->ComputeTransformForScrollThumb(aCurrentTransform,
+                                              aContent.GetTransform(),
+                                              aContent.GetApzc(),
+                                              aContent.Metrics(),
+                                              aThumbData,
+                                              aScrollbarIsDescendant,
+                                              aOutClipTransform);
 } // namespace layers
 } // namespace mozilla
--- a/gfx/layers/composite/AsyncCompositionManager.cpp
+++ b/gfx/layers/composite/AsyncCompositionManager.cpp
@@ -1076,28 +1076,28 @@ LayerIsScrollbarTarget(const LayerMetric
   const FrameMetrics& metrics = aTarget.Metrics();
   if (metrics.GetScrollId() != aScrollbar->GetScrollbarTargetContainerId()) {
     return false;
   return !metrics.IsScrollInfoLayer();
 static void
-ApplyAsyncTransformToScrollbarForContent(Layer* aScrollbar,
+ApplyAsyncTransformToScrollbarForContent(const RefPtr<APZSampler>& aSampler,
+                                         Layer* aScrollbar,
                                          const LayerMetricsWrapper& aContent,
                                          bool aScrollbarIsDescendant)
   AsyncTransformComponentMatrix clipTransform;
+  MOZ_ASSERT(aSampler);
   LayerToParentLayerMatrix4x4 transform =
-      AsyncCompositionManager::ComputeTransformForScrollThumb(
+      aSampler->ComputeTransformForScrollThumb(
-          aContent.GetTransform(),
-          aContent.GetApzc(),
-          aContent.Metrics(),
+          aContent,
   if (aScrollbarIsDescendant) {
     // We also need to make a corresponding change on the clip rect of all the
     // layers on the ancestor chain from the scrollbar layer up to but not
     // including the layer with the async transform. Otherwise the scrollbar
@@ -1105,178 +1105,16 @@ ApplyAsyncTransformToScrollbarForContent
     for (Layer* ancestor = aScrollbar; ancestor != aContent.GetLayer(); ancestor = ancestor->GetParent()) {
       TransformClipRect(ancestor, clipTransform);
   SetShadowTransform(aScrollbar, transform);
-/* static */ LayerToParentLayerMatrix4x4
-    const LayerToParentLayerMatrix4x4& aCurrentTransform,
-    const Matrix4x4& aScrollableContentTransform,
-    AsyncPanZoomController* aApzc,
-    const FrameMetrics& aMetrics,
-    const ScrollThumbData& aThumbData,
-    bool aScrollbarIsDescendant,
-    AsyncTransformComponentMatrix* aOutClipTransform)
-  // We only apply the transform if the scroll-target layer has non-container
-  // children (i.e. when it has some possibly-visible content). This is to
-  // avoid moving scroll-bars in the situation that only a scroll information
-  // layer has been built for a scroll frame, as this would result in a
-  // disparity between scrollbars and visible content.
-  if (aMetrics.IsScrollInfoLayer()) {
-    return LayerToParentLayerMatrix4x4{};
-  }
-  AsyncTransformComponentMatrix asyncTransform =
-    aApzc->GetCurrentAsyncTransform(AsyncPanZoomController::eForCompositing);
-  // |asyncTransform| represents the amount by which we have scrolled and
-  // zoomed since the last paint. Because the scrollbar was sized and positioned based
-  // on the painted content, we need to adjust it based on asyncTransform so that
-  // it reflects what the user is actually seeing now.
-  AsyncTransformComponentMatrix scrollbarTransform;
-  if (*aThumbData.mDirection == ScrollDirection::eVertical) {
-    const ParentLayerCoord asyncScrollY = asyncTransform._42;
-    const float asyncZoomY = asyncTransform._22;
-    // The scroll thumb needs to be scaled in the direction of scrolling by the
-    // inverse of the async zoom. This is because zooming in decreases the
-    // fraction of the whole srollable rect that is in view.
-    const float yScale = 1.f / asyncZoomY;
-    // Note: |metrics.GetZoom()| doesn't yet include the async zoom.
-    const CSSToParentLayerScale effectiveZoom(aMetrics.GetZoom().yScale * asyncZoomY);
-    // Here we convert the scrollbar thumb ratio into a true unitless ratio by
-    // dividing out the conversion factor from the scrollframe's parent's space
-    // to the scrollframe's space.
-    const float ratio = aThumbData.mThumbRatio /
-        (aMetrics.GetPresShellResolution() * asyncZoomY);
-    // The scroll thumb needs to be translated in opposite direction of the
-    // async scroll. This is because scrolling down, which translates the layer
-    // content up, should result in moving the scroll thumb down.
-    ParentLayerCoord yTranslation = -asyncScrollY * ratio;
-    // The scroll thumb additionally needs to be translated to compensate for
-    // the scale applied above. The origin with respect to which the scale is
-    // applied is the origin of the entire scrollbar, rather than the origin of
-    // the scroll thumb (meaning, for a vertical scrollbar it's at the top of
-    // the composition bounds). This means that empty space above the thumb
-    // is scaled too, effectively translating the thumb. We undo that
-    // translation here.
-    // (One can think of the adjustment being done to the translation here as
-    // a change of basis. We have a method to help with that,
-    // Matrix4x4::ChangeBasis(), but it wouldn't necessarily make the code
-    // cleaner in this case).
-    const CSSCoord thumbOrigin = (aMetrics.GetScrollOffset().y * ratio);
-    const CSSCoord thumbOriginScaled = thumbOrigin * yScale;
-    const CSSCoord thumbOriginDelta = thumbOriginScaled - thumbOrigin;
-    const ParentLayerCoord thumbOriginDeltaPL = thumbOriginDelta * effectiveZoom;
-    yTranslation -= thumbOriginDeltaPL;
-    if (aMetrics.IsRootContent()) {
-      // Scrollbar for the root are painted at the same resolution as the
-      // content. Since the coordinate space we apply this transform in includes
-      // the resolution, we need to adjust for it as well here. Note that in
-      // another metrics.IsRootContent() hunk below we apply a
-      // resolution-cancelling transform which ensures the scroll thumb isn't
-      // actually rendered at a larger scale.
-      yTranslation *= aMetrics.GetPresShellResolution();
-    }
-    scrollbarTransform.PostScale(1.f, yScale, 1.f);
-    scrollbarTransform.PostTranslate(0, yTranslation, 0);
-  }
-  if (*aThumbData.mDirection == ScrollDirection::eHorizontal) {
-    // See detailed comments under the VERTICAL case.
-    const ParentLayerCoord asyncScrollX = asyncTransform._41;
-    const float asyncZoomX = asyncTransform._11;
-    const float xScale = 1.f / asyncZoomX;
-    const CSSToParentLayerScale effectiveZoom(aMetrics.GetZoom().xScale * asyncZoomX);
-    const float ratio = aThumbData.mThumbRatio /
-        (aMetrics.GetPresShellResolution() * asyncZoomX);
-    ParentLayerCoord xTranslation = -asyncScrollX * ratio;
-    const CSSCoord thumbOrigin = (aMetrics.GetScrollOffset().x * ratio);
-    const CSSCoord thumbOriginScaled = thumbOrigin * xScale;
-    const CSSCoord thumbOriginDelta = thumbOriginScaled - thumbOrigin;
-    const ParentLayerCoord thumbOriginDeltaPL = thumbOriginDelta * effectiveZoom;
-    xTranslation -= thumbOriginDeltaPL;
-    if (aMetrics.IsRootContent()) {
-      xTranslation *= aMetrics.GetPresShellResolution();
-    }
-    scrollbarTransform.PostScale(xScale, 1.f, 1.f);
-    scrollbarTransform.PostTranslate(xTranslation, 0, 0);
-  }
-  LayerToParentLayerMatrix4x4 transform =
-      aCurrentTransform * scrollbarTransform;
-  AsyncTransformComponentMatrix compensation;
-  // If the scrollbar layer is for the root then the content's resolution
-  // applies to the scrollbar as well. Since we don't actually want the scroll
-  // thumb's size to vary with the zoom (other than its length reflecting the
-  // fraction of the scrollable length that's in view, which is taken care of
-  // above), we apply a transform to cancel out this resolution.
-  if (aMetrics.IsRootContent()) {
-    compensation =
-        AsyncTransformComponentMatrix::Scaling(
-            aMetrics.GetPresShellResolution(),
-            aMetrics.GetPresShellResolution(),
-            1.0f).Inverse();
-  }
-  // If the scrollbar layer is a child of the content it is a scrollbar for,
-  // then we need to adjust for any async transform (including an overscroll
-  // transform) on the content. This needs to be cancelled out because layout
-  // positions and sizes the scrollbar on the assumption that there is no async
-  // transform, and without this adjustment the scrollbar will end up in the
-  // wrong place.
-  //
-  // Note that since the async transform is applied on top of the content's
-  // regular transform, we need to make sure to unapply the async transform in
-  // the same coordinate space. This requires applying the content transform
-  // and then unapplying it after unapplying the async transform.
-  if (aScrollbarIsDescendant) {
-    AsyncTransformComponentMatrix overscroll =
-        aApzc->GetOverscrollTransform(AsyncPanZoomController::eForCompositing);
-    Matrix4x4 asyncUntransform = (asyncTransform * overscroll).Inverse().ToUnknownMatrix();
-    Matrix4x4 contentTransform = aScrollableContentTransform;
-    Matrix4x4 contentUntransform = contentTransform.Inverse();
-    AsyncTransformComponentMatrix asyncCompensation =
-        ViewAs<AsyncTransformComponentMatrix>(
-            contentTransform
-          * asyncUntransform
-          * contentUntransform);
-    compensation = compensation * asyncCompensation;
-    // Pass the async compensation out to the caller so that it can use it
-    // to transform clip transforms as needed.
-    if (aOutClipTransform) {
-      *aOutClipTransform = asyncCompensation;
-    }
-  }
-  transform = transform * compensation;
-  return transform;
 static LayerMetricsWrapper
 FindScrolledLayerForScrollbar(Layer* aScrollbar, bool* aOutIsAncestor)
   // First check if the scrolled layer is an ancestor of the scrollbar layer.
   LayerMetricsWrapper root(aScrollbar->Manager()->GetRoot());
   LayerMetricsWrapper prevAncestor(aScrollbar);
   LayerMetricsWrapper scrolledLayer;
@@ -1323,17 +1161,18 @@ AsyncCompositionManager::ApplyAsyncTrans
   // That is the content that this scrollbar is for. We pick up the transient
   // async transform from that layer and use it to update the scrollbar position.
   // Note that it is possible that the content layer is no longer there; in
   // this case we don't need to do anything because there can't be an async
   // transform on the content.
   bool isAncestor = false;
   const LayerMetricsWrapper& scrollTarget = FindScrolledLayerForScrollbar(aLayer, &isAncestor);
   if (scrollTarget) {
-    ApplyAsyncTransformToScrollbarForContent(aLayer, scrollTarget, isAncestor);
+    ApplyAsyncTransformToScrollbarForContent(mCompositorBridge->GetAPZSampler(),
+        aLayer, scrollTarget, isAncestor);
 AsyncCompositionManager::GetFrameUniformity(FrameUniformityData* aOutData)
--- a/gfx/layers/composite/AsyncCompositionManager.h
+++ b/gfx/layers/composite/AsyncCompositionManager.h
@@ -128,47 +128,16 @@ public:
     Maybe<ParentLayerIntRect> Intersect() const {
       return IntersectMaybeRects(mFixedClip, mScrolledClip);
   typedef std::map<Layer*, ClipParts> ClipPartsCache;
-  /**
-   * Compute the updated shadow transform for a scroll thumb layer that
-   * reflects async scrolling of the associated scroll frame.
-   *
-   * @param aCurrentTransform The current shadow transform on the scroll thumb
-   *    layer, as returned by Layer::GetLocalTransform() or similar.
-   * @param aScrollableContentTransform The current content transform on the
-   *    scrollable content, as returned by Layer::GetTransform().
-   * @param aApzc The APZC that scrolls the scroll frame.
-   * @param aMetrics The metrics associated with the scroll frame, reflecting
-   *    the last paint of the associated content. Note: this metrics should
-   *    NOT reflect async scrolling, i.e. they should be the layer tree's
-   *    copy of the metrics, or APZC's last-content-paint metrics.
-   * @param aThumbData The scroll thumb data for the the scroll thumb layer.
-   * @param aScrollbarIsDescendant True iff. the scroll thumb layer is a
-   *    descendant of the layer bearing the scroll frame's metrics.
-   * @param aOutClipTransform If not null, and |aScrollbarIsDescendant| is true,
-   *    this will be populated with a transform that should be applied to the
-   *    clip rects of all layers between the scroll thumb layer and the ancestor
-   *    layer for the scrollable content.
-   * @return The new shadow transform for the scroll thumb layer, including
-   *    any pre- or post-scales.
-   */
-  static LayerToParentLayerMatrix4x4 ComputeTransformForScrollThumb(
-      const LayerToParentLayerMatrix4x4& aCurrentTransform,
-      const gfx::Matrix4x4& aScrollableContentTransform,
-      AsyncPanZoomController* aApzc,
-      const FrameMetrics& aMetrics,
-      const ScrollThumbData& aThumbData,
-      bool aScrollbarIsDescendant,
-      AsyncTransformComponentMatrix* aOutClipTransform);
   // Return true if an AsyncPanZoomController content transform was
   // applied for |aLayer|. |*aOutFoundRoot| is set to true on Android only, if
   // one of the metrics on one of the layers was determined to be the "root"
   // and its state was synced to the Java front-end. |aOutFoundRoot| must be
   // non-null.
   bool ApplyAsyncContentTransformToTree(Layer* aLayer,
                                         bool* aOutFoundRoot);