Bug 1444031 - Rename Is{Static,Dynamic,HTML5}Atom. r=froydnj draft
authorNicholas Nethercote <nnethercote@mozilla.com>
Wed, 07 Mar 2018 15:17:34 +1100
changeset 764755 c99ce1425e9cabd1a0a99240d7949c8f06d69b4e
parent 764754 660b13fdfbc7cd7545acb76be4f6a1cd359bf149
child 764756 9a217e02dcc8d92ff7a85f49bfaf2e3bfe5ca13a
push id101838
push usernnethercote@mozilla.com
push dateThu, 08 Mar 2018 08:15:02 +0000
Bug 1444031 - Rename Is{Static,Dynamic,HTML5}Atom. r=froydnj By removing the "Atom" suffix, which is redundant. MozReview-Commit-ID: 4MCX9Icfjrw
--- a/dom/base/nsPlainTextSerializer.cpp
+++ b/dom/base/nsPlainTextSerializer.cpp
@@ -1834,17 +1834,17 @@ nsPlainTextSerializer::IsCurrentNodeConv
 nsPlainTextSerializer::GetIdForContent(nsIContent* aContent)
   if (!aContent->IsHTMLElement()) {
     return nullptr;
   nsAtom* localName = aContent->NodeInfo()->NameAtom();
-  return localName->IsStaticAtom() ? localName : nullptr;
+  return localName->IsStatic() ? localName : nullptr;
   return !mPreformatStack.empty() && mPreformatStack.top();
--- a/dom/bindings/DOMString.h
+++ b/dom/bindings/DOMString.h
@@ -212,17 +212,17 @@ public:
   void SetKnownLiveAtom(nsAtom* aAtom, NullHandling aNullHandling)
     MOZ_ASSERT(mString.isNothing(), "We already have a string?");
     MOZ_ASSERT(mState == State::Empty, "We're already set to a value");
     MOZ_ASSERT(!mStringBuffer, "Setting stringbuffer twice?");
     MOZ_ASSERT(aAtom || aNullHandling != eNullNotExpected);
     if (aNullHandling == eNullNotExpected || aAtom) {
-      if (aAtom->IsStaticAtom()) {
+      if (aAtom->IsStatic()) {
         // Static atoms are backed by literals.
         SetLiteralInternal(aAtom->GetUTF16String(), aAtom->GetLength());
       } else {
         // Dynamic atoms always have a string buffer and never have 0 length,
         // because nsGkAtoms::_empty is a static atom.
         SetKnownLiveStringBuffer(aAtom->GetStringBuffer(), aAtom->GetLength());
     } else if (aNullHandling == eTreatNullAsNull) {
--- a/parser/html/nsHtml5AtomTable.h
+++ b/parser/html/nsHtml5AtomTable.h
@@ -36,17 +36,17 @@ class nsHtml5AtomEntry : public nsString
  * Each instance of nsHtml5Parser has a single instance of nsHtml5AtomTable, 
  * and each instance of nsHtml5StreamParser has a single instance of 
  * nsHtml5AtomTable. Dynamic atoms obtained from an nsHtml5AtomTable are valid 
  * for == comparison with each other or with atoms declared in nsHtml5Atoms 
  * within the nsHtml5Tokenizer and the nsHtml5TreeBuilder instances owned by 
  * the same nsHtml5Parser/nsHtml5StreamParser instance that owns the 
  * nsHtml5AtomTable instance.
- * Dynamic atoms (atoms whose IsStaticAtom() returns false) obtained from 
+ * Dynamic atoms (atoms whose IsStatic() returns false) obtained from 
  * nsHtml5AtomTable must be re-obtained from another atom table when there's a 
  * need to migrate atoms from an nsHtml5Parser to its nsHtml5StreamParser 
  * (re-obtain from the other nsHtml5AtomTable), from an nsHtml5Parser to its 
  * owner nsHtml5Parser (re-obtain from the other nsHtml5AtomTable) or from the 
  * parser to the DOM (re-obtain from the application-wide atom table). To 
  * re-obtain an atom from another atom table, obtain a string from the atom 
  * using ToString(nsAString&) and look up an atom in the other table using that 
  * string.
--- a/parser/html/nsHtml5AttributeEntry.h
+++ b/parser/html/nsHtml5AttributeEntry.h
@@ -63,17 +63,17 @@ public:
     nsHtml5AttributeEntry clone(*this);
     // Increment refcount for value
     clone.mValue = this->mValue.Clone();
     if (aInterner) {
       // Now if we have an interner, we'll need to rewrite non-static atoms.
       // Only the local names may be non-static, in which case all three
       // are the same.
       nsAtom* local = GetLocal(0);
-      if (!local->IsStaticAtom()) {
+      if (!local->IsStatic()) {
         nsAutoString str;
         local = aInterner->GetAtom(str);
         clone.mLocals[0] = local;
         clone.mLocals[1] = local;
         clone.mLocals[2] = local;
--- a/parser/html/nsHtml5Portability.cpp
+++ b/parser/html/nsHtml5Portability.cpp
@@ -82,17 +82,17 @@ nsHtml5Portability::newCharArrayFromStri
   return arr;
 nsHtml5Portability::newLocalFromLocal(nsAtom* local, nsHtml5AtomTable* interner)
   NS_PRECONDITION(local, "Atom was null.");
   NS_PRECONDITION(interner, "Atom table was null");
-  if (!local->IsStaticAtom()) {
+  if (!local->IsStatic()) {
     nsAutoString str;
     local = interner->GetAtom(str);
   return local;
--- a/parser/html/nsHtml5TreeOperation.h
+++ b/parser/html/nsHtml5TreeOperation.h
@@ -107,17 +107,17 @@ class nsHtml5TreeOperation final {
      * reobtains dynamic atoms from the Gecko-global atom table.
      * @param aAtom a potentially parser-scoped atom
      * @return an nsAtom that's pointer comparable on the main thread with
      *         other not-parser atoms.
     static inline already_AddRefed<nsAtom> Reget(nsAtom* aAtom)
-      if (!aAtom || aAtom->IsStaticAtom()) {
+      if (!aAtom || aAtom->IsStatic()) {
         return dont_AddRef(aAtom);
       nsAutoString str;
       return NS_AtomizeMainThread(str);
     static nsresult AppendTextToTextNode(const char16_t* aBuffer,
--- a/xpcom/ds/nsAtom.h
+++ b/xpcom/ds/nsAtom.h
@@ -35,44 +35,44 @@ public:
   bool Equals(const nsAString& aString) const
     return Equals(aString.BeginReading(), aString.Length());
   AtomKind Kind() const { return static_cast<AtomKind>(mKind); }
-  bool IsDynamicAtom() const { return Kind() == AtomKind::DynamicAtom; }
-  bool IsHTML5Atom()   const { return Kind() == AtomKind::HTML5Atom; }
-  bool IsStaticAtom()  const { return Kind() == AtomKind::StaticAtom; }
+  bool IsDynamic() const { return Kind() == AtomKind::DynamicAtom; }
+  bool IsHTML5()   const { return Kind() == AtomKind::HTML5Atom; }
+  bool IsStatic()  const { return Kind() == AtomKind::StaticAtom; }
   char16ptr_t GetUTF16String() const { return mString; }
   uint32_t GetLength() const { return mLength; }
   void ToString(nsAString& aString) const;
   void ToUTF8String(nsACString& aString) const;
   // This is not valid for static atoms. The caller must *not* mutate the
   // string buffer, otherwise all hell will break loose.
   nsStringBuffer* GetStringBuffer() const
     // See the comment on |mString|'s declaration.
-    MOZ_ASSERT(IsDynamicAtom() || IsHTML5Atom());
+    MOZ_ASSERT(IsDynamic() || IsHTML5());
     return nsStringBuffer::FromData(const_cast<char16_t*>(mString));
   // A hashcode that is better distributed than the actual atom pointer, for
   // use in situations that need a well-distributed hashcode. It's called hash()
   // rather than Hash() so we can use mozilla::BloomFilter<N, nsAtom>, because
   // BloomFilter requires elements to implement a function called hash().
   uint32_t hash() const
-    MOZ_ASSERT(!IsHTML5Atom());
+    MOZ_ASSERT(!IsHTML5());
     return mHash;
   // We can't use NS_INLINE_DECL_THREADSAFE_REFCOUNTING because the refcounting
   // of this type is special.
   MozExternalRefCountType AddRef();
   MozExternalRefCountType Release();
--- a/xpcom/ds/nsAtomTable.cpp
+++ b/xpcom/ds/nsAtomTable.cpp
@@ -70,17 +70,17 @@ class nsDynamicAtom : public nsAtom
   // We can't use NS_INLINE_DECL_THREADSAFE_REFCOUNTING because the refcounting
   // of this type is special.
   MozExternalRefCountType AddRef();
   MozExternalRefCountType Release();
   static nsDynamicAtom* As(nsAtom* aAtom)
-    MOZ_ASSERT(aAtom->IsDynamicAtom());
+    MOZ_ASSERT(aAtom->IsDynamic());
     return static_cast<nsDynamicAtom*>(aAtom);
   friend class nsAtomTable;
   friend class nsAtomSubTable;
   // Construction is done by |friend|s.
@@ -124,17 +124,17 @@ FromStringBuffer(const nsAString& aStrin
 nsAtom::nsAtom(AtomKind aKind, const nsAString& aString, uint32_t aHash)
   : mLength(aString.Length())
   , mKind(static_cast<uint32_t>(aKind))
   , mHash(aHash)
   , mString(FromStringBuffer(aString))
   MOZ_ASSERT(aKind == AtomKind::DynamicAtom || aKind == AtomKind::HTML5Atom);
-  MOZ_ASSERT_IF(!IsHTML5Atom(), mHash == HashString(mString, mLength));
+  MOZ_ASSERT_IF(!IsHTML5(), mHash == HashString(mString, mLength));
   MOZ_ASSERT(mString[mLength] == char16_t(0), "null terminated");
   MOZ_ASSERT(Equals(aString), "correct data");
 // This constructor is for static atoms.
 nsAtom::nsAtom(const char16_t* aString, uint32_t aLength, uint32_t aHash)
   : mLength(aLength)
@@ -145,51 +145,51 @@ nsAtom::nsAtom(const char16_t* aString, 
   MOZ_ASSERT(mHash == HashString(mString, mLength));
   MOZ_ASSERT(mString[mLength] == char16_t(0), "null terminated");
   MOZ_ASSERT(NS_strlen(mString) == mLength, "correct storage");
-  if (!IsStaticAtom()) {
-    MOZ_ASSERT(IsDynamicAtom() || IsHTML5Atom());
+  if (!IsStatic()) {
+    MOZ_ASSERT(IsDynamic() || IsHTML5());
 nsAtom::ToString(nsAString& aString) const
   // See the comment on |mString|'s declaration.
-  if (IsStaticAtom()) {
+  if (IsStatic()) {
     // AssignLiteral() lets us assign without copying. This isn't a string
     // literal, but it's a static atom and thus has an unbounded lifetime,
     // which is what's important.
     aString.AssignLiteral(mString, mLength);
   } else {
     GetStringBuffer()->ToString(mLength, aString);
 nsAtom::ToUTF8String(nsACString& aBuf) const
-  MOZ_ASSERT(!IsHTML5Atom(), "Called ToUTF8String() on an HTML5 atom");
+  MOZ_ASSERT(!IsHTML5(), "Called ToUTF8String() on an HTML5 atom");
   CopyUTF16toUTF8(nsDependentString(mString, mLength), aBuf);
 nsAtom::AddSizeOfIncludingThis(MallocSizeOf aMallocSizeOf, AtomsSizes& aSizes)
              "Called AddSizeOfIncludingThis() on an HTML5 atom");
   size_t thisSize = aMallocSizeOf(this);
-  if (IsStaticAtom()) {
+  if (IsStatic()) {
     // String buffers pointed to by static atoms are in static memory, and so
     // are not measured here.
     aSizes.mStaticAtomObjects += thisSize;
   } else {
     aSizes.mDynamicAtomObjects += thisSize;
     aSizes.mDynamicUnsharedBuffers +=
@@ -355,17 +355,17 @@ AtomTableMatchKey(const PLDHashEntryHdr*
   return he->mAtom->Equals(k->mUTF16String, k->mLength);
 nsAtomTable::AtomTableClearEntry(PLDHashTable* aTable, PLDHashEntryHdr* aEntry)
   auto entry = static_cast<AtomTableEntry*>(aEntry);
   nsAtom* atom = entry->mAtom;
-  if (atom->IsStaticAtom()) {
+  if (atom->IsStatic()) {
     // This case -- when the entry being cleared holds a static atom -- only
     // occurs when gAtomTable is destroyed, whereupon all static atoms within it
     // must be explicitly deleted.
     delete atom;
 static void
@@ -499,23 +499,23 @@ nsAtomSubTable::GCLocked(GCKind aKind)
   int32_t removedCount = 0; // A non-atomic temporary for cheaper increments.
   nsAutoCString nonZeroRefcountAtoms;
   uint32_t nonZeroRefcountAtomsCount = 0;
   for (auto i = mTable.Iter(); !i.Done(); i.Next()) {
     auto entry = static_cast<AtomTableEntry*>(i.Get());
-    if (entry->mAtom->IsStaticAtom()) {
+    if (entry->mAtom->IsStatic()) {
     nsAtom* atom = entry->mAtom;
-    MOZ_ASSERT(!atom->IsHTML5Atom());
-    if (atom->IsDynamicAtom() && nsDynamicAtom::As(atom)->mRefCnt == 0) {
+    MOZ_ASSERT(!atom->IsHTML5());
+    if (atom->IsDynamic() && nsDynamicAtom::As(atom)->mRefCnt == 0) {
       delete atom;
     else if (aKind == GCKind::Shutdown && PR_GetEnv("XPCOM_MEM_BLOAT_LOG")) {
       // Only report leaking atoms in leak-checking builds in a run where we
       // are checking for leaks, during shutdown. If something is anomalous,
@@ -583,27 +583,27 @@ nsDynamicAtom::Release()
   return count;
-  MOZ_ASSERT(!IsHTML5Atom(), "Attempt to AddRef an HTML5 atom");
+  MOZ_ASSERT(!IsHTML5(), "Attempt to AddRef an HTML5 atom");
-  return IsStaticAtom() ? 2 : nsDynamicAtom::As(this)->AddRef();
+  return IsStatic() ? 2 : nsDynamicAtom::As(this)->AddRef();
-  MOZ_ASSERT(!IsHTML5Atom(), "Attempt to Release an HTML5 atom");
+  MOZ_ASSERT(!IsHTML5(), "Attempt to Release an HTML5 atom");
-  return IsStaticAtom() ? 1 : nsDynamicAtom::As(this)->Release();
+  return IsStatic() ? 1 : nsDynamicAtom::As(this)->Release();
 // Have the static atoms been inserted into the table?
 static bool gStaticAtomsDone = false;
 class DefaultAtoms
@@ -692,17 +692,17 @@ nsAtomTable::RegisterStaticAtoms(const n
     MutexAutoLock lock(table.mLock);
     AtomTableEntry* he = table.Add(key);
     nsStaticAtom* atom;
     if (he->mAtom) {
       // Disallow creating a dynamic atom, and then later, while the dynamic
       // atom is still alive, registering that same atom as a static atom.  It
       // causes subtle bugs, and we're programming in C++ here, not Smalltalk.
-      if (!he->mAtom->IsStaticAtom()) {
+      if (!he->mAtom->IsStatic()) {
         nsAutoCString name;
           "Static atom registration for %s should be pushed back", name.get());
       atom = static_cast<nsStaticAtom*>(he->mAtom);
     } else {
       atom = new nsStaticAtom(string, stringLen, hash);
@@ -861,17 +861,17 @@ NS_GetStaticAtom(const nsAString& aUTF16
 nsAtomTable::GetStaticAtom(const nsAString& aUTF16String)
   uint32_t hash;
   AtomTableKey key(aUTF16String.Data(), aUTF16String.Length(), &hash);
   nsAtomSubTable& table = SelectSubTable(key);
   MutexAutoLock lock(table.mLock);
   AtomTableEntry* he = table.Search(key);
-  return he && he->mAtom->IsStaticAtom()
+  return he && he->mAtom->IsStatic()
        ? static_cast<nsStaticAtom*>(he->mAtom)
        : nullptr;