Bug 1392352 - Part 1 - hg cp tabbrowser.xml to tabbrowser.js;r=dao draft
authorBrian Grinstead <bgrinstead@mozilla.com>
Tue, 27 Feb 2018 09:47:52 -0800
changeset 760468 9e9ffd02922966faedaa69c80e587e5b776b74c3
parent 760371 b184be59874080e96903183176c0f88dcbfafe25
child 760469 9e58f173a84d147a00cd9af6535976f02d09ae17
child 760476 26b833413bab71168aa15e03f0f3803884be3f6b
push id100654
push userbgrinstead@mozilla.com
push dateTue, 27 Feb 2018 17:53:01 +0000
Bug 1392352 - Part 1 - hg cp tabbrowser.xml to tabbrowser.js;r=dao This will allow us to preserve blame as best as possible when the implementation of this binding gets rewritten to JS in the next changeset. MozReview-Commit-ID: HTBXcvQDAQZ
copy from browser/base/content/tabbrowser.xml
copy to browser/base/content/tabbrowser.js
--- a/browser/base/content/tabbrowser.xml
+++ b/browser/base/content/tabbrowser.js
@@ -1,51 +1,8 @@
-<?xml version="1.0"?>
-<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
-   - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
-   - file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. -->
-<bindings id="tabBrowserBindings"
-          xmlns="http://www.mozilla.org/xbl"
-          xmlns:xul="http://www.mozilla.org/keymaster/gatekeeper/there.is.only.xul"
-          xmlns:xbl="http://www.mozilla.org/xbl">
-  <!--
-  This binding is bound to <toolbox id="navigator-toolbox"> so that
-  the #tabbrowser binding is initialized before the #tabs binding.
-  Remove after bug 1392352.
-  -->
-  <binding id="empty"/>
-  <binding id="tabbrowser">
-    <resources>
-      <stylesheet src="chrome://browser/content/tabbrowser.css"/>
-    </resources>
-    <content>
-      <xul:tabbox anonid="tabbox" class="tabbrowser-tabbox"
-                  flex="1" eventnode="document" xbl:inherits="tabcontainer"
-                  onselect="if (event.target.localName == 'tabpanels') this.parentNode.updateCurrentBrowser();">
-        <xul:tabpanels flex="1" class="plain" selectedIndex="0" anonid="panelcontainer">
-          <xul:notificationbox flex="1" notificationside="top">
-            <xul:hbox flex="1" class="browserSidebarContainer">
-              <xul:vbox flex="1" class="browserContainer">
-                <xul:stack flex="1" class="browserStack" anonid="browserStack">
-                  <xul:browser anonid="initialBrowser" type="content" message="true" messagemanagergroup="browsers"
-                               primary="true" blank="true"
-                               xbl:inherits="tooltip=contenttooltip,contextmenu=contentcontextmenu,autocompletepopup,selectmenulist,datetimepicker"/>
-                </xul:stack>
-              </xul:vbox>
-            </xul:hbox>
-          </xul:notificationbox>
-        </xul:tabpanels>
-      </xul:tabbox>
-      <children/>
-    </content>
     <implementation implements="nsIDOMEventListener, nsIMessageListener, nsIObserver">
       <property name="tabContextMenu" readonly="true"
                 onget="return this.tabContainer.contextMenu;"/>
       <field name="tabContainer" readonly="true">
@@ -6327,2377 +6284,8 @@
             this._tabAttrModified(tab, ["activemedia-blocked"]);
             let hist = Services.telemetry.getHistogramById("TAB_AUDIO_INDICATOR_USED");
             hist.add(2 /* unblockByVisitingTab */);
-  </binding>
-  <binding id="tabbrowser-arrowscrollbox" extends="chrome://global/content/bindings/scrollbox.xml#arrowscrollbox-clicktoscroll">
-    <implementation>
-      <!-- Override scrollbox.xml method, since our scrollbox's children are
-           inherited from the binding parent -->
-      <method name="_getScrollableElements">
-        <body><![CDATA[
-          return Array.filter(document.getBindingParent(this).childNodes,
-                              this._canScrollToElement, this);
-        ]]></body>
-      </method>
-      <method name="_canScrollToElement">
-        <parameter name="tab"/>
-        <body><![CDATA[
-          return !tab._pinnedUnscrollable && !tab.hidden;
-        ]]></body>
-      </method>
-    </implementation>
-    <handlers>
-      <handler event="underflow" phase="capturing"><![CDATA[
-        // Ignore underflow events:
-        // - from nested scrollable elements
-        // - for vertical orientation
-        // - corresponding to an overflow event that we ignored
-        let tabs = document.getBindingParent(this);
-        if (event.originalTarget != this._scrollbox ||
-            event.detail == 0 ||
-            !tabs.hasAttribute("overflow")) {
-          return;
-        }
-        tabs.removeAttribute("overflow");
-        if (tabs._lastTabClosedByMouse) {
-          tabs._expandSpacerBy(this._scrollButtonDown.clientWidth);
-        }
-        for (let tab of Array.from(tabs.tabbrowser._removingTabs)) {
-          tabs.tabbrowser.removeTab(tab);
-        }
-        tabs._positionPinnedTabs();
-      ]]></handler>
-      <handler event="overflow"><![CDATA[
-        // Ignore overflow events:
-        // - from nested scrollable elements
-        // - for vertical orientation
-        // - when the window is tiny initially
-        if (event.originalTarget != this._scrollbox ||
-            event.detail == 0 ||
-            window.outerWidth <= 1) {
-          return;
-        }
-        var tabs = document.getBindingParent(this);
-        tabs.setAttribute("overflow", "true");
-        tabs._positionPinnedTabs();
-        tabs._handleTabSelect(true);
-      ]]></handler>
-    </handlers>
-  </binding>
-  <binding id="tabbrowser-tabs"
-           extends="chrome://global/content/bindings/tabbox.xml#tabs">
-    <resources>
-      <stylesheet src="chrome://browser/content/tabbrowser.css"/>
-    </resources>
-    <content>
-      <xul:hbox class="tab-drop-indicator-box">
-        <xul:image class="tab-drop-indicator" anonid="tab-drop-indicator" collapsed="true"/>
-      </xul:hbox>
-      <xul:arrowscrollbox anonid="arrowscrollbox" orient="horizontal" flex="1"
-                          style="min-width: 1px;"
-                          class="tabbrowser-arrowscrollbox">
- This is a hack to circumvent bug 472020, otherwise the tabs show up on the
- right of the newtab button.
-        <children includes="tab"/>
-  This is to ensure anything extensions put here will go before the newtab
-  button, necessary due to the previous hack.
-        <children/>
-        <xul:toolbarbutton class="tabs-newtab-button toolbarbutton-1"
-                           anonid="tabs-newtab-button"
-                           command="cmd_newNavigatorTab"
-                           onclick="checkForMiddleClick(this, event);"
-                           tooltip="dynamic-shortcut-tooltip"/>
-        <xul:hbox class="restore-tabs-button-wrapper"
-                  anonid="restore-tabs-button-wrapper">
-          <xul:toolbarbutton anonid="restore-tabs-button"
-                             class="restore-tabs-button"
-                             onclick="SessionStore.restoreLastSession();"/>
-        </xul:hbox>
-        <xul:spacer class="closing-tabs-spacer" anonid="closing-tabs-spacer"
-                    style="width: 0;"/>
-      </xul:arrowscrollbox>
-    </content>
-    <implementation implements="nsIDOMEventListener, nsIObserver">
-      <constructor>
-        <![CDATA[
-          this._tabClipWidth = Services.prefs.getIntPref("browser.tabs.tabClipWidth");
-          let { restoreTabsButton } = this;
-          restoreTabsButton.setAttribute("label", gTabBrowserBundle.GetStringFromName("tabs.restoreLastTabs"));
-          var tab = this.firstChild;
-          tab.label = gTabBrowserBundle.GetStringFromName("tabs.emptyTabTitle");
-          tab.setAttribute("onerror", "this.removeAttribute('image');");
-          window.addEventListener("resize", this);
-          window.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", this);
-          Services.prefs.addObserver("privacy.userContext", this);
-          this.observe(null, "nsPref:changed", "privacy.userContext.enabled");
-          this._setPositionalAttributes();
-        ]]>
-      </constructor>
-      <destructor>
-        <![CDATA[
-          Services.prefs.removeObserver("privacy.userContext", this);
-        ]]>
-      </destructor>
-      <field name="tabbrowser" readonly="true">
-        gBrowser;
-      </field>
-      <field name="tabbox" readonly="true">
-        this.tabbrowser.tabbox;
-      </field>
-      <field name="contextMenu" readonly="true">
-        document.getElementById("tabContextMenu");
-      </field>
-      <field name="arrowScrollbox">
-        document.getAnonymousElementByAttribute(this, "anonid", "arrowscrollbox");
-      </field>
-      <field name="_firstTab">null</field>
-      <field name="_lastTab">null</field>
-      <field name="_beforeSelectedTab">null</field>
-      <field name="_beforeHoveredTab">null</field>
-      <field name="_afterHoveredTab">null</field>
-      <field name="_hoveredTab">null</field>
-      <field name="restoreTabsButton">
-        document.getAnonymousElementByAttribute(this, "anonid", "restore-tabs-button");
-      </field>
-      <field name="_restoreTabsButtonWrapperWidth">0</field>
-      <field name="windowUtils">
-        window.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIInterfaceRequestor).getInterface(Ci.nsIDOMWindowUtils);
-      </field>
-      <property name="restoreTabsButtonWrapperWidth" readonly="true">
-        <getter>
-          if (!this._restoreTabsButtonWrapperWidth) {
-            this._restoreTabsButtonWrapperWidth = this.windowUtils
-              .getBoundsWithoutFlushing(this.restoreTabsButton.parentNode)
-              .width;
-          }
-          return this._restoreTabsButtonWrapperWidth;
-        </getter>
-      </property>
-      <method name="updateSessionRestoreVisibility">
-        <body><![CDATA[
-          let {restoreTabsButton, restoreTabsButtonWrapperWidth, windowUtils} = this;
-          let restoreTabsButtonWrapper = restoreTabsButton.parentNode;
-          if (!restoreTabsButtonWrapper.getAttribute("session-exists")) {
-            restoreTabsButtonWrapper.removeAttribute("shown");
-            return;
-          }
-          let arrowScrollboxWidth = this.arrowScrollbox.clientWidth;
-          let newTabButton = document.getAnonymousElementByAttribute(
-            this, "anonid", "tabs-newtab-button");
-          // If there are no pinned tabs it will multiply by 0 and result in 0
-          let pinnedTabsWidth = windowUtils.getBoundsWithoutFlushing(this.firstChild).width * this._lastNumPinned;
-          let numUnpinnedTabs = this.childNodes.length - this._lastNumPinned;
-          let unpinnedTabsWidth = windowUtils.getBoundsWithoutFlushing(this.lastChild).width * numUnpinnedTabs;
-          let tabbarUsedSpace = pinnedTabsWidth + unpinnedTabsWidth
-            + windowUtils.getBoundsWithoutFlushing(newTabButton).width;
-          // Subtract the elements' widths from the available space to ensure
-          // that showing the restoreTabsButton won't cause any overflow.
-          if (arrowScrollboxWidth - tabbarUsedSpace > restoreTabsButtonWrapperWidth) {
-            restoreTabsButtonWrapper.setAttribute("shown", "true");
-          } else {
-            restoreTabsButtonWrapper.removeAttribute("shown");
-          }
-        ]]></body>
-      </method>
-      <method name="observe">
-        <parameter name="aSubject"/>
-        <parameter name="aTopic"/>
-        <parameter name="aData"/>
-        <body><![CDATA[
-          switch (aTopic) {
-            case "nsPref:changed":
-              // This is has to deal with changes in
-              // privacy.userContext.enabled and
-              // privacy.userContext.longPressBehavior.
-              let containersEnabled = Services.prefs.getBoolPref("privacy.userContext.enabled")
-                                        && !PrivateBrowsingUtils.isWindowPrivate(window);
-              // This pref won't change so often, so just recreate the menu.
-              let longPressBehavior = Services.prefs.getIntPref("privacy.userContext.longPressBehavior");
-              // If longPressBehavior pref is set to 0 (or any invalid value)
-              // long press menu is disabled.
-              if (containersEnabled && (longPressBehavior <= 0 || longPressBehavior > 2)) {
-                containersEnabled = false;
-              }
-              const newTab = document.getElementById("new-tab-button");
-              const newTab2 = document.getAnonymousElementByAttribute(this, "anonid", "tabs-newtab-button");
-              for (let parent of [newTab, newTab2]) {
-                if (!parent)
-                  continue;
-                gClickAndHoldListenersOnElement.remove(parent);
-                parent.removeAttribute("type");
-                if (parent.firstChild) {
-                  parent.firstChild.remove();
-                }
-                if (containersEnabled) {
-                  let popup = document.createElementNS(
-                                "http://www.mozilla.org/keymaster/gatekeeper/there.is.only.xul",
-                                "menupopup");
-                  if (parent.id) {
-                    popup.id = "newtab-popup";
-                  } else {
-                    popup.setAttribute("anonid", "newtab-popup");
-                  }
-                  popup.className = "new-tab-popup";
-                  popup.setAttribute("position", "after_end");
-                  parent.appendChild(popup);
-                  // longPressBehavior == 2 means that the menu is shown after X
-                  // millisecs. Otherwise, with 1, the menu is open immediatelly.
-                  if (longPressBehavior == 2) {
-                    gClickAndHoldListenersOnElement.add(parent);
-                  }
-                  parent.setAttribute("type", "menu");
-                }
-              }
-              break;
-          }
-        ]]></body>
-      </method>
-      <property name="_isCustomizing" readonly="true">
-        <getter><![CDATA[
-          return document.documentElement.getAttribute("customizing") == "true";
-        ]]></getter>
-      </property>
-      <method name="_setPositionalAttributes">
-        <body><![CDATA[
-          let visibleTabs = this.tabbrowser.visibleTabs;
-          if (!visibleTabs.length)
-            return;
-          let selectedIndex = visibleTabs.indexOf(this.selectedItem);
-          if (this._beforeSelectedTab) {
-            this._beforeSelectedTab.removeAttribute("beforeselected-visible");
-          }
-          if (this.selectedItem.closing || selectedIndex == 0) {
-            this._beforeSelectedTab = null;
-          } else {
-            let beforeSelectedTab = visibleTabs[selectedIndex - 1];
-            let separatedByScrollButton = this.getAttribute("overflow") == "true" &&
-              beforeSelectedTab.pinned && !this.selectedItem.pinned;
-            if (!separatedByScrollButton) {
-              this._beforeSelectedTab = beforeSelectedTab;
-              this._beforeSelectedTab.setAttribute("beforeselected-visible",
-                                                   "true");
-            }
-          }
-          if (this._firstTab)
-            this._firstTab.removeAttribute("first-visible-tab");
-          this._firstTab = visibleTabs[0];
-          this._firstTab.setAttribute("first-visible-tab", "true");
-          if (this._lastTab)
-            this._lastTab.removeAttribute("last-visible-tab");
-          this._lastTab = visibleTabs[visibleTabs.length - 1];
-          this._lastTab.setAttribute("last-visible-tab", "true");
-          let hoveredTab = this._hoveredTab;
-          if (hoveredTab) {
-            hoveredTab._mouseleave();
-          }
-          hoveredTab = this.querySelector("tab:hover");
-          if (hoveredTab) {
-            hoveredTab._mouseenter();
-          }
-        ]]></body>
-      </method>
-      <field name="_blockDblClick">false</field>
-      <field name="_tabDropIndicator">
-        document.getAnonymousElementByAttribute(this, "anonid", "tab-drop-indicator");
-      </field>
-      <field name="_dragOverDelay">350</field>
-      <field name="_dragTime">0</field>
-      <field name="_container" readonly="true"><![CDATA[
-        this.parentNode && this.parentNode.localName == "toolbar" ? this.parentNode : this;
-      ]]></field>
-      <field name="_propagatedVisibilityOnce">false</field>
-      <property name="visible"
-                onget="return !this._container.collapsed;">
-        <setter><![CDATA[
-          if (val == this.visible &&
-              this._propagatedVisibilityOnce)
-            return val;
-          this._container.collapsed = !val;
-          this._propagateVisibility();
-          this._propagatedVisibilityOnce = true;
-          return val;
-        ]]></setter>
-      </property>
-      <method name="_propagateVisibility">
-        <body><![CDATA[
-          let visible = this.visible;
-          document.getElementById("menu_closeWindow").hidden = !visible;
-          document.getElementById("menu_close").setAttribute("label",
-            gTabBrowserBundle.GetStringFromName(visible ? "tabs.closeTab" : "tabs.close"));
-          TabsInTitlebar.allowedBy("tabs-visible", visible);
-        ]]></body>
-      </method>
-      <method name="updateVisibility">
-        <body><![CDATA[
-          if (this.childNodes.length - this.tabbrowser._removingTabs.length == 1)
-            this.visible = window.toolbar.visible;
-          else
-            this.visible = true;
-        ]]></body>
-      </method>
-      <field name="_closeButtonsUpdatePending">false</field>
-      <method name="_updateCloseButtons">
-        <body><![CDATA[
-          // If we're overflowing, tabs are at their minimum widths.
-          if (this.getAttribute("overflow") == "true") {
-            this.setAttribute("closebuttons", "activetab");
-            return;
-          }
-          if (this._closeButtonsUpdatePending) {
-            return;
-          }
-          this._closeButtonsUpdatePending = true;
-          // Wait until after the next paint to get current layout data from
-          // getBoundsWithoutFlushing.
-          window.requestAnimationFrame(() => {
-            window.requestAnimationFrame(() => {
-              this._closeButtonsUpdatePending = false;
-              // The scrollbox may have started overflowing since we checked
-              // overflow earlier, so check again.
-              if (this.getAttribute("overflow") == "true") {
-                this.setAttribute("closebuttons", "activetab");
-                return;
-              }
-              // Check if tab widths are below the threshold where we want to
-              // remove close buttons from background tabs so that people don't
-              // accidentally close tabs by selecting them.
-              let rect = ele => {
-                return window.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIInterfaceRequestor)
-                             .getInterface(Ci.nsIDOMWindowUtils)
-                             .getBoundsWithoutFlushing(ele);
-              };
-              let tab = this.tabbrowser.visibleTabs[this.tabbrowser._numPinnedTabs];
-              if (tab && rect(tab).width <= this._tabClipWidth) {
-                this.setAttribute("closebuttons", "activetab");
-              } else {
-                this.removeAttribute("closebuttons");
-              }
-            });
-          });
-        ]]></body>
-      </method>
-      <method name="_handleTabSelect">
-        <parameter name="aInstant"/>
-        <body><![CDATA[
-          if (this.getAttribute("overflow") == "true")
-            this.arrowScrollbox.ensureElementIsVisible(this.selectedItem, aInstant);
-          this.selectedItem._notselectedsinceload = false;
-        ]]></body>
-      </method>
-      <field name="_closingTabsSpacer">
-        document.getAnonymousElementByAttribute(this, "anonid", "closing-tabs-spacer");
-      </field>
-      <field name="_tabDefaultMaxWidth">NaN</field>
-      <field name="_lastTabClosedByMouse">false</field>
-      <field name="_hasTabTempMaxWidth">false</field>
-      <!-- Try to keep the active tab's close button under the mouse cursor -->
-      <method name="_lockTabSizing">
-        <parameter name="aTab"/>
-        <body><![CDATA[
-          var tabs = this.tabbrowser.visibleTabs;
-          if (!tabs.length)
-            return;
-          var isEndTab = (aTab._tPos > tabs[tabs.length - 1]._tPos);
-          var tabWidth = aTab.getBoundingClientRect().width;
-          if (!this._tabDefaultMaxWidth)
-            this._tabDefaultMaxWidth =
-              parseFloat(window.getComputedStyle(aTab).maxWidth);
-          this._lastTabClosedByMouse = true;
-          if (this.getAttribute("overflow") == "true") {
-            // Don't need to do anything if we're in overflow mode and aren't scrolled
-            // all the way to the right, or if we're closing the last tab.
-            if (isEndTab || !this.arrowScrollbox._scrollButtonDown.disabled)
-              return;
-            // If the tab has an owner that will become the active tab, the owner will
-            // be to the left of it, so we actually want the left tab to slide over.
-            // This can't be done as easily in non-overflow mode, so we don't bother.
-            if (aTab.owner)
-              return;
-            this._expandSpacerBy(tabWidth);
-          } else { // non-overflow mode
-            // Locking is neither in effect nor needed, so let tabs expand normally.
-            if (isEndTab && !this._hasTabTempMaxWidth)
-              return;
-            let numPinned = this.tabbrowser._numPinnedTabs;
-            // Force tabs to stay the same width, unless we're closing the last tab,
-            // which case we need to let them expand just enough so that the overall
-            // tabbar width is the same.
-            if (isEndTab) {
-              let numNormalTabs = tabs.length - numPinned;
-              tabWidth = tabWidth * (numNormalTabs + 1) / numNormalTabs;
-              if (tabWidth > this._tabDefaultMaxWidth)
-                tabWidth = this._tabDefaultMaxWidth;
-            }
-            tabWidth += "px";
-            for (let i = numPinned; i < tabs.length; i++) {
-              let tab = tabs[i];
-              tab.style.setProperty("max-width", tabWidth, "important");
-              if (!isEndTab) { // keep tabs the same width
-                tab.style.transition = "none";
-                tab.clientTop; // flush styles to skip animation; see bug 649247
-                tab.style.transition = "";
-              }
-            }
-            this._hasTabTempMaxWidth = true;
-            this.tabbrowser.addEventListener("mousemove", this);
-            window.addEventListener("mouseout", this);
-          }
-        ]]></body>
-      </method>
-      <method name="_expandSpacerBy">
-        <parameter name="pixels"/>
-        <body><![CDATA[
-          let spacer = this._closingTabsSpacer;
-          spacer.style.width = parseFloat(spacer.style.width) + pixels + "px";
-          this.setAttribute("using-closing-tabs-spacer", "true");
-          this.tabbrowser.addEventListener("mousemove", this);
-          window.addEventListener("mouseout", this);
-        ]]></body>
-      </method>
-      <method name="_unlockTabSizing">
-        <body><![CDATA[
-          this.tabbrowser.removeEventListener("mousemove", this);
-          window.removeEventListener("mouseout", this);
-          if (this._hasTabTempMaxWidth) {
-            this._hasTabTempMaxWidth = false;
-            let tabs = this.tabbrowser.visibleTabs;
-            for (let i = 0; i < tabs.length; i++)
-              tabs[i].style.maxWidth = "";
-          }
-          if (this.hasAttribute("using-closing-tabs-spacer")) {
-            this.removeAttribute("using-closing-tabs-spacer");
-            this._closingTabsSpacer.style.width = 0;
-          }
-        ]]></body>
-      </method>
-      <method name="uiDensityChanged">
-        <body><![CDATA[
-          this._positionPinnedTabs();
-          this._updateCloseButtons();
-          this._handleTabSelect(true);
-        ]]></body>
-      </method>
-      <field name="_lastNumPinned">0</field>
-      <field name="_pinnedTabsLayoutCache">null</field>
-      <method name="_positionPinnedTabs">
-        <body><![CDATA[
-          var numPinned = this.tabbrowser._numPinnedTabs;
-          var doPosition = this.getAttribute("overflow") == "true" &&
-                           this.tabbrowser.visibleTabs.length > numPinned &&
-                           numPinned > 0;
-          if (doPosition) {
-            this.setAttribute("positionpinnedtabs", "true");
-            let layoutData = this._pinnedTabsLayoutCache;
-            let uiDensity = document.documentElement.getAttribute("uidensity");
-            if (!layoutData ||
-                layoutData.uiDensity != uiDensity) {
-              let arrowScrollbox = this.arrowScrollbox;
-              layoutData = this._pinnedTabsLayoutCache = {
-                uiDensity,
-                pinnedTabWidth: this.childNodes[0].getBoundingClientRect().width,
-                scrollButtonWidth: arrowScrollbox._scrollButtonDown.getBoundingClientRect().width
-              };
-            }
-            let width = 0;
-            for (let i = numPinned - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
-              let tab = this.childNodes[i];
-              width += layoutData.pinnedTabWidth;
-              tab.style.marginInlineStart = -(width + layoutData.scrollButtonWidth) + "px";
-              tab._pinnedUnscrollable = true;
-            }
-            this.style.paddingInlineStart = width + "px";
-          } else {
-            this.removeAttribute("positionpinnedtabs");
-            for (let i = 0; i < numPinned; i++) {
-              let tab = this.childNodes[i];
-              tab.style.marginInlineStart = "";
-              tab._pinnedUnscrollable = false;
-            }
-            this.style.paddingInlineStart = "";
-          }
-          if (this._lastNumPinned != numPinned) {
-            this._lastNumPinned = numPinned;
-            this._handleTabSelect(true);
-          }
-        ]]></body>
-      </method>
-      <method name="_animateTabMove">
-        <parameter name="event"/>
-        <body><![CDATA[
-          let draggedTab = event.dataTransfer.mozGetDataAt(TAB_DROP_TYPE, 0);
-          if (this.getAttribute("movingtab") != "true") {
-            this.setAttribute("movingtab", "true");
-            this.parentNode.setAttribute("movingtab", "true");
-            this.selectedItem = draggedTab;
-          }
-          if (!("animLastScreenX" in draggedTab._dragData))
-            draggedTab._dragData.animLastScreenX = draggedTab._dragData.screenX;
-          let screenX = event.screenX;
-          if (screenX == draggedTab._dragData.animLastScreenX)
-            return;
-          draggedTab._dragData.animLastScreenX = screenX;
-          let rtl = (window.getComputedStyle(this).direction == "rtl");
-          let pinned = draggedTab.pinned;
-          let numPinned = this.tabbrowser._numPinnedTabs;
-          let tabs = this.tabbrowser.visibleTabs
-                                    .slice(pinned ? 0 : numPinned,
-                                           pinned ? numPinned : undefined);
-          if (rtl)
-            tabs.reverse();
-          let tabWidth = draggedTab.getBoundingClientRect().width;
-          draggedTab._dragData.tabWidth = tabWidth;
-          // Move the dragged tab based on the mouse position.
-          let leftTab = tabs[0];
-          let rightTab = tabs[tabs.length - 1];
-          let tabScreenX = draggedTab.boxObject.screenX;
-          let translateX = screenX - draggedTab._dragData.screenX;
-          if (!pinned)
-            translateX += this.arrowScrollbox._scrollbox.scrollLeft - draggedTab._dragData.scrollX;
-          let leftBound = leftTab.boxObject.screenX - tabScreenX;
-          let rightBound = (rightTab.boxObject.screenX + rightTab.boxObject.width) -
-                           (tabScreenX + tabWidth);
-          translateX = Math.max(translateX, leftBound);
-          translateX = Math.min(translateX, rightBound);
-          draggedTab.style.transform = "translateX(" + translateX + "px)";
-          draggedTab._dragData.translateX = translateX;
-          // Determine what tab we're dragging over.
-          // * Point of reference is the center of the dragged tab. If that
-          //   point touches a background tab, the dragged tab would take that
-          //   tab's position when dropped.
-          // * We're doing a binary search in order to reduce the amount of
-          //   tabs we need to check.
-          let tabCenter = tabScreenX + translateX + tabWidth / 2;
-          let newIndex = -1;
-          let oldIndex = "animDropIndex" in draggedTab._dragData ?
-                         draggedTab._dragData.animDropIndex : draggedTab._tPos;
-          let low = 0;
-          let high = tabs.length - 1;
-          while (low <= high) {
-            let mid = Math.floor((low + high) / 2);
-            if (tabs[mid] == draggedTab &&
-                ++mid > high)
-              break;
-            let boxObject = tabs[mid].boxObject;
-            screenX = boxObject.screenX + getTabShift(tabs[mid], oldIndex);
-            if (screenX > tabCenter) {
-              high = mid - 1;
-            } else if (screenX + boxObject.width < tabCenter) {
-              low = mid + 1;
-            } else {
-              newIndex = tabs[mid]._tPos;
-              break;
-            }
-          }
-          if (newIndex >= oldIndex)
-            newIndex++;
-          if (newIndex < 0 || newIndex == oldIndex)
-            return;
-          draggedTab._dragData.animDropIndex = newIndex;
-          // Shift background tabs to leave a gap where the dragged tab
-          // would currently be dropped.
-          for (let tab of tabs) {
-            if (tab != draggedTab) {
-              let shift = getTabShift(tab, newIndex);
-              tab.style.transform = shift ? "translateX(" + shift + "px)" : "";
-            }
-          }
-          function getTabShift(tab, dropIndex) {
-            if (tab._tPos < draggedTab._tPos && tab._tPos >= dropIndex)
-              return rtl ? -tabWidth : tabWidth;
-            if (tab._tPos > draggedTab._tPos && tab._tPos < dropIndex)
-              return rtl ? tabWidth : -tabWidth;
-            return 0;
-          }
-        ]]></body>
-      </method>
-      <method name="_finishAnimateTabMove">
-        <body><![CDATA[
-          if (this.getAttribute("movingtab") != "true")
-            return;
-          for (let tab of this.tabbrowser.visibleTabs)
-            tab.style.transform = "";
-          this.removeAttribute("movingtab");
-          this.parentNode.removeAttribute("movingtab");
-          this._handleTabSelect();
-        ]]></body>
-      </method>
-      <method name="handleEvent">
-        <parameter name="aEvent"/>
-        <body><![CDATA[
-          switch (aEvent.type) {
-            case "DOMContentLoaded":
-              this.updateVisibility();
-              TabsInTitlebar.init();
-              break;
-            case "resize":
-              if (aEvent.target != window)
-                break;
-              TabsInTitlebar.updateAppearance();
-              this._updateCloseButtons();
-              this._handleTabSelect(true);
-              this.updateSessionRestoreVisibility();
-              break;
-            case "mouseout":
-              // If the "related target" (the node to which the pointer went) is not
-              // a child of the current document, the mouse just left the window.
-              let relatedTarget = aEvent.relatedTarget;
-              if (relatedTarget && relatedTarget.ownerDocument == document)
-                break;
-            case "mousemove":
-              if (document.getElementById("tabContextMenu").state != "open")
-                this._unlockTabSizing();
-              break;
-          }
-        ]]></body>
-      </method>
-      <field name="_animateElement">
-        this.arrowScrollbox._scrollButtonDown;
-      </field>
-      <method name="_notifyBackgroundTab">
-        <parameter name="aTab"/>
-        <body><![CDATA[
-          if (aTab.pinned || aTab.hidden)
-            return;
-          var scrollRect = this.arrowScrollbox.scrollClientRect;
-          var tab = aTab.getBoundingClientRect();
-          // DOMRect left/right properties are immutable.
-          tab = {left: tab.left, right: tab.right};
-          // Is the new tab already completely visible?
-          if (scrollRect.left <= tab.left && tab.right <= scrollRect.right)
-            return;
-          if (this.arrowScrollbox.smoothScroll) {
-            let selected = !this.selectedItem.pinned &&
-                           this.selectedItem.getBoundingClientRect();
-            // Can we make both the new tab and the selected tab completely visible?
-            if (!selected ||
-                Math.max(tab.right - selected.left, selected.right - tab.left) <=
-                  scrollRect.width) {
-              this.arrowScrollbox.ensureElementIsVisible(aTab);
-              return;
-            }
-            this.arrowScrollbox.scrollByPixels(this.arrowScrollbox._isRTLScrollbox ?
-                                                 selected.right - scrollRect.right :
-                                                 selected.left - scrollRect.left);
-          }
-          if (!this._animateElement.hasAttribute("highlight")) {
-            this._animateElement.setAttribute("highlight", "true");
-            setTimeout(function(ele) {
-              ele.removeAttribute("highlight");
-            }, 150, this._animateElement);
-          }
-        ]]></body>
-      </method>
-      <method name="_getDragTargetTab">
-        <parameter name="event"/>
-        <parameter name="isLink"/>
-        <body><![CDATA[
-          let tab = event.target.localName == "tab" ? event.target : null;
-          if (tab && isLink) {
-            let boxObject = tab.boxObject;
-            if (event.screenX < boxObject.screenX + boxObject.width * .25 ||
-                event.screenX > boxObject.screenX + boxObject.width * .75)
-              return null;
-          }
-          return tab;
-        ]]></body>
-      </method>
-      <method name="_getDropIndex">
-        <parameter name="event"/>
-        <parameter name="isLink"/>
-        <body><![CDATA[
-          var tabs = this.childNodes;
-          var tab = this._getDragTargetTab(event, isLink);
-          if (window.getComputedStyle(this).direction == "ltr") {
-            for (let i = tab ? tab._tPos : 0; i < tabs.length; i++)
-              if (event.screenX < tabs[i].boxObject.screenX + tabs[i].boxObject.width / 2)
-                return i;
-          } else {
-            for (let i = tab ? tab._tPos : 0; i < tabs.length; i++)
-              if (event.screenX > tabs[i].boxObject.screenX + tabs[i].boxObject.width / 2)
-                return i;
-          }
-          return tabs.length;
-        ]]></body>
-      </method>
-      <method name="_getDropEffectForTabDrag">
-        <parameter name="event"/>
-        <body><![CDATA[
-          var dt = event.dataTransfer;
-          if (dt.mozItemCount == 1) {
-            var types = dt.mozTypesAt(0);
-            // tabs are always added as the first type
-            if (types[0] == TAB_DROP_TYPE) {
-              let sourceNode = dt.mozGetDataAt(TAB_DROP_TYPE, 0);
-              if (sourceNode instanceof XULElement &&
-                  sourceNode.localName == "tab" &&
-                  sourceNode.ownerGlobal.isChromeWindow &&
-                  sourceNode.ownerDocument.documentElement.getAttribute("windowtype") == "navigator:browser" &&
-                  sourceNode.ownerGlobal.gBrowser.tabContainer == sourceNode.parentNode) {
-                // Do not allow transfering a private tab to a non-private window
-                // and vice versa.
-                if (PrivateBrowsingUtils.isWindowPrivate(window) !=
-                    PrivateBrowsingUtils.isWindowPrivate(sourceNode.ownerGlobal))
-                  return "none";
-                if (window.gMultiProcessBrowser !=
-                    sourceNode.ownerGlobal.gMultiProcessBrowser)
-                  return "none";
-                return dt.dropEffect == "copy" ? "copy" : "move";
-              }
-            }
-          }
-          if (browserDragAndDrop.canDropLink(event)) {
-            return "link";
-          }
-          return "none";
-        ]]></body>
-      </method>
-      <method name="_handleNewTab">
-        <parameter name="tab"/>
-        <body><![CDATA[
-          if (tab.parentNode != this)
-            return;
-          tab._fullyOpen = true;
-          this.tabbrowser.tabAnimationsInProgress--;
-          this._updateCloseButtons();
-          if (tab.getAttribute("selected") == "true") {
-            this._handleTabSelect();
-          } else if (!tab.hasAttribute("skipbackgroundnotify")) {
-            this._notifyBackgroundTab(tab);
-          }
-          // XXXmano: this is a temporary workaround for bug 345399
-          // We need to manually update the scroll buttons disabled state
-          // if a tab was inserted to the overflow area or removed from it
-          // without any scrolling and when the tabbar has already
-          // overflowed.
-          this.arrowScrollbox._updateScrollButtonsDisabledState();
-          // Preload the next about:newtab if there isn't one already.
-          this.tabbrowser._createPreloadBrowser();
-        ]]></body>
-      </method>
-      <method name="_canAdvanceToTab">
-        <parameter name="aTab"/>
-        <body>
-        <![CDATA[
-          return !aTab.closing;
-        ]]>
-        </body>
-      </method>
-      <method name="getRelatedElement">
-        <parameter name="aTab"/>
-        <body>
-        <![CDATA[
-          if (!aTab)
-            return null;
-          // If the tab's browser is lazy, we need to `_insertBrowser` in order
-          // to have a linkedPanel.  This will also serve to bind the browser
-          // and make it ready to use when the tab is selected.
-          this.tabbrowser._insertBrowser(aTab);
-          return document.getElementById(aTab.linkedPanel);
-        ]]>
-        </body>
-      </method>
-    </implementation>
-    <handlers>
-      <handler event="TabSelect" action="this._handleTabSelect();"/>
-      <handler event="transitionend"><![CDATA[
-        if (event.propertyName != "max-width")
-          return;
-        var tab = event.target;
-        if (tab.getAttribute("fadein") == "true") {
-          if (tab._fullyOpen)
-            this._updateCloseButtons();
-          else
-            this._handleNewTab(tab);
-        } else if (tab.closing) {
-          this.tabbrowser._endRemoveTab(tab);
-        }
-      ]]></handler>
-      <handler event="dblclick"><![CDATA[
-        // When the tabbar has an unified appearance with the titlebar
-        // and menubar, a double-click in it should have the same behavior
-        // as double-clicking the titlebar
-        if (TabsInTitlebar.enabled || this.parentNode._dragBindingAlive)
-          return;
-        if (event.button != 0 ||
-            event.originalTarget.localName != "box")
-          return;
-        if (!this._blockDblClick)
-          BrowserOpenTab();
-        event.preventDefault();
-      ]]></handler>
-      <handler event="click" button="0" phase="capturing"><![CDATA[
-        /* Catches extra clicks meant for the in-tab close button.
-         * Placed here to avoid leaking (a temporary handler added from the
-         * in-tab close button binding would close over the tab and leak it
-         * until the handler itself was removed). (bug 897751)
-         *
-         * The only sequence in which a second click event (i.e. dblclik)
-         * can be dispatched on an in-tab close button is when it is shown
-         * after the first click (i.e. the first click event was dispatched
-         * on the tab). This happens when we show the close button only on
-         * the active tab. (bug 352021)
-         * The only sequence in which a third click event can be dispatched
-         * on an in-tab close button is when the tab was opened with a
-         * double click on the tabbar. (bug 378344)
-         * In both cases, it is most likely that the close button area has
-         * been accidentally clicked, therefore we do not close the tab.
-         *
-         * We don't want to ignore processing of more than one click event,
-         * though, since the user might actually be repeatedly clicking to
-         * close many tabs at once.
-         */
-        let target = event.originalTarget;
-        if (target.classList.contains("tab-close-button")) {
-          // We preemptively set this to allow the closing-multiple-tabs-
-          // in-a-row case.
-          if (this._blockDblClick) {
-            target._ignoredCloseButtonClicks = true;
-          } else if (event.detail > 1 && !target._ignoredCloseButtonClicks) {
-            target._ignoredCloseButtonClicks = true;
-            event.stopPropagation();
-            return;
-          } else {
-            // Reset the "ignored click" flag
-            target._ignoredCloseButtonClicks = false;
-          }
-        }
-        /* Protects from close-tab-button errant doubleclick:
-         * Since we're removing the event target, if the user
-         * double-clicks the button, the dblclick event will be dispatched
-         * with the tabbar as its event target (and explicit/originalTarget),
-         * which treats that as a mouse gesture for opening a new tab.
-         * In this context, we're manually blocking the dblclick event.
-         */
-        if (this._blockDblClick) {
-          if (!("_clickedTabBarOnce" in this)) {
-            this._clickedTabBarOnce = true;
-            return;
-          }
-          delete this._clickedTabBarOnce;
-          this._blockDblClick = false;
-        }
-      ]]></handler>
-      <handler event="click"><![CDATA[
-        if (event.button != 1)
-          return;
-        if (event.target.localName == "tab") {
-          this.tabbrowser.removeTab(event.target, {animate: true,
-                byMouse: event.mozInputSource == MouseEvent.MOZ_SOURCE_MOUSE});
-        } else if (event.originalTarget.localName == "box") {
-          // The user middleclicked an open space on the tabstrip. This could
-          // be because they intend to open a new tab, but it could also be
-          // because they just removed a tab and they now middleclicked on the
-          // resulting space while that tab is closing. In that case, we don't
-          // want to open a tab. So if we're removing one or more tabs, and
-          // the tab click is before the end of the last visible tab, we do
-          // nothing.
-          if (this.tabbrowser._removingTabs.length) {
-            let visibleTabs = this.tabbrowser.visibleTabs;
-            let ltr = (window.getComputedStyle(this).direction == "ltr");
-            let lastTab = visibleTabs[visibleTabs.length - 1];
-            let endOfTab = lastTab.getBoundingClientRect()[ltr ? "right" : "left"];
-            if ((ltr && event.clientX > endOfTab) ||
-                (!ltr && event.clientX < endOfTab)) {
-              BrowserOpenTab();
-            }
-          } else {
-            BrowserOpenTab();
-          }
-        } else {
-          return;
-        }
-        event.stopPropagation();
-      ]]></handler>
-      <handler event="keydown" group="system"><![CDATA[
-        if (event.altKey || event.shiftKey)
-          return;
-        let wrongModifiers;
-        if (AppConstants.platform == "macosx") {
-          wrongModifiers = !event.metaKey;
-        } else {
-          wrongModifiers = !event.ctrlKey || event.metaKey;
-        }
-        if (wrongModifiers)
-          return;
-        // Don't check if the event was already consumed because tab navigation
-        // should work always for better user experience.
-        switch (event.keyCode) {
-          case KeyEvent.DOM_VK_UP:
-            this.tabbrowser.moveTabBackward();
-            break;
-          case KeyEvent.DOM_VK_DOWN:
-            this.tabbrowser.moveTabForward();
-            break;
-          case KeyEvent.DOM_VK_RIGHT:
-          case KeyEvent.DOM_VK_LEFT:
-            this.tabbrowser.moveTabOver(event);
-            break;
-          case KeyEvent.DOM_VK_HOME:
-            this.tabbrowser.moveTabToStart();
-            break;
-          case KeyEvent.DOM_VK_END:
-            this.tabbrowser.moveTabToEnd();
-            break;
-          default:
-            // Consume the keydown event for the above keyboard
-            // shortcuts only.
-            return;
-        }
-        event.preventDefault();
-      ]]></handler>
-      <handler event="dragstart"><![CDATA[
-        var tab = this._getDragTargetTab(event, false);
-        if (!tab || this._isCustomizing)
-          return;
-        let dt = event.dataTransfer;
-        dt.mozSetDataAt(TAB_DROP_TYPE, tab, 0);
-        let browser = tab.linkedBrowser;
-        // We must not set text/x-moz-url or text/plain data here,
-        // otherwise trying to deatch the tab by dropping it on the desktop
-        // may result in an "internet shortcut"
-        dt.mozSetDataAt("text/x-moz-text-internal", browser.currentURI.spec, 0);
-        // Set the cursor to an arrow during tab drags.
-        dt.mozCursor = "default";
-        // Set the tab as the source of the drag, which ensures we have a stable
-        // node to deliver the `dragend` event.  See bug 1345473.
-        dt.addElement(tab);
-        // Create a canvas to which we capture the current tab.
-        // Until canvas is HiDPI-aware (bug 780362), we need to scale the desired
-        // canvas size (in CSS pixels) to the window's backing resolution in order
-        // to get a full-resolution drag image for use on HiDPI displays.
-        let windowUtils = window.getInterface(Ci.nsIDOMWindowUtils);
-        let scale = windowUtils.screenPixelsPerCSSPixel / windowUtils.fullZoom;
-        let canvas = this._dndCanvas;
-        if (!canvas) {
-          this._dndCanvas = canvas =
-            document.createElementNS("http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml", "canvas");
-          canvas.style.width = "100%";
-          canvas.style.height = "100%";
-          canvas.mozOpaque = true;
-        }
-        canvas.width = 160 * scale;
-        canvas.height = 90 * scale;
-        let toDrag = canvas;
-        let dragImageOffset = -16;
-        if (gMultiProcessBrowser) {
-          var context = canvas.getContext("2d");
-          context.fillStyle = "white";
-          context.fillRect(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height);
-          let captureListener;
-          let platform = AppConstants.platform;
-          // On Windows and Mac we can update the drag image during a drag
-          // using updateDragImage. On Linux, we can use a panel.
-          if (platform == "win" || platform == "macosx") {
-            captureListener = function() {
-              dt.updateDragImage(canvas, dragImageOffset, dragImageOffset);
-            };
-          } else {
-            // Create a panel to use it in setDragImage
-            // which will tell xul to render a panel that follows
-            // the pointer while a dnd session is on.
-            if (!this._dndPanel) {
-              this._dndCanvas = canvas;
-              this._dndPanel = document.createElement("panel");
-              this._dndPanel.className = "dragfeedback-tab";
-              this._dndPanel.setAttribute("type", "drag");
-              let wrapper = document.createElementNS("http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml", "div");
-              wrapper.style.width = "160px";
-              wrapper.style.height = "90px";
-              wrapper.appendChild(canvas);
-              this._dndPanel.appendChild(wrapper);
-              document.documentElement.appendChild(this._dndPanel);
-            }
-            toDrag = this._dndPanel;
-          }
-          // PageThumb is async with e10s but that's fine
-          // since we can update the image during the dnd.
-          PageThumbs.captureToCanvas(browser, canvas, captureListener);
-        } else {
-          // For the non e10s case we can just use PageThumbs
-          // sync, so let's use the canvas for setDragImage.
-          PageThumbs.captureToCanvas(browser, canvas);
-          dragImageOffset = dragImageOffset * scale;
-        }
-        dt.setDragImage(toDrag, dragImageOffset, dragImageOffset);
-        // _dragData.offsetX/Y give the coordinates that the mouse should be
-        // positioned relative to the corner of the new window created upon
-        // dragend such that the mouse appears to have the same position
-        // relative to the corner of the dragged tab.
-        function clientX(ele) {
-          return ele.getBoundingClientRect().left;
-        }
-        let tabOffsetX = clientX(tab) - clientX(this);
-        tab._dragData = {
-          offsetX: event.screenX - window.screenX - tabOffsetX,
-          offsetY: event.screenY - window.screenY,
-          scrollX: this.arrowScrollbox._scrollbox.scrollLeft,
-          screenX: event.screenX
-        };
-        event.stopPropagation();
-      ]]></handler>
-      <handler event="dragover"><![CDATA[
-        var effects = this._getDropEffectForTabDrag(event);
-        var ind = this._tabDropIndicator;
-        if (effects == "" || effects == "none") {
-          ind.collapsed = true;
-          return;
-        }
-        event.preventDefault();
-        event.stopPropagation();
-        var arrowScrollbox = this.arrowScrollbox;
-        var ltr = (window.getComputedStyle(this).direction == "ltr");
-        // autoscroll the tab strip if we drag over the scroll
-        // buttons, even if we aren't dragging a tab, but then
-        // return to avoid drawing the drop indicator
-        var pixelsToScroll = 0;
-        if (this.getAttribute("overflow") == "true") {
-          var targetAnonid = event.originalTarget.getAttribute("anonid");
-          switch (targetAnonid) {
-            case "scrollbutton-up":
-              pixelsToScroll = arrowScrollbox.scrollIncrement * -1;
-              break;
-            case "scrollbutton-down":
-              pixelsToScroll = arrowScrollbox.scrollIncrement;
-              break;
-          }
-          if (pixelsToScroll)
-            arrowScrollbox.scrollByPixels((ltr ? 1 : -1) * pixelsToScroll, true);
-        }
-        if (effects == "move" &&
-            this == event.dataTransfer.mozGetDataAt(TAB_DROP_TYPE, 0).parentNode) {
-          ind.collapsed = true;
-          this._animateTabMove(event);
-          return;
-        }
-        this._finishAnimateTabMove();
-        if (effects == "link") {
-          let tab = this._getDragTargetTab(event, true);
-          if (tab) {
-            if (!this._dragTime)
-              this._dragTime = Date.now();
-            if (Date.now() >= this._dragTime + this._dragOverDelay)
-              this.selectedItem = tab;
-            ind.collapsed = true;
-            return;
-          }
-        }
-        var rect = arrowScrollbox.getBoundingClientRect();
-        var newMargin;
-        if (pixelsToScroll) {
-          // if we are scrolling, put the drop indicator at the edge
-          // so that it doesn't jump while scrolling
-          let scrollRect = arrowScrollbox.scrollClientRect;
-          let minMargin = scrollRect.left - rect.left;
-          let maxMargin = Math.min(minMargin + scrollRect.width,
-                                   scrollRect.right);
-          if (!ltr)
-            [minMargin, maxMargin] = [this.clientWidth - maxMargin,
-                                      this.clientWidth - minMargin];
-          newMargin = (pixelsToScroll > 0) ? maxMargin : minMargin;
-        } else {
-          let newIndex = this._getDropIndex(event, effects == "link");
-          if (newIndex == this.childNodes.length) {
-            let tabRect = this.childNodes[newIndex - 1].getBoundingClientRect();
-            if (ltr)
-              newMargin = tabRect.right - rect.left;
-            else
-              newMargin = rect.right - tabRect.left;
-          } else {
-            let tabRect = this.childNodes[newIndex].getBoundingClientRect();
-            if (ltr)
-              newMargin = tabRect.left - rect.left;
-            else
-              newMargin = rect.right - tabRect.right;
-          }
-        }
-        ind.collapsed = false;
-        newMargin += ind.clientWidth / 2;
-        if (!ltr)
-          newMargin *= -1;
-        ind.style.transform = "translate(" + Math.round(newMargin) + "px)";
-        ind.style.marginInlineStart = (-ind.clientWidth) + "px";
-      ]]></handler>
-      <handler event="drop"><![CDATA[
-        var dt = event.dataTransfer;
-        var dropEffect = dt.dropEffect;
-        var draggedTab;
-        if (dt.mozTypesAt(0)[0] == TAB_DROP_TYPE) { // tab copy or move
-          draggedTab = dt.mozGetDataAt(TAB_DROP_TYPE, 0);
-          // not our drop then
-          if (!draggedTab)
-            return;
-        }
-        this._tabDropIndicator.collapsed = true;
-        event.stopPropagation();
-        if (draggedTab && dropEffect == "copy") {
-          // copy the dropped tab (wherever it's from)
-          let newIndex = this._getDropIndex(event, false);
-          let newTab = this.tabbrowser.duplicateTab(draggedTab);
-          this.tabbrowser.moveTabTo(newTab, newIndex);
-          if (draggedTab.parentNode != this || event.shiftKey)
-            this.selectedItem = newTab;
-        } else if (draggedTab && draggedTab.parentNode == this) {
-          let oldTranslateX = Math.round(draggedTab._dragData.translateX);
-          let tabWidth = Math.round(draggedTab._dragData.tabWidth);
-          let translateOffset = oldTranslateX % tabWidth;
-          let newTranslateX = oldTranslateX - translateOffset;
-          if (oldTranslateX > 0 && translateOffset > tabWidth / 2) {
-            newTranslateX += tabWidth;
-          } else if (oldTranslateX < 0 && -translateOffset > tabWidth / 2) {
-            newTranslateX -= tabWidth;
-          }
-          let dropIndex = "animDropIndex" in draggedTab._dragData &&
-                          draggedTab._dragData.animDropIndex;
-          if (dropIndex && dropIndex > draggedTab._tPos)
-            dropIndex--;
-          let animate = this.tabbrowser.animationsEnabled;
-          if (oldTranslateX && oldTranslateX != newTranslateX && animate) {
-            draggedTab.setAttribute("tabdrop-samewindow", "true");
-            draggedTab.style.transform = "translateX(" + newTranslateX + "px)";
-            let onTransitionEnd = transitionendEvent => {
-              if (transitionendEvent.propertyName != "transform" ||
-                  transitionendEvent.originalTarget != draggedTab) {
-                return;
-              }
-              draggedTab.removeEventListener("transitionend", onTransitionEnd);
-              draggedTab.removeAttribute("tabdrop-samewindow");
-              this._finishAnimateTabMove();
-              if (dropIndex !== false)
-                this.tabbrowser.moveTabTo(draggedTab, dropIndex);
-              this.tabbrowser.syncThrobberAnimations(draggedTab);
-            };
-            draggedTab.addEventListener("transitionend", onTransitionEnd);
-          } else {
-            this._finishAnimateTabMove();
-            if (dropIndex !== false)
-              this.tabbrowser.moveTabTo(draggedTab, dropIndex);
-          }
-        } else if (draggedTab) {
-          let newIndex = this._getDropIndex(event, false);
-          this.tabbrowser.adoptTab(draggedTab, newIndex, true);
-        } else {
-          // Pass true to disallow dropping javascript: or data: urls
-          let links;
-          try {
-            links = browserDragAndDrop.dropLinks(event, true);
-          } catch (ex) {}
-          if (!links || links.length === 0)
-            return;
-          let inBackground = Services.prefs.getBoolPref("browser.tabs.loadInBackground");
-          if (event.shiftKey)
-            inBackground = !inBackground;
-          let targetTab = this._getDragTargetTab(event, true);
-          let userContextId = this.selectedItem.getAttribute("usercontextid");
-          let replace = !!targetTab;
-          let newIndex = this._getDropIndex(event, true);
-          let urls = links.map(link => link.url);
-          let triggeringPrincipal = browserDragAndDrop.getTriggeringPrincipal(event);
-          this.tabbrowser.loadTabs(urls, {
-            inBackground,
-            replace,
-            allowThirdPartyFixup: true,
-            targetTab,
-            newIndex,
-            userContextId,
-            triggeringPrincipal,
-          });
-        }
-        if (draggedTab) {
-          delete draggedTab._dragData;
-        }
-      ]]></handler>
-      <handler event="dragend"><![CDATA[
-        var dt = event.dataTransfer;
-        var draggedTab = dt.mozGetDataAt(TAB_DROP_TYPE, 0);
-        // Prevent this code from running if a tabdrop animation is
-        // running since calling _finishAnimateTabMove would clear
-        // any CSS transition that is running.
-        if (draggedTab.hasAttribute("tabdrop-samewindow"))
-          return;
-        this._finishAnimateTabMove();
-        if (dt.mozUserCancelled || dt.dropEffect != "none" || this._isCustomizing) {
-          delete draggedTab._dragData;
-          return;
-        }
-        // Disable detach within the browser toolbox
-        var eX = event.screenX;
-        var eY = event.screenY;
-        var wX = window.screenX;
-        // check if the drop point is horizontally within the window
-        if (eX > wX && eX < (wX + window.outerWidth)) {
-          let bo = this.arrowScrollbox.boxObject;
-          // also avoid detaching if the the tab was dropped too close to
-          // the tabbar (half a tab)
-          let endScreenY = bo.screenY + 1.5 * bo.height;
-          if (eY < endScreenY && eY > window.screenY)
-            return;
-        }
-        // screen.availLeft et. al. only check the screen that this window is on,
-        // but we want to look at the screen the tab is being dropped onto.
-        var screen = Cc["@mozilla.org/gfx/screenmanager;1"]
-                       .getService(Ci.nsIScreenManager)
-                       .screenForRect(eX, eY, 1, 1);
-        var fullX = {}, fullY = {}, fullWidth = {}, fullHeight = {};
-        var availX = {}, availY = {}, availWidth = {}, availHeight = {};
-        // get full screen rect and available rect, both in desktop pix
-        screen.GetRectDisplayPix(fullX, fullY, fullWidth, fullHeight);
-        screen.GetAvailRectDisplayPix(availX, availY, availWidth, availHeight);
-        // scale factor to convert desktop pixels to CSS px
-        var scaleFactor =
-          screen.contentsScaleFactor / screen.defaultCSSScaleFactor;
-        // synchronize CSS-px top-left coordinates with the screen's desktop-px
-        // coordinates, to ensure uniqueness across multiple screens
-        // (compare the equivalent adjustments in nsGlobalWindow::GetScreenXY()
-        // and related methods)
-        availX.value = (availX.value - fullX.value) * scaleFactor + fullX.value;
-        availY.value = (availY.value - fullY.value) * scaleFactor + fullY.value;
-        availWidth.value *= scaleFactor;
-        availHeight.value *= scaleFactor;
-        // ensure new window entirely within screen
-        var winWidth = Math.min(window.outerWidth, availWidth.value);
-        var winHeight = Math.min(window.outerHeight, availHeight.value);
-        var left = Math.min(Math.max(eX - draggedTab._dragData.offsetX, availX.value),
-                            availX.value + availWidth.value - winWidth);
-        var top = Math.min(Math.max(eY - draggedTab._dragData.offsetY, availY.value),
-                           availY.value + availHeight.value - winHeight);
-        delete draggedTab._dragData;
-        if (this.tabbrowser.tabs.length == 1) {
-          // resize _before_ move to ensure the window fits the new screen.  if
-          // the window is too large for its screen, the window manager may do
-          // automatic repositioning.
-          window.resizeTo(winWidth, winHeight);
-          window.moveTo(left, top);
-          window.focus();
-        } else {
-          let props = { screenX: left, screenY: top, suppressanimation: 1 };
-          if (AppConstants.platform != "win") {
-            props.outerWidth = winWidth;
-            props.outerHeight = winHeight;
-          }
-          this.tabbrowser.replaceTabWithWindow(draggedTab, props);
-        }
-        event.stopPropagation();
-      ]]></handler>
-      <handler event="dragexit"><![CDATA[
-        this._dragTime = 0;
-        // This does not work at all (see bug 458613)
-        var target = event.relatedTarget;
-        while (target && target != this)
-          target = target.parentNode;
-        if (target)
-          return;
-        this._tabDropIndicator.collapsed = true;
-        event.stopPropagation();
-      ]]></handler>
-    </handlers>
-  </binding>
-  <binding id="tabbrowser-tab" display="xul:hbox"
-           extends="chrome://global/content/bindings/tabbox.xml#tab">
-    <resources>
-      <stylesheet src="chrome://browser/content/tabbrowser.css"/>
-    </resources>
-    <content context="tabContextMenu">
-      <xul:stack class="tab-stack" flex="1">
-        <xul:vbox xbl:inherits="selected=visuallyselected,fadein"
-                  class="tab-background">
-          <xul:hbox xbl:inherits="selected=visuallyselected"
-                    class="tab-line"/>
-          <xul:spacer flex="1"/>
-          <xul:hbox class="tab-bottom-line"/>
-        </xul:vbox>
-        <xul:hbox xbl:inherits="pinned,bursting,notselectedsinceload"
-                  anonid="tab-loading-burst"
-                  class="tab-loading-burst"/>
-        <xul:hbox xbl:inherits="pinned,selected=visuallyselected,titlechanged,attention"
-                  class="tab-content" align="center">
-          <xul:hbox xbl:inherits="fadein,pinned,busy,progress,selected=visuallyselected"
-                    anonid="tab-throbber"
-                    class="tab-throbber"
-                    layer="true"/>
-          <xul:image xbl:inherits="fadein,pinned,busy,progress,selected=visuallyselected"
-                     class="tab-throbber-fallback"
-                     role="presentation"
-                     layer="true"/>
-          <xul:image xbl:inherits="src=image,triggeringprincipal=iconloadingprincipal,requestcontextid,fadein,pinned,selected=visuallyselected,busy,crashed,sharing"
-                     anonid="tab-icon-image"
-                     class="tab-icon-image"
-                     validate="never"
-                     role="presentation"/>
-          <xul:image xbl:inherits="sharing,selected=visuallyselected,pinned"
-                     anonid="sharing-icon"
-                     class="tab-sharing-icon-overlay"
-                     role="presentation"/>
-          <xul:image xbl:inherits="crashed,busy,soundplaying,soundplaying-scheduledremoval,pinned,muted,blocked,selected=visuallyselected,activemedia-blocked"
-                     anonid="overlay-icon"
-                     class="tab-icon-overlay"
-                     role="presentation"/>
-          <xul:hbox class="tab-label-container"
-                    xbl:inherits="pinned,selected=visuallyselected,labeldirection"
-                    onoverflow="this.setAttribute('textoverflow', 'true');"
-                    onunderflow="this.removeAttribute('textoverflow');"
-                    flex="1">
-            <xul:label class="tab-text tab-label"
-                       xbl:inherits="xbl:text=label,accesskey,fadein,pinned,selected=visuallyselected,attention"
-                       role="presentation"/>
-          </xul:hbox>
-          <xul:image xbl:inherits="soundplaying,soundplaying-scheduledremoval,pinned,muted,blocked,selected=visuallyselected,activemedia-blocked"
-                     anonid="soundplaying-icon"
-                     class="tab-icon-sound"
-                     role="presentation"/>
-          <xul:image anonid="close-button"
-                     xbl:inherits="fadein,pinned,selected=visuallyselected"
-                     class="tab-close-button close-icon"
-                     role="presentation"/>
-        </xul:hbox>
-      </xul:stack>
-    </content>
-    <implementation>
-      <constructor><![CDATA[
-        if (!("_lastAccessed" in this)) {
-          this.updateLastAccessed();
-        }
-      ]]></constructor>
-      <property name="_visuallySelected">
-        <setter>
-          <![CDATA[
-          if (val)
-            this.setAttribute("visuallyselected", "true");
-          else
-            this.removeAttribute("visuallyselected");
-          this.parentNode.tabbrowser._tabAttrModified(this, ["visuallyselected"]);
-          return val;
-          ]]>
-        </setter>
-      </property>
-      <property name="_selected">
-        <setter>
-          <![CDATA[
-          // in e10s we want to only pseudo-select a tab before its rendering is done, so that
-          // the rest of the system knows that the tab is selected, but we don't want to update its
-          // visual status to selected until after we receive confirmation that its content has painted.
-          if (val)
-            this.setAttribute("selected", "true");
-          else
-            this.removeAttribute("selected");
-          // If we're non-e10s we should update the visual selection as well at the same time,
-          // *or* if we're e10s and the visually selected tab isn't changing, in which case the
-          // tab switcher code won't run and update anything else (like the before- and after-
-          // selected attributes).
-          if (!gMultiProcessBrowser || (val && this.hasAttribute("visuallyselected"))) {
-            this._visuallySelected = val;
-          }
-          return val;
-        ]]>
-        </setter>
-      </property>
-      <property name="pinned" readonly="true">
-        <getter>
-          return this.getAttribute("pinned") == "true";
-        </getter>
-      </property>
-      <property name="hidden" readonly="true">
-        <getter>
-          return this.getAttribute("hidden") == "true";
-        </getter>
-      </property>
-      <property name="muted" readonly="true">
-        <getter>
-          return this.getAttribute("muted") == "true";
-        </getter>
-      </property>
-      <!--
-      Describes how the tab ended up in this mute state. May be any of:
-       - undefined: The tabs mute state has never changed.
-       - null: The mute state was last changed through the UI.
-       - Any string: The ID was changed through an extension API. The string
-                     must be the ID of the extension which changed it.
-      -->
-      <field name="muteReason">undefined</field>
-      <property name="userContextId" readonly="true">
-        <getter>
-          return this.hasAttribute("usercontextid")
-                   ? parseInt(this.getAttribute("usercontextid"))
-                   : 0;
-        </getter>
-      </property>
-      <property name="soundPlaying" readonly="true">
-        <getter>
-          return this.getAttribute("soundplaying") == "true";
-        </getter>
-      </property>
-      <property name="activeMediaBlocked" readonly="true">
-        <getter>
-          return this.getAttribute("activemedia-blocked") == "true";
-        </getter>
-      </property>
-      <property name="lastAccessed">
-        <getter>
-          return this._lastAccessed == Infinity ? Date.now() : this._lastAccessed;
-        </getter>
-      </property>
-      <method name="updateLastAccessed">
-        <parameter name="aDate"/>
-        <body><![CDATA[
-          this._lastAccessed = this.selected ? Infinity : (aDate || Date.now());
-        ]]></body>
-      </method>
-      <field name="mOverCloseButton">false</field>
-      <property name="_overPlayingIcon" readonly="true">
-        <getter><![CDATA[
-          let iconVisible = this.hasAttribute("soundplaying") ||
-                            this.hasAttribute("muted") ||
-                            this.hasAttribute("activemedia-blocked");
-          let soundPlayingIcon =
-            document.getAnonymousElementByAttribute(this, "anonid", "soundplaying-icon");
-          let overlayIcon =
-            document.getAnonymousElementByAttribute(this, "anonid", "overlay-icon");
-          return soundPlayingIcon && soundPlayingIcon.matches(":hover") ||
-                 (overlayIcon && overlayIcon.matches(":hover") && iconVisible);
-        ]]></getter>
-      </property>
-      <field name="mCorrespondingMenuitem">null</field>
-      <!--
-      While it would make sense to track this in a field, the field will get nuked
-      once the node is gone from the DOM, which causes us to think the tab is not
-      closed, which causes us to make wrong decisions. So we use an expando instead.
-      <field name="closing">false</field>
-      -->
-      <method name="_mouseenter">
-        <body><![CDATA[
-          if (this.hidden || this.closing)
-            return;
-          let tabContainer = this.parentNode;
-          let visibleTabs = tabContainer.tabbrowser.visibleTabs;
-          let tabIndex = visibleTabs.indexOf(this);
-          if (this.selected)
-            tabContainer._handleTabSelect();
-          if (tabIndex == 0) {
-            tabContainer._beforeHoveredTab = null;
-          } else {
-            let candidate = visibleTabs[tabIndex - 1];
-            let separatedByScrollButton =
-              tabContainer.getAttribute("overflow") == "true" &&
-              candidate.pinned && !this.pinned;
-            if (!candidate.selected && !separatedByScrollButton) {
-              tabContainer._beforeHoveredTab = candidate;
-              candidate.setAttribute("beforehovered", "true");
-            }
-          }
-          if (tabIndex == visibleTabs.length - 1) {
-            tabContainer._afterHoveredTab = null;
-          } else {
-            let candidate = visibleTabs[tabIndex + 1];
-            if (!candidate.selected) {
-              tabContainer._afterHoveredTab = candidate;
-              candidate.setAttribute("afterhovered", "true");
-            }
-          }
-          tabContainer._hoveredTab = this;
-          if (this.linkedPanel && !this.selected) {
-            this.linkedBrowser.unselectedTabHover(true);
-            this.startUnselectedTabHoverTimer();
-          }
-          // Prepare connection to host beforehand.
-          SessionStore.speculativeConnectOnTabHover(this);
-          let tabToWarm = this;
-          if (this.mOverCloseButton) {
-            tabToWarm = tabContainer.tabbrowser._findTabToBlurTo(this);
-          }
-          tabContainer.tabbrowser.warmupTab(tabToWarm);
-        ]]></body>
-      </method>
-      <method name="_mouseleave">
-        <body><![CDATA[
-          let tabContainer = this.parentNode;
-          if (tabContainer._beforeHoveredTab) {
-            tabContainer._beforeHoveredTab.removeAttribute("beforehovered");
-            tabContainer._beforeHoveredTab = null;
-          }
-          if (tabContainer._afterHoveredTab) {
-            tabContainer._afterHoveredTab.removeAttribute("afterhovered");
-            tabContainer._afterHoveredTab = null;
-          }
-          tabContainer._hoveredTab = null;
-          if (this.linkedPanel && !this.selected) {
-            this.linkedBrowser.unselectedTabHover(false);
-            this.cancelUnselectedTabHoverTimer();
-          }
-        ]]></body>
-      </method>
-      <method name="startUnselectedTabHoverTimer">
-        <body><![CDATA[
-          // Only record data when we need to.
-          if (!this.linkedBrowser.shouldHandleUnselectedTabHover) {
-            return;
-          }
-          if (!TelemetryStopwatch.running("HOVER_UNTIL_UNSELECTED_TAB_OPENED", this)) {
-            TelemetryStopwatch.start("HOVER_UNTIL_UNSELECTED_TAB_OPENED", this);
-          }
-          if (this._hoverTabTimer) {
-            clearTimeout(this._hoverTabTimer);
-            this._hoverTabTimer = null;
-          }
-        ]]></body>
-      </method>
-      <method name="cancelUnselectedTabHoverTimer">
-        <body><![CDATA[
-          // Since we're listening "mouseout" event, instead of "mouseleave".
-          // Every time the cursor is moving from the tab to its child node (icon),
-          // it would dispatch "mouseout"(for tab) first and then dispatch
-          // "mouseover" (for icon, eg: close button, speaker icon) soon.
-          // It causes we would cancel present TelemetryStopwatch immediately
-          // when cursor is moving on the icon, and then start a new one.
-          // In order to avoid this situation, we could delay cancellation and
-          // remove it if we get "mouseover" within very short period.
-          this._hoverTabTimer = setTimeout(() => {
-            if (TelemetryStopwatch.running("HOVER_UNTIL_UNSELECTED_TAB_OPENED", this)) {
-              TelemetryStopwatch.cancel("HOVER_UNTIL_UNSELECTED_TAB_OPENED", this);
-            }
-          }, 100);
-        ]]></body>
-      </method>
-      <method name="finishUnselectedTabHoverTimer">
-        <body><![CDATA[
-          // Stop timer when the tab is opened.
-          if (TelemetryStopwatch.running("HOVER_UNTIL_UNSELECTED_TAB_OPENED", this)) {
-            TelemetryStopwatch.finish("HOVER_UNTIL_UNSELECTED_TAB_OPENED", this);
-          }
-        ]]></body>
-      </method>
-      <method name="startMediaBlockTimer">
-        <body><![CDATA[
-          TelemetryStopwatch.start("TAB_MEDIA_BLOCKING_TIME_MS", this);
-        ]]></body>
-      </method>
-       <method name="finishMediaBlockTimer">
-        <body><![CDATA[
-          TelemetryStopwatch.finish("TAB_MEDIA_BLOCKING_TIME_MS", this);
-        ]]></body>
-      </method>
-      <method name="toggleMuteAudio">
-        <parameter name="aMuteReason"/>
-        <body>
-        <![CDATA[
-          // Do not attempt to toggle mute state if browser is lazy.
-          if (!this.linkedPanel) {
-            return;
-          }
-          let tabContainer = this.parentNode;
-          let browser = this.linkedBrowser;
-          let modifiedAttrs = [];
-          let hist = Services.telemetry.getHistogramById("TAB_AUDIO_INDICATOR_USED");
-          if (this.hasAttribute("activemedia-blocked")) {
-            this.removeAttribute("activemedia-blocked");
-            modifiedAttrs.push("activemedia-blocked");
-            browser.resumeMedia();
-            hist.add(3 /* unblockByClickingIcon */);
-            this.finishMediaBlockTimer();
-          } else {
-            if (browser.audioMuted) {
-              browser.unmute();
-              this.removeAttribute("muted");
-              BrowserUITelemetry.countTabMutingEvent("unmute", aMuteReason);
-              hist.add(1 /* unmute */);
-            } else {
-              browser.mute();
-              this.setAttribute("muted", "true");
-              BrowserUITelemetry.countTabMutingEvent("mute", aMuteReason);
-              hist.add(0 /* mute */);
-            }
-            this.muteReason = aMuteReason || null;
-            modifiedAttrs.push("muted");
-          }
-          tabContainer.tabbrowser._tabAttrModified(this, modifiedAttrs);
-        ]]>
-        </body>
-      </method>
-      <method name="setUserContextId">
-        <parameter name="aUserContextId"/>
-        <body>
-        <![CDATA[
-          if (aUserContextId) {
-            if (this.linkedBrowser) {
-              this.linkedBrowser.setAttribute("usercontextid", aUserContextId);
-            }
-            this.setAttribute("usercontextid", aUserContextId);
-          } else {
-            if (this.linkedBrowser) {
-              this.linkedBrowser.removeAttribute("usercontextid");
-            }
-            this.removeAttribute("usercontextid");
-          }
-          ContextualIdentityService.setTabStyle(this);
-        ]]>
-        </body>
-      </method>
-    </implementation>
-    <handlers>
-      <handler event="mouseover"><![CDATA[
-        if (event.originalTarget.getAttribute("anonid") == "close-button") {
-          this.mOverCloseButton = true;
-        }
-        this._mouseenter();
-      ]]></handler>
-      <handler event="mouseout"><![CDATA[
-        if (event.originalTarget.getAttribute("anonid") == "close-button") {
-          this.mOverCloseButton = false;
-        }
-        this._mouseleave();
-      ]]></handler>
-      <handler event="dragstart" phase="capturing">
-        this.style.MozUserFocus = "";
-      </handler>
-      <handler event="dragstart"><![CDATA[
-        if (this.mOverCloseButton) {
-          event.stopPropagation();
-        }
-      ]]></handler>
-      <handler event="mousedown" phase="capturing">
-      <![CDATA[
-        if (this.selected) {
-          this.style.MozUserFocus = "ignore";
-        } else if (this.mOverCloseButton ||
-                   this._overPlayingIcon) {
-          // Prevent tabbox.xml from selecting the tab.
-          event.stopPropagation();
-        }
-      ]]>
-      </handler>
-      <handler event="mouseup">
-        this.style.MozUserFocus = "";
-      </handler>
-      <handler event="click" button="0"><![CDATA[
-        if (this._overPlayingIcon) {
-          this.toggleMuteAudio();
-          return;
-        }
-        if (event.originalTarget.getAttribute("anonid") == "close-button") {
-          let tabContainer = this.parentNode;
-          tabContainer.tabbrowser.removeTab(this, {animate: true,
-                  byMouse: event.mozInputSource == MouseEvent.MOZ_SOURCE_MOUSE});
-          // This enables double-click protection for the tab container
-          // (see tabbrowser-tabs 'click' handler).
-          tabContainer._blockDblClick = true;
-        }
-      ]]></handler>
-      <handler event="dblclick" button="0" phase="capturing"><![CDATA[
-        // for the one-close-button case
-        if (event.originalTarget.getAttribute("anonid") == "close-button") {
-          event.stopPropagation();
-        }
-      ]]></handler>
-      <handler event="animationend">
-      <![CDATA[
-        if (event.originalTarget.getAttribute("anonid") == "tab-loading-burst") {
-          this.removeAttribute("bursting");
-        }
-      ]]>
-      </handler>
-    </handlers>
-  </binding>
-  <binding id="tabbrowser-alltabs-popup"
-           extends="chrome://global/content/bindings/popup.xml#popup">
-    <implementation implements="nsIDOMEventListener">
-      <method name="_tabOnAttrModified">
-        <parameter name="aEvent"/>
-        <body><![CDATA[
-          var tab = aEvent.target;
-          if (tab.mCorrespondingMenuitem)
-            this._setMenuitemAttributes(tab.mCorrespondingMenuitem, tab);
-        ]]></body>
-      </method>
-      <method name="_tabOnTabClose">
-        <parameter name="aEvent"/>
-        <body><![CDATA[
-          var tab = aEvent.target;
-          if (tab.mCorrespondingMenuitem)
-            this.removeChild(tab.mCorrespondingMenuitem);
-        ]]></body>
-      </method>
-      <method name="handleEvent">
-        <parameter name="aEvent"/>
-        <body><![CDATA[
-          switch (aEvent.type) {
-            case "TabAttrModified":
-              this._tabOnAttrModified(aEvent);
-              break;
-            case "TabClose":
-              this._tabOnTabClose(aEvent);
-              break;
-          }
-        ]]></body>
-      </method>
-      <method name="_updateTabsVisibilityStatus">
-        <body><![CDATA[
-          var tabContainer = gBrowser.tabContainer;
-          // We don't want menu item decoration unless there is overflow.
-          if (tabContainer.getAttribute("overflow") != "true") {
-            return;
-          }
-          let windowUtils = window.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIInterfaceRequestor)
-                                  .getInterface(Ci.nsIDOMWindowUtils);
-          let arrowScrollboxRect = windowUtils.getBoundsWithoutFlushing(tabContainer.arrowScrollbox);
-          for (let menuitem of this.childNodes) {
-            let curTab = menuitem.tab;
-            if (!curTab) {
-              // "Undo close tab", menuseparator, or entries put here by addons.
-              continue;
-            }
-            let curTabRect = windowUtils.getBoundsWithoutFlushing(curTab);
-            if (curTabRect.left >= arrowScrollboxRect.left &&
-                curTabRect.right <= arrowScrollboxRect.right) {
-              menuitem.setAttribute("tabIsVisible", "true");
-            } else {
-              menuitem.removeAttribute("tabIsVisible");
-            }
-          }
-        ]]></body>
-      </method>
-      <method name="_createTabMenuItem">
-        <parameter name="aTab"/>
-        <body><![CDATA[
-          var menuItem = document.createElementNS(
-            "http://www.mozilla.org/keymaster/gatekeeper/there.is.only.xul",
-            "menuitem");
-          menuItem.setAttribute("class", "menuitem-iconic alltabs-item menuitem-with-favicon");
-          this._setMenuitemAttributes(menuItem, aTab);
-          aTab.mCorrespondingMenuitem = menuItem;
-          menuItem.tab = aTab;
-          this.appendChild(menuItem);
-        ]]></body>
-      </method>
-      <method name="_setMenuitemAttributes">
-        <parameter name="aMenuitem"/>
-        <parameter name="aTab"/>
-        <body><![CDATA[
-          aMenuitem.setAttribute("label", aTab.label);
-          aMenuitem.setAttribute("crop", "end");
-          if (aTab.hasAttribute("busy")) {
-            aMenuitem.setAttribute("busy", aTab.getAttribute("busy"));
-            aMenuitem.removeAttribute("iconloadingprincipal");
-            aMenuitem.removeAttribute("image");
-          } else {
-            aMenuitem.setAttribute("iconloadingprincipal", aTab.getAttribute("iconloadingprincipal"));
-            aMenuitem.setAttribute("image", aTab.getAttribute("image"));
-            aMenuitem.removeAttribute("busy");
-          }
-          if (aTab.hasAttribute("pending"))
-            aMenuitem.setAttribute("pending", aTab.getAttribute("pending"));
-          else
-            aMenuitem.removeAttribute("pending");
-          if (aTab.selected)
-            aMenuitem.setAttribute("selected", "true");
-          else
-            aMenuitem.removeAttribute("selected");
-          function addEndImage() {
-            let endImage = document.createElement("image");
-            endImage.setAttribute("class", "alltabs-endimage");
-            let endImageContainer = document.createElement("hbox");
-            endImageContainer.setAttribute("align", "center");
-            endImageContainer.setAttribute("pack", "center");
-            endImageContainer.appendChild(endImage);
-            aMenuitem.appendChild(endImageContainer);
-            return endImage;
-          }
-          if (aMenuitem.firstChild)
-            aMenuitem.firstChild.remove();
-          if (aTab.hasAttribute("muted"))
-            addEndImage().setAttribute("muted", "true");
-          else if (aTab.hasAttribute("soundplaying"))
-            addEndImage().setAttribute("soundplaying", "true");
-        ]]></body>
-      </method>
-    </implementation>
-    <handlers>
-      <handler event="popupshowing">
-      <![CDATA[
-        if (event.target.getAttribute("id") == "alltabs_containersMenuTab") {
-          createUserContextMenu(event, {useAccessKeys: false});
-          return;
-        }
-        let containersEnabled = Services.prefs.getBoolPref("privacy.userContext.enabled");
-        if (event.target.getAttribute("anonid") == "newtab-popup" ||
-            event.target.id == "newtab-popup") {
-          createUserContextMenu(event, {
-            useAccessKeys: false,
-            showDefaultTab: Services.prefs.getIntPref("privacy.userContext.longPressBehavior") == 1
-          });
-        } else {
-          document.getElementById("alltabs-popup-separator-1").hidden = !containersEnabled;
-          let containersTab = document.getElementById("alltabs_containersTab");
-          containersTab.hidden = !containersEnabled;
-          if (PrivateBrowsingUtils.isWindowPrivate(window)) {
-            containersTab.setAttribute("disabled", "true");
-          }
-          document.getElementById("alltabs_undoCloseTab").disabled =
-            SessionStore.getClosedTabCount(window) == 0;
-          var tabcontainer = gBrowser.tabContainer;
-          // Listen for changes in the tab bar.
-          tabcontainer.addEventListener("TabAttrModified", this);
-          tabcontainer.addEventListener("TabClose", this);
-          let tabs = gBrowser.visibleTabs;
-          for (var i = 0; i < tabs.length; i++) {
-            if (!tabs[i].pinned)
-              this._createTabMenuItem(tabs[i]);
-          }
-          this._updateTabsVisibilityStatus();
-        }
-      ]]></handler>
-      <handler event="popuphidden">
-      <![CDATA[
-        if (event.target.getAttribute("id") == "alltabs_containersMenuTab") {
-          return;
-        }
-        // clear out the menu popup and remove the listeners
-        for (let i = this.childNodes.length - 1; i > 0; i--) {
-          let menuItem = this.childNodes[i];
-          if (menuItem.tab) {
-            menuItem.tab.mCorrespondingMenuitem = null;
-            this.removeChild(menuItem);
-          }
-          if (menuItem.hasAttribute("usercontextid")) {
-            this.removeChild(menuItem);
-          }
-        }
-        var tabcontainer = gBrowser.tabContainer;
-        tabcontainer.removeEventListener("TabAttrModified", this);
-        tabcontainer.removeEventListener("TabClose", this);
-      ]]></handler>
-      <handler event="DOMMenuItemActive">
-      <![CDATA[
-        var tab = event.target.tab;
-        if (tab) {
-          let overLink = tab.linkedBrowser.currentURI.displaySpec;
-          if (overLink == "about:blank")
-            overLink = "";
-          XULBrowserWindow.setOverLink(overLink, null);
-        }
-      ]]></handler>
-      <handler event="DOMMenuItemInactive">
-      <![CDATA[
-        XULBrowserWindow.setOverLink("", null);
-      ]]></handler>
-      <handler event="command"><![CDATA[
-        if (event.target.tab) {
-          if (gBrowser.selectedTab != event.target.tab) {
-            gBrowser.selectedTab = event.target.tab;
-          } else {
-            gBrowser.tabContainer._handleTabSelect();
-          }
-        }
-      ]]></handler>
-    </handlers>
-  </binding>
-  <binding id="statuspanel" display="xul:hbox">
-    <content>
-      <xul:hbox class="statuspanel-inner">
-        <xul:label class="statuspanel-label"
-                   role="status"
-                   aria-live="off"
-                   xbl:inherits="value=label,crop,mirror"
-                   flex="1"
-                   crop="end"/>
-      </xul:hbox>
-    </content>
-    <implementation implements="nsIDOMEventListener">
-      <constructor><![CDATA[
-        window.addEventListener("resize", this);
-      ]]></constructor>
-      <destructor><![CDATA[
-        window.removeEventListener("resize", this);
-        MousePosTracker.removeListener(this);
-      ]]></destructor>
-      <property name="label">
-        <setter><![CDATA[
-          if (!this.label) {
-            this.removeAttribute("mirror");
-            this.removeAttribute("sizelimit");
-          }
-          if (this.getAttribute("type") == "status" &&
-              this.getAttribute("previoustype") == "status") {
-            // Before updating the label, set the panel's current width as its
-            // min-width to let the panel grow but not shrink and prevent
-            // unnecessary flicker while loading pages. We only care about the
-            // panel's width once it has been painted, so we can do this
-            // without flushing layout.
-            this.style.minWidth =
-              window.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIInterfaceRequestor)
-                    .getInterface(Ci.nsIDOMWindowUtils)
-                    .getBoundsWithoutFlushing(this).width + "px";
-          } else {
-            this.style.minWidth = "";
-          }
-          if (val) {
-            this.setAttribute("label", val);
-            this.removeAttribute("inactive");
-            this._mouseTargetRect = null;
-            MousePosTracker.addListener(this);
-          } else {
-            this.setAttribute("inactive", "true");
-            MousePosTracker.removeListener(this);
-          }
-          return val;
-        ]]></setter>
-        <getter>
-          return this.hasAttribute("inactive") ? "" : this.getAttribute("label");
-        </getter>
-      </property>
-      <method name="getMouseTargetRect">
-        <body><![CDATA[
-          if (!this._mouseTargetRect) {
-            this._calcMouseTargetRect();
-          }
-          return this._mouseTargetRect;
-        ]]></body>
-      </method>
-      <method name="onMouseEnter">
-        <body>
-          this._mirror();
-        </body>
-      </method>
-      <method name="onMouseLeave">
-        <body>
-          this._mirror();
-        </body>
-      </method>
-      <method name="handleEvent">
-        <parameter name="event"/>
-        <body><![CDATA[
-          if (!this.label)
-            return;
-          switch (event.type) {
-            case "resize":
-              this._mouseTargetRect = null;
-              break;
-          }
-        ]]></body>
-      </method>
-      <method name="_calcMouseTargetRect">
-        <body><![CDATA[
-          let container = this.parentNode;
-          let alignRight = (getComputedStyle(container).direction == "rtl");
-          let panelRect = this.getBoundingClientRect();
-          let containerRect = container.getBoundingClientRect();
-          this._mouseTargetRect = {
-            top:    panelRect.top,
-            bottom: panelRect.bottom,
-            left:   alignRight ? containerRect.right - panelRect.width : containerRect.left,
-            right:  alignRight ? containerRect.right : containerRect.left + panelRect.width
-          };
-        ]]></body>
-      </method>
-      <method name="_mirror">
-        <body>
-          if (this.hasAttribute("mirror"))
-            this.removeAttribute("mirror");
-          else
-            this.setAttribute("mirror", "true");
-          if (!this.hasAttribute("sizelimit")) {
-            this.setAttribute("sizelimit", "true");
-            this._mouseTargetRect = null;
-          }
-        </body>
-      </method>
-    </implementation>
-  </binding>
-  <binding id="tabbrowser-tabpanels"
-           extends="chrome://global/content/bindings/tabbox.xml#tabpanels">
-    <implementation>
-      <field name="_selectedIndex">0</field>
-      <property name="selectedIndex">
-        <getter>
-        <![CDATA[
-          return this._selectedIndex;
-        ]]>
-        </getter>
-        <setter>
-        <![CDATA[
-          if (val < 0 || val >= this.childNodes.length)
-            return val;
-          let toTab = this.getRelatedElement(this.childNodes[val]);
-          gBrowser._getSwitcher().requestTab(toTab);
-          var panel = this._selectedPanel;
-          var newPanel = this.childNodes[val];
-          this._selectedPanel = newPanel;
-          if (this._selectedPanel != panel) {
-            var event = document.createEvent("Events");
-            event.initEvent("select", true, true);
-            this.dispatchEvent(event);
-            this._selectedIndex = val;
-          }
-          return val;
-        ]]>
-        </setter>
-      </property>
-    </implementation>
-  </binding>
-  <binding id="tabbrowser-browser"
-           extends="chrome://global/content/bindings/browser.xml#browser">
-    <implementation>
-      <field name="tabModalPromptBox">null</field>
-      <!-- throws exception for unknown schemes -->
-      <method name="loadURIWithFlags">
-        <parameter name="aURI"/>
-        <parameter name="aFlags"/>
-        <parameter name="aReferrerURI"/>
-        <parameter name="aCharset"/>
-        <parameter name="aPostData"/>
-        <body>
-          <![CDATA[
-            var params = arguments[1];
-            if (typeof(params) == "number") {
-              params = {
-                flags: aFlags,
-                referrerURI: aReferrerURI,
-                charset: aCharset,
-                postData: aPostData,
-              };
-            }
-            _loadURIWithFlags(this, aURI, params);
-          ]]>
-        </body>
-      </method>
-    </implementation>
-  </binding>
-  <binding id="tabbrowser-remote-browser"
-           extends="chrome://global/content/bindings/remote-browser.xml#remote-browser">
-    <implementation>
-      <field name="tabModalPromptBox">null</field>
-      <!-- throws exception for unknown schemes -->
-      <method name="loadURIWithFlags">
-        <parameter name="aURI"/>
-        <parameter name="aFlags"/>
-        <parameter name="aReferrerURI"/>
-        <parameter name="aCharset"/>
-        <parameter name="aPostData"/>
-        <body>
-          <![CDATA[
-            var params = arguments[1];
-            if (typeof(params) == "number") {
-              params = {
-                flags: aFlags,
-                referrerURI: aReferrerURI,
-                charset: aCharset,
-                postData: aPostData,
-              };
-            }
-            _loadURIWithFlags(this, aURI, params);
-          ]]>
-        </body>
-      </method>
-    </implementation>
-  </binding>