Bug 1437388 - Don't set different session store write interval while in background. r?esawin draft
authorJan Henning <jh+bugzilla@buttercookie.de>
Sun, 11 Feb 2018 19:43:16 +0100
changeset 754067 79486f6899a1ff9db5fa8d3f58526cb97df4053b
parent 753672 77719cba14967345fe9e32ec6e92e1a319ee1037
push id98745
push usermozilla@buttercookie.de
push dateMon, 12 Feb 2018 19:52:26 +0000
bugs1437388, 1282830, 1256277
Bug 1437388 - Don't set different session store write interval while in background. r?esawin We had some issues with tabs closed shortly before backgrounding Firefox re- appearing during session restore, however in hindsight bug 1282830 (closing a zombie tab didn't trigger a session store file write) seems a more likely cause for that than my initial theory from bug 1256277 comment 6 (tab events dispatched *just* before backgrounding might be processed only after our application-background handling), because as far as I can tell the latter theory actually requires really split-second timing. With that in mind, the differing, smaller minimum file write interval while in background can be removed again. MozReview-Commit-ID: GSQZYKeYME6
--- a/mobile/android/components/SessionStore.js
+++ b/mobile/android/components/SessionStore.js
@@ -44,37 +44,32 @@ const STATE_RUNNING = 1;
 const STATE_QUITTING = -1;
 const PREFS_RESTORE_FROM_CRASH = "browser.sessionstore.resume_from_crash";
 const PREFS_MAX_CRASH_RESUMES = "browser.sessionstore.max_resumed_crashes";
 const PREFS_MAX_TABS_UNDO = "browser.sessionstore.max_tabs_undo";
 const MINIMUM_SAVE_DELAY = 2000;
-// We reduce the delay in background because we could be killed at any moment,
-// however we don't set it to 0 in order to allow for multiple events arriving
-// one after the other to be batched together in one write operation.
 function SessionStore() { }
 SessionStore.prototype = {
   classID: Components.ID("{8c1f07d6-cba3-4226-a315-8bd43d67d032}"),
   QueryInterface: XPCOMUtils.generateQI([Ci.nsISessionStore,
   _windows: {},
   _lastSaveTime: 0,
   _lastBackupTime: 0,
   _interval: 10000,
   _backupInterval: 120000, // 2 minutes
-  _minSaveDelay: MINIMUM_SAVE_DELAY,
   _maxTabsUndo: 5,
   _pendingWrite: 0,
   _scrollSavePending: null,
   _writeInProgress: false,
   // We only want to start doing backups if we've successfully
   // written the session data at least once.
   _sessionDataIsGood: false,
@@ -381,30 +376,22 @@ SessionStore.prototype = {
       case "application-background":
         // We receive this notification when Android's onPause callback is
         // executed. After onPause, the application may be terminated at any
         // point without notice; therefore, we must synchronously write out any
         // pending save state to ensure that this data does not get lost.
-        // Tab events dispatched immediately before the application was backgrounded
-        // might actually arrive after this point, therefore save them without delay.
         if (this._loadState == STATE_RUNNING) {
-          this._interval = 0;
-          this._minSaveDelay = MINIMUM_SAVE_DELAY_BACKGROUND; // A small delay allows successive tab events to be batched together.
       case "application-foreground":
-        // Reset minimum interval between session store writes back to default.
-        this._interval = Services.prefs.getIntPref("browser.sessionstore.interval");
-        this._minSaveDelay = MINIMUM_SAVE_DELAY;
         // If we skipped restoring a zombified tab before backgrounding,
         // we might have to do it now instead.
         let window = Services.wm.getMostRecentWindow("navigator:browser");
         if (window && window.BrowserApp) { // Might not yet be ready during a cold startup.
           let tab = window.BrowserApp.selectedTab;
           if (tab) { // Can be null if closing a tab triggered an activity switch.
@@ -977,17 +964,17 @@ SessionStore.prototype = {
   saveStateDelayed: function ss_saveStateDelayed() {
     if (!this._saveTimer) {
       // Interval until the next disk operation is allowed
       let currentDelay = this._lastSaveTime + this._interval - Date.now();
       // If we have to wait, set a timer, otherwise saveState directly
-      let delay = Math.max(currentDelay, this._minSaveDelay);
+      let delay = Math.max(currentDelay, MINIMUM_SAVE_DELAY);
       if (delay > 0) {
         this._saveTimer = Cc["@mozilla.org/timer;1"].createInstance(Ci.nsITimer);
         this._saveTimer.init(this, delay, Ci.nsITimer.TYPE_ONE_SHOT);
         log("saveStateDelayed() timer delay = " + delay +
              ", incrementing _pendingWrite to " + this._pendingWrite);
       } else {
         log("saveStateDelayed() no delay");