style: Make AuthorStylesEnabled an enum. draft
authorEmilio Cobos Álvarez <>
Thu, 08 Feb 2018 12:40:27 +0100
changeset 752876 8af6199f59c786eacfe9a4231637ed3ecba2033e
parent 752875 ecd4c82a41f3c781d9c6a892af810b809633e11f
child 752877 c2f415c31e2c0eb352d467daa7f50fb8f6ede329
push id98405
push dateFri, 09 Feb 2018 01:50:06 +0000
style: Make AuthorStylesEnabled an enum. Chances are we need to pass it around in a bit. Also invert the boolean because I don't want to reason about double negations, even if they're simple. MozReview-Commit-ID: KhX4lDKwDoj
--- a/servo/components/style/
+++ b/servo/components/style/
@@ -119,25 +119,35 @@ pub enum DataValidity {
 impl Default for DataValidity {
     fn default() -> Self {
+/// Whether author styles are enabled.
+/// This is used to support Gecko.
+#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
+pub enum AuthorStylesEnabled {
+    Yes,
+    No,
 /// A struct to iterate over the different stylesheets to be flushed.
 pub struct StylesheetFlusher<'a, S>
     S: StylesheetInDocument + PartialEq + 'static,
     origins_dirty: OriginSet,
     collections: &'a mut PerOrigin<SheetCollection<S>>,
     origin_data_validity: PerOrigin<DataValidity>,
-    author_style_disabled: bool,
+    author_styles_enabled: AuthorStylesEnabled,
     had_invalidations: bool,
 /// The type of rebuild that we need to do for a given stylesheet.
 #[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug)]
 pub enum SheetRebuildKind {
     /// A full rebuild, of both cascade data and invalidation data.
@@ -194,17 +204,19 @@ where
         let validity = self.data_validity(origin);
         let origin_dirty = self.origins_dirty.contains(origin.into());
             origin_dirty || validity == DataValidity::Valid,
             "origin_data_validity should be a subset of origins_dirty!"
-        if self.author_style_disabled && origin == Origin::Author {
+        if self.author_styles_enabled == AuthorStylesEnabled::No &&
+            origin == Origin::Author
+        {
             return PerOriginFlusher {
                 iter: [].iter_mut(),
         PerOriginFlusher {
             iter: self.collections.borrow_mut_for_origin(&origin).entries.iter_mut(),
@@ -395,49 +407,43 @@ where
     S: StylesheetInDocument + PartialEq + 'static,
     /// The collections of sheets per each origin.
     collections: PerOrigin<SheetCollection<S>>,
     /// The invalidations for stylesheets added or removed from this document.
     invalidations: StylesheetInvalidationSet,
-    /// Has author style been disabled?
-    author_style_disabled: bool,
+    /// Whether author styles are enabled.
+    author_styles_enabled: AuthorStylesEnabled,
 impl<S> DocumentStylesheetSet<S>
     S: StylesheetInDocument + PartialEq + 'static,
     /// Create a new empty StylesheetSet.
     pub fn new() -> Self {
         Self {
             collections: Default::default(),
             invalidations: StylesheetInvalidationSet::new(),
-            author_style_disabled: false,
+            author_styles_enabled: AuthorStylesEnabled::Yes,
     /// Returns the number of stylesheets in the set.
     pub fn len(&self) -> usize {
         self.collections.iter_origins().fold(0, |s, (item, _)| s + item.len())
     /// Returns the `index`th stylesheet in the set for the given origin.
     pub fn get(&self, origin: Origin, index: usize) -> Option<&S> {
-    /// Returns whether author styles have been disabled for the current
-    /// stylesheet set.
-    pub fn author_style_disabled(&self) -> bool {
-        self.author_style_disabled
-    }
     fn collect_invalidations_for(
         &mut self,
         device: Option<&Device>,
         sheet: &S,
         guard: &SharedRwLockReadGuard,
     ) {
         if let Some(device) = device {
             self.invalidations.collect_invalidations_for(device, sheet, guard);
@@ -500,22 +506,22 @@ where
         self.collect_invalidations_for(device, &sheet, guard);
         let origin = sheet.contents(guard).origin;
     /// Notes that the author style has been disabled for this document.
-    pub fn set_author_style_disabled(&mut self, disabled: bool) {
-        debug!("DocumentStylesheetSet::set_author_style_disabled");
-        if self.author_style_disabled == disabled {
+    pub fn set_author_styles_enabled(&mut self, enabled: AuthorStylesEnabled) {
+        debug!("DocumentStylesheetSet::set_author_styles_enabled");
+        if self.author_styles_enabled == enabled {
-        self.author_style_disabled = disabled;
+        self.author_styles_enabled = enabled;
     /// Returns whether the given set has changed from the last flush.
     pub fn has_changed(&self) -> bool {
         self.collections.iter_origins().any(|(collection, _)| collection.dirty)
@@ -549,17 +555,17 @@ where
             origins_dirty |= origin;
             *origin_data_validity.borrow_mut_for_origin(&origin) =
                 mem::replace(&mut collection.data_validity, DataValidity::Valid);
         StylesheetFlusher {
             collections: &mut self.collections,
-            author_style_disabled: self.author_style_disabled,
+            author_styles_enabled: self.author_styles_enabled,
     /// Flush stylesheets, but without running any of the invalidation passes.
     #[cfg(feature = "servo")]
--- a/servo/components/style/
+++ b/servo/components/style/
@@ -36,17 +36,17 @@ use selectors::parser::{SelectorIter, Vi
 use selectors::visitor::SelectorVisitor;
 use servo_arc::{Arc, ArcBorrow};
 use shared_lock::{Locked, SharedRwLockReadGuard, StylesheetGuards};
 use smallbitvec::SmallBitVec;
 use smallvec::SmallVec;
 use std::ops;
 use std::sync::Mutex;
 use style_traits::viewport::ViewportConstraints;
-use stylesheet_set::{DataValidity, SheetRebuildKind, DocumentStylesheetSet, StylesheetFlusher};
+use stylesheet_set::{AuthorStylesEnabled, DataValidity, SheetRebuildKind, DocumentStylesheetSet, StylesheetFlusher};
 #[cfg(feature = "gecko")]
 use stylesheets::{CounterStyleRule, FontFaceRule, FontFeatureValuesRule, PageRule};
 use stylesheets::{CssRule, Origin, OriginSet, PerOrigin, PerOriginIter};
 use stylesheets::StyleRule;
 use stylesheets::StylesheetInDocument;
 use stylesheets::keyframes_rule::KeyframesAnimation;
 use stylesheets::viewport_rule::{self, MaybeNew, ViewportRule};
 use thread_state::{self, ThreadState};
@@ -587,18 +587,18 @@ impl Stylist {
     /// FIXME(emilio): Eventually it'd be nice for this to become more
     /// fine-grained.
     pub fn force_stylesheet_origins_dirty(&mut self, origins: OriginSet) {
     /// Sets whether author style is enabled or not.
-    pub fn set_author_style_disabled(&mut self, disabled: bool) {
-        self.stylesheets.set_author_style_disabled(disabled);
+    pub fn set_author_styles_enabled(&mut self, enabled: AuthorStylesEnabled) {
+        self.stylesheets.set_author_styles_enabled(enabled);
     /// Returns whether we've recorded any stylesheet change so far.
     pub fn stylesheets_have_changed(&self) -> bool {
     /// Appends a new stylesheet to the current set.
--- a/servo/ports/geckolib/
+++ b/servo/ports/geckolib/
@@ -130,16 +130,17 @@ use style::properties::{parse_one_declar
 use style::properties::animated_properties::AnimationValue;
 use style::properties::animated_properties::compare_property_priority;
 use style::rule_cache::RuleCacheConditions;
 use style::rule_tree::{CascadeLevel, StrongRuleNode, StyleSource};
 use style::selector_parser::{PseudoElementCascadeType, SelectorImpl};
 use style::shared_lock::{SharedRwLockReadGuard, StylesheetGuards, ToCssWithGuard, Locked};
 use style::string_cache::{Atom, WeakAtom};
 use style::style_adjuster::StyleAdjuster;
+use style::stylesheet_set::AuthorStylesEnabled;
 use style::stylesheets::{CssRule, CssRules, CssRuleType, CssRulesHelpers, DocumentRule};
 use style::stylesheets::{FontFeatureValuesRule, ImportRule, KeyframesRule, MediaRule};
 use style::stylesheets::{NamespaceRule, Origin, OriginSet, PageRule, StyleRule};
 use style::stylesheets::{StylesheetContents, SupportsRule};
 use style::stylesheets::StylesheetLoader as StyleStylesheetLoader;
 use style::stylesheets::keyframes_rule::{Keyframe, KeyframeSelector, KeyframesStepValue};
 use style::stylesheets::supports_rule::parse_condition_or_declaration;
 use style::stylist::{add_size_of_ua_cache, RuleInclusion, Stylist};
@@ -1247,17 +1248,23 @@ pub unsafe extern "C" fn Servo_StyleSet_
 pub extern "C" fn Servo_StyleSet_NoteStyleSheetsChanged(
     raw_data: RawServoStyleSetBorrowed,
     author_style_disabled: bool,
     changed_origins: OriginFlags,
 ) {
     let mut data = PerDocumentStyleData::from_ffi(raw_data).borrow_mut();
-    data.stylist.set_author_style_disabled(author_style_disabled);
+    let enabled =
+        if author_style_disabled {
+            AuthorStylesEnabled::No
+        } else {
+            AuthorStylesEnabled::Yes
+        };
+    data.stylist.set_author_styles_enabled(enabled);
 pub extern "C" fn Servo_StyleSheet_HasRules(
     raw_contents: RawServoStyleSheetContentsBorrowed
 ) -> bool {
     let global_style_data = &*GLOBAL_STYLE_DATA;
     let guard =;