Bug 1412967 - remove release-runner2 from tools repo as well. r=aki
authorMihai Tabara <mtabara@mozilla.com>
Fri, 26 Jan 2018 17:36:03 +0100
changeset 8500 1f16b0bf08531411c445805a1612ea0728e9c18c
parent 8499 d450696ca6d32908c4e50aa21d110ffe8cfc0af8
child 8502 d4a463ef3a24ef1351efbe7ec01a51ab5be8b98c
push id275
push userbmo:mtabara@mozilla.com
push dateFri, 26 Jan 2018 16:36:23 +0000
Bug 1412967 - remove release-runner2 from tools repo as well. r=aki MozReview-Commit-ID: FaxjZkcRtNB
deleted file mode 100755
--- a/buildfarm/release/release-runner2.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,214 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-import site
-import time
-import logging
-import sys
-import os
-import re
-from os import path
-from optparse import OptionParser
-from twisted.python.lockfile import FilesystemLock
-import yaml
-site.addsitedir(path.join(path.dirname(__file__), "../../lib/python"))
-from kickoff import ReleaseRunner, long_revision, email_release_drivers
-from kickoff.sanity.revisions import RevisionsSanitizer
-from releasetasks_graph_gen import (get_release_items_from_runner_config,
-                                    get_unique_release_items,
-                                    load_branch_and_product_config)
-from releasetasks_graph_gen import main as gen_main
-log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
-def check_and_assign_long_revision(release_runner, release, releases_config):
-    # Revisions must be checked before trying to get the long one.
-    RevisionsSanitizer(**release).run()
-    release['mozillaRevision'] = long_revision(
-        release['branch'], release['mozillaRevision'])
-def check_allowed_branches(release_runner, release, releases_config):
-    product = release['product']
-    branch = release['branch']
-    for entry in releases_config:
-        if entry['product'] == product:
-            allowed_branches = entry['allowed_branches']
-            for pattern in allowed_branches:
-                if re.match(pattern, branch):
-                    return
-    raise RuntimeError("%s branch not allowed: %s", branch, allowed_branches)
-# So people can't run arbitrary functions
-    'long_revision': check_and_assign_long_revision,
-    'check_allowed_branches': check_allowed_branches,
-def run_prebuild_sanity_checks(release_runner, releases_config):
-    new_valid_releases = []
-    # results in:
-    # { 'firefox': ['long_revision', 'l10n_changesets', 'partial_updates']}
-    checks = {r['product'].lower(): r['checks'] for r in releases_config}
-    for release in release_runner.new_releases:
-        log.info('Got a new release request: %s' % release)
-        try:
-            # TODO: this won't work for Thunderbird...do we care?
-            release['branchShortName'] = release['branch'].split("/")[-1]
-            for check in checks[release['product']]:
-                if check not in CHECKS_MAPPING:
-                    log.error("Check %s not found", check)
-                    continue
-                CHECKS_MAPPING[check](release_runner, release, releases_config)
-            new_valid_releases.append(release)
-        except Exception as e:
-            release_runner.mark_as_failed(
-                release, 'Sanity checks failed. Errors: %s' % e)
-            log.exception(
-                'Sanity checks failed. Errors: %s. Release: %s', e, release)
-    return new_valid_releases
-def main(options):
-    log.info('Loading config from %s' % options.config)
-    with open(options.config, 'r') as config_file:
-        config = yaml.load(config_file)
-    if config['release-runner'].get('verbose', False):
-        log_level = logging.DEBUG
-    else:
-        log_level = logging.INFO
-    logging.basicConfig(format="%(asctime)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s",
-                        level=log_level)
-    # Suppress logging of retry(), see bug 925321 for the details
-    logging.getLogger("util.retry").setLevel(logging.WARN)
-    api_root = config['api']['api_root']
-    username = config['api']['username']
-    password = config['api']['password']
-    rr_config = config['release-runner']
-    sleeptime = rr_config['sleeptime']
-    smtp_server = rr_config.get('smtp_server', 'localhost')
-    notify_from = rr_config.get('notify_from')
-    notify_to = rr_config.get('notify_to_announce')
-    if isinstance(notify_to, basestring):
-        notify_to = [x.strip() for x in notify_to.split(',')]
-    rr = ReleaseRunner(api_root=api_root, username=username, password=password)
-    while True:
-        try:
-            log.debug('Fetching release requests')
-            rr.get_release_requests([r['pattern'] for r in config['releases']])
-            if rr.new_releases:
-                new_releases = run_prebuild_sanity_checks(
-                    rr, config['releases'])
-                break
-            else:
-                log.debug('Sleeping for %d seconds before polling again' %
-                          sleeptime)
-                time.sleep(sleeptime)
-        except:
-            log.error("Caught exception when polling:", exc_info=True)
-            sys.exit(5)
-    rc = 0
-    for release in new_releases:
-        try:
-            relconfigs_tmpl = '{}_{}_fennec_full_graph.yml'.format(rr_config['relconfigs_prefix'],
-                                                                             release['branchShortName'])
-            configs = '/'.join([rr_config['relconfigs_root'], relconfigs_tmpl])
-            # process stuff for releasetasks_graph_gen.py script
-            release_runner_config = yaml.safe_load(open(rr_config['release_runner_config']))
-            tc_config = {
-                "credentials": {
-                    "clientId": release_runner_config["taskcluster"].get("client_id"),
-                    "accessToken": release_runner_config["taskcluster"].get("access_token"),
-                },
-                "maxRetries": 12,
-            }
-            branch_product_config = load_branch_and_product_config(configs)
-            # hack: we simulate the options argument for the
-            # releasetasks_graph_gen.py script in order to reuse some of the
-            # functions defined there
-            fake_options = OptionParser()
-            fake_options.version = release['version']
-            fake_options.build_number = release['buildNumber']
-            fake_options.mozilla_revision = release['mozillaRevision']
-            fake_options.common_task_id = None
-            fake_options.partials = ''
-            fake_options.dry_run = False
-            releasetasks_kwargs = {}
-            releasetasks_kwargs.update(branch_product_config)
-            releasetasks_kwargs.update(get_release_items_from_runner_config(release_runner_config))
-            releasetasks_kwargs.update(get_unique_release_items(fake_options, tc_config))
-            rr.update_status(release, 'Generating task graph')
-            task_group_id = gen_main(release_runner_config, releasetasks_kwargs, tc_config, options=fake_options)
-            rr.mark_as_completed(release)
-            l10n_url = rr.release_l10n_api.getL10nFullUrl(release['name'])
-            email_release_drivers(smtp_server=smtp_server, from_=notify_from,
-                                  to=notify_to, release=release,
-                                  task_group_id=task_group_id, l10n_url=l10n_url)
-        except Exception as exception:
-            # We explicitly do not raise an error here because there's no
-            # reason not to start other releases if creating the Task Graph
-            # fails for another one. We _do_ need to set this in order to exit
-            # with the right code, though.
-            rc = 2
-            rr.mark_as_failed(
-                release,
-                'Failed to start release promotion. Error(s): %s' % (exception)
-            )
-            log.exception('Failed to start release "%s". Error(s): %s',
-                          release['name'], exception)
-            log.debug('Release failed: %s', release)
-    if rc != 0:
-        sys.exit(rc)
-    log.debug('Sleeping for %s seconds before polling again', sleeptime)
-    time.sleep(sleeptime)
-if __name__ == '__main__':
-    parser = OptionParser(__doc__)
-    parser.add_option('-l', '--lockfile', dest='lockfile',
-                      default=path.join(os.getcwd(), ".release-runner.lock"))
-    parser.add_option('-c', '--config', dest='config',
-                      help='Configuration file')
-    options = parser.parse_args()[0]
-    if not options.config:
-        parser.error('Need to pass a config')
-    lockfile = options.lockfile
-    log.debug("Using lock file %s", lockfile)
-    lock = FilesystemLock(lockfile)
-    if not lock.lock():
-        raise Exception("Cannot acquire lock: %s" % lockfile)
-    log.debug("Lock acquired: %s", lockfile)
-    if not lock.clean:
-        log.warning("Previous run did not properly exit")
-    try:
-        main(options)
-    finally:
-        log.debug("Releasing lock: %s", lockfile)
-        lock.unlock()
deleted file mode 100755
--- a/buildfarm/release/release-runner2.sh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,96 +0,0 @@
-if [ -z "$VENV" ]; then
-    VENV=/home/cltbld/release-runner2/venv
-if [ ! -e "$VENV" ]; then
-    echo "Could not find Python virtual environment '$VENV'"
-    exit 1
-if [ -z "$LOGFILE" ]; then
-    LOGFILE=/var/log/supervisor/release-runner2.log
-if [ ! -e $LOGFILE_DIR  ]; then
-    echo "Could not find directory '$LOGFILE_DIR' for the logs"
-    exit 1
-if [ -z "$CONFIG" ]; then
-    CONFIG=/home/cltbld/.release-runner.ini
-if [ ! -e "$CONFIG" ]; then
-    echo "Could not find configuration file '$CONFIG'"
-    exit 1
-# Mozilla hg is symlinked as /usr/local/bin/hg
-export PATH=/usr/local/bin:$PATH
-. $VENV/bin/activate
-# Sleep time after a failure, in seconds.
-NOTIFY_TO=$(grep "notify_to:" $CONFIG|perl -pe 's/.*?<(.*?)>/$1 /g')
-if [ -z "$NOTIFY_TO" ]; then
-    NOTIFY_TO="release@mozilla.com"
-NOTIFY_FROM=$(grep "notify_from:" $CONFIG|perl -pe 's/.*?<(.*?)>/$1 /g')
-if [ -z "$NOTIFY_FROM" ]; then
-    NOTIFY_FROM="release@mozilla.com"
-if [ -n "`grep release-automation-notifications@mozilla.com $CONFIG`" ]; then
-    SUBJECT_TAG="[release-runner]"
-CURR_DIR=$(cd $(dirname $0); pwd)
-HOSTNAME=`hostname -s`
-python release-runner2.py -c $CONFIG
-# Exit code 5 is a failure during polling. We don't want to send mail about
-# this, because it will just try again after sleeping.
-if [[ $RETVAL == 5 ]]; then
-    sleep $SLEEP_TIME;
-# Any other non-zero exit code is some other issue, and we should send mail
-# about it.
-elif [[ $RETVAL != 0 ]]; then
-    # Super crazy sed magic below to grab everything from the last run.
-    # Explanation of it:
-    # H = append each line to the hold space while iterating through the file.
-    # If "Fetching release requests" appears in a line, replace the hold space
-    # buffer with it. This happens every time we encounter this pattern, so
-    # eventually we'll end up only the last instance of it (and what follows)
-    # in the hold space.
-    # ${...} = stuff do to do when we hit EOF
-    # g = copy the hold space into the pattern space
-    # p = print the pattern space (ie, the the last instance of
-    # "Fetching release requests" and what follows).
-    #
-    # If for some reason we have a log file that doesn't have
-    # "Fetching release requests" in it, the entire file will be printed.
-    # It's doubtful this will happen, so we won't waste time dealing with yet.
-    (
-        echo "Release runner encountered a runtime error: "
-        sed -n 'H;/Fetching release requests/h; ${;g;p;}' $LOGFILE
-        echo
-        echo "The full log is available on $HOSTNAME in $LOGFILE"
-        echo "I'll sleep for $SLEEP_TIME seconds before retry"
-        echo
-        echo "- release runner"
-    ) | mail -s "${SUBJECT_TAG} failed" -r $NOTIFY_FROM $NOTIFY_TO
-    sleep $SLEEP_TIME