Bug 1422115 - Remove storageserver.js from services/. r?markh, tcsc draft
authorEdouard Oger <eoger@fastmail.com>
Thu, 30 Nov 2017 15:11:19 -0500
changeset 705849 fdda2c92593cb77162fdc822b2bd7589d433a787
parent 705848 869865ffa26a582eab77555229e379a41bfe9c57
child 742496 cfdecbb5759803183eeccefcc082fb3eba0e2760
push id91621
push userbmo:eoger@fastmail.com
push dateThu, 30 Nov 2017 20:12:02 +0000
reviewersmarkh, tcsc
Bug 1422115 - Remove storageserver.js from services/. r?markh, tcsc MozReview-Commit-ID: 4UGCq6SolY1
--- a/build/mach_bootstrap.py
+++ b/build/mach_bootstrap.py
@@ -41,17 +41,16 @@ MACH_MODULES = [
-    'services/common/tests/mach_commands.py',
deleted file mode 100644
--- a/services/common/modules-testing/storageserver.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1691 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file,
- * You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */
- * This file contains an implementation of the Storage Server in JavaScript.
- *
- * The server should not be used for any production purposes.
- */
-var {classes: Cc, interfaces: Ci, utils: Cu} = Components;
-  "ServerBSO",
-  "StorageServerCallback",
-  "StorageServerCollection",
-  "StorageServer",
-  "storageServerForUsers",
-const STORAGE_HTTP_LOGGER = "Services.Common.Test.Server";
-const STORAGE_API_VERSION = "2.0";
-// Use the same method that record.js does, which mirrors the server.
-function new_timestamp() {
-  return Math.round(Date.now());
-function isInteger(s) {
-  let re = /^[0-9]+$/;
-  return re.test(s);
-function writeHttpBody(response, body) {
-  if (!body) {
-    return;
-  }
-  response.bodyOutputStream.write(body, body.length);
-function sendMozSvcError(request, response, code) {
-  response.setStatusLine(request.httpVersion, 400, "Bad Request");
-  response.setHeader("Content-Type", "text/plain", false);
-  response.bodyOutputStream.write(code, code.length);
- * Represent a BSO on the server.
- *
- * A BSO is constructed from an ID, content, and a modified time.
- *
- * @param id
- *        (string) ID of the BSO being created.
- * @param payload
- *        (strong|object) Payload for the BSO. Should ideally be a string. If
- *        an object is passed, it will be fed into JSON.stringify and that
- *        output will be set as the payload.
- * @param modified
- *        (number) Milliseconds since UNIX epoch that the BSO was last
- *        modified. If not defined or null, the current time will be used.
- */
-this.ServerBSO = function ServerBSO(id, payload, modified) {
-  if (!id) {
-    throw new Error("No ID for ServerBSO!");
-  }
-  if (!id.match(/^[a-zA-Z0-9_-]{1,64}$/)) {
-    throw new Error("BSO ID is invalid: " + id);
-  }
-  this._log = Log.repository.getLogger(STORAGE_HTTP_LOGGER);
-  this.id = id;
-  if (!payload) {
-    return;
-  }
-  CommonUtils.ensureMillisecondsTimestamp(modified);
-  if (typeof payload == "object") {
-    payload = JSON.stringify(payload);
-  }
-  this.payload = payload;
-  this.modified = modified || new_timestamp();
-ServerBSO.prototype = {
-  FIELDS: [
-    "id",
-    "modified",
-    "payload",
-    "ttl",
-    "sortindex",
-  ],
-  toJSON: function toJSON() {
-    let obj = {};
-    for (let key of this.FIELDS) {
-      if (this[key] !== undefined) {
-        obj[key] = this[key];
-      }
-    }
-    return obj;
-  },
-  delete: function delete_() {
-    this.deleted = true;
-    delete this.payload;
-    delete this.modified;
-  },
-  /**
-   * Handler for GET requests for this BSO.
-   */
-  getHandler: function getHandler(request, response) {
-    let code = 200;
-    let status = "OK";
-    let body;
-    function sendResponse() {
-      response.setStatusLine(request.httpVersion, code, status);
-      writeHttpBody(response, body);
-    }
-    if (request.hasHeader("x-if-modified-since")) {
-      let headerModified = parseInt(request.getHeader("x-if-modified-since"),
-                                    10);
-      CommonUtils.ensureMillisecondsTimestamp(headerModified);
-      if (headerModified >= this.modified) {
-        code = 304;
-        status = "Not Modified";
-        sendResponse();
-        return;
-      }
-    } else if (request.hasHeader("x-if-unmodified-since")) {
-      let requestModified = parseInt(request.getHeader("x-if-unmodified-since"),
-                                     10);
-      let serverModified = this.modified;
-      if (serverModified > requestModified) {
-        code = 412;
-        status = "Precondition Failed";
-        sendResponse();
-        return;
-      }
-    }
-    if (!this.deleted) {
-      body = JSON.stringify(this.toJSON());
-      response.setHeader("Content-Type", "application/json", false);
-      response.setHeader("X-Last-Modified", "" + this.modified, false);
-    } else {
-      code = 404;
-      status = "Not Found";
-    }
-    sendResponse();
-  },
-  /**
-   * Handler for PUT requests for this BSO.
-   */
-  putHandler: function putHandler(request, response) {
-    if (request.hasHeader("Content-Type")) {
-      let ct = request.getHeader("Content-Type");
-      if (ct != "application/json") {
-        throw HTTP_415;
-      }
-    }
-    let input = CommonUtils.readBytesFromInputStream(request.bodyInputStream);
-    let parsed;
-    try {
-      parsed = JSON.parse(input);
-    } catch (ex) {
-      sendMozSvcError(request, response, "8");
-      return;
-    }
-    if (typeof(parsed) != "object") {
-      sendMozSvcError(request, response, "8");
-      return;
-    }
-    // Don't update if a conditional request fails preconditions.
-    if (request.hasHeader("x-if-unmodified-since")) {
-      let reqModified = parseInt(request.getHeader("x-if-unmodified-since"));
-      if (reqModified < this.modified) {
-        response.setStatusLine(request.httpVersion, 412, "Precondition Failed");
-        return;
-      }
-    }
-    let code, status;
-    if (this.payload) {
-      code = 204;
-      status = "No Content";
-    } else {
-      code = 201;
-      status = "Created";
-    }
-    // Alert when we see unrecognized fields.
-    for (let [key, value] of Object.entries(parsed)) {
-      switch (key) {
-        case "payload":
-          if (typeof(value) != "string") {
-            sendMozSvcError(request, response, "8");
-            return;
-          }
-          this.payload = value;
-          break;
-        case "ttl":
-          if (!isInteger(value)) {
-            sendMozSvcError(request, response, "8");
-            return;
-          }
-          this.ttl = parseInt(value, 10);
-          break;
-        case "sortindex":
-          if (!isInteger(value) || value.length > 9) {
-            sendMozSvcError(request, response, "8");
-            return;
-          }
-          this.sortindex = parseInt(value, 10);
-          break;
-        case "id":
-          break;
-        default:
-          this._log.warn("Unexpected field in BSO record: " + key);
-          sendMozSvcError(request, response, "8");
-          return;
-      }
-    }
-    this.modified = request.timestamp;
-    this.deleted = false;
-    response.setHeader("X-Last-Modified", "" + this.modified, false);
-    response.setStatusLine(request.httpVersion, code, status);
-  },
- * Represent a collection on the server.
- *
- * The '_bsos' attribute is a mapping of id -> ServerBSO objects.
- *
- * Note that if you want these records to be accessible individually,
- * you need to register their handlers with the server separately, or use a
- * containing HTTP server that will do so on your behalf.
- *
- * @param bsos
- *        An object mapping BSO IDs to ServerBSOs.
- * @param acceptNew
- *        If true, POSTs to this collection URI will result in new BSOs being
- *        created and wired in on the fly.
- * @param timestamp
- *        An optional timestamp value to initialize the modified time of the
- *        collection. This should be in the format returned by new_timestamp().
- */
-this.StorageServerCollection =
- function StorageServerCollection(bsos, acceptNew, timestamp = new_timestamp()) {
-  this._bsos = bsos || {};
-  this.acceptNew = acceptNew || false;
-  /*
-   * Track modified timestamp.
-   * We can't just use the timestamps of contained BSOs: an empty collection
-   * has a modified time.
-   */
-  CommonUtils.ensureMillisecondsTimestamp(timestamp);
-  this._timestamp = timestamp;
-  this._log = Log.repository.getLogger(STORAGE_HTTP_LOGGER);
-StorageServerCollection.prototype = {
-  BATCH_MAX_COUNT: 100,         // # of records.
-  BATCH_MAX_SIZE: 1024 * 1024,  // # bytes.
-  _timestamp: null,
-  get timestamp() {
-    return this._timestamp;
-  },
-  set timestamp(timestamp) {
-    CommonUtils.ensureMillisecondsTimestamp(timestamp);
-    this._timestamp = timestamp;
-  },
-  get totalPayloadSize() {
-    let size = 0;
-    for (let bso of this.bsos()) {
-      size += bso.payload.length;
-    }
-    return size;
-  },
-  /**
-   * Convenience accessor for our BSO keys.
-   * Excludes deleted items, of course.
-   *
-   * @param filter
-   *        A predicate function (applied to the ID and BSO) which dictates
-   *        whether to include the BSO's ID in the output.
-   *
-   * @return an array of IDs.
-   */
-  keys: function keys(filter) {
-    let ids = [];
-    for (let [id, bso] of Object.entries(this._bsos)) {
-      if (!bso.deleted && (!filter || filter(id, bso))) {
-        ids.push(id);
-      }
-    }
-    return ids;
-  },
-  /**
-   * Convenience method to get an array of BSOs.
-   * Optionally provide a filter function.
-   *
-   * @param filter
-   *        A predicate function, applied to the BSO, which dictates whether to
-   *        include the BSO in the output.
-   *
-   * @return an array of ServerBSOs.
-   */
-  bsos: function bsos(filter) {
-    let os = [];
-    for (let bso of Object.values(this._bsos)) {
-      if (!bso.deleted) {
-        os.push(bso);
-      }
-    }
-    if (!filter) {
-      return os;
-    }
-    return os.filter(filter);
-  },
-  /**
-   * Obtain a BSO by ID.
-   */
-  bso: function bso(id) {
-    return this._bsos[id];
-  },
-  /**
-   * Obtain the payload of a specific BSO.
-   *
-   * Raises if the specified BSO does not exist.
-   */
-  payload: function payload(id) {
-    return this.bso(id).payload;
-  },
-  /**
-   * Insert the provided BSO under its ID.
-   *
-   * @return the provided BSO.
-   */
-  insertBSO: function insertBSO(bso) {
-    return this._bsos[bso.id] = bso;
-  },
-  /**
-   * Insert the provided payload as part of a new ServerBSO with the provided
-   * ID.
-   *
-   * @param id
-   *        The GUID for the BSO.
-   * @param payload
-   *        The payload, as provided to the ServerBSO constructor.
-   * @param modified
-   *        An optional modified time for the ServerBSO. If not specified, the
-   *        current time will be used.
-   *
-   * @return the inserted BSO.
-   */
-  insert: function insert(id, payload, modified) {
-    return this.insertBSO(new ServerBSO(id, payload, modified));
-  },
-  /**
-   * Removes an object entirely from the collection.
-   *
-   * @param id
-   *        (string) ID to remove.
-   */
-  remove: function remove(id) {
-    delete this._bsos[id];
-  },
-  _inResultSet: function _inResultSet(bso, options) {
-    if (!bso.payload) {
-      return false;
-    }
-    if (options.ids) {
-      if (options.ids.indexOf(bso.id) == -1) {
-        return false;
-      }
-    }
-    if (options.newer) {
-      if (bso.modified <= options.newer) {
-        return false;
-      }
-    }
-    if (options.older) {
-      if (bso.modified >= options.older) {
-        return false;
-      }
-    }
-    return true;
-  },
-  count: function count(options) {
-    options = options || {};
-    let c = 0;
-    for (let bso of Object.values(this._bsos)) {
-      if (bso.modified && this._inResultSet(bso, options)) {
-        c++;
-      }
-    }
-    return c;
-  },
-  get: function get(options) {
-    let data = [];
-    for (let id in this._bsos) {
-      let bso = this._bsos[id];
-      if (!bso.modified) {
-        continue;
-      }
-      if (!this._inResultSet(bso, options)) {
-        continue;
-      }
-      data.push(bso);
-    }
-    if (options.sort) {
-      if (options.sort == "oldest") {
-        data.sort(function sortOldest(a, b) {
-          if (a.modified == b.modified) {
-            return 0;
-          }
-          return a.modified < b.modified ? -1 : 1;
-        });
-      } else if (options.sort == "newest") {
-        data.sort(function sortNewest(a, b) {
-          if (a.modified == b.modified) {
-            return 0;
-          }
-          return a.modified > b.modified ? -1 : 1;
-        });
-      } else if (options.sort == "index") {
-        data.sort(function sortIndex(a, b) {
-          if (a.sortindex == b.sortindex) {
-            return 0;
-          }
-          if (a.sortindex !== undefined && b.sortindex == undefined) {
-            return 1;
-          }
-          if (a.sortindex === undefined && b.sortindex !== undefined) {
-            return -1;
-          }
-          return a.sortindex > b.sortindex ? -1 : 1;
-        });
-      }
-    }
-    if (options.limit) {
-      data = data.slice(0, options.limit);
-    }
-    return data;
-  },
-  post: function post(input, timestamp) {
-    let success = [];
-    let failed = {};
-    let count = 0;
-    let size = 0;
-    // This will count records where we have an existing ServerBSO
-    // registered with us as successful and all other records as failed.
-    for (let record of input) {
-      count += 1;
-      if (count > this.BATCH_MAX_COUNT) {
-        failed[record.id] = "Max record count exceeded.";
-        continue;
-      }
-      if (typeof(record.payload) != "string") {
-        failed[record.id] = "Payload is not a string!";
-        continue;
-      }
-      size += record.payload.length;
-      if (size > this.BATCH_MAX_SIZE) {
-        failed[record.id] = "Payload max size exceeded!";
-        continue;
-      }
-      if (record.sortindex) {
-        if (!isInteger(record.sortindex)) {
-          failed[record.id] = "sortindex is not an integer.";
-          continue;
-        }
-        if (record.sortindex.length > 9) {
-          failed[record.id] = "sortindex is too long.";
-          continue;
-        }
-      }
-      if ("ttl" in record) {
-        if (!isInteger(record.ttl)) {
-          failed[record.id] = "ttl is not an integer.";
-          continue;
-        }
-      }
-      try {
-        let bso = this.bso(record.id);
-        if (!bso && this.acceptNew) {
-          this._log.debug("Creating BSO " + JSON.stringify(record.id) +
-                          " on the fly.");
-          bso = new ServerBSO(record.id);
-          this.insertBSO(bso);
-        }
-        if (bso) {
-          bso.payload = record.payload;
-          bso.modified = timestamp;
-          bso.deleted = false;
-          success.push(record.id);
-          if (record.sortindex) {
-            bso.sortindex = parseInt(record.sortindex, 10);
-          }
-        } else {
-          failed[record.id] = "no bso configured";
-        }
-      } catch (ex) {
-        this._log.info("Exception when processing BSO", ex);
-        failed[record.id] = "Exception when processing.";
-      }
-    }
-    return {success, failed};
-  },
-  delete: function delete_(options) {
-    options = options || {};
-    // Protocol 2.0 only allows the "ids" query string argument.
-    let keys = Object.keys(options).filter(function(k) {
-      return k != "ids";
-    });
-    if (keys.length) {
-      this._log.warn("Invalid query string parameter to collection delete: " +
-                     keys.join(", "));
-      throw new Error("Malformed client request.");
-    }
-    if (options.ids && options.ids.length > this.BATCH_MAX_COUNT) {
-      throw HTTP_400;
-    }
-    let deleted = [];
-    for (let bso of Object.values(this._bsos)) {
-      if (this._inResultSet(bso, options)) {
-        this._log.debug("Deleting " + JSON.stringify(bso));
-        deleted.push(bso.id);
-        bso.delete();
-      }
-    }
-    return deleted;
-  },
-  parseOptions: function parseOptions(request) {
-    let options = {};
-    for (let chunk of request.queryString.split("&")) {
-      if (!chunk) {
-        continue;
-      }
-      chunk = chunk.split("=");
-      let key = decodeURIComponent(chunk[0]);
-      if (chunk.length == 1) {
-        options[key] = "";
-      } else {
-        options[key] = decodeURIComponent(chunk[1]);
-      }
-    }
-    if (options.ids) {
-      options.ids = options.ids.split(",");
-    }
-    if (options.newer) {
-      if (!isInteger(options.newer)) {
-        throw HTTP_400;
-      }
-      CommonUtils.ensureMillisecondsTimestamp(options.newer);
-      options.newer = parseInt(options.newer, 10);
-    }
-    if (options.older) {
-      if (!isInteger(options.older)) {
-        throw HTTP_400;
-      }
-      CommonUtils.ensureMillisecondsTimestamp(options.older);
-      options.older = parseInt(options.older, 10);
-    }
-    if (options.limit) {
-      if (!isInteger(options.limit)) {
-        throw HTTP_400;
-      }
-      options.limit = parseInt(options.limit, 10);
-    }
-    return options;
-  },
-  getHandler: function getHandler(request, response) {
-    let options = this.parseOptions(request);
-    let data = this.get(options);
-    if (request.hasHeader("x-if-modified-since")) {
-      let requestModified = parseInt(request.getHeader("x-if-modified-since"),
-                                     10);
-      let newestBSO = 0;
-      for (let bso of data) {
-        if (bso.modified > newestBSO) {
-          newestBSO = bso.modified;
-        }
-      }
-      if (requestModified >= newestBSO) {
-        response.setHeader("X-Last-Modified", "" + newestBSO);
-        response.setStatusLine(request.httpVersion, 304, "Not Modified");
-        return;
-      }
-    } else if (request.hasHeader("x-if-unmodified-since")) {
-      let requestModified = parseInt(request.getHeader("x-if-unmodified-since"),
-                                     10);
-      let serverModified = this.timestamp;
-      if (serverModified > requestModified) {
-        response.setHeader("X-Last-Modified", "" + serverModified);
-        response.setStatusLine(request.httpVersion, 412, "Precondition Failed");
-        return;
-      }
-    }
-    if (options.full) {
-      data = data.map(function map(bso) {
-        return bso.toJSON();
-      });
-    } else {
-      data = data.map(function map(bso) {
-        return bso.id;
-      });
-    }
-    // application/json is default media type.
-    let newlines = false;
-    if (request.hasHeader("accept")) {
-      let accept = request.getHeader("accept");
-      if (accept == "application/newlines") {
-        newlines = true;
-      } else if (accept != "application/json") {
-        throw HTTP_406;
-      }
-    }
-    let body;
-    if (newlines) {
-      response.setHeader("Content-Type", "application/newlines", false);
-      let normalized = data.map(function map(d) {
-        return JSON.stringify(d);
-      });
-      body = normalized.join("\n") + "\n";
-    } else {
-      response.setHeader("Content-Type", "application/json", false);
-      body = JSON.stringify({items: data});
-    }
-    this._log.info("Records: " + data.length);
-    response.setHeader("X-Num-Records", "" + data.length, false);
-    response.setHeader("X-Last-Modified", "" + this.timestamp, false);
-    response.setStatusLine(request.httpVersion, 200, "OK");
-    response.bodyOutputStream.write(body, body.length);
-  },
-  postHandler: function postHandler(request, response) {
-    if (!request.hasHeader("content-type")) {
-      this._log.info("No Content-Type request header!");
-      throw HTTP_400;
-    }
-    let inputStream = request.bodyInputStream;
-    let inputBody = CommonUtils.readBytesFromInputStream(inputStream);
-    let input = [];
-    let inputMediaType = request.getHeader("content-type");
-    if (inputMediaType == "application/json") {
-      try {
-        input = JSON.parse(inputBody);
-      } catch (ex) {
-        this._log.info("JSON parse error on input body!");
-        throw HTTP_400;
-      }
-      if (!Array.isArray(input)) {
-        this._log.info("Input JSON type not an array!");
-        sendMozSvcError(request, response, "8");
-        return;
-      }
-    } else if (inputMediaType == "application/newlines") {
-      for (let line of inputBody.split("\n")) {
-        let record;
-        try {
-          record = JSON.parse(line);
-        } catch (ex) {
-          this._log.info("JSON parse error on line!");
-          sendMozSvcError(request, response, "8");
-          return;
-        }
-        input.push(record);
-      }
-    } else {
-      this._log.info("Unknown media type: " + inputMediaType);
-      throw HTTP_415;
-    }
-    if (this._ensureUnmodifiedSince(request, response)) {
-      return;
-    }
-    let res = this.post(input, request.timestamp);
-    let body = JSON.stringify(res);
-    response.setHeader("Content-Type", "application/json", false);
-    this.timestamp = request.timestamp;
-    response.setHeader("X-Last-Modified", "" + this.timestamp, false);
-    response.setStatusLine(request.httpVersion, "200", "OK");
-    response.bodyOutputStream.write(body, body.length);
-  },
-  deleteHandler: function deleteHandler(request, response) {
-    this._log.debug("Invoking StorageServerCollection.DELETE.");
-    let options = this.parseOptions(request);
-    if (this._ensureUnmodifiedSince(request, response)) {
-      return;
-    }
-    let deleted = this.delete(options);
-    response.deleted = deleted;
-    this.timestamp = request.timestamp;
-    response.setStatusLine(request.httpVersion, 204, "No Content");
-  },
-  handler: function handler() {
-    let self = this;
-    return function(request, response) {
-      switch (request.method) {
-        case "GET":
-          self.getHandler(request, response);
-          return;
-        case "POST":
-          self.postHandler(request, response);
-          return;
-        case "DELETE":
-          self.deleteHandler(request, response);
-          return;
-      }
-      request.setHeader("Allow", "GET,POST,DELETE");
-      response.setStatusLine(request.httpVersion, 405, "Method Not Allowed");
-    };
-  },
-  _ensureUnmodifiedSince: function _ensureUnmodifiedSince(request, response) {
-    if (!request.hasHeader("x-if-unmodified-since")) {
-      return false;
-    }
-    let requestModified = parseInt(request.getHeader("x-if-unmodified-since"),
-                                   10);
-    let serverModified = this.timestamp;
-    this._log.debug("Request modified time: " + requestModified +
-                    "; Server modified time: " + serverModified);
-    if (serverModified <= requestModified) {
-      return false;
-    }
-    this._log.info("Conditional request rejected because client time older " +
-                   "than collection timestamp.");
-    response.setStatusLine(request.httpVersion, 412, "Precondition Failed");
-    return true;
-  },
-// ===========================================================================//
-// httpd.js-based Storage server.                                            //
-// ===========================================================================//
- * In general, the preferred way of using StorageServer is to directly
- * introspect it. Callbacks are available for operations which are hard to
- * verify through introspection, such as deletions.
- *
- * One of the goals of this server is to provide enough hooks for test code to
- * find out what it needs without monkeypatching. Use this object as your
- * prototype, and override as appropriate.
- */
-this.StorageServerCallback = {
-  onCollectionDeleted: function onCollectionDeleted(user, collection) {},
-  onItemDeleted: function onItemDeleted(user, collection, bsoID) {},
-  /**
-   * Called at the top of every request.
-   *
-   * Allows the test to inspect the request. Hooks should be careful not to
-   * modify or change state of the request or they may impact future processing.
-   */
-  onRequest: function onRequest(request) {},
- * Construct a new test Storage server. Takes a callback object (e.g.,
- * StorageServerCallback) as input.
- */
-this.StorageServer = function StorageServer(callback) {
-  this.callback     = callback || {__proto__: StorageServerCallback};
-  this.server       = new HttpServer();
-  this.started      = false;
-  this.users        = {};
-  this.requestCount = 0;
-  this._log         = Log.repository.getLogger(STORAGE_HTTP_LOGGER);
-  // Install our own default handler. This allows us to mess around with the
-  // whole URL space.
-  let handler = this.server._handler;
-  handler._handleDefault = this.handleDefault.bind(this, handler);
-StorageServer.prototype = {
-  DEFAULT_QUOTA: 1024 * 1024, // # bytes.
-  server: null,    // HttpServer.
-  users:  null,    // Map of username => {collections, password}.
-  /**
-   * If true, the server will allow any arbitrary user to be used.
-   *
-   * No authentication will be performed. Whatever user is detected from the
-   * URL or auth headers will be created (if needed) and used.
-   */
-  allowAllUsers: false,
-  /**
-   * Start the StorageServer's underlying HTTP server.
-   *
-   * @param port
-   *        The numeric port on which to start. A falsy value implies to
-   *        select any available port.
-   * @param cb
-   *        A callback function (of no arguments) which is invoked after
-   *        startup.
-   */
-  start: function start(port, cb) {
-    if (this.started) {
-      this._log.warn("Warning: server already started on " + this.port);
-      return;
-    }
-    if (!port) {
-      port = -1;
-    }
-    this.port = port;
-    try {
-      this.server.start(this.port);
-      this.port = this.server.identity.primaryPort;
-      this.started = true;
-      if (cb) {
-        cb();
-      }
-    } catch (ex) {
-      this._log.error("==========================================");
-      this._log.error("Got exception starting Storage HTTP server on port " + this.port);
-      this._log.error("Error: " + Log.exceptionStr(ex));
-      this._log.error("Is there a process already listening on port " + this.port + "?");
-      this._log.error("==========================================");
-      throw ex;
-    }
-  },
-  /**
-   * Start the server synchronously.
-   *
-   * @param port
-   *        The numeric port on which to start. The default is to choose
-   *        any available port.
-   */
-  startSynchronous: function startSynchronous(port = -1) {
-    let cb = Async.makeSpinningCallback();
-    this.start(port, cb);
-    cb.wait();
-  },
-  /**
-   * Stop the StorageServer's HTTP server.
-   *
-   * @param cb
-   *        A callback function. Invoked after the server has been stopped.
-   *
-   */
-  stop: function stop(cb) {
-    if (!this.started) {
-      this._log.warn("StorageServer: Warning: server not running. Can't stop " +
-                     "me now!");
-      return;
-    }
-    this.server.stop(cb);
-    this.started = false;
-  },
-  serverTime: function serverTime() {
-    return new_timestamp();
-  },
-  /**
-   * Create a new user, complete with an empty set of collections.
-   *
-   * @param username
-   *        The username to use. An Error will be thrown if a user by that name
-   *        already exists.
-   * @param password
-   *        A password string.
-   *
-   * @return a user object, as would be returned by server.user(username).
-   */
-  registerUser: function registerUser(username, password) {
-    if (username in this.users) {
-      throw new Error("User already exists.");
-    }
-    if (!isFinite(parseInt(username))) {
-      throw new Error("Usernames must be numeric: " + username);
-    }
-    this._log.info("Registering new user with server: " + username);
-    this.users[username] = {
-      password,
-      collections: {},
-      quota: this.DEFAULT_QUOTA,
-    };
-    return this.user(username);
-  },
-  userExists: function userExists(username) {
-    return username in this.users;
-  },
-  getCollection: function getCollection(username, collection) {
-    return this.users[username].collections[collection];
-  },
-  _insertCollection: function _insertCollection(collections, collection, bsos) {
-    let coll = new StorageServerCollection(bsos, true);
-    coll.collectionHandler = coll.handler();
-    collections[collection] = coll;
-    return coll;
-  },
-  createCollection: function createCollection(username, collection, bsos) {
-    if (!(username in this.users)) {
-      throw new Error("Unknown user.");
-    }
-    let collections = this.users[username].collections;
-    if (collection in collections) {
-      throw new Error("Collection already exists.");
-    }
-    return this._insertCollection(collections, collection, bsos);
-  },
-  deleteCollection: function deleteCollection(username, collection) {
-    if (!(username in this.users)) {
-      throw new Error("Unknown user.");
-    }
-    delete this.users[username].collections[collection];
-  },
-  /**
-   * Accept a map like the following:
-   * {
-   *   meta: {global: {version: 1, ...}},
-   *   crypto: {"keys": {}, foo: {bar: 2}},
-   *   bookmarks: {}
-   * }
-   * to cause collections and BSOs to be created.
-   * If a collection already exists, no error is raised.
-   * If a BSO already exists, it will be updated to the new contents.
-   */
-  createContents: function createContents(username, collections) {
-    if (!(username in this.users)) {
-      throw new Error("Unknown user.");
-    }
-    let userCollections = this.users[username].collections;
-    for (let [id, contents] of Object.entries(collections)) {
-      let coll = userCollections[id] ||
-                 this._insertCollection(userCollections, id);
-      for (let [bsoID, payload] of Object.entries(contents)) {
-        coll.insert(bsoID, payload);
-      }
-    }
-  },
-  /**
-   * Insert a BSO in an existing collection.
-   */
-  insertBSO: function insertBSO(username, collection, bso) {
-    if (!(username in this.users)) {
-      throw new Error("Unknown user.");
-    }
-    let userCollections = this.users[username].collections;
-    if (!(collection in userCollections)) {
-      throw new Error("Unknown collection.");
-    }
-    userCollections[collection].insertBSO(bso);
-    return bso;
-  },
-  /**
-   * Delete all of the collections for the named user.
-   *
-   * @param username
-   *        The name of the affected user.
-   */
-  deleteCollections: function deleteCollections(username) {
-    if (!(username in this.users)) {
-      throw new Error("Unknown user.");
-    }
-    let userCollections = this.users[username].collections;
-    for (let name in userCollections) {
-      let coll = userCollections[name];
-      this._log.trace("Bulk deleting " + name + " for " + username + "...");
-      coll.delete({});
-    }
-    this.users[username].collections = {};
-  },
-  getQuota: function getQuota(username) {
-    if (!(username in this.users)) {
-      throw new Error("Unknown user.");
-    }
-    return this.users[username].quota;
-  },
-  /**
-   * Obtain the newest timestamp of all collections for a user.
-   */
-  newestCollectionTimestamp: function newestCollectionTimestamp(username) {
-    let collections = this.users[username].collections;
-    let newest = 0;
-    for (let name in collections) {
-      let collection = collections[name];
-      if (collection.timestamp > newest) {
-        newest = collection.timestamp;
-      }
-    }
-    return newest;
-  },
-  /**
-   * Compute the object that is returned for an info/collections request.
-   */
-  infoCollections: function infoCollections(username) {
-    let responseObject = {};
-    let colls = this.users[username].collections;
-    for (let coll in colls) {
-      responseObject[coll] = colls[coll].timestamp;
-    }
-    this._log.trace("StorageServer: info/collections returning " +
-                    JSON.stringify(responseObject));
-    return responseObject;
-  },
-  infoCounts: function infoCounts(username) {
-    let data = {};
-    let collections = this.users[username].collections;
-    for (let [k, v] of Object.entries(collections)) {
-      let count = v.count();
-      if (!count) {
-        continue;
-      }
-      data[k] = count;
-    }
-    return data;
-  },
-  infoUsage: function infoUsage(username) {
-    let data = {};
-    let collections = this.users[username].collections;
-    for (let [k, v] of Object.entries(collections)) {
-      data[k] = v.totalPayloadSize;
-    }
-    return data;
-  },
-  infoQuota: function infoQuota(username) {
-    let total = 0;
-    let usage = this.infoUsage(username);
-    for (let key in usage) {
-      let value = usage[key];
-      total += value;
-    }
-    return {
-      quota: this.getQuota(username),
-      usage: total
-    };
-  },
-  /**
-   * Simple accessor to allow collective binding and abbreviation of a bunch of
-   * methods. Yay!
-   * Use like this:
-   *
-   *   let u = server.user("john");
-   *   u.collection("bookmarks").bso("abcdefg").payload;  // Etc.
-   *
-   * @return a proxy for the user data stored in this server.
-   */
-  user: function user(username) {
-    let collection       = this.getCollection.bind(this, username);
-    let createCollection = this.createCollection.bind(this, username);
-    let createContents   = this.createContents.bind(this, username);
-    let modified         = function(collectionName) {
-      return collection(collectionName).timestamp;
-    };
-    let deleteCollections = this.deleteCollections.bind(this, username);
-    let quota             = this.getQuota.bind(this, username);
-    return {
-      collection,
-      createCollection,
-      createContents,
-      deleteCollections,
-      modified,
-      quota,
-    };
-  },
-  _pruneExpired: function _pruneExpired() {
-    let now = Date.now();
-    for (let username in this.users) {
-      let user = this.users[username];
-      for (let name in user.collections) {
-        let collection = user.collections[name];
-        for (let bso of collection.bsos()) {
-          // ttl === 0 is a special case, so we can't simply !ttl.
-          if (typeof(bso.ttl) != "number") {
-            continue;
-          }
-          let ttlDate = bso.modified + (bso.ttl * 1000);
-          if (ttlDate < now) {
-            this._log.info("Deleting BSO because TTL expired: " + bso.id);
-            bso.delete();
-          }
-        }
-      }
-    }
-  },
-  /*
-   * Regular expressions for splitting up Storage request paths.
-   * Storage URLs are of the form:
-   *   /$apipath/$version/$userid/$further
-   * where $further is usually:
-   *   storage/$collection/$bso
-   * or
-   *   storage/$collection
-   * or
-   *   info/$op
-   *
-   * We assume for the sake of simplicity that $apipath is empty.
-   *
-   * N.B., we don't follow any kind of username spec here, because as far as I
-   * can tell there isn't one. See Bug 689671. Instead we follow the Python
-   * server code.
-   *
-   * Path: [all, version, first, rest]
-   * Storage: [all, collection?, id?]
-   */
-  pathRE: /^\/([0-9]+(?:\.[0-9]+)?)(?:\/([0-9]+)\/([^\/]+)(?:\/(.+))?)?$/,
-  storageRE: /^([-_a-zA-Z0-9]+)(?:\/([-_a-zA-Z0-9]+)\/?)?$/,
-  defaultHeaders: {},
-  /**
-   * HTTP response utility.
-   */
-  respond: function respond(req, resp, code, status, body, headers, timestamp) {
-    this._log.info("Response: " + code + " " + status);
-    resp.setStatusLine(req.httpVersion, code, status);
-    if (!headers) {
-      headers = this.defaultHeaders;
-    }
-    for (let header in headers) {
-      let value = headers[header];
-      resp.setHeader(header, value, false);
-    }
-    if (timestamp) {
-      resp.setHeader("X-Timestamp", "" + timestamp, false);
-    }
-    if (body) {
-      resp.bodyOutputStream.write(body, body.length);
-    }
-  },
-  /**
-   * This is invoked by the HttpServer. `this` is bound to the StorageServer;
-   * `handler` is the HttpServer's handler.
-   *
-   * TODO: need to use the correct Storage API response codes and errors here.
-   */
-  handleDefault: function handleDefault(handler, req, resp) {
-    this.requestCount++;
-    let timestamp = new_timestamp();
-    try {
-      this._handleDefault(handler, req, resp, timestamp);
-    } catch (e) {
-      if (e instanceof HttpError) {
-        this.respond(req, resp, e.code, e.description, "", {}, timestamp);
-      } else {
-        this._log.warn("StorageServer: handleDefault caught an error", e);
-        throw e;
-      }
-    }
-  },
-  _handleDefault: function _handleDefault(handler, req, resp, timestamp) {
-    let path = req.path;
-    if (req.queryString.length) {
-      path += "?" + req.queryString;
-    }
-    this._log.debug("StorageServer: Handling request: " + req.method + " " +
-                    path);
-    if (this.callback.onRequest) {
-      this.callback.onRequest(req);
-    }
-    // Prune expired records for all users at top of request. This is the
-    // easiest way to process TTLs since all requests go through here.
-    this._pruneExpired();
-    req.timestamp = timestamp;
-    resp.setHeader("X-Timestamp", "" + timestamp, false);
-    let parts = this.pathRE.exec(req.path);
-    if (!parts) {
-      this._log.debug("StorageServer: Unexpected request: bad URL " + req.path);
-      throw HTTP_404;
-    }
-    let [, version, userPath, first, rest] = parts;
-    if (version != STORAGE_API_VERSION) {
-      this._log.debug("StorageServer: Unknown version.");
-      throw HTTP_404;
-    }
-    let username;
-    // By default, the server requires users to be authenticated. When a
-    // request arrives, the user must have been previously configured and
-    // the request must have authentication. In "allow all users" mode, we
-    // take the username from the URL, create the user on the fly, and don't
-    // perform any authentication.
-    if (!this.allowAllUsers) {
-      // Enforce authentication.
-      if (!req.hasHeader("authorization")) {
-        this.respond(req, resp, 401, "Authorization Required", "{}", {
-          "WWW-Authenticate": 'Basic realm="secret"'
-        });
-        return;
-      }
-      let ensureUserExists = username => {
-        if (this.userExists(username)) {
-          return;
-        }
-        this._log.info("StorageServer: Unknown user: " + username);
-        throw HTTP_401;
-      };
-      let auth = req.getHeader("authorization");
-      this._log.debug("Authorization: " + auth);
-      if (auth.indexOf("Basic ") == 0) {
-        let decoded = CommonUtils.safeAtoB(auth.substr(6));
-        this._log.debug("Decoded Basic Auth: " + decoded);
-        let [user, password] = decoded.split(":", 2);
-        if (!password) {
-          this._log.debug("Malformed HTTP Basic Authorization header: " + auth);
-          throw HTTP_400;
-        }
-        this._log.debug("Got HTTP Basic auth for user: " + user);
-        ensureUserExists(user);
-        username = user;
-        if (this.users[user].password != password) {
-          this._log.debug("StorageServer: Provided password is not correct.");
-          throw HTTP_401;
-        }
-      // TODO support token auth.
-      } else {
-        this._log.debug("Unsupported HTTP authorization type: " + auth);
-        throw HTTP_500;
-      }
-    // All users mode.
-    } else {
-      // Auto create user with dummy password.
-      if (!this.userExists(userPath)) {
-        this.registerUser(userPath, "DUMMY-PASSWORD-*&%#");
-      }
-      username = userPath;
-    }
-    // Hand off to the appropriate handler for this path component.
-    if (first in this.toplevelHandlers) {
-      let handler = this.toplevelHandlers[first];
-      try {
-        handler.call(this, handler, req, resp, version, username, rest);
-        return;
-      } catch (ex) {
-        this._log.warn("Got exception during request", ex);
-        throw ex;
-      }
-    }
-    this._log.debug("StorageServer: Unknown top-level " + first);
-    throw HTTP_404;
-  },
-  /**
-   * Collection of the handler methods we use for top-level path components.
-   */
-  toplevelHandlers: {
-    "storage": function handleStorage(handler, req, resp, version, username,
-                                      rest) {
-      let respond = this.respond.bind(this, req, resp);
-      if (!rest || !rest.length) {
-        this._log.debug("StorageServer: top-level storage " +
-                        req.method + " request.");
-        if (req.method != "DELETE") {
-          respond(405, "Method Not Allowed", null, {"Allow": "DELETE"});
-          return;
-        }
-        this.user(username).deleteCollections();
-        respond(204, "No Content");
-        return;
-      }
-      let match = this.storageRE.exec(rest);
-      if (!match) {
-        this._log.warn("StorageServer: Unknown storage operation " + rest);
-        throw HTTP_404;
-      }
-      let [, collection, bsoID] = match;
-      let coll = this.getCollection(username, collection);
-      let collectionExisted = !!coll;
-      switch (req.method) {
-        case "GET":
-          // Tried to GET on a collection that doesn't exist.
-          if (!coll) {
-            respond(404, "Not Found");
-            return;
-          }
-          // No BSO URL parameter goes to collection handler.
-          if (!bsoID) {
-            coll.collectionHandler(req, resp);
-            return;
-          }
-          // Handle non-existent BSO.
-          let bso = coll.bso(bsoID);
-          if (!bso) {
-            respond(404, "Not Found");
-            return;
-          }
-          // Proxy to BSO handler.
-          bso.getHandler(req, resp);
-          return;
-        case "DELETE":
-          // Collection doesn't exist.
-          if (!coll) {
-            respond(404, "Not Found");
-            return;
-          }
-          // Deleting a specific BSO.
-          if (bsoID) {
-            let bso = coll.bso(bsoID);
-            // BSO does not exist on the server. Nothing to do.
-            if (!bso) {
-              respond(404, "Not Found");
-              return;
-            }
-            if (req.hasHeader("x-if-unmodified-since")) {
-              let modified = parseInt(req.getHeader("x-if-unmodified-since"));
-              CommonUtils.ensureMillisecondsTimestamp(modified);
-              if (bso.modified > modified) {
-                respond(412, "Precondition Failed");
-                return;
-              }
-            }
-            bso.delete();
-            coll.timestamp = req.timestamp;
-            this.callback.onItemDeleted(username, collection, bsoID);
-            respond(204, "No Content");
-            return;
-          }
-          // Proxy to collection handler.
-          coll.collectionHandler(req, resp);
-          // Spot if this is a DELETE for some IDs, and don't blow away the
-          // whole collection!
-          //
-          // We already handled deleting the BSOs by invoking the deleted
-          // collection's handler. However, in the case of
-          //
-          //   DELETE storage/foobar
-          //
-          // we also need to remove foobar from the collections map. This
-          // clause tries to differentiate the above request from
-          //
-          //  DELETE storage/foobar?ids=foo,baz
-          //
-          // and do the right thing.
-          // TODO: less hacky method.
-          if (-1 == req.queryString.indexOf("ids=")) {
-            // When you delete the entire collection, we drop it.
-            this._log.debug("Deleting entire collection.");
-            delete this.users[username].collections[collection];
-            this.callback.onCollectionDeleted(username, collection);
-          }
-          // Notify of item deletion.
-          let deleted = resp.deleted || [];
-          for (let i = 0; i < deleted.length; ++i) {
-            this.callback.onItemDeleted(username, collection, deleted[i]);
-          }
-          return;
-        case "POST":
-        case "PUT":
-          // Auto-create collection if it doesn't exist.
-          if (!coll) {
-            coll = this.createCollection(username, collection);
-          }
-          try {
-            if (bsoID) {
-              let bso = coll.bso(bsoID);
-              if (!bso) {
-                this._log.trace("StorageServer: creating BSO " + collection +
-                                "/" + bsoID);
-                try {
-                  bso = coll.insert(bsoID);
-                } catch (ex) {
-                  sendMozSvcError(req, resp, "8");
-                  return;
-                }
-              }
-              bso.putHandler(req, resp);
-              coll.timestamp = req.timestamp;
-              return;
-            }
-            coll.collectionHandler(req, resp);
-            return;
-          } catch (ex) {
-            if (ex instanceof HttpError) {
-              if (!collectionExisted) {
-                this.deleteCollection(username, collection);
-              }
-            }
-            throw ex;
-          }
-        default:
-          throw new Error("Request method " + req.method + " not implemented.");
-      }
-    },
-    "info": function handleInfo(handler, req, resp, version, username, rest) {
-      switch (rest) {
-        case "collections":
-          this.handleInfoCollections(req, resp, username);
-          return;
-        case "collection_counts":
-          this.handleInfoCounts(req, resp, username);
-          return;
-        case "collection_usage":
-          this.handleInfoUsage(req, resp, username);
-          return;
-        case "quota":
-          this.handleInfoQuota(req, resp, username);
-          return;
-        default:
-          this._log.warn("StorageServer: Unknown info operation " + rest);
-          throw HTTP_404;
-      }
-    }
-  },
-  handleInfoConditional: function handleInfoConditional(request, response,
-                                                        user) {
-    if (!request.hasHeader("x-if-modified-since")) {
-      return false;
-    }
-    let requestModified = request.getHeader("x-if-modified-since");
-    requestModified = parseInt(requestModified, 10);
-    let serverModified = this.newestCollectionTimestamp(user);
-    this._log.info("Server mtime: " + serverModified + "; Client modified: " +
-                   requestModified);
-    if (serverModified > requestModified) {
-      return false;
-    }
-    this.respond(request, response, 304, "Not Modified", null, {
-      "X-Last-Modified": "" + serverModified
-    });
-    return true;
-  },
-  handleInfoCollections: function handleInfoCollections(request, response,
-                                                        user) {
-    if (this.handleInfoConditional(request, response, user)) {
-      return;
-    }
-    let info = this.infoCollections(user);
-    let body = JSON.stringify(info);
-    this.respond(request, response, 200, "OK", body, {
-      "Content-Type":    "application/json",
-      "X-Last-Modified": "" + this.newestCollectionTimestamp(user),
-    });
-  },
-  handleInfoCounts: function handleInfoCounts(request, response, user) {
-    if (this.handleInfoConditional(request, response, user)) {
-      return;
-    }
-    let counts = this.infoCounts(user);
-    let body = JSON.stringify(counts);
-    this.respond(request, response, 200, "OK", body, {
-      "Content-Type":    "application/json",
-      "X-Last-Modified": "" + this.newestCollectionTimestamp(user),
-    });
-  },
-  handleInfoUsage: function handleInfoUsage(request, response, user) {
-    if (this.handleInfoConditional(request, response, user)) {
-      return;
-    }
-    let body = JSON.stringify(this.infoUsage(user));
-    this.respond(request, response, 200, "OK", body, {
-      "Content-Type":    "application/json",
-      "X-Last-Modified": "" + this.newestCollectionTimestamp(user),
-    });
-  },
-  handleInfoQuota: function handleInfoQuota(request, response, user) {
-    if (this.handleInfoConditional(request, response, user)) {
-      return;
-    }
-    let body = JSON.stringify(this.infoQuota(user));
-    this.respond(request, response, 200, "OK", body, {
-      "Content-Type":    "application/json",
-      "X-Last-Modified": "" + this.newestCollectionTimestamp(user),
-    });
-  },
- * Helper to create a storage server for a set of users.
- *
- * Each user is specified by a map of username to password.
- */
-this.storageServerForUsers =
- function storageServerForUsers(users, contents, callback) {
-  let server = new StorageServer(callback);
-  for (let [user, pass] of Object.entries(users)) {
-    server.registerUser(user, pass);
-    server.createContents(user, contents);
-  }
-  server.start();
-  return server;
--- a/services/common/moz.build
+++ b/services/common/moz.build
@@ -29,20 +29,16 @@ EXTRA_JS_MODULES['services-common'] += [
 if CONFIG['MOZ_WIDGET_TOOLKIT'] != 'android':
     EXTRA_JS_MODULES['services-common'] += [
-    TESTING_JS_MODULES.services.common += [
-        'modules-testing/storageserver.js',
-    ]
 TESTING_JS_MODULES.services.common += [
deleted file mode 100644
--- a/services/common/tests/mach_commands.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,111 +0,0 @@
-# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
-# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
-# file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
-from __future__ import absolute_import, unicode_literals
-import mozpack.path as mozpath
-from mozbuild.base import (
-    MachCommandBase,
-from mach.decorators import (
-    CommandArgument,
-    CommandProvider,
-    Command,
-from mach.registrar import (
-    Registrar
-from shutil import rmtree
-from subprocess import Popen
-from sys import argv
-from sys import exit
-from tempfile import mkdtemp
-DEFAULT_HOSTNAME = 'localhost'
-SRCDIR = mozpath.abspath(mozpath.dirname(__file__))
-STORAGE_SERVER_SCRIPT = mozpath.join(SRCDIR, 'run_storage_server.js')
-def SyncStorageCommand(func):
-    """Decorator that adds shared command arguments to services commands."""
-    port = CommandArgument('--port', metavar='PORT', type=int,
-                           default=DEFAULT_PORT, help='Port to run server on.')
-    func = port(func)
-    address = CommandArgument('--address', metavar='ADDRESS',
-                              default=DEFAULT_HOSTNAME,
-                              help='Hostname to bind server to.')
-    func = address(func)
-    return func
-                            title='Services utilities',
-                            description='Commands for services development.')
-class SyncTestCommands(MachCommandBase):
-    def __init__(self, context):
-        MachCommandBase.__init__(self, context)
-    def run_server(self, js_file, hostname, port):
-        topsrcdir = self.topsrcdir
-        topobjdir = self.topobjdir
-        unit_test_dir = mozpath.join(SRCDIR, 'unit')
-        head_paths = [
-            'head_global.js',
-            'head_helpers.js',
-            'head_http.js',
-            ]
-        head_paths = ['"%s"' % mozpath.join(unit_test_dir, path) for path in head_paths]
-        args = [
-            '%s/run-mozilla.sh' % self.bindir,
-            '%s/xpcshell' % self.bindir,
-            '-g', self.bindir,
-            '-a', self.bindir,
-            '-r', '%s/components/httpd.manifest' % self.bindir,
-            '-m',
-            '-s',
-            '-e', 'const _TESTING_MODULES_DIR = "%s/_tests/modules";' % topobjdir,
-            '-f', '%s/testing/xpcshell/head.js' % topsrcdir,
-            '-e', 'const _SERVER_ADDR = "%s";' % hostname,
-            '-e', 'const SERVER_PORT = "%s";' % port,
-            '-e', 'const INCLUDE_FILES = [%s];' % ', '.join(head_paths),
-            '-e', '_register_protocol_handlers();',
-            '-e', 'for (let name of INCLUDE_FILES) load(name);',
-            '-e', '_fakeIdleService.activate();',
-            '-f', js_file
-            ]
-        profile_dir = mkdtemp()
-        print 'Created profile directory: %s' % profile_dir
-        try:
-            env = {'XPCSHELL_TEST_PROFILE_DIR': profile_dir}
-            proc = Popen(args, env=env)
-            return proc.wait()
-        finally:
-            print 'Removing profile directory %s' % profile_dir
-            rmtree(profile_dir)
-    @Command('storage-server', category='services',
-             description='Run a storage server.')
-    @SyncStorageCommand
-    def run_storage_server(self, port=DEFAULT_PORT, address=DEFAULT_HOSTNAME):
-        exit(self.run_server(STORAGE_SERVER_SCRIPT, address, port))
deleted file mode 100644
--- a/services/common/tests/run_storage_server.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file,
- * You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */
- * This file runs a Storage Service server.
- *
- * It is meant to be executed with an xpcshell.
- *
- * The Makefile in this directory contains a target to run it:
- *
- *   $ make storage-server
- */
-// Disable eslint no-undef rule for this file, as it is simple and is complicated
-// to check all the imports.
-/* eslint no-undef:off */
-var server = new StorageServer();
-server.allowAllUsers = true;
-_("Storage server started on port " + SERVER_PORT);
-// Launch the thread manager.
--- a/services/common/tests/unit/test_load_modules.js
+++ b/services/common/tests/unit/test_load_modules.js
@@ -15,20 +15,16 @@ const non_android_modules = [
 const TEST_BASE = "resource://testing-common/services/common/";
 const shared_test_modules = [
-const non_android_test_modules = [
-  "storageserver.js",
 function expectImportsToSucceed(mm, base = MODULE_BASE) {
   for (let m of mm) {
     let resource = base + m;
     let succeeded = false;
     try {
       Components.utils.import(resource, {});
       succeeded = true;
     } catch (e) {}
@@ -55,14 +51,12 @@ function expectImportsToFail(mm, base = 
 function run_test() {
   expectImportsToSucceed(shared_test_modules, TEST_BASE);
   if (AppConstants.platform != "android") {
-    expectImportsToSucceed(non_android_test_modules, TEST_BASE);
   } else {
-    expectImportsToFail(non_android_test_modules, TEST_BASE);
deleted file mode 100644
--- a/services/common/tests/unit/test_storage_server.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,692 +0,0 @@
-/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain.
-   http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ */
-const DEFAULT_USER = "123";
-const DEFAULT_PASSWORD = "password";
- * Helper function to prepare a RESTRequest against the server.
- */
-function localRequest(server, path, user = DEFAULT_USER, password = DEFAULT_PASSWORD) {
-  _("localRequest: " + path);
-  let identity = server.server.identity;
-  let url = identity.primaryScheme + "://" + identity.primaryHost + ":" +
-            identity.primaryPort + path;
-  _("url: " + url);
-  let req = new RESTRequest(url);
-  let header = basic_auth_header(user, password);
-  req.setHeader("Authorization", header);
-  req.setHeader("Accept", "application/json");
-  return req;
- * Helper function to validate an HTTP response from the server.
- */
-function validateResponse(response) {
-  do_check_true("x-timestamp" in response.headers);
-  if ("content-length" in response.headers) {
-    let cl = parseInt(response.headers["content-length"]);
-    if (cl != 0) {
-      do_check_true("content-type" in response.headers);
-      do_check_eq("application/json", response.headers["content-type"]);
-    }
-  }
-  if (response.status == 204 || response.status == 304) {
-    do_check_false("content-type" in response.headers);
-    if ("content-length" in response.headers) {
-      do_check_eq(response.headers["content-length"], "0");
-    }
-  }
-  if (response.status == 405) {
-    do_check_true("allow" in response.headers);
-  }
- * Helper function to synchronously wait for a response and validate it.
- */
-function waitAndValidateResponse(cb, request) {
-  let error = cb.wait();
-  if (!error) {
-    validateResponse(request.response);
-  }
-  return error;
- * Helper function to synchronously perform a GET request.
- *
- * @return Error instance or null if no error.
- */
-function doGetRequest(request) {
-  let cb = Async.makeSpinningCallback();
-  request.get(cb);
-  return waitAndValidateResponse(cb, request);
- * Helper function to synchronously perform a PUT request.
- *
- * @return Error instance or null if no error.
- */
-function doPutRequest(request, data) {
-  let cb = Async.makeSpinningCallback();
-  request.put(data, cb);
-  return waitAndValidateResponse(cb, request);
- * Helper function to synchronously perform a DELETE request.
- *
- * @return Error or null if no error was encountered.
- */
-function doDeleteRequest(request) {
-  let cb = Async.makeSpinningCallback();
-  request.delete(cb);
-  return waitAndValidateResponse(cb, request);
-function run_test() {
-  Log.repository.getLogger("Services.Common.Test.StorageServer").level =
-    Log.Level.Trace;
-  initTestLogging();
-  run_next_test();
-add_test(function test_creation() {
-  _("Ensure a simple server can be created.");
-  // Explicit callback for this one.
-  let server = new StorageServer({
-    __proto__: StorageServerCallback,
-  });
-  do_check_true(!!server);
-  server.start(-1, function() {
-    _("Started on " + server.port);
-    server.stop(run_next_test);
-  });
-add_test(function test_synchronous_start() {
-  _("Ensure starting using startSynchronous works.");
-  let server = new StorageServer();
-  server.startSynchronous();
-  server.stop(run_next_test);
-add_test(function test_url_parsing() {
-  _("Ensure server parses URLs properly.");
-  let server = new StorageServer();
-  // Check that we can parse a BSO URI.
-  let parts = server.pathRE.exec("/2.0/12345/storage/crypto/keys");
-  let [all, version, user, first, rest] = parts;
-  do_check_eq(all, "/2.0/12345/storage/crypto/keys");
-  do_check_eq(version, "2.0");
-  do_check_eq(user, "12345");
-  do_check_eq(first, "storage");
-  do_check_eq(rest, "crypto/keys");
-  do_check_eq(null, server.pathRE.exec("/nothing/else"));
-  // Check that we can parse a collection URI.
-  parts = server.pathRE.exec("/2.0/123/storage/crypto");
-  [all, version, user, first, rest] = parts;
-  do_check_eq(all, "/2.0/123/storage/crypto");
-  do_check_eq(version, "2.0");
-  do_check_eq(user, "123");
-  do_check_eq(first, "storage");
-  do_check_eq(rest, "crypto");
-  // We don't allow trailing slash on storage URI.
-  parts = server.pathRE.exec("/2.0/1234/storage/");
-  do_check_eq(parts, undefined);
-  // storage alone is a valid request.
-  parts = server.pathRE.exec("/2.0/123456/storage");
-  [all, version, user, first, rest] = parts;
-  do_check_eq(all, "/2.0/123456/storage");
-  do_check_eq(version, "2.0");
-  do_check_eq(user, "123456");
-  do_check_eq(first, "storage");
-  do_check_eq(rest, undefined);
-  parts = server.storageRE.exec("storage");
-  let collection;
-  [all, , collection, ] = parts;
-  do_check_eq(all, "storage");
-  do_check_eq(collection, undefined);
-  run_next_test();
-add_test(function test_basic_http() {
-  let server = new StorageServer();
-  server.registerUser("345", "password");
-  do_check_true(server.userExists("345"));
-  server.startSynchronous();
-  _("Started on " + server.port);
-  do_check_eq(server.requestCount, 0);
-  let req = localRequest(server, "/2.0/storage/crypto/keys");
-  _("req is " + req);
-  req.get(function(err) {
-    do_check_eq(null, err);
-    do_check_eq(server.requestCount, 1);
-    server.stop(run_next_test);
-  });
-add_test(function test_info_collections() {
-  let server = new StorageServer();
-  server.registerUser("123", "password");
-  server.startSynchronous();
-  let path = "/2.0/123/info/collections";
-  _("info/collections on empty server should be empty object.");
-  let request = localRequest(server, path, "123", "password");
-  let error = doGetRequest(request);
-  do_check_eq(error, null);
-  do_check_eq(request.response.status, 200);
-  do_check_eq(request.response.body, "{}");
-  _("Creating an empty collection should result in collection appearing.");
-  let coll = server.createCollection("123", "col1");
-  request = localRequest(server, path, "123", "password");
-  error = doGetRequest(request);
-  do_check_eq(error, null);
-  do_check_eq(request.response.status, 200);
-  let info = JSON.parse(request.response.body);
-  do_check_attribute_count(info, 1);
-  do_check_true("col1" in info);
-  do_check_eq(info.col1, coll.timestamp);
-  server.stop(run_next_test);
-add_test(function test_bso_get_existing() {
-  _("Ensure that BSO retrieval works.");
-  let server = new StorageServer();
-  server.registerUser("123", "password");
-  server.createContents("123", {
-    test: {"bso": {"foo": "bar"}}
-  });
-  server.startSynchronous();
-  let coll = server.user("123").collection("test");
-  let request = localRequest(server, "/2.0/123/storage/test/bso", "123",
-                             "password");
-  let error = doGetRequest(request);
-  do_check_eq(error, null);
-  do_check_eq(request.response.status, 200);
-  do_check_eq(request.response.headers["content-type"], "application/json");
-  let bso = JSON.parse(request.response.body);
-  do_check_attribute_count(bso, 3);
-  do_check_eq(bso.id, "bso");
-  do_check_eq(bso.modified, coll.bso("bso").modified);
-  let payload = JSON.parse(bso.payload);
-  do_check_attribute_count(payload, 1);
-  do_check_eq(payload.foo, "bar");
-  server.stop(run_next_test);
-add_test(function test_percent_decoding() {
-  _("Ensure query string arguments with percent encoded are handled.");
-  let server = new StorageServer();
-  server.registerUser("123", "password");
-  server.startSynchronous();
-  let coll = server.user("123").createCollection("test");
-  coll.insert("001", {foo: "bar"});
-  coll.insert("002", {bar: "foo"});
-  let request = localRequest(server, "/2.0/123/storage/test?ids=001%2C002",
-                             "123", "password");
-  let error = doGetRequest(request);
-  do_check_null(error);
-  do_check_eq(request.response.status, 200);
-  let items = JSON.parse(request.response.body).items;
-  do_check_attribute_count(items, 2);
-  server.stop(run_next_test);
-add_test(function test_bso_404() {
-  _("Ensure the server responds with a 404 if a BSO does not exist.");
-  let server = new StorageServer();
-  server.registerUser("123", "password");
-  server.createContents("123", {
-    test: {}
-  });
-  server.startSynchronous();
-  let request = localRequest(server, "/2.0/123/storage/test/foo");
-  let error = doGetRequest(request);
-  do_check_eq(error, null);
-  do_check_eq(request.response.status, 404);
-  do_check_false("content-type" in request.response.headers);
-  server.stop(run_next_test);
-add_test(function test_bso_if_modified_since_304() {
-  _("Ensure the server responds properly to X-If-Modified-Since for BSOs.");
-  let server = new StorageServer();
-  server.registerUser("123", "password");
-  server.createContents("123", {
-    test: {bso: {foo: "bar"}}
-  });
-  server.startSynchronous();
-  let coll = server.user("123").collection("test");
-  do_check_neq(coll, null);
-  // Rewind clock just in case.
-  coll.timestamp -= 10000;
-  coll.bso("bso").modified -= 10000;
-  let request = localRequest(server, "/2.0/123/storage/test/bso",
-                             "123", "password");
-  request.setHeader("X-If-Modified-Since", "" + server.serverTime());
-  let error = doGetRequest(request);
-  do_check_eq(null, error);
-  do_check_eq(request.response.status, 304);
-  do_check_false("content-type" in request.response.headers);
-  request = localRequest(server, "/2.0/123/storage/test/bso",
-                             "123", "password");
-  request.setHeader("X-If-Modified-Since", "" + (server.serverTime() - 20000));
-  error = doGetRequest(request);
-  do_check_eq(null, error);
-  do_check_eq(request.response.status, 200);
-  do_check_eq(request.response.headers["content-type"], "application/json");
-  server.stop(run_next_test);
-add_test(function test_bso_if_unmodified_since() {
-  _("Ensure X-If-Unmodified-Since works properly on BSOs.");
-  let server = new StorageServer();
-  server.registerUser("123", "password");
-  server.createContents("123", {
-    test: {bso: {foo: "bar"}}
-  });
-  server.startSynchronous();
-  let coll = server.user("123").collection("test");
-  do_check_neq(coll, null);
-  let time = coll.bso("bso").modified;
-  _("Ensure we get a 412 for specified times older than server time.");
-  let request = localRequest(server, "/2.0/123/storage/test/bso",
-                             "123", "password");
-  request.setHeader("X-If-Unmodified-Since", time - 5000);
-  request.setHeader("Content-Type", "application/json");
-  let payload = JSON.stringify({"payload": "foobar"});
-  let error = doPutRequest(request, payload);
-  do_check_eq(null, error);
-  do_check_eq(request.response.status, 412);
-  _("Ensure we get a 204 if update goes through.");
-  request = localRequest(server, "/2.0/123/storage/test/bso",
-                         "123", "password");
-  request.setHeader("Content-Type", "application/json");
-  request.setHeader("X-If-Unmodified-Since", time + 1);
-  error = doPutRequest(request, payload);
-  do_check_eq(null, error);
-  do_check_eq(request.response.status, 204);
-  do_check_true(coll.timestamp > time);
-  // Not sure why a client would send X-If-Unmodified-Since if a BSO doesn't
-  // exist. But, why not test it?
-  _("Ensure we get a 201 if creation goes through.");
-  request = localRequest(server, "/2.0/123/storage/test/none",
-                         "123", "password");
-  request.setHeader("Content-Type", "application/json");
-  request.setHeader("X-If-Unmodified-Since", time);
-  error = doPutRequest(request, payload);
-  do_check_eq(null, error);
-  do_check_eq(request.response.status, 201);
-  server.stop(run_next_test);
-add_test(function test_bso_delete_not_exist() {
-  _("Ensure server behaves properly when deleting a BSO that does not exist.");
-  let server = new StorageServer();
-  server.registerUser("123", "password");
-  server.user("123").createCollection("empty");
-  server.startSynchronous();
-  server.callback.onItemDeleted = function onItemDeleted(username, collection,
-                                                         id) {
-    do_throw("onItemDeleted should not have been called.");
-  };
-  let request = localRequest(server, "/2.0/123/storage/empty/nada",
-                             "123", "password");
-  let error = doDeleteRequest(request);
-  do_check_eq(error, null);
-  do_check_eq(request.response.status, 404);
-  do_check_false("content-type" in request.response.headers);
-  server.stop(run_next_test);
-add_test(function test_bso_delete_exists() {
-  _("Ensure proper semantics when deleting a BSO that exists.");
-  let server = new StorageServer();
-  server.registerUser("123", "password");
-  server.startSynchronous();
-  let coll = server.user("123").createCollection("test");
-  coll.insert("myid", {foo: "bar"});
-  let timestamp = coll.timestamp;
-  server.callback.onItemDeleted = function onDeleted(username, collection, id) {
-    delete server.callback.onItemDeleted;
-    do_check_eq(username, "123");
-    do_check_eq(collection, "test");
-    do_check_eq(id, "myid");
-  };
-  let request = localRequest(server, "/2.0/123/storage/test/myid",
-                             "123", "password");
-  let error = doDeleteRequest(request);
-  do_check_eq(error, null);
-  do_check_eq(request.response.status, 204);
-  do_check_eq(coll.bsos().length, 0);
-  do_check_true(coll.timestamp > timestamp);
-  _("On next request the BSO should not exist.");
-  request = localRequest(server, "/2.0/123/storage/test/myid",
-                         "123", "password");
-  error = doGetRequest(request);
-  do_check_eq(error, null);
-  do_check_eq(request.response.status, 404);
-  server.stop(run_next_test);
-add_test(function test_bso_delete_unmodified() {
-  _("Ensure X-If-Unmodified-Since works when deleting BSOs.");
-  let server = new StorageServer();
-  server.startSynchronous();
-  server.registerUser("123", "password");
-  let coll = server.user("123").createCollection("test");
-  let bso = coll.insert("myid", {foo: "bar"});
-  let modified = bso.modified;
-  _("Issuing a DELETE with an older time should fail.");
-  let path = "/2.0/123/storage/test/myid";
-  let request = localRequest(server, path, "123", "password");
-  request.setHeader("X-If-Unmodified-Since", modified - 1000);
-  let error = doDeleteRequest(request);
-  do_check_eq(error, null);
-  do_check_eq(request.response.status, 412);
-  do_check_false("content-type" in request.response.headers);
-  do_check_neq(coll.bso("myid"), null);
-  _("Issuing a DELETE with a newer time should work.");
-  request = localRequest(server, path, "123", "password");
-  request.setHeader("X-If-Unmodified-Since", modified + 1000);
-  error = doDeleteRequest(request);
-  do_check_eq(error, null);
-  do_check_eq(request.response.status, 204);
-  do_check_true(coll.bso("myid").deleted);
-  server.stop(run_next_test);
-add_test(function test_collection_get_unmodified_since() {
-  _("Ensure conditional unmodified get on collection works when it should.");
-  let server = new StorageServer();
-  server.registerUser("123", "password");
-  server.startSynchronous();
-  let collection = server.user("123").createCollection("testcoll");
-  collection.insert("bso0", {foo: "bar"});
-  let serverModified = collection.timestamp;
-  let request1 = localRequest(server, "/2.0/123/storage/testcoll",
-                              "123", "password");
-  request1.setHeader("X-If-Unmodified-Since", serverModified);
-  let error = doGetRequest(request1);
-  do_check_null(error);
-  do_check_eq(request1.response.status, 200);
-  let request2 = localRequest(server, "/2.0/123/storage/testcoll",
-                              "123", "password");
-  request2.setHeader("X-If-Unmodified-Since", serverModified - 1);
-  error = doGetRequest(request2);
-  do_check_null(error);
-  do_check_eq(request2.response.status, 412);
-  server.stop(run_next_test);
-add_test(function test_bso_get_unmodified_since() {
-  _("Ensure conditional unmodified get on BSO works appropriately.");
-  let server = new StorageServer();
-  server.registerUser("123", "password");
-  server.startSynchronous();
-  let collection = server.user("123").createCollection("testcoll");
-  let bso = collection.insert("bso0", {foo: "bar"});
-  let serverModified = bso.modified;
-  let request1 = localRequest(server, "/2.0/123/storage/testcoll/bso0",
-                              "123", "password");
-  request1.setHeader("X-If-Unmodified-Since", serverModified);
-  let error = doGetRequest(request1);
-  do_check_null(error);
-  do_check_eq(request1.response.status, 200);
-  let request2 = localRequest(server, "/2.0/123/storage/testcoll/bso0",
-                              "123", "password");
-  request2.setHeader("X-If-Unmodified-Since", serverModified - 1);
-  error = doGetRequest(request2);
-  do_check_null(error);
-  do_check_eq(request2.response.status, 412);
-  server.stop(run_next_test);
-add_test(function test_missing_collection_404() {
-  _("Ensure a missing collection returns a 404.");
-  let server = new StorageServer();
-  server.registerUser("123", "password");
-  server.startSynchronous();
-  let request = localRequest(server, "/2.0/123/storage/none", "123", "password");
-  let error = doGetRequest(request);
-  do_check_eq(error, null);
-  do_check_eq(request.response.status, 404);
-  do_check_false("content-type" in request.response.headers);
-  server.stop(run_next_test);
-add_test(function test_get_storage_405() {
-  _("Ensure that a GET on /storage results in a 405.");
-  let server = new StorageServer();
-  server.registerUser("123", "password");
-  server.startSynchronous();
-  let request = localRequest(server, "/2.0/123/storage", "123", "password");
-  let error = doGetRequest(request);
-  do_check_eq(error, null);
-  do_check_eq(request.response.status, 405);
-  do_check_eq(request.response.headers.allow, "DELETE");
-  server.stop(run_next_test);
-add_test(function test_delete_storage() {
-  _("Ensure that deleting all of storage works.");
-  let server = new StorageServer();
-  server.registerUser("123", "password");
-  server.createContents("123", {
-    foo: {a: {foo: "bar"}, b: {bar: "foo"}},
-    baz: {c: {bob: "law"}, blah: {law: "blog"}}
-  });
-  server.startSynchronous();
-  let request = localRequest(server, "/2.0/123/storage", "123", "password");
-  let error = doDeleteRequest(request);
-  do_check_eq(error, null);
-  do_check_eq(request.response.status, 204);
-  do_check_attribute_count(server.users["123"].collections, 0);
-  server.stop(run_next_test);
-add_test(function test_x_num_records() {
-  let server = new StorageServer();
-  server.registerUser("123", "password");
-  server.createContents("123", {
-    crypto: {foos: {foo: "bar"},
-             bars: {foo: "baz"}}
-  });
-  server.startSynchronous();
-  let bso = localRequest(server, "/2.0/123/storage/crypto/foos");
-  bso.get(function(err) {
-    // BSO fetches don't have one.
-    do_check_false("x-num-records" in this.response.headers);
-    let col = localRequest(server, "/2.0/123/storage/crypto");
-    col.get(function(err2) {
-      // Collection fetches do.
-      do_check_eq(this.response.headers["x-num-records"], "2");
-      server.stop(run_next_test);
-    });
-  });
-add_test(function test_put_delete_put() {
-  _("Bug 790397: Ensure BSO deleted flag is reset on PUT.");
-  let server = new StorageServer();
-  server.registerUser("123", "password");
-  server.createContents("123", {
-    test: {bso: {foo: "bar"}}
-  });
-  server.startSynchronous();
-  _("Ensure we can PUT an existing record.");
-  let request1 = localRequest(server, "/2.0/123/storage/test/bso", "123", "password");
-  request1.setHeader("Content-Type", "application/json");
-  let payload1 = JSON.stringify({"payload": "foobar"});
-  let error1 = doPutRequest(request1, payload1);
-  do_check_eq(null, error1);
-  do_check_eq(request1.response.status, 204);
-  _("Ensure we can DELETE it.");
-  let request2 = localRequest(server, "/2.0/123/storage/test/bso", "123", "password");
-  let error2 = doDeleteRequest(request2);
-  do_check_eq(error2, null);
-  do_check_eq(request2.response.status, 204);
-  do_check_false("content-type" in request2.response.headers);
-  _("Ensure we can PUT a previously deleted record.");
-  let request3 = localRequest(server, "/2.0/123/storage/test/bso", "123", "password");
-  request3.setHeader("Content-Type", "application/json");
-  let payload3 = JSON.stringify({"payload": "foobar"});
-  let error3 = doPutRequest(request3, payload3);
-  do_check_eq(null, error3);
-  do_check_eq(request3.response.status, 201);
-  _("Ensure we can GET the re-uploaded record.");
-  let request4 = localRequest(server, "/2.0/123/storage/test/bso", "123", "password");
-  let error4 = doGetRequest(request4);
-  do_check_eq(error4, null);
-  do_check_eq(request4.response.status, 200);
-  do_check_eq(request4.response.headers["content-type"], "application/json");
-  server.stop(run_next_test);
-add_test(function test_collection_get_newer() {
-  _("Ensure get with newer argument on collection works.");
-  let server = new StorageServer();
-  server.registerUser("123", "password");
-  server.startSynchronous();
-  let coll = server.user("123").createCollection("test");
-  let bso1 = coll.insert("001", {foo: "bar"});
-  let bso2 = coll.insert("002", {bar: "foo"});
-  // Don't want both records to have the same timestamp.
-  bso2.modified = bso1.modified + 1000;
-  function newerRequest(newer) {
-    return localRequest(server, "/2.0/123/storage/test?newer=" + newer,
-                        "123", "password");
-  }
-  let request1 = newerRequest(0);
-  let error1 = doGetRequest(request1);
-  do_check_null(error1);
-  do_check_eq(request1.response.status, 200);
-  let items1 = JSON.parse(request1.response.body).items;
-  do_check_attribute_count(items1, 2);
-  let request2 = newerRequest(bso1.modified + 1);
-  let error2 = doGetRequest(request2);
-  do_check_null(error2);
-  do_check_eq(request2.response.status, 200);
-  let items2 = JSON.parse(request2.response.body).items;
-  do_check_attribute_count(items2, 1);
-  let request3 = newerRequest(bso2.modified + 1);
-  let error3 = doGetRequest(request3);
-  do_check_null(error3);
-  do_check_eq(request3.response.status, 200);
-  let items3 = JSON.parse(request3.response.body).items;
-  do_check_attribute_count(items3, 0);
-  server.stop(run_next_test);
--- a/services/common/tests/unit/xpcshell.ini
+++ b/services/common/tests/unit/xpcshell.ini
@@ -53,12 +53,9 @@ skip-if = os == "android"
 skip-if = os == "android"
 skip-if = os == "android"
-skip-if = os == "android"