Bug 1209463 - [mozlog] Create a SummaryHandler class and refactor the 'mach' formatter to use it, r?jgraham draft
authorAndrew Halberstadt <ahalberstadt@mozilla.com>
Wed, 29 Nov 2017 12:00:30 -0500
changeset 707172 4a34fffe66b435632ec89126bc7afbc66dc51a7c
parent 707171 93d0f5bd9ee282e5d02c0fb305788c15554666c0
child 707173 6e3cfe1e3c0e4063ac2d867942867b207f0dfcf7
push id92023
push userahalberstadt@mozilla.com
push dateMon, 04 Dec 2017 21:11:24 +0000
Bug 1209463 - [mozlog] Create a SummaryHandler class and refactor the 'mach' formatter to use it, r?jgraham The mach formatter gathers result counts and unexpected messages during the run to be dumped in a summary at the end. This is a pattern we'd like to repeat in several other formatters as well. Rather than re-implementing, this creates a handler class that does nothing but store the data. Formatters can then choose how to format this data and when to print it. MozReview-Commit-ID: HKtVr5PxfOy
--- a/testing/mozbase/mozlog/mozlog/formatters/machformatter.py
+++ b/testing/mozbase/mozlog/mozlog/formatters/machformatter.py
@@ -1,25 +1,25 @@
 # This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
 # License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
 # file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
 from __future__ import absolute_import
 import time
-from collections import defaultdict
     import blessings
 except ImportError:
     blessings = None
 from . import base
 from .process import strstatus
+from ..handlers import SummaryHandler
 def format_seconds(total):
     """Format number of seconds to MM:SS.DD form."""
     minutes, seconds = divmod(total, 60)
     return '%2d:%05.2f' % (minutes, seconds)
@@ -30,17 +30,18 @@ class NullTerminal(object):
     def _id(self, value):
         return value
 class MachFormatter(base.BaseFormatter):
     def __init__(self, start_time=None, write_interval=False, write_times=True,
-                 terminal=None, disable_colors=False):
+                 terminal=None, disable_colors=False, **kwargs):
+        super(MachFormatter, self).__init__(**kwargs)
         if disable_colors:
             terminal = None
         elif terminal is None and blessings is not None:
             terminal = blessings.Terminal()
         if start_time is None:
             start_time = time.time()
@@ -50,26 +51,22 @@ class MachFormatter(base.BaseFormatter):
         self.write_times = write_times
         self.status_buffer = {}
         self.has_unexpected = {}
         self.last_time = None
         self.terminal = terminal
         self.verbose = False
         self._known_pids = set()
-        self.summary_values = {"tests": 0,
-                               "subtests": 0,
-                               "assertion_counts": 0,
-                               "expected": 0,
-                               "unexpected": defaultdict(int),
-                               "skipped": 0}
-        self.summary_unexpected = []
+        self.summary = SummaryHandler()
     def __call__(self, data):
-        s = base.BaseFormatter.__call__(self, data)
+        self.summary(data)
+        s = super(MachFormatter, self).__call__(data)
         if s is None:
         time = format_seconds(self._time(data))
         action = data["action"].upper()
         thread = data["thread"]
         # Not using the NullTerminal here is a small optimisation to cut the number of
@@ -112,221 +109,192 @@ class MachFormatter(base.BaseFormatter):
             return test_id
         if isinstance(test_id, tuple):
             return "".join(test_id)
         assert False, "unexpected test_id"
     def suite_start(self, data):
-        self.summary_values = {"tests": 0,
-                               "subtests": 0,
-                               "assertion_counts": 0,
-                               "expected": 0,
-                               "unexpected": defaultdict(int),
-                               "skipped": 0}
-        self.summary_unexpected = []
         num_tests = reduce(lambda x, y: x + len(y), data['tests'].itervalues(), 0)
         return "%i" % num_tests
     def suite_end(self, data):
-        term = self.terminal if self.terminal is not None else NullTerminal()
-        heading = "Summary"
-        rv = ["", heading, "=" * len(heading), ""]
-        has_subtests = self.summary_values["subtests"] > 0
-        has_assert_counts = self.summary_values["assertion_counts"] > 0
-        test_count = self.summary_values["tests"]
-        components = ["%i parents" % self.summary_values["tests"]]
-        if has_subtests:
-            test_count += self.summary_values["subtests"]
-            components.append("%i subtests" % self.summary_values["subtests"])
-        if has_assert_counts:
-            test_count += self.summary_values["assertion_counts"]
-            components.append("%i assertion counts" % self.summary_values["assertion_counts"])
-        summary = "Ran %i tests" % test_count
-        if len(components) > 1:
-            summary += " (%s)" % ", ".join(components)
-        rv.append(summary)
-        rv.append("Expected results: %i" % self.summary_values["expected"])
-        unexpected_count = sum(self.summary_values["unexpected"].values())
-        if unexpected_count > 0:
-            unexpected_str = " (%s)" % ", ".join("%s: %i" % (key, value) for key, value in
-                                                 sorted(self.summary_values["unexpected"].items()))
-        else:
-            unexpected_str = ""
+        return self._format_suite_summary(self.summary.current_suite, self.summary.current)
-        rv.append("Unexpected results: %i%s" % (unexpected_count, unexpected_str))
-        if self.summary_values["skipped"] > 0:
-            rv.append("Skipped: %i" % self.summary_values["skipped"])
-        rv.append("")
-        if not self.summary_values["unexpected"]:
-            rv.append(term.green("OK"))
-        else:
-            heading = "Unexpected Results"
-            rv.extend([heading, "=" * len(heading), ""])
-            if has_subtests:
-                for test_id, results in self.summary_unexpected:
-                    test = self._get_file_name(test_id)
-                    rv.extend([test, "-" * len(test)])
-                    for name, status, expected, message in results:
-                        if name is None:
-                            name = "[Parent]"
-                        rv.append("%s %s" % (self.format_expected(status, expected), name))
-            else:
-                for test_id, results in self.summary_unexpected:
-                    test = self._get_file_name(test_id)
-                    assert len(results) == 1
-                    name, status, expected, messge = results[0]
-                    assert name is None
-                    rv.append("%s %s" % (self.format_expected(status, expected), test))
-        return "\n".join(rv)
-    def format_expected(self, status, expected):
+    def _format_expected(self, status, expected):
         term = self.terminal if self.terminal is not None else NullTerminal()
         if status == "ERROR":
             color = term.red
             color = term.yellow
         if expected in ("PASS", "OK"):
             return color(status)
         return color("%s expected %s" % (status, expected))
+    def _format_suite_summary(self, suite, summary):
+        term = self.terminal if self.terminal is not None else NullTerminal()
+        count = summary['counts']
+        logs = summary['unexpected_logs']
+        rv = ["", suite, "~" * len(suite)]
+        # Format check counts
+        checks = self.summary.aggregate('count', count)
+        rv.append("Ran {} checks ({})".format(sum(checks.values()),
+                  ', '.join(['{} {}s'.format(v, k) for k, v in checks.items() if v])))
+        # Format expected counts
+        checks = self.summary.aggregate('expected', count, include_skip=False)
+        rv.append("Expected results: {}".format(sum(checks.values())))
+        # Format skip counts
+        skip_tests = count["test"]["expected"]["skip"]
+        skip_subtests = count["subtest"]["expected"]["skip"]
+        if skip_tests:
+            skipped = "Skipped: {} tests".format(skip_tests)
+            if skip_subtests:
+                skipped = "{}, {} subtests".format(skipped, skip_subtests)
+            rv.append(skipped)
+        # Format unexpected counts
+        checks = self.summary.aggregate('unexpected', count)
+        unexpected_count = sum(checks.values())
+        if unexpected_count:
+            rv.append("Unexpected results: {}".format(unexpected_count))
+            for key in ('test', 'subtest', 'assert'):
+                if not count[key]['unexpected']:
+                    continue
+                status_str = ", ".join(["{} {}".format(n, s)
+                                        for s, n in count[key]['unexpected'].items()])
+                rv.append("  {}: {} ({})".format(
+                          key, sum(count[key]['unexpected'].values()), status_str))
+        # Format status
+        if not any(count[key]["unexpected"] for key in ('test', 'subtest', 'assert')):
+            rv.append(term.green("OK"))
+        else:
+            heading = "Unexpected Logs"
+            rv.extend(["", heading, "-" * len(heading)])
+            if count['subtest']['count']:
+                for test_id, results in logs.items():
+                    test = self._get_file_name(test_id)
+                    rv.append(test)
+                    for data in results:
+                        name = data.get("subtest", "[Parent]")
+                        rv.append("  %s %s" % (self._format_expected(
+                                             data["status"], data["expected"]), name))
+            else:
+                for test_id, results in logs.items():
+                    test = self._get_file_name(test_id)
+                    rv.append(test)
+                    assert len(results) == 1
+                    data = results[0]
+                    assert "subtest" not in data
+                    rv.append("  %s %s" % (self._format_expected(
+                                         data["status"], data["expected"]), test))
+        return "\n".join(rv)
     def test_start(self, data):
-        self.summary_values["tests"] += 1
         return "%s" % (self._get_test_id(data),)
     def test_end(self, data):
         subtests = self._get_subtest_data(data)
-        unexpected = subtests["unexpected"]
         message = data.get("message", "")
         if "stack" in data:
             stack = data["stack"]
             if stack and stack[-1] != "\n":
                 stack += "\n"
             message = stack + message
         if "expected" in data:
             parent_unexpected = True
             expected_str = ", expected %s" % data["expected"]
-            unexpected.append((None, data["status"], data["expected"],
-                               message))
             parent_unexpected = False
             expected_str = ""
         test = self._get_test_id(data)
-        if unexpected:
-            self.summary_unexpected.append((test, unexpected))
-        self._update_summary(data)
         # Reset the counts to 0
-        self.status_buffer[test] = {"count": 0, "unexpected": [], "pass": 0}
-        self.has_unexpected[test] = bool(unexpected)
+        self.status_buffer[test] = {"count": 0, "unexpected": 0, "pass": 0}
+        self.has_unexpected[test] = bool(subtests['unexpected'])
         if subtests["count"] != 0:
-            rv = "Harness %s%s. Subtests passed %i/%i. Unexpected %s" % (
+            rv = "Test %s%s. Subtests passed %i/%i. Unexpected %s" % (
                 data["status"], expected_str, subtests["pass"], subtests["count"],
-                len(unexpected))
+                subtests['unexpected'])
             rv = "%s%s" % (data["status"], expected_str)
+        unexpected = self.summary.current["unexpected_logs"].get(data["test"])
         if unexpected:
             rv += "\n"
             if len(unexpected) == 1 and parent_unexpected:
-                rv += "%s" % unexpected[0][-1]
+                rv += "%s" % unexpected[0].get("message", "")
-                for name, status, expected, message in unexpected:
-                    if name is None:
-                        name = "[Parent]"
-                    expected_str = "Expected %s, got %s" % (expected, status)
-                    rv += "%s\n" % ("\n".join([name, "-" * len(name), expected_str, message]))
+                for data in unexpected:
+                    name = data.get("subtest", "[Parent]")
+                    expected_str = "Expected %s, got %s" % (data["expected"], data["status"])
+                    rv += "%s\n" % (
+                        "\n".join([name, "-" * len(name), expected_str, data.get("message", "")]))
                 rv = rv[:-1]
         return rv
     def valgrind_error(self, data):
         rv = " " + data['primary'] + "\n"
         for line in data['secondary']:
             rv = rv + line + "\n"
         return rv
     def test_status(self, data):
-        self.summary_values["subtests"] += 1
         test = self._get_test_id(data)
         if test not in self.status_buffer:
-            self.status_buffer[test] = {"count": 0, "unexpected": [], "pass": 0}
+            self.status_buffer[test] = {"count": 0, "unexpected": 0, "pass": 0}
         self.status_buffer[test]["count"] += 1
         message = data.get("message", "")
         if "stack" in data:
             if message:
                 message += "\n"
             message += data["stack"]
         if data["status"] == "PASS":
             self.status_buffer[test]["pass"] += 1
-        self._update_summary(data)
         rv = None
         status, subtest = data["status"], data["subtest"]
         unexpected = "expected" in data
         if self.verbose:
             if self.terminal is not None:
                 status = (self.terminal.red if unexpected else self.terminal.green)(status)
             rv = " ".join([subtest, status, message])
-        elif unexpected:
-            # We only append an unexpected summary if it was not logged
-            # directly by verbose mode.
-            self.status_buffer[test]["unexpected"].append((subtest,
-                                                           status,
-                                                           data["expected"],
-                                                           message))
+        if unexpected:
+            self.status_buffer[test]["unexpected"] += 1
         return rv
     def assertion_count(self, data):
-        self.summary_values["assertion_counts"] += 1
+        if data["min_expected"] <= data["count"] <= data["max_expected"]:
+            return
         if data["min_expected"] != data["max_expected"]:
             expected = "%i to %i" % (data["min_expected"],
             expected = "%i" % data["min_expected"]
-        if data["min_expected"] <= data["count"] <= data["max_expected"]:
-            return
-        elif data["max_expected"] < data["count"]:
-            status = "FAIL"
-        else:
-            status = "PASS"
-        self.summary_values["unexpected"][status] += 1
         return "Assertion count %i, expected %s assertions\n" % (data["count"], expected)
-    def _update_summary(self, data):
-        if "expected" in data:
-            self.summary_values["unexpected"][data["status"]] += 1
-        elif data["status"] == "SKIP":
-            self.summary_values["skipped"] += 1
-        else:
-            self.summary_values["expected"] += 1
     def process_output(self, data):
         rv = []
         pid = data['process']
         if pid.isdigit():
             pid = 'pid:%s' % pid
         if "command" in data and data["process"] not in self._known_pids:
@@ -416,17 +384,17 @@ class MachFormatter(base.BaseFormatter):
             rule='{} '.format(data["rule"]) if data.get("rule") else "",
             linter=data["linter"].lower() if data.get("linter") else "",
         return message
     def _get_subtest_data(self, data):
         test = self._get_test_id(data)
-        return self.status_buffer.get(test, {"count": 0, "unexpected": [], "pass": 0})
+        return self.status_buffer.get(test, {"count": 0, "unexpected": 0, "pass": 0})
     def _time(self, data):
         entry_time = data["time"]
         if self.write_interval and self.last_time is not None:
             t = entry_time - self.last_time
             self.last_time = entry_time
             t = entry_time - self.start_time
--- a/testing/mozbase/mozlog/mozlog/handlers/__init__.py
+++ b/testing/mozbase/mozlog/mozlog/handlers/__init__.py
@@ -1,13 +1,14 @@
 # This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
 # License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
 # file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
 from __future__ import absolute_import
 from .base import LogLevelFilter, StreamHandler, BaseHandler
 from .statushandler import StatusHandler
+from .summaryhandler import SummaryHandler
 from .bufferhandler import BufferHandler
 from .valgrindhandler import ValgrindHandler
 __all__ = ['LogLevelFilter', 'StreamHandler', 'BaseHandler',
-           'StatusHandler', 'BufferHandler', 'ValgrindHandler']
+           'StatusHandler', 'SummaryHandler', 'BufferHandler', 'ValgrindHandler']
--- a/testing/mozbase/mozlog/mozlog/handlers/base.py
+++ b/testing/mozbase/mozlog/mozlog/handlers/base.py
@@ -2,17 +2,17 @@
 # License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
 # file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
 from __future__ import absolute_import
 from threading import Lock
 import codecs
-from ..structuredlog import log_levels
+from mozlog.structuredlog import log_levels
 class BaseHandler(object):
     """A base handler providing message handling facilities to
     derived classes.
     :param inner: A handler-like callable that may receive messages
                   from a log user.
new file mode 100644
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testing/mozbase/mozlog/mozlog/handlers/summaryhandler.py
@@ -0,0 +1,154 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
+from __future__ import absolute_import
+from collections import (
+    defaultdict,
+    OrderedDict,
+from ..reader import LogHandler
+class SummaryHandler(LogHandler):
+    """Handler class for storing suite summary information.
+    Can handle multiple suites in a single run. Summary
+    information is stored on the self.summary instance variable.
+    Per suite summary information can be obtained by calling 'get'
+    or iterating over this class.
+    """
+    def __init__(self, **kwargs):
+        super(SummaryHandler, self).__init__(**kwargs)
+        self.summary = OrderedDict()
+        self.current_suite = None
+    @property
+    def current(self):
+        return self.summary.get(self.current_suite)
+    def __getitem__(self, suite):
+        """Return summary information for the given suite.
+        The summary is of the form:
+            {
+              'counts': {
+                '<check>': {
+                  'count': int,
+                  'expected': {
+                    '<status>': int,
+                  },
+                  'unexpected': {
+                    '<status>': int,
+                  },
+                },
+              },
+              'unexpected_logs': {
+                '<test>': [<data>]
+              }
+            }
+        Valid values for <check> are `test`, `subtest` and `assert`. Valid
+        <status> keys are defined in the :py:mod:`mozlog.logtypes` module.  The
+        <test> key is the id as logged by `test_start`. Finally the <data>
+        field is the log data from any `test_end` or `test_status` log messages
+        that have an unexpected result.
+        """
+        return self.summary[suite]
+    def __iter__(self):
+        """Iterate over summaries.
+        Yields a tuple of (suite, summary). The summary returned is
+        the same format as returned by 'get'.
+        """
+        for suite, data in self.summary.iteritems():
+            yield suite, data
+    @classmethod
+    def aggregate(cls, key, counts, include_skip=True):
+        """Helper method for aggregating count data by 'key' instead of by 'check'."""
+        assert key in ('count', 'expected', 'unexpected')
+        res = defaultdict(int)
+        for check, val in counts.items():
+            if key == 'count':
+                res[check] += val[key]
+                continue
+            for status, num in val[key].items():
+                if not include_skip and status == 'skip':
+                    continue
+                res[check] += num
+        return res
+    def suite_start(self, data):
+        self.current_suite = data.get('name', 'suite {}'.format(len(self.summary) + 1))
+        if self.current_suite not in self.summary:
+            self.summary[self.current_suite] = {
+                'counts': {
+                    'test': {
+                        'count': 0,
+                        'expected': defaultdict(int),
+                        'unexpected': defaultdict(int),
+                    },
+                    'subtest': {
+                        'count': 0,
+                        'expected': defaultdict(int),
+                        'unexpected': defaultdict(int),
+                    },
+                    'assert': {
+                        'count': 0,
+                        'expected': defaultdict(int),
+                        'unexpected': defaultdict(int),
+                    }
+                },
+                'unexpected_logs': OrderedDict(),
+            }
+    def test_start(self, data):
+        self.current['counts']['test']['count'] += 1
+    def test_status(self, data):
+        logs = self.current['unexpected_logs']
+        count = self.current['counts']
+        count['subtest']['count'] += 1
+        if 'expected' in data:
+            count['subtest']['unexpected'][data['status'].lower()] += 1
+            if data['test'] not in logs:
+                logs[data['test']] = []
+            logs[data['test']].append(data)
+        else:
+            count['subtest']['expected'][data['status'].lower()] += 1
+    def test_end(self, data):
+        logs = self.current['unexpected_logs']
+        count = self.current['counts']
+        if 'expected' in data:
+            count['test']['unexpected'][data['status'].lower()] += 1
+            if data['test'] not in logs:
+                logs[data['test']] = []
+            logs[data['test']].append(data)
+        else:
+            count['test']['expected'][data['status'].lower()] += 1
+    def assertion_count(self, data):
+        count = self.current['counts']
+        count['assert']['count'] += 1
+        if data['min_expected'] <= data['count'] <= data['max_expected']:
+            if data['count'] > 0:
+                count['assert']['expected']['fail'] += 1
+            else:
+                count['assert']['expected']['pass'] += 1
+        elif data['max_expected'] < data['count']:
+            count['assert']['unexpected']['fail'] += 1
+        else:
+            count['assert']['unexpected']['pass'] += 1
--- a/testing/mozbase/mozlog/tests/test_structured.py
+++ b/testing/mozbase/mozlog/tests/test_structured.py
@@ -103,16 +103,52 @@ class TestStatusHandler(BaseStructuredTe
         summary = self.handler.summarize()
         self.assertIn('ERROR', summary.log_level_counts)
         self.assertEqual(1, summary.log_level_counts['ERROR'])
         self.assertIn('OK', summary.expected_statuses)
         self.assertEqual(2, summary.expected_statuses['OK'])
+class TestSummaryHandler(BaseStructuredTest):
+    def setUp(self):
+        super(TestSummaryHandler, self).setUp()
+        self.handler = handlers.SummaryHandler()
+        self.logger.add_handler(self.handler)
+    def test_failure_run(self):
+        self.logger.suite_start([])
+        self.logger.test_start("test1")
+        self.logger.test_status("test1", "sub1", status='PASS')
+        self.logger.test_status("test1", "sub2", status='TIMEOUT')
+        self.logger.assertion_count("test1", 5, 1, 10)
+        self.logger.assertion_count("test1", 5, 10, 15)
+        self.logger.test_end("test1", status='OK')
+        self.logger.suite_end()
+        counts = self.handler.current['counts']
+        self.assertIn('timeout', counts['subtest']['unexpected'])
+        self.assertEqual(1, counts['subtest']['unexpected']['timeout'])
+        self.assertIn('pass', counts['subtest']['expected'])
+        self.assertEqual(1, counts['subtest']['expected']['pass'])
+        self.assertIn('ok', counts['test']['expected'])
+        self.assertEqual(1, counts['test']['expected']['ok'])
+        self.assertIn('pass', counts['assert']['unexpected'])
+        self.assertEqual(1, counts['assert']['unexpected']['pass'])
+        self.assertIn('fail', counts['assert']['expected'])
+        self.assertEqual(1, counts['assert']['expected']['fail'])
+        logs = self.handler.current['unexpected_logs']
+        self.assertEqual(1, len(logs))
+        self.assertIn('test1', logs)
+        self.assertEqual(1, len(logs['test1']))
+        self.assertEqual('sub2', logs['test1'][0]['subtest'])
 class TestStructuredLog(BaseStructuredTest):
     def test_suite_start(self):
         self.logger.suite_start(["test"], "logtest")
         self.assert_log_equals({"action": "suite_start",
                                 "name": "logtest",
                                 "tests": {"default": ["test"]}})
@@ -729,23 +765,25 @@ class TestMachFormatter(FormatterTest):
         self.logger.test_end("test2", status="PASS", expected="TIMEOUT")
         self.logger.test_end("test3", status="FAIL", expected="PASS")
-        self.assertIn("Ran 3 tests", self.loglines)
+        self.assertIn("Ran 3 checks (3 tests)", self.loglines)
         self.assertIn("Expected results: 1", self.loglines)
-        self.assertIn(
-            "Unexpected results: 2 (FAIL: 1, PASS: 1)", self.loglines)
+        self.assertIn("""
+Unexpected results: 2
+  test: 2 (1 fail, 1 pass)
+""".strip(), "\n".join(self.loglines))
         self.assertNotIn("test1", self.loglines)
-        self.assertIn("PASS expected TIMEOUT test2", self.loglines)
-        self.assertIn("FAIL test3", self.loglines)
+        self.assertIn("  PASS expected TIMEOUT test2", self.loglines)
+        self.assertIn("  FAIL test3", self.loglines)
     def test_summary_subtests(self):
         self.logger.test_status("test1", "subtest1", status="PASS")
         self.logger.test_status("test1", "subtest2", status="FAIL")
         self.logger.test_end("test1", status="OK", expected="OK")
@@ -753,20 +791,23 @@ class TestMachFormatter(FormatterTest):
         self.logger.test_status("test2", "subtest1",
                                 status="TIMEOUT", expected="PASS")
         self.logger.test_end("test2", status="TIMEOUT", expected="OK")
-        self.assertIn("Ran 5 tests (2 parents, 3 subtests)", self.loglines)
+        self.assertIn("Ran 5 checks (2 tests, 3 subtests)", self.loglines)
         self.assertIn("Expected results: 2", self.loglines)
-        self.assertIn(
-            "Unexpected results: 3 (FAIL: 1, TIMEOUT: 2)", self.loglines)
+        self.assertIn("""
+Unexpected results: 3
+  test: 1 (1 timeout)
+  subtest: 2 (1 fail, 1 timeout)
+""".strip(), "\n".join(self.loglines))
     def test_summary_ok(self):
         self.logger.test_status("test1", "subtest1", status="PASS")
         self.logger.test_status("test1", "subtest2", status="PASS")
         self.logger.test_end("test1", status="OK", expected="OK")
@@ -776,17 +817,17 @@ class TestMachFormatter(FormatterTest):
                                 status="PASS", expected="PASS")
         self.logger.test_end("test2", status="OK", expected="OK")
         self.assertIn("OK", self.loglines)
         self.assertIn("Expected results: 5", self.loglines)
-        self.assertIn("Unexpected results: 0", self.loglines)
+        self.assertNotIn("Unexpected results: 0", self.loglines)
     def test_process_start(self):
         self.assertIn("Started process `1234`", self.loglines[0])
     def test_process_start_with_command(self):
         self.logger.process_start(1234, command='test cmd')
         self.assertIn("Started process `1234` (test cmd)", self.loglines[0])