Bug 1418104 - Add various realloc, junk and poisoning unit tests. r?njn draft
authorMike Hommey <mh+mozilla@glandium.org>
Thu, 16 Nov 2017 16:41:41 +0900
changeset 699297 69b74d629b8e8e743a442543df9b88ad22631e80
parent 699296 ad84eaab12d8c192b51f3511443279415cb850bc
child 699300 aab5ea483a27d17bfaa56e865271c4c4ab08e821
child 699312 ba33f1f55c5c35f11993ce9dbe39aa46f1c78362
push id89526
push userbmo:mh+mozilla@glandium.org
push dateFri, 17 Nov 2017 00:19:31 +0000
Bug 1418104 - Add various realloc, junk and poisoning unit tests. r?njn
--- a/memory/gtest/TestJemalloc.cpp
+++ b/memory/gtest/TestJemalloc.cpp
@@ -255,16 +255,19 @@ TEST(Jemalloc, PtrInfo)
   for (size_t i = 0; i < stats.chunksize; i += 256) {
     jemalloc_ptr_info(&chunk[i], &info);
+size_t sSizes[] = { 1,      42,      79,      918,     1.5_KiB,
+                    73_KiB, 129_KiB, 1.1_MiB, 2.6_MiB, 5.1_MiB };
 TEST(Jemalloc, Arenas)
   arena_id_t arena = moz_create_arena();
   ASSERT_TRUE(arena != 0);
   void* ptr = moz_arena_malloc(arena, 42);
   ASSERT_TRUE(ptr != nullptr);
   ptr = moz_arena_realloc(arena, ptr, 64);
   ASSERT_TRUE(ptr != nullptr);
@@ -286,19 +289,20 @@ TEST(Jemalloc, Arenas)
   // Arena id 0 can't be used to somehow get to the main arena.
   ASSERT_DEATH_WRAP(moz_arena_malloc(0, 80), "");
   arena = moz_create_arena();
   arena_id_t arena2 = moz_create_arena();
   // For convenience, realloc can also be used to reallocate arena pointers.
   // The result should be in the same arena. Test various size class transitions.
-  size_t sizes[] = { 1, 42, 80, 1_KiB, 1.5_KiB, 72_KiB, 129_KiB, 2.5_MiB, 5.1_MiB };
-  for (size_t from_size : sizes) {
-    for (size_t to_size : sizes) {
+  for (size_t from_size : sSizes) {
+    SCOPED_TRACE(testing::Message() << "from_size = " << from_size);
+    for (size_t to_size : sSizes) {
+      SCOPED_TRACE(testing::Message() << "to_size = " << to_size);
       ptr = moz_arena_malloc(arena, from_size);
       ptr = realloc(ptr, to_size);
       // Freeing with the wrong arena should crash.
       ASSERT_DEATH_WRAP(moz_arena_free(arena2, ptr), "");
       // Likewise for moz_arena_realloc.
       ASSERT_DEATH_WRAP(moz_arena_realloc(arena2, ptr, from_size), "");
       // The following will crash if it's not in the right arena.
       moz_arena_free(arena, ptr);
@@ -307,9 +311,322 @@ TEST(Jemalloc, Arenas)
   _gdb_sleep_duration = old_gdb_sleep_duration;
+// Check that a buffer aPtr is entirely filled with a given character from
+// aOffset to aSize. For faster comparison, the caller is required to fill a
+// reference buffer with the wanted character, and give the size of that
+// reference buffer.
+static void
+bulk_compare(char* aPtr,
+             size_t aOffset,
+             size_t aSize,
+             char* aReference,
+             size_t aReferenceSize)
+  for (size_t i = aOffset; i < aSize; i += aReferenceSize) {
+    size_t length = std::min(aSize - i, aReferenceSize);
+    if (memcmp(aPtr + i, aReference, length)) {
+      // We got a mismatch, we now want to report more precisely where.
+      for (size_t j = i; j < i + length; j++) {
+        ASSERT_EQ(aPtr[j], *aReference);
+      }
+    }
+  }
+// A range iterator for size classes between two given values.
+class SizeClassesBetween
+  SizeClassesBetween(size_t aStart, size_t aEnd)
+    : mStart(aStart)
+    , mEnd(aEnd)
+  {
+  }
+  class Iterator
+  {
+  public:
+    explicit Iterator(size_t aValue)
+      : mValue(malloc_good_size(aValue))
+    {
+    }
+    operator size_t() const { return mValue; }
+    size_t operator*() const { return mValue; }
+    Iterator& operator++()
+    {
+      mValue = malloc_good_size(mValue + 1);
+      return *this;
+    }
+  private:
+    size_t mValue;
+  };
+  Iterator begin() { return Iterator(mStart); }
+  Iterator end() { return Iterator(mEnd); }
+  size_t mStart, mEnd;
+#define ALIGNMENT_CEILING(s, alignment)                                        \
+  (((s) + (alignment - 1)) & (~(alignment - 1)))
+static bool
+IsSameRoundedHugeClass(size_t aSize1, size_t aSize2, jemalloc_stats_t& aStats)
+  return (aSize1 > aStats.large_max && aSize2 > aStats.large_max &&
+          ALIGNMENT_CEILING(aSize1, aStats.chunksize) ==
+            ALIGNMENT_CEILING(aSize2, aStats.chunksize));
+static bool
+CanReallocInPlace(size_t aFromSize, size_t aToSize, jemalloc_stats_t& aStats)
+  if (aFromSize == malloc_good_size(aToSize)) {
+    // Same size class: in-place.
+    return true;
+  }
+  if (aFromSize >= aStats.page_size && aFromSize <= aStats.large_max &&
+      aToSize >= aStats.page_size && aToSize <= aStats.large_max) {
+    // Any large class to any large class: in-place when there is space to.
+    return true;
+  }
+  if (IsSameRoundedHugeClass(aFromSize, aToSize, aStats)) {
+    // Huge sizes that round up to the same multiple of the chunk size:
+    // in-place.
+    return true;
+  }
+  return false;
+TEST(Jemalloc, InPlace)
+  jemalloc_stats_t stats;
+  jemalloc_stats(&stats);
+  // Using a separate arena, which is always emptied after an iteration, ensures
+  // that in-place reallocation happens in all cases it can happen. This test is
+  // intended for developers to notice they may have to adapt other tests if
+  // they change the conditions for in-place reallocation.
+  arena_id_t arena = moz_create_arena();
+  for (size_t from_size : SizeClassesBetween(1, 2 * stats.chunksize)) {
+    SCOPED_TRACE(testing::Message() << "from_size = " << from_size);
+    for (size_t to_size : sSizes) {
+      SCOPED_TRACE(testing::Message() << "to_size = " << to_size);
+      char* ptr = (char*)moz_arena_malloc(arena, from_size);
+      char* ptr2 = (char*)moz_arena_realloc(arena, ptr, to_size);
+      if (CanReallocInPlace(from_size, to_size, stats)) {
+        EXPECT_EQ(ptr, ptr2);
+      } else {
+        EXPECT_NE(ptr, ptr2);
+      }
+      moz_arena_free(arena, ptr2);
+    }
+  }
+  moz_dispose_arena(arena);
+TEST(Jemalloc, JunkPoison)
+  jemalloc_stats_t stats;
+  jemalloc_stats(&stats);
+  // Create buffers in a separate arena, for faster comparisons with
+  // bulk_compare.
+  arena_id_t buf_arena = moz_create_arena();
+  char* junk_buf = (char*)moz_arena_malloc(buf_arena, stats.page_size);
+  // Depending on its configuration, the allocator will either fill the
+  // requested allocation with the junk byte (0xe4) or with zeroes, or do
+  // nothing, in which case, since we're allocating in a fresh arena,
+  // we'll be getting zeroes.
+  char junk = stats.opt_junk ? '\xe4' : '\0';
+  for (size_t i = 0; i < stats.page_size; i++) {
+    ASSERT_EQ(junk_buf[i], junk);
+  }
+  // There are a few cases where we currently *don't* junk memory when
+  // junk is enabled, but *do* zero it when zeroing is enabled.
+  // TODO: we may want to change that.
+  char* zero_buf = (char*)moz_arena_calloc(buf_arena, stats.page_size, 1);
+  char* poison_buf = (char*)moz_arena_malloc(buf_arena, stats.page_size);
+  memset(poison_buf, 0xe5, stats.page_size);
+  static const char fill = 0x42;
+  char* fill_buf = (char*)moz_arena_malloc(buf_arena, stats.page_size);
+  memset(fill_buf, fill, stats.page_size);
+  arena_params_t params;
+  // Allow as many dirty pages in the arena as possible, so that purge never
+  // happens in it. Purge breaks some of the tests below randomly depending on
+  // what other things happen on other threads.
+  params.mMaxDirty = size_t(-1);
+  arena_id_t arena = moz_create_arena_with_params(&params);
+  // Allocating should junk the buffer, and freeing should poison the buffer.
+  for (size_t size : sSizes) {
+    if (size <= stats.large_max) {
+      SCOPED_TRACE(testing::Message() << "size = " << size);
+      char* buf = (char*)moz_arena_malloc(arena, size);
+      size_t allocated = moz_malloc_usable_size(buf);
+      if (stats.opt_junk || stats.opt_zero) {
+          bulk_compare(buf, 0, allocated, junk_buf, stats.page_size));
+      }
+      moz_arena_free(arena, buf);
+      // We purposefully do a use-after-free here, to check that the data was
+      // poisoned.
+        bulk_compare(buf, 0, allocated, poison_buf, stats.page_size));
+    }
+  }
+  // Shrinking in the same size class should be in place and poison between the
+  // new allocation size and the old one.
+  size_t prev = 0;
+  for (size_t size : SizeClassesBetween(1, 2 * stats.chunksize)) {
+    SCOPED_TRACE(testing::Message() << "size = " << size);
+    SCOPED_TRACE(testing::Message() << "prev = " << prev);
+    char* ptr = (char*)moz_arena_malloc(arena, size);
+    memset(ptr, fill, moz_malloc_usable_size(ptr));
+    char* ptr2 = (char*)moz_arena_realloc(arena, ptr, prev + 1);
+    ASSERT_EQ(ptr, ptr2);
+      bulk_compare(ptr, 0, prev + 1, fill_buf, stats.page_size));
+      bulk_compare(ptr, prev + 1, size, poison_buf, stats.page_size));
+    moz_arena_free(arena, ptr);
+    prev = size;
+  }
+  // In-place realloc should junk the new bytes when growing and poison the old
+  // bytes when shrinking.
+  for (size_t from_size : SizeClassesBetween(1, 2 * stats.chunksize)) {
+    SCOPED_TRACE(testing::Message() << "from_size = " << from_size);
+    for (size_t to_size : sSizes) {
+      SCOPED_TRACE(testing::Message() << "to_size = " << to_size);
+      if (CanReallocInPlace(from_size, to_size, stats)) {
+        char* ptr = (char*)moz_arena_malloc(arena, from_size);
+        memset(ptr, fill, moz_malloc_usable_size(ptr));
+        char* ptr2 = (char*)moz_arena_realloc(arena, ptr, to_size);
+        ASSERT_EQ(ptr, ptr2);
+        if (from_size >= to_size) {
+            bulk_compare(ptr, 0, to_size, fill_buf, stats.page_size));
+          // On Windows (MALLOC_DECOMMIT), in-place realloc of huge allocations
+          // decommits extra pages, writing to them becomes an error.
+#ifdef XP_WIN
+          if (to_size > stats.large_max) {
+            size_t page_limit = ALIGNMENT_CEILING(to_size, stats.page_size);
+            ASSERT_NO_FATAL_FAILURE(bulk_compare(
+              ptr, to_size, page_limit, poison_buf, stats.page_size));
+            ASSERT_DEATH_WRAP(ptr[page_limit] = 0, "");
+          } else
+          {
+            ASSERT_NO_FATAL_FAILURE(bulk_compare(
+              ptr, to_size, from_size, poison_buf, stats.page_size));
+          }
+        } else {
+            bulk_compare(ptr, 0, from_size, fill_buf, stats.page_size));
+          if (stats.opt_junk && to_size <= stats.page_size) {
+              bulk_compare(ptr, from_size, to_size, junk_buf, stats.page_size));
+          } else if (stats.opt_zero) {
+              bulk_compare(ptr, from_size, to_size, zero_buf, stats.page_size));
+          }
+        }
+        moz_arena_free(arena, ptr2);
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  // Growing to a different size class should poison the old allocation,
+  // preserve the original bytes, and junk the new bytes in the new allocation.
+  for (size_t from_size : SizeClassesBetween(1, 2 * stats.chunksize)) {
+    SCOPED_TRACE(testing::Message() << "from_size = " << from_size);
+    for (size_t to_size : sSizes) {
+      if (from_size < to_size && malloc_good_size(to_size) != from_size &&
+          !IsSameRoundedHugeClass(from_size, to_size, stats)) {
+        SCOPED_TRACE(testing::Message() << "to_size = " << to_size);
+        char* ptr = (char*)moz_arena_malloc(arena, from_size);
+        memset(ptr, fill, moz_malloc_usable_size(ptr));
+        // Avoid in-place realloc by allocating a buffer, expecting it to be
+        // right after the buffer we just received. Buffers smaller than the
+        // page size and exactly or larger than the size of the largest large
+        // size class can't be reallocated in-place.
+        char* avoid_inplace = nullptr;
+        if (from_size >= stats.page_size && from_size < stats.large_max) {
+          avoid_inplace = (char*)moz_arena_malloc(arena, stats.page_size);
+          ASSERT_EQ(ptr + from_size, avoid_inplace);
+        }
+        char* ptr2 = (char*)moz_arena_realloc(arena, ptr, to_size);
+        ASSERT_NE(ptr, ptr2);
+        if (from_size <= stats.large_max) {
+            bulk_compare(ptr, 0, from_size, poison_buf, stats.page_size));
+        }
+          bulk_compare(ptr2, 0, from_size, fill_buf, stats.page_size));
+        if (stats.opt_junk || stats.opt_zero) {
+          size_t rounded_to_size = malloc_good_size(to_size);
+          ASSERT_NE(to_size, rounded_to_size);
+          ASSERT_NO_FATAL_FAILURE(bulk_compare(
+            ptr2, from_size, rounded_to_size, junk_buf, stats.page_size));
+        }
+        moz_arena_free(arena, ptr2);
+        moz_arena_free(arena, avoid_inplace);
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  // Shrinking to a different size class should poison the old allocation,
+  // preserve the original bytes, and junk the extra bytes in the new
+  // allocation.
+  for (size_t from_size : SizeClassesBetween(1, 2 * stats.chunksize)) {
+    SCOPED_TRACE(testing::Message() << "from_size = " << from_size);
+    for (size_t to_size : sSizes) {
+      if (from_size > to_size &&
+          !CanReallocInPlace(from_size, to_size, stats)) {
+        SCOPED_TRACE(testing::Message() << "to_size = " << to_size);
+        char* ptr = (char*)moz_arena_malloc(arena, from_size);
+        memset(ptr, fill, from_size);
+        char* ptr2 = (char*)moz_arena_realloc(arena, ptr, to_size);
+        ASSERT_NE(ptr, ptr2);
+        if (from_size <= stats.large_max) {
+            bulk_compare(ptr, 0, from_size, poison_buf, stats.page_size));
+        }
+          bulk_compare(ptr2, 0, to_size, fill_buf, stats.page_size));
+        if (stats.opt_junk || stats.opt_zero) {
+          size_t rounded_to_size = malloc_good_size(to_size);
+          ASSERT_NE(to_size, rounded_to_size);
+          ASSERT_NO_FATAL_FAILURE(bulk_compare(
+            ptr2, from_size, rounded_to_size, junk_buf, stats.page_size));
+        }
+        moz_arena_free(arena, ptr2);
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  moz_dispose_arena(arena);
+  moz_arena_free(buf_arena, poison_buf);
+  moz_arena_free(buf_arena, zero_buf);
+  moz_arena_free(buf_arena, junk_buf);
+  moz_dispose_arena(buf_arena);