bug 1417277 - remove support for MOZPSM_NSSDBDIR_OVERRIDE r?jcj draft
authorDavid Keeler <dkeeler@mozilla.com>
Tue, 14 Nov 2017 16:38:34 -0800
changeset 697916 5f9f135e5f4b600eb928d98cb0a52e03df7dd7c6
parent 697757 b0a6b4678b2f7dfb499328946b95366775f71edd
child 740246 9daa6f9970ed6c522ecd944a2cb3ce1bd2659e18
push id89144
push userbmo:dkeeler@mozilla.com
push dateWed, 15 Nov 2017 00:39:52 +0000
bugs1417277, 462919
bug 1417277 - remove support for MOZPSM_NSSDBDIR_OVERRIDE r?jcj MOZPSM_NSSDBDIR_OVERRIDE was added in bug 462919 for integration with xulrunner applications. Upcoming changes we're aiming to make with how PSM handles NSS and the certificate/key databases (e.g. making the sqlite-backed implementation mandatory) mean we have to take this feature into account. xulrunner isn't supported any longer. Searching the web for "MOZPSM_NSSDBDIR_OVERRIDE" yields two kinds of results: mozilla-central source code and a man page for nss-gui, which it seems is the only project that ever made use of MOZPSM_NSSDBDIR_OVERRIDE (and hasn't been updated since 2013, from what I can tell). I think it's fair to conclude that this isn't a widely-used (let alone known) feature. To make development easier, we should remove it. MozReview-Commit-ID: 56vcTYSzDPq
--- a/security/certverifier/NSSCertDBTrustDomain.cpp
+++ b/security/certverifier/NSSCertDBTrustDomain.cpp
@@ -1060,20 +1060,17 @@ InitializeNSS(const nsACString& dir, boo
   if (readOnly) {
     flags |= NSS_INIT_READONLY;
   if (!loadPKCS11Modules) {
     flags |= NSS_INIT_NOMODDB;
   bool useSQLDB = Preferences::GetBool("security.use_sqldb", false);
   nsAutoCString dbTypeAndDirectory;
-  // Don't change any behavior if the user has specified an alternative database
-  // location with MOZPSM_NSSDBDIR_OVERRIDE.
-  const char* dbDirOverride = getenv("MOZPSM_NSSDBDIR_OVERRIDE");
-  if (useSQLDB && (!dbDirOverride || strlen(dbDirOverride) == 0)) {
+  if (useSQLDB) {
   MOZ_LOG(gCertVerifierLog, LogLevel::Debug,
           ("InitializeNSS(%s, %d, %d)", dbTypeAndDirectory.get(), readOnly,
   SECStatus srv = NSS_Initialize(dbTypeAndDirectory.get(), "", "",
                                  SECMOD_DB, flags);
--- a/security/manager/ssl/nsNSSComponent.cpp
+++ b/security/manager/ssl/nsNSSComponent.cpp
@@ -1740,25 +1740,16 @@ nsNSSComponent::setEnabledTLSVersions()
   return NS_OK;
 static nsresult
 GetNSSProfilePath(nsAutoCString& aProfilePath)
-  const char* dbDirOverride = getenv("MOZPSM_NSSDBDIR_OVERRIDE");
-  if (dbDirOverride && strlen(dbDirOverride) > 0) {
-    MOZ_LOG(gPIPNSSLog, LogLevel::Debug,
-           ("Using specified MOZPSM_NSSDBDIR_OVERRIDE as NSS DB dir: %s\n",
-            dbDirOverride));
-    aProfilePath.Assign(dbDirOverride);
-    return NS_OK;
-  }
   nsCOMPtr<nsIFile> profileFile;
   nsresult rv = NS_GetSpecialDirectory(NS_APP_USER_PROFILE_50_DIR,
   if (NS_FAILED(rv)) {
     NS_WARNING("NSS will be initialized without a profile directory. "
                "Some things may not work as expected.");
     return NS_OK;
@@ -1792,25 +1783,16 @@ GetNSSProfilePath(nsAutoCString& aProfil
 // "<original name>.fips". In the case of a catastrophic failure (e.g. out of
 // memory), returns a failing nsresult. If execution could conceivably proceed,
 // returns NS_OK even if renaming the file didn't work. This simplifies the
 // logic of the calling code.
 static nsresult
 AttemptToRenamePKCS11ModuleDB(const nsACString& profilePath,
                               const nsACString& moduleDBFilename)
-  // profilePath may come from the environment variable
-  // MOZPSM_NSSDBDIR_OVERRIDE. If so, the user's NSS DBs are most likely not in
-  // their profile directory and we shouldn't mess with them.
-  const char* dbDirOverride = getenv("MOZPSM_NSSDBDIR_OVERRIDE");
-  if (dbDirOverride && strlen(dbDirOverride) > 0) {
-    MOZ_LOG(gPIPNSSLog, LogLevel::Debug,
-            ("MOZPSM_NSSDBDIR_OVERRIDE set - not renaming PKCS#11 module DB"));
-    return NS_OK;
-  }
   nsAutoCString destModuleDBFilename(moduleDBFilename);
   nsCOMPtr<nsIFile> dbFile = do_CreateInstance("@mozilla.org/file/local;1");
   if (!dbFile) {
     return NS_ERROR_FAILURE;
   nsresult rv = dbFile->InitWithNativePath(profilePath);
   if (NS_FAILED(rv)) {
--- a/security/manager/ssl/security-prefs.js
+++ b/security/manager/ssl/security-prefs.js
@@ -37,18 +37,16 @@ pref("security.default_personal_cert",  
 pref("security.remember_cert_checkbox_default_setting", true);
 pref("security.ask_for_password",        0);
 pref("security.password_lifetime",       30);
 // If true, use the modern sqlite-backed certificate and key databases in NSS.
 // If false, use the default format. Currently the default in NSS is the old
 // BerkeleyDB format, but this will change in bug 1377940.
 // Changing this requires a restart to take effect.
-// Note that the environment variable MOZPSM_NSSDBDIR_OVERRIDE can override both
-// the behavior of this preference and the NSS default.
 pref("security.use_sqldb", true);
 // The supported values of this pref are:
 // 0: disable detecting Family Safety mode and importing the root
 // 1: only attempt to detect Family Safety mode (don't import the root)
 // 2: detect Family Safety mode and import the root
 // (This is only relevant to Windows 8.1)
 pref("security.family_safety.mode", 2);