Bug 1413291 - Re-add wpt file that didn't reland after backout, r=gbrown draft
authorJames Graham <james@hoppipolla.co.uk>
Tue, 31 Oct 2017 19:01:01 +0000
changeset 689618 62917844dabf27bc7307dd50c6e7c7b758d6704c
parent 686792 e7bec28fd12f8dc6d2063d0f5406db878116a42c
child 738348 b46afb2c31f36d5e167a09adf6417090c9c61643
push id87057
push userbmo:james@hoppipolla.co.uk
push dateTue, 31 Oct 2017 19:01:23 +0000
Bug 1413291 - Re-add wpt file that didn't reland after backout, r=gbrown MozReview-Commit-ID: 5bk7eqLZyRx
new file mode 100644
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testing/web-platform/tests/tools/wptrunner/wptrunner/stability.py
@@ -0,0 +1,279 @@
+import copy
+import functools
+import imp
+import os
+import sys
+from collections import OrderedDict, defaultdict
+from datetime import datetime
+from mozlog import reader
+from mozlog.formatters import JSONFormatter, TbplFormatter
+from mozlog.handlers import BaseHandler, LogLevelFilter, StreamHandler
+here = os.path.dirname(__file__)
+localpaths = imp.load_source("localpaths", os.path.abspath(os.path.join(here, os.pardir, os.pardir, "localpaths.py")))
+from wpt.markdown import markdown_adjust, table
+class LogActionFilter(BaseHandler):
+    """Handler that filters out messages not of a given set of actions.
+    Subclasses BaseHandler.
+    :param inner: Handler to use for messages that pass this filter
+    :param actions: List of actions for which to fire the handler
+    """
+    def __init__(self, inner, actions):
+        """Extend BaseHandler and set inner and actions props on self."""
+        BaseHandler.__init__(self, inner)
+        self.inner = inner
+        self.actions = actions
+    def __call__(self, item):
+        """Invoke handler if action is in list passed as constructor param."""
+        if item["action"] in self.actions:
+            return self.inner(item)
+class LogHandler(reader.LogHandler):
+    """Handle updating test and subtest status in log.
+    Subclasses reader.LogHandler.
+    """
+    def __init__(self):
+        self.results = OrderedDict()
+    def find_or_create_test(self, data):
+        test_name = data["test"]
+        if self.results.get(test_name):
+            return self.results[test_name]
+        test = {
+            "subtests": OrderedDict(),
+            "status": defaultdict(int)
+        }
+        self.results[test_name] = test
+        return test
+    def find_or_create_subtest(self, data):
+        test = self.find_or_create_test(data)
+        subtest_name = data["subtest"]
+        if test["subtests"].get(subtest_name):
+            return test["subtests"][subtest_name]
+        subtest = {
+            "status": defaultdict(int),
+            "messages": set()
+        }
+        test["subtests"][subtest_name] = subtest
+        return subtest
+    def test_status(self, data):
+        subtest = self.find_or_create_subtest(data)
+        subtest["status"][data["status"]] += 1
+        if data.get("message"):
+            subtest["messages"].add(data["message"])
+    def test_end(self, data):
+        test = self.find_or_create_test(data)
+        test["status"][data["status"]] += 1
+def is_inconsistent(results_dict, iterations):
+    """Return whether or not a single test is inconsistent."""
+    return len(results_dict) > 1 or sum(results_dict.values()) != iterations
+def process_results(log, iterations):
+    """Process test log and return overall results and list of inconsistent tests."""
+    inconsistent = []
+    handler = LogHandler()
+    reader.handle_log(reader.read(log), handler)
+    results = handler.results
+    for test_name, test in results.iteritems():
+        if is_inconsistent(test["status"], iterations):
+            inconsistent.append((test_name, None, test["status"], []))
+        for subtest_name, subtest in test["subtests"].iteritems():
+            if is_inconsistent(subtest["status"], iterations):
+                inconsistent.append((test_name, subtest_name, subtest["status"], subtest["messages"]))
+    return results, inconsistent
+def err_string(results_dict, iterations):
+    """Create and return string with errors from test run."""
+    rv = []
+    total_results = sum(results_dict.values())
+    for key, value in sorted(results_dict.items()):
+        rv.append("%s%s" %
+                  (key, ": %s/%s" % (value, iterations) if value != iterations else ""))
+    if total_results < iterations:
+        rv.append("MISSING: %s/%s" % (iterations - total_results, iterations))
+    rv = ", ".join(rv)
+    if is_inconsistent(results_dict, iterations):
+        rv = "**%s**" % rv
+    return rv
+def write_inconsistent(log, inconsistent, iterations):
+    """Output inconsistent tests to logger.error."""
+    log("## Unstable results ##\n")
+    strings = [(
+        "`%s`" % markdown_adjust(test),
+        ("`%s`" % markdown_adjust(subtest)) if subtest else "",
+        err_string(results, iterations),
+        ("`%s`" % markdown_adjust(";".join(messages))) if len(messages) else "")
+        for test, subtest, results, messages in inconsistent]
+    table(["Test", "Subtest", "Results", "Messages"], strings, log)
+def write_results(log, results, iterations, pr_number=None, use_details=False):
+    log("## All results ##\n")
+    if use_details:
+        log("<details>\n")
+        log("<summary>%i %s ran</summary>\n\n" % (len(results),
+                                                  "tests" if len(results) > 1
+                                                  else "test"))
+    for test_name, test in results.iteritems():
+        baseurl = "http://w3c-test.org/submissions"
+        if "https" in os.path.splitext(test_name)[0].split(".")[1:]:
+            baseurl = "https://w3c-test.org/submissions"
+        title = test_name
+        if use_details:
+            log("<details>\n")
+            if pr_number:
+                title = "<a href=\"%s/%s%s\">%s</a>" % (baseurl, pr_number, test_name, title)
+            log('<summary>%s</summary>\n\n' % title)
+        else:
+            log("### %s ###" % title)
+        strings = [("", err_string(test["status"], iterations), "")]
+        strings.extend(((
+            ("`%s`" % markdown_adjust(subtest_name)) if subtest else "",
+            err_string(subtest["status"], iterations),
+            ("`%s`" % markdown_adjust(';'.join(subtest["messages"]))) if len(subtest["messages"]) else "")
+            for subtest_name, subtest in test["subtests"].items()))
+        table(["Subtest", "Results", "Messages"], strings, log)
+        if use_details:
+            log("</details>\n")
+    if use_details:
+        log("</details>\n")
+def run_step(logger, iterations, restart_after_iteration, kwargs_extras, **kwargs):
+    import wptrunner
+    kwargs = copy.deepcopy(kwargs)
+    if restart_after_iteration:
+        kwargs["repeat"] = iterations
+    else:
+        kwargs["rerun"] = iterations
+    kwargs["pause_after_test"] = False
+    kwargs.update(kwargs_extras)
+    handler = LogActionFilter(
+        LogLevelFilter(
+            StreamHandler(
+                sys.stdout,
+                TbplFormatter()
+            ),
+            "WARNING"),
+        ["log", "process_output"])
+    # There is a public API for this in the next mozlog
+    initial_handlers = logger._state.handlers
+    logger._state.handlers = []
+    with open("raw.log", "wb") as log:
+        # Setup logging for wptrunner that keeps process output and
+        # warning+ level logs only
+        logger.add_handler(handler)
+        logger.add_handler(StreamHandler(log, JSONFormatter()))
+        wptrunner.run_tests(**kwargs)
+    logger._state.handlers = initial_handlers
+    with open("raw.log", "rb") as log:
+        results, inconsistent = process_results(log, iterations)
+    return results, inconsistent, iterations
+def get_steps(logger, repeat_loop, repeat_restart, kwargs_extras):
+    steps = []
+    for kwargs_extra in kwargs_extras:
+        if kwargs_extra:
+            flags_string = " with flags %s" % " ".join(
+                "%s=%s" % item for item in kwargs_extra.iteritems())
+        else:
+            flags_string = ""
+        if repeat_loop:
+            desc = "Running tests in a loop %d times%s" % (repeat_loop,
+                                                           flags_string)
+            steps.append((desc, functools.partial(run_step, logger, repeat_loop, False, kwargs_extra)))
+        if repeat_restart:
+            desc = "Running tests in a loop with restarts %s times%s" % (repeat_restart,
+                                                                         flags_string)
+            steps.append((desc, functools.partial(run_step, logger, repeat_restart, True, kwargs_extra)))
+    return steps
+def write_summary(logger, step_results, final_result):
+    for desc, result in step_results:
+        logger.info('::: %s : %s' % (desc, result))
+    logger.info(':::')
+    if final_result == "PASS":
+        log = logger.info
+    elif final_result == "TIMEOUT":
+        log = logger.warning
+    else:
+        log = logger.error
+    log('::: Test verification %s' % final_result)
+    logger.info(':::')
+def check_stability(logger, repeat_loop=10, repeat_restart=5, chaos_mode=True, max_time=None,
+                    output_results=True, **kwargs):
+    kwargs_extras = [{}]
+    if chaos_mode and kwargs["product"] == "firefox":
+        kwargs_extras.append({"chaos_mode_flags": 3})
+    steps = get_steps(logger, repeat_loop, repeat_restart, kwargs_extras)
+    start_time = datetime.now()
+    step_results = []
+    for desc, step_func in steps:
+        if max_time and datetime.now() - start_time > max_time:
+            logger.info("::: Test verification is taking too long: Giving up!")
+            logger.info("::: So far, all checks passed, but not all checks were run.")
+            write_summary(logger, step_results, "TIMEOUT")
+            return 2
+        logger.info(':::')
+        logger.info('::: Running test verification step "%s"...' % desc)
+        logger.info(':::')
+        results, inconsistent, iterations = step_func(**kwargs)
+        if output_results:
+            write_results(logger.info, results, iterations)
+        if inconsistent:
+            step_results.append((desc, "FAIL"))
+            write_inconsistent(logger.info, inconsistent, iterations)
+            write_summary(logger, step_results, "FAIL")
+            return 1
+        step_results.append((desc,  "PASS"))
+    write_summary(logger, step_results, "PASS")