Bug 1410459 - [mozharness] Upgrade from optparse to argparse in config.py, r?jlund draft
authorAndrew Halberstadt <ahalberstadt@mozilla.com>
Fri, 20 Oct 2017 11:53:44 -0400
changeset 686882 44543806172479e2d22563e7960d6b92969d25c8
parent 686801 0d1e55d87931fe70ec1d007e886bcd58015ff770
child 737513 2168e8b9c8efc2bb679263b502671a121ac0e929
push id86340
push userahalberstadt@mozilla.com
push dateThu, 26 Oct 2017 15:24:34 +0000
Bug 1410459 - [mozharness] Upgrade from optparse to argparse in config.py, r?jlund Upgrade from optparse to argparse: 1. 'type' field now needs to be callable (deleted if type was 'string' as that is the default) 2. 'extend' action re-implemented for argparse 3. 'callback' action no longer exists, re-implemented as a custom argparse action (only used in buildbase.py) 4. minor api changes, e.g 'add_option' -> 'add_argument' MozReview-Commit-ID: HcKowF13Da3
--- a/testing/mozharness/examples/action_config_script.py
+++ b/testing/mozharness/examples/action_config_script.py
@@ -14,32 +14,30 @@ from mozharness.base.script import BaseS
 # ActionsConfigExample {{{1
 class ActionsConfigExample(BaseScript):
     config_options = [[
         ['--beverage', ],
         {"action": "store",
          "dest": "beverage",
-         "type": "string",
          "help": "Specify your beverage of choice",
     ], [
         ['--ship-style', ],
         {"action": "store",
          "dest": "ship_style",
-         "type": "choice",
          "choices": ["1", "2", "3"],
          "help": "Specify the type of ship",
     ], [
         ['--long-sleep-time', ],
         {"action": "store",
          "dest": "long_sleep_time",
-         "type": "int",
+         "type": int,
          "help": "Specify how long to sleep",
     def __init__(self, require_config_file=False):
         super(ActionsConfigExample, self).__init__(
--- a/testing/mozharness/mozharness/base/config.py
+++ b/testing/mozharness/mozharness/base/config.py
@@ -3,70 +3,53 @@
 # This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
 # License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file,
 # You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
 # ***** END LICENSE BLOCK *****
 """Generic config parsing and dumping, the way I remember it from scripts
 gone by.
 The config should be built from script-level defaults, overlaid by
-config-file defaults, overlaid by command line options.
+config-file defaults, overlaid by command line arguments.
   (For buildbot-analogues that would be factory-level defaults,
    builder-level defaults, and build request/scheduler settings.)
 The config should then be locked (set to read-only, to prevent runtime
 alterations).  Afterwards we should dump the config to a file that is
 uploaded with the build, and can be used to debug or replicate the build
 at a later time.
 * check_required_settings or something -- run at init, assert that
   these settings are set.
+from argparse import ArgumentParser, Action
 from copy import deepcopy
-from optparse import OptionParser, Option, OptionGroup
 import os
 import sys
 import urllib2
 import socket
 import time
     import simplejson as json
 except ImportError:
     import json
 from mozharness.base.log import DEBUG, INFO, WARNING, ERROR, CRITICAL, FATAL
-# optparse {{{1
-class ExtendedOptionParser(OptionParser):
-    """OptionParser, but with ExtendOption as the option_class.
-    """
-    def __init__(self, **kwargs):
-        kwargs['option_class'] = ExtendOption
-        OptionParser.__init__(self, **kwargs)
-class ExtendOption(Option):
-    """from http://docs.python.org/library/optparse.html?highlight=optparse#adding-new-actions"""
-    ACTIONS = Option.ACTIONS + ("extend",)
-    STORE_ACTIONS = Option.STORE_ACTIONS + ("extend",)
-    TYPED_ACTIONS = Option.TYPED_ACTIONS + ("extend",)
-    def take_action(self, action, dest, opt, value, values, parser):
-        if action == "extend":
-            lvalue = value.split(",")
-            values.ensure_value(dest, []).extend(lvalue)
-        else:
-            Option.take_action(
-                self, action, dest, opt, value, values, parser)
+# argparse {{{1
+class ExtendAction(Action):
+    def __call__(self, parser, namespace, values, option_string=None):
+        items = getattr(namespace, self.dest) or []
+        items.extend(values.split(','))
+        setattr(namespace, self.dest, items)
 def make_immutable(item):
     if isinstance(item, list) or isinstance(item, tuple):
         result = LockedTuple(item)
     elif isinstance(item, dict):
         result = ReadOnlyDict(item)
@@ -208,17 +191,17 @@ def download_config_file(url, file_name)
 class BaseConfig(object):
     """Basic config setting/getting.
     def __init__(self, config=None, initial_config_file=None, config_options=None,
                  all_actions=None, default_actions=None,
                  volatile_config=None, option_args=None,
-                 usage="usage: %prog [options]"):
+                 usage=None):
         self._config = {}
         self.all_cfg_files_and_dicts = []
         self.actions = []
         self.config_lock = False
         self.require_config_file = require_config_file
         # It allows to append env variables from multiple config files
         self.append_env_variables_from_configs = append_env_variables_from_configs
@@ -243,142 +226,127 @@ class BaseConfig(object):
         if initial_config_file:
             initial_config = parse_config_file(initial_config_file)
                 (initial_config_file, initial_config)
             # Since initial_config_file is only set when running unit tests,
-            # if no option_args have been specified, then the parser will
-            # parse sys.argv which in this case would be the command line
-            # options specified to run the tests, e.g. nosetests -v. Clearly,
-            # the options passed to nosetests (such as -v) should not be
-            # interpreted by mozharness as mozharness options, so we specify
-            # a dummy command line with no options, so that the parser does
-            # not add anything from the test invocation command line
-            # arguments to the mozharness options.
+            # default option_args to [] to avoid parsing sys.argv (which are
+            # specified for nosetests).
             if option_args is None:
-                option_args=['dummy_mozharness_script_with_no_command_line_options.py']
+                option_args = []
         if config_options is None:
             config_options = []
         self._create_config_parser(config_options, usage)
         # we allow manually passing of option args for things like nosetests
     def get_read_only_config(self):
         return ReadOnlyDict(self._config)
     def _create_config_parser(self, config_options, usage):
-        self.config_parser = ExtendedOptionParser(usage=usage)
-        self.config_parser.add_option(
-            "--work-dir", action="store", dest="work_dir",
-            type="string", default="build",
+        self.config_parser = ArgumentParser(usage=usage)
+        self.config_parser.register('action', 'extend', ExtendAction)
+        self.config_parser.add_argument(
+            "--work-dir", default="build",
             help="Specify the work_dir (subdir of base_work_dir)"
-        self.config_parser.add_option(
-            "--base-work-dir", action="store", dest="base_work_dir",
-            type="string", default=os.getcwd(),
+        self.config_parser.add_argument(
+            "--base-work-dir", default=os.getcwd(),
             help="Specify the absolute path of the parent of the working directory"
-        self.config_parser.add_option(
+        self.config_parser.add_argument(
             "-c", "--config-file", "--cfg", action="extend", dest="config_files",
-            type="string", help="Specify a config file; can be repeated"
+            help="Specify a config file; can be repeated"
-        self.config_parser.add_option(
+        self.config_parser.add_argument(
             "-C", "--opt-config-file", "--opt-cfg", action="extend",
-            dest="opt_config_files", type="string", default=[],
+            dest="opt_config_files", default=[],
             help="Specify an optional config file, like --config-file but with no "
                  "error if the file is missing; can be repeated"
-        self.config_parser.add_option(
+        self.config_parser.add_argument(
             "--dump-config", action="store_true",
-            dest="dump_config",
             help="List and dump the config generated from this run to "
                  "a JSON file."
-        self.config_parser.add_option(
+        self.config_parser.add_argument(
             "--dump-config-hierarchy", action="store_true",
-            dest="dump_config_hierarchy",
             help="Like --dump-config but will list and dump which config "
                  "files were used making up the config and specify their own "
                  "keys/values that were not overwritten by another cfg -- "
                  "held the highest hierarchy."
         # Logging
-        log_option_group = OptionGroup(self.config_parser, "Logging")
-        log_option_group.add_option(
-            "--log-level", action="store",
-            type="choice", dest="log_level", default=INFO,
+        log_option_group = self.config_parser.add_argument_group("Logging")
+        log_option_group.add_argument(
+            "--log-level", default=INFO,
             choices=[DEBUG, INFO, WARNING, ERROR, CRITICAL, FATAL],
             help="Set log level (debug|info|warning|error|critical|fatal)"
-        log_option_group.add_option(
+        log_option_group.add_argument(
             "-q", "--quiet", action="store_false", dest="log_to_console",
             default=True, help="Don't log to the console"
-        log_option_group.add_option(
-            "--append-to-log", action="store_true",
-            dest="append_to_log", default=False,
+        log_option_group.add_argument(
+            "--append-to-log", action="store_true", default=False,
             help="Append to the log"
-        log_option_group.add_option(
+        log_option_group.add_argument(
             "--multi-log", action="store_const", const="multi",
             dest="log_type", help="Log using MultiFileLogger"
-        log_option_group.add_option(
+        log_option_group.add_argument(
             "--simple-log", action="store_const", const="simple",
             dest="log_type", help="Log using SimpleFileLogger"
-        self.config_parser.add_option_group(log_option_group)
         # Actions
-        action_option_group = OptionGroup(
-            self.config_parser, "Actions",
-            "Use these options to list or enable/disable actions."
-        )
-        action_option_group.add_option(
+        action_option_group = self.config_parser.add_argument_group(
+            "Actions", "Use these options to list or enable/disable actions.")
+        action_option_group.add_argument(
             "--list-actions", action="store_true",
-            dest="list_actions",
             help="List all available actions, then exit"
-        action_option_group.add_option(
+        action_option_group.add_argument(
             "--add-action", action="extend",
             dest="add_actions", metavar="ACTIONS",
             help="Add action %s to the list of actions" % self.all_actions
-        action_option_group.add_option(
+        action_option_group.add_argument(
             "--no-action", action="extend",
             dest="no_actions", metavar="ACTIONS",
             help="Don't perform action"
         for action in self.all_actions:
-            action_option_group.add_option(
+            action_option_group.add_argument(
                 "--%s" % action, action="append_const",
                 dest="actions", const=action,
                 help="Add %s to the limited list of actions" % action
-            action_option_group.add_option(
+            action_option_group.add_argument(
                 "--no-%s" % action, action="append_const",
                 dest="no_actions", const=action,
                 help="Remove %s from the list of actions to perform" % action
-        self.config_parser.add_option_group(action_option_group)
         # Child-specified options
         # TODO error checking for overlapping options
         if config_options:
             for option in config_options:
-                self.config_parser.add_option(*option[0], **option[1])
+                self.config_parser.add_argument(*option[0], **option[1])
         # Initial-config-specified options
         config_options = self._config.get('config_options', None)
         if config_options:
             for option in config_options:
-                self.config_parser.add_option(*option[0], **option[1])
+                self.config_parser.add_argument(*option[0], **option[1])
     def set_config(self, config, overwrite=False):
         """This is probably doable some other way."""
         if self._config and not overwrite:
             self._config = config
         return self._config
@@ -409,25 +377,25 @@ class BaseConfig(object):
             raise SystemExit(-1)
     def list_actions(self):
         print "Actions available:"
         for a in self.all_actions:
             print "    " + ("*" if a in self.default_actions else " "), a
         raise SystemExit(0)
-    def get_cfgs_from_files(self, all_config_files, options):
+    def get_cfgs_from_files(self, all_config_files, args):
         """Returns the configuration derived from the list of configuration
         files.  The result is represented as a list of `(filename,
         config_dict)` tuples; they will be combined with keys in later
         dictionaries taking precedence over earlier.
         `all_config_files` is all files specified with `--config-file` and
-        `--opt-config-file`; `options` is the argparse options object giving
-        access to any other command-line options.
+        `--opt-config-file`; `args` is the argparse Namespace object giving
+        access to any other command-line arguments.
         This function is also responsible for downloading any configuration
         files specified by URL.  It uses ``parse_config_file`` in this module
         to parse individual files.
         This method can be overridden in a subclass to add extra logic to the
         way that self.config is made up.  See
         `mozharness.mozilla.building.buildbase.BuildingConfig` for an example.
@@ -440,50 +408,48 @@ class BaseConfig(object):
                     file_path = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), file_name)
                     download_config_file(cf, file_path)
                         (file_path, parse_config_file(file_path))
                     all_cfg_files_and_dicts.append((cf, parse_config_file(cf)))
             except Exception:
-                if cf in options.opt_config_files:
+                if cf in args.opt_config_files:
                         "WARNING: optional config file not found %s" % cf
         return all_cfg_files_and_dicts
     def parse_args(self, args=None):
         """Parse command line arguments in a generic way.
-        Return the parser object after adding the basic options, so
+        Return the parser object after adding the basic arguments, so
         child objects can manipulate it.
         self.command_line = ' '.join(sys.argv)
         if args is None:
             args = sys.argv[1:]
-        (options, args) = self.config_parser.parse_args(args)
-        defaults = self.config_parser.defaults.copy()
+        args = self.config_parser.parse_args(args)
-        if not options.config_files:
+        if not args.config_files:
             if self.require_config_file:
-                if options.list_actions:
+                if args.list_actions:
                 print("Required config file not set! (use --config-file option)")
                 raise SystemExit(-1)
             # this is what get_cfgs_from_files returns. It will represent each
             # config file name and its assoctiated dict
             # eg ('builds/branch_specifics.py', {'foo': 'bar'})
             # let's store this to self for things like --interpret-config-files
                 # append opt_config to allow them to overwrite previous configs
-                options.config_files + options.opt_config_files, options=options
+                args.config_files + args.opt_config_files, args
             config = {}
             if self.append_env_variables_from_configs:
                 # We only append values from various configs for the 'env' entry
                 # For everything else we follow the standard behaviour
                 for i, (c_file, c_dict) in enumerate(self.all_cfg_files_and_dicts):
                     for v in c_dict.keys():
                         if v == 'env' and v in config:
@@ -494,53 +460,52 @@ class BaseConfig(object):
                 for i, (c_file, c_dict) in enumerate(self.all_cfg_files_and_dicts):
             # assign or update self._config depending on if it exists or not
             #    NOTE self._config will be passed to ReadOnlyConfig's init -- a
             #    dict subclass with immutable locking capabilities -- and serve
             #    as the keys/values that make up that instance. Ultimately,
             #    this becomes self.config during BaseScript's init
-        for key in defaults.keys():
-            value = getattr(options, key)
+        for key, value in vars(args).items():
             if value is None:
             # Don't override config_file defaults with config_parser defaults
-            if key in defaults and value == defaults[key] and key in self._config:
+            if value == self.config_parser.get_default(key) and key in self._config:
             self._config[key] = value
         # The idea behind the volatile_config is we don't want to save this
         # info over multiple runs.  This defaults to the action-specific
-        # config options, but can be anything.
+        # config args, but can be anything.
         for key in self.volatile_config.keys():
             if self._config.get(key) is not None:
                 self.volatile_config[key] = self._config[key]
-        if options.list_actions:
+        if args.list_actions:
         # Keep? This is for saving the volatile config in the dump_config
         self._config['volatile_config'] = self.volatile_config
-        self.options = options
         self.args = args
-        return (self.options, self.args)
+        return self.args
     def update_actions(self):
         """ Update actions after reading in config.
         Seems a little complex, but the logic goes:
         First, if default_actions is specified in the config, set our
         default actions even if the script specifies other default actions.
-        Without any other action-specific options, run with default actions.
+        Without any other action-specific arguments, run with default actions.
         If we specify --ACTION or --only-ACTION once or multiple times,
         we want to override the default_actions list with the one(s) we list.
         Otherwise, if we specify --add-action ACTION, we want to add an
         action to the list.
         Finally, if we specify --no-ACTION, remove that from the list of
--- a/testing/mozharness/mozharness/mozilla/building/buildbase.py
+++ b/testing/mozharness/mozharness/mozilla/building/buildbase.py
@@ -15,16 +15,17 @@ import json
 import os
 import pprint
 import subprocess
 import time
 import uuid
 import copy
 import glob
 import shlex
+from argparse import Action
 from itertools import chain
 # import the power of mozharness ;)
 import sys
 from datetime import datetime
 import re
 from mozharness.base.config import BaseConfig, parse_config_file
 from mozharness.base.log import ERROR, OutputParser, FATAL
@@ -322,17 +323,17 @@ class BuildingConfig(BaseConfig):
             build_pool_configs = parse_config_file(pool_cfg_file)
                 (pool_cfg_file, build_pool_configs[options.build_pool])
         return all_config_dicts
 # noinspection PyUnusedLocal
-class BuildOptionParser(object):
+class BuildOptionParser(Action):
     # TODO add nosetests for this class
     platform = None
     bits = None
     config_file_search_path = [
         '.', os.path.join(sys.path[0], '..', 'configs'),
         os.path.join(sys.path[0], '..', '..', 'configs')
@@ -383,16 +384,21 @@ class BuildOptionParser(object):
         'artifact': 'builds/releng_sub_%s_configs/%s_artifact.py',
         'debug-artifact': 'builds/releng_sub_%s_configs/%s_debug_artifact.py',
         'devedition': 'builds/releng_sub_%s_configs/%s_devedition.py',
         'dmd': 'builds/releng_sub_%s_configs/%s_dmd.py',
     build_pool_cfg_file = 'builds/build_pool_specifics.py'
     branch_cfg_file = 'builds/branch_specifics.py'
+    def __call__(self, parser, namespace, values, option_string=None):
+        func = getattr(self, 'set_{}'.format(self.dest))
+        func(self, namespace, values)
     def _query_pltfrm_and_bits(cls, target_option, options):
         """ determine platform and bits
         This can be from either from a supplied --platform and --bits
         or parsed from given config file names.
         error_msg = (
@@ -434,21 +440,21 @@ class BuildOptionParser(object):
                     cls.platform = 'android'
                 sys.exit(error_msg % (target_option, 'platform', '--platform',
                                       '"linux", "windows", "mac", or "android"'))
         return cls.bits, cls.platform
-    def find_variant_cfg_path(cls, opt, value, parser):
+    def find_variant_cfg_path(cls, opt, value, namespace):
         valid_variant_cfg_path = None
         # first let's see if we were given a valid short-name
         if cls.build_variants.get(value):
-            bits, pltfrm = cls._query_pltfrm_and_bits(opt, parser.values)
+            bits, pltfrm = cls._query_pltfrm_and_bits(opt, namespace)
             prospective_cfg_path = cls.build_variants[value] % (pltfrm, bits)
             # this is either an incomplete path or an invalid key in
             # build_variants
             prospective_cfg_path = value
         if os.path.exists(prospective_cfg_path):
             # now let's see if we were given a valid pathname
@@ -460,120 +466,110 @@ class BuildOptionParser(object):
                 if os.path.exists(os.path.join(path, prospective_cfg_path)):
                     # success! we found a config file
                     valid_variant_cfg_path = os.path.join(path,
         return valid_variant_cfg_path, prospective_cfg_path
-    def set_build_variant(cls, option, opt, value, parser):
+    def set_build_variant(cls, option, namespace, value):
         """ sets an extra config file.
         This is done by either taking an existing filepath or by taking a valid
         shortname coupled with known platform/bits.
         valid_variant_cfg_path, prospective_cfg_path = cls.find_variant_cfg_path(
-            '--custom-build-variant-cfg', value, parser)
+            '--custom-build-variant-cfg', value, namespace)
         if not valid_variant_cfg_path:
             # either the value was an indeterminable path or an invalid short
             # name
             sys.exit("Whoops!\n'--custom-build-variant' was passed but an "
                      "appropriate config file could not be determined. Tried "
                      "using: '%s' but it was either not:\n\t-- a valid "
                      "shortname: %s \n\t-- a valid path in %s \n\t-- a "
                      "valid variant for the given platform and bits." % (
-        parser.values.config_files.append(valid_variant_cfg_path)
-        setattr(parser.values, option.dest, value)  # the pool
+        namespace.config_files.append(valid_variant_cfg_path)
+        setattr(namespace, option.dest, value)  # the pool
-    def set_build_pool(cls, option, opt, value, parser):
+    def set_build_pool(cls, option, namespace, value):
         # first let's add the build pool file where there may be pool
         # specific keys/values. Then let's store the pool name
-        parser.values.config_files.append(cls.build_pool_cfg_file)
-        setattr(parser.values, option.dest, value)  # the pool
+        namespace.config_files.append(cls.build_pool_cfg_file)
+        setattr(namespace, option.dest, value)  # the pool
-    def set_build_branch(cls, option, opt, value, parser):
+    def set_branch(cls, option, namespace, value):
         # first let's add the branch_specific file where there may be branch
         # specific keys/values. Then let's store the branch name we are using
-        parser.values.config_files.append(cls.branch_cfg_file)
-        setattr(parser.values, option.dest, value)  # the branch name
+        namespace.config_files.append(cls.branch_cfg_file)
+        setattr(namespace, option.dest, value)  # the branch name
-    def set_platform(cls, option, opt, value, parser):
+    def set_platform(cls, option, namespace, value):
         cls.platform = value
-        setattr(parser.values, option.dest, value)
+        setattr(namespace, option.dest, value)
-    def set_bits(cls, option, opt, value, parser):
+    def set_bits(cls, option, namespace, value):
         cls.bits = value
-        setattr(parser.values, option.dest, value)
+        setattr(namespace, option.dest, value)
 # this global depends on BuildOptionParser and therefore can not go at the
 # top of the file
     [['--developer-run', '--skip-buildbot-actions'], {
         "action": "store_false",
         "dest": "is_automation",
         "default": True,
         "help": "If this is running outside of Mozilla's build"
                 "infrastructure, use this option. It ignores actions"
                 "that are not needed and adds config checks."}],
     [['--platform'], {
-        "action": "callback",
-        "callback": BuildOptionParser.set_platform,
-        "type": "string",
+        "action": BuildOptionParser,
         "dest": "platform",
         "help": "Sets the platform we are running this against"
                 " valid values: 'windows', 'mac', 'linux'"}],
     [['--bits'], {
-        "action": "callback",
-        "callback": BuildOptionParser.set_bits,
-        "type": "string",
+        "action": BuildOptionParser,
         "dest": "bits",
         "help": "Sets which bits we are building this against"
                 " valid values: '32', '64'"}],
     [['--custom-build-variant-cfg'], {
-        "action": "callback",
-        "callback": BuildOptionParser.set_build_variant,
-        "type": "string",
+        "action": BuildOptionParser,
         "dest": "build_variant",
         "help": "Sets the build type and will determine appropriate"
                 " additional config to use. Either pass a config path"
                 " or use a valid shortname from: "
                 "%s" % (BuildOptionParser.build_variants.keys(),)}],
     [['--build-pool'], {
-        "action": "callback",
-        "callback": BuildOptionParser.set_build_pool,
-        "type": "string",
+        "action": BuildOptionParser,
         "dest": "build_pool",
         "help": "This will update the config with specific pool"
                 " environment keys/values. The dicts for this are"
                 " in %s\nValid values: staging or"
                 " production" % ('builds/build_pool_specifics.py',)}],
     [['--branch'], {
-        "action": "callback",
-        "callback": BuildOptionParser.set_build_branch,
-        "type": "string",
+        "action": BuildOptionParser,
         "dest": "branch",
         "help": "This sets the branch we will be building this for."
                 " If this branch is in branch_specifics.py, update our"
                 " config with specific keys/values from that. See"
                 " %s for possibilites" % (
     [['--scm-level'], {
         "action": "store",
-        "type": "int",
+        "type": int,
         "dest": "scm_level",
         "default": 1,
         "help": "This sets the SCM level for the branch being built."
                 " See https://www.mozilla.org/en-US/about/"
     [['--enable-pgo'], {
         "action": "store_true",
         "dest": "pgo_build",
--- a/testing/mozharness/mozharness/mozilla/l10n/multi_locale_build.py
+++ b/testing/mozharness/mozharness/mozilla/l10n/multi_locale_build.py
@@ -26,60 +26,53 @@ class MultiLocaleBuild(LocalesMixin, Mer
     """ This class targets Fennec multilocale builds.
         We were considering this for potential Firefox desktop multilocale.
         Now that we have a different approach for B2G multilocale,
         it's most likely misnamed. """
     config_options = [[
         {"action": "extend",
          "dest": "locales",
-         "type": "string",
          "help": "Specify the locale(s) to repack"
     ], [
         {"action": "store",
          "dest": "objdir",
-         "type": "string",
          "default": "objdir",
          "help": "Specify the objdir"
     ], [
         {"action": "store",
          "dest": "hg_l10n_base",
-         "type": "string",
          "help": "Specify the L10n repo base directory"
     ], [
         {"action": "store",
          "dest": "hg_l10n_tag",
-         "type": "string",
          "help": "Specify the L10n tag"
     ], [
         {"action": "store",
          "dest": "tag_override",
-         "type": "string",
          "help": "Override the tags set for all repos"
     ], [
         {"action": "store",
          "dest": "user_repo_override",
-         "type": "string",
          "help": "Override the user repo path for all repos"
     ], [
         {"action": "store",
          "dest": "l10n_dir",
-         "type": "string",
          "default": "l10n",
          "help": "Specify the l10n dir name"
     def __init__(self, require_config_file=True):
         MercurialScript.__init__(self, config_options=self.config_options,
--- a/testing/mozharness/mozharness/mozilla/testing/device.py
+++ b/testing/mozharness/mozharness/mozilla/testing/device.py
@@ -435,27 +435,25 @@ device_config_options = [[
     {"action": "store",
      "dest": "device_heartbeat_port",
      "help": "Specify the heartbeat port of the device."
 ], [
     {"action": "store",
-     "type": "choice",
      "dest": "device_protocol",
      "choices": DEVICE_PROTOCOL_DICT.keys(),
      "help": "Specify the device communication protocol."
 ], [
     # A bit useless atm, but we can add new device types as we add support
     # for them.
     {"action": "store",
-     "type": "choice",
      "choices": ["non-tegra", "tegra250"],
      "default": "non-tegra",
      "dest": "device_type",
      "help": "Specify the device type."
 ], [
     {"action": "store",
--- a/testing/mozharness/mozharness/mozilla/testing/talos.py
+++ b/testing/mozharness/mozharness/mozilla/testing/talos.py
@@ -114,17 +114,16 @@ class Talos(TestingMixin, MercurialScrip
          {"action": "store",
           "dest": "branch",
           "help": "Graphserver branch to report to"
          {"action": "store",
           "dest": "system_bits",
-          "type": "choice",
           "default": "32",
           "choices": ['32', '64'],
           "help": "Testing 32 or 64 (for talos json plugins)"
          {"action": "extend",
           "dest": "talos_extra_options",
           "default": None,
@@ -133,17 +132,17 @@ class Talos(TestingMixin, MercurialScrip
         [["--geckoProfile"], {
             "dest": "gecko_profile",
             "action": "store_true",
             "default": False,
             "help": "Whether or not to profile the test run and save the profile results"
         [["--geckoProfileInterval"], {
             "dest": "gecko_profile_interval",
-            "type": "int",
+            "type": int,
             "default": 0,
             "help": "The interval between samples taken by the profiler (milliseconds)"
         [["--enable-stylo"], {
             "action": "store_true",
             "dest": "enable_stylo",
             "default": False,
             "help": "Run tests with Stylo enabled"
--- a/testing/mozharness/mozharness/mozilla/testing/testbase.py
+++ b/testing/mozharness/mozharness/mozilla/testing/testbase.py
@@ -90,17 +90,16 @@ testing_config_options = [
      {"action": "store",
      "dest": "jsshell_url",
      "default": None,
      "help": "URL to the jsshell to install",
      {"action": "store",
      "dest": "download_symbols",
-     "type": "choice",
      "choices": ['ondemand', 'true'],
      "help": "Download and extract crash reporter symbols.",
 ] + copy.deepcopy(virtualenv_config_options) \
   + copy.deepcopy(try_config_options) \
   + copy.deepcopy(verify_config_options)
--- a/testing/mozharness/scripts/desktop_l10n.py
+++ b/testing/mozharness/scripts/desktop_l10n.py
@@ -74,91 +74,80 @@ runtime_config_tokens = ('buildid', 'ver
 class DesktopSingleLocale(LocalesMixin, ReleaseMixin, MockMixin, BuildbotMixin,
                           VCSMixin, SigningMixin, PurgeMixin, BaseScript,
                           BalrogMixin, MarMixin, VirtualenvMixin, TransferMixin):
     """Manages desktop repacks"""
     config_options = [[
         ['--balrog-config', ],
         {"action": "extend",
          "dest": "config_files",
-         "type": "string",
          "help": "Specify the balrog configuration file"}
     ], [
         ['--branch-config', ],
         {"action": "extend",
          "dest": "config_files",
-         "type": "string",
          "help": "Specify the branch configuration file"}
     ], [
         ['--environment-config', ],
         {"action": "extend",
          "dest": "config_files",
-         "type": "string",
          "help": "Specify the environment (staging, production, ...) configuration file"}
     ], [
         ['--platform-config', ],
         {"action": "extend",
          "dest": "config_files",
-         "type": "string",
          "help": "Specify the platform configuration file"}
     ], [
         ['--locale', ],
         {"action": "extend",
          "dest": "locales",
-         "type": "string",
          "help": "Specify the locale(s) to sign and update. Optionally pass"
                  " revision separated by colon, en-GB:default."}
     ], [
         ['--locales-file', ],
         {"action": "store",
          "dest": "locales_file",
-         "type": "string",
          "help": "Specify a file to determine which locales to sign and update"}
     ], [
         ['--tag-override', ],
         {"action": "store",
          "dest": "tag_override",
-         "type": "string",
          "help": "Override the tags set for all repos"}
     ], [
         ['--revision', ],
         {"action": "store",
          "dest": "revision",
-         "type": "string",
          "help": "Override the gecko revision to use (otherwise use buildbot supplied"
                  " value, or en-US revision) "}
     ], [
         ['--user-repo-override', ],
         {"action": "store",
          "dest": "user_repo_override",
-         "type": "string",
          "help": "Override the user repo path for all repos"}
     ], [
         ['--release-config-file', ],
         {"action": "store",
          "dest": "release_config_file",
-         "type": "string",
          "help": "Specify the release config file to use"}
     ], [
         ['--this-chunk', ],
         {"action": "store",
          "dest": "this_locale_chunk",
-         "type": "int",
+         "type": int,
          "help": "Specify which chunk of locales to run"}
     ], [
         ['--total-chunks', ],
         {"action": "store",
          "dest": "total_locale_chunks",
-         "type": "int",
+         "type": int,
          "help": "Specify the total number of chunks of locales"}
     ], [
         ['--en-us-installer-url', ],
         {"action": "store",
          "dest": "en_us_installer_url",
-         "type": "string",
          "help": "Specify the url of the en-us binary"}
     ], [
         ["--disable-mock"], {
          "dest": "disable_mock",
          "action": "store_true",
          "help": "do not run under mock despite what gecko-config says"}
--- a/testing/mozharness/scripts/desktop_unittest.py
+++ b/testing/mozharness/scripts/desktop_unittest.py
@@ -48,73 +48,65 @@ SUITE_NO_E10S = ['xpcshell']
 # DesktopUnittest {{{1
 class DesktopUnittest(TestingMixin, MercurialScript, BlobUploadMixin, MozbaseMixin,
     config_options = [
         [['--mochitest-suite', ], {
             "action": "extend",
             "dest": "specified_mochitest_suites",
-            "type": "string",
             "help": "Specify which mochi suite to run. "
                     "Suites are defined in the config file.\n"
                     "Examples: 'all', 'plain1', 'plain5', 'chrome', or 'a11y'"}
         [['--reftest-suite', ], {
             "action": "extend",
             "dest": "specified_reftest_suites",
-            "type": "string",
             "help": "Specify which reftest suite to run. "
                     "Suites are defined in the config file.\n"
                     "Examples: 'all', 'crashplan', or 'jsreftest'"}
         [['--xpcshell-suite', ], {
             "action": "extend",
             "dest": "specified_xpcshell_suites",
-            "type": "string",
             "help": "Specify which xpcshell suite to run. "
                     "Suites are defined in the config file\n."
                     "Examples: 'xpcshell'"}
         [['--cppunittest-suite', ], {
             "action": "extend",
             "dest": "specified_cppunittest_suites",
-            "type": "string",
             "help": "Specify which cpp unittest suite to run. "
                     "Suites are defined in the config file\n."
                     "Examples: 'cppunittest'"}
         [['--gtest-suite', ], {
             "action": "extend",
             "dest": "specified_gtest_suites",
-            "type": "string",
             "help": "Specify which gtest suite to run. "
                     "Suites are defined in the config file\n."
                     "Examples: 'gtest'"}
         [['--jittest-suite', ], {
             "action": "extend",
             "dest": "specified_jittest_suites",
-            "type": "string",
             "help": "Specify which jit-test suite to run. "
                     "Suites are defined in the config file\n."
                     "Examples: 'jittest'"}
         [['--mozbase-suite', ], {
             "action": "extend",
             "dest": "specified_mozbase_suites",
-            "type": "string",
             "help": "Specify which mozbase suite to run. "
                     "Suites are defined in the config file\n."
                     "Examples: 'mozbase'"}
         [['--mozmill-suite', ], {
             "action": "extend",
             "dest": "specified_mozmill_suites",
-            "type": "string",
             "help": "Specify which mozmill suite to run. "
                     "Suites are defined in the config file\n."
                     "Examples: 'mozmill'"}
         [['--run-all-suites', ], {
             "action": "store_true",
             "dest": "run_all_suites",
             "default": False,
--- a/testing/mozharness/scripts/fx_desktop_build.py
+++ b/testing/mozharness/scripts/fx_desktop_build.py
@@ -12,16 +12,17 @@ and developer machines alike
 author: Jordan Lund
 import copy
 import pprint
 import sys
 import os
+from argparse import Namespace
 # load modules from parent dir
 sys.path.insert(1, os.path.dirname(sys.path[0]))
 import mozharness.base.script as script
 from mozharness.mozilla.building.buildbase import BUILD_BASE_CONFIG_OPTIONS, \
     BuildingConfig, BuildOptionParser, BuildScript
 from mozharness.base.config import parse_config_file
@@ -163,17 +164,17 @@ class FxDesktopBuild(BuildScript, TryToo
     # helpers
     def _update_build_variant(self, rw_config, variant='artifact'):
         """ Intended for use in _pre_config_lock """
         c = self.config
         variant_cfg_path, _ = BuildOptionParser.find_variant_cfg_path(
-            rw_config.config_parser
+            Namespace(**rw_config._config)
         if not variant_cfg_path:
             self.fatal('Could not find appropriate config file for variant %s' % variant)
         # Update other parts of config to keep dump-config accurate
         # Only dump-config is affected because most config info is set during
         # initial parsing
         variant_cfg_dict = parse_config_file(variant_cfg_path)
         rw_config.all_cfg_files_and_dicts.append((variant_cfg_path, variant_cfg_dict))
--- a/testing/mozharness/scripts/marionette.py
+++ b/testing/mozharness/scripts/marionette.py
@@ -55,17 +55,16 @@ class MarionetteTest(TestingMixin, Mercu
          "dest": "marionette_address",
          "default": None,
          "help": "The host:port of the Marionette server running inside Gecko. "
                  "Unused for emulator testing",
     ], [
         {"action": "store",
-         "type": "choice",
          "choices": ['arm', 'x86'],
          "dest": "emulator",
          "default": None,
          "help": "Use an emulator for testing",
     ], [
         {"action": "store",
--- a/testing/mozharness/scripts/merge_day/gecko_migration.py
+++ b/testing/mozharness/scripts/merge_day/gecko_migration.py
@@ -37,42 +37,37 @@ VALID_MIGRATION_BEHAVIORS = (
 # GeckoMigration {{{1
 class GeckoMigration(MercurialScript, BalrogMixin, VirtualenvMixin,
                      BuildbotMixin, MercurialRepoManipulationMixin):
     config_options = [
         [['--hg-user', ], {
             "action": "store",
             "dest": "hg_user",
-            "type": "string",
             "default": "ffxbld <release@mozilla.com>",
             "help": "Specify what user to use to commit to hg.",
         [['--balrog-api-root', ], {
             "action": "store",
             "dest": "balrog_api_root",
-            "type": "string",
             "help": "Specify Balrog API root URL.",
         [['--balrog-username', ], {
             "action": "store",
             "dest": "balrog_username",
-            "type": "string",
             "help": "Specify what user to connect to Balrog with.",
         [['--balrog-credentials-file', ], {
             "action": "store",
             "dest": "balrog_credentials_file",
-            "type": "string",
             "help": "The file containing the Balrog credentials.",
         [['--remove-locale', ], {
             "action": "extend",
             "dest": "remove_locales",
-            "type": "string",
             "help": "Comma separated list of locales to remove from the 'to' repo.",
     gecko_repos = None
     def __init__(self, require_config_file=True):
         super(GeckoMigration, self).__init__(
             config_options=virtualenv_config_options + self.config_options,
--- a/testing/mozharness/scripts/mobile_l10n.py
+++ b/testing/mozharness/scripts/mobile_l10n.py
@@ -47,81 +47,74 @@ from mozharness.mozilla.taskcluster_help
 class MobileSingleLocale(MockMixin, LocalesMixin, ReleaseMixin,
                          MobileSigningMixin, TransferMixin, TooltoolMixin,
                          BuildbotMixin, PurgeMixin, MercurialScript, BalrogMixin,
     config_options = [[
         ['--locale', ],
         {"action": "extend",
          "dest": "locales",
-         "type": "string",
          "help": "Specify the locale(s) to sign and update"
     ], [
         ['--locales-file', ],
         {"action": "store",
          "dest": "locales_file",
-         "type": "string",
          "help": "Specify a file to determine which locales to sign and update"
     ], [
         ['--tag-override', ],
         {"action": "store",
          "dest": "tag_override",
-         "type": "string",
          "help": "Override the tags set for all repos"
     ], [
         ['--user-repo-override', ],
         {"action": "store",
          "dest": "user_repo_override",
-         "type": "string",
          "help": "Override the user repo path for all repos"
     ], [
         ['--release-config-file', ],
         {"action": "store",
          "dest": "release_config_file",
-         "type": "string",
          "help": "Specify the release config file to use"
     ], [
         ['--key-alias', ],
         {"action": "store",
          "dest": "key_alias",
-         "type": "choice",
          "default": "nightly",
          "choices": ["nightly", "release"],
          "help": "Specify the signing key alias"
     ], [
         ['--this-chunk', ],
         {"action": "store",
          "dest": "this_locale_chunk",
-         "type": "int",
+         "type": int,
          "help": "Specify which chunk of locales to run"
     ], [
         ['--total-chunks', ],
         {"action": "store",
          "dest": "total_locale_chunks",
-         "type": "int",
+         "type": int,
          "help": "Specify the total number of chunks of locales"
     ], [
         {"dest": "disable_mock",
          "action": "store_true",
          "help": "do not run under mock despite what gecko-config says",
     ], [
         ['--revision', ],
         {"action": "store",
          "dest": "revision",
-         "type": "string",
          "help": "Override the gecko revision to use (otherwise use buildbot supplied"
                  " value, or en-US revision) "}
     def __init__(self, require_config_file=True):
         buildscript_kwargs = {
             'all_actions': [
--- a/testing/mozharness/scripts/mobile_partner_repack.py
+++ b/testing/mozharness/scripts/mobile_partner_repack.py
@@ -28,74 +28,66 @@ SUPPORTED_PLATFORMS = ["android"]
 # MobilePartnerRepack {{{1
 class MobilePartnerRepack(LocalesMixin, ReleaseMixin, MobileSigningMixin,
                           TransferMixin, MercurialScript):
     config_options = [[
         ['--locale', ],
         {"action": "extend",
          "dest": "locales",
-         "type": "string",
          "help": "Specify the locale(s) to repack"
     ], [
         ['--partner', ],
         {"action": "extend",
          "dest": "partners",
-         "type": "string",
          "help": "Specify the partner(s) to repack"
     ], [
         ['--locales-file', ],
         {"action": "store",
          "dest": "locales_file",
-         "type": "string",
          "help": "Specify a json file to determine which locales to repack"
     ], [
         ['--tag-override', ],
         {"action": "store",
          "dest": "tag_override",
-         "type": "string",
          "help": "Override the tags set for all repos"
     ], [
         ['--platform', ],
         {"action": "extend",
          "dest": "platforms",
-         "type": "choice",
          "choices": SUPPORTED_PLATFORMS,
          "help": "Specify the platform(s) to repack"
     ], [
         ['--user-repo-override', ],
         {"action": "store",
          "dest": "user_repo_override",
-         "type": "string",
          "help": "Override the user repo path for all repos"
     ], [
         ['--release-config-file', ],
         {"action": "store",
          "dest": "release_config_file",
-         "type": "string",
          "help": "Specify the release config file to use"
     ], [
         ['--version', ],
         {"action": "store",
          "dest": "version",
-         "type": "string",
          "help": "Specify the current version"
     ], [
         ['--buildnum', ],
         {"action": "store",
          "dest": "buildnum",
-         "type": "int",
+         "type": int,
          "default": 1,
          "metavar": "INT",
          "help": "Specify the current release build num (e.g. build1, build2)"
     def __init__(self, require_config_file=True):
         self.release_config = {}
--- a/testing/mozharness/scripts/release/antivirus.py
+++ b/testing/mozharness/scripts/release/antivirus.py
@@ -31,23 +31,23 @@ class AntivirusScan(BaseScript, Virtuale
         [["--exclude"], {
             "dest": "excludes",
             "action": "append",
             "help": "List of filename patterns to exclude. See script source for default",
         [["-d", "--download-parallelization"], {
             "dest": "download_parallelization",
             "default": 6,
-            "type": "int",
+            "type": int,
             "help": "Number of concurrent file downloads",
         [["-s", "--scan-parallelization"], {
             "dest": "scan_parallelization",
             "default": 4,
-            "type": "int",
+            "type": int,
             "help": "Number of concurrent file scans",
         [["--tools-repo"], {
             "dest": "tools_repo",
             "default": "https://hg.mozilla.org/build/tools",
         [["--tools-revision"], {
             "dest": "tools_revision",
--- a/testing/mozharness/scripts/release/beet_mover.py
+++ b/testing/mozharness/scripts/release/beet_mover.py
@@ -36,17 +36,16 @@ def get_hash(content, hash_type="md5"):
     [["--template"], {
         "dest": "template",
         "help": "Specify jinja2 template file",
     [['--locale', ], {
         "action": "extend",
         "dest": "locales",
-        "type": "string",
         "help": "Specify the locale(s) to upload."}],
     [["--platform"], {
         "dest": "platform",
         "help": "Specify the platform of the build",
     [["--version"], {
         "dest": "version",
         "help": "full release version based on gecko and tag/stage identifier. e.g. '44.0b1'"
@@ -83,17 +82,17 @@ CONFIG_OPTIONS = [
     [["--exclude"], {
         "dest": "excludes",
         "action": "append",
         "help": "List of filename patterns to exclude. See script source for default",
     [["-s", "--scan-parallelization"], {
         "dest": "scan_parallelization",
         "default": 4,
-        "type": "int",
+        "type": int,
         "help": "Number of concurrent file scans",
--- a/testing/mozharness/scripts/release/postrelease_version_bump.py
+++ b/testing/mozharness/scripts/release/postrelease_version_bump.py
@@ -22,60 +22,52 @@ from mozharness.mozilla.repo_manipulatio
 # PostReleaseVersionBump {{{1
 class PostReleaseVersionBump(MercurialScript, BuildbotMixin,
     config_options = [
         [['--hg-user', ], {
             "action": "store",
             "dest": "hg_user",
-            "type": "string",
             "default": "ffxbld <release@mozilla.com>",
             "help": "Specify what user to use to commit to hg.",
         [['--next-version', ], {
             "action": "store",
             "dest": "next_version",
-            "type": "string",
             "help": "Next version used in version bump",
         [['--ssh-user', ], {
             "action": "store",
             "dest": "ssh_user",
-            "type": "string",
             "help": "SSH username with hg.mozilla.org permissions",
         [['--ssh-key', ], {
             "action": "store",
             "dest": "ssh_key",
-            "type": "string",
             "help": "Path to SSH key.",
         [['--product', ], {
             "action": "store",
             "dest": "product",
-            "type": "string",
             "help": "Product name",
         [['--version', ], {
             "action": "store",
             "dest": "version",
-            "type": "string",
             "help": "Version",
         [['--build-number', ], {
             "action": "store",
             "dest": "build_number",
-            "type": "string",
             "help": "Build number",
         [['--revision', ], {
             "action": "store",
             "dest": "revision",
-            "type": "string",
             "help": "HG revision to tag",
     def __init__(self, require_config_file=True):
         super(PostReleaseVersionBump, self).__init__(
--- a/testing/mozharness/scripts/release/push-candidate-to-releases.py
+++ b/testing/mozharness/scripts/release/push-candidate-to-releases.py
@@ -54,17 +54,17 @@ class ReleasePusher(BaseScript, Virtuale
             "action": "append",
             "help": "List of patterns to exclude from copy. The list can be "
                     "extended by passing multiple --exclude arguments.",
         [["-j", "--parallelization"], {
             "dest": "parallelization",
             "default": 20,
-            "type": "int",
+            "type": int,
             "help": "Number of copy requests to run concurrently",
     ] + virtualenv_config_options
     def __init__(self, aws_creds):
--- a/testing/mozharness/scripts/release/updates.py
+++ b/testing/mozharness/scripts/release/updates.py
@@ -30,30 +30,27 @@ from mozharness.mozilla.release import g
 # UpdatesBumper {{{1
 class UpdatesBumper(MercurialScript, BuildbotMixin,
     config_options = [
         [['--hg-user', ], {
             "action": "store",
             "dest": "hg_user",
-            "type": "string",
             "default": "ffxbld <release@mozilla.com>",
             "help": "Specify what user to use to commit to hg.",
         [['--ssh-user', ], {
             "action": "store",
             "dest": "ssh_user",
-            "type": "string",
             "help": "SSH username with hg.mozilla.org permissions",
         [['--ssh-key', ], {
             "action": "store",
             "dest": "ssh_key",
-            "type": "string",
             "help": "Path to SSH key.",
     def __init__(self, require_config_file=True):
         super(UpdatesBumper, self).__init__(
--- a/testing/mozharness/test/test_base_config.py
+++ b/testing/mozharness/test/test_base_config.py
@@ -245,16 +245,17 @@ class TestReadOnlyDict(unittest.TestCase
         r = self.get_locked_ROD()
         c = deepcopy(r)
         c['e'] = 'hey'
         self.assertEqual(c['e'], 'hey', "can't set var in ROD after deepcopy")
 class TestActions(unittest.TestCase):
     all_actions = ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e']
+    config_options = [[['args'], {'nargs': '*'}]]
     default_actions = ['b', 'c', 'd']
     def test_verify_actions(self):
         c = config.BaseConfig(initial_config_file='test/test.json')
@@ -270,39 +271,43 @@ class TestActions(unittest.TestCase):
         self.assertEqual(self.default_actions, c.get_actions(),
                          msg="default_actions broken")
     def test_no_action1(self):
         c = config.BaseConfig(default_actions=self.default_actions,
+                              config_options=self.config_options,
         c.parse_args(args=['foo', '--no-action', 'a'])
         self.assertEqual(self.default_actions, c.get_actions(),
                          msg="--no-ACTION broken")
     def test_no_action2(self):
         c = config.BaseConfig(default_actions=self.default_actions,
+                              config_options=self.config_options,
         c.parse_args(args=['foo', '--no-c'])
         self.assertEqual(['b', 'd'], c.get_actions(),
                          msg="--no-ACTION broken")
     def test_add_action(self):
         c = config.BaseConfig(default_actions=self.default_actions,
+                              config_options=self.config_options,
         c.parse_args(args=['foo', '--add-action', 'e'])
         self.assertEqual(['b', 'c', 'd', 'e'], c.get_actions(),
                          msg="--add-action ACTION broken")
     def test_only_action(self):
         c = config.BaseConfig(default_actions=self.default_actions,
+                              config_options=self.config_options,
         c.parse_args(args=['foo', '--a', '--e'])
         self.assertEqual(['a', 'e'], c.get_actions(),
                          msg="--ACTION broken")
 if __name__ == '__main__':