Bug 1407990 - Move protocol definition to doc/Protocol.md. r?maja_zf draft
authorAndreas Tolfsen <ato@sny.no>
Fri, 13 Oct 2017 17:08:57 +0100
changeset 680142 6f9a06685beab8d5f2f5b1d8bdf3a2474a9819d9
parent 680141 fae401421148a7ef1401dd1fa95ba8e5fe729b83
child 735777 91d1a24af18abee90fd6288d09c70437ce32ab18
push id84411
push userbmo:ato@sny.no
push dateFri, 13 Oct 2017 16:15:02 +0000
Bug 1407990 - Move protocol definition to doc/Protocol.md. r?maja_zf DONTBUILD MozReview-Commit-ID: 6U9vpIvFtJR
--- a/testing/marionette/README.md
+++ b/testing/marionette/README.md
@@ -26,128 +26,16 @@ To start Firefox with the remote protoco
 	% firefox -marionette

 	1491228343089	Marionette	INFO	Listening on port 2828
 This binds to a TCP socket, over which [clients] can communicate
 with Marionette using the [protocol].
-Marionette provides an asynchronous, parallel pipelining user-facing
-interface.  Message sequencing limits chances of payload race
-conditions and provides a uniform way in which payloads are serialised.
-Clients that deliver a blocking WebDriver interface are still
-expected to not send further command requests before the response
-from the last command has come back, but if they still happen to do
-so because of programming error, no harm will be done.  This guards
-against [mixing up responses].
-Schematic flow of messages:
-	               client      server
-	                 |            |
-	      msgid=1    |----------->|
-	                 |  command   |
-	                 |            |
-	      msgid=2    |<-----------|
-	                 |  command   |
-	                 |            |
-	      msgid=2    |----------->|
-	                 |  response  |
-	                 |            |
-	      msgid=1    |<-----------|
-	                 |  response  |
-	                 |            |
-The protocol consists of a [command] message and the corresponding
-[response] message.  A [response] message must always be sent in
-reply to a [commmand] message.
-This means that the server implementation does not need to send
-the reply precisely in the order of the received commands: if it
-receives multiple messages, the server may even reply in random order.
-It is therefore strongly adviced that clients take this into account
-when imlpementing the client end of this wire protocol.
-This is required for pipelining messages.  On the server side,
-some functions are fast, and some less so.  If the server must
-reply in order, the slow functions delay the other replies even if
-its execution is already completed.
-[mixing up responses]: https://bugzil.la/1207125
-The request, or command message, is a four element JSON Array as shown
-below, that may originate from either the client- or server remote ends:
-	[type, message ID, command, parameters]
-  * _type_ must be 0 (integer).  This indicates that the message
-    is a [command].
-  * _message ID_ is a 32-bit unsigned integer.  This number is
-    used as a sequencing number that uniquely identifies a pair of
-    [command] and [response] messages.  The other remote part will
-    reply with a corresponding [response] with the same message ID.
-  * _command_ is a string identifying the RPC method or command
-    to execute.
-  * _parameters_ is an arbitrary JSON serialisable object.
-The response message is also a four element array as shown below,
-and must always be sent after receiving a [command]:
-	[type, message ID, error, result]
-  * _type_ must be 1 (integer).  This indicates that the message is a
-    [response].
-  * _message ID_ is a 32-bit unsigned integer.  This corresponds
-    to the [command]’s message ID.
-  * _error_ is null if the command executed correctly.  If the
-    error occurred on the server-side, then this is an [error] object.
-  * _result_ is the result object from executing the [command], iff
-    it executed correctly.  If an error occurred on the server-side,
-    this field is null.
-The structure of the result field can vary, but is documented
-individually for each command.
-Error object
-An error object is a serialisation of JavaScript error types,
-and it is structured like this:
-	{
-		"error": "invalid session id",
-		"message": "No active session with ID 1234",
-		"stacktrace": ""
-	}
-All the fields of the error object are required, so the stacktrace and
-message fields may be empty strings.  The error field is guaranteed
-to be one of the JSON error codes as laid out by the [WebDriver standard].
 Clients may be implemented in any language that is capable of writing
 and receiving data over TCP socket.  A [reference client] is provided.
 Clients may be implemented both synchronously and asynchronously,
 although the latter is impossible in protocol levels 2 and earlier
 due to the lack of message sequencing.
--- a/testing/marionette/doc/Intro.md
+++ b/testing/marionette/doc/Intro.md
@@ -65,17 +65,17 @@ need to download a Marionette client or 
 [1] https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Mozilla/QA/Marionette/WebDriver
 [2] http://marionette-client.readthedocs.io/en/latest/
 [3] http://marionette-client.readthedocs.io/en/latest/interactive.html
 [4] ./PythonTests.md
 [5] ./Debugging.md
 [6] https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Marionette/Builds
 [7] https://github.com/mozilla-b2g/marionette_js_client
-[8] https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Mozilla/QA/Marionette/Protocol
+[8] ./Protocol.md
 Please file any bugs you may find in the `Testing :: Marionette`
 component in Bugzilla.  You can view a [list of current bugs]
 to see if your problem is already being addressed.
new file mode 100644
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testing/marionette/doc/Protocol.md
@@ -0,0 +1,110 @@
+Marionette provides an asynchronous, parallel pipelining user-facing
+interface.  Message sequencing limits chances of payload race
+conditions and provides a uniform way in which payloads are serialised.
+Clients that deliver a blocking WebDriver interface are still
+expected to not send further command requests before the response
+from the last command has come back, but if they still happen to do
+so because of programming error, no harm will be done.  This guards
+against [mixing up responses].
+Schematic flow of messages:
+	               client      server
+	                 |            |
+	      msgid=1    |----------->|
+	                 |  command   |
+	                 |            |
+	      msgid=2    |<-----------|
+	                 |  command   |
+	                 |            |
+	      msgid=2    |----------->|
+	                 |  response  |
+	                 |            |
+	      msgid=1    |<-----------|
+	                 |  response  |
+	                 |            |
+The protocol consists of a [command] message and the corresponding
+[response] message.  A [response] message must always be sent in
+reply to a [commmand] message.
+This means that the server implementation does not need to send
+the reply precisely in the order of the received commands: if it
+receives multiple messages, the server may even reply in random order.
+It is therefore strongly adviced that clients take this into account
+when imlpementing the client end of this wire protocol.
+This is required for pipelining messages.  On the server side,
+some functions are fast, and some less so.  If the server must
+reply in order, the slow functions delay the other replies even if
+its execution is already completed.
+[mixing up responses]: https://bugzil.la/1207125
+The request, or command message, is a four element JSON Array as shown
+below, that may originate from either the client- or server remote ends:
+	[type, message ID, command, parameters]
+  * _type_ must be 0 (integer).  This indicates that the message
+    is a [command].
+  * _message ID_ is a 32-bit unsigned integer.  This number is
+    used as a sequencing number that uniquely identifies a pair of
+    [command] and [response] messages.  The other remote part will
+    reply with a corresponding [response] with the same message ID.
+  * _command_ is a string identifying the RPC method or command
+    to execute.
+  * _parameters_ is an arbitrary JSON serialisable object.
+The response message is also a four element array as shown below,
+and must always be sent after receiving a [command]:
+	[type, message ID, error, result]
+  * _type_ must be 1 (integer).  This indicates that the message is a
+    [response].
+  * _message ID_ is a 32-bit unsigned integer.  This corresponds
+    to the [command]’s message ID.
+  * _error_ is null if the command executed correctly.  If the
+    error occurred on the server-side, then this is an [error] object.
+  * _result_ is the result object from executing the [command], iff
+    it executed correctly.  If an error occurred on the server-side,
+    this field is null.
+The structure of the result field can vary, but is documented
+individually for each command.
+Error object
+An error object is a serialisation of JavaScript error types,
+and it is structured like this:
+	{
+		"error": "invalid session id",
+		"message": "No active session with ID 1234",
+		"stacktrace": ""
+	}
+All the fields of the error object are required, so the stacktrace and
+message fields may be empty strings.  The error field is guaranteed
+to be one of the JSON error codes as laid out by the [WebDriver standard].