Bug 1404401 - ignore presence of target_task_config.json in tests; r?ahal draft
authorDustin J. Mitchell <dustin@mozilla.com>
Thu, 12 Oct 2017 17:58:14 +0000
changeset 679630 ff9871612835c79df0e6657e4afb4cf92b84d211
parent 679629 25aad10380b10b6efa50c2b4d97245f078d870a0
child 735655 a8271606d6def403852bc23b1fdd6de70cb2a7b9
push id84282
push userdmitchell@mozilla.com
push dateThu, 12 Oct 2017 22:48:33 +0000
Bug 1404401 - ignore presence of target_task_config.json in tests; r?ahal I *think* the modifications to MockedOpen are correct, but I'm not sure.. MozReview-Commit-ID: 6vTZBtdQ1dz
--- a/config/mozunit.py
+++ b/config/mozunit.py
@@ -130,16 +130,19 @@ class MockedOpen(object):
     Context manager diverting the open builtin such that opening files
     can open "virtual" file instances given when creating a MockedOpen.
     with MockedOpen({'foo': 'foo', 'bar': 'bar'}):
         f = open('foo', 'r')
     will thus open the virtual file instance for the file 'foo' to f.
+    If the content of a file is given as None, then that file will be
+    represented as not existing (even if it does, actually, exist).
     MockedOpen also masks writes, so that creating or replacing files
     doesn't touch the file system, while subsequently opening the file
     will return the recorded content.
     with MockedOpen():
         f = open('foo', 'w')
     self.assertRaises(Exception,f.open('foo', 'r'))
@@ -149,17 +152,20 @@ class MockedOpen(object):
         for name, content in files.iteritems():
             self.files[normcase(os.path.abspath(name))] = content
     def __call__(self, name, mode='r'):
         absname = normcase(os.path.abspath(name))
         if 'w' in mode:
             file = MockedFile(self, absname)
         elif absname in self.files:
-            file = MockedFile(self, absname, self.files[absname])
+            content = self.files[absname]
+            if content is None:
+                raise IOError(2, 'No such file or directory')
+            file = MockedFile(self, absname, content)
         elif 'a' in mode:
             file = MockedFile(self, absname, self.open(name, 'r').read())
             file = self.open(name, mode)
         if 'a' in mode:
             file.seek(0, os.SEEK_END)
         return file
@@ -178,41 +184,40 @@ class MockedOpen(object):
         import __builtin__
         __builtin__.open = self.open
         os.path.exists = self._orig_path_exists
         os.path.isdir = self._orig_path_isdir
         os.path.isfile = self._orig_path_isfile
     def _wrapped_exists(self, p):
         return (self._wrapped_isfile(p) or
-                self._wrapped_isdir(p) or
-                self._orig_path_exists(p))
+                self._wrapped_isdir(p))
     def _wrapped_isfile(self, p):
         p = normcase(p)
         if p in self.files:
-            return True
+            return self.files[p] is not None
         abspath = normcase(os.path.abspath(p))
         if abspath in self.files:
-            return True
+            return self.files[abspath] is not None
         return self._orig_path_isfile(p)
     def _wrapped_isdir(self, p):
         p = normcase(p)
         p = p if p.endswith(('/', '\\')) else p + os.sep
         if any(f.startswith(p) for f in self.files):
             return True
         abspath = normcase(os.path.abspath(p) + os.sep)
         if any(f.startswith(abspath) for f in self.files):
             return True
-        return self._orig_path_exists(p)
+        return self._orig_path_isdir(p)
 def main(*args, **kwargs):
     runwith = kwargs.pop('runwith', 'pytest')
     if runwith == 'unittest':
         unittest.main(testRunner=MozTestRunner(), *args, **kwargs)
--- a/taskcluster/taskgraph/test/test_decision.py
+++ b/taskcluster/taskgraph/test/test_decision.py
@@ -41,58 +41,62 @@ class TestDecision(unittest.TestCase):
             if os.path.exists(tmpdir):
             decision.ARTIFACTS_DIR = 'artifacts'
 class TestGetDecisionParameters(unittest.TestCase):
+    ttc_file = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'try_task_config.json')
     def setUp(self):
         self.options = {
             'base_repository': 'https://hg.mozilla.org/mozilla-unified',
             'head_repository': 'https://hg.mozilla.org/mozilla-central',
             'head_rev': 'abcd',
             'head_ref': 'ef01',
             'message': '',
             'project': 'mozilla-central',
             'pushlog_id': 143,
             'pushdate': 1503691511,
             'owner': 'nobody@mozilla.com',
             'level': 3,
     def test_simple_options(self):
-        params = decision.get_decision_parameters(self.options)
+        with MockedOpen({self.ttc_file: None}):
+            params = decision.get_decision_parameters(self.options)
         self.assertEqual(params['pushlog_id'], 143)
         self.assertEqual(params['build_date'], 1503691511)
         self.assertEqual(params['moz_build_date'], '20170825200511')
         self.assertEqual(params['try_mode'], None)
         self.assertEqual(params['try_options'], None)
         self.assertEqual(params['try_task_config'], None)
     def test_no_email_owner(self):
         self.options['owner'] = 'ffxbld'
-        params = decision.get_decision_parameters(self.options)
+        with MockedOpen({self.ttc_file: None}):
+            params = decision.get_decision_parameters(self.options)
         self.assertEqual(params['owner'], 'ffxbld@noreply.mozilla.org')
     def test_try_options(self):
         self.options['message'] = 'try: -b do -t all'
         self.options['project'] = 'try'
-        params = decision.get_decision_parameters(self.options)
+        with MockedOpen({self.ttc_file: None}):
+            params = decision.get_decision_parameters(self.options)
         self.assertEqual(params['try_mode'], 'try_option_syntax')
         self.assertEqual(params['try_options']['build_types'], 'do')
         self.assertEqual(params['try_options']['unittests'], 'all')
         self.assertEqual(params['try_task_config'], None)
     def test_try_task_config(self):
         ttc = {'tasks': ['a', 'b'], 'templates': {}}
-        ttc_file = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'try_task_config.json')
         self.options['project'] = 'try'
-        with MockedOpen({ttc_file: json.dumps(ttc)}):
+        with MockedOpen({self.ttc_file: json.dumps(ttc)}):
             params = decision.get_decision_parameters(self.options)
             self.assertEqual(params['try_mode'], 'try_task_config')
             self.assertEqual(params['try_options'], None)
             self.assertEqual(params['try_task_config'], ttc)
 if __name__ == '__main__':