Bug 1399310 - (Part 1) Fix the indentation of nsTextFrame::DrawTextRunAndDecorations. draft
authorKuoE0 <kuoe0.tw@gmail.com>
Fri, 13 Oct 2017 11:32:01 +0800
changeset 679949 b8f3ff3064777b2a710e704b84576c6c6c5224a4
parent 676640 d54bb49a08e9d1bdab303bc901062092159927c7
child 679950 24e77c7fa6d35fbbf40d6e6f41c7647b0f0dc270
child 679951 520f0a325238c1e64111c6aa19bfaca1cb7eaf65
push id84355
push userbmo:kuoe0@mozilla.com
push dateFri, 13 Oct 2017 08:27:39 +0000
Bug 1399310 - (Part 1) Fix the indentation of nsTextFrame::DrawTextRunAndDecorations. MozReview-Commit-ID: Dmwzj5Q5b8
--- a/layout/generic/nsTextFrame.cpp
+++ b/layout/generic/nsTextFrame.cpp
@@ -7216,168 +7216,168 @@ nsTextFrame::DrawTextRun(Range aRange, c
 nsTextFrame::DrawTextRunAndDecorations(Range aRange,
                                        const gfxPoint& aTextBaselinePt,
                                        const DrawTextParams& aParams,
                                        const TextDecorations& aDecorations)
-    const gfxFloat app =
-      aParams.textStyle->PresContext()->AppUnitsPerDevPixel();
-    // Writing mode of parent frame is used because the text frame may
-    // be orthogonal to its parent when text-combine-upright is used or
-    // its parent has "display: contents", and in those cases, we want
-    // to draw the decoration lines according to parents' direction
-    // rather than ours.
-    const WritingMode wm = GetParent()->GetWritingMode();
-    bool verticalDec = wm.IsVertical();
-    bool verticalRun = mTextRun->IsVertical();
-    // If the text run and the decoration is orthogonal, we choose the
-    // metrics for decoration so that decoration line won't be broken.
-    bool useVerticalMetrics = verticalDec != verticalRun
-      ? verticalDec : verticalRun && mTextRun->UseCenterBaseline();
-    // XXX aFramePt is in AppUnits, shouldn't it be nsFloatPoint?
-    nscoord x = NSToCoordRound(aParams.framePt.x);
-    nscoord y = NSToCoordRound(aParams.framePt.y);
-    // 'measure' here is textrun-relative, so for a horizontal run it's the
-    // width, while for a vertical run it's the height of the decoration
-    const nsSize frameSize = GetSize();
-    nscoord measure = verticalDec ? frameSize.height : frameSize.width;
-    if (verticalDec) {
-      aParams.clipEdges->Intersect(&y, &measure);
-    } else {
-      aParams.clipEdges->Intersect(&x, &measure);
-    }
-    // decSize is a textrun-relative size, so its 'width' field is actually
-    // the run-relative measure, and 'height' will be the line thickness
-    gfxFloat ascent = gfxFloat(GetLogicalBaseline(wm)) / app;
-    // The starting edge of the frame in block direction
-    gfxFloat frameBStart = verticalDec ? aParams.framePt.x : aParams.framePt.y;
-    // In vertical-rl mode, block coordinates are measured from the
-    // right, so we need to adjust here.
-    if (wm.IsVerticalRL()) {
-      frameBStart += frameSize.width;
-      ascent = -ascent;
-    }
-    nscoord inflationMinFontSize =
-      nsLayoutUtils::InflationMinFontSizeFor(this);
-    // The decoration-line offsets need to be reversed for sideways-lr mode,
-    // so we will multiply the values from metrics by this factor.
-    gfxFloat decorationOffsetDir = mTextRun->IsSidewaysLeft() ? -1.0 : 1.0;
-    PaintDecorationLineParams params;
-    params.context = aParams.context;
-    params.dirtyRect = aParams.dirtyRect;
-    params.overrideColor = aParams.decorationOverrideColor;
-    params.callbacks = aParams.callbacks;
-    // pt is the physical point where the decoration is to be drawn,
-    // relative to the frame; one of its coordinates will be updated below.
-    params.pt = Point(x / app, y / app);
-    Float& bCoord = verticalDec ? params.pt.x : params.pt.y;
-    params.lineSize = Size(measure / app, 0);
-    params.ascent = ascent;
-    params.vertical = verticalDec;
-    // The matrix of the context may have been altered for text-combine-
-    // upright. However, we want to draw decoration lines unscaled, thus
-    // we need to revert the scaling here.
-    gfxContextMatrixAutoSaveRestore scaledRestorer;
-    if (StyleContext()->IsTextCombined()) {
-      float scaleFactor = GetTextCombineScaleFactor(this);
-      if (scaleFactor != 1.0f) {
-        scaledRestorer.SetContext(aParams.context);
-        gfxMatrix unscaled = aParams.context->CurrentMatrix();
-        gfxPoint pt(x / app, y / app);
-        unscaled.PreTranslate(pt).PreScale(1.0f / scaleFactor, 1.0f).PreTranslate(-pt);
-        aParams.context->SetMatrix(unscaled);
-      }
-    }
-    typedef gfxFont::Metrics Metrics;
-    auto paintDecorationLine = [&](const LineDecoration& dec,
-                                   gfxFloat Metrics::* lineSize,
-                                   gfxFloat Metrics::* lineOffset) {
-      if (dec.mStyle == NS_STYLE_TEXT_DECORATION_STYLE_NONE) {
-        return;
-      }
-      float inflation =
-        GetInflationForTextDecorations(dec.mFrame, inflationMinFontSize);
-      const Metrics metrics =
-        GetFirstFontMetrics(GetFontGroupForFrame(dec.mFrame, inflation),
-                            useVerticalMetrics);
-      params.lineSize.height = metrics.*lineSize;
-      bCoord = (frameBStart - dec.mBaselineOffset) / app;
-      params.color = dec.mColor;
-      params.offset = decorationOffsetDir * metrics.*lineOffset;
-      params.style = dec.mStyle;
-      PaintDecorationLine(params);
-    };
-    auto* textDrawer = aParams.context->GetTextDrawer();
-    // Underlines
-    if (textDrawer && aDecorations.mUnderlines.Length() > 0) {
-      textDrawer->StartDrawing(TextDrawTarget::Phase::eUnderline);
-    }
-    //
-    for (const LineDecoration& dec : Reversed(aDecorations.mUnderlines)) {
-      paintDecorationLine(dec, &Metrics::underlineSize,
-                          &Metrics::underlineOffset);
-    }
-    // Overlines
-    if (textDrawer && aDecorations.mOverlines.Length() > 0) {
-      textDrawer->StartDrawing(TextDrawTarget::Phase::eOverline);
-    }
-    for (const LineDecoration& dec : Reversed(aDecorations.mOverlines)) {
-      paintDecorationLine(dec, &Metrics::underlineSize, &Metrics::maxAscent);
-    }
-    {
-      gfxContextMatrixAutoSaveRestore unscaledRestorer;
-      if (scaledRestorer.HasMatrix()) {
-        unscaledRestorer.SetContext(aParams.context);
-        aParams.context->SetMatrix(scaledRestorer.Matrix());
-      }
-      // CSS 2.1 mandates that text be painted after over/underlines,
-      // and *then* line-throughs
-      DrawTextRun(aRange, aTextBaselinePt, aParams);
-    }
-    // Emphasis marks
-    if (textDrawer) {
-      textDrawer->StartDrawing(TextDrawTarget::Phase::eEmphasisMarks);
-    }
-    DrawEmphasisMarks(aParams.context, wm,
-                      aTextBaselinePt, aParams.framePt, aRange,
-                      aParams.decorationOverrideColor, aParams.provider);
-    // Line-throughs
-    if (textDrawer && aDecorations.mStrikes.Length() > 0) {
-      textDrawer->StartDrawing(TextDrawTarget::Phase::eLineThrough);
-    }
-    for (const LineDecoration& dec : Reversed(aDecorations.mStrikes)) {
-      paintDecorationLine(dec, &Metrics::strikeoutSize,
-                          &Metrics::strikeoutOffset);
-    }
+  const gfxFloat app =
+    aParams.textStyle->PresContext()->AppUnitsPerDevPixel();
+  // Writing mode of parent frame is used because the text frame may
+  // be orthogonal to its parent when text-combine-upright is used or
+  // its parent has "display: contents", and in those cases, we want
+  // to draw the decoration lines according to parents' direction
+  // rather than ours.
+  const WritingMode wm = GetParent()->GetWritingMode();
+  bool verticalDec = wm.IsVertical();
+  bool verticalRun = mTextRun->IsVertical();
+  // If the text run and the decoration is orthogonal, we choose the
+  // metrics for decoration so that decoration line won't be broken.
+  bool useVerticalMetrics =
+    verticalDec != verticalRun ? verticalDec
+                               : verticalRun && mTextRun->UseCenterBaseline();
+  // XXX aFramePt is in AppUnits, shouldn't it be nsFloatPoint?
+  nscoord x = NSToCoordRound(aParams.framePt.x);
+  nscoord y = NSToCoordRound(aParams.framePt.y);
+  // 'measure' here is textrun-relative, so for a horizontal run it's the
+  // width, while for a vertical run it's the height of the decoration
+  const nsSize frameSize = GetSize();
+  nscoord measure = verticalDec ? frameSize.height : frameSize.width;
+  if (verticalDec) {
+    aParams.clipEdges->Intersect(&y, &measure);
+  } else {
+    aParams.clipEdges->Intersect(&x, &measure);
+  }
+  // decSize is a textrun-relative size, so its 'width' field is actually
+  // the run-relative measure, and 'height' will be the line thickness
+  gfxFloat ascent = gfxFloat(GetLogicalBaseline(wm)) / app;
+  // The starting edge of the frame in block direction
+  gfxFloat frameBStart = verticalDec ? aParams.framePt.x : aParams.framePt.y;
+  // In vertical-rl mode, block coordinates are measured from the
+  // right, so we need to adjust here.
+  if (wm.IsVerticalRL()) {
+    frameBStart += frameSize.width;
+    ascent = -ascent;
+  }
+  nscoord inflationMinFontSize = nsLayoutUtils::InflationMinFontSizeFor(this);
+  // The decoration-line offsets need to be reversed for sideways-lr mode,
+  // so we will multiply the values from metrics by this factor.
+  gfxFloat decorationOffsetDir = mTextRun->IsSidewaysLeft() ? -1.0 : 1.0;
+  PaintDecorationLineParams params;
+  params.context = aParams.context;
+  params.dirtyRect = aParams.dirtyRect;
+  params.overrideColor = aParams.decorationOverrideColor;
+  params.callbacks = aParams.callbacks;
+  // pt is the physical point where the decoration is to be drawn,
+  // relative to the frame; one of its coordinates will be updated below.
+  params.pt = Point(x / app, y / app);
+  Float& bCoord = verticalDec ? params.pt.x : params.pt.y;
+  params.lineSize = Size(measure / app, 0);
+  params.ascent = ascent;
+  params.vertical = verticalDec;
+  // The matrix of the context may have been altered for text-combine-
+  // upright. However, we want to draw decoration lines unscaled, thus
+  // we need to revert the scaling here.
+  gfxContextMatrixAutoSaveRestore scaledRestorer;
+  if (StyleContext()->IsTextCombined()) {
+    float scaleFactor = GetTextCombineScaleFactor(this);
+    if (scaleFactor != 1.0f) {
+      scaledRestorer.SetContext(aParams.context);
+      gfxMatrix unscaled = aParams.context->CurrentMatrix();
+      gfxPoint pt(x / app, y / app);
+      unscaled.PreTranslate(pt).PreScale(1.0f / scaleFactor, 1.0f).PreTranslate(-pt);
+      aParams.context->SetMatrix(unscaled);
+    }
+  }
+  typedef gfxFont::Metrics Metrics;
+  auto paintDecorationLine = [&](const LineDecoration& dec,
+                                 gfxFloat Metrics::* lineSize,
+                                 gfxFloat Metrics::* lineOffset) {
+      return;
+    }
+    float inflation =
+      GetInflationForTextDecorations(dec.mFrame, inflationMinFontSize);
+    const Metrics metrics =
+      GetFirstFontMetrics(GetFontGroupForFrame(dec.mFrame, inflation),
+                          useVerticalMetrics);
+    params.lineSize.height = metrics.*lineSize;
+    bCoord = (frameBStart - dec.mBaselineOffset) / app;
+    params.color = dec.mColor;
+    params.offset = decorationOffsetDir * metrics.*lineOffset;
+    params.style = dec.mStyle;
+    PaintDecorationLine(params);
+  };
+  auto* textDrawer = aParams.context->GetTextDrawer();
+  // Underlines
+  if (textDrawer && aDecorations.mUnderlines.Length() > 0) {
+    textDrawer->StartDrawing(TextDrawTarget::Phase::eUnderline);
+  }
+  //
+  for (const LineDecoration& dec : Reversed(aDecorations.mUnderlines)) {
+    paintDecorationLine(dec, &Metrics::underlineSize,
+                        &Metrics::underlineOffset);
+  }
+  // Overlines
+  if (textDrawer && aDecorations.mOverlines.Length() > 0) {
+    textDrawer->StartDrawing(TextDrawTarget::Phase::eOverline);
+  }
+  for (const LineDecoration& dec : Reversed(aDecorations.mOverlines)) {
+    paintDecorationLine(dec, &Metrics::underlineSize, &Metrics::maxAscent);
+  }
+  {
+    gfxContextMatrixAutoSaveRestore unscaledRestorer;
+    if (scaledRestorer.HasMatrix()) {
+      unscaledRestorer.SetContext(aParams.context);
+      aParams.context->SetMatrix(scaledRestorer.Matrix());
+    }
+    // CSS 2.1 mandates that text be painted after over/underlines,
+    // and *then* line-throughs
+    DrawTextRun(aRange, aTextBaselinePt, aParams);
+  }
+  // Emphasis marks
+  if (textDrawer) {
+    textDrawer->StartDrawing(TextDrawTarget::Phase::eEmphasisMarks);
+  }
+  DrawEmphasisMarks(aParams.context, wm,
+                    aTextBaselinePt, aParams.framePt, aRange,
+                    aParams.decorationOverrideColor, aParams.provider);
+  // Line-throughs
+  if (textDrawer && aDecorations.mStrikes.Length() > 0) {
+    textDrawer->StartDrawing(TextDrawTarget::Phase::eLineThrough);
+  }
+  for (const LineDecoration& dec : Reversed(aDecorations.mStrikes)) {
+    paintDecorationLine(dec, &Metrics::strikeoutSize,
+                        &Metrics::strikeoutOffset);
+  }
 nsTextFrame::DrawText(Range aRange, const gfxPoint& aTextBaselinePt,
                       const DrawTextParams& aParams)
   TextDecorations decorations;