Bug 1407716 - Convert Marionette README to Markdown. r?maja_zf draft
authorAndreas Tolfsen <ato@sny.no>
Wed, 11 Oct 2017 19:12:58 +0100
changeset 678644 f917a925d702b7985d9a0e839a8aad9f3b06c270
parent 678523 f3e939a81ee1169f9501ad96eb43bbf4bf4a1bde
child 735392 2d916d360d300fbd5545e7f20003f9bd059fdbd9
push id83993
push userbmo:ato@sny.no
push dateWed, 11 Oct 2017 18:14:05 +0000
Bug 1407716 - Convert Marionette README to Markdown. r?maja_zf This is a plain conversion of the Marionette README to Markdown syntax. The documentation itself is not great and could use more love, but this is considered out of scope for this change. DONTBUILD MozReview-Commit-ID: IAdLyPPVFJH
deleted file mode 100644
--- a/testing/marionette/README.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,189 +0,0 @@
-<p>Marionette is the remote protocol that lets OOP programs
- communicate with, instrument, and control Gecko.
-<p>Marionette is an automation driver for Mozilla’s Gecko engine.
- It can remotely control either the UI
- or the internal JavaScript of the Gecko platform, such as Firefox.
- It can control both the chrome and the content document,
- giving a high level of control and ability to replicate user interaction.
- In addition to performing actions on the browser,
- Marionette can also read properties and attributes of the DOM.
-<p>Marionette can be activated by passing the -marionette flag.
- To start Firefox with the remote protocol turned on:
-% firefox -marionette
-1491228343089	Marionette	INFO	Listening on port 2828
-<p>This binds to a TCP socket, over which <a href=#clients>clients</a>
- can communicate with Marionette using the <a href=#protocol>protocol</a>.
-<h2 id=protocol>Protocol</h2>
-<p>Marionette provides an asynchronous,
- parallel pipelining user-facing interface.
- Message sequencing limits chances of payload race conditions
- and provides a uniform way in which payloads are serialised.
-<p>Clients that deliver a blocking WebDriver interface
- are still expected to not send further command requests
- before the response from the last command has come back,
- but if they still happen to do so because of programming error,
- no harm will be done.
- This guards against <a href=https://bugzil.la/1207125>mixing up responses</a>.
-<p>Schematic flow of messages:
-               client      server
-                 |            |
-      msgid=1    |----------->|
-                 |  command   |
-                 |            |
-      msgid=2    |<-----------|
-                 |  command   |
-                 |            |
-      msgid=2    |----------->|
-                 |  response  |
-                 |            |
-      msgid=1    |<-----------|
-                 |  response  |
-                 |            |
-<p>The protocol consists of a <a href=#command>command</a> message
- and the corresponding <a href=#response>response</a> message.
- A <a href=#response>response</a> message must always be sent
- in reply to a <a href=#command>command</a> message.
-<p>This means that the server implementation does not need to send
- the reply precisely in the order of the received commands:
- if it receives multiple messages, the server may even reply in random order.
- It is therefore strongly adviced that clients take this into account
- when implementing the client end of this wire protocol.
-<p>This is required for pipelining messages.
- On the server side, some functions are fast, and some less so.
- If the server must reply in order, the slow functions delay the other replies
- even if its execution is already completed.
-<h2 id=command>Command</h2>
-<p>The request, or command message,
- is a four element JSON array as shown below,
- that may originate from either the client- or server remote ends:
-<pre>[type, message ID, command, parameters]</pre>
- <dt>type
- <dd><p>Must be 0 (integer).
-  This indicates that the message
-  is the <a href=#command>command</a> message.
- <dt>message ID
- <dd><p>A 32-bit unsigned integer.
-  This number is used as sequencing number
-  that uniquely identifies a pair of <a href=#command>command</a>
-  and <a href=#response>response</a> messages.
-  The other remote part will reply
-  with a corresponding <a href=#response>response</a>
-  with the same message ID.
- <dt>command
- <dd><p>A string identifying the RPC method or command to execute.
- <dt>parameters
- <dd><p>An arbitrary JSON serialisable object.
-<h2 id=response>Response</h2>
-<p>The response message is also a four element array as shown below,
- and must always be sent after receiving a <a href=#command>command</a>:
-<pre>[type, message ID, error, result]</pre>
- <dt>type
- <dd><p>Must be 1 (integer).
-  This indicates that the message is
-  the <a href=#response>response</a> message.
- <dt>message ID
- <dd><p>A 32-bit unsigned integer.
-  This corresponds to the <a href=#command>command</a> message’s
-  message ID.
- <dt>error
- <dd><p>If the command executed correctly, this field is null.
-  If the error occurred on the server-side,
-  then this field is an <a href=#error>error</a> object.
- <dt>result
- <dd><p>The result object associated with the <a href=#command>command</a>,
-  if it executed correctly.
-  If an error occurred on the server-side, this field is null.
-  <p>The structure of the result entry can vary,
-   but is documented individually for each command.
-<h3 id=error>Error object</h3>
-<p>An error object is a serialisation of JavaScript error types,
- and is structured like this:
-	"error": "invalid session id",
-	"message": "No active session with ID 1234",
-	"stacktrace": ""
-<p>All the fields of the error object are required,
- so the stacktrace and message fields may be empty strings.
- The error field is on the other hand guaranteed
- to be one of the JSON error codes
- as laid out by the <a href=https://w3c.github.io/webdriver/webdriver-spec.html#handling-errors>WebDriver standard</a>.
-<h2 id=clients>Clients</h2>
-<p>Clients may be implemented in any language
- that is capable of writing and receiving data over TCP socket.
- A <a href=https://searchfox.org/mozilla-central/source/testing/marionette/client>reference client is provided</a>.
- Clients may be implemented both synchronously and asynchronously,
- although the latter is impossible in protocol levels 2 and earlier
- due to the lack of message indexing.
-<h2 id=bugs>Bugs</h2>
-<p>Bugs are tracked
- in various <a href=https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/>Bugzilla</a> components:
- <dt>Marionette server
- <dt>Marionette reference client
- <dt>Marionette test harness
- <dd><a href="https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/buglist.cgi?product=Testing&component=Marionette">Testing :: Marionette</a>
- <dt>geckodriver
- <dd><a href="https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/buglist.cgi?product=Testing&component=geckodriver">Testing :: geckodriver</a>
new file mode 100644
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testing/marionette/README.md
@@ -0,0 +1,180 @@
+Marionette is the remote protocol that lets OOP programs communicate
+with, instrument, and control Gecko.
+Marionette is an automation driver for Mozilla’s Gecko engine.
+It can remotely control either the UI or the internal JavaScript of
+Gecko-based browsers, such as Firefox and Fennec.  It can control
+both the chrome and the content document, giving a high level of
+control and ability to replicate user interaction.  In addition
+to performing actions on the browser, Marionette can also ready
+properties and attributes of the DOM.
+Marionette can be activated by passing the `-marionette` flag.
+To start Firefox with the remote protocol turned on:
+	% firefox -marionette
+	…
+	1491228343089	Marionette	INFO	Listening on port 2828
+This binds to a TCP socket, over which [clients] can communicate
+with Marionette using the [protocol].
+Marionette provides an asynchronous, parallel pipelining user-facing
+interface.  Message sequencing limits chances of payload race
+conditions and provides a uniform way in which payloads are serialised.
+Clients that deliver a blocking WebDriver interface are still
+expected to not send further command requests before the response
+from the last command has come back, but if they still happen to do
+so because of programming error, no harm will be done.  This guards
+against [mixing up responses].
+Schematic flow of messages:
+	               client      server
+	                 |            |
+	      msgid=1    |----------->|
+	                 |  command   |
+	                 |            |
+	      msgid=2    |<-----------|
+	                 |  command   |
+	                 |            |
+	      msgid=2    |----------->|
+	                 |  response  |
+	                 |            |
+	      msgid=1    |<-----------|
+	                 |  response  |
+	                 |            |
+The protocol consists of a [command] message and the corresponding
+[response] message.  A [response] message must always be sent in
+reply to a [commmand] message.
+This means that the server implementation does not need to send
+the reply precisely in the order of the received commands: if it
+receives multiple messages, the server may even reply in random order.
+It is therefore strongly adviced that clients take this into account
+when imlpementing the client end of this wire protocol.
+This is required for pipelining messages.  On the server side,
+some functions are fast, and some less so.  If the server must
+reply in order, the slow functions delay the other replies even if
+its execution is already completed.
+[mixing up responses]: https://bugzil.la/1207125
+The request, or command message, is a four element JSON Array as shown
+below, that may originate from either the client- or server remote ends:
+	[type, message ID, command, parameters]
+  * _type_ must be 0 (integer).  This indicates that the message
+    is a [command].
+  * _message ID_ is a 32-bit unsigned integer.  This number is
+    used as a sequencing number that uniquely identifies a pair of
+    [command] and [response] messages.  The other remote part will
+    reply with a corresponding [response] with the same message ID.
+  * _command_ is a string identifying the RPC method or command
+    to execute.
+  * _parameters_ is an arbitrary JSON serialisable object.
+The response message is also a four element array as shown below,
+and must always be sent after receiving a [command]:
+	[type, message ID, error, result]
+  * _type_ must be 1 (integer).  This indicates that the message is a
+    [response].
+  * _message ID_ is a 32-bit unsigned integer.  This corresponds
+    to the [command]’s message ID.
+  * _error_ is null if the command executed correctly.  If the
+    error occurred on the server-side, then this is an [error] object.
+  * _result_ is the result object from executing the [command], iff
+    it executed correctly.  If an error occurred on the server-side,
+    this field is null.
+The structure of the result field can vary, but is documented
+individually for each command.
+Error object
+An error object is a serialisation of JavaScript error types,
+and it is structured like this:
+	{
+		"error": "invalid session id",
+		"message": "No active session with ID 1234",
+		"stacktrace": ""
+	}
+All the fields of the error object are required, so the stacktrace and
+message fields may be empty strings.  The error field is guaranteed
+to be one of the JSON error codes as laid out by the [WebDriver standard].
+Clients may be implemented in any language that is capable of writing
+and receiving data over TCP socket.  A [reference client] is provided.
+Clients may be implemented both synchronously and asynchronously,
+although the latter is impossible in protocol levels 2 and earlier
+due to the lack of message sequencing.
+Bugs are tracked in the `Testing :: Marionette` component.
+The mailing list for discussion is tools-marionette@lists.mozilla.org
+([subscribe], [archive]).  If you prefer real-time chat, there
+is often someone in the #ateam IRC channel on irc.mozilla.org.
+Don’t ask if you can ask a question, just ask, and please wait
+for an answer as we might not be in your timezone.
+[clients]: #clients
+[protocol]: #protocol
+[command]: #command
+[response]: #response
+[error]: #error-object
+[WebDriver standard]: https://w3c.github.io/webdriver/webdriver-spec.html#handling-errors
+[reference client]: client/
+[subscribe]: https://lists.mozilla.org/listinfo/tools-marionette
+[archive]: http://groups.google.com/group/mozilla.tools.marionette