Bug 1406177 - Remove action.yml now that it is unused draft
authorBrian Stack <bstack@mozilla.com>
Thu, 05 Oct 2017 14:47:15 -0700
changeset 675783 fdccb3e646b713fa93634aa4291b9e81ed0e81b9
parent 675689 19b32a138d08f73961df878a29de6f0aad441683
child 734711 730cae848f09a3441595dfa5c484816fccc7d3d7
push id83243
push userbstack@mozilla.com
push dateThu, 05 Oct 2017 21:47:58 +0000
Bug 1406177 - Remove action.yml now that it is unused MozReview-Commit-ID: IIX125xFoMx
--- a/taskcluster/mach_commands.py
+++ b/taskcluster/mach_commands.py
@@ -151,91 +151,16 @@ class MachCommands(MachCommandBase):
         import taskgraph.decision
             return taskgraph.decision.taskgraph_decision(options)
         except Exception:
-    @SubCommand('taskgraph', 'action-task',
-                description="Run the add-tasks task. DEPRECATED! Use 'add-tasks' instead.")
-    @CommandArgument('--root', '-r',
-                     default='taskcluster/ci',
-                     help="root of the taskgraph definition relative to topsrcdir")
-    @CommandArgument('--decision-id',
-                     required=True,
-                     help="Decision Task ID of the reference decision task")
-    @CommandArgument('--task-labels',
-                     required=True,
-                     help='Comma separated list of task labels to be scheduled')
-    def taskgraph_action(self, **options):
-        """Run the action task: Generates a task graph using the set of labels
-        provided in the task-labels parameter. It uses the full-task file of
-        the gecko decision task."""
-        import taskgraph.action
-        try:
-            self.setup_logging()
-            return taskgraph.action.add_tasks(options['decision_id'],
-                                              options['task_labels'].split(','))
-        except Exception:
-            traceback.print_exc()
-            sys.exit(1)
-    @SubCommand('taskgraph', 'add-tasks',
-                description="Run the add-tasks task")
-    @CommandArgument('--root', '-r',
-                     default='taskcluster/ci',
-                     help="root of the taskgraph definition relative to topsrcdir")
-    @CommandArgument('--decision-id',
-                     required=True,
-                     help="Decision Task ID of the reference decision task")
-    @CommandArgument('--task-labels',
-                     required=True,
-                     help='Comma separated list of task labels to be scheduled')
-    def taskgraph_add_tasks(self, **options):
-        """Run the action task: Generates a task graph using the set of labels
-        provided in the task-labels parameter. It uses the full-task file of
-        the gecko decision task."""
-        import taskgraph.action
-        try:
-            self.setup_logging()
-            return taskgraph.action.add_tasks(options['decision_id'],
-                                              options['task_labels'].split(','))
-        except Exception:
-            traceback.print_exc()
-            sys.exit(1)
-    @SubCommand('taskgraph', 'backfill',
-                description="Run the backfill task")
-    @CommandArgument('--root', '-r',
-                     default='taskcluster/ci',
-                     help="root of the taskgraph definition relative to topsrcdir")
-    @CommandArgument('--project',
-                     required=True,
-                     help="Project of the jobs that need to be backfilled.")
-    @CommandArgument('--job-id',
-                     required=True,
-                     help="Id of the job to be backfilled.")
-    def taskgraph_backfill(self, **options):
-        """Run the backfill task: Given a job in a project, it will
-        add that job type to any previous revisions in treeherder
-        until either a hard limit is met or a green version of that
-        job is found."""
-        import taskgraph.action
-        try:
-            self.setup_logging()
-            return taskgraph.action.backfill(options['project'], options['job_id'])
-        except Exception:
-            traceback.print_exc()
-            sys.exit(1)
     @SubCommand('taskgraph', 'cron',
                 description="Run the cron task")
                      help='URL for "base" repository to clone')
                      help='URL for "head" repository to fetch')
@@ -262,40 +187,16 @@ class MachCommands(MachCommandBase):
         import taskgraph.cron
             return taskgraph.cron.taskgraph_cron(options)
         except Exception:
-    @SubCommand('taskgraph', 'add-talos',
-                description="Run the add-talos task")
-    @CommandArgument('--root', '-r',
-                     default='taskcluster/ci',
-                     help="root of the taskgraph definition relative to topsrcdir")
-    @CommandArgument('--decision-task-id',
-                     required=True,
-                     help="Id of the decision task that is part of the push to be talos'd")
-    @CommandArgument('--times',
-                     required=False,
-                     default=1,
-                     type=int,
-                     help="Number of times to add each job.")
-    def taskgraph_add_talos(self, **options):
-        """Add all talos jobs for a push."""
-        import taskgraph.action
-        try:
-            self.setup_logging()
-            return taskgraph.action.add_talos(options['decision_task_id'], options['times'])
-        except Exception:
-            traceback.print_exc()
-            sys.exit(1)
     @SubCommand('taskgraph', 'action-callback',
                 description='Run action callback used by action tasks')
     def action_callback(self, **options):
         import taskgraph.actions
             task_group_id = os.environ.get('ACTION_TASK_GROUP_ID', None)
deleted file mode 100644
--- a/taskcluster/taskgraph/action.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,146 +0,0 @@
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
-# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
-# file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
-from __future__ import absolute_import, print_function, unicode_literals
-import logging
-import requests
-from .create import create_tasks
-from .decision import write_artifact
-from .optimize import optimize_task_graph
-from .taskgraph import TaskGraph
-from .util.taskcluster import get_artifact
-logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
-TREEHERDER_URL = "https://treeherder.mozilla.org/api"
-# We set this to 5 for now because this is what SETA sets the
-# count to for every repository/job. If this is ever changed,
-# we'll need to have an API added to Treeherder to let us query
-# how far back we should look.
-def add_tasks(decision_task_id, task_labels, prefix=''):
-    """
-    Run the add-tasks task.  This function implements `mach taskgraph add-tasks`,
-    and is responsible for
-     * creating taskgraph of tasks asked for in parameters with respect to
-     a given gecko decision task and schedule these jobs.
-    """
-    # read in the full graph for reference
-    full_task_json = get_artifact(decision_task_id, "public/full-task-graph.json")
-    decision_params = get_artifact(decision_task_id, "public/parameters.yml")
-    all_tasks, full_task_graph = TaskGraph.from_json(full_task_json)
-    target_tasks = set(task_labels)
-    target_graph = full_task_graph.graph.transitive_closure(target_tasks)
-    target_task_graph = TaskGraph(
-        {l: all_tasks[l] for l in target_graph.nodes},
-        target_graph)
-    existing_tasks = get_artifact(decision_task_id, "public/label-to-taskid.json")
-    # We don't want to optimize target tasks since they have been requested by user
-    # Hence we put `target_tasks under` `do_not_optimize`
-    optimized_graph, label_to_taskid = optimize_task_graph(target_task_graph=target_task_graph,
-                                                           params=decision_params,
-                                                           do_not_optimize=target_tasks,
-                                                           existing_tasks=existing_tasks)
-    # write out the optimized task graph to describe what will actually happen,
-    # and the map of labels to taskids
-    write_artifact('{}task-graph.json'.format(prefix), optimized_graph.to_json())
-    write_artifact('{}label-to-taskid.json'.format(prefix), label_to_taskid)
-    # actually create the graph
-    create_tasks(optimized_graph, label_to_taskid, decision_params)
-def backfill(project, job_id):
-    """
-    Run the backfill task.  This function implements `mach taskgraph backfill-task`,
-    and is responsible for
-     * Scheduling backfill jobs from a given treeherder resultset backwards until either
-     a successful job is found or `N` jobs have been scheduled.
-    """
-    s = requests.Session()
-    s.headers.update({"User-Agent": "gecko-intree-backfill-task"})
-    job = s.get(url="{}/project/{}/jobs/{}/".format(TREEHERDER_URL, project, job_id)).json()
-    job_type_name = job['job_type_name']
-    if job['build_system_type'] != 'taskcluster':
-        if 'Created by BBB for task' not in job['reason']:
-            logger.warning("Invalid build system type! Must be a Taskcluster job. Aborting.")
-            return
-        task_id = job['reason'].split(' ')[-1]
-        task = requests.get("https://queue.taskcluster.net/v1/task/{}".format(task_id)).json()
-        job_type_name = task['metadata']['name']
-    filters = dict((k, job[k]) for k in ("build_platform_id", "platform_option", "job_type_id"))
-    resultset_url = "{}/project/{}/resultset/".format(TREEHERDER_URL, project)
-    params = {"id__lt": job["result_set_id"], "count": MAX_BACKFILL_RESULTSETS}
-    results = s.get(url=resultset_url, params=params).json()["results"]
-    resultsets = [resultset["id"] for resultset in results]
-    for decision in load_decisions(s, project, resultsets, filters):
-        add_tasks(decision, [job_type_name], '{}-'.format(decision))
-def add_talos(decision_task_id, times=1):
-    """
-    Run the add-talos task.  This function implements `mach taskgraph add-talos`,
-    and is responsible for
-     * Adding all talos jobs to a push.
-    """
-    full_task_json = get_artifact(decision_task_id, "public/full-task-graph.json")
-    task_labels = [
-        label for label, task in full_task_json.iteritems()
-        if "talos_try_name" in task['attributes']
-    ]
-    for time in xrange(times):
-        add_tasks(decision_task_id, task_labels, '{}-'.format(time))
-def load_decisions(s, project, resultsets, filters):
-    """
-    Given a project, a list of revisions, and a dict of filters, return
-    a list of taskIds from decision tasks.
-    """
-    project_url = "{}/project/{}/jobs/".format(TREEHERDER_URL, project)
-    decisions = []
-    decision_ids = []
-    for resultset in resultsets:
-        unfiltered = []
-        offset = 0
-        jobs_per_call = 250
-        while True:
-            params = {"push_id": resultset, "count": jobs_per_call, "offset": offset}
-            results = s.get(url=project_url, params=params).json()["results"]
-            unfiltered += results
-            if (len(results) < jobs_per_call):
-                break
-            offset += jobs_per_call
-        filtered = [j for j in unfiltered if all([j[k] == filters[k] for k in filters])]
-        if filtered and all([j["result"] == "success" for j in filtered]):
-            logger.info("Push found with all green jobs for this type. Continuing.")
-            break
-        decisions += [t for t in unfiltered if t["job_type_name"] == "Gecko Decision Task"]
-    for decision in decisions:
-        job_url = project_url + '{}/'.format(decision["id"])
-        taskcluster_metadata = s.get(url=job_url).json()["taskcluster_metadata"]
-        decision_ids.append(taskcluster_metadata["task_id"])
-    return decision_ids
deleted file mode 100644
--- a/taskcluster/taskgraph/action.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,68 +0,0 @@
-created: '{{now}}'
-deadline: '{{#from_now}}1 day{{/from_now}}'
-expires: '{{#from_now}}14 day{{/from_now}}'
-  owner: mozilla-taskcluster-maintenance@mozilla.com
-  source: 'https://hg.mozilla.org/{{project}}/file/{{head_rev}}/taskcluster/taskgraph/action.yml'
-  name: "[tc] Action Task"
-  description: Helps schedule new jobs without new push
-workerType: "gecko-{{level}}-decision"
-provisionerId: "aws-provisioner-v1"
-schedulerId: "gecko-level-{{level}}"
-  createdForUser: {{owner}}
-  - {{repo_scope}}
-  - "tc-treeherder.v2.{{project}}.{{head_rev}}.{{pushlog_id}}"
-  - "tc-treeherder-stage.v2.{{project}}.{{head_rev}}.{{pushlog_id}}"
-  env:
-    GECKO_BASE_REPOSITORY: 'https://hg.mozilla.org/mozilla-unified'
-    GECKO_HEAD_REPOSITORY: '{{{head_repository}}}'
-    GECKO_HEAD_REF: '{{head_ref}}'
-    GECKO_HEAD_REV: '{{head_rev}}'
-    HG_STORE_PATH: /builds/worker/checkouts/hg-store
-  cache:
-    level-{{level}}-checkouts: /builds/worker/checkouts
-  features:
-    taskclusterProxy: true
-  # Note: This task is built server side without the context or tooling that
-  # exist in tree so we must hard code the version
-  image: 'taskcluster/decision:2.0.0@sha256:4039fd878e5700b326d4a636e28c595c053fbcb53909c1db84ad1f513cf644ef'
-  # Virtually no network or other potentially risky operations happen as part
-  # of the task timeout aside from the initial clone. We intentionally have
-  # set this to a lower value _all_ decision tasks should use a root
-  # repository which is cached.
-  maxRunTime: 1800
-  command:
-    - /builds/worker/bin/run-task
-    - '--vcs-checkout=/builds/worker/checkouts/gecko'
-    - '--'
-    - bash
-    - -cx
-    - >
-        cd /builds/worker/checkouts/gecko &&
-        ln -s /builds/worker/artifacts artifacts &&
-        ./mach --log-no-times taskgraph {{action}} {{action_args}}
-  artifacts:
-    'public':
-      type: 'directory'
-      path: '/builds/worker/artifacts'
-      expires: '{{#from_now}}7 days{{/from_now}}'
-  treeherder:
-    symbol: A
--- a/taskcluster/taskgraph/decision.py
+++ b/taskcluster/taskgraph/decision.py
@@ -3,35 +3,27 @@
 # License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
 # file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
 from __future__ import absolute_import, print_function, unicode_literals
 import os
 import json
 import logging
-import re
 import time
 import yaml
 from .generator import TaskGraphGenerator
 from .create import create_tasks
 from .parameters import Parameters
 from .taskgraph import TaskGraph
 from .try_option_syntax import parse_message
 from .actions import render_actions_json
 from taskgraph.util.partials import populate_release_history
-from . import GECKO
-from taskgraph.util.templates import Templates
-from taskgraph.util.time import (
-    json_time_from_now,
-    current_json_time,
 logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
 ARTIFACTS_DIR = 'artifacts'
 # For each project, this gives a set of parameters specific to the project.
 # See `taskcluster/docs/parameters.rst` for information on parameters.
@@ -109,19 +101,16 @@ def taskgraph_decision(options):
     # create a TaskGraphGenerator instance
     tgg = TaskGraphGenerator(
     # write out the parameters used to generate this graph
     write_artifact('parameters.yml', dict(**parameters))
-    # write out the yml file for action tasks
-    write_artifact('action.yml', get_action_yml(parameters))
     # write out the public/actions.json file
     write_artifact('actions.json', render_actions_json(parameters))
     # write out the full graph for reference
     full_task_json = tgg.full_task_graph.to_json()
     write_artifact('full-task-graph.json', full_task_json)
     # this is just a test to check whether the from_json() function is working
@@ -244,29 +233,8 @@ def write_artifact(filename, data):
     if filename.endswith('.yml'):
         with open(path, 'w') as f:
             yaml.safe_dump(data, f, allow_unicode=True, default_flow_style=False)
     elif filename.endswith('.json'):
         with open(path, 'w') as f:
             json.dump(data, f, sort_keys=True, indent=2, separators=(',', ': '))
         raise TypeError("Don't know how to write to {}".format(filename))
-def get_action_yml(parameters):
-    # NOTE: when deleting this function, delete taskcluster/taskgraph/util/templates.py too
-    templates = Templates(os.path.join(GECKO, "taskcluster/taskgraph"))
-    action_parameters = parameters.copy()
-    match = re.match(r'https://(hg.mozilla.org)/(.*?)/?$', action_parameters['head_repository'])
-    if not match:
-        raise Exception('Unrecognized head_repository')
-    repo_scope = 'assume:repo:{}/{}:*'.format(
-        match.group(1), match.group(2))
-    action_parameters.update({
-        "action": "{{action}}",
-        "action_args": "{{action_args}}",
-        "repo_scope": repo_scope,
-        "from_now": json_time_from_now,
-        "now": current_json_time()
-    })
-    return templates.load('action.yml', action_parameters)
--- a/taskcluster/taskgraph/test/test_util_templates.py
+++ b/taskcluster/taskgraph/test/test_util_templates.py
@@ -1,193 +1,21 @@
 # This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
 # License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
 # file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
 from __future__ import absolute_import, print_function, unicode_literals
 import unittest
 import mozunit
-import textwrap
 from taskgraph.util.templates import (
-    merge,
-    Templates,
-    TemplatesException
+    merge
-files = {}
-files['/fixtures/circular.yml'] = textwrap.dedent("""\
-    $inherits:
-      from: 'circular_ref.yml'
-      variables:
-        woot: 'inherit'
-    """)
-files['/fixtures/inherit.yml'] = textwrap.dedent("""\
-    $inherits:
-      from: 'templates.yml'
-      variables:
-        woot: 'inherit'
-    """)
-files['/fixtures/extend_child.yml'] = textwrap.dedent("""\
-    list: ['1', '2', '3']
-    was_list: ['1']
-    obj:
-      level: 1
-      deeper:
-        woot: 'bar'
-        list: ['baz']
-    """)
-files['/fixtures/circular_ref.yml'] = textwrap.dedent("""\
-    $inherits:
-      from: 'circular.yml'
-    """)
-files['/fixtures/child_pass.yml'] = textwrap.dedent("""\
-    values:
-      - {{a}}
-      - {{b}}
-      - {{c}}
-    """)
-files['/fixtures/inherit_pass.yml'] = textwrap.dedent("""\
-    $inherits:
-      from: 'child_pass.yml'
-      variables:
-        a: 'a'
-        b: 'b'
-        c: 'c'
-    """)
-files['/fixtures/deep/2.yml'] = textwrap.dedent("""\
-    $inherits:
-      from: deep/1.yml
-    """)
-files['/fixtures/deep/3.yml'] = textwrap.dedent("""\
-    $inherits:
-      from: deep/2.yml
-    """)
-files['/fixtures/deep/4.yml'] = textwrap.dedent("""\
-    $inherits:
-      from: deep/3.yml
-    """)
-files['/fixtures/deep/1.yml'] = textwrap.dedent("""\
-    variable: {{value}}
-    """)
-files['/fixtures/simple.yml'] = textwrap.dedent("""\
-    is_simple: true
-    """)
-files['/fixtures/templates.yml'] = textwrap.dedent("""\
-    content: 'content'
-    variable: '{{woot}}'
-    """)
-files['/fixtures/extend_parent.yml'] = textwrap.dedent("""\
-    $inherits:
-      from: 'extend_child.yml'
-    list: ['4']
-    was_list:
-      replaced: true
-    obj:
-      level: 2
-      from_parent: true
-      deeper:
-        list: ['bar']
-    """)
-class TemplatesTest(unittest.TestCase):
-    def setUp(self):
-        self.mocked_open = mozunit.MockedOpen(files)
-        self.mocked_open.__enter__()
-        self.subject = Templates('/fixtures')
-    def tearDown(self):
-        self.mocked_open.__exit__(None, None, None)
-    def test_invalid_path(self):
-        with self.assertRaisesRegexp(TemplatesException, 'must be a directory'):
-            Templates('/zomg/not/a/dir')
-    def test_no_templates(self):
-        content = self.subject.load('simple.yml', {})
-        self.assertEquals(content, {
-            'is_simple': True
-        })
-    def test_with_templates(self):
-        content = self.subject.load('templates.yml', {
-            'woot': 'bar'
-        })
-        self.assertEquals(content, {
-            'content': 'content',
-            'variable': 'bar'
-        })
-    def test_inheritance(self):
-        '''
-        The simple single pass inheritance case.
-        '''
-        content = self.subject.load('inherit.yml', {})
-        self.assertEqual(content, {
-            'content': 'content',
-            'variable': 'inherit'
-        })
-    def test_inheritance_implicat_pass(self):
-        '''
-        Implicitly pass parameters from the child to the ancestor.
-        '''
-        content = self.subject.load('inherit_pass.yml', {
-            'a': 'overriden'
-        })
-        self.assertEqual(content, {'values': ['overriden', 'b', 'c']})
-    def test_inheritance_circular(self):
-        '''
-        Circular reference handling.
-        '''
-        with self.assertRaisesRegexp(TemplatesException, 'circular'):
-            self.subject.load('circular.yml', {})
-    def test_deep_inheritance(self):
-        content = self.subject.load('deep/4.yml', {
-            'value': 'myvalue'
-        })
-        self.assertEqual(content, {'variable': 'myvalue'})
-    def test_inheritance_with_simple_extensions(self):
-        content = self.subject.load('extend_parent.yml', {})
-        self.assertEquals(content, {
-            'list': ['1', '2', '3', '4'],
-            'obj': {
-                'from_parent': True,
-                'deeper': {
-                    'woot': 'bar',
-                    'list': ['baz', 'bar']
-                },
-                'level': 2,
-            },
-            'was_list': {'replaced': True}
-        })
 class MergeTest(unittest.TestCase):
     def test_merge_to_dicts(self):
         source = {'a': 1, 'b': 2}
         dest = {'b': '20', 'c': 30}
         expected = {
             'a': 1,   # source only
--- a/taskcluster/taskgraph/util/templates.py
+++ b/taskcluster/taskgraph/util/templates.py
@@ -1,23 +1,16 @@
 # This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
 # License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
 # file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
 from __future__ import absolute_import, print_function, unicode_literals
-import os
-import pystache
-import yaml
 import copy
-# Key used in template inheritance...
-INHERITS_KEY = '$inherits'
 def merge_to(source, dest):
     Merge dict and arrays (override scalar values)
     Keys from source override keys from dest, and elements from lists in source
     are appended to lists in dest.
@@ -51,105 +44,8 @@ def merge(*objects):
     objects later in the list taking precedence.  From an inheritance
     perspective, "parents" should be listed before "children".
     Returns the result without modifying any arguments.
     if len(objects) == 1:
         return copy.deepcopy(objects[0])
     return merge_to(objects[-1], merge(*objects[:-1]))
-class TemplatesException(Exception):
-    pass
-class Templates():
-    '''
-    The taskcluster integration makes heavy use of yaml to describe tasks this
-    class handles the loading/rendering.
-    '''
-    def __init__(self, root):
-        '''
-        Initialize the template render.
-        :param str root: Root path where to load yaml files.
-        '''
-        if not root:
-            raise TemplatesException('Root is required')
-        if not os.path.isdir(root):
-            raise TemplatesException('Root must be a directory')
-        self.root = root
-    def _inherits(self, path, obj, properties, seen):
-        blueprint = obj.pop(INHERITS_KEY)
-        seen.add(path)
-        # Resolve the path here so we can detect circular references.
-        template = self.resolve_path(blueprint.get('from'))
-        variables = blueprint.get('variables', {})
-        # Passed parameters override anything in the task itself.
-        for key in properties:
-            variables[key] = properties[key]
-        if not template:
-            msg = '"{}" inheritance template missing'.format(path)
-            raise TemplatesException(msg)
-        if template in seen:
-            msg = 'Error while handling "{}" in "{}" circular template' + \
-                  'inheritance seen \n  {}'
-            raise TemplatesException(msg.format(path, template, seen))
-        try:
-            out = self.load(template, variables, seen)
-        except TemplatesException as e:
-            msg = 'Error expanding parent ("{}") of "{}" original error {}'
-            raise TemplatesException(msg.format(template, path, str(e)))
-        # Anything left in obj is merged into final results (and overrides)
-        return merge_to(obj, out)
-    def render(self, path, content, parameters, seen):
-        '''
-        Renders a given yaml string.
-        :param str path:  used to prevent infinite recursion in inheritance.
-        :param str content: Of yaml file.
-        :param dict parameters: For mustache templates.
-        :param set seen: Seen files (used for inheritance)
-        '''
-        content = pystache.render(content, parameters)
-        result = yaml.load(content)
-        # In addition to the usual template logic done by mustache we also
-        # handle special '$inherit' dict keys.
-        if isinstance(result, dict) and INHERITS_KEY in result:
-            return self._inherits(path, result, parameters, seen)
-        return result
-    def resolve_path(self, path):
-        return os.path.join(self.root, path)
-    def load(self, path, parameters=None, seen=None):
-        '''
-        Load an render the given yaml path.
-        :param str path: Location of yaml file to load (relative to root).
-        :param dict parameters: To template yaml file with.
-        '''
-        seen = seen or set()
-        if not path:
-            raise TemplatesException('path is required')
-        path = self.resolve_path(path)
-        if not os.path.isfile(path):
-            raise TemplatesException('"{}" is not a file'.format(path))
-        content = open(path).read()
-        return self.render(path, content, parameters, seen)