Bug 1319332 - Derive the rust targets from the build host/target. r?froydnj draft
authorMike Hommey <mh+mozilla@glandium.org>
Thu, 05 Oct 2017 16:10:45 +0900
changeset 677042 9986920687b07a8f4c9d35f7dcf540de40f26c68
parent 675689 19b32a138d08f73961df878a29de6f0aad441683
child 735097 3da73a1be74f2a2b27588d7f8c4d6f517a13ea8e
push id83671
push userbmo:mh+mozilla@glandium.org
push dateMon, 09 Oct 2017 22:11:48 +0000
Bug 1319332 - Derive the rust targets from the build host/target. r?froydnj
--- a/build/moz.configure/init.configure
+++ b/build/moz.configure/init.configure
@@ -492,17 +492,19 @@ option('--target', nargs=1,
        help='Define the system type where the resulting executables will be '
 @imports(_from='mozbuild.configure.constants', _import='CPU')
 @imports(_from='mozbuild.configure.constants', _import='CPU_bitness')
 @imports(_from='mozbuild.configure.constants', _import='Endianness')
 @imports(_from='mozbuild.configure.constants', _import='Kernel')
 @imports(_from='mozbuild.configure.constants', _import='OS')
-def split_triplet(triplet):
+@imports(_from='__builtin__', _import='KeyError')
+@imports(_from='__builtin__', _import='ValueError')
+def split_triplet(triplet, allow_unknown=False):
     # The standard triplet is defined as
     # There is also a quartet form:
     # But we can consider the "KERNEL-OPERATING_SYSTEM" as one.
     cpu, manufacturer, os = triplet.split('-', 2)
     # Autoconf uses config.sub to validate and canonicalize those triplets,
@@ -539,16 +541,18 @@ def split_triplet(triplet):
     elif os.startswith('freebsd'):
         canonical_os = canonical_kernel = 'FreeBSD'
     elif os.startswith('netbsd'):
         canonical_os = canonical_kernel = 'NetBSD'
     elif os.startswith('openbsd'):
         canonical_os = canonical_kernel = 'OpenBSD'
     elif os.startswith('solaris'):
         canonical_os = canonical_kernel = 'SunOS'
+    elif allow_unknown:
+        canonical_os = canonical_kernel = os
         die('Unknown OS: %s' % os)
     # The CPU granularity is probably not enough. Moving more things from
     # old-configure will tell us if we need more
     if cpu.endswith('86') or (cpu.startswith('i') and '86' in cpu):
         canonical_cpu = 'x86'
         endianness = 'little'
@@ -586,26 +590,40 @@ def split_triplet(triplet):
         canonical_cpu = 'mips64'
         endianness = 'little' if 'el' in cpu else 'big'
     elif cpu.startswith('aarch64'):
         canonical_cpu = 'aarch64'
         endianness = 'little'
     elif cpu == 'sh4':
         canonical_cpu = 'sh4'
         endianness = 'little'
+    elif allow_unknown:
+        canonical_cpu = cpu
+        endianness = 'unknown'
         die('Unknown CPU type: %s' % cpu)
+    def sanitize(cls, value):
+        try:
+            return cls(value)
+        except (KeyError, ValueError):
+            if allow_unknown:
+                return value
+            raise
+    def bitness(cpu):
+        return CPU_bitness[cpu]
     return namespace(
-        cpu=CPU(canonical_cpu),
-        bitness=CPU_bitness[canonical_cpu],
-        kernel=Kernel(canonical_kernel),
-        os=OS(canonical_os),
-        endianness=Endianness(endianness),
+        cpu=sanitize(CPU, canonical_cpu),
+        bitness=sanitize(bitness, canonical_cpu),
+        kernel=sanitize(Kernel, canonical_kernel),
+        os=sanitize(OS, canonical_os),
+        endianness=sanitize(Endianness, endianness),
         # Toolchains, most notably for cross compilation may use cpu-os
         # prefixes.
         toolchain='%s-%s' % (cpu, os),
--- a/build/moz.configure/rust.configure
+++ b/build/moz.configure/rust.configure
@@ -92,99 +92,97 @@ def rust_compiler(rustc_info, cargo_info
         To compile Rust language sources please install at least
         version {} of 'cargo' and make sure it is first in your path.
         You can verify this by typing 'cargo --version'.
         ''').format(version, cargo_min_version))
     return True
+@depends(rustc, when=rust_compiler)
+def rust_supported_targets(rustc):
+    out = check_cmd_output(rustc, '--print', 'target-list').splitlines()
+    # The os in the triplets used by rust may match the same OSes, in which
+    # case we need to check the raw_os instead.
+    per_os = {}
+    ambiguous = set()
+    per_raw_os = {}
+    for t in out:
+        t = split_triplet(t, allow_unknown=True)
+        key = (t.cpu, t.os)
+        if key in per_os:
+            previous = per_os[key]
+            per_raw_os[(previous.cpu, previous.raw_os)] = previous
+            del per_os[key]
+            ambiguous.add(key)
+        if key in ambiguous:
+            raw_os = t.raw_os
+            # split_triplet will return a raw_os of 'androideabi' for
+            # rust targets in the form cpu-linux-androideabi, but what
+            # we get from the build system is linux-androideabi, so
+            # normalize.
+            if raw_os == 'androideabi':
+                raw_os = 'linux-androideabi'
+            per_raw_os[(t.cpu, raw_os)] = t
+        else:
+            per_os[key] = t
+    return namespace(per_os=per_os, per_raw_os=per_raw_os)
 def rust_triple_alias(host_or_target):
     """Template defining the alias used for rustc's --target flag.
     `host_or_target` is either `host` or `target` (the @depends functions
     from init.configure).
     assert host_or_target in (host, target)
-    @depends(rustc, host_or_target, building_with_gcc, when=rust_compiler)
+    @depends(rustc, host_or_target, building_with_gcc, rust_supported_targets,
+             when=rust_compiler)
     @imports(_from='mozbuild.configure.util', _import='LineIO')
     @imports(_from='mozbuild.shellutil', _import='quote')
     @imports(_from='tempfile', _import='mkstemp')
     @imports(_from='textwrap', _import='dedent')
-    def rust_target(rustc, host_or_target, building_with_gcc):
+    def rust_target(rustc, host_or_target, building_with_gcc,
+                    rust_supported_targets):
         # Rust's --target options are similar to, but not exactly the same
         # as, the autoconf-derived targets we use.  An example would be that
         # Rust uses distinct target triples for targetting the GNU C++ ABI
         # and the MSVC C++ ABI on Win32, whereas autoconf has a single
         # triple and relies on the user to ensure that everything is
         # compiled for the appropriate ABI.  We need to perform appropriate
         # munging to get the correct option to rustc.
-        #
-        # The canonical list of targets supported can be derived from:
-        #
-        # https://github.com/rust-lang/rust/blob/master/src/librustc_back/target/mod.rs
+        # We correlate the autoconf-derived targets with the list of targets
+        # rustc gives us with --print target-list.
+        if host_or_target.kernel == 'WINNT':
+            if building_with_gcc:
+                host_or_target_os = 'windows-gnu'
+            else:
+                host_or_target_os = 'windows-msvc'
+            host_or_target_raw_os = host_or_target_os
+        else:
+            host_or_target_os = host_or_target.os
+            host_or_target_raw_os = host_or_target.raw_os
-        # Avoid having to write out os+kernel for all the platforms where
-        # they don't differ.
-        os_or_kernel = host_or_target.kernel if host_or_target.kernel == 'Linux' and host_or_target.os != 'Android' else host_or_target.os
-        # If we are targetting Windows but the compiler is gcc, we need to
-        # use a different rustc target
-        os_or_kernel = 'WINNT-MINGW' if building_with_gcc and host_or_target.kernel == 'WINNT' else os_or_kernel
-        rustc_target = {
-            # DragonFly
-            ('x86_64', 'DragonFly'): 'x86_64-unknown-dragonfly',
-            # FreeBSD
-            ('aarch64', 'FreeBSD'): 'aarch64-unknown-freebsd',
-            ('x86', 'FreeBSD'): 'i686-unknown-freebsd',
-            ('x86_64', 'FreeBSD'): 'x86_64-unknown-freebsd',
-            # NetBSD
-            ('sparc64', 'NetBSD'): 'sparc64-unknown-netbsd',
-            ('x86', 'NetBSD'): 'i686-unknown-netbsd',
-            ('x86_64', 'NetBSD'): 'x86_64-unknown-netbsd',
-            # OpenBSD
-            ('x86', 'OpenBSD'): 'i686-unknown-openbsd',
-            ('x86_64', 'OpenBSD'): 'x86_64-unknown-openbsd',
-            # Linux
-            ('aarch64', 'Linux'): 'aarch64-unknown-linux-gnu',
-            ('arm', 'Linux'): 'armv7-unknown-linux-gnueabihf',
-            ('sparc64', 'Linux'): 'sparc64-unknown-linux-gnu',
-            ('x86', 'Linux'): 'i686-unknown-linux-gnu',
-            ('x86_64', 'Linux'): 'x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu',
-            # OS X
-            ('x86', 'OSX'): 'i686-apple-darwin',
-            ('x86_64', 'OSX'): 'x86_64-apple-darwin',
-            # iOS
-            ('aarch64', 'iOS'): 'aarch64-apple-ios',
-            ('arm', 'iOS'): 'armv7s-apple-ios',
-            ('x86', 'iOS'): 'i386-apple-ios',
-            ('x86_64', 'iOS'): 'x86_64-apple-ios',
-            # Android
-            ('aarch64', 'Android'): 'aarch64-linux-android',
-            ('arm', 'Android'): 'armv7-linux-androideabi',
-            ('x86', 'Android'): 'i686-linux-android',
-            ('x86_64', 'Android'): 'x86_64-linux-android',
-            # Windows
-            ('x86', 'WINNT'): 'i686-pc-windows-msvc',
-            ('x86_64', 'WINNT'): 'x86_64-pc-windows-msvc',
-            ('x86', 'WINNT-MINGW'): 'i686-pc-windows-gnu',
-            ('x86_64', 'WINNT-MINGW'): 'x86_64-pc-windows-gnu',
-            # Solaris
-            ('x86_64', 'SunOS'): 'x86_64-sun-solaris',
-            ('sparc64', 'SunOS'): 'sparcv9-sun-solaris',
-        }.get((host_or_target.cpu, os_or_kernel), None)
+        rustc_target = rust_supported_targets.per_os.get(
+            (host_or_target.cpu, host_or_target_os))
+        if rustc_target is None:
+            rustc_target = rust_supported_targets.per_raw_os.get(
+                (host_or_target.cpu, host_or_target_raw_os))
         if rustc_target is None:
             die("Don't know how to translate {} for rustc".format(host_or_target.alias))
         # Check to see whether our rustc has a reasonably functional stdlib
         # for our chosen target.
-        target_arg = '--target=' + rustc_target
+        target_arg = '--target=' + rustc_target.alias
         in_fd, in_path = mkstemp(prefix='conftest', suffix='.rs')
         out_fd, out_path = mkstemp(prefix='conftest', suffix='.rlib')
             source = 'pub extern fn hello() { println!("Hello world"); }'
             log.debug('Creating `%s` with content:', in_path)
             with LineIO(lambda l: log.debug('| %s', l)) as out:
@@ -201,26 +199,26 @@ def rust_triple_alias(host_or_target):
             def failed():
                 Cannot compile for {} with {}
                 The target may be unsupported, or you may not have
                 a rust std library for that target installed. Try:
                   rustup target add {}
-                '''.format(host_or_target.alias, rustc, rustc_target)))
+                '''.format(host_or_target.alias, rustc, rustc_target.alias)))
             check_cmd_output(*cmd, onerror=failed)
             if not os.path.exists(out_path) or os.path.getsize(out_path) == 0:
         # This target is usable.
-        return rustc_target
+        return rustc_target.alias
     return rust_target
 rust_target_triple = rust_triple_alias(target)
 rust_host_triple = rust_triple_alias(host)
 set_config('RUST_TARGET', rust_target_triple)
 set_config('RUST_HOST_TARGET', rust_host_triple)
--- a/python/mozbuild/mozbuild/test/configure/test_toolchain_configure.py
+++ b/python/mozbuild/mozbuild/test/configure/test_toolchain_configure.py
@@ -1403,10 +1403,170 @@ class OpenBSDToolchainTest(BaseToolchain
     def test_gcc(self):
         self.do_toolchain_test(self.PATHS, {
             'c_compiler': self.GCC_4_9_RESULT,
             'cxx_compiler': self.GXX_4_9_RESULT,
+class RustTest(BaseConfigureTest):
+    def invoke_cargo(self, stdin, args):
+        if args == ('--version', '--verbose'):
+            return 0, 'cargo 2.0\nrelease: 2.0', ''
+        raise NotImplementedError('unsupported arguments')
+    def invoke_rustc(self, stdin, args):
+        if args == ('--version', '--verbose'):
+            return 0, 'rustc 2.0\nrelease: 2.0', ''
+        if args == ('--print', 'target-list'):
+            # Raw list returned by rustc version 1.19, + ios, which somehow
+            # don't appear in the default list.
+            # https://github.com/rust-lang/rust/issues/36156
+            rust_targets = [
+                'aarch64-apple-ios',
+                'aarch64-linux-android',
+                'aarch64-unknown-freebsd',
+                'aarch64-unknown-fuchsia',
+                'aarch64-unknown-linux-gnu',
+                'arm-linux-androideabi',
+                'arm-unknown-linux-gnueabi',
+                'arm-unknown-linux-gnueabihf',
+                'arm-unknown-linux-musleabi',
+                'arm-unknown-linux-musleabihf',
+                'armv5te-unknown-linux-gnueabi',
+                'armv7-linux-androideabi',
+                'armv7-unknown-linux-gnueabihf',
+                'armv7-unknown-linux-musleabihf',
+                'armv7s-apple-ios',
+                'asmjs-unknown-emscripten',
+                'i386-apple-ios',
+                'i586-pc-windows-msvc',
+                'i586-unknown-linux-gnu',
+                'i686-apple-darwin',
+                'i686-linux-android',
+                'i686-pc-windows-gnu',
+                'i686-pc-windows-msvc',
+                'i686-unknown-dragonfly',
+                'i686-unknown-freebsd',
+                'i686-unknown-haiku',
+                'i686-unknown-linux-gnu',
+                'i686-unknown-linux-musl',
+                'i686-unknown-netbsd',
+                'i686-unknown-openbsd',
+                'le32-unknown-nacl',
+                'mips-unknown-linux-gnu',
+                'mips-unknown-linux-musl',
+                'mips-unknown-linux-uclibc',
+                'mips64-unknown-linux-gnuabi64',
+                'mips64el-unknown-linux-gnuabi64',
+                'mipsel-unknown-linux-gnu',
+                'mipsel-unknown-linux-musl',
+                'mipsel-unknown-linux-uclibc',
+                'powerpc-unknown-linux-gnu',
+                'powerpc64-unknown-linux-gnu',
+                'powerpc64le-unknown-linux-gnu',
+                's390x-unknown-linux-gnu',
+                'sparc64-unknown-linux-gnu',
+                'sparc64-unknown-netbsd',
+                'sparcv9-sun-solaris',
+                'thumbv6m-none-eabi',
+                'thumbv7em-none-eabi',
+                'thumbv7em-none-eabihf',
+                'thumbv7m-none-eabi',
+                'wasm32-unknown-emscripten',
+                'x86_64-apple-darwin',
+                'x86_64-apple-ios',
+                'x86_64-linux-android',
+                'x86_64-pc-windows-gnu',
+                'x86_64-pc-windows-msvc',
+                'x86_64-rumprun-netbsd',
+                'x86_64-sun-solaris',
+                'x86_64-unknown-bitrig',
+                'x86_64-unknown-dragonfly',
+                'x86_64-unknown-freebsd',
+                'x86_64-unknown-fuchsia',
+                'x86_64-unknown-haiku',
+                'x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu',
+                'x86_64-unknown-linux-musl',
+                'x86_64-unknown-netbsd',
+                'x86_64-unknown-openbsd',
+                'x86_64-unknown-redox',
+            ]
+            return 0, '\n'.join(rust_targets), ''
+        if (len(args) == 6 and args[:2] == ('--crate-type', 'staticlib') and
+            args[2].startswith('--target=') and args[3] == '-o'):
+            with open(args[4], 'w') as fh:
+                fh.write('foo')
+            return 0, '', ''
+        raise NotImplementedError('unsupported arguments')
+    def get_rust_target(self, target, building_with_gcc=True):
+        environ = {
+            'PATH': os.pathsep.join(
+                mozpath.abspath(p) for p in ('/bin', '/usr/bin')),
+        }
+        paths = {
+            mozpath.abspath('/usr/bin/cargo'): self.invoke_cargo,
+            mozpath.abspath('/usr/bin/rustc'): self.invoke_rustc,
+        }
+        self.TARGET = target
+        sandbox = self.get_sandbox(paths, {}, [], environ)
+        # Trick the sandbox into not running the target compiler check
+        dep = sandbox._depends[sandbox['building_with_gcc']]
+        getattr(sandbox, '__value_for_depends')[(dep, False)] = \
+            building_with_gcc
+        return sandbox._value_for(sandbox['rust_target_triple'])
+    def test_rust_target(self):
+        # Cases where the output of config.sub matches a rust target
+        for straightforward in (
+            'x86_64-unknown-dragonfly',
+            'aarch64-unknown-freebsd',
+            'i686-unknown-freebsd',
+            'x86_64-unknown-freebsd',
+            'sparc64-unknown-netbsd',
+            'i686-unknown-netbsd',
+            'x86_64-unknown-netbsd',
+            'i686-unknown-openbsd',
+            'x86_64-unknown-openbsd',
+            'aarch64-unknown-linux-gnu',
+            'armv7-unknown-linux-gnueabihf',
+            'sparc64-unknown-linux-gnu',
+            'i686-unknown-linux-gnu',
+            'i686-apple-darwin',
+            'x86_64-apple-darwin',
+            'aarch64-apple-ios',
+            'armv7s-apple-ios',
+            'i386-apple-ios',
+            'x86_64-apple-ios',
+        ):
+            self.assertEqual(self.get_rust_target(straightforward), straightforward)
+        # Cases where the output of config.sub is different
+        for autoconf, rust in (
+            ('aarch64-unknown-linux-android', 'aarch64-linux-android'),
+            ('arm-unknown-linux-androideabi', 'armv7-linux-androideabi'),
+            ('armv7-unknown-linux-androideabi', 'armv7-linux-androideabi'),
+            ('i386-unknown-linux-android', 'i686-linux-android'),
+            ('i686-unknown-linux-android', 'i686-linux-android'),
+            ('x86_64-unknown-linux-android', 'x86_64-linux-android'),
+            ('x86_64-pc-linux-gnu', 'x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu'),
+            ('sparcv9-sun-solaris2', 'sparcv9-sun-solaris'),
+            ('x86_64-sun-solaris2', 'x86_64-sun-solaris'),
+        ):
+            self.assertEqual(self.get_rust_target(autoconf), rust)
+        # Windows
+        for autoconf, building_with_gcc, rust in (
+            ('i686-pc-mingw32', False, 'i686-pc-windows-msvc'),
+            ('x86_64-pc-mingw32', False, 'x86_64-pc-windows-msvc'),
+            ('i686-pc-mingw32', True, 'i686-pc-windows-gnu'),
+            ('x86_64-pc-mingw32', True, 'x86_64-pc-windows-gnu'),
+        ):
+            self.assertEqual(self.get_rust_target(autoconf, building_with_gcc), rust)
 if __name__ == '__main__':