Bug 1404181 - Part 16: Track window dragging area contributions per-frame so that can remove contributions from invalidated frames. r?mstange draft
authorMatt Woodrow <mwoodrow@mozilla.com>, Miko Mynttinen <mikokm@gmail.com>, Timothy Nikkel <tnikkel@gmail.com>
Thu, 28 Sep 2017 13:50:12 +1300
changeset 684527 7eb23adee994f854c354f37f51ff26aa914fb70b
parent 684526 e4727c154f4902e1a50fc16de0e8e7549cbc1438
child 684528 9975d8374e55af116261d3e6a84db2281f65555b
push id85633
push usermwoodrow@mozilla.com
push dateSun, 22 Oct 2017 23:03:02 +0000
Bug 1404181 - Part 16: Track window dragging area contributions per-frame so that can remove contributions from invalidated frames. r?mstange MozReview-Commit-ID: 5bFYV4wSZa
--- a/layout/painting/nsDisplayList.cpp
+++ b/layout/painting/nsDisplayList.cpp
@@ -1798,45 +1798,117 @@ nsDisplayListBuilder::AdjustWindowDraggi
   // The most important case we need to handle is the scrolled-off tab:
   // If the tab bar overflows, tab parts that are clipped by the scrollbox
   // should not be allowed to interfere with the window dragging region. Using
   // just the current DisplayItemClip is not enough to cover this case
   // completely because clips are reset while building stacking context
   // contents, so for example we'd fail to clip frames that have a clip path
   // applied to them. But the current dirty rect doesn't get reset in that
   // case, so we use it to make this case work.
-  nsRect borderBox = aFrame->GetRectRelativeToSelf().Intersect(mDirtyRect);
+  nsRect borderBox = aFrame->GetRectRelativeToSelf().Intersect(mVisibleRect);
   borderBox += ToReferenceFrame(aFrame);
   const DisplayItemClipChain* clip = ClipState().GetCurrentCombinedClipChain(this);
   borderBox = ApplyAllClipNonRoundedIntersection(clip, borderBox);
-  if (!borderBox.IsEmpty()) {
-    LayoutDeviceRect devPixelBorderBox =
-      LayoutDevicePixel::FromAppUnits(borderBox, aFrame->PresContext()->AppUnitsPerDevPixel());
-    LayoutDeviceRect transformedDevPixelBorderBox =
-      TransformBy(referenceFrameToRootReferenceFrame, devPixelBorderBox);
-    transformedDevPixelBorderBox.Round();
-    LayoutDeviceIntRect transformedDevPixelBorderBoxInt;
-    if (transformedDevPixelBorderBox.ToIntRect(&transformedDevPixelBorderBoxInt)) {
-      if (styleUI->mWindowDragging == StyleWindowDragging::Drag) {
-        mWindowDraggingRegion.OrWith(transformedDevPixelBorderBoxInt);
-      } else {
-        mWindowNoDraggingRegion.OrWith(transformedDevPixelBorderBoxInt);
-      }
-    }
+  if (borderBox.IsEmpty()) {
+    return;
+  }
+  LayoutDeviceRect devPixelBorderBox =
+    LayoutDevicePixel::FromAppUnits(borderBox, aFrame->PresContext()->AppUnitsPerDevPixel());
+  LayoutDeviceRect transformedDevPixelBorderBox =
+    TransformBy(referenceFrameToRootReferenceFrame, devPixelBorderBox);
+  transformedDevPixelBorderBox.Round();
+  LayoutDeviceIntRect transformedDevPixelBorderBoxInt;
+  if (!transformedDevPixelBorderBox.ToIntRect(&transformedDevPixelBorderBoxInt)) {
+    return;
+  }
+  LayoutDeviceIntRegion& region =
+    styleUI->mWindowDragging == StyleWindowDragging::Drag
+      ? mWindowDraggingRegion : mWindowNoDraggingRegion;
+  if (!IsRetainingDisplayList()) {
+    region.OrWith(transformedDevPixelBorderBoxInt);
+    return;
+  }
+  if (styleUI->mWindowDragging == StyleWindowDragging::Drag) {
+    mWindowDraggingFrames.emplace_back(aFrame);
+    mWindowDraggingRects.AppendElement(
+      nsRegion::RectToBox(transformedDevPixelBorderBoxInt.ToUnknownRect()));
+  } else {
+    mWindowNoDraggingFrames.emplace_back(aFrame);
+    mWindowNoDraggingRects.AppendElement(
+      nsRegion::RectToBox(transformedDevPixelBorderBoxInt.ToUnknownRect()));
 nsDisplayListBuilder::GetWindowDraggingRegion() const
   LayoutDeviceIntRegion result;
-  result.Sub(mWindowDraggingRegion, mWindowNoDraggingRegion);;
+  if (!IsRetainingDisplayList()) {
+    result.Sub(mWindowDraggingRegion, mWindowNoDraggingRegion);
+    return result;
+  }
+  LayoutDeviceIntRegion dragRegion((mozilla::gfx::ArrayView<pixman_box32_t>(mWindowDraggingRects)));
+  LayoutDeviceIntRegion noDragRegion((mozilla::gfx::ArrayView<pixman_box32_t>(mWindowNoDraggingRects)));
+  result.Sub(dragRegion, noDragRegion);
   return result;
+  uint32_t i = 0;
+  uint32_t length = mWindowDraggingFrames.size();
+  while (i < length) {
+    if (!mWindowDraggingFrames[i].IsAlive() ||
+        mWindowDraggingFrames[i]->IsFrameModified()) {
+      // Swap the modified frame to the end of the vector so that
+      // we can remove them all at the end in one go.
+      mWindowDraggingFrames[i] = mWindowDraggingFrames[length - 1];
+      mWindowDraggingRects[i] = mWindowDraggingRects[length - 1];
+      length--;
+    } else {
+      i++;
+    }
+  }
+  mWindowDraggingFrames.resize(length);
+  mWindowDraggingRects.SetLength(length);
+  i = 0;
+  length = mWindowNoDraggingFrames.size();
+  while (i < length) {
+    if (!mWindowNoDraggingFrames[i].IsAlive() ||
+        mWindowNoDraggingFrames[i]->IsFrameModified()) {
+      mWindowNoDraggingFrames[i] = mWindowNoDraggingFrames[length - 1];
+      mWindowNoDraggingRects[i] = mWindowNoDraggingRects[length - 1];
+      length--;
+    } else {
+      i++;
+    }
+  }
+  mWindowNoDraggingFrames.resize(length);
+  mWindowNoDraggingRects.SetLength(length);
+  mWindowDraggingFrames.clear();
+  mWindowDraggingRects.Clear();
+  mWindowNoDraggingFrames.clear();
+  mWindowNoDraggingRects.Clear();
 const uint32_t gWillChangeAreaMultiplier = 3;
 static uint32_t GetLayerizationCost(const nsSize& aSize) {
   // There's significant overhead for each layer created from Gecko
   // (IPC+Shared Objects) and from the backend (like an OpenGL texture).
   // Therefore we set a minimum cost threshold of a 64x64 area.
   int minBudgetCost = 64 * 64;
   uint32_t budgetCost =
--- a/layout/painting/nsDisplayList.h
+++ b/layout/painting/nsDisplayList.h
@@ -899,16 +899,19 @@ public:
    * collected dragging region; if the value is |no-drag|, the border box is
    * subtracted from the region; if the value is |default|, that frame does
    * not influence the window dragging region.
   void AdjustWindowDraggingRegion(nsIFrame* aFrame);
   LayoutDeviceIntRegion GetWindowDraggingRegion() const;
+  void RemoveModifiedWindowDraggingRegion();
+  void ClearWindowDraggingRegion();
    * Allocate memory in our arena. It will only be freed when this display list
    * builder is destroyed. This memory holds nsDisplayItems. nsDisplayItem
    * destructors are called as soon as the item is no longer used.
   void* Allocate(size_t aSize, DisplayItemType aType);
   void Destroy(DisplayItemType aType, void* aPtr);
@@ -1710,17 +1713,23 @@ private:
   nsTArray<nsIFrame*>           mModifiedFramesDuringBuilding;
   // Relative to mCurrentFrame.
   nsRect                         mVisibleRect;
   nsRect                         mDirtyRect;
   nsRegion                       mWindowExcludeGlassRegion;
   nsRegion                       mWindowOpaqueRegion;
+  std::vector<WeakFrame>         mWindowDraggingFrames;
+  nsTArray<pixman_box32_t>       mWindowDraggingRects;
   LayoutDeviceIntRegion          mWindowDraggingRegion;
+  std::vector<WeakFrame>         mWindowNoDraggingFrames;
+  nsTArray<pixman_box32_t>       mWindowNoDraggingRects;
   LayoutDeviceIntRegion          mWindowNoDraggingRegion;
   // The display item for the Windows window glass background, if any
   nsDisplayItem*                 mGlassDisplayItem;
   // A temporary list that we append scroll info items to while building
   // display items for the contents of frames with SVG effects.
   // Only non-null when ShouldBuildScrollInfoItemsForHoisting() is true.
   // This is a pointer and not a real nsDisplayList value because the
   // nsDisplayList class is defined below this class, so we can't use it here.