Bug 1401888 - Part 3. Make EMFViaExtDLLHelper inherit from PDFViaEMFPrintHelper. draft
authorcku <cku@mozilla.com>
Thu, 21 Sep 2017 15:43:34 +0800
changeset 669447 aa89341fcd0ed260976560b789f7ceb9c0f21aa5
parent 669446 171b81cfffd1dc2b2cfacac61adaced12866e32e
child 732954 aac04509c83591e83c5cf9b10358d15391a6cffa
push id81327
push usercku@mozilla.com
push dateSat, 23 Sep 2017 05:05:28 +0000
Bug 1401888 - Part 3. Make EMFViaExtDLLHelper inherit from PDFViaEMFPrintHelper. Reuse the code in PDFViaEMFPrintHelper. MozReview-Commit-ID: 3NAVxuv2jJH
--- a/widget/windows/PDFViaEMFPrintHelper.cpp
+++ b/widget/windows/PDFViaEMFPrintHelper.cpp
@@ -40,36 +40,42 @@ PDFViaEMFPrintHelper::OpenDocument(nsIFi
   if (mPDFDoc) {
     MOZ_ASSERT_UNREACHABLE("We can only open one PDF at a time,"
                            "Use CloseDocument() to close the opened file"
                            "before calling OpenDocument()");
     return NS_ERROR_FAILURE;
-  if (!mPDFiumEngine) {
-    mPDFiumEngine = PDFiumEngineShim::GetInstanceOrNull();
-  }
   nsAutoCString nativePath;
   nsresult rv = aFile->GetNativePath(nativePath);
   if (NS_FAILED(rv)) {
     return rv;
-  mPDFDoc = mPDFiumEngine->LoadDocument(nativePath.get(), nullptr);
-  if (!mPDFDoc) {
+  return OpenDocument(nativePath.get());
+PDFViaEMFPrintHelper::OpenDocument(const char* aFileName)
+  MOZ_ASSERT(aFileName);
+  if (mPDFDoc) {
+    MOZ_ASSERT_UNREACHABLE("We can only open one PDF at a time,"
+                           "Use CloseDocument() to close the opened file"
+                           "before calling OpenDocument()");
     return NS_ERROR_FAILURE;
-  if (mPDFiumEngine->GetPageCount(mPDFDoc) < 1) {
-    CloseDocument();
-    return NS_ERROR_FAILURE;
-  }
+  mPDFDoc = mPDFiumEngine->LoadDocument(aFileName, nullptr);
   return NS_OK;
 PDFViaEMFPrintHelper::RenderPageToDC(HDC aDC, unsigned int aPageIndex,
                                      int aPageWidth, int aPageHeight)
@@ -165,9 +171,19 @@ PDFViaEMFPrintHelper::DrawPageToFile(con
   if (mPDFDoc) {
     mPDFDoc = nullptr;
+  if (!mPDFiumEngine) {
+    mPDFiumEngine = PDFiumEngineShim::GetInstanceOrNull();
+  }
+  return !!mPDFiumEngine;
\ No newline at end of file
--- a/widget/windows/PDFViaEMFPrintHelper.h
+++ b/widget/windows/PDFViaEMFPrintHelper.h
@@ -28,34 +28,33 @@ namespace widget {
 class PDFViaEMFPrintHelper
   /** Loads the specified PDF file. */
   NS_IMETHOD OpenDocument(nsIFile *aFile);
+  NS_IMETHOD OpenDocument(const char* aFileName);
   /** Releases document buffer. */
   void CloseDocument();
   int GetPageCount() const { return mPDFiumEngine->GetPageCount(mPDFDoc); }
   /** Convert specified PDF page to EMF and draw the EMF onto the given DC. */
   bool DrawPage(HDC aPrinterDC, unsigned int aPageIndex,
                 int aPageWidth, int aPageHeight);
   /** Convert specified PDF page to EMF and save it to file. */
   bool DrawPageToFile(const wchar_t* aFilePath, unsigned int aPageIndex,
                       int aPageWidth, int aPageHeight);
-  bool LoadPDFDataToBuffer(nsIFile *aFile);
+  virtual bool CreatePDFiumEngineIfNeed();
   bool RenderPageToDC(HDC aDC, unsigned int aPageIndex,
                       int aPageWidth, int aPageHeight);
   RefPtr<PDFiumEngineShim>    mPDFiumEngine;
   FPDF_DOCUMENT               mPDFDoc;
 } // namespace widget
--- a/widget/windows/gtest/TestEMFConversion.cpp
+++ b/widget/windows/gtest/TestEMFConversion.cpp
@@ -8,93 +8,70 @@
 #include "WindowsEMF.h"
 #include "gtest/gtest.h"
 #include "nsLocalFile.h"
 #include "nsFileStreams.h"
 #include "nsAppDirectoryServiceDefs.h"
 #include "nsDirectoryServiceDefs.h"
 #include "nsString.h"
-typedef void (__stdcall *FPDF_InitLibrary_fn)();
-typedef void (__stdcall *FPDF_DestroyLibrary_fn)();
-typedef FPDF_DOCUMENT (__stdcall *FPDF_LoadDocument_fn)(FPDF_STRING file_path,
-                                                     FPDF_BYTESTRING password);
-typedef void(__stdcall *FPDF_CloseDocument_fn)(FPDF_DOCUMENT aDocument);
-typedef int (__stdcall *FPDF_GetPageCount_fn)(FPDF_DOCUMENT aDocument);
-typedef FPDF_PAGE (__stdcall *FPDF_LoadPage_fn)(FPDF_DOCUMENT aDocument,
-                                                int aPageIndex);
-typedef void (__stdcall *FPDF_ClosePage_fn)(FPDF_PAGE aPage);
-typedef void (__stdcall *FPDF_RenderPage_fn)(HDC aDC,
-                                             FPDF_PAGE aPage,
-                                             int aStartX,
-                                             int aStartY,
-                                             int aSizeX,
-                                             int aSizeY,
-                                             int aRotate,
-                                             int aFlags);
 using namespace mozilla;
 namespace mozilla {
 namespace widget {
+static already_AddRefed<nsIFile>
 GetFileViaSpecialDirectory(const char* aSpecialDirName,
                            const char* aFileName)
   nsCOMPtr<nsIFile> file;
   nsresult rv = NS_GetSpecialDirectory(aSpecialDirName, getter_AddRefs(file));
   NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, nullptr);
   rv = file->AppendNative(nsDependentCString(aFileName));
   NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, nullptr);
   return file.forget();
 GetFilePathViaSpecialDirectory(const char* aSpecialDirName,
                                const char* aFileName,
                                nsAutoString& aPath)
   nsCOMPtr<nsIFile> file = GetFileViaSpecialDirectory(aSpecialDirName,
   nsAutoCString path;
   nsresult rv  = file->GetNativePath(path);
   if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv)) {
     aPath = NS_ConvertUTF8toUTF16(path);
   return rv;
-CreatePrintHelper(const char* aFileName)
+static bool
+SetupPrintHelper(const char* aFileName, PDFViaEMFPrintHelper* aHelper)
   nsCOMPtr<nsIFile> file = GetFileViaSpecialDirectory(NS_OS_CURRENT_WORKING_DIR,
-  NS_ENSURE_TRUE(file, nullptr);
+  NS_ENSURE_TRUE(file, false);
   UniquePtr<PDFViaEMFPrintHelper> PDFPrintHelper =
-  nsresult rv = PDFPrintHelper->OpenDocument(file);
-  NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, nullptr);
+  nsresult rv = aHelper->OpenDocument(file);
+  NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, false);
-  NS_ENSURE_TRUE(PDFPrintHelper->GetPageCount() > 0, nullptr);
+  NS_ENSURE_TRUE(aHelper->GetPageCount() > 0, false);
-  return PDFPrintHelper;
+  return true;
-GetFileContents(const nsAutoString aFile, Vector<char>& aBuf)
+static uint32_t
+GetFileContents(const nsAutoString& aFile, Vector<char>& aBuf)
   RefPtr<nsLocalFile> file = new nsLocalFile();
   RefPtr<nsFileInputStream> inputStream = new nsFileInputStream();
   nsresult rv = inputStream->Init(file,
                                   /* ioFlags */ PR_RDONLY,
                                   /* perm */ -1,
                                   /* behaviorFlags */ 0);
@@ -117,314 +94,110 @@ GetFileContents(const nsAutoString aFile
     if (NS_FAILED(rv)) {
       return 0;
     haveRead += read;
   return haveRead;
-class EMFViaExtDLLHelper
+static void
+CompareTwoFiles(const nsAutoString& aTestFile, const nsAutoString& aRefFile)
-  EMFViaExtDLLHelper();
-  ~EMFViaExtDLLHelper();
-  bool OpenDocument(const char* aFileName);
-  void CloseDocument();
-  bool DrawPageToFile(const wchar_t* aFilePath,
-                      unsigned int aPageIndex,
-                      int aPageWidth, int aPageHeight);
-  bool Init();
-  bool RenderPageToDC(HDC aDC, unsigned int aPageIndex,
-                      int aPageWidth, int aPageHeight);
-  float ComputeScaleFactor(int aDCWidth, int aDCHeight,
-                           int aPageWidth, int aPageHeight);
-  FPDF_InitLibrary_fn       mFPDF_InitLibrary;
-  FPDF_DestroyLibrary_fn    mFPDF_DestroyLibrary;
-  FPDF_LoadDocument_fn      mFPDF_LoadDocument;
-  FPDF_CloseDocument_fn     mFPDF_CloseDocument;
-  FPDF_GetPageCount_fn      mFPDF_GetPageCount;
-  FPDF_LoadPage_fn          mFPDF_LoadPage;
-  FPDF_ClosePage_fn         mFPDF_ClosePage;
-  FPDF_RenderPage_fn        mFPDF_RenderPage;
+  Vector<char> testContents;
+  uint32_t testSize = GetFileContents(aTestFile, testContents);
+  ASSERT_GT(testSize, static_cast<uint32_t>(0));
-  PRLibrary*                mPRLibrary;
-  FPDF_DOCUMENT             mPDFDoc;
-  bool                      mInitialized;
+  Vector<char> refContents;
+  uint32_t refSize = GetFileContents(aRefFile, refContents);
+  ASSERT_GT(refSize, static_cast<uint32_t>(0));
-  : mFPDF_InitLibrary(nullptr)
-  , mFPDF_DestroyLibrary(nullptr)
-  , mFPDF_CloseDocument(nullptr)
-  , mFPDF_GetPageCount(nullptr)
-  , mFPDF_LoadPage(nullptr)
-  , mFPDF_ClosePage(nullptr)
-  , mFPDF_RenderPage(nullptr)
-  , mPRLibrary(nullptr)
-  , mPDFDoc(nullptr)
-  , mInitialized(false)
-  CloseDocument();
-  if (mInitialized) {
-    mFPDF_DestroyLibrary();
-  }
-  if (mPRLibrary) {
-    PR_UnloadLibrary(mPRLibrary);
-  }
+  ASSERT_EQ(testSize, refSize);
+  ASSERT_TRUE(memcmp(testContents.begin(), refContents.begin(), testSize) == 0);
+class EMFViaExtDLLHelper: public PDFViaEMFPrintHelper
-  if (mInitialized) {
-    return true;
-  }
-#ifdef _WIN64
-  nsAutoCString externalDll("pdfium_ref_x64.dll");
-  nsAutoCString externalDll("pdfium_ref_x86.dll");
-  mPRLibrary = PR_LoadLibrary(externalDll.get());
-  NS_ENSURE_TRUE(mPRLibrary, false);
-  mFPDF_InitLibrary = (FPDF_InitLibrary_fn)PR_FindFunctionSymbol(
-    mPRLibrary, "FPDF_InitLibrary");
-  NS_ENSURE_TRUE(mFPDF_InitLibrary, false);
-  mFPDF_DestroyLibrary = (FPDF_DestroyLibrary_fn)PR_FindFunctionSymbol(
-    mPRLibrary, "FPDF_DestroyLibrary");
-  NS_ENSURE_TRUE(mFPDF_DestroyLibrary, false);
-  mFPDF_LoadDocument = (FPDF_LoadDocument_fn)PR_FindFunctionSymbol(
-    mPRLibrary, "FPDF_LoadDocument");
-  NS_ENSURE_TRUE(mFPDF_LoadDocument, false);
-  mFPDF_CloseDocument = (FPDF_CloseDocument_fn)PR_FindFunctionSymbol(
-    mPRLibrary, "FPDF_CloseDocument");
-  NS_ENSURE_TRUE(mFPDF_CloseDocument, false);
-  mFPDF_GetPageCount = (FPDF_GetPageCount_fn)PR_FindFunctionSymbol(
-    mPRLibrary, "FPDF_GetPageCount");
-  NS_ENSURE_TRUE(mFPDF_GetPageCount, false);
-  mFPDF_LoadPage = (FPDF_LoadPage_fn)PR_FindFunctionSymbol(
-    mPRLibrary, "FPDF_LoadPage");
-  NS_ENSURE_TRUE(mFPDF_LoadPage, false);
-  mFPDF_ClosePage = (FPDF_ClosePage_fn)PR_FindFunctionSymbol(
-    mPRLibrary, "FPDF_ClosePage");
-  NS_ENSURE_TRUE(mFPDF_ClosePage, false);
-  mFPDF_RenderPage = (FPDF_RenderPage_fn)PR_FindFunctionSymbol(
-    mPRLibrary, "FPDF_RenderPage");
-  NS_ENSURE_TRUE(mFPDF_RenderPage, false);
-  mFPDF_InitLibrary();
-  mInitialized = true;
-  return true;
-EMFViaExtDLLHelper::OpenDocument(const char* aFileName)
-  if (!Init()) {
-    return false;
-  }
-  mPDFDoc = mFPDF_LoadDocument(aFileName, NULL);
-  NS_ENSURE_TRUE(mPDFDoc, false);
-  NS_ENSURE_TRUE(mFPDF_GetPageCount(mPDFDoc) >= 1, false);
-  return true;
-  if (mPDFDoc) {
-    mFPDF_CloseDocument(mPDFDoc);
-    mPDFDoc = nullptr;
-  }
+  EMFViaExtDLLHelper() {}
+  ~EMFViaExtDLLHelper() {}
-EMFViaExtDLLHelper::ComputeScaleFactor(int aDCWidth, int aDCHeight,
-                                       int aPageWidth, int aPageHeight)
-  if (aPageWidth <= 0 || aPageHeight <= 0) {
-    return 0.0;
-  }
+  virtual bool CreatePDFiumEngineIfNeed() override {
+    if (!mPDFiumEngine) {
+    #ifdef _WIN64
+      nsAutoCString externalDll("pdfium_ref_x64.dll");
+    #else
+      nsAutoCString externalDll("pdfium_ref_x86.dll");
+    #endif
+      mPDFiumEngine = PDFiumEngineShim::GetInstanceOrNull(externalDll);
+    }
-  float scaleFactor = 1.0;
-  // If page fits DC - no scaling needed.
-  if (aDCWidth < aPageWidth || aDCHeight < aPageHeight) {
-    float xFactor =
-      static_cast<float>(aDCWidth) / static_cast <float>(aPageWidth);
-    float yFactor =
-      static_cast<float>(aDCHeight) / static_cast <float>(aPageHeight);
-    scaleFactor = std::min(xFactor, yFactor);
-  }
-  return scaleFactor;
-EMFViaExtDLLHelper::RenderPageToDC(HDC aDC, unsigned int aPageIndex,
-                                  int aPageWidth, int aPageHeight)
-  NS_ENSURE_TRUE(aDC, false);
-  NS_ENSURE_TRUE(mPDFDoc, false);
-  NS_ENSURE_TRUE(static_cast<int>(aPageIndex) < mFPDF_GetPageCount(mPDFDoc),
-                 false);
-  NS_ENSURE_TRUE((aPageWidth > 0) && (aPageHeight > 0), false);
-  int dcWidth = ::GetDeviceCaps(aDC, HORZRES);
-  int dcHeight = ::GetDeviceCaps(aDC, VERTRES);
-  float scaleFactor = ComputeScaleFactor(dcWidth, dcHeight,
-                                         aPageWidth, aPageHeight);
-  if (scaleFactor <= 0.0) {
-    return false;
+    return !!mPDFiumEngine;
-  int savedState = ::SaveDC(aDC);
-  ::SetGraphicsMode(aDC, GM_ADVANCED);
-  XFORM xform = { 0 };
-  xform.eM11 = xform.eM22 = scaleFactor;
-  ::ModifyWorldTransform(aDC, &xform, MWT_LEFTMULTIPLY);
-  // The caller wanted all drawing to happen within the bounds specified.
-  // Based on scale calculations, our destination rect might be larger
-  // than the bounds. Set the clip rect to the bounds.
-  ::IntersectClipRect(aDC, 0, 0, aPageWidth, aPageHeight);
-  FPDF_PAGE pdfPage = mFPDF_LoadPage(mPDFDoc, aPageIndex);
-  NS_ENSURE_TRUE(pdfPage, false);
-  mFPDF_RenderPage(aDC, pdfPage, 0, 0, aPageWidth, aPageHeight,
-                   0, FPDF_ANNOT | FPDF_PRINTING | FPDF_NO_CATCH);
-  mFPDF_ClosePage(pdfPage);
-  ::RestoreDC(aDC, savedState);
-  return true;
-EMFViaExtDLLHelper::DrawPageToFile(const wchar_t* aFilePath,
-                                  unsigned int aPageIndex,
-                                  int aPageWidth, int aPageHeight)
-  WindowsEMF emf;
-  bool result = emf.InitForDrawing(aFilePath);
-  NS_ENSURE_TRUE(result, false);
-  result = RenderPageToDC(emf.GetDC(), aPageIndex, aPageWidth, aPageHeight);
-  NS_ENSURE_TRUE(result, false);
-  return emf.SaveToFile();
 // Compare an EMF file with the reference which is generated by the external
 // library.
 TEST(TestEMFConversion, CompareEMFWithReference)
   UniquePtr<PDFViaEMFPrintHelper> PDFHelper =
-    CreatePrintHelper("PrinterTestPage.pdf");
-  ASSERT_NE(PDFHelper, nullptr);
+    MakeUnique<PDFViaEMFPrintHelper>();
+  ASSERT_TRUE(SetupPrintHelper("PrinterTestPage.pdf", PDFHelper.get()));
+  const int pageWidth = 4961;
+  const int pageHeight = 7016;
   // Convert a PDF file to an EMF file(PrinterTestPage.pdf -> gtest.emf)
   nsAutoString emfPath;
-  nsresult rv = GetFilePathViaSpecialDirectory(NS_OS_TEMP_DIR,
-                                               "gtest.emf",
-                                               emfPath);
-  int pageWidth = 4961;
-  int pageHeight = 7016;
-  bool result = PDFHelper->DrawPageToFile(emfPath.get(), 0,
-                                          pageWidth, pageHeight);
-  ASSERT_TRUE(result);
+                                                        "gtest.emf",
+                                                        emfPath)));
+  ASSERT_TRUE(PDFHelper->DrawPageToFile(emfPath.get(), 0,
+                                        pageWidth, pageHeight));
-  Vector<char> emfContents;
-  uint32_t size = GetFileContents(emfPath, emfContents);
-  ASSERT_GT(size, static_cast<uint32_t>(0));
+#ifdef _WIN64
   // Convert a PDF file to an EMF file by external library.
   // (PrinterTestPage.pdf -> gtestRef.emf)
-  nsCOMPtr<nsIFile> file = GetFileViaSpecialDirectory(NS_OS_CURRENT_WORKING_DIR,
-                                                      "PrinterTestPage.pdf");
-  nsAutoCString PDFPath;
-  rv = file->GetNativePath(PDFPath);
   UniquePtr<EMFViaExtDLLHelper> ExtHelper = MakeUnique<EMFViaExtDLLHelper>();
-  result = ExtHelper->OpenDocument(PDFPath.get());
-  ASSERT_TRUE(result);
+  ASSERT_TRUE(SetupPrintHelper("PrinterTestPage.pdf", ExtHelper.get()));
   nsAutoString emfPathRef;
-  rv = GetFilePathViaSpecialDirectory(NS_OS_TEMP_DIR,
-                                      "gtestRef.emf", emfPathRef);
+                                                          "gtestRef.emf",
+                                                          emfPathRef)));
-  result = ExtHelper->DrawPageToFile(emfPathRef.get(), 0,
-                                     pageWidth, pageHeight);
-  ASSERT_TRUE(result);
+  ASSERT_TRUE(ExtHelper->DrawPageToFile(emfPathRef.get(), 0,
+                                        pageWidth, pageHeight));
-  Vector<char> emfContentsRef;
-  uint32_t sizeRef = GetFileContents(emfPathRef, emfContentsRef);
-  ASSERT_GT(sizeRef, static_cast<uint32_t>(0));
-  ASSERT_EQ(size, sizeRef);
-  // Compare gtest.emf and gtestRef.emf
-  ASSERT_TRUE(memcmp(emfContents.begin(), emfContentsRef.begin(), size) == 0);
+  CompareTwoFiles(emfPath, emfPathRef);
 // Input a PDF file which does not exist
 TEST(TestEMFConversion, TestInputNonExistingPDF)
-  UniquePtr<PDFViaEMFPrintHelper> PDFHelper = CreatePrintHelper("null.pdf");
-  ASSERT_EQ(PDFHelper, nullptr);
+  UniquePtr<PDFViaEMFPrintHelper> PDFHelper =
+    MakeUnique<PDFViaEMFPrintHelper>();
+  ASSERT_FALSE(SetupPrintHelper("null.pdf", PDFHelper.get()));
 // Test insufficient width and height
 TEST(TestEMFConversion, TestInsufficientWidthAndHeight)
   UniquePtr<PDFViaEMFPrintHelper> PDFHelper =
-    CreatePrintHelper("PrinterTestPage.pdf");
-  ASSERT_NE(PDFHelper, nullptr);
+    MakeUnique<PDFViaEMFPrintHelper>();
+  ASSERT_TRUE(SetupPrintHelper("PrinterTestPage.pdf", PDFHelper.get()));
   nsAutoString emfPath;
-  nsresult rv = GetFilePathViaSpecialDirectory(NS_OS_TEMP_DIR,
-                                               "gtest.emf",
-                                               emfPath);
+                                                         "gtest.emf",
+                                                          emfPath)));
-  int pageWidth = 0;
-  int pageHeight = 0;
-  bool result = PDFHelper->DrawPageToFile(emfPath.get(), 0,
-                                          pageWidth, pageHeight);
-  ASSERT_FALSE(result);
-  pageWidth = 100;
-  pageHeight = -1;
-  result = PDFHelper->DrawPageToFile(emfPath.get(), 0,
-                                     pageWidth, pageHeight);
-  ASSERT_FALSE(result);
+  ASSERT_FALSE(PDFHelper->DrawPageToFile(emfPath.get(), 0, 0, 0));
+  ASSERT_FALSE(PDFHelper->DrawPageToFile(emfPath.get(), 0, 100, -1));
 } // namespace widget
 } // namespace mozilla
\ No newline at end of file