bug 1399819, refactor commands, stop using base class, r=stas
authorAxel Hecht <axel@pike.org>
Thu, 14 Sep 2017 14:03:42 +0200
changeset 324 2fdaaaf034697910a50011d63aed9cb139b287e9
parent 319 90d69a0aae60eef880a96f052f2a4bd38247e231
child 325 aaae8ab7e1a5fd2976262acc855c17045e39c42d
push id104
push useraxel@mozilla.com
push dateFri, 15 Sep 2017 16:11:05 +0000
bug 1399819, refactor commands, stop using base class, r=stas MozReview-Commit-ID: 1ZCgfC5APSP
--- a/compare_locales/commands.py
+++ b/compare_locales/commands.py
@@ -8,21 +8,23 @@ import logging
 from argparse import ArgumentParser
 import os
 from compare_locales import version
 from compare_locales.paths import EnumerateApp, TOMLParser, ConfigNotFound
 from compare_locales.compare import compareProjects, Observer
-class BaseCommand(object):
-    """Base class for compare-locales commands.
-    This handles command line parsing, and general sugar for setuptools
-    entry_points.
-    """
+class CompareLocales(object):
+    """Check the localization status of gecko applications.
+The first arguments are paths to the l10n.ini or toml files for the
+applications, followed by the base directory of the localization repositories.
+Then you pass in the list of locale codes you want to compare. If there are
+not locales given, the list of locales will be taken from the l10n.toml file
+or the all-locales file referenced by the application\'s l10n.ini."""
     def __init__(self):
         self.parser = None
     def get_parser(self):
         """Get an ArgumentParser, with class docstring as description.
         parser = ArgumentParser(description=self.__doc__)
@@ -30,27 +32,46 @@ class BaseCommand(object):
                             version='%(prog)s ' + version)
         parser.add_argument('-v', '--verbose', action='count', dest='v',
                             default=0, help='Make more noise')
         parser.add_argument('-q', '--quiet', action='count', dest='q',
                             default=0, help='Make less noise')
         parser.add_argument('-m', '--merge',
                             help='''Use this directory to stage merged files,
 use {ab_CD} to specify a different directory for each locale''')
-        return parser
-    def add_data_argument(self, parser):
+        parser.add_argument('config', metavar='l10n.toml', nargs='+',
+                            help='TOML or INI file for the project')
+        parser.add_argument('l10n_base_dir', metavar='l10n-base-dir',
+                            help='Parent directory of localizations')
+        parser.add_argument('locales', nargs='*', metavar='locale-code',
+                            help='Locale code and top-level directory of '
+                                 'each localization')
+        parser.add_argument('-D', action='append', metavar='var=value',
+                            default=[],
+                            help='Overwrite variables in TOML files')
+        parser.add_argument('--unified', action="store_true",
+                            help="Show output for all projects unified")
+        parser.add_argument('--full', action="store_true",
+                            help="Compare projects that are disabled")
+        parser.add_argument('--clobber-merge', action="store_true",
+                            default=False, dest='clobber',
+                            help="""WARNING: DATALOSS.
+Use this option with care. If specified, the merge directory will
+be clobbered for each module. That means, the subdirectory will
+be completely removed, any files that were there are lost.
+Be careful to specify the right merge directory when using this option.""")
         parser.add_argument('--data', choices=['text', 'exhibit', 'json'],
                             help='''Choose data and format (one of text,
 exhibit, json); text: (default) Show which files miss which strings, together
 with warnings and errors. Also prints a summary; json: Serialize the internal
 tree, useful for tools. Also always succeeds; exhibit: Serialize the summary
 data in a json useful for Exhibit
+        return parser
     def call(cls):
         """Entry_point for setuptools.
         The actual command handling is done in the handle() method of the
         cmd = cls()
@@ -76,57 +97,16 @@ data in a json useful for Exhibit
                 if summary.get('errors', 0) > 0:
                     rv = 1
                     # no need to check further summaries, but
                     # continue to run through observers
         return rv
     def handle(self, args):
-        """Subclasses need to implement this method for the actual
-        command handling.
-        """
-        raise NotImplementedError
-class CompareLocales(BaseCommand):
-    """Check the localization status of gecko applications.
-The first arguments are paths to the l10n.ini or toml files for the
-applications, followed by the base directory of the localization repositories.
-Then you pass in the list of locale codes you want to compare. If there are
-not locales given, the list of locales will be taken from the l10n.toml file
-or the all-locales file referenced by the application\'s l10n.ini."""
-    def get_parser(self):
-        parser = super(CompareLocales, self).get_parser()
-        parser.add_argument('config', metavar='l10n.toml', nargs='+',
-                            help='TOML or INI file for the project')
-        parser.add_argument('l10n_base_dir', metavar='l10n-base-dir',
-                            help='Parent directory of localizations')
-        parser.add_argument('locales', nargs='*', metavar='locale-code',
-                            help='Locale code and top-level directory of '
-                                 'each localization')
-        parser.add_argument('-D', action='append', metavar='var=value',
-                            default=[],
-                            help='Overwrite variables in TOML files')
-        parser.add_argument('--unified', action="store_true",
-                            help="Show output for all projects unified")
-        parser.add_argument('--full', action="store_true",
-                            help="Compare projects that are disabled")
-        parser.add_argument('--clobber-merge', action="store_true",
-                            default=False, dest='clobber',
-                            help="""WARNING: DATALOSS.
-Use this option with care. If specified, the merge directory will
-be clobbered for each module. That means, the subdirectory will
-be completely removed, any files that were there are lost.
-Be careful to specify the right merge directory when using this option.""")
-        self.add_data_argument(parser)
-        return parser
-    def handle(self, args):
         # using nargs multiple times in argparser totally screws things
         # up, repair that.
         # First files are configs, then the base dir, everything else is
         # locales
         all_args = args.config + [args.l10n_base_dir] + args.locales
         del args.config[:]
         del args.locales[:]
         while all_args and not os.path.isdir(all_args[0]):