Bug 1395468 - [Part3] Remove WidevineAdapter and its related classes. draft
authorJames Cheng <jacheng@mozilla.com>
Tue, 29 Aug 2017 17:42:25 +0800
changeset 656430 709c5f8ac6ab3beaa426e8709accc0673cebd9e7
parent 656429 3d15995f5f64686c91b58b676f8e98cde4592148
child 729153 364bbf2c1d4832ed44ce7ba6030683da71b91220
push id77227
push userbmo:jacheng@mozilla.com
push dateThu, 31 Aug 2017 07:44:50 +0000
Bug 1395468 - [Part3] Remove WidevineAdapter and its related classes. We now only use the Chromium CDM interface, so there is no need to check isWidevine. We don't use WidevineAdapter anymore so remove the related check and unused classes. MozReview-Commit-ID: 3y1lH3OMhwL
--- a/dom/media/gmp/ChromiumCDMAdapter.cpp
+++ b/dom/media/gmp/ChromiumCDMAdapter.cpp
@@ -24,18 +24,17 @@
 #include <vector>
 #include <sys/types.h>
 #include <sys/stat.h>
 #include <unistd.h>
 #include <fcntl.h>
-// Declared in WidevineAdapter.cpp.
-extern const GMPPlatformAPI* sPlatform;
+const GMPPlatformAPI* sPlatform = nullptr;
 namespace mozilla {
 #ifdef XP_WIN
 static void
--- a/dom/media/gmp/GMPChild.cpp
+++ b/dom/media/gmp/GMPChild.cpp
@@ -18,17 +18,16 @@
 #include "gmp-video-encode.h"
 #include "GMPPlatform.h"
 #include "mozilla/ipc/CrashReporterClient.h"
 #include "mozilla/ipc/ProcessChild.h"
 #include "GMPUtils.h"
 #include "prio.h"
 #include "base/task.h"
 #include "base/command_line.h"
-#include "widevine-adapter/WidevineAdapter.h"
 #include "ChromiumCDMAdapter.h"
 #include "GMPLog.h"
 using namespace mozilla::ipc;
 #ifdef XP_WIN
 #include <stdlib.h> // for _exit()
 #include "WinUtils.h"
@@ -556,35 +555,31 @@ GMPChild::AnswerStartPlugin(const nsStri
   mGMPLoader = MakeUnique<GMPLoader>();
 #if defined(MOZ_GMP_SANDBOX)
   if (!mGMPLoader->CanSandbox()) {
     LOGD("%s Can't sandbox GMP, failing", __FUNCTION__);
     delete platformAPI;
     return IPC_FAIL_NO_REASON(this);
-  bool isWidevine = aAdapter.EqualsLiteral("widevine");
   bool isChromium = aAdapter.EqualsLiteral("chromium");
 #if defined(MOZ_GMP_SANDBOX) && defined(XP_MACOSX)
   MacSandboxPluginType pluginType = MacSandboxPluginType_GMPlugin_Default;
-  if (isWidevine || isChromium) {
+  if (isChromium) {
     pluginType = MacSandboxPluginType_GMPlugin_EME_Widevine;
   if (!SetMacSandboxInfo(pluginType)) {
     NS_WARNING("Failed to set Mac GMP sandbox info");
     delete platformAPI;
     return IPC_FAIL_NO_REASON(this);
   GMPAdapter* adapter = nullptr;
-  if (isWidevine) {
-    adapter = new WidevineAdapter();
-  } else if (isChromium) {
+  if (isChromium) {
     auto&& paths = MakeCDMHostVerificationPaths();
     GMP_LOG("%s CDM host paths=%s", __func__, ToCString(paths).get());
     adapter = new ChromiumCDMAdapter(Move(paths));
   if (!mGMPLoader->Load(libPath.get(),
--- a/dom/media/gmp/GMPParent.cpp
+++ b/dom/media/gmp/GMPParent.cpp
@@ -37,17 +37,16 @@ using CrashReporter::GetIDFromMinidump;
 #include "mozilla/Telemetry.h"
 #ifdef XP_WIN
 #include "WMFDecoderModule.h"
 #include "mozilla/dom/WidevineCDMManifestBinding.h"
-#include "widevine-adapter/WidevineAdapter.h"
 #include "ChromiumCDMAdapter.h"
 namespace mozilla {
 #undef LOG
 #undef LOGD
 extern LogModule* GetGMPLog();
deleted file mode 100644
--- a/dom/media/gmp/widevine-adapter/WidevineAdapter.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,159 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */
-#include "WidevineAdapter.h"
-#include "content_decryption_module.h"
-#include "VideoUtils.h"
-#include "WidevineDecryptor.h"
-#include "WidevineDummyDecoder.h"
-#include "WidevineUtils.h"
-#include "WidevineVideoDecoder.h"
-#include "gmp-api/gmp-entrypoints.h"
-#include "gmp-api/gmp-decryption.h"
-#include "gmp-api/gmp-video-codec.h"
-#include "gmp-api/gmp-platform.h"
-const GMPPlatformAPI* sPlatform = nullptr;
-namespace mozilla {
-GMPErr GMPGetCurrentTime(GMPTimestamp* aOutTime) {
-  return sPlatform->getcurrenttime(aOutTime);
-// Call on main thread only.
-GMPErr GMPSetTimerOnMainThread(GMPTask* aTask, int64_t aTimeoutMS) {
-  return sPlatform->settimer(aTask, aTimeoutMS);
-GMPErr GMPCreateRecord(const char* aRecordName,
-                       uint32_t aRecordNameSize,
-                       GMPRecord** aOutRecord,
-                       GMPRecordClient* aClient)
-  return sPlatform->createrecord(aRecordName, aRecordNameSize, aOutRecord, aClient);
-WidevineAdapter::SetAdaptee(PRLibrary* aLib)
-  mLib = aLib;
-void* GetCdmHost(int aHostInterfaceVersion, void* aUserData)
-  CDM_LOG("GetCdmHostFunc(%d, %p)", aHostInterfaceVersion, aUserData);
-  WidevineDecryptor* decryptor = reinterpret_cast<WidevineDecryptor*>(aUserData);
-  MOZ_ASSERT(decryptor);
-  return static_cast<cdm::Host_8*>(decryptor);
-#define _STRINGIFY(s) #s
-WidevineAdapter::GMPInit(const GMPPlatformAPI* aPlatformAPI)
-  sPlatform = aPlatformAPI;
-  if (!mLib) {
-    return GMPGenericErr;
-  }
-  auto init = reinterpret_cast<decltype(::INITIALIZE_CDM_MODULE)*>(
-    PR_FindFunctionSymbol(mLib, STRINGIFY(INITIALIZE_CDM_MODULE)));
-  if (!init) {
-    return GMPGenericErr;
-  }
-  init();
-  return GMPNoErr;
-WidevineAdapter::GMPGetAPI(const char* aAPIName,
-                           void* aHostAPI,
-                           void** aPluginAPI,
-                           uint32_t aDecryptorId)
-  CDM_LOG("WidevineAdapter::GMPGetAPI(%s, 0x%p, 0x%p, %u) this=0x%p",
-          aAPIName, aHostAPI, aPluginAPI, aDecryptorId, this);
-  if (!strcmp(aAPIName, GMP_API_DECRYPTOR)) {
-    if (WidevineDecryptor::GetInstance(aDecryptorId)) {
-      // We only support one CDM instance per PGMPDecryptor. Fail!
-      CDM_LOG("WidevineAdapter::GMPGetAPI() Tried to create more than once CDM per IPDL actor! FAIL!");
-      return GMPQuotaExceededErr;
-    }
-    auto create = reinterpret_cast<decltype(::CreateCdmInstance)*>(
-      PR_FindFunctionSymbol(mLib, "CreateCdmInstance"));
-    if (!create) {
-      CDM_LOG("WidevineAdapter::GMPGetAPI(%s, 0x%p, 0x%p, %u) this=0x%p FAILED to find CreateCdmInstance",
-              aAPIName, aHostAPI, aPluginAPI, aDecryptorId, this);
-      return GMPGenericErr;
-    }
-    auto* decryptor = new WidevineDecryptor();
-    auto cdm = reinterpret_cast<cdm::ContentDecryptionModule_8*>(
-      create(cdm::ContentDecryptionModule_8::kVersion,
-             kEMEKeySystemWidevine.get(),
-             kEMEKeySystemWidevine.Length(),
-             &GetCdmHost,
-             decryptor));
-    if (!cdm) {
-      CDM_LOG("WidevineAdapter::GMPGetAPI(%s, 0x%p, 0x%p, %u) this=0x%p FAILED to create cdm",
-              aAPIName, aHostAPI, aPluginAPI, aDecryptorId, this);
-      return GMPGenericErr;
-    }
-    CDM_LOG("cdm: 0x%p", cdm);
-    RefPtr<CDMWrapper> wrapper(new CDMWrapper(cdm, decryptor));
-    decryptor->SetCDM(wrapper, aDecryptorId);
-    *aPluginAPI = decryptor;
-  } else if (!strcmp(aAPIName, GMP_API_VIDEO_DECODER)) {
-    RefPtr<CDMWrapper> wrapper = WidevineDecryptor::GetInstance(aDecryptorId);
-    // There is a possible race condition, where the decryptor will be destroyed
-    // before we are able to create the video decoder, so we create a dummy
-    // decoder to avoid crashing.
-    if (!wrapper) {
-      CDM_LOG("WidevineAdapter::GMPGetAPI(%s, 0x%p, 0x%p, %u) this=0x%p No cdm for video decoder. Using a DummyDecoder",
-              aAPIName, aHostAPI, aPluginAPI, aDecryptorId, this);
-      *aPluginAPI = new WidevineDummyDecoder();
-    } else {
-      *aPluginAPI = new WidevineVideoDecoder(static_cast<GMPVideoHost*>(aHostAPI),
-                                             wrapper);
-    }
-  }
-  return *aPluginAPI ? GMPNoErr : GMPNotImplementedErr;
-  CDM_LOG("WidevineAdapter::GMPShutdown()");
-  decltype(::DeinitializeCdmModule)* deinit;
-  deinit = (decltype(deinit))(PR_FindFunctionSymbol(mLib, "DeinitializeCdmModule"));
-  if (deinit) {
-    CDM_LOG("DeinitializeCdmModule()");
-    deinit();
-  }
-/* static */
-WidevineAdapter::Supports(int32_t aModuleVersion,
-                          int32_t aInterfaceVersion,
-                          int32_t aHostVersion)
-  return aModuleVersion == CDM_MODULE_VERSION &&
-         aInterfaceVersion == cdm::ContentDecryptionModule::kVersion &&
-         aHostVersion == cdm::Host_8::kVersion;
-} // namespace mozilla
deleted file mode 100644
--- a/dom/media/gmp/widevine-adapter/WidevineAdapter.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,55 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */
-#ifndef WidevineAdapter_h_
-#define WidevineAdapter_h_
-#include "GMPLoader.h"
-#include "prlink.h"
-#include "GMPUtils.h"
-struct GMPPlatformAPI;
-namespace mozilla {
-class WidevineAdapter : public gmp::GMPAdapter {
-  void SetAdaptee(PRLibrary* aLib) override;
-  // These are called in place of the corresponding GMP API functions.
-  GMPErr GMPInit(const GMPPlatformAPI* aPlatformAPI) override;
-  GMPErr GMPGetAPI(const char* aAPIName,
-                   void* aHostAPI,
-                   void** aPluginAPI,
-                   uint32_t aDecryptorId) override;
-  void GMPShutdown() override;
-  static bool Supports(int32_t aModuleVersion,
-                       int32_t aInterfaceVersion,
-                       int32_t aHostVersion);
-  PRLibrary* mLib = nullptr;
-GMPErr GMPCreateThread(GMPThread** aThread);
-GMPErr GMPRunOnMainThread(GMPTask* aTask);
-GMPErr GMPCreateMutex(GMPMutex** aMutex);
-// Call on main thread only.
-GMPErr GMPCreateRecord(const char* aRecordName,
-                       uint32_t aRecordNameSize,
-                       GMPRecord** aOutRecord,
-                       GMPRecordClient* aClient);
-// Call on main thread only.
-GMPErr GMPSetTimerOnMainThread(GMPTask* aTask, int64_t aTimeoutMS);
-GMPErr GMPGetCurrentTime(GMPTimestamp* aOutTime);
-} // namespace mozilla
-#endif // WidevineAdapter_h_
deleted file mode 100644
--- a/dom/media/gmp/widevine-adapter/WidevineDecryptor.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,489 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */
-#include "WidevineDecryptor.h"
-#include "WidevineAdapter.h"
-#include "WidevineUtils.h"
-#include "WidevineFileIO.h"
-#include <stdarg.h>
-#include "base/time.h"
-using namespace cdm;
-using namespace std;
-namespace mozilla {
-static map<uint32_t, RefPtr<CDMWrapper>> sDecryptors;
-/* static */
-WidevineDecryptor::GetInstance(uint32_t aInstanceId)
-  auto itr = sDecryptors.find(aInstanceId);
-  if (itr != sDecryptors.end()) {
-    return itr->second;
-  }
-  return nullptr;
-  : mCallback(nullptr)
-  CDM_LOG("WidevineDecryptor created this=%p, instanceId=%u", this, mInstanceId);
-  AddRef(); // Released in DecryptingComplete().
-  CDM_LOG("WidevineDecryptor destroyed this=%p, instanceId=%u", this, mInstanceId);
-WidevineDecryptor::SetCDM(RefPtr<CDMWrapper> aCDM, uint32_t aInstanceId)
-  mCDM = aCDM;
-  mInstanceId = aInstanceId;
-  sDecryptors[mInstanceId] = aCDM.forget();
-WidevineDecryptor::Init(GMPDecryptorCallback* aCallback,
-                        bool aDistinctiveIdentifierRequired,
-                        bool aPersistentStateRequired)
-  CDM_LOG("WidevineDecryptor::Init() this=%p distinctiveId=%d persistentState=%d",
-          this, aDistinctiveIdentifierRequired, aPersistentStateRequired);
-  MOZ_ASSERT(aCallback);
-  mCallback = aCallback;
-  mDistinctiveIdentifierRequired = aDistinctiveIdentifierRequired;
-  mPersistentStateRequired = aPersistentStateRequired;
-  if (CDM()) {
-    CDM()->Initialize(aDistinctiveIdentifierRequired,
-                      aPersistentStateRequired);
-  }
-static SessionType
-ToCDMSessionType(GMPSessionType aSessionType)
-  switch (aSessionType) {
-    case kGMPTemporySession: return kTemporary;
-    case kGMPPersistentSession: return kPersistentLicense;
-    case kGMPSessionInvalid: return kTemporary;
-    // TODO: kPersistentKeyRelease
-  }
-  MOZ_ASSERT(false); // Not supposed to get here.
-  return kTemporary;
-WidevineDecryptor::CreateSession(uint32_t aCreateSessionToken,
-                                 uint32_t aPromiseId,
-                                 const char* aInitDataType,
-                                 uint32_t aInitDataTypeSize,
-                                 const uint8_t* aInitData,
-                                 uint32_t aInitDataSize,
-                                 GMPSessionType aSessionType)
-  CDM_LOG("Decryptor::CreateSession(token=%d, pid=%d)", aCreateSessionToken, aPromiseId);
-  InitDataType initDataType;
-  if (!strcmp(aInitDataType, "cenc")) {
-    initDataType = kCenc;
-  } else if (!strcmp(aInitDataType, "webm")) {
-    initDataType = kWebM;
-  } else if (!strcmp(aInitDataType, "keyids")) {
-    initDataType = kKeyIds;
-  } else {
-    // Invalid init data type
-    const char* errorMsg = "Invalid init data type when creating session.";
-    OnRejectPromise(aPromiseId, kNotSupportedError, 0, errorMsg, sizeof(errorMsg));
-    return;
-  }
-  mPromiseIdToNewSessionTokens[aPromiseId] = aCreateSessionToken;
-  CDM()->CreateSessionAndGenerateRequest(aPromiseId,
-                                         ToCDMSessionType(aSessionType),
-                                         initDataType,
-                                         aInitData, aInitDataSize);
-WidevineDecryptor::LoadSession(uint32_t aPromiseId,
-                               const char* aSessionId,
-                               uint32_t aSessionIdLength)
-  CDM_LOG("Decryptor::LoadSession(pid=%d, %s)", aPromiseId, aSessionId);
-  // TODO: session type??
-  CDM()->LoadSession(aPromiseId, kPersistentLicense, aSessionId, aSessionIdLength);
-WidevineDecryptor::UpdateSession(uint32_t aPromiseId,
-                                 const char* aSessionId,
-                                 uint32_t aSessionIdLength,
-                                 const uint8_t* aResponse,
-                                 uint32_t aResponseSize)
-  CDM_LOG("Decryptor::UpdateSession(pid=%d, session=%s)", aPromiseId, aSessionId);
-  CDM()->UpdateSession(aPromiseId, aSessionId, aSessionIdLength, aResponse, aResponseSize);
-WidevineDecryptor::CloseSession(uint32_t aPromiseId,
-                                const char* aSessionId,
-                                uint32_t aSessionIdLength)
-  CDM_LOG("Decryptor::CloseSession(pid=%d, session=%s)", aPromiseId, aSessionId);
-  CDM()->CloseSession(aPromiseId, aSessionId, aSessionIdLength);
-WidevineDecryptor::RemoveSession(uint32_t aPromiseId,
-                                 const char* aSessionId,
-                                 uint32_t aSessionIdLength)
-  CDM_LOG("Decryptor::RemoveSession(%s)", aSessionId);
-  CDM()->RemoveSession(aPromiseId, aSessionId, aSessionIdLength);
-WidevineDecryptor::SetServerCertificate(uint32_t aPromiseId,
-                                        const uint8_t* aServerCert,
-                                        uint32_t aServerCertSize)
-  CDM_LOG("Decryptor::SetServerCertificate()");
-  CDM()->SetServerCertificate(aPromiseId, aServerCert, aServerCertSize);
-WidevineDecryptor::Decrypt(GMPBuffer* aBuffer,
-                           GMPEncryptedBufferMetadata* aMetadata)
-  if (!mCallback) {
-    CDM_LOG("WidevineDecryptor::Decrypt() this=%p FAIL; !mCallback", this);
-    return;
-  }
-  const GMPEncryptedBufferMetadata* crypto = aMetadata;
-  InputBuffer sample;
-  nsTArray<SubsampleEntry> subsamples;
-  InitInputBuffer(crypto, aBuffer->Id(), aBuffer->Data(), aBuffer->Size(), sample, subsamples);
-  WidevineDecryptedBlock decrypted;
-  Status rv = CDM()->Decrypt(sample, &decrypted);
-  CDM_LOG("Decryptor::Decrypt(timestamp=%" PRId64 ") rv=%d sz=%d",
-          sample.timestamp, rv, decrypted.DecryptedBuffer()->Size());
-  if (rv == kSuccess) {
-    aBuffer->Resize(decrypted.DecryptedBuffer()->Size());
-    memcpy(aBuffer->Data(),
-           decrypted.DecryptedBuffer()->Data(),
-           decrypted.DecryptedBuffer()->Size());
-  }
-  mCallback->Decrypted(aBuffer, ToGMPErr(rv));
-  CDM_LOG("WidevineDecryptor::DecryptingComplete() this=%p, instanceId=%u",
-          this, mInstanceId);
-  // Drop our references to the CDMWrapper. When any other references
-  // held elsewhere are dropped (for example references held by a
-  // WidevineVideoDecoder, or a runnable), the CDMWrapper destroys
-  // the CDM.
-  mCDM = nullptr;
-  sDecryptors.erase(mInstanceId);
-  mCallback = nullptr;
-  Release();
-WidevineDecryptor::Allocate(uint32_t aCapacity)
-  CDM_LOG("Decryptor::Allocate(capacity=%u)", aCapacity);
-  return new WidevineBuffer(aCapacity);
-class TimerTask : public GMPTask {
-  TimerTask(WidevineDecryptor* aDecryptor,
-            RefPtr<CDMWrapper> aCDM,
-            void* aContext)
-    : mDecryptor(aDecryptor)
-    , mCDM(aCDM)
-    , mContext(aContext)
-  {
-  }
-  ~TimerTask() override = default;
-  void Run() override {
-    mCDM->GetCDM()->TimerExpired(mContext);
-  }
-  void Destroy() override { delete this; }
-  RefPtr<WidevineDecryptor> mDecryptor;
-  RefPtr<CDMWrapper> mCDM;
-  void* mContext;
-WidevineDecryptor::SetTimer(int64_t aDelayMs, void* aContext)
-  CDM_LOG("Decryptor::SetTimer(delay_ms=%" PRId64 ", context=0x%p)", aDelayMs, aContext);
-  if (mCDM) {
-    GMPSetTimerOnMainThread(new TimerTask(this, mCDM, aContext), aDelayMs);
-  }
-  return base::Time::Now().ToDoubleT();
-WidevineDecryptor::OnResolveNewSessionPromise(uint32_t aPromiseId,
-                                              const char* aSessionId,
-                                              uint32_t aSessionIdSize)
-  if (!mCallback) {
-    CDM_LOG("Decryptor::OnResolveNewSessionPromise(aPromiseId=0x%d) FAIL; !mCallback", aPromiseId);
-    return;
-  }
-  // This is laid out in the API. If we fail to load a session we should
-  // call OnResolveNewSessionPromise with nullptr as the sessionId.
-  // We can safely assume this means that we have failed to load a session
-  // as the other methods specify calling 'OnRejectPromise' when they fail.
-  if (!aSessionId) {
-    CDM_LOG("Decryptor::OnResolveNewSessionPromise(aPromiseId=0x%d) Failed to load session", aPromiseId);
-    mCallback->ResolveLoadSessionPromise(aPromiseId, false);
-    return;
-  }
-  CDM_LOG("Decryptor::OnResolveNewSessionPromise(aPromiseId=0x%d)", aPromiseId);
-  auto iter = mPromiseIdToNewSessionTokens.find(aPromiseId);
-  if (iter == mPromiseIdToNewSessionTokens.end()) {
-    CDM_LOG("FAIL: Decryptor::OnResolveNewSessionPromise(aPromiseId=%d) unknown aPromiseId", aPromiseId);
-    return;
-  }
-  mCallback->SetSessionId(iter->second, aSessionId, aSessionIdSize);
-  mCallback->ResolvePromise(aPromiseId);
-  mPromiseIdToNewSessionTokens.erase(iter);
-WidevineDecryptor::OnResolvePromise(uint32_t aPromiseId)
-  if (!mCallback) {
-    CDM_LOG("Decryptor::OnResolvePromise(aPromiseId=0x%d) FAIL; !mCallback", aPromiseId);
-    return;
-  }
-  CDM_LOG("Decryptor::OnResolvePromise(aPromiseId=%d)", aPromiseId);
-  mCallback->ResolvePromise(aPromiseId);
-static GMPDOMException
-ToGMPDOMException(cdm::Error aError)
-  switch (aError) {
-    case kNotSupportedError: return kGMPNotSupportedError;
-    case kInvalidStateError: return kGMPInvalidStateError;
-    case kInvalidAccessError:
-      // Note: Chrome converts kInvalidAccessError to TypeError, since the
-      // Chromium CDM API doesn't have a type error enum value. The EME spec
-      // requires TypeError in some places, so we do the same conversion.
-      // See bug 1313202.
-      return kGMPTypeError;
-    case kQuotaExceededError: return kGMPQuotaExceededError;
-    case kUnknownError: return kGMPInvalidModificationError; // Note: Unique placeholder.
-    case kClientError: return kGMPAbortError; // Note: Unique placeholder.
-    case kOutputError: return kGMPSecurityError; // Note: Unique placeholder.
-  };
-  return kGMPTimeoutError; // Note: Unique placeholder.
-WidevineDecryptor::OnRejectPromise(uint32_t aPromiseId,
-                                   Error aError,
-                                   uint32_t aSystemCode,
-                                   const char* aErrorMessage,
-                                   uint32_t aErrorMessageSize)
-  if (!mCallback) {
-    CDM_LOG("Decryptor::OnRejectPromise(aPromiseId=%d, err=%d, sysCode=%u, msg=%s) FAIL; !mCallback",
-            aPromiseId, (int)aError, aSystemCode, aErrorMessage);
-    return;
-  }
-  CDM_LOG("Decryptor::OnRejectPromise(aPromiseId=%d, err=%d, sysCode=%u, msg=%s)",
-          aPromiseId, (int)aError, aSystemCode, aErrorMessage);
-  mCallback->RejectPromise(aPromiseId,
-                           ToGMPDOMException(aError),
-                           !aErrorMessageSize ? "" : aErrorMessage,
-                           aErrorMessageSize);
-static GMPSessionMessageType
-ToGMPMessageType(MessageType message_type)
-  switch (message_type) {
-    case kLicenseRequest: return kGMPLicenseRequest;
-    case kLicenseRenewal: return kGMPLicenseRenewal;
-    case kLicenseRelease: return kGMPLicenseRelease;
-  }
-  return kGMPMessageInvalid;
-WidevineDecryptor::OnSessionMessage(const char* aSessionId,
-                                    uint32_t aSessionIdSize,
-                                    MessageType aMessageType,
-                                    const char* aMessage,
-                                    uint32_t aMessageSize,
-                                    const char* aLegacyDestinationUrl,
-                                    uint32_t aLegacyDestinationUrlLength)
-  if (!mCallback) {
-    CDM_LOG("Decryptor::OnSessionMessage() FAIL; !mCallback");
-    return;
-  }
-  CDM_LOG("Decryptor::OnSessionMessage()");
-  mCallback->SessionMessage(aSessionId,
-                            aSessionIdSize,
-                            ToGMPMessageType(aMessageType),
-                            reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(aMessage),
-                            aMessageSize);
-static GMPMediaKeyStatus
-ToGMPKeyStatus(KeyStatus aStatus)
-  switch (aStatus) {
-    case kUsable: return kGMPUsable;
-    case kInternalError: return kGMPInternalError;
-    case kExpired: return kGMPExpired;
-    case kOutputRestricted: return kGMPOutputRestricted;
-    case kOutputDownscaled: return kGMPOutputDownscaled;
-    case kStatusPending: return kGMPStatusPending;
-    case kReleased: return kGMPReleased;
-  }
-  return kGMPUnknown;
-WidevineDecryptor::OnSessionKeysChange(const char* aSessionId,
-                                       uint32_t aSessionIdSize,
-                                       bool aHasAdditionalUsableKey,
-                                       const KeyInformation* aKeysInfo,
-                                       uint32_t aKeysInfoCount)
-  if (!mCallback) {
-    CDM_LOG("Decryptor::OnSessionKeysChange() FAIL; !mCallback");
-    return;
-  }
-  CDM_LOG("Decryptor::OnSessionKeysChange()");
-  nsTArray<GMPMediaKeyInfo> key_infos;
-  for (uint32_t i = 0; i < aKeysInfoCount; i++) {
-    key_infos.AppendElement(GMPMediaKeyInfo(aKeysInfo[i].key_id,
-                                            aKeysInfo[i].key_id_size,
-                                            ToGMPKeyStatus(aKeysInfo[i].status)));
-  }
-  mCallback->BatchedKeyStatusChanged(aSessionId, aSessionIdSize,
-                                     key_infos.Elements(), key_infos.Length());
-static GMPTimestamp
-ToGMPTime(Time aCDMTime)
-  return static_cast<GMPTimestamp>(aCDMTime * 1000);
-WidevineDecryptor::OnExpirationChange(const char* aSessionId,
-                                      uint32_t aSessionIdSize,
-                                      Time aNewExpiryTime)
-  if (!mCallback) {
-    CDM_LOG("Decryptor::OnExpirationChange(sid=%s) t=%lf FAIL; !mCallback",
-            aSessionId, aNewExpiryTime);
-    return;
-  }
-  CDM_LOG("Decryptor::OnExpirationChange(sid=%s) t=%lf", aSessionId, aNewExpiryTime);
-  mCallback->ExpirationChange(aSessionId, aSessionIdSize, ToGMPTime(aNewExpiryTime));
-WidevineDecryptor::OnSessionClosed(const char* aSessionId,
-                                   uint32_t aSessionIdSize)
-  if (!mCallback) {
-    CDM_LOG("Decryptor::OnSessionClosed(sid=%s) FAIL; !mCallback", aSessionId);
-    return;
-  }
-  CDM_LOG("Decryptor::OnSessionClosed(sid=%s)", aSessionId);
-  mCallback->SessionClosed(aSessionId, aSessionIdSize);
-WidevineDecryptor::OnLegacySessionError(const char* aSessionId,
-                                        uint32_t aSessionIdLength,
-                                        Error aError,
-                                        uint32_t aSystemCode,
-                                        const char* aErrorMessage,
-                                        uint32_t aErrorMessageLength)
-  if (!mCallback) {
-    CDM_LOG("Decryptor::OnLegacySessionError(sid=%s, error=%d) FAIL; !mCallback",
-            aSessionId, (int)aError);
-    return;
-  }
-  CDM_LOG("Decryptor::OnLegacySessionError(sid=%s, error=%d)", aSessionId, (int)aError);
-  mCallback->SessionError(aSessionId,
-                          aSessionIdLength,
-                          ToGMPDOMException(aError),
-                          aSystemCode,
-                          aErrorMessage,
-                          aErrorMessageLength);
-WidevineDecryptor::SendPlatformChallenge(const char* aServiceId,
-                                         uint32_t aServiceIdSize,
-                                         const char* aChallenge,
-                                         uint32_t aChallengeSize)
-  CDM_LOG("Decryptor::SendPlatformChallenge(service_id=%s)", aServiceId);
-WidevineDecryptor::EnableOutputProtection(uint32_t aDesiredProtectionMask)
-  CDM_LOG("Decryptor::EnableOutputProtection(mask=0x%x)", aDesiredProtectionMask);
-  CDM_LOG("Decryptor::QueryOutputProtectionStatus()");
-WidevineDecryptor::OnDeferredInitializationDone(StreamType aStreamType,
-                                                Status aDecoderStatus)
-  CDM_LOG("Decryptor::OnDeferredInitializationDone()");
-WidevineDecryptor::CreateFileIO(FileIOClient* aClient)
-  CDM_LOG("Decryptor::CreateFileIO()");
-  if (!mPersistentStateRequired) {
-    return nullptr;
-  }
-  return new WidevineFileIO(aClient);
-} // namespace mozilla
deleted file mode 100644
--- a/dom/media/gmp/widevine-adapter/WidevineDecryptor.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,134 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */
-#ifndef WidevineDecryptor_h_
-#define WidevineDecryptor_h_
-#include "stddef.h"
-#include "content_decryption_module.h"
-#include "gmp-api/gmp-decryption.h"
-#include "mozilla/RefPtr.h"
-#include "WidevineUtils.h"
-#include <map>
-namespace mozilla {
-class WidevineDecryptor : public GMPDecryptor
-                        , public cdm::Host_8
-  WidevineDecryptor();
-  void SetCDM(RefPtr<CDMWrapper> aCDM, uint32_t aDecryptorId);
-  static RefPtr<CDMWrapper> GetInstance(uint32_t aDecryptorId);
-  // GMPDecryptor
-  void Init(GMPDecryptorCallback* aCallback,
-            bool aDistinctiveIdentifierRequired,
-            bool aPersistentStateRequired) override;
-  void CreateSession(uint32_t aCreateSessionToken,
-                     uint32_t aPromiseId,
-                     const char* aInitDataType,
-                     uint32_t aInitDataTypeSize,
-                     const uint8_t* aInitData,
-                     uint32_t aInitDataSize,
-                     GMPSessionType aSessionType) override;
-  void LoadSession(uint32_t aPromiseId,
-                   const char* aSessionId,
-                   uint32_t aSessionIdLength) override;
-  void UpdateSession(uint32_t aPromiseId,
-                     const char* aSessionId,
-                     uint32_t aSessionIdLength,
-                     const uint8_t* aResponse,
-                     uint32_t aResponseSize) override;
-  void CloseSession(uint32_t aPromiseId,
-                    const char* aSessionId,
-                    uint32_t aSessionIdLength) override;
-  void RemoveSession(uint32_t aPromiseId,
-                     const char* aSessionId,
-                     uint32_t aSessionIdLength) override;
-  void SetServerCertificate(uint32_t aPromiseId,
-                            const uint8_t* aServerCert,
-                            uint32_t aServerCertSize) override;
-  void Decrypt(GMPBuffer* aBuffer,
-               GMPEncryptedBufferMetadata* aMetadata) override;
-  void DecryptingComplete() override;
-  // cdm::Host_8
-  cdm::Buffer* Allocate(uint32_t aCapacity) override;
-  void SetTimer(int64_t aDelayMs, void* aContext) override;
-  cdm::Time GetCurrentWallTime() override;
-  void OnResolveNewSessionPromise(uint32_t aPromiseId,
-                                  const char* aSessionId,
-                                  uint32_t aSessionIdSize) override;
-  void OnResolvePromise(uint32_t aPromiseId) override;
-  void OnRejectPromise(uint32_t aPromiseId,
-                       cdm::Error aError,
-                       uint32_t aSystemCode,
-                       const char* aErrorMessage,
-                       uint32_t aErrorMessageSize) override;
-  void OnSessionMessage(const char* aSessionId,
-                        uint32_t aSessionIdSize,
-                        cdm::MessageType aMessageType,
-                        const char* aMessage,
-                        uint32_t aMessageSize,
-                        const char* aLegacyDestinationUrl,
-                        uint32_t aLegacyDestinationUrlLength) override;
-  void OnSessionKeysChange(const char* aSessionId,
-                           uint32_t aSessionIdSize,
-                           bool aHasAdditionalUsableKey,
-                           const cdm::KeyInformation* aKeysInfo,
-                           uint32_t aKeysInfoCount) override;
-  void OnExpirationChange(const char* aSessionId,
-                          uint32_t aSessionIdSize,
-                          cdm::Time aNewExpiryTime) override;
-  void OnSessionClosed(const char* aSessionId,
-                       uint32_t aSessionIdSize) override;
-  void OnLegacySessionError(const char* aSessionId,
-                            uint32_t aSessionId_length,
-                            cdm::Error aError,
-                            uint32_t aSystemCode,
-                            const char* aErrorMessage,
-                            uint32_t aErrorMessageLength) override;
-  void SendPlatformChallenge(const char* aServiceId,
-                             uint32_t aServiceIdSize,
-                             const char* aChallenge,
-                             uint32_t aChallengeSize) override;
-  void EnableOutputProtection(uint32_t aDesiredProtectionMask) override;
-  void QueryOutputProtectionStatus() override;
-  void OnDeferredInitializationDone(cdm::StreamType aStreamType,
-                                    cdm::Status aDecoderStatus) override;
-  cdm::FileIO* CreateFileIO(cdm::FileIOClient* aClient) override;
-  GMPDecryptorCallback* Callback() const { return mCallback; }
-  RefPtr<CDMWrapper> GetCDMWrapper() const { return mCDM; }
-  ~WidevineDecryptor();
-  RefPtr<CDMWrapper> mCDM;
-  cdm::ContentDecryptionModule_8* CDM() { return mCDM->GetCDM(); }
-  GMPDecryptorCallback* mCallback;
-  std::map<uint32_t, uint32_t> mPromiseIdToNewSessionTokens;
-  bool mDistinctiveIdentifierRequired = false;
-  bool mPersistentStateRequired = false;
-  uint32_t mInstanceId = 0;
-} // namespace mozilla
-#endif // WidevineDecryptor_h_
deleted file mode 100644
--- a/dom/media/gmp/widevine-adapter/WidevineDummyDecoder.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,57 +0,0 @@
-#include "WidevineDummyDecoder.h"
-#include "WidevineUtils.h"
-using namespace cdm;
-namespace mozilla {
-  CDM_LOG("WidevineDummyDecoder created");
-void WidevineDummyDecoder::InitDecode(const GMPVideoCodec & aCodecSettings,
-                                      const uint8_t * aCodecSpecific,
-                                      uint32_t aCodecSpecificLength,
-                                      GMPVideoDecoderCallback * aCallback,
-                                      int32_t aCoreCount)
-  CDM_LOG("WidevineDummyDecoder::InitDecode");
-  mCallback = aCallback;
-  mCallback->Error(GMPErr::GMPNotImplementedErr);
-void WidevineDummyDecoder::Decode(GMPVideoEncodedFrame * aInputFrame,
-                                  bool aMissingFrames,
-                                  const uint8_t * aCodecSpecificInfo,
-                                  uint32_t aCodecSpecificInfoLength,
-                                  int64_t aRenderTimeMs)
-  CDM_LOG("WidevineDummyDecoder::Decode");
-  mCallback->Error(GMPErr::GMPNotImplementedErr);
-void WidevineDummyDecoder::Reset()
-  CDM_LOG("WidevineDummyDecoder::Reset");
-  mCallback->Error(GMPErr::GMPNotImplementedErr);
-void WidevineDummyDecoder::Drain()
-  CDM_LOG("WidevineDummyDecoder::Drain");
-  mCallback->Error(GMPErr::GMPNotImplementedErr);
-void WidevineDummyDecoder::DecodingComplete()
-  CDM_LOG("WidevineDummyDecoder::DecodingComplete");
-  mCallback = nullptr;
-  delete this;
-WidevineDummyDecoder::~WidevineDummyDecoder() {
-  CDM_LOG("WidevineDummyDecoder destroyed");
\ No newline at end of file
deleted file mode 100644
--- a/dom/media/gmp/widevine-adapter/WidevineDummyDecoder.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,43 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef WidevineDummyDecoder_h_
-#define WidevineDummyDecoder_h_
-#include "stddef.h"
-#include "content_decryption_module.h"
-#include "gmp-api/gmp-video-decode.h"
-#include "gmp-api/gmp-video-host.h"
-#include "WidevineDecryptor.h"
-#include "WidevineVideoFrame.h"
-namespace mozilla {
-class WidevineDummyDecoder : public GMPVideoDecoder {
-  WidevineDummyDecoder();
-  void InitDecode(const GMPVideoCodec& aCodecSettings,
-                  const uint8_t* aCodecSpecific,
-                  uint32_t aCodecSpecificLength,
-                  GMPVideoDecoderCallback* aCallback,
-                  int32_t aCoreCount) override;
-  void Decode(GMPVideoEncodedFrame* aInputFrame,
-              bool aMissingFrames,
-              const uint8_t* aCodecSpecificInfo,
-              uint32_t aCodecSpecificInfoLength,
-              int64_t aRenderTimeMs = -1) override;
-  void Reset() override;
-  void Drain() override;
-  void DecodingComplete() override;
-  ~WidevineDummyDecoder();
-  GMPVideoDecoderCallback* mCallback;
\ No newline at end of file
--- a/dom/media/gmp/widevine-adapter/WidevineFileIO.cpp
+++ b/dom/media/gmp/widevine-adapter/WidevineFileIO.cpp
@@ -1,22 +1,24 @@
 #include "WidevineFileIO.h"
 #include "WidevineUtils.h"
-#include "WidevineAdapter.h"
 using namespace cdm;
+// Declared in ChromiumCDMAdapter.cpp.
+extern const GMPPlatformAPI* sPlatform;
 namespace mozilla {
 WidevineFileIO::Open(const char* aFilename, uint32_t aFilenameLength)
   mName = std::string(aFilename, aFilename + aFilenameLength);
   GMPRecord* record = nullptr;
-  GMPErr err = GMPCreateRecord(aFilename, aFilenameLength, &record, static_cast<GMPRecordClient*>(this));
+  GMPErr err = sPlatform->createrecord(aFilename, aFilenameLength, &record, static_cast<GMPRecordClient*>(this));
   if (GMP_FAILED(err)) {
     CDM_LOG("WidevineFileIO::Open() '%s' GMPCreateRecord failed", mName.c_str());
   if (GMP_FAILED(record->Open())) {
     CDM_LOG("WidevineFileIO::Open() '%s' record open failed", mName.c_str());
--- a/dom/media/gmp/widevine-adapter/WidevineUtils.cpp
+++ b/dom/media/gmp/widevine-adapter/WidevineUtils.cpp
@@ -1,15 +1,14 @@
 /* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
 /* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
  * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
  * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */
 #include "WidevineUtils.h"
-#include "WidevineDecryptor.h"
 #include "gmp-api/gmp-errors.h"
 #include <stdarg.h>
 #include <stdio.h>
 #include <inttypes.h>
 namespace mozilla {
@@ -57,31 +56,16 @@ void InitInputBuffer(const GMPEncryptedB
   aInputBuffer.data = aData;
   aInputBuffer.data_size = aDataSize;
   aInputBuffer.subsamples = aSubsamples.Elements();
   aInputBuffer.timestamp = aTimestamp;
-CDMWrapper::CDMWrapper(cdm::ContentDecryptionModule_8* aCDM,
-                       WidevineDecryptor* aDecryptor)
-  : mCDM(aCDM)
-  , mDecryptor(aDecryptor)
-  CDM_LOG("CDMWrapper destroying CDM=%p", mCDM);
-  mCDM->Destroy();
-  mCDM = nullptr;
 WidevineBuffer::WidevineBuffer(size_t aSize)
   CDM_LOG("WidevineBuffer(size=%zu) created", aSize);
--- a/dom/media/gmp/widevine-adapter/WidevineUtils.h
+++ b/dom/media/gmp/widevine-adapter/WidevineUtils.h
@@ -34,31 +34,16 @@ LogModule* GetCDMLog();
     return rv; \
     } \
 } \
 ToGMPErr(cdm::Status aStatus);
-class WidevineDecryptor;
-class CDMWrapper {
-  explicit CDMWrapper(cdm::ContentDecryptionModule_8* aCDM,
-                      WidevineDecryptor* aDecryptor);
-  cdm::ContentDecryptionModule_8* GetCDM() const { return mCDM; }
-  ~CDMWrapper();
-  cdm::ContentDecryptionModule_8* mCDM;
-  RefPtr<WidevineDecryptor> mDecryptor;
 void InitInputBuffer(const GMPEncryptedBufferMetadata* aCrypto,
                      int64_t aTimestamp,
                      const uint8_t* aData,
                      size_t aDataSize,
                      cdm::InputBuffer &aInputBuffer,
                      nsTArray<cdm::SubsampleEntry> &aSubsamples);
 namespace gmp {
deleted file mode 100644
--- a/dom/media/gmp/widevine-adapter/WidevineVideoDecoder.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,407 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */
-#include "WidevineVideoDecoder.h"
-#include "WidevineUtils.h"
-#include "WidevineVideoFrame.h"
-#include "mozilla/Move.h"
-#include <inttypes.h>
-using namespace cdm;
-namespace mozilla {
-WidevineVideoDecoder::WidevineVideoDecoder(GMPVideoHost* aVideoHost,
-                                           RefPtr<CDMWrapper> aCDMWrapper)
-  : mVideoHost(aVideoHost)
-  , mCDMWrapper(Move(aCDMWrapper))
-  , mSentInput(false)
-  , mCodecType(kGMPVideoCodecInvalid)
-  , mReturnOutputCallDepth(0)
-  , mDrainPending(false)
-  , mResetInProgress(false)
-  // Expect to start with a CDM wrapper, will release it in DecodingComplete().
-  MOZ_ASSERT(mCDMWrapper);
-  CDM_LOG("WidevineVideoDecoder created this=%p", this);
-  // Corresponding Release is in DecodingComplete().
-  AddRef();
-  CDM_LOG("WidevineVideoDecoder destroyed this=%p", this);
-ToCDMH264Profile(uint8_t aProfile)
-  switch (aProfile) {
-    case 66: return VideoDecoderConfig::kH264ProfileBaseline;
-    case 77: return VideoDecoderConfig::kH264ProfileMain;
-    case 88: return VideoDecoderConfig::kH264ProfileExtended;
-    case 100: return VideoDecoderConfig::kH264ProfileHigh;
-    case 110: return VideoDecoderConfig::kH264ProfileHigh10;
-    case 122: return VideoDecoderConfig::kH264ProfileHigh422;
-    case 144: return VideoDecoderConfig::kH264ProfileHigh444Predictive;
-  }
-  return VideoDecoderConfig::kUnknownVideoCodecProfile;
-WidevineVideoDecoder::InitDecode(const GMPVideoCodec& aCodecSettings,
-                                 const uint8_t* aCodecSpecific,
-                                 uint32_t aCodecSpecificLength,
-                                 GMPVideoDecoderCallback* aCallback,
-                                 int32_t aCoreCount)
-  mCallback = aCallback;
-  VideoDecoderConfig config;
-  mCodecType = aCodecSettings.mCodecType;
-  if (mCodecType == kGMPVideoCodecH264) {
-    config.codec = VideoDecoderConfig::kCodecH264;
-    const GMPVideoCodecH264* h264 = (const GMPVideoCodecH264*)(aCodecSpecific);
-    config.profile = ToCDMH264Profile(h264->mAVCC.mProfile);
-  } else if (mCodecType == kGMPVideoCodecVP8) {
-    config.codec = VideoDecoderConfig::kCodecVp8;
-    config.profile = VideoDecoderConfig::kProfileNotNeeded;
-  } else if (mCodecType == kGMPVideoCodecVP9) {
-    config.codec = VideoDecoderConfig::kCodecVp9;
-    config.profile = VideoDecoderConfig::kProfileNotNeeded;
-  } else {
-    mCallback->Error(GMPInvalidArgErr);
-    return;
-  }
-  config.format = kYv12;
-  config.coded_size = mCodedSize = Size(aCodecSettings.mWidth, aCodecSettings.mHeight);
-  nsTArray<uint8_t> extraData;
-  if (aCodecSpecificLength > 0) {
-    // The first byte is the WebRTC packetization mode, which can be ignored.
-    extraData.AppendElements(aCodecSpecific + 1, aCodecSpecificLength - 1);
-    config.extra_data = extraData.Elements();
-    config.extra_data_size = extraData.Length();
-  }
-  Status rv = CDM()->InitializeVideoDecoder(config);
-  if (rv != kSuccess) {
-    mCallback->Error(ToGMPErr(rv));
-    return;
-  }
-  CDM_LOG("WidevineVideoDecoder::InitDecode() rv=%d", rv);
-WidevineVideoDecoder::Decode(GMPVideoEncodedFrame* aInputFrame,
-                             bool aMissingFrames,
-                             const uint8_t* aCodecSpecificInfo,
-                             uint32_t aCodecSpecificInfoLength,
-                             int64_t aRenderTimeMs)
-  // We should not be given new input if a drain has been initiated
-  MOZ_ASSERT(!mDrainPending);
-  // We may not get the same out of the CDM decoder as we put in, and there
-  // may be some latency, i.e. we may need to input (say) 30 frames before
-  // we receive output. So we need to store the durations of the frames input,
-  // and retrieve them on output.
-  mFrameDurations[aInputFrame->TimeStamp()] = aInputFrame->Duration();
-  mSentInput = true;
-  InputBuffer sample;
-  const GMPEncryptedBufferMetadata* crypto = aInputFrame->GetDecryptionData();
-  nsTArray<SubsampleEntry> subsamples;
-  InitInputBuffer(crypto, aInputFrame->TimeStamp(),
-                  aInputFrame->Buffer(), aInputFrame->Size(),
-                  sample, subsamples);
-  WidevineVideoFrame frame;
-  Status rv = CDM()->DecryptAndDecodeFrame(sample, &frame);
-  CDM_LOG("WidevineVideoDecoder::Decode(timestamp=%" PRId64 ") rv=%d",
-          sample.timestamp, rv);
-  // Destroy frame, so that the shmem is now free to be used to return
-  // output to the Gecko process.
-  aInputFrame->Destroy();
-  aInputFrame = nullptr;
-  if (rv == kSuccess || rv == kNoKey) {
-    if (rv == kNoKey) {
-      CDM_LOG("NoKey for sample at time=%" PRId64 "!", sample.timestamp);
-      // Somehow our key became unusable. Typically this would happen when
-      // a stream requires output protection, and the configuration changed
-      // such that output protection is no longer available. For example, a
-      // non-compliant monitor was attached. The JS player should notice the
-      // key status changing to "output-restricted", and is supposed to switch
-      // to a stream that doesn't require OP. In order to keep the playback
-      // pipeline rolling, just output a black frame. See bug 1343140.
-      if (!frame.InitToBlack(mCodedSize.width, mCodedSize.height,
-                             sample.timestamp)) {
-        mCallback->Error(GMPDecodeErr);
-        return;
-      }
-    }
-    if (!ReturnOutput(frame)) {
-      CDM_LOG("WidevineVideoDecoder::Decode() Failed in ReturnOutput()");
-      mCallback->Error(GMPDecodeErr);
-      return;
-    }
-    // A reset should only be started at most at level mReturnOutputCallDepth 1,
-    // and if it's started it should be finished by that call by the time
-    // the it returns, so it should always be false by this point.
-    MOZ_ASSERT(!mResetInProgress);
-    // Only request more data if we don't have pending samples.
-    if (mFrameAllocationQueue.empty()) {
-      MOZ_ASSERT(mCDMWrapper);
-      mCallback->InputDataExhausted();
-    }
-  } else if (rv == kNeedMoreData) {
-    MOZ_ASSERT(mCDMWrapper);
-    mCallback->InputDataExhausted();
-  } else {
-    mCallback->Error(ToGMPErr(rv));
-  }
-  // Finish a drain if pending and we have no pending ReturnOutput calls on the
-  // stack.
-  if (mDrainPending && mReturnOutputCallDepth == 0) {
-    Drain();
-  }
-// Util class to assist with counting mReturnOutputCallDepth.
-class CounterHelper {
-  // RAII, increment counter
-  explicit CounterHelper(int32_t& counter)
-    : mCounter(counter)
-  {
-    mCounter++;
-  }
-  // RAII, decrement counter
-  ~CounterHelper()
-  {
-    mCounter--;
-  }
-  int32_t& mCounter;
-// Util class to make sure GMP frames are freed. Holds a GMPVideoi420Frame*
-// and will destroy it when the helper is destroyed unless the held frame
-// if forgotten with ForgetFrame.
-class FrameDestroyerHelper
-  explicit FrameDestroyerHelper(GMPVideoi420Frame*& frame) : frame(frame) { }
-  // RAII, destroy frame if held.
-  ~FrameDestroyerHelper()
-  {
-    if (frame) {
-      frame->Destroy();
-    }
-    frame = nullptr;
-  }
-  // Forget the frame without destroying it.
-  void ForgetFrame()
-  {
-    frame = nullptr;
-  }
-  GMPVideoi420Frame* frame;
-// Special handing is needed around ReturnOutput as it spins the IPC message
-// queue when creating an empty frame and can end up with reentrant calls into
-// the class methods.
-WidevineVideoDecoder::ReturnOutput(WidevineVideoFrame& aCDMFrame)
-  MOZ_ASSERT(mReturnOutputCallDepth >= 0);
-  CounterHelper counterHelper(mReturnOutputCallDepth);
-  mFrameAllocationQueue.push_back(Move(aCDMFrame));
-  if (mReturnOutputCallDepth > 1) {
-    // In a reentrant call.
-    return true;
-  }
-  while (!mFrameAllocationQueue.empty()) {
-    MOZ_ASSERT(mReturnOutputCallDepth == 1);
-    // If we're at call level 1 a reset should not have been started. A
-    // reset may be received during CreateEmptyFrame below, but we should not
-    // be in a reset at this stage -- this would indicate receiving decode
-    // messages before completing our reset, which we should not.
-    MOZ_ASSERT(!mResetInProgress);
-    WidevineVideoFrame currentCDMFrame = Move(mFrameAllocationQueue.front());
-    mFrameAllocationQueue.pop_front();
-    GMPVideoFrame* f = nullptr;
-    auto err = mVideoHost->CreateFrame(kGMPI420VideoFrame, &f);
-    if (GMP_FAILED(err) || !f) {
-      CDM_LOG("Failed to create i420 frame!\n");
-      return false;
-    }
-    auto gmpFrame = static_cast<GMPVideoi420Frame*>(f);
-    FrameDestroyerHelper frameDestroyerHelper(gmpFrame);
-    Size size = currentCDMFrame.Size();
-    const int32_t yStride = currentCDMFrame.Stride(VideoFrame::kYPlane);
-    const int32_t uStride = currentCDMFrame.Stride(VideoFrame::kUPlane);
-    const int32_t vStride = currentCDMFrame.Stride(VideoFrame::kVPlane);
-    const int32_t halfHeight = size.height / 2;
-    // This call can cause a shmem alloc, during this alloc other calls
-    // may be made to this class and placed on the stack. ***WARNING***:
-    // other IPC calls can happen during this call, resulting in calls
-    // being made to the CDM. After this call state can have changed,
-    // and should be reevaluated.
-    err = gmpFrame->CreateEmptyFrame(size.width,
-                                     size.height,
-                                     yStride,
-                                     uStride,
-                                     vStride);
-    // Assert possible reentrant calls or resets haven't altered level
-    // unexpectedly.
-    MOZ_ASSERT(mReturnOutputCallDepth == 1);
-    ENSURE_GMP_SUCCESS(err, false);
-    // If a reset started we need to dump the current frame and complete the
-    // reset.
-    if (mResetInProgress) {
-      MOZ_ASSERT(mCDMWrapper);
-      MOZ_ASSERT(mFrameAllocationQueue.empty());
-      CompleteReset();
-      return true;
-    }
-    err = gmpFrame->SetWidth(size.width);
-    ENSURE_GMP_SUCCESS(err, false);
-    err = gmpFrame->SetHeight(size.height);
-    ENSURE_GMP_SUCCESS(err, false);
-    Buffer* buffer = currentCDMFrame.FrameBuffer();
-    uint8_t* outBuffer = gmpFrame->Buffer(kGMPYPlane);
-    ENSURE_TRUE(outBuffer != nullptr, false);
-    MOZ_ASSERT(gmpFrame->AllocatedSize(kGMPYPlane) >= yStride*size.height);
-    memcpy(outBuffer,
-           buffer->Data() + currentCDMFrame.PlaneOffset(VideoFrame::kYPlane),
-           yStride * size.height);
-    outBuffer = gmpFrame->Buffer(kGMPUPlane);
-    ENSURE_TRUE(outBuffer != nullptr, false);
-    MOZ_ASSERT(gmpFrame->AllocatedSize(kGMPUPlane) >= uStride * halfHeight);
-    memcpy(outBuffer,
-           buffer->Data() + currentCDMFrame.PlaneOffset(VideoFrame::kUPlane),
-           uStride * halfHeight);
-    outBuffer = gmpFrame->Buffer(kGMPVPlane);
-    ENSURE_TRUE(outBuffer != nullptr, false);
-    MOZ_ASSERT(gmpFrame->AllocatedSize(kGMPVPlane) >= vStride * halfHeight);
-    memcpy(outBuffer,
-           buffer->Data() + currentCDMFrame.PlaneOffset(VideoFrame::kVPlane),
-           vStride * halfHeight);
-    gmpFrame->SetTimestamp(currentCDMFrame.Timestamp());
-    auto d = mFrameDurations.find(currentCDMFrame.Timestamp());
-    if (d != mFrameDurations.end()) {
-      gmpFrame->SetDuration(d->second);
-      mFrameDurations.erase(d);
-    }
-    // Forget frame so it's not deleted, call back taking ownership.
-    frameDestroyerHelper.ForgetFrame();
-    mCallback->Decoded(gmpFrame);
-  }
-  return true;
-  CDM_LOG("WidevineVideoDecoder::Reset() mSentInput=%d", mSentInput);
-  // We shouldn't reset if a drain is pending.
-  MOZ_ASSERT(!mDrainPending);
-  mResetInProgress = true;
-  if (mSentInput) {
-    CDM()->ResetDecoder(kStreamTypeVideo);
-  }
-  // Remove queued frames, but do not reset mReturnOutputCallDepth, let the
-  // ReturnOutput calls unwind and decrement the counter as needed.
-  mFrameAllocationQueue.clear();
-  mFrameDurations.clear();
-  // Only if no ReturnOutput calls are in progress can we complete, otherwise
-  // ReturnOutput needs to finalize the reset.
-  if (mReturnOutputCallDepth == 0) {
-    CompleteReset();
-  }
-  mCallback->ResetComplete();
-  mSentInput = false;
-  mResetInProgress = false;
-  CDM_LOG("WidevineVideoDecoder::Drain()");
-  if (mReturnOutputCallDepth > 0) {
-    CDM_LOG("Drain call is reentrant, postponing drain");
-    mDrainPending = true;
-    return;
-  }
-  Status rv = kSuccess;
-  while (rv == kSuccess) {
-    WidevineVideoFrame frame;
-    InputBuffer sample;
-    Status rv = CDM()->DecryptAndDecodeFrame(sample, &frame);
-    CDM_LOG("WidevineVideoDecoder::Drain();  DecryptAndDecodeFrame() rv=%d", rv);
-    if (frame.Format() == kUnknownVideoFormat) {
-      break;
-    }
-    if (rv == kSuccess) {
-      if (!ReturnOutput(frame)) {
-        CDM_LOG("WidevineVideoDecoder::Decode() Failed in ReturnOutput()");
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  // Shouldn't be reset while draining.
-  MOZ_ASSERT(!mResetInProgress);
-  CDM()->ResetDecoder(kStreamTypeVideo);
-  mDrainPending = false;
-  mCallback->DrainComplete();
-  CDM_LOG("WidevineVideoDecoder::DecodingComplete()");
-  if (mCDMWrapper) {
-    // mCallback will be null if the decoder has not been fully initialized.
-    if (mCallback) {
-      CDM()->DeinitializeDecoder(kStreamTypeVideo);
-    } else {
-      CDM_LOG("WideVineDecoder::DecodingComplete() Decoder was not fully initialized!");
-    }
-    mCDMWrapper = nullptr;
-  }
-  // Release that corresponds to AddRef() in constructor.
-  Release();
-} // namespace mozilla
deleted file mode 100644
--- a/dom/media/gmp/widevine-adapter/WidevineVideoDecoder.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,81 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */
-#ifndef WidevineVideoDecoder_h_
-#define WidevineVideoDecoder_h_
-#include "stddef.h"
-#include "content_decryption_module.h"
-#include "gmp-api/gmp-video-decode.h"
-#include "gmp-api/gmp-video-host.h"
-#include "MediaData.h"
-#include "nsISupportsImpl.h"
-#include "nsTArray.h"
-#include "WidevineDecryptor.h"
-#include "WidevineVideoFrame.h"
-#include <map>
-#include <deque>
-namespace mozilla {
-class WidevineVideoDecoder : public GMPVideoDecoder
-  WidevineVideoDecoder(GMPVideoHost* aVideoHost,
-                       RefPtr<CDMWrapper> aCDMWrapper);
-  void InitDecode(const GMPVideoCodec& aCodecSettings,
-                  const uint8_t* aCodecSpecific,
-                  uint32_t aCodecSpecificLength,
-                  GMPVideoDecoderCallback* aCallback,
-                  int32_t aCoreCount) override;
-  void Decode(GMPVideoEncodedFrame* aInputFrame,
-              bool aMissingFrames,
-              const uint8_t* aCodecSpecificInfo,
-              uint32_t aCodecSpecificInfoLength,
-              int64_t aRenderTimeMs = -1) override;
-  void Reset() override;
-  void Drain() override;
-  void DecodingComplete() override;
-  ~WidevineVideoDecoder();
-  cdm::ContentDecryptionModule_8* CDM() const
-  {
-    // CDM should only be accessed before 'DecodingComplete'.
-    MOZ_ASSERT(mCDMWrapper);
-    // CDMWrapper ensure the CDM is non-null, no need to check again.
-    return mCDMWrapper->GetCDM();
-  }
-  bool ReturnOutput(WidevineVideoFrame& aFrame);
-  void CompleteReset();
-  GMPVideoHost* mVideoHost;
-  RefPtr<CDMWrapper> mCDMWrapper;
-  GMPVideoDecoderCallback* mCallback = nullptr;
-  std::map<uint64_t, uint64_t> mFrameDurations;
-  bool mSentInput;
-  GMPVideoCodecType mCodecType;
-  // Frames waiting on allocation
-  std::deque<WidevineVideoFrame> mFrameAllocationQueue;
-  // Number of calls of ReturnOutput currently in progress.
-  int32_t mReturnOutputCallDepth;
-  // If we're waiting to drain. Used to prevent drain completing while
-  // ReturnOutput calls are still on the stack.
-  bool mDrainPending;
-  // If a reset is being performed. Used to track if ReturnOutput should
-  // dump current frame.
-  bool mResetInProgress;
-  cdm::Size mCodedSize;
-} // namespace mozilla
-#endif // WidevineVideoDecoder_h_
--- a/dom/media/gmp/widevine-adapter/moz.build
+++ b/dom/media/gmp/widevine-adapter/moz.build
@@ -1,26 +1,21 @@
 # -*- Mode: python; indent-tabs-mode: nil; tab-width: 40 -*-
 # vim: set filetype=python:
 # This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
 # License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
 # file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
-    'WidevineAdapter.cpp',
-    'WidevineDecryptor.cpp',
-    'WidevineDummyDecoder.cpp',
-    'WidevineVideoDecoder.cpp',
-    'WidevineDecryptor.h',