Bug 1245527 - Clean out all U2F code and tests [DO NOT LAND] draft
authorJ.C. Jones <jjones@mozilla.com>
Tue, 05 Sep 2017 12:32:42 -0700
changeset 660052 8d56318545ed2ca735bb1faab9056d8ede498f12
parent 660051 be7483db711c1eae24d38194ac4b089c393f0def
child 660053 fed9fdba44577cc723671a1c98172c455b24da05
child 661465 0bbcfbc97a739e5e9f37cdfbf9818942c366c7df
push id78284
push userbmo:jjones@mozilla.com
push dateWed, 06 Sep 2017 15:48:50 +0000
Bug 1245527 - Clean out all U2F code and tests [DO NOT LAND] Clean out all U2F code and tests to make the subseqent patch more readable. Don't land this. Let's squash it with the follow-up rewrite commit, so that we don't have a "bad commit" in the tree history that will break bisects. MozReview-Commit-ID: DziT1wINjQ6
deleted file mode 100644
--- a/dom/u2f/U2F.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1069 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
-/* vim:set ts=2 sw=2 sts=2 et cindent: */
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */
-#include "hasht.h"
-#include "mozilla/dom/CallbackFunction.h"
-#include "mozilla/dom/ContentChild.h"
-#include "mozilla/dom/CryptoBuffer.h"
-#include "mozilla/dom/NSSU2FTokenRemote.h"
-#include "mozilla/dom/U2F.h"
-#include "mozilla/Preferences.h"
-#include "mozilla/ReentrantMonitor.h"
-#include "nsContentUtils.h"
-#include "nsINSSU2FToken.h"
-#include "nsNetCID.h"
-#include "nsNSSComponent.h"
-#include "nsThreadUtils.h"
-#include "nsURLParsers.h"
-#include "nsXPCOMCIDInternal.h"
-#include "pk11pub.h"
-using mozilla::dom::ContentChild;
-namespace mozilla {
-namespace dom {
-#define PREF_U2F_SOFTTOKEN_ENABLED "security.webauth.u2f_enable_softtoken"
-#define PREF_U2F_USBTOKEN_ENABLED  "security.webauth.u2f_enable_usbtoken"
-NS_NAMED_LITERAL_STRING(kFinishEnrollment, "navigator.id.finishEnrollment");
-NS_NAMED_LITERAL_STRING(kGetAssertion, "navigator.id.getAssertion");
-static mozilla::LazyLogModule gU2FLog("u2f");
-static nsresult
-AssembleClientData(const nsAString& aOrigin, const nsAString& aTyp,
-                   const nsAString& aChallenge, CryptoBuffer& aClientData)
-  MOZ_ASSERT(NS_IsMainThread());
-  U2FClientData clientDataObject;
-  clientDataObject.mTyp.Construct(aTyp); // "Typ" from the U2F specification
-  clientDataObject.mChallenge.Construct(aChallenge);
-  clientDataObject.mOrigin.Construct(aOrigin);
-  nsAutoString json;
-  if (NS_WARN_IF(!clientDataObject.ToJSON(json))) {
-    return NS_ERROR_FAILURE;
-  }
-  if (NS_WARN_IF(!aClientData.Assign(NS_ConvertUTF16toUTF8(json)))) {
-  }
-  return NS_OK;
-  : mCount(0)
-  , mIsStopped(false)
-  , mReentrantMonitor("U2FStatus")
-  ReentrantMonitorAutoEnter mon(mReentrantMonitor);
-  mCount += 1;
-  MOZ_LOG(gU2FLog, LogLevel::Debug,
-          ("U2FStatus::WaitGroupAdd, now %d", mCount));
-  ReentrantMonitorAutoEnter mon(mReentrantMonitor);
-  MOZ_ASSERT(mCount > 0);
-  mCount -= 1;
-  MOZ_LOG(gU2FLog, LogLevel::Debug,
-          ("U2FStatus::WaitGroupDone, now %d", mCount));
-  if (mCount == 0) {
-    mReentrantMonitor.NotifyAll();
-  }
-  ReentrantMonitorAutoEnter mon(mReentrantMonitor);
-  MOZ_LOG(gU2FLog, LogLevel::Debug,
-          ("U2FStatus::WaitGroupWait, now %d", mCount));
-  while (mCount > 0) {
-    mReentrantMonitor.Wait();
-  }
-  MOZ_ASSERT(mCount == 0);
-  MOZ_LOG(gU2FLog, LogLevel::Debug,
-          ("U2FStatus::Wait completed, now count=%d stopped=%d", mCount,
-           mIsStopped));
-U2FStatus::Stop(const ErrorCode aErrorCode)
-  ReentrantMonitorAutoEnter mon(mReentrantMonitor);
-  MOZ_ASSERT(!mIsStopped);
-  mIsStopped = true;
-  mErrorCode = aErrorCode;
-  // TODO: Let WaitGroupWait exit early upon a Stop. Requires consideration of
-  // threads calling IsStopped() followed by WaitGroupDone(). Right now, Stop
-  // prompts work tasks to end early, but it could also prompt an immediate
-  // "Go ahead" to the thread waiting at WaitGroupWait.
-U2FStatus::Stop(const ErrorCode aErrorCode, const nsAString& aResponse)
-  ReentrantMonitorAutoEnter mon(mReentrantMonitor);
-  Stop(aErrorCode);
-  mResponse = aResponse;
-  ReentrantMonitorAutoEnter mon(mReentrantMonitor);
-  return mIsStopped;
-  ReentrantMonitorAutoEnter mon(mReentrantMonitor);
-  MOZ_ASSERT(mIsStopped);
-  return mErrorCode;
-  ReentrantMonitorAutoEnter mon(mReentrantMonitor);
-  MOZ_ASSERT(mIsStopped);
-  return mResponse;
-U2FTask::U2FTask(const nsAString& aOrigin,
-                 const nsAString& aAppId,
-                 const Authenticator& aAuthenticator,
-                 nsISerialEventTarget* aEventTarget)
-  : Runnable("dom::U2FTask")
-  , mOrigin(aOrigin)
-  , mAppId(aAppId)
-  , mAuthenticator(aAuthenticator)
-  , mEventTarget(aEventTarget)
-  RefPtr<U2FPromise> p = mPromise.Ensure(__func__);
-  nsCOMPtr<nsIRunnable> r(this);
-  // TODO: Use a thread pool here, but we have to solve the PContentChild issues
-  // of being in a worker thread.
-  mEventTarget->Dispatch(r.forget());
-  return p;
-U2FPrepTask::U2FPrepTask(const Authenticator& aAuthenticator,
-                         nsISerialEventTarget* aEventTarget)
-  : Runnable("dom::U2FPrepTask")
-  , mAuthenticator(aAuthenticator)
-  , mEventTarget(aEventTarget)
-  RefPtr<U2FPrepPromise> p = mPromise.Ensure(__func__);
-  nsCOMPtr<nsIRunnable> r(this);
-  // TODO: Use a thread pool here, but we have to solve the PContentChild issues
-  // of being in a worker thread.
-  mEventTarget->Dispatch(r.forget());
-  return p;
-U2FIsRegisteredTask::U2FIsRegisteredTask(const Authenticator& aAuthenticator,
-                                         const LocalRegisteredKey& aRegisteredKey,
-                                         const CryptoBuffer& aAppParam,
-                                         nsISerialEventTarget* aEventTarget)
-  : U2FPrepTask(aAuthenticator, aEventTarget)
-  , mRegisteredKey(aRegisteredKey)
-  , mAppParam(aAppParam)
-  bool isCompatible = false;
-  nsresult rv = mAuthenticator->IsCompatibleVersion(mRegisteredKey.mVersion,
-                                                    &isCompatible);
-  if (NS_FAILED(rv)) {
-    mPromise.Reject(ErrorCode::OTHER_ERROR, __func__);
-    return NS_ERROR_FAILURE;
-  }
-  if (!isCompatible) {
-    mPromise.Reject(ErrorCode::BAD_REQUEST, __func__);
-    return NS_ERROR_FAILURE;
-  }
-  // Decode the key handle
-  CryptoBuffer keyHandle;
-  rv = keyHandle.FromJwkBase64(mRegisteredKey.mKeyHandle);
-  if (NS_WARN_IF(NS_FAILED(rv))) {
-    mPromise.Reject(ErrorCode::BAD_REQUEST, __func__);
-    return NS_ERROR_FAILURE;
-  }
-  // We ignore mTransports, as it is intended to be used for sorting the
-  // available devices by preference, but is not an exclusion factor.
-  bool isRegistered = false;
-  rv = mAuthenticator->IsRegistered(keyHandle.Elements(), keyHandle.Length(),
-                                    mAppParam.Elements(), mAppParam.Length(),
-                                    &isRegistered);
-  if (NS_WARN_IF(NS_FAILED(rv))) {
-    mPromise.Reject(ErrorCode::OTHER_ERROR, __func__);
-    return NS_ERROR_FAILURE;
-  }
-  if (isRegistered) {
-    mPromise.Reject(ErrorCode::DEVICE_INELIGIBLE, __func__);
-    return NS_OK;
-  }
-  mPromise.Resolve(mAuthenticator, __func__);
-  return NS_OK;
-U2FRegisterTask::U2FRegisterTask(const nsAString& aOrigin,
-                                 const nsAString& aAppId,
-                                 const Authenticator& aAuthenticator,
-                                 const CryptoBuffer& aAppParam,
-                                 const CryptoBuffer& aChallengeParam,
-                                 const LocalRegisterRequest& aRegisterEntry,
-                                 nsISerialEventTarget* aEventTarget)
-  : U2FTask(aOrigin, aAppId, aAuthenticator, aEventTarget)
-  , mAppParam(aAppParam)
-  , mChallengeParam(aChallengeParam)
-  , mRegisterEntry(aRegisterEntry)
-  bool isCompatible = false;
-  nsresult rv = mAuthenticator->IsCompatibleVersion(mRegisterEntry.mVersion,
-                                                    &isCompatible);
-  if (NS_FAILED(rv)) {
-    mPromise.Reject(ErrorCode::OTHER_ERROR, __func__);
-    return NS_ERROR_FAILURE;
-  }
-  if (!isCompatible) {
-    mPromise.Reject(ErrorCode::BAD_REQUEST, __func__);
-    return NS_ERROR_FAILURE;
-  }
-  uint8_t* buffer;
-  uint32_t bufferlen;
-  rv = mAuthenticator->Register(mAppParam.Elements(),
-                                mAppParam.Length(),
-                                mChallengeParam.Elements(),
-                                mChallengeParam.Length(),
-                                &buffer, &bufferlen);
-  if (NS_WARN_IF(NS_FAILED(rv)))  {
-    mPromise.Reject(ErrorCode::OTHER_ERROR, __func__);
-    return NS_ERROR_FAILURE;
-  }
-  MOZ_ASSERT(buffer);
-  CryptoBuffer regData;
-  if (NS_WARN_IF(!regData.Assign(buffer, bufferlen))) {
-    free(buffer);
-    mPromise.Reject(ErrorCode::OTHER_ERROR, __func__);
-  }
-  free(buffer);
-  // Assemble a response object to return
-  nsString clientDataBase64;
-  nsString registrationDataBase64;
-  nsresult rvClientData = mRegisterEntry.mClientData.ToJwkBase64(clientDataBase64);
-  nsresult rvRegistrationData = regData.ToJwkBase64(registrationDataBase64);
-  if (NS_WARN_IF(NS_FAILED(rvClientData)) ||
-      NS_WARN_IF(NS_FAILED(rvRegistrationData))) {
-    mPromise.Reject(ErrorCode::OTHER_ERROR, __func__);
-    return NS_ERROR_FAILURE;
-  }
-  RegisterResponse response;
-  response.mClientData.Construct(clientDataBase64);
-  response.mRegistrationData.Construct(registrationDataBase64);
-  response.mErrorCode.Construct(static_cast<uint32_t>(ErrorCode::OK));
-  nsString responseStr;
-  if (NS_WARN_IF(!response.ToJSON(responseStr))) {
-    return NS_ERROR_FAILURE;
-  }
-  mPromise.Resolve(responseStr, __func__);
-  return NS_OK;
-U2FSignTask::U2FSignTask(const nsAString& aOrigin,
-                         const nsAString& aAppId,
-                         const nsAString& aVersion,
-                         const Authenticator& aAuthenticator,
-                         const CryptoBuffer& aAppParam,
-                         const CryptoBuffer& aChallengeParam,
-                         const CryptoBuffer& aClientData,
-                         const CryptoBuffer& aKeyHandle,
-                         nsISerialEventTarget* aEventTarget)
-  : U2FTask(aOrigin, aAppId, aAuthenticator, aEventTarget)
-  , mVersion(aVersion)
-  , mAppParam(aAppParam)
-  , mChallengeParam(aChallengeParam)
-  , mClientData(aClientData)
-  , mKeyHandle(aKeyHandle)
-  bool isCompatible = false;
-  nsresult rv = mAuthenticator->IsCompatibleVersion(mVersion, &isCompatible);
-  if (NS_FAILED(rv)) {
-    mPromise.Reject(ErrorCode::OTHER_ERROR, __func__);
-    return NS_ERROR_FAILURE;
-  }
-  if (!isCompatible) {
-    mPromise.Reject(ErrorCode::BAD_REQUEST, __func__);
-    return NS_ERROR_FAILURE;
-  }
-  bool isRegistered = false;
-  rv = mAuthenticator->IsRegistered(mKeyHandle.Elements(), mKeyHandle.Length(),
-                                    mAppParam.Elements(), mAppParam.Length(),
-                                    &isRegistered);
-  if (NS_WARN_IF(NS_FAILED(rv))) {
-    mPromise.Reject(ErrorCode::OTHER_ERROR, __func__);
-    return NS_ERROR_FAILURE;
-  }
-  if (!isRegistered) {
-    mPromise.Reject(ErrorCode::DEVICE_INELIGIBLE, __func__);
-    return NS_OK;
-  }
-  CryptoBuffer signatureData;
-  uint8_t* buffer;
-  uint32_t bufferlen;
-  rv = mAuthenticator->Sign(mAppParam.Elements(), mAppParam.Length(),
-                            mChallengeParam.Elements(), mChallengeParam.Length(),
-                            mKeyHandle.Elements(), mKeyHandle.Length(),
-                            &buffer, &bufferlen);
-  if (NS_WARN_IF(NS_FAILED(rv))) {
-    mPromise.Reject(ErrorCode::OTHER_ERROR, __func__);
-    return NS_ERROR_FAILURE;
-  }
-  MOZ_ASSERT(buffer);
-  if (NS_WARN_IF(!signatureData.Assign(buffer, bufferlen))) {
-    free(buffer);
-    mPromise.Reject(ErrorCode::OTHER_ERROR, __func__);
-  }
-  free(buffer);
-  // Assemble a response object to return
-  nsString clientDataBase64;
-  nsString signatureDataBase64;
-  nsString keyHandleBase64;
-  nsresult rvClientData = mClientData.ToJwkBase64(clientDataBase64);
-  nsresult rvSignatureData = signatureData.ToJwkBase64(signatureDataBase64);
-  nsresult rvKeyHandle = mKeyHandle.ToJwkBase64(keyHandleBase64);
-  if (NS_WARN_IF(NS_FAILED(rvClientData)) ||
-      NS_WARN_IF(NS_FAILED(rvSignatureData) ||
-      NS_WARN_IF(NS_FAILED(rvKeyHandle)))) {
-    mPromise.Reject(ErrorCode::OTHER_ERROR, __func__);
-    return NS_ERROR_FAILURE;
-  }
-  SignResponse response;
-  response.mKeyHandle.Construct(keyHandleBase64);
-  response.mClientData.Construct(clientDataBase64);
-  response.mSignatureData.Construct(signatureDataBase64);
-  response.mErrorCode.Construct(static_cast<uint32_t>(ErrorCode::OK));
-  nsString responseStr;
-  if (NS_WARN_IF(!response.ToJSON(responseStr))) {
-    return NS_ERROR_FAILURE;
-  }
-  mPromise.Resolve(responseStr, __func__);
-  return NS_OK;
-U2FRunnable::U2FRunnable(const nsAString& aOrigin, const nsAString& aAppId,
-                         nsISerialEventTarget* aEventTarget)
-  : Runnable("dom::U2FRunnable")
-  , mOrigin(aOrigin)
-  , mAppId(aAppId)
-  , mEventTarget(aEventTarget)
-// EvaluateAppIDAndRunTask determines whether the supplied FIDO AppID is valid for
-// the current FacetID, e.g., the current origin.
-// See https://fidoalliance.org/specs/fido-u2f-v1.0-nfc-bt-amendment-20150514/fido-appid-and-facets.html
-// for a description of the algorithm.
-  nsCOMPtr<nsIURLParser> urlParser =
-  MOZ_ASSERT(urlParser);
-  uint32_t facetSchemePos;
-  int32_t facetSchemeLen;
-  uint32_t facetAuthPos;
-  int32_t facetAuthLen;
-  // Facet is the specification's way of referring to the web origin.
-  nsAutoCString facetUrl = NS_ConvertUTF16toUTF8(mOrigin);
-  nsresult rv = urlParser->ParseURL(facetUrl.get(), mOrigin.Length(),
-                                    &facetSchemePos, &facetSchemeLen,
-                                    &facetAuthPos, &facetAuthLen,
-                                    nullptr, nullptr);      // ignore path
-  if (NS_WARN_IF(NS_FAILED(rv))) {
-    return ErrorCode::BAD_REQUEST;
-  }
-  nsAutoCString facetScheme(Substring(facetUrl, facetSchemePos, facetSchemeLen));
-  nsAutoCString facetAuth(Substring(facetUrl, facetAuthPos, facetAuthLen));
-  uint32_t appIdSchemePos;
-  int32_t appIdSchemeLen;
-  uint32_t appIdAuthPos;
-  int32_t appIdAuthLen;
-  // AppID is user-supplied. It's quite possible for this parse to fail.
-  nsAutoCString appIdUrl = NS_ConvertUTF16toUTF8(mAppId);
-  rv = urlParser->ParseURL(appIdUrl.get(), mAppId.Length(),
-                           &appIdSchemePos, &appIdSchemeLen,
-                           &appIdAuthPos, &appIdAuthLen,
-                           nullptr, nullptr);      // ignore path
-  if (NS_FAILED(rv)) {
-    return ErrorCode::BAD_REQUEST;
-  }
-  nsAutoCString appIdScheme(Substring(appIdUrl, appIdSchemePos, appIdSchemeLen));
-  nsAutoCString appIdAuth(Substring(appIdUrl, appIdAuthPos, appIdAuthLen));
-  // If the facetId (origin) is not HTTPS, reject
-  if (!facetScheme.LowerCaseEqualsLiteral("https")) {
-    return ErrorCode::BAD_REQUEST;
-  }
-  // If the appId is empty or null, overwrite it with the facetId and accept
-  if (mAppId.IsEmpty() || mAppId.EqualsLiteral("null")) {
-    mAppId.Assign(mOrigin);
-    return ErrorCode::OK;
-  }
-  // if the appId URL is not HTTPS, reject.
-  if (!appIdScheme.LowerCaseEqualsLiteral("https")) {
-    return ErrorCode::BAD_REQUEST;
-  }
-  // If the facetId and the appId auths match, accept
-  if (facetAuth == appIdAuth) {
-    return ErrorCode::OK;
-  }
-  // TODO(Bug 1244959) Implement the remaining algorithm.
-  return ErrorCode::BAD_REQUEST;
-U2FRegisterRunnable::U2FRegisterRunnable(const nsAString& aOrigin,
-                                         const nsAString& aAppId,
-                                         const Sequence<RegisterRequest>& aRegisterRequests,
-                                         const Sequence<RegisteredKey>& aRegisteredKeys,
-                                         const Sequence<Authenticator>& aAuthenticators,
-                                         U2FRegisterCallback* aCallback,
-                                         nsISerialEventTarget* aEventTarget)
-  : U2FRunnable(aOrigin, aAppId, aEventTarget)
-  , mAuthenticators(aAuthenticators)
-  // U2FRegisterCallback does not support threadsafe refcounting, and must be
-  // used and destroyed on main.
-  , mCallback(new nsMainThreadPtrHolder<U2FRegisterCallback>(
-      "U2FRegisterRunnable::mCallback", aCallback))
-  MOZ_ASSERT(NS_IsMainThread());
-  // The WebIDL dictionary types RegisterRequest and RegisteredKey cannot
-  // be copied to this thread, so store them serialized.
-  for (const RegisterRequest& req : aRegisterRequests) {
-    // Check for required attributes
-    if (!req.mChallenge.WasPassed() || !req.mVersion.WasPassed()) {
-      continue;
-    }
-    LocalRegisterRequest localReq;
-    localReq.mVersion = req.mVersion.Value();
-    localReq.mChallenge = req.mChallenge.Value();
-    nsresult rv = AssembleClientData(mOrigin, kFinishEnrollment,
-                                     localReq.mChallenge, localReq.mClientData);
-    if (NS_WARN_IF(NS_FAILED(rv))) {
-      continue;
-    }
-    mRegisterRequests.AppendElement(localReq);
-  }
-  for (const RegisteredKey& key : aRegisteredKeys) {
-    // Check for required attributes
-    if (!key.mVersion.WasPassed() || !key.mKeyHandle.WasPassed()) {
-      continue;
-    }
-    LocalRegisteredKey localKey;
-    localKey.mVersion = key.mVersion.Value();
-    localKey.mKeyHandle = key.mKeyHandle.Value();
-    if (key.mAppId.WasPassed()) {
-      localKey.mAppId.SetValue(key.mAppId.Value());
-    }
-    mRegisteredKeys.AppendElement(localKey);
-  }
-  nsNSSShutDownPreventionLock locker;
-  if (isAlreadyShutDown()) {
-    return;
-  }
-  shutdown(ShutdownCalledFrom::Object);
-U2FRegisterRunnable::SetTimeout(const int32_t aTimeoutMillis)
-  opt_mTimeoutSeconds.SetValue(aTimeoutMillis);
-U2FRegisterRunnable::SendResponse(const RegisterResponse& aResponse)
-  MOZ_ASSERT(NS_IsMainThread());
-  ErrorResult rv;
-  mCallback->Call(aResponse, rv);
-  NS_WARNING_ASSERTION(!rv.Failed(), "callback failed");
-  // Useful exceptions already got reported.
-  rv.SuppressException();
-  MOZ_ASSERT(!NS_IsMainThread());
-  nsNSSShutDownPreventionLock locker;
-  if (isAlreadyShutDown()) {
-    return NS_ERROR_FAILURE;
-  }
-  // Create a Status object to keep track of when we're done
-  RefPtr<U2FStatus> status = new U2FStatus();
-  // Evaluate the AppID
-  ErrorCode appIdResult = EvaluateAppID();
-  if (appIdResult != ErrorCode::OK) {
-    status->Stop(appIdResult);
-  }
-  // Produce the AppParam from the current AppID
-  nsCString cAppId = NS_ConvertUTF16toUTF8(mAppId);
-  CryptoBuffer appParam;
-  if (!appParam.SetLength(SHA256_LENGTH, fallible)) {
-  }
-  // Note: This could use nsICryptoHash to avoid having to interact with NSS
-  // directly.
-  SECStatus srv;
-  srv = PK11_HashBuf(SEC_OID_SHA256, appParam.Elements(),
-                     reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(cAppId.BeginReading()),
-                     cAppId.Length());
-  if (srv != SECSuccess) {
-    return NS_ERROR_FAILURE;
-  }
-  // First, we must determine if any of the RegisteredKeys are already
-  // registered, e.g., in the whitelist.
-  for (LocalRegisteredKey key : mRegisteredKeys) {
-    nsTArray<RefPtr<U2FPrepPromise>> prepPromiseList;
-    for (const Authenticator& token : mAuthenticators) {
-      RefPtr<U2FIsRegisteredTask> compTask =
-        new U2FIsRegisteredTask(token, key, appParam, mEventTarget);
-      prepPromiseList.AppendElement(compTask->Execute());
-    }
-    // Treat each call to Promise::All as a work unit, as it completes together
-    status->WaitGroupAdd();
-    U2FPrepPromise::All(mEventTarget, prepPromiseList)
-    ->Then(mEventTarget, __func__,
-      [&status] (const nsTArray<Authenticator>& aTokens) {
-        MOZ_LOG(gU2FLog, LogLevel::Debug,
-                ("ALL: None of the RegisteredKeys were recognized. n=%zu",
-                 aTokens.Length()));
-        status->WaitGroupDone();
-      },
-      [&status] (ErrorCode aErrorCode) {
-        status->Stop(aErrorCode);
-        status->WaitGroupDone();
-    });
-  }
-  // Wait for all the IsRegistered tasks to complete
-  status->WaitGroupWait();
-  // Check to see whether we're supposed to stop, because one of the keys was
-  // recognized.
-  if (status->IsStopped()) {
-    status->WaitGroupAdd();
-    mEventTarget->Dispatch(NS_NewRunnableFunction(
-      "dom::U2FRegisterRunnable::Run",
-      [&status, this] () {
-        RegisterResponse response;
-        response.mErrorCode.Construct(
-            static_cast<uint32_t>(status->GetErrorCode()));
-        SendResponse(response);
-        status->WaitGroupDone();
-      }));
-    // Don't exit until the main thread runnable completes
-    status->WaitGroupWait();
-    return NS_OK;
-  }
-  // Now proceed to actually register a new key.
-  for (LocalRegisterRequest req : mRegisterRequests) {
-    // Hash the ClientData into the ChallengeParam
-    CryptoBuffer challengeParam;
-    if (!challengeParam.SetLength(SHA256_LENGTH, fallible)) {
-      continue;
-    }
-    srv = PK11_HashBuf(SEC_OID_SHA256, challengeParam.Elements(),
-                       req.mClientData.Elements(), req.mClientData.Length());
-    if (srv != SECSuccess) {
-      continue;
-    }
-    for (const Authenticator& token : mAuthenticators) {
-      RefPtr<U2FRegisterTask> registerTask = new U2FRegisterTask(mOrigin, mAppId,
-                                                                 token, appParam,
-                                                                 challengeParam,
-                                                                 req,
-                                                                 mEventTarget);
-      status->WaitGroupAdd();
-      registerTask->Execute()->Then(mEventTarget, __func__,
-        [&status] (nsString aResponse) {
-          if (!status->IsStopped()) {
-            status->Stop(ErrorCode::OK, aResponse);
-          }
-          status->WaitGroupDone();
-        },
-        [&status] (ErrorCode aErrorCode) {
-          // Ignore the failing error code, as we only want the first success.
-          // U2F devices don't provide much for error codes anyway, so if
-          // they all fail we'll return DEVICE_INELIGIBLE.
-          status->WaitGroupDone();
-     });
-    }
-  }
-  // Wait until the first key is successfuly generated
-  status->WaitGroupWait();
-  // If none of the tasks completed, then nothing could satisfy.
-  if (!status->IsStopped()) {
-    status->Stop(ErrorCode::BAD_REQUEST);
-  }
-  // Transmit back to the JS engine from the Main Thread
-  status->WaitGroupAdd();
-  mEventTarget->Dispatch(NS_NewRunnableFunction(
-    "dom::U2FRegisterRunnable::Run",
-    [&status, this] () {
-      RegisterResponse response;
-      if (status->GetErrorCode() == ErrorCode::OK) {
-        response.Init(status->GetResponse());
-      } else {
-        response.mErrorCode.Construct(
-            static_cast<uint32_t>(status->GetErrorCode()));
-      }
-      SendResponse(response);
-      status->WaitGroupDone();
-    }));
-  // TODO: Add timeouts, Bug 1301793
-  status->WaitGroupWait();
-  return NS_OK;
-U2FSignRunnable::U2FSignRunnable(const nsAString& aOrigin,
-                                 const nsAString& aAppId,
-                                 const nsAString& aChallenge,
-                                 const Sequence<RegisteredKey>& aRegisteredKeys,
-                                 const Sequence<Authenticator>& aAuthenticators,
-                                 U2FSignCallback* aCallback,
-                                 nsISerialEventTarget* aEventTarget)
-  : U2FRunnable(aOrigin, aAppId, aEventTarget)
-  , mAuthenticators(aAuthenticators)
-  // U2FSignCallback does not support threadsafe refcounting, and must be used
-  // and destroyed on main.
-  , mCallback(new nsMainThreadPtrHolder<U2FSignCallback>(
-      "U2FSignRunnable::mCallback", aCallback))
-  MOZ_ASSERT(NS_IsMainThread());
-  // Convert WebIDL objects to generic structs to pass between threads
-  for (const RegisteredKey& key : aRegisteredKeys) {
-    // Check for required attributes
-    if (!key.mVersion.WasPassed() || !key.mKeyHandle.WasPassed()) {
-      continue;
-    }
-    LocalRegisteredKey localKey;
-    localKey.mVersion = key.mVersion.Value();
-    localKey.mKeyHandle = key.mKeyHandle.Value();
-    if (key.mAppId.WasPassed()) {
-      localKey.mAppId.SetValue(key.mAppId.Value());
-    }
-    mRegisteredKeys.AppendElement(localKey);
-  }
-  // Assemble a clientData object
-  nsresult rv = AssembleClientData(aOrigin, kGetAssertion, aChallenge,
-                                   mClientData);
-  if (NS_WARN_IF(NS_FAILED(rv))) {
-    MOZ_LOG(gU2FLog, LogLevel::Warning,
-            ("Failed to AssembleClientData for the U2FSignRunnable."));
-    return;
-  }
-  nsNSSShutDownPreventionLock locker;
-  if (isAlreadyShutDown()) {
-    return;
-  }
-  shutdown(ShutdownCalledFrom::Object);
-U2FSignRunnable::SetTimeout(const int32_t aTimeoutMillis)
-  opt_mTimeoutSeconds.SetValue(aTimeoutMillis);
-U2FSignRunnable::SendResponse(const SignResponse& aResponse)
-  MOZ_ASSERT(NS_IsMainThread());
-  ErrorResult rv;
-  mCallback->Call(aResponse, rv);
-  NS_WARNING_ASSERTION(!rv.Failed(), "callback failed");
-  // Useful exceptions already got reported.
-  rv.SuppressException();
-  MOZ_ASSERT(!NS_IsMainThread());
-  nsNSSShutDownPreventionLock locker;
-  if (isAlreadyShutDown()) {
-    return NS_ERROR_FAILURE;
-  }
-  // Create a Status object to keep track of when we're done
-  RefPtr<U2FStatus> status = new U2FStatus();
-  // Evaluate the AppID
-  ErrorCode appIdResult = EvaluateAppID();
-  if (appIdResult != ErrorCode::OK) {
-    status->Stop(appIdResult);
-  }
-  // Hash the AppID and the ClientData into the AppParam and ChallengeParam
-  nsCString cAppId = NS_ConvertUTF16toUTF8(mAppId);
-  CryptoBuffer appParam;
-  CryptoBuffer challengeParam;
-  if (!appParam.SetLength(SHA256_LENGTH, fallible) ||
-      !challengeParam.SetLength(SHA256_LENGTH, fallible)) {
-  }
-  SECStatus srv;
-  srv = PK11_HashBuf(SEC_OID_SHA256, appParam.Elements(),
-                     reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(cAppId.BeginReading()),
-                     cAppId.Length());
-  if (srv != SECSuccess) {
-    return NS_ERROR_FAILURE;
-  }
-  srv = PK11_HashBuf(SEC_OID_SHA256, challengeParam.Elements(),
-                     mClientData.Elements(), mClientData.Length());
-  if (srv != SECSuccess) {
-    return NS_ERROR_FAILURE;
-  }
-  // Search the signing requests for one a token can fulfill
-  for (LocalRegisteredKey key : mRegisteredKeys) {
-    // Do not permit an individual RegisteredKey to assert a different AppID
-    if (!key.mAppId.IsNull() && mAppId != key.mAppId.Value()) {
-      continue;
-    }
-    // Decode the key handle
-    CryptoBuffer keyHandle;
-    nsresult rv = keyHandle.FromJwkBase64(key.mKeyHandle);
-    if (NS_WARN_IF(NS_FAILED(rv))) {
-      continue;
-    }
-    // We ignore mTransports, as it is intended to be used for sorting the
-    // available devices by preference, but is not an exclusion factor.
-    for (const Authenticator& token : mAuthenticators) {
-      RefPtr<U2FSignTask> signTask = new U2FSignTask(mOrigin, mAppId,
-                                                     key.mVersion, token,
-                                                     appParam, challengeParam,
-                                                     mClientData, keyHandle,
-                                                     mEventTarget);
-      status->WaitGroupAdd();
-      signTask->Execute()->Then(mEventTarget, __func__,
-        [&status] (nsString aResponse) {
-          if (!status->IsStopped()) {
-            status->Stop(ErrorCode::OK, aResponse);
-          }
-          status->WaitGroupDone();
-        },
-        [&status] (ErrorCode aErrorCode) {
-          // Ignore the failing error code, as we only want the first success.
-          // U2F devices don't provide much for error codes anyway, so if
-          // they all fail we'll return DEVICE_INELIGIBLE.
-          status->WaitGroupDone();
-      });
-    }
-  }
-  // Wait for the authenticators to finish
-  status->WaitGroupWait();
-  // If none of the tasks completed, then nothing could satisfy.
-  if (!status->IsStopped()) {
-    status->Stop(ErrorCode::DEVICE_INELIGIBLE);
-  }
-  // Transmit back to the JS engine from the Main Thread
-  status->WaitGroupAdd();
-  mEventTarget->Dispatch(NS_NewRunnableFunction(
-    "dom::U2FSignRunnable::Run",
-    [&status, this] () {
-      SignResponse response;
-      if (status->GetErrorCode() == ErrorCode::OK) {
-        response.Init(status->GetResponse());
-      } else {
-        response.mErrorCode.Construct(
-          static_cast<uint32_t>(status->GetErrorCode()));
-      }
-      SendResponse(response);
-      status->WaitGroupDone();
-    }));
-  // TODO: Add timeouts, Bug 1301793
-  status->WaitGroupWait();
-  return NS_OK;
-  : mInitialized(false)
-  nsNSSShutDownPreventionLock locker;
-  if (isAlreadyShutDown()) {
-    return;
-  }
-  shutdown(ShutdownCalledFrom::Object);
-/* virtual */ JSObject*
-U2F::WrapObject(JSContext* aCx, JS::Handle<JSObject*> aGivenProto)
-  return U2FBinding::Wrap(aCx, this, aGivenProto);
-U2F::Init(nsPIDOMWindowInner* aParent, ErrorResult& aRv)
-  MOZ_ASSERT(!mInitialized);
-  MOZ_ASSERT(!mParent);
-  mParent = do_QueryInterface(aParent);
-  MOZ_ASSERT(mParent);
-  nsCOMPtr<nsIDocument> doc = mParent->GetDoc();
-  MOZ_ASSERT(doc);
-  nsIPrincipal* principal = doc->NodePrincipal();
-  aRv = nsContentUtils::GetUTFOrigin(principal, mOrigin);
-  if (NS_WARN_IF(aRv.Failed())) {
-    return;
-  }
-  if (NS_WARN_IF(mOrigin.IsEmpty())) {
-    aRv.Throw(NS_ERROR_FAILURE);
-    return;
-  }
-  if (!EnsureNSSInitializedChromeOrContent()) {
-    MOZ_LOG(gU2FLog, LogLevel::Debug,
-            ("Failed to get NSS context for U2F"));
-    aRv.Throw(NS_ERROR_FAILURE);
-    return;
-  }
-  // This only functions in e10s mode
-  if (XRE_IsParentProcess()) {
-    MOZ_LOG(gU2FLog, LogLevel::Debug,
-            ("Is non-e10s Process, U2F not available"));
-    aRv.Throw(NS_ERROR_FAILURE);
-    return;
-  }
-  // Monolithically insert compatible nsIU2FToken objects into mAuthenticators.
-  // In future functionality expansions, this is where we could add a dynamic
-  // add/remove interface.
-  if (Preferences::GetBool(PREF_U2F_SOFTTOKEN_ENABLED)) {
-    if (!mAuthenticators.AppendElement(new NSSU2FTokenRemote(),
-                                       mozilla::fallible)) {
-      aRv.Throw(NS_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY);
-      return;
-    }
-  }
-  mEventTarget = doc->EventTargetFor(TaskCategory::Other);
-  mInitialized = true;
-U2F::Register(const nsAString& aAppId,
-              const Sequence<RegisterRequest>& aRegisterRequests,
-              const Sequence<RegisteredKey>& aRegisteredKeys,
-              U2FRegisterCallback& aCallback,
-              const Optional<Nullable<int32_t>>& opt_aTimeoutSeconds,
-              ErrorResult& aRv)
-  MOZ_ASSERT(NS_IsMainThread());
-  if (!mInitialized) {
-    return;
-  }
-  RefPtr<SharedThreadPool> pool = SharedThreadPool::Get(kPoolName);
-  RefPtr<U2FRegisterRunnable> task = new U2FRegisterRunnable(mOrigin, aAppId,
-                                                             aRegisterRequests,
-                                                             aRegisteredKeys,
-                                                             mAuthenticators,
-                                                             &aCallback,
-                                                             mEventTarget);
-  pool->Dispatch(task.forget(), NS_DISPATCH_NORMAL);
-U2F::Sign(const nsAString& aAppId,
-          const nsAString& aChallenge,
-          const Sequence<RegisteredKey>& aRegisteredKeys,
-          U2FSignCallback& aCallback,
-          const Optional<Nullable<int32_t>>& opt_aTimeoutSeconds,
-          ErrorResult& aRv)
-  MOZ_ASSERT(NS_IsMainThread());
-  if (!mInitialized) {
-    return;
-  }
-  RefPtr<SharedThreadPool> pool = SharedThreadPool::Get(kPoolName);
-  RefPtr<U2FSignRunnable> task = new U2FSignRunnable(mOrigin, aAppId, aChallenge,
-                                                     aRegisteredKeys,
-                                                     mAuthenticators, &aCallback,
-                                                     mEventTarget);
-  pool->Dispatch(task.forget(), NS_DISPATCH_NORMAL);
-} // namespace dom
-} // namespace mozilla
deleted file mode 100644
--- a/dom/u2f/U2F.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,332 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
-/* vim:set ts=2 sw=2 sts=2 et cindent: */
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */
-#ifndef mozilla_dom_U2F_h
-#define mozilla_dom_U2F_h
-#include "js/TypeDecls.h"
-#include "mozilla/Attributes.h"
-#include "mozilla/dom/BindingDeclarations.h"
-#include "mozilla/dom/CryptoBuffer.h"
-#include "mozilla/dom/Nullable.h"
-#include "mozilla/dom/U2FBinding.h"
-#include "mozilla/ErrorResult.h"
-#include "mozilla/MozPromise.h"
-#include "mozilla/ReentrantMonitor.h"
-#include "mozilla/SharedThreadPool.h"
-#include "nsCycleCollectionParticipant.h"
-#include "nsIU2FToken.h"
-#include "nsNSSShutDown.h"
-#include "nsPIDOMWindow.h"
-#include "nsProxyRelease.h"
-#include "nsWrapperCache.h"
-#include "U2FAuthenticator.h"
-class nsISerialEventTarget;
-namespace mozilla {
-namespace dom {
-class U2FRegisterCallback;
-class U2FSignCallback;
-// Defined in U2FBinding.h by the U2F.webidl; their use requires a JSContext.
-struct RegisterRequest;
-struct RegisteredKey;
-// These structs are analogs to the WebIDL versions, but can be used on worker
-// threads which lack a JSContext.
-struct LocalRegisterRequest
-  nsString mChallenge;
-  nsString mVersion;
-  CryptoBuffer mClientData;
-struct LocalRegisteredKey
-  nsString mKeyHandle;
-  nsString mVersion;
-  Nullable<nsString> mAppId;
-  // TODO: Support transport preferences
-  // Nullable<nsTArray<Transport>> mTransports;
-typedef MozPromise<nsString, ErrorCode, false> U2FPromise;
-typedef MozPromise<Authenticator, ErrorCode, false> U2FPrepPromise;
-// U2FPrepTasks return lists of Authenticators that are OK to
-// proceed; they're useful for culling incompatible Authenticators.
-// Currently, only IsRegistered is supported.
-class U2FPrepTask : public Runnable
-  explicit U2FPrepTask(const Authenticator& aAuthenticator,
-                       nsISerialEventTarget* aEventTarget);
-  RefPtr<U2FPrepPromise> Execute();
-  virtual ~U2FPrepTask();
-  Authenticator mAuthenticator;
-  MozPromiseHolder<U2FPrepPromise> mPromise;
-  const nsCOMPtr<nsISerialEventTarget> mEventTarget;
-// Determine whether the provided Authenticator already knows
-// of the provided Registered Key.
-class U2FIsRegisteredTask final : public U2FPrepTask
-  U2FIsRegisteredTask(const Authenticator& aAuthenticator,
-                      const LocalRegisteredKey& aRegisteredKey,
-                      const CryptoBuffer& aAppParam,
-                      nsISerialEventTarget* aEventTarget);
-  ~U2FIsRegisteredTask();
-  LocalRegisteredKey mRegisteredKey;
-  CryptoBuffer mAppParam;
-class U2FTask : public Runnable
-  U2FTask(const nsAString& aOrigin,
-          const nsAString& aAppId,
-          const Authenticator& aAuthenticator,
-          nsISerialEventTarget* aEventTarget);
-  RefPtr<U2FPromise> Execute();
-  nsString mOrigin;
-  nsString mAppId;
-  Authenticator mAuthenticator;
-  const nsCOMPtr<nsISerialEventTarget> mEventTarget;
-  virtual ~U2FTask();
-  MozPromiseHolder<U2FPromise> mPromise;
-// Use the provided Authenticator to Register a new scoped credential
-// for the provided application.
-class U2FRegisterTask final : public U2FTask
-  U2FRegisterTask(const nsAString& aOrigin,
-                  const nsAString& aAppId,
-                  const Authenticator& aAuthenticator,
-                  const CryptoBuffer& aAppParam,
-                  const CryptoBuffer& aChallengeParam,
-                  const LocalRegisterRequest& aRegisterEntry,
-                  nsISerialEventTarget* aEventTarget);
-  ~U2FRegisterTask();
-  CryptoBuffer mAppParam;
-  CryptoBuffer mChallengeParam;
-  LocalRegisterRequest mRegisterEntry;
-// Generate an assertion using the provided Authenticator for the given origin
-// and provided application to attest to ownership of a valid scoped credential.
-class U2FSignTask final : public U2FTask
-  U2FSignTask(const nsAString& aOrigin,
-              const nsAString& aAppId,
-              const nsAString& aVersion,
-              const Authenticator& aAuthenticator,
-              const CryptoBuffer& aAppParam,
-              const CryptoBuffer& aChallengeParam,
-              const CryptoBuffer& aClientData,
-              const CryptoBuffer& aKeyHandle,
-              nsISerialEventTarget* aEventTarget);
-  ~U2FSignTask();
-  nsString mVersion;
-  CryptoBuffer mAppParam;
-  CryptoBuffer mChallengeParam;
-  CryptoBuffer mClientData;
-  CryptoBuffer mKeyHandle;
-// Mediate inter-thread communication for multiple authenticators being queried
-// in concert. Operates as a cyclic buffer with a stop-work method.
-class U2FStatus
-  U2FStatus();
-  U2FStatus(const U2FStatus&) = delete;
-  void WaitGroupAdd();
-  void WaitGroupDone();
-  void WaitGroupWait();
-  void Stop(const ErrorCode aErrorCode);
-  void Stop(const ErrorCode aErrorCode, const nsAString& aResponse);
-  bool IsStopped();
-  ErrorCode GetErrorCode();
-  nsString GetResponse();
-  ~U2FStatus();
-  uint16_t mCount;
-  bool mIsStopped;
-  nsString mResponse;
-  MOZ_INIT_OUTSIDE_CTOR ErrorCode mErrorCode;
-  ReentrantMonitor mReentrantMonitor;
-// U2FRunnables run to completion, performing a single U2F operation such as
-// registering, or signing.
-class U2FRunnable : public Runnable
-                  , public nsNSSShutDownObject
-  U2FRunnable(const nsAString& aOrigin, const nsAString& aAppId,
-              nsISerialEventTarget* aEventTarget);
-  // No NSS resources to release.
-  virtual
-  void virtualDestroyNSSReference() override {};
-  virtual ~U2FRunnable();
-  ErrorCode EvaluateAppID();
-  nsString mOrigin;
-  nsString mAppId;
-  const nsCOMPtr<nsISerialEventTarget> mEventTarget;
-// This U2FRunnable completes a single application-requested U2F Register
-// operation.
-class U2FRegisterRunnable : public U2FRunnable
-  U2FRegisterRunnable(const nsAString& aOrigin,
-                      const nsAString& aAppId,
-                      const Sequence<RegisterRequest>& aRegisterRequests,
-                      const Sequence<RegisteredKey>& aRegisteredKeys,
-                      const Sequence<Authenticator>& aAuthenticators,
-                      U2FRegisterCallback* aCallback,
-                      nsISerialEventTarget* aEventTarget);
-  void SendResponse(const RegisterResponse& aResponse);
-  void SetTimeout(const int32_t aTimeoutMillis);
-  ~U2FRegisterRunnable();
-  nsTArray<LocalRegisterRequest> mRegisterRequests;
-  nsTArray<LocalRegisteredKey> mRegisteredKeys;
-  nsTArray<Authenticator> mAuthenticators;
-  nsMainThreadPtrHandle<U2FRegisterCallback> mCallback;
-  Nullable<int32_t> opt_mTimeoutSeconds;
-// This U2FRunnable completes a single application-requested U2F Sign operation.
-class U2FSignRunnable : public U2FRunnable
-  U2FSignRunnable(const nsAString& aOrigin,
-                  const nsAString& aAppId,
-                  const nsAString& aChallenge,
-                  const Sequence<RegisteredKey>& aRegisteredKeys,
-                  const Sequence<Authenticator>& aAuthenticators,
-                  U2FSignCallback* aCallback,
-                  nsISerialEventTarget* aEventTarget);
-  void SendResponse(const SignResponse& aResponse);
-  void SetTimeout(const int32_t aTimeoutMillis);
-  ~U2FSignRunnable();
-  nsString mChallenge;
-  CryptoBuffer mClientData;
-  nsTArray<LocalRegisteredKey> mRegisteredKeys;
-  nsTArray<Authenticator> mAuthenticators;
-  nsMainThreadPtrHandle<U2FSignCallback> mCallback;
-  Nullable<int32_t> opt_mTimeoutSeconds;
-// The U2F Class is used by the JS engine to initiate U2F operations.
-class U2F final : public nsISupports
-                , public nsWrapperCache
-                , public nsNSSShutDownObject
-  U2F();
-  nsPIDOMWindowInner*
-  GetParentObject() const
-  {
-    return mParent;
-  }
-  void
-  Init(nsPIDOMWindowInner* aParent, ErrorResult& aRv);
-  virtual JSObject*
-  WrapObject(JSContext* aCx, JS::Handle<JSObject*> aGivenProto) override;
-  void
-  Register(const nsAString& aAppId,
-           const Sequence<RegisterRequest>& aRegisterRequests,
-           const Sequence<RegisteredKey>& aRegisteredKeys,
-           U2FRegisterCallback& aCallback,
-           const Optional<Nullable<int32_t>>& opt_aTimeoutSeconds,
-           ErrorResult& aRv);
-  void
-  Sign(const nsAString& aAppId,
-       const nsAString& aChallenge,
-       const Sequence<RegisteredKey>& aRegisteredKeys,
-       U2FSignCallback& aCallback,
-       const Optional<Nullable<int32_t>>& opt_aTimeoutSeconds,
-       ErrorResult& aRv);
-  // No NSS resources to release.
-  virtual
-  void virtualDestroyNSSReference() override {};
-  nsCOMPtr<nsPIDOMWindowInner> mParent;
-  nsString mOrigin;
-  Sequence<Authenticator> mAuthenticators;
-  bool mInitialized;
-  nsCOMPtr<nsISerialEventTarget> mEventTarget;
-  ~U2F();
-} // namespace dom
-} // namespace mozilla
-#endif // mozilla_dom_U2F_h
deleted file mode 100644
--- a/dom/u2f/tests/frame_appid_facet.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,63 +0,0 @@
-<!DOCTYPE html>
-<meta charset=utf-8>
-  <script src="u2futil.js"></script>
-<p>Test for AppID / FacetID behavior for FIDO Universal Second Factor</p>
-<script class="testbody" type="text/javascript">
-"use strict";
-local_is(window.location.origin, "https://example.com", "Is loaded correctly");
-var version = "U2F_V2";
-var challenge = new Uint8Array(16);
-u2f.register(null, [{
-  version: version,
-  challenge: bytesToBase64UrlSafe(challenge),
-}], [], function(res){
-  local_is(res.errorCode, 0, "Null AppID should work.");
-  local_completeTest();
-u2f.register("", [{
-  version: version,
-  challenge: bytesToBase64UrlSafe(challenge),
-}], [], function(res){
-  local_is(res.errorCode, 0, "Empty AppID should work.");
-  local_completeTest();
-// Test: Correct TLD, but incorrect scheme
-u2f.register("http://example.com/appId", [{
-  version: version,
-  challenge: bytesToBase64UrlSafe(challenge),
-}], [], function(res){
-  local_isnot(res.errorCode, 0, "HTTP scheme is disallowed");
-  local_completeTest();
-// Test: Correct TLD, and also HTTPS
-u2f.register("https://example.com/appId", [{
-  version: version,
-  challenge: bytesToBase64UrlSafe(challenge),
-}], [], function(res){
-  local_is(res.errorCode, 0, "HTTPS origin for example.com should work");
-  local_completeTest();
-// Test: Dynamic origin
-u2f.register(window.location.origin + "/otherAppId", [{
-  version: version,
-  challenge: bytesToBase64UrlSafe(challenge),
-}], [], function(res){
-  local_is(res.errorCode, 0, "Direct window origin should work");
-  local_completeTest();
deleted file mode 100644
--- a/dom/u2f/tests/frame_appid_facet_insecure.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,60 +0,0 @@
-<!DOCTYPE html>
-<meta charset=utf-8>
-  <script src="u2futil.js"></script>
-<p>Test for AppID / FacetID behavior for FIDO Universal Second Factor</p>
-<script class="testbody" type="text/javascript">
-"use strict";
-local_is(window.location.origin, "http://mochi.test:8888", "Is loaded correctly");
-var version = "U2F_V2";
-var challenge = new Uint8Array(16);
-u2f.register(null, [{
-  version: version,
-  challenge: bytesToBase64UrlSafe(challenge),
-}], [], function(res){
-  local_isnot(res.errorCode, 0, "Insecure origin disallowed for null AppID");
-  local_completeTest();
-u2f.register("", [{
-  version: version,
-  challenge: bytesToBase64UrlSafe(challenge),
-}], [], function(res){
-  local_isnot(res.errorCode, 0, "Insecure origin disallowed for empty AppID");
-  local_completeTest();
-u2f.register("http://example.com/appId", [{
-  version: version,
-  challenge: bytesToBase64UrlSafe(challenge),
-}], [], function(res){
-  local_isnot(res.errorCode, 0, "Insecure origin disallowed for HTTP AppID");
-  local_completeTest();
-u2f.register("https://example.com/appId", [{
-  version: version,
-  challenge: bytesToBase64UrlSafe(challenge),
-}], [], function(res){
-  local_isnot(res.errorCode, 0, "Insecure origin disallowed for HTTPS AppID from HTTP origin");
-  local_completeTest();
-u2f.register(window.location.origin + "/otherAppId", [{
-  version: version,
-  challenge: bytesToBase64UrlSafe(challenge),
-}], [], function(res){
-  local_isnot(res.errorCode, 0, "Insecure origin disallowed for HTTP origin");
-  local_completeTest();
deleted file mode 100644
--- a/dom/u2f/tests/frame_appid_facet_subdomain.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,56 +0,0 @@
-<!DOCTYPE html>
-<meta charset=utf-8>
-  <script src="u2futil.js"></script>
-<p>Test for AppID / FacetID behavior for FIDO Universal Second Factor</p>
-<script class="testbody" type="text/javascript">
-"use strict";
-var version = "U2F_V2";
-var challenge = new Uint8Array(16);
-local_is(window.location.origin, "https://test1.example.com", "Is loaded correctly");
-// same domain check
-u2f.register("https://test1.example.com/appId", [{
-  version: version,
-  challenge: bytesToBase64UrlSafe(challenge),
-}], [], function(res){
-  local_is(res.errorCode, 0, "AppID should work from a different path of this domain");
-  local_completeTest();
-// same domain check, but wrong scheme
-u2f.register("http://test1.example.com/appId", [{
-  version: version,
-  challenge: bytesToBase64UrlSafe(challenge),
-}], [], function(res){
-  local_isnot(res.errorCode, 0, "AppID should not work when using a different scheme");
-  local_completeTest();
-// eTLD+1 subdomain check
-u2f.register("https://example.com/appId", [{
-  version: version,
-  challenge: bytesToBase64UrlSafe(challenge),
-}], [], function(res){
-  local_isnot(res.errorCode, 0, "AppID should not work from another subdomain in this registered domain");
-  local_completeTest();
-// other domain check
-u2f.register("https://mochi.test:8888/appId", [{
-  version: version,
-  challenge: bytesToBase64UrlSafe(challenge),
-}], [], function(res){
-  local_isnot(res.errorCode, 0, "AppID should not work from other domains");
-  local_completeTest();
deleted file mode 100644
--- a/dom/u2f/tests/frame_multiple_keys.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,120 +0,0 @@
-<!DOCTYPE html>
-<meta charset=utf-8>
-  <script type="text/javascript" src="u2futil.js"></script>
-<script class="testbody" type="text/javascript">
-"use strict";
-function keyHandleFromRegResponse(aRegResponse) {
-  // Parse the response data from the U2F token
-  var registrationData = base64ToBytesUrlSafe(aRegResponse.registrationData);
-  local_is(registrationData[0], 0x05, "Reserved byte is correct")
-  var keyHandleLength = registrationData[66];
-  var keyHandleBytes = registrationData.slice(67, 67 + keyHandleLength);
-  return {
-    version: "U2F_V2",
-    keyHandle: bytesToBase64UrlSafe(keyHandleBytes),
-  };
-// Ensure the SpecialPowers push worked properly
-local_isnot(window.u2f, undefined, "U2F API endpoint must exist");
-var challenge = new Uint8Array(16);
-var regRequest = {
-  version: "U2F_V2",
-  challenge: bytesToBase64UrlSafe(challenge),
-var testState = {
-  key1: null,
-  key2: null,
-// Get two valid keys and present them
-window.u2f.register(window.location.origin, [regRequest], [], function(aRegResponse) {
-  testState.key1 = keyHandleFromRegResponse(aRegResponse);
-  registerSecondKey();
-// Get the second key...
-// It's OK to repeat the regRequest; not material for this test
-function registerSecondKey() {
-  window.u2f.register(window.location.origin, [regRequest], [], function(aRegResponse) {
-    testState.key2 = keyHandleFromRegResponse(aRegResponse);
-    registerWithInvalidAndValidKey();
-  });
-function registerWithInvalidAndValidKey() {
-  window.u2f.register(window.location.origin, [regRequest],
-                      [invalidKey, testState.key1], function(aRegResponse) {
-    // Expect a failure response since key1 is already registered
-    local_is(aRegResponse.errorCode, 4, "The register should have skipped since there was a valid key");
-    testSignSingleKey();
-  });
-// It should also work with just one key
-function testSignSingleKey() {
-  window.u2f.sign(window.location.origin, bytesToBase64UrlSafe(challenge),
-                  [testState.key1], function(aSignResponse) {
-    local_is(aSignResponse.errorCode, 0, "The signing did not error with one key");
-    local_isnot(aSignResponse.clientData, undefined, "The signing provided clientData with one key");
-    testSignDual();
-  });
-function testSignDual() {
-  // It's OK to sign with either one
-  window.u2f.sign(window.location.origin, bytesToBase64UrlSafe(challenge),
-                  [testState.key1, testState.key2], function(aSignResponse) {
-    local_is(aSignResponse.errorCode, 0, "The signing did not error with two keys");
-    local_isnot(aSignResponse.clientData, undefined, "The signing provided clientData with two keys");
-    testSignWithInvalidKey();
-  });
-// Just a key that came from a random profile; syntactically valid but not
-// unwrappable.
-var invalidKey = {
-  "version": "U2F_V2",
-  "keyHandle": "rQdreHgHrmKfsnGPAElEP9yfTx6eq2eU3_Y8n0RRsGKML0DY2d1_a8_-sOtxDr3"
-function testSignWithInvalidKey() {
-  window.u2f.sign(window.location.origin, bytesToBase64UrlSafe(challenge),
-                  [invalidKey, testState.key2], function(aSignResponse) {
-    local_is(aSignResponse.errorCode, 0, "The signing did not error when given an invalid key");
-    local_isnot(aSignResponse.clientData, undefined, "The signing provided clientData even when given an invalid key");
-    testSignWithInvalidKeyReverse();
-  });
-function testSignWithInvalidKeyReverse() {
-  window.u2f.sign(window.location.origin, bytesToBase64UrlSafe(challenge),
-                  [testState.key2, invalidKey], function(aSignResponse) {
-    local_is(aSignResponse.errorCode, 0, "The signing did not error when given an invalid key");
-    local_isnot(aSignResponse.clientData, undefined, "The signing provided clientData even when given an invalid key");
-    local_completeTest();
-  });
\ No newline at end of file
deleted file mode 100644
--- a/dom/u2f/tests/frame_no_token.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
-<!DOCTYPE html>
-<meta charset=utf-8>
-  <title>Test for FIDO Universal Second Factor No Token</title>
-  <script src="u2futil.js"></script>
-<script class="testbody" type="text/javascript">
-var challenge = new Uint8Array(16);
-var regRequest = {
-  version: "U2F_V2",
-  challenge: bytesToBase64UrlSafe(challenge),
-u2f.register(window.location.origin, [regRequest], [], function (res) {
-  local_isnot(res.errorCode, 0, "The registration should be rejected.");
-  local_completeTest();
deleted file mode 100644
--- a/dom/u2f/tests/frame_register.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,81 +0,0 @@
-<!DOCTYPE html>
-<meta charset=utf-8>
-  <script src="u2futil.js"></script>
-<p>Test for Register behavior for FIDO Universal Second Factor</p>
-<script class="testbody" type="text/javascript">
-"use strict";
-var version = "U2F_V2";
-var challenge = new Uint8Array(16);
-local_is(window.location.origin, "https://example.com", "Is loaded correctly");
-// basic check
-u2f.register("https://example.com/appId", [{
-  version: version,
-  challenge: bytesToBase64UrlSafe(challenge),
-}], [], function(res){
-  local_is(res.errorCode, 0, "AppID should work from the domain");
-  local_completeTest();
-u2f.register("https://example.net/appId", [{
-  version: version,
-  challenge: bytesToBase64UrlSafe(challenge),
-}], [], function(res){
-  local_is(res.errorCode, 2, "AppID should not work from other domains");
-  local_completeTest();
-u2f.register("", [], [], function(res){
-  local_is(res.errorCode, 2, "Empty register requests");
-  local_completeTest();
-  u2f.register("", null, [], null);
-}, "Non-array register requests");
-  u2f.register("", [], null, null);
-}, "Non-array sign requests");
-  u2f.register("", null, null, null);
-}, "Non-array for both arguments");
-u2f.register("", [{}], [], function(res){
-  local_is(res.errorCode, 2, "Empty request");
-  local_completeTest();
-u2f.register("https://example.net/appId", [{
-    version: version,
-  }], [], function(res){
-    local_is(res.errorCode, 2, "Missing challenge");
-    local_completeTest();
-u2f.register("https://example.net/appId", [{
-    challenge: bytesToBase64UrlSafe(challenge),
-  }], [], function(res){
-   local_is(res.errorCode, 2, "Missing version");
-   local_completeTest();
-u2f.register("https://example.net/appId", [{
-    version: "a_version_00",
-    challenge: bytesToBase64UrlSafe(challenge),
-  }], [], function(res){
-    local_is(res.errorCode, 2, "Invalid version");
-    local_completeTest();
deleted file mode 100644
--- a/dom/u2f/tests/frame_register_sign.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,201 +0,0 @@
-<!DOCTYPE html>
-<meta charset=utf-8>
-  <script type="text/javascript" src="u2futil.js"></script>
-  <script type="text/javascript" src="pkijs/common.js"></script>
-  <script type="text/javascript" src="pkijs/asn1.js"></script>
-  <script type="text/javascript" src="pkijs/x509_schema.js"></script>
-  <script type="text/javascript" src="pkijs/x509_simpl.js"></script>
-<p>Register and Sign Test for FIDO Universal Second Factor</p>
-<script class="testbody" type="text/javascript">
-"use strict";
-var state = {
-  // Raw messages
-  regRequest: null,
-  regResponse: null,
-  regKey: null,
-  signChallenge: null,
-  signResponse: null,
-  // Parsed values
-  publicKey: null,
-  keyHandle: null,
-  // Constants
-  version: "U2F_V2",
-  appId: window.location.origin,
-SpecialPowers.pushPrefEnv({"set": [["security.webauth.u2f", true],
-                                   ["security.webauth.u2f_enable_softtoken", true]]},
-function() {
-  local_isnot(window.u2f, undefined, "U2F API endpoint must exist");
-  local_isnot(window.u2f.register, undefined, "U2F Register API endpoint must exist");
-  local_isnot(window.u2f.sign, undefined, "U2F Sign API endpoint must exist");
-  testRegistering();
-  function testRegistering() {
-    var challenge = new Uint8Array(16);
-    window.crypto.getRandomValues(challenge);
-    state.regRequest = {
-      version: state.version,
-      challenge: bytesToBase64UrlSafe(challenge),
-    };
-    u2f.register(state.appId, [state.regRequest], [], function(regResponse) {
-      state.regResponse = regResponse;
-      local_is(regResponse.errorCode, 0, "The registration did not error");
-      local_isnot(regResponse.registrationData, undefined, "The registration did not provide registration data");
-      if (regResponse.errorCode > 0) {
-        local_finished();
-        return;
-      }
-      // Parse the response data from the U2F token
-      var registrationData = base64ToBytesUrlSafe(regResponse.registrationData);
-      local_is(registrationData[0], 0x05, "Reserved byte is correct")
-      state.publicKeyBytes = registrationData.slice(1, 66);
-      var keyHandleLength = registrationData[66];
-      state.keyHandleBytes = registrationData.slice(67, 67 + keyHandleLength);
-      state.keyHandle = bytesToBase64UrlSafe(state.keyHandleBytes);
-      state.attestation = registrationData.slice(67 + keyHandleLength);
-      local_is(state.attestation[0], 0x30, "Attestation Certificate has correct starting byte");
-      var asn1 = org.pkijs.fromBER(state.attestation.buffer);
-      console.log(asn1);
-      state.attestationCert = new org.pkijs.simpl.CERT({ schema: asn1.result });
-      console.log(state.attestationCert);
-      state.attestationSig = state.attestation.slice(asn1.offset);
-      local_is(state.attestationCert.subject.types_and_values[0].value.value_block.value, "Firefox U2F Soft Token", "Expected Subject");
-      local_is(state.attestationCert.issuer.types_and_values[0].value.value_block.value, "Firefox U2F Soft Token", "Expected Issuer");
-      local_is(state.attestationCert.notAfter.value - state.attestationCert.notBefore.value, 1000*60*60*48, "Valid 48 hours (in millis)");
-      // Verify that the clientData from the U2F token makes sense
-      var clientDataJSON = "";
-      base64ToBytesUrlSafe(regResponse.clientData).map(x => clientDataJSON += String.fromCharCode(x));
-      var clientData = JSON.parse(clientDataJSON);
-      local_is(clientData.typ, "navigator.id.finishEnrollment", "Register - Data type matches");
-      local_is(clientData.challenge, state.regRequest.challenge, "Register - Challenge matches");
-      local_is(clientData.origin, window.location.origin, "Register - Origins are the same");
-      // Verify the signature from the attestation certificate
-      deriveAppAndChallengeParam(state.appId, string2buffer(clientDataJSON))
-      .then(function(params){
-        state.appParam = params.appParam;
-        state.challengeParam = params.challengeParam;
-        return state.attestationCert.getPublicKey();
-      }).then(function(attestationPublicKey) {
-        var signedData = assembleRegistrationSignedData(state.appParam, state.challengeParam, state.keyHandleBytes, state.publicKeyBytes);
-        return verifySignature(attestationPublicKey, signedData, state.attestationSig);
-      }).then(function(verified) {
-        console.log("No error verifying signature");
-        local_ok(verified, "Attestation Certificate signature verified")
-         // Import the public key of the U2F token into WebCrypto
-        return importPublicKey(state.publicKeyBytes)
-      }).then(function(key) {
-        state.publicKey = key;
-        local_ok(true, "Imported public key")
-        // Ensure the attestation certificate is properly self-signed
-        return state.attestationCert.verify()
-      }).then(function(){
-        local_ok(true, "Attestation Certificate verification successful");
-        // Continue test
-        testReRegister()
-      }).catch(function(err){
-        console.log(err);
-        local_ok(false, "Attestation Certificate verification failed");
-        local_finished();
-      });
-    });
-  }
-  function testReRegister() {
-    state.regKey = {
-      version: state.version,
-      keyHandle: state.keyHandle,
-    };
-    // Test that we don't re-register if we provide regKey as an
-    // "already known" key handle. The U2F module should recognize regKey
-    // as being usable and, thus, give back errorCode 4.
-    u2f.register(state.appId, [state.regRequest], [state.regKey], function(regResponse) {
-      // Since we attempted to register with state.regKey as a known key, expect
-      // ineligible (=4).
-      local_is(regResponse.errorCode, 4, "The re-registration should show device ineligible");
-      local_is(regResponse.registrationData, undefined, "The re-registration did not provide registration data");
-      // Continue test
-      testSigning();
-    });
-  }
-  function testSigning() {
-    var challenge = new Uint8Array(16);
-    window.crypto.getRandomValues(challenge);
-    state.signChallenge = bytesToBase64UrlSafe(challenge);
-    // Now try to sign the signature challenge
-    u2f.sign(state.appId, state.signChallenge, [state.regKey], function(signResponse) {
-      state.signResponse = signResponse;
-      // Make sure this signature op worked, bailing early if it failed.
-      local_is(signResponse.errorCode, 0, "The signing did not error");
-      local_isnot(signResponse.clientData, undefined, "The signing did not provide client data");
-      if (signResponse.errorCode > 0) {
-        local_finished();
-        return;
-      }
-      // Decode the clientData that was returned from the module
-      var clientDataJSON = "";
-      base64ToBytesUrlSafe(signResponse.clientData).map(x => clientDataJSON += String.fromCharCode(x));
-      var clientData = JSON.parse(clientDataJSON);
-      local_is(clientData.typ, "navigator.id.getAssertion", "Sign - Data type matches");
-      local_is(clientData.challenge, state.signChallenge, "Sign - Challenge matches");
-      local_is(clientData.origin, window.location.origin, "Sign - Origins are the same");
-      // Parse the signature data
-      var signatureData = base64ToBytesUrlSafe(signResponse.signatureData);
-      if (signatureData[0] != 0x01) {
-        throw "User presence byte not set";
-      }
-      var presenceAndCounter = signatureData.slice(0,5);
-      var signatureValue = signatureData.slice(5);
-      // Assemble the signed data and verify the signature
-      deriveAppAndChallengeParam(state.appId, string2buffer(clientDataJSON))
-      .then(function(params){
-        return assembleSignedData(params.appParam, presenceAndCounter, params.challengeParam);
-      })
-      .then(function(signedData) {
-        return verifySignature(state.publicKey, signedData, signatureValue);
-      })
-      .then(function(verified) {
-        console.log("No error verifying signing signature");
-        local_ok(verified, "Signing signature verified")
-        local_finished();
-      })
-      .catch(function(err) {
-        console.log(err);
-        local_ok(false, "Signing signature invalid");
-        local_finished();
-      });
-    });
-  }
deleted file mode 100644
--- a/dom/u2f/tests/test_appid_facet.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
-<!DOCTYPE html>
-<meta charset=utf-8>
-  <title>Test for AppID / FacetID behavior for FIDO Universal Second Factor</title>
-  <script type="text/javascript" src="/tests/SimpleTest/SimpleTest.js"></script>
-  <script src="u2futil.js"></script>
-  <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/tests/SimpleTest/test.css" />
-<a target="_blank" href="https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1231681">Mozilla Bug 1231681</a>
-<div id="framediv">
-  <iframe id="testing_frame"></iframe>
-<pre id="log"></pre>
-<script class="testbody" type="text/javascript">
-SpecialPowers.pushPrefEnv({"set": [["security.webauth.u2f", true],
-                                   ["security.webauth.u2f_enable_softtoken", true],
-                                   ["security.webauth.u2f_enable_usbtoken", false]]},
-function() {
-  // listen for messages from the test harness
-  window.addEventListener("message", handleEventMessage);
-  document.getElementById('testing_frame').src = "https://example.com/tests/dom/u2f/tests/frame_appid_facet.html";
deleted file mode 100644
--- a/dom/u2f/tests/test_appid_facet_insecure.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
-<!DOCTYPE html>
-<meta charset=utf-8>
-  <title>Test for AppID / FacetID behavior for FIDO Universal Second Factor</title>
-  <script type="text/javascript" src="/tests/SimpleTest/SimpleTest.js"></script>
-  <script src="u2futil.js"></script>
-  <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/tests/SimpleTest/test.css" />
-<a target="_blank" href="https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1231681">Mozilla Bug 1231681</a>
-<div id="framediv">
-  <iframe id="testing_frame"></iframe>
-<pre id="log"></pre>
-<script class="testbody" type="text/javascript">
-SpecialPowers.pushPrefEnv({"set": [["security.webauth.u2f", true],
-                                   ["security.webauth.u2f_enable_softtoken", true],
-                                   ["security.webauth.u2f_enable_usbtoken", false]]},
-function() {
-  // listen for messages from the test harness
-  window.addEventListener("message", handleEventMessage);
-  document.getElementById('testing_frame').src = "http://mochi.test:8888/tests/dom/u2f/tests/frame_appid_facet_insecure.html";
deleted file mode 100644
--- a/dom/u2f/tests/test_appid_facet_subdomain.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
-<!DOCTYPE html>
-<meta charset=utf-8>
-  <title>Test for AppID / FacetID behavior for FIDO Universal Second Factor</title>
-  <script type="text/javascript" src="/tests/SimpleTest/SimpleTest.js"></script>
-  <script src="u2futil.js"></script>
-  <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/tests/SimpleTest/test.css" />
-<a target="_blank" href="https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1231681">Mozilla Bug 1231681</a>
-<div id="framediv">
-  <iframe id="testing_frame"></iframe>
-<pre id="log"></pre>
-<script class="testbody" type="text/javascript">
-SpecialPowers.pushPrefEnv({"set": [["security.webauth.u2f", true],
-                                   ["security.webauth.u2f_enable_softtoken", true],
-                                   ["security.webauth.u2f_enable_usbtoken", false]]},
-function() {
-  // listen for messages from the test harness
-  window.addEventListener("message", handleEventMessage);
-  document.getElementById('testing_frame').src = "https://test1.example.com/tests/dom/u2f/tests/frame_appid_facet_subdomain.html";
deleted file mode 100644
--- a/dom/u2f/tests/test_multiple_keys.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
-<!DOCTYPE html>
-<meta charset=utf-8>
-  <title>Test for Multiple Keys for FIDO U2F</title>
-  <script type="text/javascript" src="/tests/SimpleTest/SimpleTest.js"></script>
-  <script src="u2futil.js"></script>
-  <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/tests/SimpleTest/test.css" />
-<h1>Test Multiple Keys for FIDO U2F</h1>
-<a target="_blank" href="https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1333592">Mozilla Bug 1333592</a>
-<script class="testbody" type="text/javascript">
-"use strict";
- /** Test for XBL scope behavior. **/
-// Embed the real test. It will take care of everything else.
-// This is necessary since the U2F object on window is hidden behind a preference
-// and window won't pick up changes by pref without a reload.
-SpecialPowers.pushPrefEnv({"set": [["security.webauth.u2f", true],
-                                   ["security.webauth.u2f_enable_softtoken", true],
-                                   ["security.webauth.u2f_enable_usbtoken", false]]},
-function() {
-  // listen for messages from the test harness
-  window.addEventListener("message", handleEventMessage);
-  document.getElementById('testing_frame').src = "https://example.com/tests/dom/u2f/tests/frame_multiple_keys.html";
-<div id="framediv">
-  <iframe id="testing_frame"></iframe>
deleted file mode 100644
--- a/dom/u2f/tests/test_no_token.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
-<!DOCTYPE html>
-<meta charset=utf-8>
-  <title>Test for FIDO Universal Second Factor No Token</title>
-  <script type="text/javascript" src="/tests/SimpleTest/SimpleTest.js"></script>
-  <script src="u2futil.js"></script>
-  <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/tests/SimpleTest/test.css" />
-<a target="_blank" href="https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1231681">Mozilla Bug 1231681</a>
-<div id="framediv">
-  <iframe id="testing_frame"></iframe>
-<script class="testbody" type="text/javascript">
-SpecialPowers.pushPrefEnv({"set": [["security.webauth.u2f", true],
-                                   ["security.webauth.u2f_enable_softtoken", false],
-                                   ["security.webauth.u2f_enable_usbtoken", false]]},
-function() {
-  // listen for messages from the test harness
-  window.addEventListener("message", handleEventMessage);
-  document.getElementById('testing_frame').src = 'frame_no_token.html';
deleted file mode 100644
--- a/dom/u2f/tests/test_register.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
-<!DOCTYPE html>
-<meta charset=utf-8>
-  <title>Test for Register behavior for FIDO Universal Second Factor</title>
-  <script type="text/javascript" src="/tests/SimpleTest/SimpleTest.js"></script>
-  <script src="u2futil.js"></script>
-  <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/tests/SimpleTest/test.css" />
-<a target="_blank" href="https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1231681">Mozilla Bug 1231681</a>
-<div id="framediv">
-  <iframe id="testing_frame"></iframe>
-<pre id="log"></pre>
-<script class="testbody" type="text/javascript">
-SpecialPowers.pushPrefEnv({"set": [["security.webauth.u2f", true],
-                                   ["security.webauth.u2f_enable_softtoken", true],
-                                   ["security.webauth.u2f_enable_usbtoken", false]]},
-function() {
-  // listen for messages from the test harness
-  window.addEventListener("message", handleEventMessage);
-  document.getElementById('testing_frame').src = "https://example.com/tests/dom/u2f/tests/frame_register.html";
deleted file mode 100644
--- a/dom/u2f/tests/test_register_sign.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
-<!DOCTYPE html>
-<meta charset=utf-8>
-  <title>Register and Sign Test for FIDO Universal Second Factor</title>
-  <script type="text/javascript" src="/tests/SimpleTest/SimpleTest.js"></script>
-  <script src="u2futil.js"></script>
-  <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/tests/SimpleTest/test.css" />
-<a target="_blank" href="https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1231681">Mozilla Bug 1231681</a>
-<div id="framediv">
-  <iframe id="testing_frame"></iframe>
-<pre id="log"></pre>
-<script class="testbody" type="text/javascript">
-SpecialPowers.pushPrefEnv({"set": [["security.webauth.u2f", true],
-                                   ["security.webauth.u2f_enable_softtoken", true],
-                                   ["security.webauth.u2f_enable_usbtoken", false]]},
-function() {
-  // listen for messages from the test harness
-  window.addEventListener("message", handleEventMessage);
-  document.getElementById('testing_frame').src = "https://example.com/tests/dom/u2f/tests/frame_appid_facet.html";
deleted file mode 100644
--- a/dom/u2f/tests/test_util_methods.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,65 +0,0 @@
-<!DOCTYPE html>
-<meta charset=utf-8>
-  <title>Test for Utility Methods for other FIDO Universal Second Factor tests</title>
-  <script type="text/javascript" src="/tests/SimpleTest/SimpleTest.js"></script>
-  <script type="text/javascript" src="/tests/dom/u2f/tests/u2futil.js"></script>
-  <script type="text/javascript" src="pkijs/common.js"></script>
-  <script type="text/javascript" src="pkijs/asn1.js"></script>
-  <script type="text/javascript" src="pkijs/x509_schema.js"></script>
-  <script type="text/javascript" src="pkijs/x509_simpl.js"></script>
-  <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/tests/SimpleTest/test.css" />
-<a target="_blank" href="https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1231681">Mozilla Bug 1231681</a>
-<p id="display"></p>
-<div id="content" style="display: none">
-<pre id="test">
-<script class="testbody" type="text/javascript">
-SpecialPowers.pushPrefEnv({"set": [["security.webauth.u2f", true],
-                                   ["security.webauth.u2f_enable_softtoken", true],
-                                   ["security.webauth.u2f_enable_usbtoken", false]]},
-function() {
-  // Example from:
-  // https://fidoalliance.org/specs/fido-u2f-v1.0-nfc-bt-amendment-20150514/fido-u2f-raw-message-formats.html
-  //
-  // Run this example from the console to check that the u2futil methods work
-  var pubKey = hexDecode("04d368f1b665bade3c33a20f1e429c7750d5033660c019119d29aa4ba7abc04aa7c80a46bbe11ca8cb5674d74f31f8a903f6bad105fb6ab74aefef4db8b0025e1d");
-  var appId = "https://gstatic.com/securitykey/a/example.com";
-  var clientData = string2buffer('{"typ":"navigator.id.getAssertion","challenge":"opsXqUifDriAAmWclinfbS0e-USY0CgyJHe_Otd7z8o","cid_pubkey":{"kty":"EC","crv":"P-256","x":"HzQwlfXX7Q4S5MtCCnZUNBw3RMzPO9tOyWjBqRl4tJ8","y":"XVguGFLIZx1fXg3wNqfdbn75hi4-_7-BxhMljw42Ht4"},"origin":"http://example.com"}');
-  var presenceAndCounter = hexDecode("0100000001");
-  var signature = hexDecode("304402204b5f0cd17534cedd8c34ee09570ef542a353df4436030ce43d406de870b847780220267bb998fac9b7266eb60e7cb0b5eabdfd5ba9614f53c7b22272ec10047a923f");
-  // Import the key
-  // Assemble the client data
-  // Verify
-  Promise.all([
-    importPublicKey(pubKey),
-    deriveAppAndChallengeParam(appId, clientData)
-  ])
-  .then(function(results) {
-    var importedKey = results[0];
-    var params = results[1];
-    var signedData = new Uint8Array(assembleSignedData(params.appParam, presenceAndCounter, params.challengeParam));
-    return verifySignature(importedKey, signedData, signature);
-  })
-  .then(function(verified) {
-    console.log("verified:", verified);
-    ok(true, "Utility methods work")
-    SimpleTest.finish();
-  })
-  .catch(function(err) {
-    console.log("error:", err);
-    ok(false, "Utility methods failed")
-    SimpleTest.finish();
-  });