Bug 1391978 - Part 7. HTMLEditRules::NormalizeSelection should use nsINode instead of nsIDOMNode. r?masayuki draft
authorMakoto Kato <m_kato@ga2.so-net.ne.jp>
Fri, 25 Aug 2017 16:12:39 +0900
changeset 654198 3171ed5808d9045b268cc76989c7d06ea220d393
parent 654197 b217dd1d506229d848126b9c2494d1b4f9dc3a35
child 654199 7d3d869f21669486e9dd3bb925451e5bd20fa3b0
push id76495
push userbmo:m_kato@ga2.so-net.ne.jp
push dateMon, 28 Aug 2017 10:39:27 +0000
Bug 1391978 - Part 7. HTMLEditRules::NormalizeSelection should use nsINode instead of nsIDOMNode. r?masayuki HTMLEditRules::NormalizeSelection uses nsIDOMNode for node handling, so we replace with nsINode, then use Selection::Extend and Selection::Collapse. MozReview-Commit-ID: 6Ijo19vTwRi
--- a/editor/libeditor/HTMLEditRules.cpp
+++ b/editor/libeditor/HTMLEditRules.cpp
@@ -5312,128 +5312,123 @@ HTMLEditRules::NormalizeSelection(Select
     return NS_OK;
   // we don't need to mess with cell selections, and we assume multirange selections are those.
   if (inSelection->RangeCount() != 1) {
     return NS_OK;
+  if (NS_WARN_IF(!mHTMLEditor)) {
+  }
+  RefPtr<HTMLEditor> htmlEditor = mHTMLEditor;
   RefPtr<nsRange> range = inSelection->GetRangeAt(0);
-  nsCOMPtr<nsIDOMNode> startNode, endNode;
-  uint32_t startOffset, endOffset;
-  nsCOMPtr<nsIDOMNode> newStartNode, newEndNode;
-  nsresult rv = range->GetStartContainer(getter_AddRefs(startNode));
-  rv = range->GetStartOffset(&startOffset);
-  rv = range->GetEndContainer(getter_AddRefs(endNode));
-  rv = range->GetEndOffset(&endOffset);
+  nsCOMPtr<nsINode> startNode = range->GetStartContainer();
+  if (NS_WARN_IF(!startNode)) {
+    return NS_ERROR_FAILURE;
+  }
+  nsCOMPtr<nsINode> endNode = range->GetEndContainer();
+  if (NS_WARN_IF(!endNode)) {
+    return NS_ERROR_FAILURE;
+  }
+  uint32_t startOffset = range->StartOffset();
+  uint32_t endOffset = range->EndOffset();
   // adjusted values default to original values
-  newStartNode = startNode;
+  nsCOMPtr<nsINode> newStartNode = startNode;
   uint32_t newStartOffset = startOffset;
-  newEndNode = endNode;
+  nsCOMPtr<nsINode> newEndNode = endNode;
   uint32_t newEndOffset = endOffset;
   // some locals we need for whitespace code
   nsCOMPtr<nsINode> unused;
   int32_t offset = -1;
   WSType wsType;
   // let the whitespace code do the heavy lifting
-  WSRunObject wsEndObj(mHTMLEditor, endNode, static_cast<int32_t>(endOffset));
+  WSRunObject wsEndObj(htmlEditor, endNode, static_cast<int32_t>(endOffset));
   // is there any intervening visible whitespace?  if so we can't push selection past that,
   // it would visibly change maening of users selection
-  nsCOMPtr<nsINode> endNode_(do_QueryInterface(endNode));
-  wsEndObj.PriorVisibleNode(endNode_, static_cast<int32_t>(endOffset),
+  wsEndObj.PriorVisibleNode(endNode, static_cast<int32_t>(endOffset),
                             address_of(unused), &offset, &wsType);
   if (wsType != WSType::text && wsType != WSType::normalWS) {
     // eThisBlock and eOtherBlock conveniently distinquish cases
     // of going "down" into a block and "up" out of a block.
     if (wsEndObj.mStartReason == WSType::otherBlock) {
       // endpoint is just after the close of a block.
-      nsCOMPtr<nsIDOMNode> child =
-        GetAsDOMNode(mHTMLEditor->GetRightmostChild(wsEndObj.mStartReasonNode,
-                                                    true));
+      nsINode* child =
+        htmlEditor->GetRightmostChild(wsEndObj.mStartReasonNode, true);
       if (child) {
         int32_t offset = -1;
         newEndNode = EditorBase::GetNodeLocation(child, &offset);
         // offset *after* child
         newEndOffset = static_cast<uint32_t>(offset + 1);
       // else block is empty - we can leave selection alone here, i think.
     } else if (wsEndObj.mStartReason == WSType::thisBlock) {
       // endpoint is just after start of this block
-      nsCOMPtr<nsIDOMNode> child;
-      NS_ENSURE_STATE(mHTMLEditor);
-      mHTMLEditor->GetPriorHTMLNode(endNode, static_cast<int32_t>(endOffset),
-                                    address_of(child));
+      nsINode* child =
+        htmlEditor->GetPriorHTMLNode(endNode, static_cast<int32_t>(endOffset));
       if (child) {
         int32_t offset = -1;
         newEndNode = EditorBase::GetNodeLocation(child, &offset);
         // offset *after* child
         newEndOffset = static_cast<uint32_t>(offset + 1);
       // else block is empty - we can leave selection alone here, i think.
     } else if (wsEndObj.mStartReason == WSType::br) {
       // endpoint is just after break.  lets adjust it to before it.
       int32_t offset = -1;
       newEndNode =
-        EditorBase::GetNodeLocation(GetAsDOMNode(wsEndObj.mStartReasonNode),
-                                    &offset);
+        EditorBase::GetNodeLocation(wsEndObj.mStartReasonNode, &offset);
       newEndOffset = static_cast<uint32_t>(offset);;
   // similar dealio for start of range
-  WSRunObject wsStartObj(mHTMLEditor, startNode,
+  WSRunObject wsStartObj(htmlEditor, startNode,
   // is there any intervening visible whitespace?  if so we can't push selection past that,
   // it would visibly change maening of users selection
-  nsCOMPtr<nsINode> startNode_(do_QueryInterface(startNode));
-  wsStartObj.NextVisibleNode(startNode_, static_cast<int32_t>(startOffset),
+  wsStartObj.NextVisibleNode(startNode, static_cast<int32_t>(startOffset),
                              address_of(unused), &offset, &wsType);
   if (wsType != WSType::text && wsType != WSType::normalWS) {
     // eThisBlock and eOtherBlock conveniently distinquish cases
     // of going "down" into a block and "up" out of a block.
     if (wsStartObj.mEndReason == WSType::otherBlock) {
       // startpoint is just before the start of a block.
-      nsCOMPtr<nsIDOMNode> child =
-        GetAsDOMNode(mHTMLEditor->GetLeftmostChild(wsStartObj.mEndReasonNode,
-                                                   true));
+      nsINode* child =
+        htmlEditor->GetLeftmostChild(wsStartObj.mEndReasonNode, true);
       if (child) {
         int32_t offset = -1;
         newStartNode = EditorBase::GetNodeLocation(child, &offset);
         newStartOffset = static_cast<uint32_t>(offset);
       // else block is empty - we can leave selection alone here, i think.
     } else if (wsStartObj.mEndReason == WSType::thisBlock) {
       // startpoint is just before end of this block
-      nsCOMPtr<nsIDOMNode> child;
-      NS_ENSURE_STATE(mHTMLEditor);
-      mHTMLEditor->GetNextHTMLNode(startNode, static_cast<int32_t>(startOffset),
-                                   address_of(child));
+      nsINode* child =
+        htmlEditor->GetNextHTMLNode(startNode,
+                                    static_cast<int32_t>(startOffset));
       if (child) {
         int32_t offset = -1;
         newStartNode = EditorBase::GetNodeLocation(child, &offset);
         newStartOffset = static_cast<uint32_t>(offset);
       // else block is empty - we can leave selection alone here, i think.
     } else if (wsStartObj.mEndReason == WSType::br) {
       // startpoint is just before a break.  lets adjust it to after it.
       int32_t offset = -1;
       newStartNode =
-        EditorBase::GetNodeLocation(GetAsDOMNode(wsStartObj.mEndReasonNode),
-                                    &offset);
+        EditorBase::GetNodeLocation(wsStartObj.mEndReasonNode, &offset);
       // offset *after* break
       newStartOffset = static_cast<uint32_t>(offset + 1);
   // there is a demented possiblity we have to check for.  We might have a very strange selection
   // that is not collapsed and yet does not contain any editable content, and satisfies some of the
   // above conditions that cause tweaking.  In this case we don't want to tweak the selection into