Bug 1391476 - Track whether caches should be used in untrusted environments; r?dustin draft
authorGregory Szorc <gps@mozilla.com>
Tue, 22 Aug 2017 15:06:40 -0700
changeset 651406 4a610f3d8a9269bc1b2c977e5e9d3a3b90359ff1
parent 651405 7fffb68dbea357488558dc329e44bf36064da14f
child 651407 a53676dc0c4f26e7e2cdd36ad4d7039cf7a98923
push id75721
push usergszorc@mozilla.com
push dateWed, 23 Aug 2017 17:48:59 +0000
Bug 1391476 - Track whether caches should be used in untrusted environments; r?dustin Previously, we conditionally added caches to a task if the current parameters warranted it. In order to audit that all caches fulfill basic requirements, we need to have unconditional knowledge of all caches. This commit introduces an optional key on each cache entry stating whether it should be skipped in "untrusted" environments. When we convert a task definition to a worker payload, we filter out these caches if necessary. This change uncovered an inconsistency with filtering caches. In one location we filtered on the source repo name. In others, we filtered on the SCM level. Setting the caches in the spidermonkey kind also changed slightly to ensure we're not overwriting existing caches. I don't think this has any behavior changes. But the new method is more correct. MozReview-Commit-ID: 1crpdWHqQ68
--- a/taskcluster/taskgraph/transforms/job/common.py
+++ b/taskcluster/taskgraph/transforms/job/common.py
@@ -8,32 +8,31 @@ consistency.
 from __future__ import absolute_import, print_function, unicode_literals
 SECRET_SCOPE = 'secrets:get:project/releng/gecko/{}/level-{}/{}'
 def docker_worker_add_workspace_cache(config, job, taskdesc, extra=None):
-    """Add the workspace cache based on the build platform/type and level,
-    except on try where workspace caches are not used.
+    """Add the workspace cache.
-    extra, is an optional kwarg passed in that supports extending the cache
+    ``extra`` is an optional kwarg passed in that supports extending the cache
     key name to avoid undesired conflicts with other caches."""
-    if config.params['project'] == 'try':
-        return
     taskdesc['worker'].setdefault('caches', []).append({
         'type': 'persistent',
         'name': 'level-{}-{}-build-{}-{}-workspace'.format(
             config.params['level'], config.params['project'],
         'mount-point': "/home/worker/workspace",
+        # Don't enable the workspace cache when we can't guarantee its
+        # behavior, like on Try.
+        'skip-untrusted': True,
     if extra:
         taskdesc['worker']['caches'][-1]['name'] += '-{}'.format(
 def docker_worker_add_tc_vcs_cache(config, job, taskdesc):
--- a/taskcluster/taskgraph/transforms/job/run_task.py
+++ b/taskcluster/taskgraph/transforms/job/run_task.py
@@ -38,22 +38,22 @@ def common_setup(config, job, taskdesc):
 @run_job_using("docker-worker", "run-task", schema=run_task_schema)
 def docker_worker_run_task(config, job, taskdesc):
     run = job['run']
     worker = taskdesc['worker'] = job['worker']
     common_setup(config, job, taskdesc)
-    if run.get('cache-dotcache') and int(config.params['level']) > 1:
-        worker['caches'].append({
-            'type': 'persistent',
-            'name': 'level-{level}-{project}-dotcache'.format(**config.params),
-            'mount-point': '/home/worker/.cache',
-        })
+    worker['caches'].append({
+        'type': 'persistent',
+        'name': 'level-{level}-{project}-dotcache'.format(**config.params),
+        'mount-point': '/home/worker/.cache',
+        'skip-untrusted': True,
+    })
     run_command = run['command']
     if isinstance(run_command, basestring):
         run_command = ['bash', '-cx', run_command]
     command = ['/home/worker/bin/run-task']
     if run['checkout']:
--- a/taskcluster/taskgraph/transforms/job/spidermonkey.py
+++ b/taskcluster/taskgraph/transforms/job/spidermonkey.py
@@ -31,25 +31,23 @@ sm_run_schema = Schema({
 @run_job_using("docker-worker", "spidermonkey-package", schema=sm_run_schema)
 @run_job_using("docker-worker", "spidermonkey-mozjs-crate",
 def docker_worker_spidermonkey(config, job, taskdesc):
     run = job['run']
     worker = taskdesc['worker']
     worker['artifacts'] = []
-    worker['caches'] = []
-    if int(config.params['level']) > 1:
-        worker['caches'].append({
-            'type': 'persistent',
-            'name': 'level-{}-{}-build-spidermonkey-workspace'.format(
-                config.params['level'], config.params['project']),
-            'mount-point': "/home/worker/workspace",
-        })
+    worker.setdefault('caches', []).append({
+        'type': 'persistent',
+        'name': 'level-{}-{}-build-spidermonkey-workspace'.format(
+            config.params['level'], config.params['project']),
+        'mount-point': "/home/worker/workspace",
+        'skip-untrusted': True,
+    })
     docker_worker_add_public_artifacts(config, job, taskdesc)
     docker_worker_add_tooltool(config, job, taskdesc)
     env = worker.setdefault('env', {})
         'MOZHARNESS_DISABLE': 'true',
         'SPIDERMONKEY_VARIANT': run['spidermonkey-variant'],
--- a/taskcluster/taskgraph/transforms/task.py
+++ b/taskcluster/taskgraph/transforms/task.py
@@ -199,16 +199,20 @@ task_description_schema = Schema({
             'type': 'persistent',
             # name of the cache, allowing re-use by subsequent tasks naming the
             # same cache
             'name': basestring,
             # location in the task image where the cache will be mounted
             'mount-point': basestring,
+            # Whether the cache is not used in untrusted environments
+            # (like the Try repo).
+            Optional('skip-untrusted', default=False): bool,
         # artifacts to extract from the task image after completion
         Optional('artifacts'): [{
             # type of artifact -- simple file, or recursive directory
             'type': Any('file', 'directory'),
             # task image path from which to read artifact
@@ -580,16 +584,17 @@ def index_builder(name):
         index_builders[name] = func
         return func
     return wrap
 def build_docker_worker_payload(config, task, task_def):
     worker = task['worker']
+    level = int(config.params['level'])
     image = worker['docker-image']
     if isinstance(image, dict):
         if 'in-tree' in image:
             docker_image_task = 'build-docker-image-' + image['in-tree']
             task.setdefault('dependencies', {})['docker-image'] = docker_image_task
             image = {
@@ -679,17 +684,24 @@ def build_docker_worker_payload(config, 
         run_task = payload.get('command', [''])[0].endswith('run-task')
         if run_task:
             suffix = '-%s' % _run_task_suffix()
             suffix = ''
+        skip_untrusted = config.params['project'] == 'try' or level == 1
         for cache in worker['caches']:
+            # Some caches aren't enabled in environments where we can't
+            # guarantee certain behavior. Filter those out.
+            if cache.get('skip-untrusted') and skip_untrusted:
+                continue
             name = '%s%s' % (cache['name'], suffix)
             caches[name] = cache['mount-point']
             task_def['scopes'].append('docker-worker:cache:%s' % name)
         # Assertion: only run-task is interested in this.
         if run_task:
             payload['env']['TASKCLUSTER_CACHES'] = ';'.join(sorted(
@@ -697,17 +709,17 @@ def build_docker_worker_payload(config, 
         payload['cache'] = caches
     if features:
         payload['features'] = features
     if capabilities:
         payload['capabilities'] = capabilities
     # coalesce / superseding
-    if 'coalesce-name' in task and int(config.params['level']) > 1:
+    if 'coalesce-name' in task and level > 1:
         key = COALESCE_KEY.format(
         payload['supersederUrl'] = "https://coalesce.mozilla-releng.net/v1/list/" + key
 def build_generic_worker_payload(config, task, task_def):