autoland: add tests for patch based requests (bug 1368516) r?smacleod draft
authorbyron jones <>
Tue, 01 Aug 2017 12:32:24 +0800
changeset 11685 32cdc7c6ce887ce2f68ab3c356ce002efffb52fd
parent 11684 7b27551e0618c40743059787a0d2c4707bf73394
child 11686 c56e3c87507a40565d06c4078a2788fed57ce88d
push id1790
push dateTue, 19 Sep 2017 04:17:41 +0000
autoland: add tests for patch based requests (bug 1368516) r?smacleod Create a duplicate file for testing receiving patch based requests. MozReview-Commit-ID: IzhAak2kIhs
copy from autoland/tests/test-post-autoland-job-from-repo.t
copy to autoland/tests/test-post-autoland-job-from-patch.t
--- a/autoland/tests/test-post-autoland-job-from-repo.t
+++ b/autoland/tests/test-post-autoland-job-from-patch.t
@@ -33,61 +33,50 @@ Create a commit to test on Try
   changeset:  1:e2507be7827c
   summary:    Bug 1 - some stuff; r?cthulhu
   review:     http://$DOCKER_HOSTNAME:$HGPORT1/r/2 (draft)
   review id:  bz://1/mynick
   review url: http://$DOCKER_HOSTNAME:$HGPORT1/r/1 (draft)
   (visit review url to publish these review requests so others can see them)
   $ REV=`hg log -r . --template "{node|short}"`
+  $ REV_NO=`hg log -r . --template "{rev}"`
 Ensure Autoland started without errors
   $ mozreview exec autoland tail -n 20 /home/autoland/autoland.log
   starting autoland
   * autoland INFO starting autoland (glob)
 Posting a job with bad credentials should fail
-  $ ottoland post-autoland-job $AUTOLAND_URL test-repo $REV try http://localhost:9898 --user blah --password blah
+  $ ottoland post-autoland-job $AUTOLAND_URL test-repo p$REV_NO try http://localhost:9898 --user blah --password blah --patch-url ${MERCURIAL_URL}test-repo/raw-rev/$REV
   (401, u'Login required')
   $ mozreview exec autoland tail -n1 /var/log/apache2/error.log
   * WARNING:root:Failed authentication for "blah" from * (glob)
-Posting a job with without both trysyntax and commit_descriptions should fail
+Post a job from s3 url
-  $ ottoland post-autoland-job $AUTOLAND_URL test-repo 42 try http://localhost:9898
-  (400, u'{\n  "error": "Bad request: one of trysyntax or commit_descriptions must be specified"\n}')
-Posting a job with an unknown revision should fail
-  $ ottoland post-autoland-job $AUTOLAND_URL test-repo 42 try http://localhost:9898 --commit-descriptions "{\"42\": \"bad revision\"}"
+  $ ottoland post-autoland-job $AUTOLAND_URL test-repo p0 inbound http://localhost:9898 --patch-url "s3://example-bucket/p1.patch"
   (200, u'{\n  "request_id": 1\n}')
-  $ ottoland autoland-job-status $AUTOLAND_URL 1 --poll
-  (200, u'{\n  "commit_descriptions": {\n    "42": "bad revision"\n  }, \n  "destination": "try", \n  "error_msg": "hg error in cmd: hg pull test-repo -r 42: pulling from http://hgrb/test-repo\\nabort: unknown revision \'42\'!\\n", \n  "landed": false, \n  "ldap_username": "", \n  "result": "", \n  "rev": "42", \n  "tree": "test-repo"\n}')
-Post a job
+Post a job from localhost
-  $ ottoland post-autoland-job $AUTOLAND_URL test-repo $REV inbound http://localhost:9898 --commit-descriptions "{\"$REV\": \"Bug 1 - some stuff; r=cthulhu\"}"
+  $ ottoland post-autoland-job $AUTOLAND_URL test-repo p1 inbound http://localhost:9898 --patch-url "http://localhost/path/to/p0.patch"
   (200, u'{\n  "request_id": 2\n}')
-  $ ottoland autoland-job-status $AUTOLAND_URL 2 --poll
-  (200, u'{\n  "commit_descriptions": {\n    "e2507be7827c": "Bug 1 - some stuff; r=cthulhu"\n  }, \n  "destination": "inbound", \n  "error_msg": "", \n  "landed": true, \n  "ldap_username": "", \n  "result": "3bce87fd55d0", \n  "rev": "e2507be7827c", \n  "tree": "test-repo"\n}')
-  $ mozreview exec autoland hg log /repos/inbound-test-repo/ --template '{rev}:{desc\|firstline}:{phase}\\n'
-  0:Bug 1 - some stuff; r=cthulhu:public
+Post a job from http url
+  $ ottoland post-autoland-job $AUTOLAND_URL test-repo p2 inbound http://localhost:9898 --patch-url ""
+  (400, u'{\n  "error": "Bad request: bad patch_url"\n}')
 Post a job with try syntax
-  $ ottoland post-autoland-job $AUTOLAND_URL test-repo $REV try http://localhost:9898 --trysyntax "stuff"
-  (200, u'{\n  "request_id": 3\n}')
-  $ ottoland autoland-job-status $AUTOLAND_URL 3 --poll
-  (200, u'{\n  "destination": "try", \n  "error_msg": "", \n  "landed": true, \n  "ldap_username": "", \n  "result": "*", \n  "rev": "e2507be7827c", \n  "tree": "test-repo", \n  "trysyntax": "stuff"\n}') (glob)
-  $ mozreview exec autoland hg log /repos/try/ --template '{rev}:{desc\|firstline}:{phase}\\n'
-  2:try: stuff:draft
-  1:Bug 1 - some stuff; r?cthulhu:draft
-  0:root commit:public
+  $ ottoland post-autoland-job $AUTOLAND_URL test-repo p3 try http://localhost:9898 --trysyntax "stuff" --patch-url ${MERCURIAL_URL}test-repo/raw-rev/$REV
+  (400, u'{\n  "error": "Bad request: trysyntax is not supported with patch_urls"\n}')
 Post a job using a bookmark
   $ echo foo2 > foo
   $ hg commit -m 'Bug 1 - more goodness; r?cthulhu'
   $ hg push --config reviewboard.autopublish=false
   pushing to ssh://$DOCKER_HOSTNAME:$HGPORT6/test-repo
   searching for changes
@@ -106,110 +95,57 @@ Post a job using a bookmark
   summary:    Bug 1 - more goodness; r?cthulhu
   review:     http://$DOCKER_HOSTNAME:$HGPORT1/r/3 (draft)
   review id:  bz://1/mynick
   review url: http://$DOCKER_HOSTNAME:$HGPORT1/r/1 (draft)
   (visit review url to publish these review requests so others can see them)
   $ REV=`hg log -r . --template "{node|short}"`
-  $ ottoland post-autoland-job $AUTOLAND_URL test-repo $REV inbound http://localhost:9898 --push-bookmark "bookmark" --commit-descriptions "{\"$REV\": \"Bug 1 - more goodness; r=cthulhu\"}"
-  (200, u'{\n  "request_id": 4\n}')
-  $ ottoland autoland-job-status $AUTOLAND_URL 4 --poll
-  (200, u'{\n  "commit_descriptions": {\n    "373b6ff60965": "Bug 1 - more goodness; r=cthulhu"\n  }, \n  "destination": "inbound", \n  "error_msg": "", \n  "landed": true, \n  "ldap_username": "", \n  "push_bookmark": "bookmark", \n  "result": "aba7cf08f2e4", \n  "rev": "373b6ff60965", \n  "tree": "test-repo"\n}')
+  $ ottoland post-autoland-job $AUTOLAND_URL test-repo p4 inbound http://localhost:9898 --push-bookmark "bookmark" --patch-url ${MERCURIAL_URL}test-repo/raw-rev/$REV
+  (200, u'{\n  "request_id": 3\n}')
+  $ ottoland autoland-job-status $AUTOLAND_URL 3 --poll
+  (200, u'{\n  "destination": "inbound", \n  "error_msg": "patch based landings not implemented", \n  "landed": false, \n  "ldap_username": "", \n  "patch_urls": [\n    "http://$DOCKER_HOSTNAME:$HGPORT/test-repo/raw-rev/373b6ff60965"\n  ], \n  "push_bookmark": "bookmark", \n  "result": "", \n  "rev": "p4", \n  "tree": "test-repo"\n}')
   $ mozreview exec autoland hg log /repos/inbound-test-repo/ --template '{rev}:{desc\|firstline}:{phase}\\n'
-  1:Bug 1 - more goodness; r=cthulhu:public
-  0:Bug 1 - some stuff; r=cthulhu:public
-Post a job with unicode commit descriptions to be rewritten
-  $ echo foo3 > foo
-  $ hg commit --encoding utf-8 -m 'Bug 1 - こんにちは; r?cthulhu'
-  $ hg push --config reviewboard.autopublish=false
-  pushing to ssh://$DOCKER_HOSTNAME:$HGPORT6/test-repo
-  searching for changes
-  remote: adding changesets
-  remote: adding manifests
-  remote: adding file changes
-  remote: added 1 changesets with 1 changes to 1 files
-  remote: recorded push in pushlog
-  submitting 3 changesets for review
-  changeset:  1:e2507be7827c
-  summary:    Bug 1 - some stuff; r?cthulhu
-  review:     http://$DOCKER_HOSTNAME:$HGPORT1/r/2 (draft)
-  changeset:  2:373b6ff60965
-  summary:    Bug 1 - more goodness; r?cthulhu
-  review:     http://$DOCKER_HOSTNAME:$HGPORT1/r/3 (draft)
-  changeset:  3:e7f4a0f07be3
-  summary:    Bug 1 - ?????; r?cthulhu
-  review:     http://$DOCKER_HOSTNAME:$HGPORT1/r/4 (draft)
-  review id:  bz://1/mynick
-  review url: http://$DOCKER_HOSTNAME:$HGPORT1/r/1 (draft)
-  (visit review url to publish these review requests so others can see them)
-  $ REV=`hg log -r . --template "{node|short}"`
-  $ ottoland post-autoland-job $AUTOLAND_URL test-repo $REV inbound http://localhost:9898 --commit-descriptions "{\"$REV\": \"Bug 1 - \\u3053\\u3093\\u306b\\u3061\\u306f; r=cthulhu\"}"
-  (200, u'{\n  "request_id": 5\n}')
-  $ ottoland autoland-job-status $AUTOLAND_URL 5 --poll
-  (200, u'{\n  "commit_descriptions": {\n    "e7f4a0f07be3": "Bug 1 - \\u3053\\u3093\\u306b\\u3061\\u306f; r=cthulhu"\n  }, \n  "destination": "inbound", \n  "error_msg": "", \n  "landed": true, \n  "ldap_username": "", \n  "result": "8ec6d9d32147", \n  "rev": "e7f4a0f07be3", \n  "tree": "test-repo"\n}')
-  $ mozreview exec autoland hg log --encoding=utf-8 /repos/inbound-test-repo/ --template '{rev}:{desc\|firstline}:{phase}\\n'
-  2:Bug 1 - \xe3\x81\x93\xe3\x82\x93\xe3\x81\xab\xe3\x81\xa1\xe3\x81\xaf; r=cthulhu:public (esc)
-  1:Bug 1 - more goodness; r=cthulhu:public
-  0:Bug 1 - some stuff; r=cthulhu:public
 Getting status for an unknown job should return a 404
   $ ottoland autoland-job-status $AUTOLAND_URL 42
   (404, u'{\n  "error": "Not found"\n}')
   $ mozreview exec autoland hg log --encoding=utf-8 /repos/test-repo/ --template '{rev}:{desc\|firstline}:{phase}\\n'
-  3:Bug 1 - \xe3\x81\x93\xe3\x82\x93\xe3\x81\xab\xe3\x81\xa1\xe3\x81\xaf; r=cthulhu:public (esc)
-  2:Bug 1 - more goodness; r=cthulhu:public
-  1:Bug 1 - some stuff; r=cthulhu:public
-  0:root commit:public
   $ mozreview exec autoland hg log /repos/try/ --template '{rev}:{desc\|firstline}:{phase}\\n'
-  2:try: stuff:draft
-  1:Bug 1 - some stuff; r?cthulhu:draft
-  0:root commit:public
   $ mozreview exec autoland hg log --encoding=utf-8 /repos/inbound-test-repo/ --template '{rev}:{desc\|firstline}:{phase}\\n'
-  2:Bug 1 - \xe3\x81\x93\xe3\x82\x93\xe3\x81\xab\xe3\x81\xa1\xe3\x81\xaf; r=cthulhu:public (esc)
-  1:Bug 1 - more goodness; r=cthulhu:public
-  0:Bug 1 - some stuff; r=cthulhu:public
 Test pingback url whitelist.  localhost, private IPs, and are in
 the whitelist. is not.
-  $ ottoland post-autoland-job $AUTOLAND_URL test-repo $REV inbound1 --commit-descriptions "{\"$REV\": \"Bug 1 - some stuff; r=cthulhu\"}"
+  $ ottoland post-autoland-job $AUTOLAND_URL test-repo p5 inbound1 --patch-url ${MERCURIAL_URL}test-repo/raw-rev/$REV
+  (200, u'{\n  "request_id": 4\n}')
+  $ ottoland post-autoland-job $AUTOLAND_URL test-repo p6 inbound2 http://localhost --patch-url ${MERCURIAL_URL}test-repo/raw-rev/$REV
+  (200, u'{\n  "request_id": 5\n}')
+  $ ottoland post-autoland-job $AUTOLAND_URL test-repo p7 inbound3 --patch-url ${MERCURIAL_URL}test-repo/raw-rev/$REV
   (200, u'{\n  "request_id": 6\n}')
-  $ ottoland post-autoland-job $AUTOLAND_URL test-repo $REV inbound2 http://localhost --commit-descriptions "{\"$REV\": \"Bug 1 - some stuff; r=cthulhu\"}"
+  $ ottoland post-autoland-job $AUTOLAND_URL test-repo p8 inbound4 --patch-url ${MERCURIAL_URL}test-repo/raw-rev/$REV
   (200, u'{\n  "request_id": 7\n}')
-  $ ottoland post-autoland-job $AUTOLAND_URL test-repo $REV inbound3 --commit-descriptions "{\"$REV\": \"Bug 1 - some stuff; r=cthulhu\"}"
+  $ ottoland post-autoland-job $AUTOLAND_URL test-repo p9 inbound5 --patch-url ${MERCURIAL_URL}test-repo/raw-rev/$REV
   (200, u'{\n  "request_id": 8\n}')
-  $ ottoland post-autoland-job $AUTOLAND_URL test-repo $REV inbound4 --commit-descriptions "{\"$REV\": \"Bug 1 - some stuff; r=cthulhu\"}"
+  $ ottoland post-autoland-job $AUTOLAND_URL test-repo p10 inbound6 --patch-url ${MERCURIAL_URL}test-repo/raw-rev/$REV
   (200, u'{\n  "request_id": 9\n}')
-  $ ottoland post-autoland-job $AUTOLAND_URL test-repo $REV inbound5 --commit-descriptions "{\"$REV\": \"Bug 1 - some stuff; r=cthulhu\"}"
-  (200, u'{\n  "request_id": 10\n}')
-  $ ottoland post-autoland-job $AUTOLAND_URL test-repo $REV inbound6 --commit-descriptions "{\"$REV\": \"Bug 1 - some stuff; r=cthulhu\"}"
-  (200, u'{\n  "request_id": 11\n}')
-  $ ottoland post-autoland-job $AUTOLAND_URL test-repo $REV inbound7 --commit-descriptions "{\"$REV\": \"Bug 1 - some stuff; r=cthulhu\"}"
+  $ ottoland post-autoland-job $AUTOLAND_URL test-repo p11 inbound7 --patch-url ${MERCURIAL_URL}test-repo/raw-rev/$REV
   (400, u'{\n  "error": "Bad request: bad pingback_url"\n}')
-  $ ottoland post-autoland-job $AUTOLAND_URL test-repo $REV inbound8 --commit-descriptions "{\"$REV\": \"Bug 1 - some stuff; r=cthulhu\"}"
+  $ ottoland post-autoland-job $AUTOLAND_URL test-repo p12 inbound8 --patch-url ${MERCURIAL_URL}test-repo/raw-rev/$REV
   (400, u'{\n  "error": "Bad request: bad pingback_url"\n}')
 Post the same job twice.  Start with stopping the autoland service to
 guarentee the first request is still in the queue when the second is submitted.
   $ PID=`mozreview exec autoland ps x | grep | grep -v grep | awk '{ print $1 }'`
   $ mozreview exec autoland kill $PID
   $ ottoland post-autoland-job $AUTOLAND_URL test-repo $REV try http://localhost:9898 --trysyntax "stuff"
-  (200, u'{\n  "request_id": 12\n}')
+  (200, u'{\n  "request_id": 10\n}')
   $ ottoland post-autoland-job $AUTOLAND_URL test-repo $REV try http://localhost:9898 --trysyntax "stuff"
-  (400, u'{\n  "error": "Bad Request: a request to land revision e7f4a0f07be3 to try is already in progress"\n}')
+  (400, u'{\n  "error": "Bad Request: a request to land revision 373b6ff60965 to try is already in progress"\n}')
   $ mozreview stop
   stopped 9 containers