Bug 1385982. Don't start kicking off work units during parallel stylo traversal until they're actually full. r?bholley draft
authorBoris Zbarsky <bzbarsky@mit.edu>
Mon, 31 Jul 2017 15:33:24 -0400
changeset 618596 e4876beac5b25b9986d68d9de1f9dbe2ed7c38c2
parent 618593 a043f899869e6347bde60541fafbc5ee19cdc828
child 640128 be644000583a9b3f5b6a55a68c56830ca6af6ba4
push id71396
push userbzbarsky@mozilla.com
push dateMon, 31 Jul 2017 19:33:47 +0000
Bug 1385982. Don't start kicking off work units during parallel stylo traversal until they're actually full. r?bholley MozReview-Commit-ID: 8B4yjjGdEFQ
--- a/servo/components/style/parallel.rs
+++ b/servo/components/style/parallel.rs
@@ -132,17 +132,18 @@ fn create_thread_local_context<'scope, E
 /// A parallel top-down DOM traversal.
 /// This algorithm traverses the DOM in a breadth-first, top-down manner. The
 /// goals are:
 /// * Never process a child before its parent (since child style depends on
 ///   parent style). If this were to happen, the styling algorithm would panic.
 /// * Prioritize discovering nodes as quickly as possible to maximize
-///   opportunities for parallelism.
+///   opportunities for parallelism.  But this needs to be weighed against
+///   styling cousins on a single thread to improve sharing.
 /// * Style all the children of a given node (i.e. all sibling nodes) on
 ///   a single thread (with an upper bound to handle nodes with an
 ///   abnormally large number of children). This is important because we use
 ///   a thread-local cache to share styles between siblings.
 fn top_down_dom<'a, 'scope, E, D>(nodes: &'a [SendNode<E::ConcreteNode>],
                                   recursion_depth: usize,
@@ -168,29 +169,49 @@ fn top_down_dom<'a, 'scope, E, D>(nodes:
         let mut tlc = tls.ensure(
             |slot: &mut Option<ThreadLocalStyleContext<E>>| create_thread_local_context(traversal, slot));
         let mut context = StyleContext {
             shared: traversal.shared_context(),
             thread_local: &mut *tlc,
         for n in nodes {
-            // If the last node we processed produced children, spawn them off
-            // into a work item. We do this at the beginning of the loop (rather
-            // than at the end) so that we can traverse the children of the last
-            // sibling directly on this thread without a spawn call.
+            // If the last node we processed produced children, we may want to
+            // spawn them off into a work item. We do this at the beginning of
+            // the loop (rather than at the end) so that we can traverse the
+            // children of the last sibling directly on this thread without a
+            // spawn call.
             // This has the important effect of removing the allocation and
             // context-switching overhead of the parallel traversal for perfectly
             // linear regions of the DOM, i.e.:
             // <russian><doll><tag><nesting></nesting></tag></doll></russian>
-            // Which are not at all uncommon.
-            if !discovered_child_nodes.is_empty() {
+            // which are not at all uncommon.
+            //
+            // There's a tension here between spawning off a work item as soon
+            // as discovered_child_nodes is nonempty and waiting until we have a
+            // full work item to do so.  The former optimizes for speed of
+            // discovery (we'll start discovering the kids of the things in
+            // "nodes" ASAP).  The latter gives us better sharing (e.g. we can
+            // share between cousins much better, because we don't hand them off
+            // as separate work items, which are likely to end up on separate
+            // threads) and gives us a chance to just handle everything on this
+            // thread for small DOM subtrees, as in the linear example above.
+            //
+            // The worst case behavior for waiting until we have a full work
+            // item is a deep tree which has (WORK_UNIT_MAX - 1) "linear"
+            // branches, hence WORK_UNIT_MAX-1 elements at each level.  Such a
+            // tree would end up getting processed entirely sequentially,
+            // because we would process each level via our end-of-loop tail
+            // call.  If we kicked off a traversal as soon as we discovered
+            // kids, we would instead process such a tree more or less with a
+            // thread-per-branch, multiplexed across our actual threadpool.
+            if discovered_child_nodes.len() >= WORK_UNIT_MAX {
                 let mut traversal_data_copy = traversal_data.clone();
                 traversal_data_copy.current_dom_depth += 1;