Bug 1366294 - Part 2 - Cleanup Chromium Histogram code. r=chutten draft
authorGeorg Fritzsche <georg.fritzsche@googlemail.com>
Tue, 06 Jun 2017 16:48:11 +0700
changeset 610610 3d414c97535bfa6c9cfc6e8de1e489ffbf5dfd4b
parent 610609 17886a79f21e293a8b5fa297e8de322d94709126
child 610611 e0a34e470ad8943743df571dfa9f6b86f0cd1572
push id68956
push userbmo:chutten@mozilla.com
push dateTue, 18 Jul 2017 15:29:20 +0000
Bug 1366294 - Part 2 - Cleanup Chromium Histogram code. r=chutten - A histogram name identifies a set of histogram instances, for which storage and lookup will be handled in TelemetryHistogram.cpp. So we remove the names from histogram code. - Various unused macros in the header are removed. - Remaining traces of StatisticsRecorder are removed from the Histogram class code. - Some unused methods are dropped that were about printing histograms to ASCII etc. MozReview-Commit-ID: BF2rLSpKOJ8
--- a/ipc/chromium/src/base/histogram.cc
+++ b/ipc/chromium/src/base/histogram.cc
@@ -76,52 +76,42 @@ 0xc4614ab8L, 0x5d681b02L, 0x2a6f2b94L, 0
 typedef Histogram::Count Count;
 // static
 const size_t Histogram::kBucketCount_MAX = 16384u;
-Histogram* Histogram::FactoryGet(const std::string& name,
-                                 Sample minimum,
+Histogram* Histogram::FactoryGet(Sample minimum,
                                  Sample maximum,
                                  size_t bucket_count,
                                  Flags flags) {
   Histogram* histogram(NULL);
   // Defensive code.
   if (minimum < 1)
     minimum = 1;
   if (maximum > kSampleType_MAX - 1)
     maximum = kSampleType_MAX - 1;
-  if (!StatisticsRecorder::FindHistogram(name, &histogram)) {
-    // Extra variable is not needed... but this keeps this section basically
-    // identical to other derived classes in this file (and compiler will
-    // optimize away the extra variable.
-    Histogram* tentative_histogram =
-        new Histogram(name, minimum, maximum, bucket_count);
-    tentative_histogram->InitializeBucketRange();
-    tentative_histogram->SetFlags(flags);
-    histogram =
-        StatisticsRecorder::RegisterOrDeleteDuplicate(tentative_histogram);
-  }
+  histogram = new Histogram(minimum, maximum, bucket_count);
+  histogram->InitializeBucketRange();
+  histogram->SetFlags(flags);
   DCHECK_EQ(HISTOGRAM, histogram->histogram_type());
   DCHECK(histogram->HasConstructorArguments(minimum, maximum, bucket_count));
   return histogram;
-Histogram* Histogram::FactoryTimeGet(const std::string& name,
-                                     TimeDelta minimum,
+Histogram* Histogram::FactoryTimeGet(TimeDelta minimum,
                                      TimeDelta maximum,
                                      size_t bucket_count,
                                      Flags flags) {
-  return FactoryGet(name, minimum.InMilliseconds(), maximum.InMilliseconds(),
+  return FactoryGet(minimum.InMilliseconds(), maximum.InMilliseconds(),
                     bucket_count, flags);
 void Histogram::Add(int value) {
   if (value > kSampleType_MAX - 1)
     value = kSampleType_MAX - 1;
   if (value < 0)
     value = 0;
@@ -155,90 +145,16 @@ void Histogram::Clear() {
   sample_ = ss;
 void Histogram::SetRangeDescriptions(const DescriptionPair descriptions[]) {
-// The following methods provide a graphical histogram display.
-void Histogram::WriteHTMLGraph(std::string* output) const {
-  // TBD(jar) Write a nice HTML bar chart, with divs an mouse-overs etc.
-  output->append("<PRE>");
-  WriteAscii(true, "<br>", output);
-  output->append("</PRE>");
-void Histogram::WriteAscii(bool graph_it, const std::string& newline,
-                           std::string* output) const {
-  // Get local (stack) copies of all effectively volatile class data so that we
-  // are consistent across our output activities.
-  SampleSet snapshot;
-  SnapshotSample(&snapshot);
-  Count sample_count = snapshot.TotalCount();
-  WriteAsciiHeader(snapshot, sample_count, output);
-  output->append(newline);
-  // Prepare to normalize graphical rendering of bucket contents.
-  double max_size = 0;
-  if (graph_it)
-    max_size = GetPeakBucketSize(snapshot);
-  // Calculate space needed to print bucket range numbers.  Leave room to print
-  // nearly the largest bucket range without sliding over the histogram.
-  size_t largest_non_empty_bucket = bucket_count() - 1;
-  while (0 == snapshot.counts(largest_non_empty_bucket)) {
-    if (0 == largest_non_empty_bucket)
-      break;  // All buckets are empty.
-    --largest_non_empty_bucket;
-  }
-  // Calculate largest print width needed for any of our bucket range displays.
-  size_t print_width = 1;
-  for (size_t i = 0; i < bucket_count(); ++i) {
-    if (snapshot.counts(i)) {
-      size_t width = GetAsciiBucketRange(i).size() + 1;
-      if (width > print_width)
-        print_width = width;
-    }
-  }
-  int64_t remaining = sample_count;
-  int64_t past = 0;
-  // Output the actual histogram graph.
-  for (size_t i = 0; i < bucket_count(); ++i) {
-    Count current = snapshot.counts(i);
-    if (!current && !PrintEmptyBucket(i))
-      continue;
-    remaining -= current;
-    std::string range = GetAsciiBucketRange(i);
-    output->append(range);
-    for (size_t j = 0; range.size() + j < print_width + 1; ++j)
-      output->push_back(' ');
-    if (0 == current &&
-        i < bucket_count() - 1 && 0 == snapshot.counts(i + 1)) {
-      while (i < bucket_count() - 1 && 0 == snapshot.counts(i + 1))
-        ++i;
-      output->append("... ");
-      output->append(newline);
-      continue;  // No reason to plot emptiness.
-    }
-    double current_size = GetBucketSize(current, i);
-    if (graph_it)
-      WriteAsciiBucketGraph(current_size, max_size, output);
-    WriteAsciiBucketContext(past, current, remaining, i, output);
-    output->append(newline);
-    past += current;
-  }
-  DCHECK_EQ(sample_count, past);
 // Methods for the validating a sample and a related histogram.
 Histogram::FindCorruption(const SampleSet& snapshot) const
   int inconsistencies = NO_INCONSISTENCIES;
@@ -265,22 +181,20 @@ Histogram::FindCorruption(const SampleSe
     // we'll catch a redundant count that doesn't match the sample count.  We
     // allow for a certain amount of slop before flagging this as an
     // inconsistency.  Even with an inconsistency, we'll snapshot it again (for
     // UMA in about a half hour, so we'll eventually get the data, if it was
     // not the result of a corruption.  If histograms show that 1 is "too tight"
     // then we may try to use 2 or 3 for this slop value.
     const int kCommonRaceBasedCountMismatch = 1;
     if (delta > 0) {
-      UMA_HISTOGRAM_COUNTS("Histogram.InconsistentCountHigh", delta);
       if (delta > kCommonRaceBasedCountMismatch)
         inconsistencies |= COUNT_HIGH_ERROR;
     } else {
       DCHECK_GT(0, delta);
-      UMA_HISTOGRAM_COUNTS("Histogram.InconsistentCountLow", -delta);
       if (-delta > kCommonRaceBasedCountMismatch)
         inconsistencies |= COUNT_LOW_ERROR;
   return static_cast<Inconsistencies>(inconsistencies);
 Histogram::ClassType Histogram::histogram_type() const {
@@ -332,51 +246,41 @@ size_t Histogram::SizeOfIncludingThis(mo
 Histogram::SampleSet::SizeOfExcludingThis(mozilla::MallocSizeOf aMallocSizeOf)
   // We're not allowed to do deep dives into STL data structures.  This
   // is as close as we can get to measuring this array.
   return aMallocSizeOf(&counts_[0]);
-Histogram::Histogram(const std::string& name, Sample minimum,
-                     Sample maximum, size_t bucket_count)
+Histogram::Histogram(Sample minimum, Sample maximum, size_t bucket_count)
   : sample_(),
-    histogram_name_(name),
     ranges_(bucket_count + 1, 0),
     recording_enabled_(true) {
-Histogram::Histogram(const std::string& name, TimeDelta minimum,
-                     TimeDelta maximum, size_t bucket_count)
+Histogram::Histogram(TimeDelta minimum, TimeDelta maximum, size_t bucket_count)
   : sample_(),
-    histogram_name_(name),
     declared_min_(static_cast<int> (minimum.InMilliseconds())),
     declared_max_(static_cast<int> (maximum.InMilliseconds())),
     ranges_(bucket_count + 1, 0),
     recording_enabled_(true) {
 Histogram::~Histogram() {
-  if (StatisticsRecorder::dump_on_exit()) {
-    std::string output;
-    WriteAscii(true, "\n", &output);
-    CHROMIUM_LOG(INFO) << output;
-  }
   // Just to make sure most derived class did this properly...
 // Calculate what range of values are held in each bucket.
 // We have to be careful that we don't pick a ratio between starting points in
 // consecutive buckets that is sooo small, that the integer bounds are the same
 // (effectively making one bucket get no values).  We need to avoid:
@@ -555,67 +459,16 @@ double Histogram::GetPeakBucketSize(cons
     double current_size
         = GetBucketSize(snapshot.counts(i), i);
     if (current_size > max)
       max = current_size;
   return max;
-void Histogram::WriteAsciiHeader(const SampleSet& snapshot,
-                                 Count sample_count,
-                                 std::string* output) const {
-  StringAppendF(output,
-                "Histogram: %s recorded %d samples",
-                histogram_name().c_str(),
-                sample_count);
-  int64_t snapshot_sum = snapshot.sum();
-  if (0 == sample_count) {
-    DCHECK_EQ(snapshot_sum, 0);
-  } else {
-    double average = static_cast<float>(snapshot_sum) / sample_count;
-    StringAppendF(output, ", average = %.1f", average);
-  }
-  if (flags_ & ~kHexRangePrintingFlag)
-    StringAppendF(output, " (flags = 0x%x)", flags_ & ~kHexRangePrintingFlag);
-void Histogram::WriteAsciiBucketContext(const int64_t past,
-                                        const Count current,
-                                        const int64_t remaining,
-                                        const size_t i,
-                                        std::string* output) const {
-  double scaled_sum = (past + current + remaining) / 100.0;
-  WriteAsciiBucketValue(current, scaled_sum, output);
-  if (0 < i) {
-    double percentage = past / scaled_sum;
-    StringAppendF(output, " {%3.1f%%}", percentage);
-  }
-void Histogram::WriteAsciiBucketValue(Count current, double scaled_sum,
-                                      std::string* output) const {
-  StringAppendF(output, " (%d = %3.1f%%)", current, current/scaled_sum);
-void Histogram::WriteAsciiBucketGraph(double current_size, double max_size,
-                                      std::string* output) const {
-  const int k_line_length = 72;  // Maximal horizontal width of graph.
-  int x_count = static_cast<int>(k_line_length * (current_size / max_size)
-                                 + 0.5);
-  int x_remainder = k_line_length - x_count;
-  while (0 < x_count--)
-    output->append("-");
-  output->append("O");
-  while (0 < x_remainder--)
-    output->append(" ");
 // Methods for the Histogram::SampleSet class
     : counts_(),
       redundant_count_(0) {
@@ -660,48 +513,43 @@ void Histogram::SampleSet::Add(const Sam
 // LinearHistogram: This histogram uses a traditional set of evenly spaced
 // buckets.
 LinearHistogram::~LinearHistogram() {
-Histogram* LinearHistogram::FactoryGet(const std::string& name,
-                                       Sample minimum,
+Histogram* LinearHistogram::FactoryGet(Sample minimum,
                                        Sample maximum,
                                        size_t bucket_count,
                                        Flags flags) {
   Histogram* histogram(NULL);
   if (minimum < 1)
     minimum = 1;
   if (maximum > kSampleType_MAX - 1)
     maximum = kSampleType_MAX - 1;
-  if (!StatisticsRecorder::FindHistogram(name, &histogram)) {
-    LinearHistogram* tentative_histogram =
-        new LinearHistogram(name, minimum, maximum, bucket_count);
-    tentative_histogram->InitializeBucketRange();
-    tentative_histogram->SetFlags(flags);
-    histogram =
-        StatisticsRecorder::RegisterOrDeleteDuplicate(tentative_histogram);
-  }
+  LinearHistogram* linear_histogram =
+        new LinearHistogram(minimum, maximum, bucket_count);
+  linear_histogram->InitializeBucketRange();
+  linear_histogram->SetFlags(flags);
+  histogram = linear_histogram;
   DCHECK_EQ(LINEAR_HISTOGRAM, histogram->histogram_type());
   DCHECK(histogram->HasConstructorArguments(minimum, maximum, bucket_count));
   return histogram;
-Histogram* LinearHistogram::FactoryTimeGet(const std::string& name,
-                                           TimeDelta minimum,
+Histogram* LinearHistogram::FactoryTimeGet(TimeDelta minimum,
                                            TimeDelta maximum,
                                            size_t bucket_count,
                                            Flags flags) {
-  return FactoryGet(name, minimum.InMilliseconds(), maximum.InMilliseconds(),
+  return FactoryGet(minimum.InMilliseconds(), maximum.InMilliseconds(),
                     bucket_count, flags);
 Histogram::ClassType LinearHistogram::histogram_type() const {
 void LinearHistogram::Accumulate(Sample value, Count count, size_t index) {
@@ -710,28 +558,26 @@ void LinearHistogram::Accumulate(Sample 
 void LinearHistogram::SetRangeDescriptions(
     const DescriptionPair descriptions[]) {
   for (int i =0; descriptions[i].description; ++i) {
     bucket_description_[descriptions[i].sample] = descriptions[i].description;
-LinearHistogram::LinearHistogram(const std::string& name,
-                                 Sample minimum,
+LinearHistogram::LinearHistogram(Sample minimum,
                                  Sample maximum,
                                  size_t bucket_count)
-    : Histogram(name, minimum >= 1 ? minimum : 1, maximum, bucket_count) {
+    : Histogram(minimum >= 1 ? minimum : 1, maximum, bucket_count) {
-LinearHistogram::LinearHistogram(const std::string& name,
-                                 TimeDelta minimum,
+LinearHistogram::LinearHistogram(TimeDelta minimum,
                                  TimeDelta maximum,
                                  size_t bucket_count)
-    : Histogram(name, minimum >= TimeDelta::FromMilliseconds(1) ?
+    : Histogram(minimum >= TimeDelta::FromMilliseconds(1) ?
                                  minimum : TimeDelta::FromMilliseconds(1),
                 maximum, bucket_count) {
 void LinearHistogram::InitializeBucketRange() {
   DCHECK_GT(declared_min(), 0);  // 0 is the underflow bucket here.
   double min = declared_min();
   double max = declared_max();
@@ -764,74 +610,69 @@ bool LinearHistogram::PrintEmptyBucket(s
   return bucket_description_.find(ranges(index)) == bucket_description_.end();
 // This section provides implementation for BooleanHistogram.
-Histogram* BooleanHistogram::FactoryGet(const std::string& name, Flags flags) {
+Histogram* BooleanHistogram::FactoryGet(Flags flags) {
   Histogram* histogram(NULL);
-  if (!StatisticsRecorder::FindHistogram(name, &histogram)) {
-    BooleanHistogram* tentative_histogram = new BooleanHistogram(name);
-    tentative_histogram->InitializeBucketRange();
-    tentative_histogram->SetFlags(flags);
-    histogram =
-        StatisticsRecorder::RegisterOrDeleteDuplicate(tentative_histogram);
-  }
+  BooleanHistogram* tentative_histogram = new BooleanHistogram();
+  tentative_histogram->InitializeBucketRange();
+  tentative_histogram->SetFlags(flags);
+  histogram = tentative_histogram;
   DCHECK_EQ(BOOLEAN_HISTOGRAM, histogram->histogram_type());
   return histogram;
 Histogram::ClassType BooleanHistogram::histogram_type() const {
 void BooleanHistogram::AddBoolean(bool value) {
   Add(value ? 1 : 0);
-BooleanHistogram::BooleanHistogram(const std::string& name)
-    : LinearHistogram(name, 1, 2, 3) {
+    : LinearHistogram(1, 2, 3) {
 BooleanHistogram::Accumulate(Sample value, Count count, size_t index)
   // Callers will have computed index based on the non-booleanified value.
   // So we need to adjust the index manually.
   LinearHistogram::Accumulate(!!value, count, value ? 1 : 0);
 // FlagHistogram:
 Histogram *
-FlagHistogram::FactoryGet(const std::string &name, Flags flags)
+FlagHistogram::FactoryGet(Flags flags)
   Histogram *h(nullptr);
-  if (!StatisticsRecorder::FindHistogram(name, &h)) {
-    FlagHistogram *fh = new FlagHistogram(name);
-    fh->InitializeBucketRange();
-    fh->SetFlags(flags);
-    size_t zero_index = fh->BucketIndex(0);
-    fh->LinearHistogram::Accumulate(0, 1, zero_index);
-    h = StatisticsRecorder::RegisterOrDeleteDuplicate(fh);
-  }
+  FlagHistogram *fh = new FlagHistogram();
+  fh->InitializeBucketRange();
+  fh->SetFlags(flags);
+  size_t zero_index = fh->BucketIndex(0);
+  fh->LinearHistogram::Accumulate(0, 1, zero_index);
+  h = fh;
   return h;
-FlagHistogram::FlagHistogram(const std::string &name)
-  : BooleanHistogram(name), mSwitched(false) {
+  : BooleanHistogram(), mSwitched(false) {
 FlagHistogram::histogram_type() const
@@ -884,32 +725,30 @@ FlagHistogram::Clear() {
   LinearHistogram::Accumulate(0, 1, zero_index);
 // CountHistogram:
 Histogram *
-CountHistogram::FactoryGet(const std::string &name, Flags flags)
+CountHistogram::FactoryGet(Flags flags)
   Histogram *h(nullptr);
-  if (!StatisticsRecorder::FindHistogram(name, &h)) {
-    CountHistogram *fh = new CountHistogram(name);
-    fh->InitializeBucketRange();
-    fh->SetFlags(flags);
-    h = StatisticsRecorder::RegisterOrDeleteDuplicate(fh);
-  }
+  CountHistogram *fh = new CountHistogram();
+  fh->InitializeBucketRange();
+  fh->SetFlags(flags);
+  h = fh;
   return h;
-CountHistogram::CountHistogram(const std::string &name)
-  : LinearHistogram(name, 1, 2, 3) {
+  : LinearHistogram(1, 2, 3) {
 CountHistogram::histogram_type() const
@@ -937,55 +776,50 @@ CountHistogram::AddSampleSet(const Sampl
 // CustomHistogram:
-Histogram* CustomHistogram::FactoryGet(const std::string& name,
-                                       const std::vector<Sample>& custom_ranges,
+Histogram* CustomHistogram::FactoryGet(const std::vector<Sample>& custom_ranges,
                                        Flags flags) {
   Histogram* histogram(NULL);
   // Remove the duplicates in the custom ranges array.
   std::vector<int> ranges = custom_ranges;
   ranges.push_back(0);  // Ensure we have a zero value.
   std::sort(ranges.begin(), ranges.end());
   ranges.erase(std::unique(ranges.begin(), ranges.end()), ranges.end());
   if (ranges.size() <= 1) {
     // Note that we pushed a 0 in above, so for defensive code....
     ranges.push_back(1);  // Put in some data so we can index to [1].
   DCHECK_LT(ranges.back(), kSampleType_MAX);
-  if (!StatisticsRecorder::FindHistogram(name, &histogram)) {
-    CustomHistogram* tentative_histogram = new CustomHistogram(name, ranges);
-    tentative_histogram->InitializedCustomBucketRange(ranges);
-    tentative_histogram->SetFlags(flags);
-    histogram =
-        StatisticsRecorder::RegisterOrDeleteDuplicate(tentative_histogram);
-  }
+  CustomHistogram* custom_histogram = new CustomHistogram(ranges);
+  custom_histogram->InitializedCustomBucketRange(ranges);
+  custom_histogram->SetFlags(flags);
+  histogram = custom_histogram;
   DCHECK_EQ(histogram->histogram_type(), CUSTOM_HISTOGRAM);
   DCHECK(histogram->HasConstructorArguments(ranges[1], ranges.back(),
   return histogram;
 Histogram::ClassType CustomHistogram::histogram_type() const {
-CustomHistogram::CustomHistogram(const std::string& name,
-                                 const std::vector<Sample>& custom_ranges)
-    : Histogram(name, custom_ranges[1], custom_ranges.back(),
+CustomHistogram::CustomHistogram(const std::vector<Sample>& custom_ranges)
+    : Histogram(custom_ranges[1], custom_ranges.back(),
                 custom_ranges.size()) {
   DCHECK_GT(custom_ranges.size(), 1u);
   DCHECK_EQ(custom_ranges[0], 0);
 void CustomHistogram::InitializedCustomBucketRange(
     const std::vector<Sample>& custom_ranges) {
   DCHECK_GT(custom_ranges.size(), 1u);
--- a/ipc/chromium/src/base/histogram.h
+++ b/ipc/chromium/src/base/histogram.h
@@ -51,216 +51,16 @@
 #include <vector>
 #include "base/time.h"
 #include "base/lock.h"
 namespace base {
-// Provide easy general purpose histogram in a macro, just like stats counters.
-// The first four macros use 50 buckets.
-    name, sample, base::TimeDelta::FromMilliseconds(1), \
-    base::TimeDelta::FromSeconds(10), 50)
-    name, sample, 1, 1000000, 50)
-    name, sample, 1, 100, 50)
-#define HISTOGRAM_COUNTS_10000(name, sample) HISTOGRAM_CUSTOM_COUNTS( \
-    name, sample, 1, 10000, 50)
-#define HISTOGRAM_CUSTOM_COUNTS(name, sample, min, max, bucket_count) do { \
-    static base::Histogram* counter(NULL); \
-    if (!counter) \
-      counter = base::Histogram::FactoryGet(name, min, max, bucket_count, \
-                                            base::Histogram::kNoFlags); \
-    DCHECK_EQ(name, counter->histogram_name()); \
-    counter->Add(sample); \
-  } while (0)
-#define HISTOGRAM_PERCENTAGE(name, under_one_hundred) \
-    HISTOGRAM_ENUMERATION(name, under_one_hundred, 101)
-// For folks that need real specific times, use this to select a precise range
-// of times you want plotted, and the number of buckets you want used.
-#define HISTOGRAM_CUSTOM_TIMES(name, sample, min, max, bucket_count) do { \
-    static base::Histogram* counter(NULL); \
-    if (!counter) \
-      counter = base::Histogram::FactoryTimeGet(name, min, max, bucket_count, \
-                                                base::Histogram::kNoFlags); \
-    DCHECK_EQ(name, counter->histogram_name()); \
-    counter->AddTime(sample); \
-  } while (0)
-// DO NOT USE THIS.  It is being phased out, in favor of HISTOGRAM_CUSTOM_TIMES.
-#define HISTOGRAM_CLIPPED_TIMES(name, sample, min, max, bucket_count) do { \
-    static base::Histogram* counter(NULL); \
-    if (!counter) \
-      counter = base::Histogram::FactoryTimeGet(name, min, max, bucket_count, \
-                                                base::Histogram::kNoFlags); \
-    DCHECK_EQ(name, counter->histogram_name()); \
-    if ((sample) < (max)) counter->AddTime(sample); \
-  } while (0)
-// Support histograming of an enumerated value.  The samples should always be
-// less than boundary_value.
-#define HISTOGRAM_ENUMERATION(name, sample, boundary_value) do { \
-    static base::Histogram* counter(NULL); \
-    if (!counter) \
-      counter = base::LinearHistogram::FactoryGet(name, 1, boundary_value, \
-          boundary_value + 1, base::Histogram::kNoFlags); \
-    DCHECK_EQ(name, counter->histogram_name()); \
-    counter->Add(sample); \
-  } while (0)
-#define HISTOGRAM_CUSTOM_ENUMERATION(name, sample, custom_ranges) do { \
-    static base::Histogram* counter(NULL); \
-    if (!counter) \
-      counter = base::CustomHistogram::FactoryGet(name, custom_ranges, \
-                                                  base::Histogram::kNoFlags); \
-    DCHECK_EQ(name, counter->histogram_name()); \
-    counter->Add(sample); \
-  } while (0)
-// Define Debug vs non-debug flavors of macros.
-#ifndef NDEBUG
-#define DHISTOGRAM_TIMES(name, sample) HISTOGRAM_TIMES(name, sample)
-#define DHISTOGRAM_COUNTS(name, sample) HISTOGRAM_COUNTS(name, sample)
-#define DHISTOGRAM_PERCENTAGE(name, under_one_hundred) HISTOGRAM_PERCENTAGE(\
-    name, under_one_hundred)
-#define DHISTOGRAM_CUSTOM_TIMES(name, sample, min, max, bucket_count) \
-    HISTOGRAM_CUSTOM_TIMES(name, sample, min, max, bucket_count)
-#define DHISTOGRAM_CLIPPED_TIMES(name, sample, min, max, bucket_count) \
-    HISTOGRAM_CLIPPED_TIMES(name, sample, min, max, bucket_count)
-#define DHISTOGRAM_CUSTOM_COUNTS(name, sample, min, max, bucket_count) \
-    HISTOGRAM_CUSTOM_COUNTS(name, sample, min, max, bucket_count)
-#define DHISTOGRAM_ENUMERATION(name, sample, boundary_value) \
-    HISTOGRAM_ENUMERATION(name, sample, boundary_value)
-#define DHISTOGRAM_CUSTOM_ENUMERATION(name, sample, custom_ranges) \
-    HISTOGRAM_CUSTOM_ENUMERATION(name, sample, custom_ranges)
-#else  // NDEBUG
-#define DHISTOGRAM_TIMES(name, sample) do {} while (0)
-#define DHISTOGRAM_COUNTS(name, sample) do {} while (0)
-#define DHISTOGRAM_PERCENTAGE(name, under_one_hundred) do {} while (0)
-#define DHISTOGRAM_CUSTOM_TIMES(name, sample, min, max, bucket_count) \
-    do {} while (0)
-#define DHISTOGRAM_CLIPPED_TIMES(name, sample, min, max, bucket_count) \
-    do {} while (0)
-#define DHISTOGRAM_CUSTOM_COUNTS(name, sample, min, max, bucket_count) \
-    do {} while (0)
-#define DHISTOGRAM_ENUMERATION(name, sample, boundary_value) do {} while (0)
-#define DHISTOGRAM_CUSTOM_ENUMERATION(name, sample, custom_ranges) \
-    do {} while (0)
-#endif  // NDEBUG
-// The following macros provide typical usage scenarios for callers that wish
-// to record histogram data, and have the data submitted/uploaded via UMA.
-// Not all systems support such UMA, but if they do, the following macros
-// should work with the service.
-    name, sample, base::TimeDelta::FromMilliseconds(1), \
-    base::TimeDelta::FromSeconds(10), 50)
-    name, sample, base::TimeDelta::FromMilliseconds(10), \
-    base::TimeDelta::FromMinutes(3), 50)
-// Use this macro when times can routinely be much longer than 10 seconds.
-    name, sample, base::TimeDelta::FromMilliseconds(1), \
-    base::TimeDelta::FromHours(1), 50)
-#define UMA_HISTOGRAM_CUSTOM_TIMES(name, sample, min, max, bucket_count) do { \
-    static base::Histogram* counter(NULL); \
-    if (!counter) \
-      counter = base::Histogram::FactoryTimeGet(name, min, max, bucket_count, \
-            base::Histogram::kUmaTargetedHistogramFlag); \
-    DCHECK_EQ(name, counter->histogram_name()); \
-    counter->AddTime(sample); \
-  } while (0)
-// DO NOT USE THIS.  It is being phased out, in favor of HISTOGRAM_CUSTOM_TIMES.
-#define UMA_HISTOGRAM_CLIPPED_TIMES(name, sample, min, max, bucket_count) do { \
-    static base::Histogram* counter(NULL); \
-    if (!counter) \
-      counter = base::Histogram::FactoryTimeGet(name, min, max, bucket_count, \
-           base::Histogram::kUmaTargetedHistogramFlag); \
-    DCHECK_EQ(name, counter->histogram_name()); \
-    if ((sample) < (max)) counter->AddTime(sample); \
-  } while (0)
-    name, sample, 1, 1000000, 50)
-    name, sample, 1, 100, 50)
-    name, sample, 1, 10000, 50)
-#define UMA_HISTOGRAM_CUSTOM_COUNTS(name, sample, min, max, bucket_count) do { \
-    static base::Histogram* counter(NULL); \
-    if (!counter) \
-      counter = base::Histogram::FactoryGet(name, min, max, bucket_count, \
-          base::Histogram::kUmaTargetedHistogramFlag); \
-    DCHECK_EQ(name, counter->histogram_name()); \
-    counter->Add(sample); \
-  } while (0)
-    name, sample, 1000, 500000, 50)
-    name, sample, 1, 1000, 50)
-#define UMA_HISTOGRAM_PERCENTAGE(name, under_one_hundred) \
-    UMA_HISTOGRAM_ENUMERATION(name, under_one_hundred, 101)
-#define UMA_HISTOGRAM_BOOLEAN(name, sample) do { \
-    static base::Histogram* counter(NULL); \
-    if (!counter) \
-      counter = base::BooleanHistogram::FactoryGet(name, \
-          base::Histogram::kUmaTargetedHistogramFlag); \
-    DCHECK_EQ(name, counter->histogram_name()); \
-    counter->AddBoolean(sample); \
-  } while (0)
-#define UMA_HISTOGRAM_ENUMERATION(name, sample, boundary_value) do { \
-    static base::Histogram* counter(NULL); \
-    if (!counter) \
-      counter = base::LinearHistogram::FactoryGet(name, 1, boundary_value, \
-          boundary_value + 1, base::Histogram::kUmaTargetedHistogramFlag); \
-    DCHECK_EQ(name, counter->histogram_name()); \
-    counter->Add(sample); \
-  } while (0)
-#define UMA_HISTOGRAM_CUSTOM_ENUMERATION(name, sample, custom_ranges) do { \
-    static base::Histogram* counter(NULL); \
-    if (!counter) \
-      counter = base::CustomHistogram::FactoryGet(name, custom_ranges, \
-          base::Histogram::kUmaTargetedHistogramFlag); \
-    DCHECK_EQ(name, counter->histogram_name()); \
-    counter->Add(sample); \
-  } while (0)
 class BooleanHistogram;
 class CustomHistogram;
 class Histogram;
 class LinearHistogram;
 class Histogram {
@@ -368,23 +168,21 @@ class Histogram {
     // and also the snapshotting code may asynchronously get a mismatch (though
     // generally either race based mismatch cause is VERY rare).
     int64_t redundant_count_;
   // minimum should start from 1. 0 is invalid as a minimum. 0 is an implicit
   // default underflow bucket.
-  static Histogram* FactoryGet(const std::string& name,
-                               Sample minimum,
+  static Histogram* FactoryGet(Sample minimum,
                                Sample maximum,
                                size_t bucket_count,
                                Flags flags);
-  static Histogram* FactoryTimeGet(const std::string& name,
-                                   base::TimeDelta minimum,
+  static Histogram* FactoryTimeGet(base::TimeDelta minimum,
                                    base::TimeDelta maximum,
                                    size_t bucket_count,
                                    Flags flags);
   void Add(int value);
   void Subtract(int value);
   // TODO: Currently recording_enabled_ is not used by any Histogram class, but
@@ -403,21 +201,16 @@ class Histogram {
   virtual void AddSampleSet(const SampleSet& sample);
   virtual void Clear();
   // This method is an interface, used only by LinearHistogram.
   virtual void SetRangeDescriptions(const DescriptionPair descriptions[]);
-  // The following methods provide graphical histogram displays.
-  void WriteHTMLGraph(std::string* output) const;
-  void WriteAscii(bool graph_it, const std::string& newline,
-                  std::string* output) const;
   // Support generic flagging of Histograms.
   // 0x1 Currently used to mark this histogram to be recorded by UMA..
   // 0x8000 means print ranges in hex.
   void SetFlags(Flags flags) { flags_ = static_cast<Flags> (flags_ | flags); }
   void ClearFlags(Flags flags) { flags_ = static_cast<Flags>(flags_ & ~flags); }
   int flags() const { return flags_; }
   // Check to see if bucket ranges, counts and tallies in the snapshot are
@@ -426,17 +219,16 @@ class Histogram {
   // a SnapShot process, but should otherwise be false at all times (unless we
   // have memory over-writes, or DRAM failures).
   virtual Inconsistencies FindCorruption(const SampleSet& snapshot) const;
   // Accessors for factory constuction, serialization and testing.
   virtual ClassType histogram_type() const;
-  const std::string& histogram_name() const { return histogram_name_; }
   Sample declared_min() const { return declared_min_; }
   Sample declared_max() const { return declared_max_; }
   virtual Sample ranges(size_t i) const;
   uint32_t range_checksum() const { return range_checksum_; }
   virtual size_t bucket_count() const;
   // Do a safe atomic snapshot of sample data.  The caller is assumed to
   // have exclusive access to the destination, |*sample|, and no locking
@@ -448,20 +240,18 @@ class Histogram {
   virtual bool HasConstructorTimeDeltaArguments(TimeDelta minimum,
                                                 TimeDelta maximum,
                                                 size_t bucket_count);
   // Return true iff the range_checksum_ matches current ranges_ vector.
   bool HasValidRangeChecksum() const;
-  Histogram(const std::string& name, Sample minimum,
-            Sample maximum, size_t bucket_count);
-  Histogram(const std::string& name, TimeDelta minimum,
-            TimeDelta maximum, size_t bucket_count);
+  Histogram(Sample minimum, Sample maximum, size_t bucket_count);
+  Histogram(TimeDelta minimum, TimeDelta maximum, size_t bucket_count);
   virtual ~Histogram();
   // Initialize ranges_ mapping.
   void InitializeBucketRange();
   // Method to override to skip the display of the i'th bucket if it's empty.
   virtual bool PrintEmptyBucket(size_t index) const;
@@ -511,44 +301,22 @@ class Histogram {
   static uint32_t Crc32(uint32_t sum, Sample range);
   // Helpers for emitting Ascii graphic.  Each method appends data to output.
   // Find out how large the (graphically) the largest bucket will appear to be.
   double GetPeakBucketSize(const SampleSet& snapshot) const;
-  // Write a common header message describing this histogram.
-  void WriteAsciiHeader(const SampleSet& snapshot,
-                        Count sample_count, std::string* output) const;
-  // Write information about previous, current, and next buckets.
-  // Information such as cumulative percentage, etc.
-  void WriteAsciiBucketContext(const int64_t past, const Count current,
-                               const int64_t remaining, const size_t i,
-                               std::string* output) const;
-  // Write textual description of the bucket contents (relative to histogram).
-  // Output is the count in the buckets, as well as the percentage.
-  void WriteAsciiBucketValue(Count current, double scaled_sum,
-                             std::string* output) const;
-  // Produce actual graph (set of blank vs non blank char's) for a bucket.
-  void WriteAsciiBucketGraph(double current_size, double max_size,
-                             std::string* output) const;
   // Table for generating Crc32 values.
   static const uint32_t kCrcTable[256];
   // Invariant values set at/near construction time
-  // ASCII version of original name given to the constructor.  All identically
-  // named instances will be coalesced cross-project.
-  const std::string histogram_name_;
   Sample declared_min_;  // Less than this goes into counts_[0]
   Sample declared_max_;  // Over this goes into counts_[bucket_count_ - 1].
   size_t bucket_count_;  // Dimension of counts_[].
   // Flag the histogram for recording by UMA via metric_services.h.
   Flags flags_;
   // For each index, show the least value that can be stored in the
@@ -573,42 +341,38 @@ class Histogram {
 // LinearHistogram is a more traditional histogram, with evenly spaced
 // buckets.
 class LinearHistogram : public Histogram {
   virtual ~LinearHistogram();
   /* minimum should start from 1. 0 is as minimum is invalid. 0 is an implicit
      default underflow bucket. */
-  static Histogram* FactoryGet(const std::string& name,
-                               Sample minimum,
+  static Histogram* FactoryGet(Sample minimum,
                                Sample maximum,
                                size_t bucket_count,
                                Flags flags);
-  static Histogram* FactoryTimeGet(const std::string& name,
-                                   TimeDelta minimum,
+  static Histogram* FactoryTimeGet(TimeDelta minimum,
                                    TimeDelta maximum,
                                    size_t bucket_count,
                                    Flags flags);
   // Overridden from Histogram:
   virtual ClassType histogram_type() const;
   virtual void Accumulate(Sample value, Count count, size_t index);
   // Store a list of number/text values for use in rendering the histogram.
   // The last element in the array has a null in its "description" slot.
   virtual void SetRangeDescriptions(const DescriptionPair descriptions[]);
-  LinearHistogram(const std::string& name, Sample minimum,
-                  Sample maximum, size_t bucket_count);
+  LinearHistogram(Sample minimum, Sample maximum, size_t bucket_count);
-  LinearHistogram(const std::string& name, TimeDelta minimum,
-                  TimeDelta maximum, size_t bucket_count);
+  LinearHistogram(TimeDelta minimum, TimeDelta maximum, size_t bucket_count);
   // Initialize ranges_ mapping.
   void InitializeBucketRange();
   virtual double GetBucketSize(Count current, size_t i) const;
   // If we have a description for a bucket, then return that.  Otherwise
   // let parent class provide a (numeric) description.
   virtual const std::string GetAsciiBucketRange(size_t i) const;
@@ -627,87 +391,85 @@ class LinearHistogram : public Histogram
 // BooleanHistogram is a histogram for booleans.
 class BooleanHistogram : public LinearHistogram {
-  static Histogram* FactoryGet(const std::string& name, Flags flags);
+  static Histogram* FactoryGet(Flags flags);
   virtual ClassType histogram_type() const;
   virtual void AddBoolean(bool value);
   virtual void Accumulate(Sample value, Count count, size_t index);
-  explicit BooleanHistogram(const std::string& name);
+  explicit BooleanHistogram();
 // FlagHistogram is like boolean histogram, but only allows a single off/on value.
 class FlagHistogram : public BooleanHistogram
-  static Histogram *FactoryGet(const std::string &name, Flags flags);
+  static Histogram *FactoryGet(Flags flags);
   virtual ClassType histogram_type() const;
   virtual void Accumulate(Sample value, Count count, size_t index);
   virtual void AddSampleSet(const SampleSet& sample);
   virtual void Clear();
-  explicit FlagHistogram(const std::string &name);
+  explicit FlagHistogram();
   bool mSwitched;
 // CountHistogram only allows a single monotic counter value.
 class CountHistogram : public LinearHistogram
-  static Histogram *FactoryGet(const std::string &name, Flags flags);
+  static Histogram *FactoryGet(Flags flags);
   virtual ClassType histogram_type() const;
   virtual void Accumulate(Sample value, Count count, size_t index);
   virtual void AddSampleSet(const SampleSet& sample);
-  explicit CountHistogram(const std::string &name);
+  explicit CountHistogram();
 // CustomHistogram is a histogram for a set of custom integers.
 class CustomHistogram : public Histogram {
-  static Histogram* FactoryGet(const std::string& name,
-                               const std::vector<Sample>& custom_ranges,
+  static Histogram* FactoryGet(const std::vector<Sample>& custom_ranges,
                                Flags flags);
   // Overridden from Histogram:
   virtual ClassType histogram_type() const;
-  CustomHistogram(const std::string& name,
-                  const std::vector<Sample>& custom_ranges);
+  CustomHistogram(const std::vector<Sample>& custom_ranges);
   // Initialize ranges_ mapping.
   void InitializedCustomBucketRange(const std::vector<Sample>& custom_ranges);
   virtual double GetBucketSize(Count current, size_t i) const;