Bug 1362858 - Part 1: make word boundary check more consistent.r=ehsan draft
authorEvelyn Hung <jj.evelyn@gmail.com>
Mon, 12 Jun 2017 17:16:28 +0800
changeset 592469 601390e03132687befc9205771161b9253d20262
parent 592464 27cad9749cddf68e11fdd4e5d73dad84a8f8cf23
child 592470 846ea2c0b4a05cf1ebcbf5cd593635a65f1b83e4
child 593180 ccf0f0e453819cb4f782ab081a42e10b470a8e91
push id63409
push userbmo:ehung@mozilla.com
push dateMon, 12 Jun 2017 09:38:27 +0000
Bug 1362858 - Part 1: make word boundary check more consistent.r=ehsan We use ClassifyCharacter for detecting all possibilities of word boudaries when building mRealWords but not when building soft text. This inconsistency leads us repeatedly checking the same set of words in some cases.
--- a/extensions/spellcheck/src/mozInlineSpellWordUtil.cpp
+++ b/extensions/spellcheck/src/mozInlineSpellWordUtil.cpp
@@ -340,16 +340,257 @@ mozInlineSpellWordUtil::MakeRange(NodeOf
   if (NS_WARN_IF(NS_FAILED(rv))) {
     return rv;
   return NS_OK;
+/*********** Word Splitting ************/
+// classifies a given character in the DOM word
+enum CharClass {
+// Encapsulates DOM-word to real-word splitting
+struct MOZ_STACK_CLASS WordSplitState
+  mozInlineSpellWordUtil*    mWordUtil;
+  const nsDependentSubstring mDOMWordText;
+  int32_t                    mDOMWordOffset;
+  CharClass                  mCurCharClass;
+  WordSplitState(mozInlineSpellWordUtil* aWordUtil,
+                 const nsString& aString, int32_t aStart, int32_t aLen)
+    : mWordUtil(aWordUtil), mDOMWordText(aString, aStart, aLen),
+      mDOMWordOffset(0), mCurCharClass(CHAR_CLASS_END_OF_INPUT) {}
+  CharClass ClassifyCharacter(int32_t aIndex, bool aRecurse) const;
+  void Advance();
+  void AdvanceThroughSeparators();
+  void AdvanceThroughWord();
+  // Finds special words like email addresses and URLs that may start at the
+  // current position, and returns their length, or 0 if not found. This allows
+  // arbitrary word breaking rules to be used for these special entities, as
+  // long as they can not contain whitespace.
+  bool IsSpecialWord();
+  // Similar to IsSpecialWord except that this takes a split word as
+  // input. This checks for things that do not require special word-breaking
+  // rules.
+  bool ShouldSkipWord(int32_t aStart, int32_t aLength);
+// WordSplitState::ClassifyCharacter
+WordSplitState::ClassifyCharacter(int32_t aIndex, bool aRecurse) const
+  NS_ASSERTION(aIndex >= 0 && aIndex <= int32_t(mDOMWordText.Length()),
+               "Index out of range");
+  if (aIndex == int32_t(mDOMWordText.Length()))
+  // this will classify the character, we want to treat "ignorable" characters
+  // such as soft hyphens, and also ZWJ and ZWNJ as word characters.
+  nsUGenCategory charCategory =
+    mozilla::unicode::GetGenCategory(mDOMWordText[aIndex]);
+  if (charCategory == nsUGenCategory::kLetter ||
+      IsIgnorableCharacter(mDOMWordText[aIndex]) ||
+      mDOMWordText[aIndex] == 0x200C /* ZWNJ */ ||
+      mDOMWordText[aIndex] == 0x200D /* ZWJ */)
+    return CHAR_CLASS_WORD;
+  // If conditional punctuation is surrounded immediately on both sides by word
+  // characters it also counts as a word character.
+  if (IsConditionalPunctuation(mDOMWordText[aIndex])) {
+    if (!aRecurse) {
+      // not allowed to look around, this punctuation counts like a separator
+    }
+    // check the left-hand character
+    if (aIndex == 0)
+    if (ClassifyCharacter(aIndex - 1, false) != CHAR_CLASS_WORD)
+    // If the previous charatcer is a word-char, make sure that it's not a
+    // special dot character.
+    if (mDOMWordText[aIndex - 1] == '.')
+    // now we know left char is a word-char, check the right-hand character
+    if (aIndex == int32_t(mDOMWordText.Length()) - 1)
+    if (ClassifyCharacter(aIndex + 1, false) != CHAR_CLASS_WORD)
+    // If the next charatcer is a word-char, make sure that it's not a
+    // special dot character.
+    if (mDOMWordText[aIndex + 1] == '.')
+    // char on either side is a word, this counts as a word
+    return CHAR_CLASS_WORD;
+  }
+  // The dot character, if appearing at the end of a word, should
+  // be considered part of that word.  Example: "etc.", or
+  // abbreviations
+  if (aIndex > 0 &&
+      mDOMWordText[aIndex] == '.' &&
+      mDOMWordText[aIndex - 1] != '.' &&
+      ClassifyCharacter(aIndex - 1, false) != CHAR_CLASS_WORD) {
+    return CHAR_CLASS_WORD;
+  }
+  // all other punctuation
+  if (charCategory == nsUGenCategory::kSeparator ||
+      charCategory == nsUGenCategory::kOther ||
+      charCategory == nsUGenCategory::kPunctuation ||
+      charCategory == nsUGenCategory::kSymbol) {
+    // Don't break on hyphens, as hunspell handles them on its own.
+    if (aIndex > 0 &&
+        mDOMWordText[aIndex] == '-' &&
+        mDOMWordText[aIndex - 1] != '-' &&
+        ClassifyCharacter(aIndex - 1, false) == CHAR_CLASS_WORD) {
+      // A hyphen is only meaningful as a separator inside a word
+      // if the previous and next characters are a word character.
+      if (aIndex == int32_t(mDOMWordText.Length()) - 1)
+        return CHAR_CLASS_SEPARATOR;
+      if (mDOMWordText[aIndex + 1] != '.' &&
+          ClassifyCharacter(aIndex + 1, false) == CHAR_CLASS_WORD)
+        return CHAR_CLASS_WORD;
+    }
+  }
+  // any other character counts as a word
+  return CHAR_CLASS_WORD;
+// WordSplitState::Advance
+  NS_ASSERTION(mDOMWordOffset >= 0, "Negative word index");
+  NS_ASSERTION(mDOMWordOffset < (int32_t)mDOMWordText.Length(),
+               "Length beyond end");
+  mDOMWordOffset ++;
+  if (mDOMWordOffset >= (int32_t)mDOMWordText.Length())
+    mCurCharClass = CHAR_CLASS_END_OF_INPUT;
+  else
+    mCurCharClass = ClassifyCharacter(mDOMWordOffset, true);
+// WordSplitState::AdvanceThroughSeparators
+  while (mCurCharClass == CHAR_CLASS_SEPARATOR)
+    Advance();
+// WordSplitState::AdvanceThroughWord
+  while (mCurCharClass == CHAR_CLASS_WORD)
+    Advance();
+// WordSplitState::IsSpecialWord
+  // Search for email addresses. We simply define these as any sequence of
+  // characters with an '@' character in the middle. The DOM word is already
+  // split on whitepace, so we know that everything to the end is the address
+  int32_t firstColon = -1;
+  for (int32_t i = mDOMWordOffset;
+       i < int32_t(mDOMWordText.Length()); i ++) {
+    if (mDOMWordText[i] == '@') {
+      // only accept this if there are unambiguous word characters (don't bother
+      // recursing to disambiguate apostrophes) on each side. This prevents
+      // classifying, e.g. "@home" as an email address
+      // Use this condition to only accept words with '@' in the middle of
+      // them. It works, but the inlinespellcker doesn't like this. The problem
+      // is that you type "fhsgfh@" that's a misspelled word followed by a
+      // symbol, but when you type another letter "fhsgfh@g" that first word
+      // need to be unmarked misspelled. It doesn't do this. it only checks the
+      // current position for potentially removing a spelling range.
+      if (i > 0 && ClassifyCharacter(i - 1, false) == CHAR_CLASS_WORD &&
+          i < (int32_t)mDOMWordText.Length() - 1 &&
+          ClassifyCharacter(i + 1, false) == CHAR_CLASS_WORD) {
+        return true;
+      }
+    } else if (mDOMWordText[i] == ':' && firstColon < 0) {
+      firstColon = i;
+      // If the first colon is followed by a slash, consider it a URL
+      // This will catch things like asdf://foo.com
+      if (firstColon < (int32_t)mDOMWordText.Length() - 1 &&
+          mDOMWordText[firstColon + 1] == '/') {
+        return true;
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  // Check the text before the first colon against some known protocols. It
+  // is impossible to check against all protocols, especially since you can
+  // plug in new protocols. We also don't want to waste time here checking
+  // against a lot of obscure protocols.
+  if (firstColon > mDOMWordOffset) {
+    nsString protocol(Substring(mDOMWordText, mDOMWordOffset,
+                      firstColon - mDOMWordOffset));
+    if (protocol.EqualsIgnoreCase("http") ||
+        protocol.EqualsIgnoreCase("https") ||
+        protocol.EqualsIgnoreCase("news") ||
+        protocol.EqualsIgnoreCase("file") ||
+        protocol.EqualsIgnoreCase("javascript") ||
+        protocol.EqualsIgnoreCase("data") ||
+        protocol.EqualsIgnoreCase("ftp")) {
+      return true;
+    }
+  }
+  // not anything special
+  return false;
+// WordSplitState::ShouldSkipWord
+WordSplitState::ShouldSkipWord(int32_t aStart, int32_t aLength)
+  int32_t last = aStart + aLength;
+  // check to see if the word contains a digit
+  for (int32_t i = aStart; i < last; i ++) {
+    if (unicode::GetGenCategory(mDOMWordText[i]) == nsUGenCategory::kNumber) {
+      return true;
+    }
+  }
+  // not special
+  return false;
 /*********** DOM text extraction ************/
 // IsDOMWordSeparator
 //    Determines if the given character should be considered as a DOM Word
 //    separator. Basically, this is whitespace, although it could also have
 //    certain punctuation that we know ALWAYS breaks words. This is important.
 //    For example, we can't have any punctuation that could appear in a URL
@@ -399,21 +640,30 @@ static bool
 TextNodeContainsDOMWordSeparator(nsINode* aNode,
                                  int32_t aBeforeOffset,
                                  int32_t* aSeparatorOffset)
   // aNode is actually an nsIContent, since it's eTEXT
   nsIContent* content = static_cast<nsIContent*>(aNode);
   const nsTextFragment* textFragment = content->GetText();
   NS_ASSERTION(textFragment, "Where is our text?");
-  for (int32_t i = std::min(aBeforeOffset, int32_t(textFragment->GetLength())) - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
-    if (IsDOMWordSeparator(textFragment->CharAt(i))) {
+  nsString text;
+  int32_t end = std::min(aBeforeOffset, int32_t(textFragment->GetLength()));
+  bool ok = textFragment->AppendTo(text, 0, end, mozilla::fallible);
+  if(!ok)
+    return false;
+  WordSplitState state(nullptr, text, 0, end);
+  for (int32_t i = end - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
+    if (IsDOMWordSeparator(textFragment->CharAt(i)) ||
+        state.ClassifyCharacter(i, true) == CHAR_CLASS_SEPARATOR) {
       // Be greedy, find as many separators as we can
       for (int32_t j = i - 1; j >= 0; --j) {
-        if (IsDOMWordSeparator(textFragment->CharAt(j))) {
+        if (IsDOMWordSeparator(textFragment->CharAt(j)) ||
+            state.ClassifyCharacter(j, true) == CHAR_CLASS_SEPARATOR) {
           i = j;
         } else {
       *aSeparatorOffset = i;
       return true;
@@ -797,257 +1047,16 @@ mozInlineSpellWordUtil::FindRealWordCont
     // mSoftTextOffset > aSoftTextOffset.
     if (index + 1 < mRealWords.Length())
       return index + 1;
   return -1;
-/*********** Word Splitting ************/
-// classifies a given character in the DOM word
-enum CharClass {
-// Encapsulates DOM-word to real-word splitting
-struct MOZ_STACK_CLASS WordSplitState
-  mozInlineSpellWordUtil*    mWordUtil;
-  const nsDependentSubstring mDOMWordText;
-  int32_t                    mDOMWordOffset;
-  CharClass                  mCurCharClass;
-  WordSplitState(mozInlineSpellWordUtil* aWordUtil,
-                 const nsString& aString, int32_t aStart, int32_t aLen)
-    : mWordUtil(aWordUtil), mDOMWordText(aString, aStart, aLen),
-      mDOMWordOffset(0), mCurCharClass(CHAR_CLASS_END_OF_INPUT) {}
-  CharClass ClassifyCharacter(int32_t aIndex, bool aRecurse) const;
-  void Advance();
-  void AdvanceThroughSeparators();
-  void AdvanceThroughWord();
-  // Finds special words like email addresses and URLs that may start at the
-  // current position, and returns their length, or 0 if not found. This allows
-  // arbitrary word breaking rules to be used for these special entities, as
-  // long as they can not contain whitespace.
-  bool IsSpecialWord();
-  // Similar to IsSpecialWord except that this takes a split word as
-  // input. This checks for things that do not require special word-breaking
-  // rules.
-  bool ShouldSkipWord(int32_t aStart, int32_t aLength);
-// WordSplitState::ClassifyCharacter
-WordSplitState::ClassifyCharacter(int32_t aIndex, bool aRecurse) const
-  NS_ASSERTION(aIndex >= 0 && aIndex <= int32_t(mDOMWordText.Length()),
-               "Index out of range");
-  if (aIndex == int32_t(mDOMWordText.Length()))
-  // this will classify the character, we want to treat "ignorable" characters
-  // such as soft hyphens, and also ZWJ and ZWNJ as word characters.
-  nsUGenCategory charCategory =
-    mozilla::unicode::GetGenCategory(mDOMWordText[aIndex]);
-  if (charCategory == nsUGenCategory::kLetter ||
-      IsIgnorableCharacter(mDOMWordText[aIndex]) ||
-      mDOMWordText[aIndex] == 0x200C /* ZWNJ */ ||
-      mDOMWordText[aIndex] == 0x200D /* ZWJ */)
-    return CHAR_CLASS_WORD;
-  // If conditional punctuation is surrounded immediately on both sides by word
-  // characters it also counts as a word character.
-  if (IsConditionalPunctuation(mDOMWordText[aIndex])) {
-    if (!aRecurse) {
-      // not allowed to look around, this punctuation counts like a separator
-    }
-    // check the left-hand character
-    if (aIndex == 0)
-    if (ClassifyCharacter(aIndex - 1, false) != CHAR_CLASS_WORD)
-    // If the previous charatcer is a word-char, make sure that it's not a
-    // special dot character.
-    if (mDOMWordText[aIndex - 1] == '.')
-    // now we know left char is a word-char, check the right-hand character
-    if (aIndex == int32_t(mDOMWordText.Length()) - 1)
-    if (ClassifyCharacter(aIndex + 1, false) != CHAR_CLASS_WORD)
-    // If the next charatcer is a word-char, make sure that it's not a
-    // special dot character.
-    if (mDOMWordText[aIndex + 1] == '.')
-    // char on either side is a word, this counts as a word
-    return CHAR_CLASS_WORD;
-  }
-  // The dot character, if appearing at the end of a word, should
-  // be considered part of that word.  Example: "etc.", or
-  // abbreviations
-  if (aIndex > 0 &&
-      mDOMWordText[aIndex] == '.' &&
-      mDOMWordText[aIndex - 1] != '.' &&
-      ClassifyCharacter(aIndex - 1, false) != CHAR_CLASS_WORD) {
-    return CHAR_CLASS_WORD;
-  }
-  // all other punctuation
-  if (charCategory == nsUGenCategory::kSeparator ||
-      charCategory == nsUGenCategory::kOther ||
-      charCategory == nsUGenCategory::kPunctuation ||
-      charCategory == nsUGenCategory::kSymbol) {
-    // Don't break on hyphens, as hunspell handles them on its own.
-    if (aIndex > 0 &&
-        mDOMWordText[aIndex] == '-' &&
-        mDOMWordText[aIndex - 1] != '-' &&
-        ClassifyCharacter(aIndex - 1, false) == CHAR_CLASS_WORD) {
-      // A hyphen is only meaningful as a separator inside a word
-      // if the previous and next characters are a word character.
-      if (aIndex == int32_t(mDOMWordText.Length()) - 1)
-        return CHAR_CLASS_SEPARATOR;
-      if (mDOMWordText[aIndex + 1] != '.' &&
-          ClassifyCharacter(aIndex + 1, false) == CHAR_CLASS_WORD)
-        return CHAR_CLASS_WORD;
-    }
-  }
-  // any other character counts as a word
-  return CHAR_CLASS_WORD;
-// WordSplitState::Advance
-  NS_ASSERTION(mDOMWordOffset >= 0, "Negative word index");
-  NS_ASSERTION(mDOMWordOffset < (int32_t)mDOMWordText.Length(),
-               "Length beyond end");
-  mDOMWordOffset ++;
-  if (mDOMWordOffset >= (int32_t)mDOMWordText.Length())
-    mCurCharClass = CHAR_CLASS_END_OF_INPUT;
-  else
-    mCurCharClass = ClassifyCharacter(mDOMWordOffset, true);
-// WordSplitState::AdvanceThroughSeparators
-  while (mCurCharClass == CHAR_CLASS_SEPARATOR)
-    Advance();
-// WordSplitState::AdvanceThroughWord
-  while (mCurCharClass == CHAR_CLASS_WORD)
-    Advance();
-// WordSplitState::IsSpecialWord
-  // Search for email addresses. We simply define these as any sequence of
-  // characters with an '@' character in the middle. The DOM word is already
-  // split on whitepace, so we know that everything to the end is the address
-  int32_t firstColon = -1;
-  for (int32_t i = mDOMWordOffset;
-       i < int32_t(mDOMWordText.Length()); i ++) {
-    if (mDOMWordText[i] == '@') {
-      // only accept this if there are unambiguous word characters (don't bother
-      // recursing to disambiguate apostrophes) on each side. This prevents
-      // classifying, e.g. "@home" as an email address
-      // Use this condition to only accept words with '@' in the middle of
-      // them. It works, but the inlinespellcker doesn't like this. The problem
-      // is that you type "fhsgfh@" that's a misspelled word followed by a
-      // symbol, but when you type another letter "fhsgfh@g" that first word
-      // need to be unmarked misspelled. It doesn't do this. it only checks the
-      // current position for potentially removing a spelling range.
-      if (i > 0 && ClassifyCharacter(i - 1, false) == CHAR_CLASS_WORD &&
-          i < (int32_t)mDOMWordText.Length() - 1 &&
-          ClassifyCharacter(i + 1, false) == CHAR_CLASS_WORD) {
-        return true;
-      }
-    } else if (mDOMWordText[i] == ':' && firstColon < 0) {
-      firstColon = i;
-      // If the first colon is followed by a slash, consider it a URL
-      // This will catch things like asdf://foo.com
-      if (firstColon < (int32_t)mDOMWordText.Length() - 1 &&
-          mDOMWordText[firstColon + 1] == '/') {
-        return true;
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  // Check the text before the first colon against some known protocols. It
-  // is impossible to check against all protocols, especially since you can
-  // plug in new protocols. We also don't want to waste time here checking
-  // against a lot of obscure protocols.
-  if (firstColon > mDOMWordOffset) {
-    nsString protocol(Substring(mDOMWordText, mDOMWordOffset,
-                      firstColon - mDOMWordOffset));
-    if (protocol.EqualsIgnoreCase("http") ||
-        protocol.EqualsIgnoreCase("https") ||
-        protocol.EqualsIgnoreCase("news") ||
-        protocol.EqualsIgnoreCase("file") ||
-        protocol.EqualsIgnoreCase("javascript") ||
-        protocol.EqualsIgnoreCase("data") ||
-        protocol.EqualsIgnoreCase("ftp")) {
-      return true;
-    }
-  }
-  // not anything special
-  return false;
-// WordSplitState::ShouldSkipWord
-WordSplitState::ShouldSkipWord(int32_t aStart, int32_t aLength)
-  int32_t last = aStart + aLength;
-  // check to see if the word contains a digit
-  for (int32_t i = aStart; i < last; i ++) {
-    if (unicode::GetGenCategory(mDOMWordText[i]) == nsUGenCategory::kNumber) {
-      return true;
-    }
-  }
-  // not special
-  return false;
 // mozInlineSpellWordUtil::SplitDOMWord
 mozInlineSpellWordUtil::SplitDOMWord(int32_t aStart, int32_t aEnd)
   WordSplitState state(this, mSoftText, aStart, aEnd - aStart);
   state.mCurCharClass = state.ClassifyCharacter(0, true);