Bug 1249263 - add tests for History.jsm::`removeByFilter`, r=mak draft
authormilindl <i.milind.luthra@gmail.com>
Thu, 04 May 2017 18:05:22 +0530
changeset 576242 e0f53b63e0f08a2a59c32c5700c627714b266e4c
parent 576241 74516b0886bb1630ceeb6a50ad5fb3b10db04f73
child 628135 defe9f3acb452f8549d7a46f37e5a84abdf2d6dd
push id58292
push userbmo:i.milind.luthra@gmail.com
push dateThu, 11 May 2017 14:10:01 +0000
Bug 1249263 - add tests for History.jsm::`removeByFilter`, r=mak This commit adds two sorts of tests; one for the multiple possible use cases (as described in the file itself), and one for the error cases (when the input is incorrect and an Error needs to be thrown). MozReview-Commit-ID: IUny4qXbBPx
new file mode 100644
--- /dev/null
+++ b/toolkit/components/places/tests/history/test_removeByFilter.js
@@ -0,0 +1,321 @@
+"use strict";
+/* This test will ideally test the following cases
+   (each with and without a callback associated with it)
+   * Case A: Tests which should remove pages (Positives)
+   *   Case A 1: Page has multiple visits both in/out of timeframe, all get deleted
+   *   Case A 2: Page has single uri, removed by host
+   *   Case A 3: Page has random subhost, with same host, removed by wildcard
+   *   Case A 4: Page is localhost and localhost:port, removed by host
+   *   Case A 5: Page is a `file://` type address, removed by empty host
+   * Cases A 1,2,3 will be tried with and without bookmarks added (which prevent page deletion)
+   * Case B: Tests in which no pages are removed (Inverses)
+   *   Case B 1 (inverse): Page has no visits in timeframe, and nothing is deleted
+   *   Case B 2: Page has single uri, not removed since hostname is different
+   *   Case B 3: Page has multiple subhosts, not removed since wildcard doesn't match
+   * Case C: Combinations tests
+   *   Case C 1: Single hostname, multiple visits, at least one in timeframe and hostname
+   *   Case C 2: Random subhosts, multiple visits, at least one in timeframe and hostname-wildcard
+   */
+add_task(function* test_removeByFilter() {
+  // Cleanup
+  yield PlacesTestUtils.clearHistory();
+  yield PlacesUtils.bookmarks.eraseEverything();
+  // Adding a witness URI
+  let witnessURI = NetUtil.newURI("http://witnessmozilla.org/test_browserhistory/test_removeByFilter" + Math.random());
+  yield PlacesTestUtils.addVisits(witnessURI);
+  Assert.ok((yield PlacesTestUtils.isPageInDB(witnessURI)), "Witness URI is in database");
+  let removeByFilterTester = Task.async(function*(visits, filter, checkBeforeRemove, checkAfterRemove, useCallback, bookmarkedUri) {
+    // Add visits for URIs
+    yield PlacesTestUtils.addVisits(visits);
+    if (bookmarkedUri !== null && visits.map(v => v.uri).includes(bookmarkedUri)) {
+      yield PlacesUtils.bookmarks.insert({
+        parentGuid: PlacesUtils.bookmarks.unfiledGuid,
+        url: bookmarkedUri,
+        title: "test bookmark"
+      });
+    }
+    checkBeforeRemove();
+    // Take care of any observers (due to bookmarks)
+    let { observer, promiseObserved } = getObserverPromise(bookmarkedUri);
+    if (observer) {
+      PlacesUtils.history.addObserver(observer, false);
+    }
+    // Perfom delete operation on database
+    let removed = false;
+    if (useCallback) {
+      // The amount of callbacks will be the unique URIs to remove from the database
+      let netCallbacksRequired = (new Set(visits.map(v => v.uri))).size;
+      removed = yield PlacesUtils.history.removeByFilter(filter, pageInfo => {
+        Assert.ok(PlacesUtils.validatePageInfo(pageInfo, false), "pageInfo should follow a basic format");
+        Assert.ok(netCallbacksRequired > 0, "Callback called as many times as required");
+        netCallbacksRequired--;
+      });
+    } else {
+      removed = yield PlacesUtils.history.removeByFilter(filter);
+    }
+    checkAfterRemove();
+    yield promiseObserved;
+    if (observer) {
+      PlacesUtils.history.removeObserver(observer);
+      // Remove the added bookmarks as they interfere with following tests
+      PlacesUtils.bookmarks.eraseEverything();
+    }
+      Assert.ok((yield PlacesTestUtils.isPageInDB(witnessURI)), "Witness URI is still in database");
+    return removed;
+  });
+  const remoteUriList = [ "http://mozilla.org/test_browserhistory/test_removeByFilter/" + Math.random(),
+                          "http://subdomain1.mozilla.org/test_browserhistory/test_removeByFilter/" + Math.random(),
+                          "http://subdomain2.mozilla.org/test_browserhistory/test_removeByFilter/" + Math.random()
+                        ];
+  const localhostUriList = [ "http://localhost:4500/" + Math.random(), "http://localhost/" + Math.random() ];
+  const fileUriList = [ "file:///home/user/files" + Math.random() ];
+  const title = "Title " + Math.random();
+  let sameHostVisits = [
+    {
+      uri: remoteUriList[0],
+      title,
+      visitDate: new Date(2005, 1, 1) * 1000
+    },
+    {
+      uri: remoteUriList[0],
+      title,
+      visitDate: new Date(2005, 3, 3) * 1000
+    },
+    {
+      uri: remoteUriList[0],
+      title,
+      visitDate: new Date(2007, 1, 1) * 1000
+    }
+  ];
+  let randomHostVisits = [
+    {
+      uri: remoteUriList[0],
+      title,
+      visitDate: new Date(2005, 1, 1) * 1000
+    },
+    {
+      uri: remoteUriList[1],
+      title,
+      visitDate: new Date(2005, 3, 3) * 1000
+    },
+    {
+      uri: remoteUriList[2],
+      title,
+      visitDate: new Date(2007, 1, 1) * 1000
+    }
+  ];
+  let localhostVisits = [
+    {
+      uri: localhostUriList[0],
+      title
+    },
+    {
+      uri: localhostUriList[1],
+      title
+    }
+  ];
+  let fileVisits = [
+    {
+      uri: fileUriList[0],
+      title
+    }
+  ];
+  let assertInDB = function*(aUri) {
+      Assert.ok((yield PlacesTestUtils.isPageInDB(aUri)));
+  };
+  let assertNotInDB = function*(aUri) {
+    Assert.ok(!(yield PlacesTestUtils.isPageInDB(aUri)));
+  };
+  for (let callbackUse of [true, false]) {
+    // Case A Positives
+    for (let bookmarkUse of [true, false]) {
+      let bookmarkedUri = (arr) => undefined;
+      let checkableArray = (arr) => arr;
+      let checkClosure = assertNotInDB;
+      if (bookmarkUse) {
+        bookmarkedUri = (arr) => arr[0];
+        checkableArray = (arr) => arr.slice(1);
+        checkClosure = function(aUri) { };
+      }
+      // Case A 1: Dates
+      yield removeByFilterTester(sameHostVisits,
+                                 { beginDate: new Date(2004, 1, 1), endDate: new Date(2006, 1, 1) },
+                                 () => assertInDB(remoteUriList[0]),
+                                 () => checkClosure(remoteUriList[0]),
+                                 callbackUse, bookmarkedUri(remoteUriList));
+      // Case A 2: Single Sub-host
+      yield removeByFilterTester(sameHostVisits, { host: "mozilla.org" },
+                                 () => assertInDB(remoteUriList[0]),
+                                 () => checkClosure(remoteUriList[0]),
+                                 callbackUse, bookmarkedUri(remoteUriList));
+      // Case A 3: Multiple subhost
+      yield removeByFilterTester(randomHostVisits, { host: "*.mozilla.org" },
+                                 () => remoteUriList.forEach(assertInDB),
+                                 () => checkableArray(remoteUriList).forEach(checkClosure),
+                                 callbackUse, bookmarkedUri(remoteUriList));
+    }
+    // Case A 4: Localhost
+    yield removeByFilterTester(localhostVisits, { host: "localhost" },
+                               () => localhostUriList.forEach(assertInDB),
+                               () => localhostUriList.forEach(assertNotInDB),
+                               callbackUse);
+    // Case A 5: Local Files
+    yield removeByFilterTester(fileVisits, { host: "" },
+                               () => fileUriList.forEach(assertInDB),
+                               () => fileUriList.forEach(assertNotInDB),
+                               callbackUse);
+    // Case B: Tests which do not remove anything (inverses)
+    // Case B 1: Date
+    yield removeByFilterTester(sameHostVisits,
+                               { beginDate: new Date(2001, 1, 1), endDate: new Date(2002, 1, 1) },
+                               () => assertInDB(remoteUriList[0]),
+                               () => assertInDB(remoteUriList[0]),
+                               callbackUse);
+    // Case B 2 : Single subhost
+    yield removeByFilterTester(sameHostVisits, { host: "notthere.org" },
+                               () => assertInDB(remoteUriList[0]),
+                               () => assertInDB(remoteUriList[0]),
+                               callbackUse);
+    // Case B 3 : Multiple subhosts
+    yield removeByFilterTester(randomHostVisits, { host: "*.notthere.org" },
+                               () => remoteUriList.forEach(assertInDB),
+                               () => remoteUriList.forEach(assertInDB),
+                               callbackUse);
+    // Case C: Combination Cases
+    // Case C 1: single subhost
+    yield removeByFilterTester(sameHostVisits,
+                               { host: "mozilla.org",
+                                 beginDate: new Date(2004, 1, 1),
+                                 endDate: new Date(2006, 1, 1) },
+                               () => assertInDB(remoteUriList[0]),
+                               () => assertNotInDB(remoteUriList[0]),
+                               callbackUse);
+    // Case C 2: multiple subhost
+    yield removeByFilterTester(randomHostVisits,
+                               { host: "*.mozilla.org",
+                                 beginDate: new Date(2005, 1, 1),
+                                 endDate: new Date(2017, 1, 1) },
+                               () => remoteUriList.forEach(assertInDB),
+                               () => remoteUriList.forEach(assertNotInDB),
+                               callbackUse);
+  }
+// Test various error cases
+add_task(function* test_error_cases() {
+  Assert.throws(
+    () => PlacesUtils.history.removeByFilter(),
+      /TypeError: Expected a filter/
+  );
+  Assert.throws(
+    () => PlacesUtils.history.removeByFilter("obviously, not a filter"),
+      /TypeError: Expected a filter/
+  );
+  Assert.throws(
+    () => PlacesUtils.history.removeByFilter({}),
+      /TypeError: Expected a non-empty filter/
+  );
+  Assert.throws(
+    () => PlacesUtils.history.removeVisitsByFilter({beginDate: "now"}),
+      /TypeError: Expected a Date/
+  );
+  Assert.throws(
+    () => PlacesUtils.history.removeByFilter({beginDate: Date.now()}),
+      /TypeError: Expected a Date/
+  );
+  Assert.throws(
+    () => PlacesUtils.history.removeByFilter({beginDate: new Date()}, "obviously, not a callback"),
+      /TypeError: Invalid function/
+  );
+  Assert.throws(
+    () => PlacesUtils.history.removeByFilter({beginDate: new Date(1000), endDate: new Date(0)}),
+      /TypeError: `beginDate` should be at least as old/
+  );
+  Assert.throws(
+    () => PlacesUtils.history.removeByFilter({host: "#"}),
+      /TypeError: Expected well formed hostname string for/
+  );
+  Assert.throws(
+    () => PlacesUtils.history.removeByFilter({host: "*.org"}),
+      /TypeError: Expected well formed hostname string for/
+  );
+  Assert.throws(
+    () => PlacesUtils.history.removeByFilter({host: "www.*.org"}),
+      /TypeError: Expected well formed hostname string for/
+  );
+  Assert.throws(
+    () => PlacesUtils.history.removeByFilter({host: {}}),
+      /TypeError: `host` should be a string/
+  );
+  Assert.throws(
+    () => PlacesUtils.history.removeByFilter({host: ".mozilla.org"}),
+      /TypeError: Expected well formed hostname string for/
+  );
+  Assert.throws(
+    () => PlacesUtils.history.removeByFilter({host: "*"}),
+      /TypeError: Expected well formed hostname string for/
+  );
+  Assert.throws(
+    () => PlacesUtils.history.removeByFilter({host: "local.host."}),
+      /TypeError: Expected well formed hostname string for/
+  );
+  Assert.throws(
+    () => PlacesUtils.history.removeByFilter({host: "(local files)"}),
+      /TypeError: Expected well formed hostname string for/
+  );
+// Helper functions
+function getObserverPromise(bookmarkedUri) {
+  if (!bookmarkedUri) {
+    return { observer: null, promiseObserved: Promise.resolve() };
+  }
+  let observer;
+  let promiseObserved = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
+    observer = {
+      onBeginUpdateBatch() {},
+      onEndUpdateBatch() {},
+      onVisit(aUri) {
+        reject(new Error("Unexpected call to onVisit"));
+      },
+      onTitleChanged(aUri) {
+        reject(new Error("Unexpected call to onTitleChanged"));
+      },
+      onClearHistory() {
+        reject(new Error("Unexpected call to onClearHistory"));
+      },
+      onPageChanged(aUri) {
+        reject(new Error("Unexpected call to onPageChanged"));
+      },
+      onFrecencyChanged(aURI) {},
+      onManyFrecenciesChanged() {},
+      onDeleteURI(aURI) {
+        try {
+          Assert.notEqual(aURI.spec, bookmarkedUri, "Bookmarked URI should not be deleted");
+        } finally {
+          resolve();
+        }
+      },
+      onDeleteVisits(aURI, aVisitTime) {
+        try {
+          Assert.equal(aVisitTime, PlacesUtils.toPRTime(new Date(0)), "Observing onDeleteVisits deletes all visits");
+          Assert.equal(aURI.spec, bookmarkedUri, "Bookmarked URI should have all visits removed but not the page itself");
+        } finally {
+          resolve();
+        }
+      }
+    };
+  });
+  return { observer, promiseObserved };
--- a/toolkit/components/places/tests/history/xpcshell.ini
+++ b/toolkit/components/places/tests/history/xpcshell.ini
@@ -1,11 +1,12 @@
 head = head_history.js