Bug 1353456: summarize index routes to avoid scope bloat; r?jonasfj draft
authorDustin J. Mitchell <dustin@mozilla.com>
Tue, 04 Apr 2017 19:26:15 +0000
changeset 555750 b249993971f9c0d155f6e7b26ba1d0f0359e274c
parent 555725 b043233ec04f06768d59dcdfb9e928142280f3cc
child 622685 c1c09fd6451c4c5ab5b12510bf2475107c814daa
push id52323
push userdmitchell@mozilla.com
push dateTue, 04 Apr 2017 19:33:09 +0000
Bug 1353456: summarize index routes to avoid scope bloat; r?jonasfj MozReview-Commit-ID: 6ACnfKy2g0z
--- a/taskcluster/taskgraph/morph.py
+++ b/taskcluster/taskgraph/morph.py
@@ -14,16 +14,17 @@ the graph.
 # Note that the translation of `{'task-reference': '..'}` is handled in the
 # optimization phase (since optimization involves dealing with taskIds
 # directly).  Similarly, `{'relative-datestamp': '..'}` is handled at the last
 # possible moment during task creation.
 from __future__ import absolute_import, print_function, unicode_literals
 import logging
+import re
 from slugid import nice as slugid
 from .task import Task
 from .graph import Graph
 from .taskgraph import TaskGraph
 logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
@@ -89,30 +90,52 @@ def derive_misc_task(task, purpose, imag
         dependencies['docker-image'] = image_taskid
     task = Task(kind='misc', label=label, attributes={}, task=task_def,
     task.task_id = slugid()
     return task
+# these regular expressions capture route prefixes for which we have a star
+# scope, allowing them to be summarized.  Each should correspond to a star scope
+# in each Gecko `assume:repo:hg.mozilla.org/...` role.
+    re.compile(r'(index:insert-task:buildbot\.branches\.[^.]*\.).*'),
+    re.compile(r'(index:insert-task:buildbot\.revisions\.).*'),
+    re.compile(r'(index:insert-task:docker\.images\.v1\.[^.]*\.).*'),
+    re.compile(r'(index:insert-task:gecko\.v2\.[^.]*\.).*'),
 def make_index_task(parent_task, taskgraph, label_to_taskid):
     index_paths = [r.split('.', 1)[1] for r in parent_task.task['routes']
                    if r.startswith('index.')]
     parent_task.task['routes'] = [r for r in parent_task.task['routes']
                                   if not r.startswith('index.')]
     task = derive_misc_task(parent_task, 'index-task', 'index-task',
                             taskgraph, label_to_taskid)
-    task.task['scopes'] = [
-        'index:insert-task:{}'.format(path) for path in index_paths]
+    # we need to "summarize" the scopes, otherwise a particularly
+    # namespace-heavy index task might have more scopes than can fit in a
+    # temporary credential.
+    scopes = set()
+    for path in index_paths:
+        scope = 'index:insert-task:{}'.format(path)
+        for summ_re in SCOPE_SUMMARY_REGEXPS:
+            match = summ_re.match(scope)
+            if match:
+                scope = match.group(1) + '*'
+                break
+        scopes.add(scope)
+    task.task['scopes'] = sorted(scopes)
     task.task['payload']['command'] = ['insert-indexes.js'] + index_paths
-    task.task['payload']['env'] = {
-        "TARGET_TASKID": parent_task.task_id,
-    }
+    task.task['payload']['env'] = {"TARGET_TASKID": parent_task.task_id}
     return task
 def add_index_tasks(taskgraph, label_to_taskid):
     The TaskCluster queue only allows 10 routes on a task, but we have tasks
     with many more routes, for purposes of indexing. This graph morph adds
     "index tasks" that depend on such tasks and do the index insertions
new file mode 100644
--- /dev/null
+++ b/taskcluster/taskgraph/test/test_morph.py
@@ -0,0 +1,86 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
+from __future__ import absolute_import, print_function, unicode_literals
+import unittest
+from .. import morph
+from ..graph import Graph
+from ..taskgraph import TaskGraph
+from ..task import Task
+from mozunit import main
+class TestIndexTask(unittest.TestCase):
+    def test_make_index_tasks(self):
+        task_def = {
+            'routes': [
+                "index.gecko.v2.mozilla-central.latest.firefox-l10n.linux64-opt.es-MX",
+                "index.gecko.v2.mozilla-central.latest.firefox-l10n.linux64-opt.fy-NL",
+                "index.gecko.v2.mozilla-central.latest.firefox-l10n.linux64-opt.sk",
+                "index.gecko.v2.mozilla-central.latest.firefox-l10n.linux64-opt.sl",
+                "index.gecko.v2.mozilla-central.latest.firefox-l10n.linux64-opt.uk",
+                "index.gecko.v2.mozilla-central.latest.firefox-l10n.linux64-opt.zh-CN",
+                "index.gecko.v2.mozilla-central.pushdate."
+                "2017.04.04.20170404100210.firefox-l10n.linux64-opt.es-MX",
+                "index.gecko.v2.mozilla-central.pushdate."
+                "2017.04.04.20170404100210.firefox-l10n.linux64-opt.fy-NL",
+                "index.gecko.v2.mozilla-central.pushdate."
+                "2017.04.04.20170404100210.firefox-l10n.linux64-opt.sk",
+                "index.gecko.v2.mozilla-central.pushdate."
+                "2017.04.04.20170404100210.firefox-l10n.linux64-opt.sl",
+                "index.gecko.v2.mozilla-central.pushdate."
+                "2017.04.04.20170404100210.firefox-l10n.linux64-opt.uk",
+                "index.gecko.v2.mozilla-central.pushdate."
+                "2017.04.04.20170404100210.firefox-l10n.linux64-opt.zh-CN",
+                "index.gecko.v2.mozilla-central.revision."
+                "b5d8b27a753725c1de41ffae2e338798f3b5cacd.firefox-l10n.linux64-opt.es-MX",
+                "index.gecko.v2.mozilla-central.revision."
+                "b5d8b27a753725c1de41ffae2e338798f3b5cacd.firefox-l10n.linux64-opt.fy-NL",
+                "index.gecko.v2.mozilla-central.revision."
+                "b5d8b27a753725c1de41ffae2e338798f3b5cacd.firefox-l10n.linux64-opt.sk",
+                "index.gecko.v2.mozilla-central.revision."
+                "b5d8b27a753725c1de41ffae2e338798f3b5cacd.firefox-l10n.linux64-opt.sl",
+                "index.gecko.v2.mozilla-central.revision."
+                "b5d8b27a753725c1de41ffae2e338798f3b5cacd.firefox-l10n.linux64-opt.uk",
+                "index.gecko.v2.mozilla-central.revision."
+                "b5d8b27a753725c1de41ffae2e338798f3b5cacd.firefox-l10n.linux64-opt.zh-CN"
+            ],
+            'deadline': 'soon',
+            'metadata': {
+                'description': 'desc',
+                'owner': 'owner@foo.com',
+                'source': 'https://source',
+            },
+        }
+        task = Task(kind='test', label='a', attributes={}, task=task_def)
+        docker_task = Task(kind='docker-image', label='build-docker-image-index-task',
+                           attributes={}, task={})
+        taskgraph, label_to_taskid = self.make_taskgraph({
+            task.label: task,
+            docker_task.label: docker_task,
+        })
+        index_task = morph.make_index_task(task, taskgraph, label_to_taskid)
+        self.assertEqual(index_task.task['payload']['command'][0], 'insert-indexes.js')
+        self.assertEqual(index_task.task['payload']['env']['TARGET_TASKID'], 'a-tid')
+        # check the scope summary
+        self.assertEqual(index_task.task['scopes'],
+                         ['index:insert-task:gecko.v2.mozilla-central.*'])
+    def make_taskgraph(self, tasks):
+        label_to_taskid = {k: k + '-tid' for k in tasks}
+        for label, task_id in label_to_taskid.iteritems():
+            tasks[label].task_id = task_id
+        graph = Graph(nodes=set(tasks), edges=set())
+        taskgraph = TaskGraph(tasks, graph)
+        return taskgraph, label_to_taskid
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+    main()