Bug 1351480 - set_root_display_list got renamed to set_display_list, so update call sites. r?jrmuizel
MozReview-Commit-ID: 18UaBns3psG
--- a/gfx/webrender_bindings/src/bindings.rs
+++ b/gfx/webrender_bindings/src/bindings.rs
@@ -871,53 +871,53 @@ pub unsafe extern "C" fn wr_api_set_root
pipeline_id: PipelineId,
dl_descriptor: BuiltDisplayListDescriptor,
dl_data: *mut u8,
dl_size: usize,
aux_descriptor: AuxiliaryListsDescriptor,
aux_data: *mut u8,
aux_size: usize) {
let root_background_color = ColorF::new(0.3, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0);
- // See the documentation of set_root_display_list in api.rs. I don't think
+ // See the documentation of set_display_list in api.rs. I don't think
// it makes a difference in gecko at the moment(until APZ is figured out)
// but I suppose it is a good default.
let preserve_frame_state = true;
let dl_slice = slice::from_raw_parts(dl_data, dl_size);
let mut dl_vec = Vec::new();
// XXX: see if we can get rid of the copy here
let dl = BuiltDisplayList::from_data(dl_vec, dl_descriptor);
let aux_slice = slice::from_raw_parts(aux_data, aux_size);
let mut aux_vec = Vec::new();
// XXX: see if we can get rid of the copy here
let aux = AuxiliaryLists::from_data(aux_vec, aux_descriptor);
- api.set_root_display_list(Some(root_background_color),
- epoch,
- LayoutSize::new(viewport_width, viewport_height),
- (pipeline_id, dl, aux),
- preserve_frame_state);
+ api.set_display_list(Some(root_background_color),
+ epoch,
+ LayoutSize::new(viewport_width, viewport_height),
+ (pipeline_id, dl, aux),
+ preserve_frame_state);
pub unsafe extern "C" fn wr_api_clear_root_display_list(api: &mut RenderApi,
epoch: Epoch,
pipeline_id: PipelineId) {
let root_background_color = ColorF::new(0.3, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0);
let preserve_frame_state = true;
let frame_builder = WebRenderFrameBuilder::new(pipeline_id);
- api.set_root_display_list(Some(root_background_color),
- epoch,
- LayoutSize::new(0.0, 0.0),
- frame_builder.dl_builder.finalize(),
- preserve_frame_state);
+ api.set_display_list(Some(root_background_color),
+ epoch,
+ LayoutSize::new(0.0, 0.0),
+ frame_builder.dl_builder.finalize(),
+ preserve_frame_state);
pub extern "C" fn wr_api_generate_frame(api: &mut RenderApi) {