bundleclone: remove extension (bug 1352494); r?glob draft
authorGregory Szorc <gps@mozilla.com>
Fri, 31 Mar 2017 14:26:58 -0700
changeset 10605 f8e99e8f2547abb6195f077c8d347dc81dfb5e47
parent 10604 a4aa21df3c60fba3d53eff2253ba8a3dd5548568
child 10606 6ee05e29095b4006de73a537a568825fef21b04b
push id1596
push userbmo:gps@mozilla.com
push dateFri, 31 Mar 2017 21:38:22 +0000
bundleclone: remove extension (bug 1352494); r?glob The bundleclone extension was a pioneer in the world of cloning from pre-generated bundles. However, this functionality has been incorporated into Mercurial 3.6+ and nearly all consumers of bundle-based clones now use the built-in clonebundles feature. We recently removed support for bundleclone on hg.mozilla.org, which should have been the only server using this functionality. It makes little sense to continue supporting the bundleclone extension for either server or client use. So, this commit deletes the now-unused bundleclone extension. After this commit, the only references to "bundleclone" in the repository are in the documentation: the page we use to describe cloning from bundles is named "bundleclone." There are no references to the extension remaining. MozReview-Commit-ID: 4xoKjsrEC57
--- a/docs/hgext.rst
+++ b/docs/hgext.rst
@@ -3,25 +3,16 @@
 Mercurial Extensions
 This repository contains a number of Mercurial extensions. Each is
 described in the sections below.
 All extensions are located under the ``hgext/`` subdirectory.
-The bundleclone extension is an **experimental** extension that allows
-Mercurial servers to advertise where pre-generated bundles may be
-fetched from. When ``hg clone`` is performed, the client will fetch a
-static bundle file then do an incremental ``hg pull``. This is much more
-efficient for the server.
 The bzexport extension provides commands for interacting with Bugzilla.
 It's known for its namesake ``hg bzexport`` command, which exports/uploads
 patches to Bugzilla. It also offers an ``hg newbug`` command to create
 new bugs from the command line.
deleted file mode 100644
--- a/hgext/bundleclone/__init__.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,896 +0,0 @@
-# This software may be used and distributed according to the terms of the
-# GNU General Public License version 2 or any later version.
-"""Perform clones by first downloading static bundles.
-Cloning large repositories can be resource intensive on the server because
-Mercurial needs to work to serve that data.
-This extension relieves some of that load by changing clone to first obtain
-a pre-generated bundle file. Since the bundle file is pre-generated and
-serving static files should not be as resource intensive as producing a
-bundle at clone time, this results in a net reduction of server work.
-Client Use
-To enable cloning from bundles, simply enable this extension on the client.
-If the server supports bundle clones and a bundle is available, it will be
-used. If not, there is no change in behavior.
-The ``bundleclone.pullmanifest`` boolean config flag can be set to enable
-pulling the bundleclone manifest from the server during clone and pull
-operations. It is not enabled by default.
-Server Use
-During clone, the contents of .hg/bundleclone.manifest are transferred to the
-client and parsed for suitable bundles.
-Each line in this file defines an available bundle. Lines have the format:
-    <URL> [<key>=<value]
-That is, a URL followed by extra metadata describing it. Metadata keys and
-values should be URL encoded.
-This metadata is optional. It is up to server operators to populate this
-metadata. See below for use cases.
-The server operator is responsible for generating the bundle manifest file.
-While the bundle manifest can consist of multiple lines, the client will
-currently only consult the first line unless attribute preferences are
-defined. See below.
-Using Stream Bundles
-Mercurial has an alternative clone mode accessed via
-``hg clone --uncompressed`` that effectively streams raw files across the wire.
-This is conceptually similar to streaming a tar file. Assuming the network is
-not limiting throughput, this clone mode is significantly faster because it
-consumes much less CPU (the client is effectively writing files from a buffer).
-The downside to this approach is total size of transferred data is slightly
-larger. But in environments with plentiful bandwidth and high throughput, this
-trade-off is often worth it.
-To produce stream bundles (which aren't technically Mercurial bundles), you'll
-need to run the following command:
-    $ hg streambundle <output file>
-Manifest entries for stream bundles *must* contain a ``stream`` attribute
-whose value contains a comma delimited list of requirements. This content will
-be printed by the ``streambundle`` command.
-Generating the Bundle Manifest
-Before you generate the bundle manifest, you must first generate a bundle.
-This can be done with the ``hg bundle`` command.
-A bundle with gzip compression will behave most similarly to what Mercurial
-does by default at clone time. bzip2 bundles will be smaller (they will
-transfer faster) but will require more CPU to generate and apply. For large
-repos, this could significantly increase clone time.
-A recommended bundle generation command that gets you close to Mercurial
-defaults is:
-    $ hg bundle --all --type gzip bundle.hg
-You have the choice of using a static filename / URL with an ever-changing
-file/bundle underneath or using separate files/URLs backed by constant
-content. The former keeps your ``bundle.manifest`` files static. The latter
-has significant advantages for HTTP, including more reliable resume support
-and better support for caching. With idempotent HTTP GETs, you can set
-aggressive Cache-Control headers to enable downstream caching. The choice
-is yours.
-If you want to produce separate files/URLs for each bundle, we recommend
-including the tip changeset as part of the filename. For example:
-    $ hg bundle --all --type gzip `hg log --template '{node|short}' -r tip`.hg
-From there, make the bundle file available where the client can access it and
-place that URL in the ``.hg/bundleclone.manifest`` file. e.g.:
-    https://example.com/bundles/d31fe614fa1e.hg
-Using Attributes to Prefer Bundles
-Manifest may define attributes next to each entry. Attributes can be used by
-clients to *prefer* one bundle over another. For example, a client on a slow
-internet connection may wish to prefer bzip2 bundles because they are smaller.
-Or, a server operator may wish to hosts bundles in S3 in multiple EC2 regions
-and have clients fetch from the closest EC2 region. Assigning the compression
-format and/or EC2 region to an attribute could allow clients to fetch the best
-bundle for them.
-As described above, attributes simply need to be set in the bundle manifest
-file on the server.
-To use these attributes, clients will need to define the
-``bundleclone.prefers`` config option. This option is a list of ``key=value``
-pairs that define attribute names and their preferred values. e.g.::
-    [bundleclone]
-    prefers = ec2region=us-west-1 ec2region=us-east-1 compression=gzip
-The client sorts the server-provided manifest according to preferences defined
-in ``bundleclone.prefers``. The sorting method is very simple: an entry is
-preferred over another the earlier a match in the attributes list occurs.
-In the above example, the client will select the first available from the
-1. a gzip2 bundle in the us-west-1 region
-2. a gzip2 bundle in the us-east-1 region
-3. any available bundle in us-west-1
-4. any available bundle in us-east-1
-5. any available gzip bundle in any region
-6. any available bundle
-Failure Behavior
-By default, clients will abort if an error occurred while fetching a bundle.
-The behavior can be changed to fall back to cloning via regular means by
-setting the ``bundleclone.fallbackonerror`` boolean config option.
-The reason clients don't fall back to a regular clone on failure is because
-this may overwhelm the Mercurial server. Many reasons for deploying clone from
-bundle support is to help reduce server load. A server may expect that most
-clones are serviced by bundles and thus effectively free for the server to
-handle. If bundles started failing all of a sudden, the server could
-potentially be flooded by tons of new clone requests, drastically increasing
-its load and possibly overwhelming it. Disallowing fallback on failure is a
-safeguard to prevent this from happening.
-Python < 2.7.9 does not support SNI, a TLS extension that allows multiple
-SSL certificates to be installed on the same IP. Hosting services often
-use SNI to enable multiple services to exist on the same IP.
-In addition, Mercurial < 3.3 did not support using the modern SSL capabilities
-exposed by modern Python versions. Therefore SNI does not work on Mercurial <
-The ``requiresni`` manifest attribute can be defined on the server to
-indicate whether an entry requires SNI. If it is ``true`` and the client
-doesn't support SNI, the entry is automatically discarded. For this reason,
-server operators may want to ensure that there is a non-SNI entry in the
-manifest to ensure all clients can fetch the bundles.
-import struct
-import sys
-import time
-import urllib
-import urllib2
-import mercurial.branchmap as branchmap
-import mercurial.changegroup as changegroup
-import mercurial.cmdutil as cmdutil
-import mercurial.demandimport as demandimport
-import mercurial.error as error
-import mercurial.extensions as extensions
-from mercurial.i18n import _
-import mercurial.store as store
-import mercurial.url as hgurl
-import mercurial.util as util
-import mercurial.wireproto as wireproto
-    from mercurial import exchange
-except ImportError:
-    exchange = None
-testedwith = '2.5 2.6 2.7 2.8 2.9 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7 3.8 3.9 4.0'
-buglink = 'https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/enter_bug.cgi?product=Developer%20Services&component=Mercurial%3A%20bundleclone'
-cmdtable = {}
-command = cmdutil.command(cmdtable)
-origcapabilities = wireproto.capabilities
-# BEGIN COPY OF CONTENT FROM mercurial/streamclone.py.
-# We copy parts of upstream streamclone.py into this file so we have a single
-# API to deal with. Otherwise, we are calling functions from up to 3 different
-# locations depending on the Mercurial version.
-def canperformstreamclone(pullop, bailifbundle2supported=False):
-    """Whether it is possible to perform a streaming clone as part of pull.
-    ``bailifbundle2supported`` will cause the function to return False if
-    bundle2 stream clones are supported. It should only be called by the
-    legacy stream clone code path.
-    Returns a tuple of (supported, requirements). ``supported`` is True if
-    streaming clone is supported and False otherwise. ``requirements`` is
-    a set of repo requirements from the remote, or ``None`` if stream clone
-    isn't supported.
-    """
-    repo = pullop.repo
-    remote = pullop.remote
-    bundle2supported = False
-    if pullop.canusebundle2:
-        if 'v1' in pullop.remotebundle2caps.get('stream', []):
-            bundle2supported = True
-        # else
-            # Server doesn't support bundle2 stream clone or doesn't support
-            # the versions we support. Fall back and possibly allow legacy.
-    # Ensures legacy code path uses available bundle2.
-    if bailifbundle2supported and bundle2supported:
-        return False, None
-    # Ensures bundle2 doesn't try to do a stream clone if it isn't supported.
-    #elif not bailifbundle2supported and not bundle2supported:
-    #    return False, None
-    # Streaming clone only works on empty repositories.
-    if len(repo):
-        return False, None
-    # Streaming clone only works if all data is being requested.
-    if pullop.heads:
-        return False, None
-    streamrequested = pullop.streamclonerequested
-    # If we don't have a preference, let the server decide for us. This
-    # likely only comes into play in LANs.
-    if streamrequested is None:
-        # The server can advertise whether to prefer streaming clone.
-        streamrequested = remote.capable('stream-preferred')
-    if not streamrequested:
-        return False, None
-    # In order for stream clone to work, the client has to support all the
-    # requirements advertised by the server.
-    #
-    # The server advertises its requirements via the "stream" and "streamreqs"
-    # capability. "stream" (a value-less capability) is advertised if and only
-    # if the only requirement is "revlogv1." Else, the "streamreqs" capability
-    # is advertised and contains a comma-delimited list of requirements.
-    requirements = set()
-    if remote.capable('stream'):
-        requirements.add('revlogv1')
-    else:
-        streamreqs = remote.capable('streamreqs')
-        # This is weird and shouldn't happen with modern servers.
-        if not streamreqs:
-            return False, None
-        streamreqs = set(streamreqs.split(','))
-        # Server requires something we don't support. Bail.
-        if streamreqs - repo.supportedformats:
-            return False, None
-        requirements = streamreqs
-    return True, requirements
-def maybeperformlegacystreamclone(pullop):
-    """Possibly perform a legacy stream clone operation.
-    Legacy stream clones are performed as part of pull but before all other
-    operations.
-    A legacy stream clone will not be performed if a bundle2 stream clone is
-    supported.
-    """
-    supported, requirements = canperformstreamclone(pullop)
-    if not supported:
-        return
-    repo = pullop.repo
-    remote = pullop.remote
-    # Save remote branchmap. We will use it later to speed up branchcache
-    # creation.
-    rbranchmap = None
-    if remote.capable('branchmap'):
-        rbranchmap = remote.branchmap()
-    repo.ui.status(_('streaming all changes\n'))
-    fp = remote.stream_out()
-    l = fp.readline()
-    try:
-        resp = int(l)
-    except ValueError:
-        raise error.ResponseError(
-            _('unexpected response from remote server:'), l)
-    if resp == 1:
-        raise error.Abort(_('operation forbidden by server'))
-    elif resp == 2:
-        raise error.Abort(_('locking the remote repository failed'))
-    elif resp != 0:
-        raise error.Abort(_('the server sent an unknown error code'))
-    l = fp.readline()
-    try:
-        filecount, bytecount = map(int, l.split(' ', 1))
-    except (ValueError, TypeError):
-        raise error.ResponseError(
-            _('unexpected response from remote server:'), l)
-    lock = repo.lock()
-    try:
-        consumev1(repo, fp, filecount, bytecount)
-        # new requirements = old non-format requirements +
-        #                    new format-related remote requirements
-        # requirements from the streamed-in repository
-        repo.requirements = requirements | (
-                repo.requirements - repo.supportedformats)
-        repo._applyopenerreqs()
-        repo._writerequirements()
-        if rbranchmap:
-            branchmap.replacecache(repo, rbranchmap)
-        repo.invalidate()
-    finally:
-        lock.release()
-def allowservergeneration(ui):
-    """Whether streaming clones are allowed from the server."""
-    return ui.configbool('server', 'uncompressed', True, untrusted=True)
-# This is it's own function so extensions can override it.
-def _walkstreamfiles(repo):
-    return repo.store.walk()
-def generatev1(repo):
-    """Emit content for version 1 of a streaming clone.
-    This returns a 3-tuple of (file count, byte size, data iterator).
-    The data iterator consists of N entries for each file being transferred.
-    Each file entry starts as a line with the file name and integer size
-    delimited by a null byte.
-    The raw file data follows. Following the raw file data is the next file
-    entry, or EOF.
-    When used on the wire protocol, an additional line indicating protocol
-    success will be prepended to the stream. This function is not responsible
-    for adding it.
-    This function will obtain a repository lock to ensure a consistent view of
-    the store is captured. It therefore may raise LockError.
-    """
-    entries = []
-    total_bytes = 0
-    # Get consistent snapshot of repo, lock during scan.
-    lock = repo.lock()
-    try:
-        repo.ui.debug('scanning\n')
-        for name, ename, size in _walkstreamfiles(repo):
-            if size:
-                entries.append((name, size))
-                total_bytes += size
-    finally:
-            lock.release()
-    repo.ui.debug('%d files, %d bytes to transfer\n' %
-                  (len(entries), total_bytes))
-    svfs = repo.svfs
-    oldaudit = svfs.mustaudit
-    debugflag = repo.ui.debugflag
-    svfs.mustaudit = False
-    def emitrevlogdata():
-        try:
-            for name, size in entries:
-                if debugflag:
-                    repo.ui.debug('sending %s (%d bytes)\n' % (name, size))
-                # partially encode name over the wire for backwards compat
-                yield '%s\0%d\n' % (store.encodedir(name), size)
-                if size <= 65536:
-                    fp = svfs(name)
-                    try:
-                        data = fp.read(size)
-                    finally:
-                        fp.close()
-                    yield data
-                else:
-                    for chunk in util.filechunkiter(svfs(name), limit=size):
-                        yield chunk
-        finally:
-            svfs.mustaudit = oldaudit
-    return len(entries), total_bytes, emitrevlogdata()
-def generatev1wireproto(repo):
-    """Emit content for version 1 of streaming clone suitable for the wire.
-    This is the data output from ``generatev1()`` with a header line
-    indicating file count and byte size.
-    """
-    filecount, bytecount, it = generatev1(repo)
-    yield '%d %d\n' % (filecount, bytecount)
-    for chunk in it:
-        yield chunk
-def generatebundlev1(repo, compression='UN'):
-    """Emit content for version 1 of a stream clone bundle.
-    The first 4 bytes of the output ("HGS1") denote this as stream clone
-    bundle version 1.
-    The next 2 bytes indicate the compression type. Only "UN" is currently
-    supported.
-    The next 16 bytes are two 64-bit big endian unsigned integers indicating
-    file count and byte count, respectively.
-    The next 2 bytes is a 16-bit big endian unsigned short declaring the length
-    of the requirements string, including a trailing \0. The following N bytes
-    are the requirements string, which is ASCII containing a comma-delimited
-    list of repo requirements that are needed to support the data.
-    The remaining content is the output of ``generatev1()`` (which may be
-    compressed in the future).
-    Returns a tuple of (requirements, data generator).
-    """
-    if compression != 'UN':
-        raise ValueError('we do not support the compression argument yet')
-    requirements = repo.requirements & repo.supportedformats
-    requires = ','.join(sorted(requirements))
-    def gen():
-        yield 'HGS1'
-        yield compression
-        filecount, bytecount, it = generatev1(repo)
-        repo.ui.status(_('writing %d bytes for %d files\n') %
-                         (bytecount, filecount))
-        yield struct.pack('>QQ', filecount, bytecount)
-        yield struct.pack('>H', len(requires) + 1)
-        yield requires + '\0'
-        # This is where we'll add compression in the future.
-        assert compression == 'UN'
-        seen = 0
-        repo.ui.progress(_('bundle'), 0, total=bytecount)
-        for chunk in it:
-            seen += len(chunk)
-            repo.ui.progress(_('bundle'), seen, total=bytecount)
-            yield chunk
-        repo.ui.progress(_('bundle'), None)
-    return requirements, gen()
-def consumev1(repo, fp, filecount, bytecount):
-    """Apply the contents from version 1 of a streaming clone file handle.
-    This takes the output from "streamout" and applies it to the specified
-    repository.
-    Like "streamout," the status line added by the wire protocol is not handled
-    by this function.
-    """
-    lock = repo.lock()
-    try:
-        repo.ui.status(_('%d files to transfer, %s of data\n') %
-                       (filecount, util.bytecount(bytecount)))
-        handled_bytes = 0
-        repo.ui.progress(_('clone'), 0, total=bytecount)
-        start = time.time()
-        tr = repo.transaction(_('clone'))
-        try:
-            for i in xrange(filecount):
-                # XXX doesn't support '\n' or '\r' in filenames
-                l = fp.readline()
-                try:
-                    name, size = l.split('\0', 1)
-                    size = int(size)
-                except (ValueError, TypeError):
-                    raise error.ResponseError(
-                        _('unexpected response from remote server:'), l)
-                if repo.ui.debugflag:
-                    repo.ui.debug('adding %s (%s)\n' %
-                                  (name, util.bytecount(size)))
-                # for backwards compat, name was partially encoded
-                ofp = repo.svfs(store.decodedir(name), 'w')
-                for chunk in util.filechunkiter(fp, limit=size):
-                    handled_bytes += len(chunk)
-                    repo.ui.progress(_('clone'), handled_bytes, total=bytecount)
-                    ofp.write(chunk)
-                ofp.close()
-            tr.close()
-        finally:
-            tr.release()
-        # Writing straight to files circumvented the inmemory caches
-        repo.invalidate()
-        elapsed = time.time() - start
-        if elapsed <= 0:
-            elapsed = 0.001
-        repo.ui.progress(_('clone'), None)
-        repo.ui.status(_('transferred %s in %.1f seconds (%s/sec)\n') %
-                       (util.bytecount(bytecount), elapsed,
-                        util.bytecount(bytecount / elapsed)))
-    finally:
-        lock.release()
-def applybundlev1(repo, fp):
-    """Apply the content from a stream clone bundle version 1.
-    We assume the 4 byte header has been read and validated and the file handle
-    is at the 2 byte compression identifier.
-    """
-    if len(repo):
-        raise error.Abort(_('cannot apply stream clone bundle on non-empty '
-                            'repo'))
-    compression = fp.read(2)
-    if compression != 'UN':
-        raise error.Abort(_('only uncompressed stream clone bundles are '
-            'supported; got %s') % compression)
-    filecount, bytecount = struct.unpack('>QQ', fp.read(16))
-    requireslen = struct.unpack('>H', fp.read(2))[0]
-    requires = fp.read(requireslen)
-    if not requires.endswith('\0'):
-        raise error.Abort(_('malformed stream clone bundle: '
-                            'requirements not properly encoded'))
-    requirements = set(requires.rstrip('\0').split(','))
-    missingreqs = requirements - repo.supportedformats
-    if missingreqs:
-        raise error.Abort(_('unable to apply stream clone: '
-                            'unsupported format: %s') %
-                            ', '.join(sorted(missingreqs)))
-    consumev1(repo, fp, filecount, bytecount)
-# END COPY OF mercurial/streamclone.py
-def capabilities(repo, proto):
-    caps = origcapabilities(repo, proto)
-    if repo.opener.exists('bundleclone.manifest'):
-        caps += ' bundles'
-    return caps
-def bundles(repo, proto):
-    """Server command for returning info for available bundles.
-    Clients will parse this response and determine what bundle to fetch.
-    """
-    return repo.opener.tryread('bundleclone.manifest')
-def pull(orig, repo, remote, *args, **kwargs):
-    res = orig(repo, remote, *args, **kwargs)
-    if not repo.ui.configbool('bundleclone', 'pullmanifest', False):
-        return res
-    if remote.capable('bundles'):
-        lock = repo.lock()
-        repo.ui.status(_('pulling bundleclone manifest\n'))
-        manifest = remote._call('bundles')
-        try:
-            repo.opener.write('bundleclone.manifest', manifest)
-        finally:
-            lock.release()
-    # This functionality isn't in upstream Mercurial yet.
-    if remote.capable('clonebundles'):
-        lock = repo.lock()
-        repo.ui.status(_('pulling clonebundles manifest\n'))
-        manifest = remote._call('clonebundles')
-        try:
-            repo.opener.write('clonebundles.manifest', manifest)
-        finally:
-            lock.release()
-    return res
-@command('streambundle', [
-    ('t', 'type', '', 'type of bundle', 'TYPE'),
-], _('hg streambundle [-t TYPE] path'))
-def streambundle(ui, repo, path, **opts):
-    """Generate a stream bundle file for a repository.
-    If ``--type`` is not defined (the default), produce a legacy bundle format.
-    Else, produce the requested bundle format, which currently is limited to
-    ``S1``.
-    """
-    typ = opts.get('type', None)
-    if not typ:
-        requires = set(repo.requirements) & repo.supportedformats
-        if requires - set(['revlogv1']):
-            raise util.Abort(_('cannot generate stream bundle for this repo '
-                'because of requirement: %s') % (' '.join(requires)))
-        ui.status(_('writing %s\n') % path)
-        with open(path, 'w') as fh:
-            for chunk in generatev1wireproto(repo):
-                fh.write(chunk)
-        ui.write(_('stream bundle file written successully.\n'))
-        ui.write(_('include the following in its manifest entry:\n'))
-        ui.write('stream=%s\n' % ','.join(requires))
-        return
-    if typ.lower() != 's1':
-        raise error.Abort(_('can only produce s1 bundles'))
-    requirements, gen = generatebundlev1(repo)
-    with open(path, 'wb') as fh:
-        for chunk in gen:
-            fh.write(chunk)
-    ui.write(_('bundle requirements: %s\n') % ', '.join(sorted(requirements)))
-def extsetup(ui):
-    # exchange isn't available on older Mercurial. Wrapped pull pulls down
-    # the bundle manifest. We don't need this feature on all clients running
-    # <3.3, so we silently ignore the failure.
-    if exchange:
-        extensions.wrapfunction(exchange, 'pull', pull)
-    wireproto.capabilities = capabilities
-    wireproto.commands['capabilities'] = (capabilities, '')
-    wireproto.commands['bundles'] = (bundles, '')
-def reposetup(ui, repo):
-    if not repo.local():
-        return
-    class bundleclonerepo(repo.__class__):
-        def clone(self, remote, heads=[], stream=False):
-            supported = True
-            if (exchange and hasattr(exchange, '_maybeapplyclonebundle')
-                    and remote.capable('clonebundles')):
-                supported = False
-                self.ui.warn(_('(mercurial client has built-in support for '
-                               'bundle clone features; the "bundleclone" '
-                               'extension can likely safely be removed)\n'))
-                if not self.ui.configbool('experimental', 'clonebundles', False):
-                    self.ui.warn(_('(but the experimental.clonebundles config '
-                                   'flag is not enabled: enable it before '
-                                   'disabling bundleclone or cloning from '
-                                   'pre-generated bundles may not work)\n'))
-                    # We assume that presence of the bundleclone extension
-                    # means they want clonebundles enabled. Otherwise, why do
-                    # they have bundleclone enabled? So silently enable it.
-                    ui.setconfig('experimental', 'clonebundles', True)
-            elif not remote.capable('bundles'):
-                supported = False
-                self.ui.debug(_('bundle clone not supported\n'))
-            elif heads:
-                supported = False
-                self.ui.debug(_('cannot perform bundle clone if heads requested\n'))
-            elif stream:
-                supported = False
-                self.ui.debug(_('ignoring bundle clone because stream was '
-                                'requested\n'))
-            if not supported:
-                return super(bundleclonerepo, self).clone(remote, heads=heads,
-                        stream=stream)
-            result = remote._call('bundles')
-            if not result:
-                self.ui.note(_('no bundles available; using normal clone\n'))
-                return super(bundleclonerepo, self).clone(remote, heads=heads,
-                        stream=stream)
-            pyver = sys.version_info
-            pyver = (pyver[0], pyver[1], pyver[2])
-            hgver = util.version()
-            # Discard bit after '+'.
-            hgver = hgver.split('+')[0]
-            try:
-                hgver = tuple([int(i) for i in hgver.split('.')[0:2]])
-            except ValueError:
-                hgver = (0, 0)
-            # Testing backdoors.
-            if ui.config('bundleclone', 'fakepyver'):
-                pyver = ui.configlist('bundleclone', 'fakepyver')
-                pyver = tuple(int(v) for v in pyver)
-            if ui.config('bundleclone', 'fakehgver'):
-                hgver = ui.configlist('bundleclone', 'fakehgver')
-                hgver = tuple(int(v) for v in hgver[0:2])
-            entries = []
-            snifilteredfrompython = False
-            snifilteredfromhg = False
-            for line in result.splitlines():
-                fields = line.split()
-                url = fields[0]
-                attrs = {}
-                for rawattr in fields[1:]:
-                    key, value = rawattr.split('=', 1)
-                    attrs[urllib.unquote(key)] = urllib.unquote(value)
-                # Filter out SNI entries if we don't support SNI.
-                if attrs.get('requiresni') == 'true':
-                    skip = False
-                    if pyver < (2, 7, 9):
-                        # Take this opportunity to inform people they are using an
-                        # old, insecure Python.
-                        if not snifilteredfrompython:
-                            self.ui.warn(_('(your Python is older than 2.7.9 '
-                                           'and does not support modern and '
-                                           'secure SSL/TLS; please consider '
-                                           'upgrading your Python to a secure '
-                                           'version)\n'))
-                        snifilteredfrompython = True
-                        skip = True
-                    if hgver < (3, 3):
-                        if not snifilteredfromhg:
-                            self.ui.warn(_('(you Mercurial is old and does '
-                                           'not support modern and secure '
-                                           'SSL/TLS; please consider '
-                                           'upgrading your Mercurial to 3.3+ '
-                                           'which supports modern and secure '
-                                           'SSL/TLS)\n'))
-                        snifilteredfromhg = True
-                        skip = True
-                    if skip:
-                        self.ui.warn(_('(ignoring URL on server that requires '
-                                       'SNI)\n'))
-                        continue
-                entries.append((url, attrs))
-            if not entries:
-                # Don't fall back to normal clone because we don't want mass
-                # fallback in the wild to barage servers expecting bundle
-                # offload.
-                raise util.Abort(_('no appropriate bundles available'),
-                                 hint=_('you may wish to complain to the '
-                                        'server operator'))
-            # The configuration is allowed to define lists of preferred
-            # attributes and values. If this is present, sort results according
-            # to that preference. Otherwise, use manifest order and select the
-            # first entry.
-            prefers = self.ui.configlist('bundleclone', 'prefers', default=[])
-            if prefers:
-                prefers = [p.split('=', 1) for p in prefers]
-                def compareentry(a, b):
-                    aattrs = a[1]
-                    battrs = b[1]
-                    # Itereate over local preferences.
-                    for pkey, pvalue in prefers:
-                        avalue = aattrs.get(pkey)
-                        bvalue = battrs.get(pkey)
-                        # Special case for b is missing attribute and a matches
-                        # exactly.
-                        if avalue is not None and bvalue is None and avalue == pvalue:
-                            return -1
-                        # Special case for a missing attribute and b matches
-                        # exactly.
-                        if bvalue is not None and avalue is None and bvalue == pvalue:
-                            return 1
-                        # We can't compare unless the attribute is defined on
-                        # both entries.
-                        if avalue is None or bvalue is None:
-                            continue
-                        # Same values should fall back to next attribute.
-                        if avalue == bvalue:
-                            continue
-                        # Exact matches come first.
-                        if avalue == pvalue:
-                            return -1
-                        if bvalue == pvalue:
-                            return 1
-                        # Fall back to next attribute.
-                        continue
-                    # Entries could not be sorted based on attributes. This
-                    # says they are equal, which will fall back to index order,
-                    # which is what we want.
-                    return 0
-                entries = sorted(entries, cmp=compareentry)
-            url, attrs = entries[0]
-            if not url:
-                self.ui.note(_('invalid bundle manifest; using normal clone\n'))
-                return super(bundleclonerepo, self).clone(remote, heads=heads,
-                        stream=stream)
-            self.ui.status(_('downloading bundle %s\n' % url))
-            try:
-                fh = hgurl.open(self.ui, url)
-                # Stream clone data is not changegroup data. Handle it
-                # specially.
-                if 'stream' in attrs:
-                    reqs = set(attrs['stream'].split(','))
-                    l = fh.readline()
-                    filecount, bytecount = map(int, l.split(' ', 1))
-                    self.ui.status(_('streaming all changes\n'))
-                    consumev1(self, fh, filecount, bytecount)
-                else:
-                    if exchange:
-                        cg = exchange.readbundle(self.ui, fh, 'stream')
-                    else:
-                        cg = changegroup.readbundle(fh, 'stream')
-                    # Mercurial 3.6 introduced cgNunpacker.apply().
-                    # Before that, there was changegroup.addchangegroup().
-                    # Before that, there was localrepository.addchangegroup().
-                    if hasattr(cg, 'apply'):
-                        cg.apply(self, 'bundleclone', url)
-                    elif hasattr(changegroup, 'addchangegroup'):
-                        changegroup.addchangegroup(self, cg, 'bundleclone', url)
-                    else:
-                        self.addchangegroup(cg, 'bundleclone', url)
-                self.ui.status(_('finishing applying bundle; pulling\n'))
-                # Maintain compatibility with Mercurial 2.x.
-                if exchange:
-                    return exchange.pull(self, remote, heads=heads)
-                else:
-                    return self.pull(remote, heads=heads)
-            except (urllib2.HTTPError, urllib2.URLError) as e:
-                if isinstance(e, urllib2.HTTPError):
-                    msg = _('HTTP error fetching bundle: %s') % str(e)
-                else:
-                    msg = _('error fetching bundle: %s') % e.reason
-                # Don't fall back to regular clone unless explicitly told to.
-                if not self.ui.configbool('bundleclone', 'fallbackonerror', False):
-                    raise util.Abort(msg, hint=_('consider contacting the '
-                        'server operator if this error persists'))
-                self.ui.warn(msg + '\n')
-                self.ui.warn(_('falling back to normal clone\n'))
-                return super(bundleclonerepo, self).clone(remote, heads=heads,
-                        stream=stream)
-    repo.__class__ = bundleclonerepo
deleted file mode 100644
--- a/hgext/bundleclone/tests/helpers.sh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-starthttpserver() {
-  python $TESTDIR/hgext/bundleclone/tests/httpserver.py $1 2> server.log &
-  # Wait for server to start to avoid race conditions.
-  while [ -f listening -a ! -f errored ]; do
-    sleep 0;
-  done
-  if [ -f errored ]; then
-    echo "server failed to start!"
-    exit 1
-  fi
deleted file mode 100755
--- a/hgext/bundleclone/tests/hghave
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-import os
-HERE = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__))
-REPO_ROOT = os.path.join(HERE, '..', '..', '..')
-execfile(os.path.join(REPO_ROOT, 'testing', 'hghave.py'))
deleted file mode 100755
--- a/hgext/bundleclone/tests/httpserver.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
-# This software may be used and distributed according to the terms of the
-# GNU General Public License version 2 or any later version.
-import BaseHTTPServer
-from SimpleHTTPServer import SimpleHTTPRequestHandler
-import os
-import sys
-port = int(sys.argv[1])
-    httpd = BaseHTTPServer.HTTPServer(('', port), SimpleHTTPRequestHandler)
-    fh = open('listening', 'w')
-    fh.close()
-    httpd.handle_request()
-    os.unlink('listening')
-except Exception:
-    with open('errored', 'a'):
-        pass
deleted file mode 100644
--- a/hgext/bundleclone/tests/test-clone.t
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,201 +0,0 @@
-#require no-hg37+
-  $ . $TESTDIR/hgext/bundleclone/tests/helpers.sh
-  $ cat >> $HGRCPATH << EOF
-  > [extensions]
-  > bundleclone = $TESTDIR/hgext/bundleclone
-  > EOF
-  $ hg init server
-  $ cd server
-  $ touch foo
-  $ hg commit -A -m 'add foo'
-  adding foo
-  $ touch bar
-  $ hg commit -A -m 'add bar'
-  adding bar
-  $ hg serve -d -p $HGPORT --pid-file hg.pid
-  $ cat hg.pid >> $DAEMON_PIDS
-  $ cd ..
-Clone with no available bundles falls back to regular behavior
-  $ hg -v clone http://localhost:$HGPORT no-manifest-file
-  requesting all changes
-  adding changesets
-  adding manifests
-  adding file changes
-  added 2 changesets with 2 changes to 2 files
-  updating to branch default
-  resolving manifests
-  getting bar
-  getting foo
-  2 files updated, 0 files merged, 0 files removed, 0 files unresolved
-Empty bundle manifest file falls back to regular clone
-  $ touch server/.hg/bundleclone.manifest
-  $ hg -v clone http://localhost:$HGPORT empty-manifest-file
-  no bundles available; using normal clone
-  requesting all changes
-  adding changesets
-  adding manifests
-  adding file changes
-  added 2 changesets with 2 changes to 2 files
-  updating to branch default
-  resolving manifests
-  getting bar
-  getting foo
-  2 files updated, 0 files merged, 0 files removed, 0 files unresolved
-Manifest file with invalid URL aborts
-  $ echo 'http://does.not.exist/bundle.hg' >> server/.hg/bundleclone.manifest
-  $ hg clone http://localhost:$HGPORT invalid-bundle-url
-  downloading bundle http://does.not.exist/bundle.hg
-  abort: error fetching bundle: [Errno *] * not known (glob)
-  (consider contacting the server operator if this error persists)
-  [255]
-Server is not running aborts
-  $ echo "http://localhost:$HGPORT1/bundle.hg" > server/.hg/bundleclone.manifest
-  $ hg clone http://localhost:$HGPORT server-not-runner
-  downloading bundle http://localhost:$HGPORT1/bundle.hg
-  abort: error fetching bundle: [Errno *] Connection refused (glob)
-  (consider contacting the server operator if this error persists)
-  [255]
-Server returns 404
-  $ starthttpserver $HGPORT1
-  $ hg clone http://localhost:$HGPORT server-404
-  downloading bundle http://localhost:$HGPORT1/bundle.hg
-  abort: HTTP error fetching bundle: HTTP Error 404: File not found
-  (consider contacting the server operator if this error persists)
-  [255]
-We can override failure to fall back to regular clone
-  $ starthttpserver $HGPORT1
-  $ hg --config bundleclone.fallbackonerror=True clone -U http://localhost:$HGPORT server-404
-  downloading bundle http://localhost:$HGPORT1/bundle.hg
-  HTTP error fetching bundle: HTTP Error 404: File not found
-  falling back to normal clone
-  requesting all changes
-  adding changesets
-  adding manifests
-  adding file changes
-  added 2 changesets with 2 changes to 2 files
-Bundle with partial content works
-  $ hg -R server bundle --type gzip --base null -r 53245c60e682 53245c60e682.hg
-  1 changesets found
-  $ echo "http://localhost:$HGPORT1/53245c60e682.hg" > server/.hg/bundleclone.manifest
-  $ starthttpserver $HGPORT1
-  $ hg clone http://localhost:$HGPORT partial-bundle
-  downloading bundle http://localhost:$HGPORT1/53245c60e682.hg
-  adding changesets
-  adding manifests
-  adding file changes
-  added 1 changesets with 1 changes to 1 files
-  finishing applying bundle; pulling
-  searching for changes
-  adding changesets
-  adding manifests
-  adding file changes
-  added 1 changesets with 1 changes to 1 files
-  updating to branch default
-  2 files updated, 0 files merged, 0 files removed, 0 files unresolved
-Bundle with full content works
-  $ hg -R server bundle --type gzip --base null -r tip aaff8d2ffbbf.hg
-  2 changesets found
-  $ echo "http://localhost:$HGPORT1/aaff8d2ffbbf.hg" > server/.hg/bundleclone.manifest
-  $ starthttpserver $HGPORT1
-  $ hg clone http://localhost:$HGPORT full-bundle
-  downloading bundle http://localhost:$HGPORT1/aaff8d2ffbbf.hg
-  adding changesets
-  adding manifests
-  adding file changes
-  added 2 changesets with 2 changes to 2 files
-  finishing applying bundle; pulling
-  searching for changes
-  no changes found
-  updating to branch default
-  2 files updated, 0 files merged, 0 files removed, 0 files unresolved
-(We only care about manifest copying on servers, which are gauranteed to
-be modern Mercurial versions. Don't test this functionality on super old
-client versions.)
-#if hg33+
-Clone will copy manifest from server
-  $ starthttpserver $HGPORT1
-  $ hg --config bundleclone.pullmanifest=True clone http://localhost:$HGPORT clone-copy-manifest
-  downloading bundle http://localhost:$HGPORT1/aaff8d2ffbbf.hg
-  adding changesets
-  adding manifests
-  adding file changes
-  added 2 changesets with 2 changes to 2 files
-  finishing applying bundle; pulling
-  searching for changes
-  no changes found
-  pulling bundleclone manifest
-  updating to branch default
-  2 files updated, 0 files merged, 0 files removed, 0 files unresolved
-  $ cat clone-copy-manifest/.hg/bundleclone.manifest
-  http://localhost:$HGPORT1/aaff8d2ffbbf.hg
-Pull will copy manifest from server
-  $ starthttpserver $HGPORT1
-  $ hg clone http://localhost:$HGPORT pull-copy-manifest
-  downloading bundle http://localhost:$HGPORT1/aaff8d2ffbbf.hg
-  adding changesets
-  adding manifests
-  adding file changes
-  added 2 changesets with 2 changes to 2 files
-  finishing applying bundle; pulling
-  searching for changes
-  no changes found
-  updating to branch default
-  2 files updated, 0 files merged, 0 files removed, 0 files unresolved
-  $ hg -R pull-copy-manifest --config bundleclone.pullmanifest=True pull
-  pulling from http://localhost:$HGPORT/
-  searching for changes
-  no changes found
-  pulling bundleclone manifest
-  $ cat clone-copy-manifest/.hg/bundleclone.manifest
-  http://localhost:$HGPORT1/aaff8d2ffbbf.hg
-Stream bundles will work
-  $ hg -R server streambundle stream.hg
-  writing stream.hg
-  stream bundle file written successully.
-  include the following in its manifest entry:
-  stream=revlogv1
-  $ cat > server/.hg/bundleclone.manifest << EOF
-  > http://localhost:$HGPORT1/stream.hg stream=revlogv1
-  > EOF
-  $ starthttpserver $HGPORT1
-  $ hg clone -U http://localhost:$HGPORT stream-bundle
-  downloading bundle http://localhost:$HGPORT1/stream.hg
-  streaming all changes
-  4 files to transfer, 613 bytes of data
-  transferred 613 bytes in *.* seconds (* KB/sec) (glob)
-  finishing applying bundle; pulling
-  searching for changes
-  no changes found
deleted file mode 100644
--- a/hgext/bundleclone/tests/test-clonebundles-compat.t
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,175 +0,0 @@
-#require no-hg37+
-  $ . $TESTDIR/hgext/bundleclone/tests/helpers.sh
-  $ cat >> $HGRCPATH << EOF
-  > [extensions]
-  > bundleclone = $TESTDIR/hgext/bundleclone
-  > EOF
-  $ hg init server
-  $ cd server
-  $ touch foo
-  $ hg -q commit -A -m 'add foo'
-  $ touch bar
-  $ hg -q commit -A -m 'add bar'
-  $ MODERNHG=$TESTDIR/venv/mercurials/3.6.2/bin/hg
-  $ if [ ! -f ${MODERNHG} ]; then echo "missing hg: ${MODERNHG}"; exit 1; fi
-  $ ${MODERNHG} --config extensions.clonebundles= serve -d -p $HGPORT --pid-file hg.pid -A access.log -E error.log
-  $ cat hg.pid >> $DAEMON_PIDS
-  $ cd ..
-Both bundleclone and clonebundles should be advertised if their
-manifest files are present
-  $ touch server/.hg/bundleclone.manifest
-  $ touch server/.hg/clonebundles.manifest
-A modern client will say it supports built-in clonebundles feature and
-will use it
-#if hg36+
-  $ hg -v clone -U http://localhost:$HGPORT empty-manifest-file
-  (mercurial client has built-in support for bundle clone features; the "bundleclone" extension can likely safely be removed)
-  (but the experimental.clonebundles config flag is not enabled: enable it before disabling bundleclone or cloning from pre-generated bundles may not work)
-  no clone bundles available on remote; falling back to regular clone
-  requesting all changes
-  adding changesets
-  adding manifests
-  adding file changes
-  added 2 changesets with 2 changes to 2 files
-  $ hg -v --config experimental.clonebundles=True clone -U http://localhost:$HGPORT empty-manifest-2
-  (mercurial client has built-in support for bundle clone features; the "bundleclone" extension can likely safely be removed)
-  no clone bundles available on remote; falling back to regular clone
-  requesting all changes
-  adding changesets
-  adding manifests
-  adding file changes
-  added 2 changesets with 2 changes to 2 files
-An older client will use bundleclone facility
-  $ hg -v clone -U http://localhost:$HGPORT empty-manifest-file
-  no bundles available; using normal clone
-  requesting all changes
-  adding changesets
-  adding manifests
-  adding file changes
-  added 2 changesets with 2 changes to 2 files
-Actually doing a clone bundle will work with built-in feature
-  $ cat >> $HGRCPATH << EOF
-  > [experimental]
-  > clonebundles = true
-  > EOF
-  $ hg -R server bundle --type gzip --all fullgz.hg
-  2 changesets found
-  $ cat > server/.hg/clonebundles.manifest << EOF
-  > http://localhost:$HGPORT1/fullgz.hg BUNDLESPEC=gzip-v1
-  > EOF
-  $ cat > server/.hg/bundleclone.manifest << EOF
-  > http://localhost:$HGPORT1/fullgz.hg compression=gzip
-  > EOF
-  $ starthttpserver $HGPORT1
-#if hg36+
-  $ hg clone -U http://localhost:$HGPORT clone-full
-  (mercurial client has built-in support for bundle clone features; the "bundleclone" extension can likely safely be removed)
-  applying clone bundle from http://localhost:$HGPORT1/fullgz.hg
-  adding changesets
-  adding manifests
-  adding file changes
-  added 2 changesets with 2 changes to 2 files
-  finished applying clone bundle
-  searching for changes
-  no changes found
-  $ hg clone -U http://localhost:$HGPORT clone-full
-  downloading bundle http://localhost:$HGPORT1/fullgz.hg
-  adding changesets
-  adding manifests
-  adding file changes
-  added 2 changesets with 2 changes to 2 files
-  finishing applying bundle; pulling
-  searching for changes
-  no changes found
-Clone will copy both manifests from the server
-(We only care about this on modern clients because we only care about
-this on the server, which is a modern version.)
-#if hg33+
-  $ starthttpserver $HGPORT1
-  $ hg --config bundleclone.pullmanifest=true clone -U http://localhost:$HGPORT clone-copy-manifest | grep pulling
-  * (glob)
-  pulling bundleclone manifest
-  pulling clonebundles manifest
-  $ cat clone-copy-manifest/.hg/bundleclone.manifest
-  http://localhost:$HGPORT1/fullgz.hg compression=gzip
-  $ cat clone-copy-manifest/.hg/clonebundles.manifest
-  http://localhost:$HGPORT1/fullgz.hg BUNDLESPEC=gzip-v1
-Stream bundles support. bundleclone and clonebundles use slightly
-different stream bundles formats. The latter has a more formal format
-with different file headers.
-  $ hg -R server streambundle stream-legacy.hg
-  writing stream-legacy.hg
-  stream bundle file written successully.
-  include the following in its manifest entry:
-  stream=revlogv1
-  $ cat > server/.hg/bundleclone.manifest << EOF
-  > http://localhost:$HGPORT1/stream-legacy.hg stream=revlogv1
-  > EOF
-  $ hg -R server streambundle --type s1 stream-s1.hg
-  writing 613 bytes for 4 files
-  bundle requirements: revlogv1
-  $ cat > server/.hg/clonebundles.manifest << EOF
-  > http://localhost:$HGPORT1/stream-s1.hg BUNDLESPEC=none-packed1;requirements%3Drevlogv1
-  > EOF
-  $ starthttpserver $HGPORT1
-#if hg36+
-  $ hg clone -U http://localhost:$HGPORT stream-bundle
-  (mercurial client has built-in support for bundle clone features; the "bundleclone" extension can likely safely be removed)
-  applying clone bundle from http://localhost:$HGPORT1/stream-s1.hg
-  4 files to transfer, 613 bytes of data
-  transferred 613 bytes in *.* seconds (*) (glob)
-  finished applying clone bundle
-  searching for changes
-  no changes found
-  $ hg clone -U http://localhost:$HGPORT stream-legacy
-  downloading bundle http://localhost:$HGPORT1/stream-legacy.hg
-  streaming all changes
-  4 files to transfer, 613 bytes of data
-  transferred 613 bytes in * seconds (*) (glob)
-  finishing applying bundle; pulling
-  searching for changes
-  no changes found
deleted file mode 100644
--- a/hgext/bundleclone/tests/test-modern-hg.t
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
-#require hg37+
-bundleclone wraps localrepository.clone, which doesn't exist in Mercurial 3.7+.
-This test verifies the extension no-ops on modern hg versions.
-  $ cat >> $HGRCPATH << EOF
-  > [extensions]
-  > bundleclone = $TESTDIR/hgext/bundleclone
-  > EOF
-  $ hg init server
-  $ cd server
-  $ touch foo
-  $ hg -q commit -A -m 'add foo'
-  $ touch bar
-  $ hg -q commit -A -m 'add bar'
-  $ hg serve -d -p $HGPORT --pid-file hg.pid
-  $ cat hg.pid >> $DAEMON_PIDS
-  $ touch .hg/bundleclone.manifest
-  $ cd ..
-  $ hg -v clone http://localhost:$HGPORT client1
-  requesting all changes
-  adding changesets
-  adding manifests
-  adding file changes
-  added 2 changesets with 2 changes to 2 files
-  updating to branch default
-  resolving manifests
-  getting bar
-  getting foo
-  2 files updated, 0 files merged, 0 files removed, 0 files unresolved
deleted file mode 100644
--- a/hgext/bundleclone/tests/test-not-applicable.t
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
-#require no-hg37+
-  $ hg init server
-  $ cd server
-  $ touch foo
-  $ hg commit -A -m 'add foo'
-  adding foo
-  $ hg serve -d -p $HGPORT --pid-file hg.pid
-  $ cat hg.pid >> $DAEMON_PIDS
-  $ cd ..
-Clone without bundle support on server should fall back to normal
-  $ hg --debug --config extensions.bundleclone=$TESTDIR/hgext/bundleclone clone http://localhost:$HGPORT client1 | grep 'bundle clone not supported'
-  bundle clone not supported
-  $ ls client1
-  foo
-Clone with bundle support but requested heads will not use bundles
-  $ cat >> server/.hg/hgrc << EOF
-  > [extensions]
-  > bundleclone = $TESTDIR/hgext/bundleclone
-  > EOF
-  $ cat > server/.hg/bundleclone.manifest << EOF
-  > http://irrelevant
-  > EOF
-  $ hg -R server serve -d -p $HGPORT1 --pid-file hg.pid
-  $ cat hg.pid >> $DAEMON_PIDS
-  $ hg --debug --config extensions.bundleclone=$TESTDIR/hgext/bundleclone clone -r 53245c60e68 http://localhost:$HGPORT1 client2 | grep 'cannot perform bundle clone if heads requested'
-  cannot perform bundle clone if heads requested
-Clone in streaming mode skips bundle clone mode
-  $ hg --debug --config extensions.bundleclone=$TESTDIR/hgext/bundleclone clone --uncompressed -U http://localhost:$HGPORT1 stream | grep 'ignoring bundle clone'
-  ignoring bundle clone because stream was requested
deleted file mode 100644
--- a/hgext/bundleclone/tests/test-prefers.t
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,161 +0,0 @@
-#require no-hg37+
-  $ . $TESTDIR/hgext/bundleclone/tests/helpers.sh
-  $ cat >> $HGRCPATH << EOF
-  > [extensions]
-  > bundleclone = $TESTDIR/hgext/bundleclone
-  > EOF
-Create the server repo
-  $ hg init server
-  $ cd server
-  $ touch foo
-  $ hg -q commit -A -m 'add foo'
-  $ touch bar
-  $ hg -q commit -A -m 'add bar'
-  $ hg serve -d -p $HGPORT --pid-file hg.pid
-  $ cat hg.pid >> $DAEMON_PIDS
-  $ cd ..
-Generate bundles with different compression
-  $ hg -R server bundle --type gzip -a server.gz.hg
-  2 changesets found
-  $ hg -R server bundle --type bzip2 -a server.bz2.hg
-  2 changesets found
-  $ hg -R server bundle --type none -a server.uncompressed.hg
-  2 changesets found
-  $ cat > server/.hg/bundleclone.manifest << EOF
-  > http://localhost:$HGPORT1/server.gz.hg compression=gzip
-  > http://localhost:$HGPORT1/server.uncompressed.hg compression=none
-  > http://localhost:$HGPORT1/server.bz2.hg compression=bzip2
-  > EOF
-Clone with no preferences should take the first item
-  $ starthttpserver $HGPORT1
-  $ hg clone -U http://localhost:$HGPORT/ clone-default
-  downloading bundle http://localhost:$HGPORT1/server.gz.hg
-  adding changesets
-  adding manifests
-  adding file changes
-  added 2 changesets with 2 changes to 2 files
-  finishing applying bundle; pulling
-  searching for changes
-  no changes found
-Preferring an unknown attribute should have no impact
-  $ starthttpserver $HGPORT1
-  $ hg --config bundleclone.prefers=foo=bar,baz=foo clone -U http://localhost:$HGPORT/ clone-unknown-attribute
-  downloading bundle http://localhost:$HGPORT1/server.gz.hg
-  adding changesets
-  adding manifests
-  adding file changes
-  added 2 changesets with 2 changes to 2 files
-  finishing applying bundle; pulling
-  searching for changes
-  no changes found
-Preferring bz2 compression will download a bzip2 bundle
-  $ starthttpserver $HGPORT1
-  $ hg --config bundleclone.prefers=compression=bzip2 clone -U http://localhost:$HGPORT/ clone-prefer-bz2
-  downloading bundle http://localhost:$HGPORT1/server.bz2.hg
-  adding changesets
-  adding manifests
-  adding file changes
-  added 2 changesets with 2 changes to 2 files
-  finishing applying bundle; pulling
-  searching for changes
-  no changes found
-Preferring unknown value will fall back to second choice
-  $ starthttpserver $HGPORT1
-  $ hg --config bundleclone.prefers=compression=unknown,compression=none,compression=gzip clone -U http://localhost:$HGPORT/ clone-prefer-fallback
-  downloading bundle http://localhost:$HGPORT1/server.uncompressed.hg
-  adding changesets
-  adding manifests
-  adding file changes
-  added 2 changesets with 2 changes to 2 files
-  finishing applying bundle; pulling
-  searching for changes
-  no changes found
-Having an order of preferences for a single attribute works
-  $ starthttpserver $HGPORT1
-  $ hg --config bundleclone.prefers=compression=none,compression=gzip,compression=bzip2 clone -U http://localhost:$HGPORT/ clone-multiple-values
-  downloading bundle http://localhost:$HGPORT1/server.uncompressed.hg
-  adding changesets
-  adding manifests
-  adding file changes
-  added 2 changesets with 2 changes to 2 files
-  finishing applying bundle; pulling
-  searching for changes
-  no changes found
-Now let's add another axis of weighting. We use ec2region as a proxy for
-hostname because this is a real use case.
-  $ cp server.gz.hg us-west-1.server.gz.hg
-  $ cp server.gz.hg us-east-1.server.gz.hg
-  $ cp server.uncompressed.hg us-west-1.server.uncompressed.hg
-  $ cp server.uncompressed.hg us-east-1.server.uncompressed.hg
-  $ cp server.bz2.hg us-west-1.server.bz2.hg
-  $ cp server.bz2.hg us-east-1.server.bz2.hg
-  $ cat > server/.hg/bundleclone.manifest << EOF
-  > http://localhost:$HGPORT1/us-west-1.server.gz.hg compression=gzip ec2region=us-west-1
-  > http://localhost:$HGPORT1/us-east-1.server.gz.hg compression=gzip ec2region=us-east-1
-  > http://localhost:$HGPORT1/us-west-1.server.uncompressed.hg compression=none ec2region=us-west-1
-  > http://localhost:$HGPORT1/us-east-1.server.uncompressed.hg compression=none ec2region=us-east-1
-  > http://localhost:$HGPORT1/us-west-1.server.bz2.hg compression=bzip2 ec2region=us-west-1
-  > http://localhost:$HGPORT1/us-east-1.server.bz2.hg compression=bzip2 ec2region=us-east-1
-  > EOF
-Preferring just the compression level will take the first entry with
-that value
-  $ starthttpserver $HGPORT1
-  $ hg --config bundleclone.prefers=compression=bzip2 clone -U http://localhost:$HGPORT/ clone-first-compression-entry
-  downloading bundle http://localhost:$HGPORT1/us-west-1.server.bz2.hg
-  adding changesets
-  adding manifests
-  adding file changes
-  added 2 changesets with 2 changes to 2 files
-  finishing applying bundle; pulling
-  searching for changes
-  no changes found
-Preferring first the region then compression level gives an exact match
-  $ starthttpserver $HGPORT1
-  $ hg --config bundleclone.prefers=ec2region=us-east-1,compression=none clone -U http://localhost:$HGPORT/ clone-region-and-compression
-  downloading bundle http://localhost:$HGPORT1/us-east-1.server.uncompressed.hg
-  adding changesets
-  adding manifests
-  adding file changes
-  added 2 changesets with 2 changes to 2 files
-  finishing applying bundle; pulling
-  searching for changes
-  no changes found
-Preferring a region that doesn't exist first will fall back to a known
-  $ starthttpserver $HGPORT1
-  $ hg --config bundleclone.prefers=ec2region=eu-west-1,ec2region=us-east-1,compression=bad,compression=bzip2 clone -U http://localhost:$HGPORT/ clone-unknown-primaries
-  downloading bundle http://localhost:$HGPORT1/us-east-1.server.bz2.hg
-  adding changesets
-  adding manifests
-  adding file changes
-  added 2 changesets with 2 changes to 2 files
-  finishing applying bundle; pulling
-  searching for changes
-  no changes found
deleted file mode 100644
--- a/hgext/bundleclone/tests/test-sni.t
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,125 +0,0 @@
-#require no-hg37+
-  $ . $TESTDIR/hgext/bundleclone/tests/helpers.sh
-  $ cat >> $HGRCPATH << EOF
-  > [extensions]
-  > bundleclone = $TESTDIR/hgext/bundleclone
-  > EOF
-Create the server repo
-  $ hg init server
-  $ cd server
-  $ touch foo
-  $ hg -q commit -A -m 'add foo'
-  $ touch bar
-  $ hg -q commit -A -m 'add bar'
-  $ hg serve -d -p $HGPORT --pid-file hg.pid
-  $ cat hg.pid >> $DAEMON_PIDS
-  $ cd ..
-Generate bundle
-  $ hg -R server bundle --type gzip -a server-sni.gz.hg
-  2 changesets found
-  $ hg -R server bundle --type gzip -a server-nosni.gz.hg
-  2 changesets found
-Require SNI works if Python and Mercurial version is new enough
-  $ cat > server/.hg/bundleclone.manifest << EOF
-  > http://localhost:$HGPORT1/server-sni.gz.hg compression=gzip requiresni=true
-  > EOF
-  $ starthttpserver $HGPORT1
-  $ hg --config bundleclone.fakepyver=2,7,10 --config bundleclone.fakehgver=3,3 clone -U http://localhost:$HGPORT/ clone-working-sni
-  downloading bundle http://localhost:$HGPORT1/server-sni.gz.hg
-  adding changesets
-  adding manifests
-  adding file changes
-  added 2 changesets with 2 changes to 2 files
-  finishing applying bundle; pulling
-  searching for changes
-  no changes found
-Old Python without SNI fails with no non-SNI URL
-  $ hg --config bundleclone.fakepyver=2,7,8 --config bundleclone.fakehgver=3,3 clone -U http://localhost:$HGPORT/ clone-no-sni
-  (your Python is older than 2.7.9 and does not support modern and secure SSL/TLS; please consider upgrading your Python to a secure version)
-  (ignoring URL on server that requires SNI)
-  abort: no appropriate bundles available
-  (you may wish to complain to the server operator)
-  [255]
-Old Mercurial without SNI fails with no non-SNI URL
-  $ hg --config bundleclone.fakepyver=2,7,10 --config bundleclone.fakehgver=3,0 clone -U http://localhost:$HGPORT/ clone-no-hg-sni
-  (you Mercurial is old and does not support modern and secure SSL/TLS; please consider upgrading your Mercurial to 3.3+ which supports modern and secure SSL/TLS)
-  (ignoring URL on server that requires SNI)
-  abort: no appropriate bundles available
-  (you may wish to complain to the server operator)
-  [255]
-Old Python and old Mercurial messages are printed
-  $ hg --config bundleclone.fakepyver=2,7,3 --config bundleclone.fakehgver=3,0 clone -U http://localhost:$HGPORT/ clone-old-python-old-mercurial
-  (your Python is older than 2.7.9 and does not support modern and secure SSL/TLS; please consider upgrading your Python to a secure version)
-  (you Mercurial is old and does not support modern and secure SSL/TLS; please consider upgrading your Mercurial to 3.3+ which supports modern and secure SSL/TLS)
-  (ignoring URL on server that requires SNI)
-  abort: no appropriate bundles available
-  (you may wish to complain to the server operator)
-  [255]
-Old Python without SNI filters SNI URLs
-  $ cat > server/.hg/bundleclone.manifest << EOF
-  > http://localhost:$HGPORT1/server-sni.gz.hg compression=gzip requiresni=true
-  > http://localhost:$HGPORT1/server-nosni.gz.hg compression=gzip
-  > EOF
-  $ starthttpserver $HGPORT1
-  $ hg --config bundleclone.fakepyver=2,7,8 --config bundleclone.fakehgver=3,3 clone -U http://localhost:$HGPORT/ clone-no-sni-fallback
-  (your Python is older than 2.7.9 and does not support modern and secure SSL/TLS; please consider upgrading your Python to a secure version)
-  (ignoring URL on server that requires SNI)
-  downloading bundle http://localhost:$HGPORT1/server-nosni.gz.hg
-  adding changesets
-  adding manifests
-  adding file changes
-  added 2 changesets with 2 changes to 2 files
-  finishing applying bundle; pulling
-  searching for changes
-  no changes found
-Old Mercurial without SNI filters SNI URLs
-  $ starthttpserver $HGPORT1
-  $ hg --config bundleclone.fakepyver=2,7,10 --config bundleclone.fakehgver=3,0 clone -U http://localhost:$HGPORT/ clone-old-hg-fallback
-  (you Mercurial is old and does not support modern and secure SSL/TLS; please consider upgrading your Mercurial to 3.3+ which supports modern and secure SSL/TLS)
-  (ignoring URL on server that requires SNI)
-  downloading bundle http://localhost:$HGPORT1/server-nosni.gz.hg
-  adding changesets
-  adding manifests
-  adding file changes
-  added 2 changesets with 2 changes to 2 files
-  finishing applying bundle; pulling
-  searching for changes
-  no changes found
-requiresni=false works
-  $ cat > server/.hg/bundleclone.manifest << EOF
-  > http://localhost:$HGPORT1/server-nosni.gz.hg compression=gzip requiresni=false
-  > EOF
-  $ starthttpserver $HGPORT1
-  $ hg clone -U http://localhost:$HGPORT/ clone-sni-false
-  downloading bundle http://localhost:$HGPORT1/server-nosni.gz.hg
-  adding changesets
-  adding manifests
-  adding file changes
-  added 2 changesets with 2 changes to 2 files
-  finishing applying bundle; pulling
-  searching for changes
-  no changes found
--- a/moz.build
+++ b/moz.build
@@ -2,20 +2,16 @@
 # vim: set filetype=python:
 # This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
 # License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
 # file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
 with Files('**'):
     BUG_COMPONENT = ('Developer Services', 'General')
-with Files('hgext/bundleclone/**'):
-    BUG_COMPONENT = ('Developer Services', 'Mercurial: bundleclone')
-    FINAL = True
 with Files('hgext/bzexport/**'):
     BUG_COMPONENT = ('Developer Services', 'Mercurial: bzexport')
     FINAL = True
 with Files('hgext/bzpost/**'):
     BUG_COMPONENT = ('Developer Services', 'Mercurial: bzpost')
     FINAL = True