Bug 1349462 - Part 2. one line for static function. draft
authorcku <cku@mozilla.com>
Thu, 23 Mar 2017 16:53:47 +0800
changeset 503548 1be77e92d69021f2a73a3dc0756880d572f7a7e3
parent 503547 52a79ccf04a4ae40cfddfb90653f9c03449ecfab
child 550462 cc3d6280141207628d517ae984fefe9b128699d1
push id50613
push userbmo:cku@mozilla.com
push dateThu, 23 Mar 2017 09:14:03 +0000
Bug 1349462 - Part 2. one line for static function. MozReview-Commit-ID: 9jVkHtLouVN
--- a/layout/svg/nsSVGUtils.h
+++ b/layout/svg/nsSVGUtils.h
@@ -262,52 +262,51 @@ public:
             length - length to be converted
   static float ObjectSpace(const gfxRect &aRect, const nsSVGLength2 *aLength);
   /* Computes the input length in terms of user space coordinates.
      Input: content - object to be used for determining user space
      Input: length - length to be converted
-  static float UserSpace(nsSVGElement *aSVGElement, const nsSVGLength2 *aLength);
+  static float UserSpace(nsSVGElement *aSVGElement,
+                         const nsSVGLength2 *aLength);
   static float UserSpace(nsIFrame *aFrame, const nsSVGLength2 *aLength);
-  static float UserSpace(const mozilla::dom::UserSpaceMetrics& aMetrics, const nsSVGLength2 *aLength);
+  static float UserSpace(const mozilla::dom::UserSpaceMetrics& aMetrics,
+                         const nsSVGLength2 *aLength);
   /* Find the outermost SVG frame of the passed frame */
-  static nsSVGOuterSVGFrame *
-  GetOuterSVGFrame(nsIFrame *aFrame);
+  static nsSVGOuterSVGFrame* GetOuterSVGFrame(nsIFrame *aFrame);
    * Get the covered region for a frame. Return null if it's not an SVG frame.
    * @param aRect gets a rectangle in app units
    * @return the outer SVG frame which aRect is relative to
-  static nsIFrame*
-  GetOuterSVGFrameAndCoveredRegion(nsIFrame* aFrame, nsRect* aRect);
+  static nsIFrame* GetOuterSVGFrameAndCoveredRegion(nsIFrame* aFrame,
+                                                    nsRect* aRect);
   /* Paint SVG frame with SVG effects - aDirtyRect is the area being
    * redrawn, in device pixel coordinates relative to the outer svg */
-  static DrawResult
-  PaintFrameWithEffects(nsIFrame *aFrame,
-                        gfxContext& aContext,
-                        const gfxMatrix& aTransform,
-                        const nsIntRect *aDirtyRect = nullptr);
+  static DrawResult PaintFrameWithEffects(nsIFrame *aFrame,
+                                          gfxContext& aContext,
+                                          const gfxMatrix& aTransform,
+                                          const nsIntRect *aDirtyRect = nullptr);
   /* Hit testing - check if point hits the clipPath of indicated
    * frame.  Returns true if no clipPath set. */
-  static bool
-  HitTestClip(nsIFrame *aFrame, const gfxPoint &aPoint);
+  static bool HitTestClip(nsIFrame *aFrame, const gfxPoint &aPoint);
    * Hit testing - check if point hits any children of aFrame.  aPoint is
    * expected to be in the coordinate space established by aFrame for its
    * children (e.g. the space established by the 'viewBox' attribute on <svg>).
-  static nsIFrame *
-  HitTestChildren(nsSVGDisplayContainerFrame *aFrame, const gfxPoint &aPoint);
+  static nsIFrame* HitTestChildren(nsSVGDisplayContainerFrame *aFrame,
+                                   const gfxPoint &aPoint);
    * Returns the CanvasTM of the indicated frame, whether it's a
    * child SVG frame, container SVG frame, or a regular frame.
    * For regular frames, we just return an identity matrix.
   static gfxMatrix GetCanvasTM(nsIFrame* aFrame);
@@ -321,86 +320,80 @@ public:
    * by the frame such as x/y offsets and viewBox attributes.
   static gfxMatrix GetUserToCanvasTM(nsIFrame* aFrame);
    * Notify the descendants of aFrame of a change to one of their ancestors
    * that might affect them.
-  static void
-  NotifyChildrenOfSVGChange(nsIFrame *aFrame, uint32_t aFlags);
+  static void NotifyChildrenOfSVGChange(nsIFrame *aFrame, uint32_t aFlags);
    * Get frame's covered region by walking the children and doing union.
-  static nsRect
-  GetCoveredRegion(const nsFrameList &aFrames);
+  static nsRect GetCoveredRegion(const nsFrameList &aFrames);
-  static nsRect
-  TransformFrameRectToOuterSVG(const nsRect& aRect,
-                               const gfxMatrix& aMatrix,
-                               nsPresContext* aPresContext);
+  static nsRect TransformFrameRectToOuterSVG(const nsRect& aRect,
+                                             const gfxMatrix& aMatrix,
+                                             nsPresContext* aPresContext);
    * Convert a surface size to an integer for use by thebes
    * possibly making it smaller in the process so the surface does not
    * use excessive memory.
    * @param aSize the desired surface size
    * @param aResultOverflows true if the desired surface size is too big
    * @return the surface size to use
   static mozilla::gfx::IntSize ConvertToSurfaceSize(const gfxSize& aSize,
                                                     bool *aResultOverflows);
    * Hit test a given rectangle/matrix.
-  static bool
-  HitTestRect(const mozilla::gfx::Matrix &aMatrix,
-              float aRX, float aRY, float aRWidth, float aRHeight,
-              float aX, float aY);
+  static bool HitTestRect(const mozilla::gfx::Matrix &aMatrix,
+                          float aRX, float aRY, float aRWidth, float aRHeight,
+                          float aX, float aY);
    * Get the clip rect for the given frame, taking into account the CSS 'clip'
    * property. See:
    * http://www.w3.org/TR/SVG11/masking.html#OverflowAndClipProperties
    * The arguments for aX, aY, aWidth and aHeight should be the dimensions of
    * the viewport established by aFrame.
-  static gfxRect
-  GetClipRectForFrame(nsIFrame *aFrame,
-                      float aX, float aY, float aWidth, float aHeight);
+  static gfxRect GetClipRectForFrame(nsIFrame *aFrame,
+                                     float aX, float aY, float aWidth,
+                                     float aHeight);
   static void SetClipRect(gfxContext *aContext,
                           const gfxMatrix &aCTM,
                           const gfxRect &aRect);
   /* Using group opacity instead of fill or stroke opacity on a
    * geometry object seems to be a common authoring mistake.  If we're
    * not applying filters and not both stroking and filling, we can
    * generate the same result without going through the overhead of a
    * push/pop group. */
-  static bool
-  CanOptimizeOpacity(nsIFrame *aFrame);
+  static bool CanOptimizeOpacity(nsIFrame *aFrame);
    * Take the CTM to userspace for an element, and adjust it to a CTM to its
    * object bounding box space if aUnits is SVG_UNIT_TYPE_OBJECTBOUNDINGBOX.
    * (I.e. so that [0,0] is at the top left of its bbox, and [1,1] is at the
    * bottom right of its bbox).
    * If the bbox is empty, this will return a singular matrix.
-  static gfxMatrix
-  AdjustMatrixForUnits(const gfxMatrix &aMatrix,
-                       nsSVGEnum *aUnits,
-                       nsIFrame *aFrame);
+  static gfxMatrix AdjustMatrixForUnits(const gfxMatrix &aMatrix,
+                                        nsSVGEnum *aUnits,
+                                        nsIFrame *aFrame);
   enum BBoxFlags {
     eBBoxIncludeFill           = 1 << 0,
     eBBoxIncludeFillGeometry   = 1 << 1,
     eBBoxIncludeStroke         = 1 << 2,
     eBBoxIncludeStrokeGeometry = 1 << 3,
     eBBoxIncludeMarkers        = 1 << 4,
     eBBoxIncludeClipped        = 1 << 5,
@@ -434,24 +427,22 @@ public:
    * @param aXYWH pointer to 4 consecutive nsSVGLength2 objects containing
    * the x, y, width and height values in that order
    * @param aBBox the bounding box of the object the rect is relative to;
    * may be null if aUnits is not SVG_UNIT_TYPE_OBJECTBOUNDINGBOX
    * @param aFrame the object in which to interpret user-space units;
    * may be null if aUnits is SVG_UNIT_TYPE_OBJECTBOUNDINGBOX
-  static gfxRect
-  GetRelativeRect(uint16_t aUnits, const nsSVGLength2 *aXYWH,
-                  const gfxRect& aBBox, nsIFrame *aFrame);
+  static gfxRect GetRelativeRect(uint16_t aUnits, const nsSVGLength2 *aXYWH,
+                                 const gfxRect& aBBox, nsIFrame *aFrame);
-  static gfxRect
-  GetRelativeRect(uint16_t aUnits, const nsSVGLength2 *aXYWH,
-                  const gfxRect& aBBox,
-                  const mozilla::dom::UserSpaceMetrics& aMetrics);
+  static gfxRect GetRelativeRect(uint16_t aUnits, const nsSVGLength2 *aXYWH,
+                                 const gfxRect& aBBox,
+                                 const mozilla::dom::UserSpaceMetrics& aMetrics);
    * Find the first frame, starting with aStartFrame and going up its
    * parent chain, that is not an svgAFrame.
   static nsIFrame* GetFirstNonAAncestorFrame(nsIFrame* aStartFrame);
   static bool OuterSVGIsCallingReflowSVG(nsIFrame *aFrame);
@@ -498,21 +489,20 @@ public:
     return NS_lround(std::max(double(INT32_MIN),
                             std::min(double(INT32_MAX), aVal)));
   static nscolor GetFallbackOrPaintColor(nsStyleContext *aStyleContext,
                                          nsStyleSVGPaint nsStyleSVG::*aFillOrStroke);
-  static void
-  MakeFillPatternFor(nsIFrame *aFrame,
-                     gfxContext* aContext,
-                     GeneralPattern* aOutPattern,
-                     SVGContextPaint* aContextPaint = nullptr);
+  static void MakeFillPatternFor(nsIFrame *aFrame,
+                                 gfxContext* aContext,
+                                 GeneralPattern* aOutPattern,
+                                 SVGContextPaint* aContextPaint = nullptr);
   static void
   MakeStrokePatternFor(nsIFrame* aFrame,
                        gfxContext* aContext,
                        GeneralPattern* aOutPattern,
                        SVGContextPaint* aContextPaint = nullptr);
   static float GetOpacity(nsStyleSVGOpacitySource aOpacityType,
@@ -555,16 +545,17 @@ public:
    * Render a SVG glyph.
    * @param aElement the SVG glyph element to render
    * @param aContext the thebes aContext to draw to
    * @return true if rendering succeeded
   static bool PaintSVGGlyph(Element* aElement, gfxContext* aContext);
    * Get the extents of a SVG glyph.
    * @param aElement the SVG glyph element
    * @param aSVGToAppSpace the matrix mapping the SVG glyph space to the
    *   target context space
    * @param aResult the result (valid when true is returned)
    * @return true if calculating the extents succeeded
@@ -572,48 +563,45 @@ public:
                                  const gfxMatrix& aSVGToAppSpace,
                                  gfxRect* aResult);
    * Returns the app unit canvas bounds of a userspace rect.
    * @param aToCanvas Transform from userspace to canvas device space.
-  static nsRect
-  ToCanvasBounds(const gfxRect &aUserspaceRect,
-                 const gfxMatrix &aToCanvas,
-                 const nsPresContext *presContext);
+  static nsRect ToCanvasBounds(const gfxRect &aUserspaceRect,
+                               const gfxMatrix &aToCanvas,
+                               const nsPresContext *presContext);
   struct MaskUsage {
     bool shouldGenerateMaskLayer;
     bool shouldGenerateClipMaskLayer;
     bool shouldApplyClipPath;
     bool shouldApplyBasicShape;
     float opacity;
       : shouldGenerateMaskLayer(false), shouldGenerateClipMaskLayer(false),
         shouldApplyClipPath(false), shouldApplyBasicShape(false), opacity(0.0)
     { }
-  static void
-  DetermineMaskUsage(nsIFrame* aFrame, bool aHandleOpacity, MaskUsage& aUsage);
+  static void DetermineMaskUsage(nsIFrame* aFrame, bool aHandleOpacity,
+                                 MaskUsage& aUsage);
-  static float
-  ComputeOpacity(nsIFrame* aFrame, bool aHandleOpacity);
+  static float ComputeOpacity(nsIFrame* aFrame, bool aHandleOpacity);
    * SVG frames expect to paint in SVG user units, which are equal to CSS px
    * units. This method provides a transform matrix to multiply onto a
    * gfxContext's current transform to convert the context's current units from
    * its usual dev pixels to SVG user units/CSS px to keep the SVG code happy.
-  static gfxMatrix
-  GetCSSPxToDevPxMatrix(nsIFrame* aNonSVGFrame);
+  static gfxMatrix GetCSSPxToDevPxMatrix(nsIFrame* aNonSVGFrame);
   static bool IsInSVGTextSubtree(const nsIFrame* aFrame) {
     // Returns true if the frame is an SVGTextFrame or one of its descendants.
     return aFrame->GetStateBits() & NS_FRAME_IS_SVG_TEXT;