Bug 1145735 - Remove CRH_DIALOG_TREE_VIEW; r?standard8 draft
authorFederico Padua <federico_padua@yahoo.it>
Tue, 21 Mar 2017 11:49:14 +0100
changeset 502163 e2e5412a00d2ee2890a36152b69498dcf58b1f49
parent 502161 ca4ae502156eaea6fffb296bb9c3b3930af8ab58
child 550087 71493a2fcbef65ba574c4f1d30f6a471f9115b29
push id50206
push userbmo:federico_padua@yahoo.it
push dateTue, 21 Mar 2017 10:51:39 +0000
Bug 1145735 - Remove CRH_DIALOG_TREE_VIEW; r?standard8 This patch removes code marked with #ifdef CRH_DIALOG_TREE_VIEW since it's not used anymore as described in the bug description. MozReview-Commit-ID: 6VnJIIGtGVl
--- a/browser/base/content/sanitize.xul
+++ b/browser/base/content/sanitize.xul
@@ -1,21 +1,18 @@
 <?xml version="1.0"?>
-# -*- Mode: Java; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*-
-# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
-# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
-# file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
+<!-- -*- Mode: Java; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- -->
+<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+   - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+   - file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. -->
 <?xml-stylesheet href="chrome://global/skin/"?>
 <?xml-stylesheet href="chrome://browser/skin/sanitizeDialog.css"?>
-<?xml-stylesheet href="chrome://browser/skin/places/places.css"?>
 <?xml-stylesheet href="chrome://browser/content/sanitizeDialog.css"?>
 <!DOCTYPE prefwindow [
   <!ENTITY % brandDTD SYSTEM "chrome://branding/locale/brand.dtd">
   <!ENTITY % sanitizeDTD SYSTEM "chrome://browser/locale/sanitize.dtd">
@@ -31,26 +28,16 @@
   <prefpane id="SanitizeDialogPane" onpaneload="gSanitizePromptDialog.init();">
     <stringbundle id="bundleBrowser"
     <script type="application/javascript"
-    <script type="application/javascript"
-            src="chrome://global/content/globalOverlay.js"/>
-    <script type="application/javascript"
-            src="chrome://browser/content/places/treeView.js"/>
-    <script type="application/javascript"><![CDATA[
-      Components.utils.import("resource://gre/modules/PlacesUtils.jsm");
-      Components.utils.import("resource:///modules/PlacesUIUtils.jsm");
-    ]]></script>
     <script type="application/javascript"
     <preferences id="sanitizePreferences">
       <preference id="privacy.cpd.history"               name="privacy.cpd.history"               type="bool"/>
       <preference id="privacy.cpd.formdata"              name="privacy.cpd.formdata"              type="bool"/>
       <preference id="privacy.cpd.downloads"             name="privacy.cpd.downloads"             type="bool" disabled="true"/>
@@ -72,65 +59,43 @@
       <menulist id="sanitizeDurationChoice"
         <menupopup id="sanitizeDurationPopup">
-          <menuitem label="" value="-1" id="sanitizeDurationCustom"/>
           <menuitem label="&clearTimeDuration.lastHour;" value="1"/>
           <menuitem label="&clearTimeDuration.last2Hours;" value="2"/>
           <menuitem label="&clearTimeDuration.last4Hours;" value="3"/>
           <menuitem label="&clearTimeDuration.today;" value="4"/>
           <menuitem label="&clearTimeDuration.everything;" value="0"/>
       <label id="sanitizeDurationSuffixLabel"
     <separator class="thin"/>
-    <deck id="durationDeck">
-      <tree id="placesTree" flex="1" hidecolumnpicker="true" rows="10"
-            disabled="true" disableKeyNavigation="true">
-        <treecols>
-          <treecol id="date" label="&clearTimeDuration.dateColumn;" flex="1"/>
-          <splitter class="tree-splitter"/>
-          <treecol id="title" label="&clearTimeDuration.nameColumn;" flex="5"/>
-        </treecols>
-        <treechildren id="placesTreechildren"
-                      ondragstart="gSanitizePromptDialog.grippyMoved('ondragstart', event);"
-                      ondragover="gSanitizePromptDialog.grippyMoved('ondragover', event);"
-                      onkeypress="gSanitizePromptDialog.grippyMoved('onkeypress', event);"
-                      onmousedown="gSanitizePromptDialog.grippyMoved('onmousedown', event);"/>
-      </tree>
       <vbox id="sanitizeEverythingWarningBox">
         <spacer flex="1"/>
         <hbox align="center">
           <image id="sanitizeEverythingWarningIcon"/>
           <vbox id="sanitizeEverythingWarningDescBox" flex="1">
             <description id="sanitizeEverythingWarning"/>
             <description id="sanitizeEverythingUndoWarning">&sanitizeEverythingUndoWarning;</description>
         <spacer flex="1"/>
-    </deck>
     <separator class="thin"/>
     <hbox id="detailsExpanderWrapper" align="center">
       <button type="image"
--- a/browser/base/content/sanitizeDialog.js
+++ b/browser/base/content/sanitizeDialog.js
@@ -251,639 +251,12 @@ var gSanitizePromptDialog = {
   toggleItemList: function ()
     var itemList = document.getElementById("itemList");
     if (itemList.collapsed)
-  },
-  // A duration value; used in the same context as Sanitizer.TIMESPAN_HOUR,
-  // Sanitizer.TIMESPAN_2HOURS, et al.  This should match the value attribute
-  // of the sanitizeDurationCustom menuitem.
-  {
-    return -1;
-  },
-  get placesTree()
-  {
-    if (!this._placesTree)
-      this._placesTree = document.getElementById("placesTree");
-    return this._placesTree;
-  },
-  init: function ()
-  {
-    // This is used by selectByTimespan() to determine if the window has loaded.
-    this._inited = true;
-    var s = new Sanitizer();
-    s.prefDomain = "privacy.cpd.";
-    document.documentElement.getButton("accept").label =
-      this.bundleBrowser.getString("sanitizeButtonOK");
-    this.selectByTimespan();
-  },
-  /**
-   * Sets up the hashes this.durationValsToRows, which maps duration values
-   * to rows in the tree, this.durationRowsToVals, which maps rows in
-   * the tree to duration values, and this.durationStartTimes, which maps
-   * duration values to their corresponding start times.
-   */
-  initDurationDropdown: function ()
-  {
-    // First, calculate the start times for each duration.
-    this.durationStartTimes = {};
-    var durVals = [];
-    var durPopup = document.getElementById("sanitizeDurationPopup");
-    var durMenuitems = durPopup.childNodes;
-    for (let i = 0; i < durMenuitems.length; i++) {
-      let durMenuitem = durMenuitems[i];
-      let durVal = parseInt(durMenuitem.value);
-      if (durMenuitem.localName === "menuitem" &&
-          durVal !== Sanitizer.TIMESPAN_EVERYTHING &&
-          durVal !== this.TIMESPAN_CUSTOM) {
-        durVals.push(durVal);
-        let durTimes = Sanitizer.getClearRange(durVal);
-        this.durationStartTimes[durVal] = durTimes[0];
-      }
-    }
-    // Sort the duration values ascending.  Because one tree index can map to
-    // more than one duration, this ensures that this.durationRowsToVals maps
-    // a row index to the largest duration possible in the code below.
-    durVals.sort();
-    // Now calculate the rows in the tree of the durations' start times.  For
-    // each duration, we are looking for the node in the tree whose time is the
-    // smallest time greater than or equal to the duration's start time.
-    this.durationRowsToVals = {};
-    this.durationValsToRows = {};
-    var view = this.placesTree.view;
-    // For all rows in the tree except the grippy row...
-    for (let i = 0; i < view.rowCount - 1; i++) {
-      let unfoundDurVals = [];
-      let nodeTime = view.QueryInterface(Ci.nsINavHistoryResultTreeViewer).
-                     nodeForTreeIndex(i).time;
-      // For all durations whose rows have not yet been found in the tree, see
-      // if index i is their index.  An index may map to more than one duration,
-      // in which case the final duration (the largest) wins.
-      for (let j = 0; j < durVals.length; j++) {
-        let durVal = durVals[j];
-        let durStartTime = this.durationStartTimes[durVal];
-        if (nodeTime < durStartTime) {
-          this.durationValsToRows[durVal] = i - 1;
-          this.durationRowsToVals[i - 1] = durVal;
-        }
-        else
-          unfoundDurVals.push(durVal);
-      }
-      durVals = unfoundDurVals;
-    }
-    // If any durations were not found above, then every node in the tree has a
-    // time greater than or equal to the duration.  In other words, those
-    // durations include the entire tree (except the grippy row).
-    for (let i = 0; i < durVals.length; i++) {
-      let durVal = durVals[i];
-      this.durationValsToRows[durVal] = view.rowCount - 2;
-      this.durationRowsToVals[view.rowCount - 2] = durVal;
-    }
-  },
-  /**
-   * If the Places tree is not set up, sets it up.  Otherwise does nothing.
-   */
-  ensurePlacesTreeIsInited: function ()
-  {
-    if (this._placesTreeIsInited)
-      return;
-    this._placesTreeIsInited = true;
-    // Either "Last Four Hours" or "Today" will have the most history.  If
-    // it's been more than 4 hours since today began, "Today" will. Otherwise
-    // "Last Four Hours" will.
-    var times = Sanitizer.getClearRange(Sanitizer.TIMESPAN_TODAY);
-    // If it's been less than 4 hours since today began, use the past 4 hours.
-    if (times[1] - times[0] < 14400000000) { // 4*60*60*1000000
-      times = Sanitizer.getClearRange(Sanitizer.TIMESPAN_4HOURS);
-    }
-    var histServ = Cc["@mozilla.org/browser/nav-history-service;1"].
-                   getService(Ci.nsINavHistoryService);
-    var query = histServ.getNewQuery();
-    query.beginTimeReference = query.TIME_RELATIVE_EPOCH;
-    query.beginTime = times[0];
-    query.endTimeReference = query.TIME_RELATIVE_EPOCH;
-    query.endTime = times[1];
-    var opts = histServ.getNewQueryOptions();
-    opts.sortingMode = opts.SORT_BY_DATE_DESCENDING;
-    opts.queryType = opts.QUERY_TYPE_HISTORY;
-    var result = histServ.executeQuery(query, opts);
-    var view = gContiguousSelectionTreeHelper.setTree(this.placesTree,
-                                                      new PlacesTreeView());
-    result.addObserver(view, false);
-    this.initDurationDropdown();
-  },
-  /**
-   * Called on select of the duration dropdown and when grippyMoved() sets a
-   * duration based on the location of the grippy row.  Selects all the nodes in
-   * the tree that are contained in the selected duration.  If clearing
-   * everything, the warning panel is shown instead.
-   */
-  selectByTimespan: function ()
-  {
-    // This method is the onselect handler for the duration dropdown.  As a
-    // result it's called a couple of times before onload calls init().
-    if (!this._inited)
-      return;
-    var durDeck = document.getElementById("durationDeck");
-    var durList = document.getElementById("sanitizeDurationChoice");
-    var durVal = parseInt(durList.value);
-    var durCustom = document.getElementById("sanitizeDurationCustom");
-    // If grippy row is not at a duration boundary, show the custom menuitem;
-    // otherwise, hide it.  Since the user cannot specify a custom duration by
-    // using the dropdown, this conditional is true only when this method is
-    // called onselect from grippyMoved(), so no selection need be made.
-    if (durVal === this.TIMESPAN_CUSTOM) {
-      durCustom.hidden = false;
-      return;
-    }
-    durCustom.hidden = true;
-    // If clearing everything, show the warning and change the dialog's title.
-    if (durVal === Sanitizer.TIMESPAN_EVERYTHING) {
-      this.prepareWarning();
-      durDeck.selectedIndex = 1;
-      window.document.title =
-        this.bundleBrowser.getString("sanitizeDialog2.everything.title");
-      document.documentElement.getButton("accept").disabled = false;
-      return;
-    }
-    // Otherwise -- if clearing a specific time range -- select that time range
-    // in the tree.
-    this.ensurePlacesTreeIsInited();
-    durDeck.selectedIndex = 0;
-    window.document.title =
-      window.document.documentElement.getAttribute("noneverythingtitle");
-    var durRow = this.durationValsToRows[durVal];
-    gContiguousSelectionTreeHelper.rangedSelect(durRow);
-    gContiguousSelectionTreeHelper.scrollToGrippy();
-    // If duration is empty (there are no selected rows), disable the dialog's
-    // OK button.
-    document.documentElement.getButton("accept").disabled = durRow < 0;
-  },
-  sanitize: function ()
-  {
-    // Update pref values before handing off to the sanitizer (bug 453440)
-    this.updatePrefs();
-    var s = new Sanitizer();
-    s.prefDomain = "privacy.cpd.";
-    var durList = document.getElementById("sanitizeDurationChoice");
-    var durValue = parseInt(durList.value);
-    s.ignoreTimespan = durValue === Sanitizer.TIMESPAN_EVERYTHING;
-    // Set the sanitizer's time range if we're not clearing everything.
-    if (!s.ignoreTimespan) {
-      // If user selected a custom timespan, use that.
-      if (durValue === this.TIMESPAN_CUSTOM) {
-        var view = this.placesTree.view;
-        var now = Date.now() * 1000;
-        // We disable the dialog's OK button if there's no selection, but we'll
-        // handle that case just in... case.
-        if (view.selection.getRangeCount() === 0)
-          s.range = [now, now];
-        else {
-          var startIndexRef = {};
-          // Tree sorted by visit date DEscending, so start time time comes last.
-          view.selection.getRangeAt(0, {}, startIndexRef);
-          view.QueryInterface(Ci.nsINavHistoryResultTreeViewer);
-          var startNode = view.nodeForTreeIndex(startIndexRef.value);
-          s.range = [startNode.time, now];
-        }
-      }
-      // Otherwise use the predetermined range.
-      else
-        s.range = [this.durationStartTimes[durValue], Date.now() * 1000];
-    }
-    try {
-      s.sanitize(); // We ignore the resulting Promise
-    } catch (er) {
-      Components.utils.reportError("Exception during sanitize: " + er);
-    }
-    return true;
-  },
-  /**
-   * In order to mark the custom Places tree view and its nsINavHistoryResult
-   * for garbage collection, we need to break the reference cycle between the
-   * two.
-   */
-  unload: function ()
-  {
-    let result = this.placesTree.getResult();
-    result.removeObserver(this.placesTree.view);
-    this.placesTree.view = null;
-  },
-  /**
-   * Called when the user moves the grippy by dragging it, clicking in the tree,
-   * or on keypress.  Updates the duration dropdown so that it displays the
-   * appropriate specific or custom duration.
-   *
-   * @param aEventName
-   *        The name of the event whose handler called this method, e.g.,
-   *        "ondragstart", "onkeypress", etc.
-   * @param aEvent
-   *        The event captured in the event handler.
-   */
-  grippyMoved: function (aEventName, aEvent)
-  {
-    gContiguousSelectionTreeHelper[aEventName](aEvent);
-    var lastSelRow = gContiguousSelectionTreeHelper.getGrippyRow() - 1;
-    var durList = document.getElementById("sanitizeDurationChoice");
-    var durValue = parseInt(durList.value);
-    // Multiple durations can map to the same row.  Don't update the dropdown
-    // if the current duration is valid for lastSelRow.
-    if ((durValue !== this.TIMESPAN_CUSTOM ||
-         lastSelRow in this.durationRowsToVals) &&
-        (durValue === this.TIMESPAN_CUSTOM ||
-         this.durationValsToRows[durValue] !== lastSelRow)) {
-      // Setting durList.value causes its onselect handler to fire, which calls
-      // selectByTimespan().
-      if (lastSelRow in this.durationRowsToVals)
-        durList.value = this.durationRowsToVals[lastSelRow];
-      else
-        durList.value = this.TIMESPAN_CUSTOM;
-    }
-    // If there are no selected rows, disable the dialog's OK button.
-    document.documentElement.getButton("accept").disabled = lastSelRow < 0;
- * A helper for handling contiguous selection in the tree.
- */
-var gContiguousSelectionTreeHelper = {
-  /**
-   * Gets the tree associated with this helper.
-   */
-  get tree()
-  {
-    return this._tree;
-  },
-  /**
-   * Sets the tree that this module handles.  The tree is assigned a new view
-   * that is equipped to handle contiguous selection.  You can pass in an
-   * object that will be used as the prototype of the new view.  Otherwise
-   * the tree's current view is used as the prototype.
-   *
-   * @param  aTreeElement
-   *         The tree element
-   * @param  aProtoTreeView
-   *         If defined, this will be used as the prototype of the tree's new
-   *         view
-   * @return The new view
-   */
-  setTree: function CSTH_setTree(aTreeElement, aProtoTreeView)
-  {
-    this._tree = aTreeElement;
-    var newView = this._makeTreeView(aProtoTreeView || aTreeElement.view);
-    aTreeElement.view = newView;
-    return newView;
-  },
-  /**
-   * The index of the row that the grippy occupies.  Note that the index of the
-   * last selected row is getGrippyRow() - 1.  If getGrippyRow() is 0, then
-   * no selection exists.
-   *
-   * @return The row index of the grippy
-   */
-  getGrippyRow: function CSTH_getGrippyRow()
-  {
-    var sel = this.tree.view.selection;
-    var rangeCount = sel.getRangeCount();
-    if (rangeCount === 0)
-      return 0;
-    if (rangeCount !== 1) {
-      throw "contiguous selection tree helper: getGrippyRow called with " +
-            "multiple selection ranges";
-    }
-    var max = {};
-    sel.getRangeAt(0, {}, max);
-    return max.value + 1;
-  },
-  /**
-   * Helper function for the dragover event.  Your dragover listener should
-   * call this.  It updates the selection in the tree under the mouse.
-   *
-   * @param aEvent
-   *        The observed dragover event
-   */
-  ondragover: function CSTH_ondragover(aEvent)
-  {
-    // Without this when dragging on Windows the mouse cursor is a "no" sign.
-    // This makes it a drop symbol.
-    var ds = Cc["@mozilla.org/widget/dragservice;1"].
-             getService(Ci.nsIDragService).
-             getCurrentSession();
-    ds.canDrop = true;
-    ds.dragAction = 0;
-    var tbo = this.tree.treeBoxObject;
-    aEvent.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIDOMMouseEvent);
-    var hoverRow = tbo.getRowAt(aEvent.clientX, aEvent.clientY);
-    if (hoverRow < 0)
-      return;
-    this.rangedSelect(hoverRow - 1);
-  },
-  /**
-   * Helper function for the dragstart event.  Your dragstart listener should
-   * call this.  It starts a drag session.
-   *
-   * @param aEvent
-   *        The observed dragstart event
-   */
-  ondragstart: function CSTH_ondragstart(aEvent)
-  {
-    var tbo = this.tree.treeBoxObject;
-    var clickedRow = tbo.getRowAt(aEvent.clientX, aEvent.clientY);
-    if (clickedRow !== this.getGrippyRow())
-      return;
-    // This part is a hack.  What we really want is a grab and slide, not
-    // drag and drop.  Start a move drag session with dummy data and a
-    // dummy region.  Set the region's coordinates to (Infinity, Infinity)
-    // so it's drawn offscreen and its size to (1, 1).
-    var arr = Cc["@mozilla.org/array;1"].
-              createInstance(Ci.nsIMutableArray);
-    var trans = Cc["@mozilla.org/widget/transferable;1"].
-                createInstance(Ci.nsITransferable);
-    trans.init(null);
-    trans.setTransferData('dummy-flavor', null, 0);
-    arr.appendElement(trans, /* weak = */ false);
-    var reg = Cc["@mozilla.org/gfx/region;1"].
-              createInstance(Ci.nsIScriptableRegion);
-    reg.setToRect(Infinity, Infinity, 1, 1);
-    var ds = Cc["@mozilla.org/widget/dragservice;1"].
-             getService(Ci.nsIDragService);
-    ds.invokeDragSession(aEvent.target, arr, reg, ds.DRAGDROP_ACTION_MOVE);
-  },
-  /**
-   * Helper function for the keypress event.  Your keypress listener should
-   * call this.  Users can use Up, Down, Page Up/Down, Home, and End to move
-   * the bottom of the selection window.
-   *
-   * @param aEvent
-   *        The observed keypress event
-   */
-  onkeypress: function CSTH_onkeypress(aEvent)
-  {
-    var grippyRow = this.getGrippyRow();
-    var tbo = this.tree.treeBoxObject;
-    var rangeEnd;
-    switch (aEvent.keyCode) {
-    case aEvent.DOM_VK_HOME:
-      rangeEnd = 0;
-      break;
-    case aEvent.DOM_VK_PAGE_UP:
-      rangeEnd = grippyRow - tbo.getPageLength();
-      break;
-    case aEvent.DOM_VK_UP:
-      rangeEnd = grippyRow - 2;
-      break;
-    case aEvent.DOM_VK_DOWN:
-      rangeEnd = grippyRow;
-      break;
-    case aEvent.DOM_VK_PAGE_DOWN:
-      rangeEnd = grippyRow + tbo.getPageLength();
-      break;
-    case aEvent.DOM_VK_END:
-      rangeEnd = this.tree.view.rowCount - 2;
-      break;
-    default:
-      return;
-      break;
-    }
-    aEvent.stopPropagation();
-    // First, clip rangeEnd.  this.rangedSelect() doesn't clip the range if we
-    // select past the ends of the tree.
-    if (rangeEnd < 0)
-      rangeEnd = -1;
-    else if (this.tree.view.rowCount - 2 < rangeEnd)
-      rangeEnd = this.tree.view.rowCount - 2;
-    // Next, (de)select.
-    this.rangedSelect(rangeEnd);
-    // Finally, scroll the tree.  We always want one row above and below the
-    // grippy row to be visible if possible.
-    if (rangeEnd < grippyRow) // moved up
-      tbo.ensureRowIsVisible(rangeEnd < 0 ? 0 : rangeEnd);
-    else {                    // moved down
-      if (rangeEnd + 2 < this.tree.view.rowCount)
-        tbo.ensureRowIsVisible(rangeEnd + 2);
-      else if (rangeEnd + 1 < this.tree.view.rowCount)
-        tbo.ensureRowIsVisible(rangeEnd + 1);
-    }
-  },
-  /**
-   * Helper function for the mousedown event.  Your mousedown listener should
-   * call this.  Users can click on individual rows to make the selection
-   * jump to them immediately.
-   *
-   * @param aEvent
-   *        The observed mousedown event
-   */
-  onmousedown: function CSTH_onmousedown(aEvent)
-  {
-    var tbo = this.tree.treeBoxObject;
-    var clickedRow = tbo.getRowAt(aEvent.clientX, aEvent.clientY);
-    if (clickedRow < 0 || clickedRow >= this.tree.view.rowCount)
-      return;
-    if (clickedRow < this.getGrippyRow())
-      this.rangedSelect(clickedRow);
-    else if (clickedRow > this.getGrippyRow())
-      this.rangedSelect(clickedRow - 1);
-  },
-  /**
-   * Selects range [0, aEndRow] in the tree.  The grippy row will then be at
-   * index aEndRow + 1.  aEndRow may be -1, in which case the selection is
-   * cleared and the grippy row will be at index 0.
-   *
-   * @param aEndRow
-   *        The range [0, aEndRow] will be selected.
-   */
-  rangedSelect: function CSTH_rangedSelect(aEndRow)
-  {
-    var tbo = this.tree.treeBoxObject;
-    if (aEndRow < 0)
-      this.tree.view.selection.clearSelection();
-    else
-      this.tree.view.selection.rangedSelect(0, aEndRow, false);
-    tbo.invalidateRange(tbo.getFirstVisibleRow(), tbo.getLastVisibleRow());
-  },
-  /**
-   * Scrolls the tree so that the grippy row is in the center of the view.
-   */
-  scrollToGrippy: function CSTH_scrollToGrippy()
-  {
-    var rowCount = this.tree.view.rowCount;
-    var tbo = this.tree.treeBoxObject;
-    var pageLen = tbo.getPageLength() ||
-                  parseInt(this.tree.getAttribute("rows")) ||
-                  10;
-    // All rows fit on a single page.
-    if (rowCount <= pageLen)
-      return;
-    var scrollToRow = this.getGrippyRow() - Math.ceil(pageLen / 2.0);
-    // Grippy row is in first half of first page.
-    if (scrollToRow < 0)
-      scrollToRow = 0;
-    // Grippy row is in last half of last page.
-    else if (rowCount < scrollToRow + pageLen)
-      scrollToRow = rowCount - pageLen;
-    tbo.scrollToRow(scrollToRow);
-  },
-  /**
-   * Creates a new tree view suitable for contiguous selection.  If
-   * aProtoTreeView is specified, it's used as the new view's prototype.
-   * Otherwise the tree's current view is used as the prototype.
-   *
-   * @param aProtoTreeView
-   *        Used as the new view's prototype if specified
-   */
-  _makeTreeView: function CSTH__makeTreeView(aProtoTreeView)
-  {
-    var view = aProtoTreeView;
-    var that = this;
-    //XXXadw: When Alex gets the grippy icon done, this may or may not change,
-    //        depending on how we style it.
-    view.isSeparator = function CSTH_View_isSeparator(aRow)
-    {
-      return aRow === that.getGrippyRow();
-    };
-    // rowCount includes the grippy row.
-    view.__defineGetter__("_rowCount", view.__lookupGetter__("rowCount"));
-    view.__defineGetter__("rowCount",
-      function CSTH_View_rowCount()
-      {
-        return this._rowCount + 1;
-      });
-    // This has to do with visual feedback in the view itself, e.g., drawing
-    // a small line underneath the dropzone.  Not what we want.
-    view.canDrop = function CSTH_View_canDrop() { return false; };
-    // No clicking headers to sort the tree or sort feedback on columns.
-    view.cycleHeader = function CSTH_View_cycleHeader() {};
-    view.sortingChanged = function CSTH_View_sortingChanged() {};
-    // Override a bunch of methods to account for the grippy row.
-    view._getCellProperties = view.getCellProperties;
-    view.getCellProperties =
-      function CSTH_View_getCellProperties(aRow, aCol)
-      {
-        var grippyRow = that.getGrippyRow();
-        if (aRow === grippyRow)
-          return "grippyRow";
-        if (aRow < grippyRow)
-          return this._getCellProperties(aRow, aCol);
-        return this._getCellProperties(aRow - 1, aCol);
-      };
-    view._getRowProperties = view.getRowProperties;
-    view.getRowProperties =
-      function CSTH_View_getRowProperties(aRow)
-      {
-        var grippyRow = that.getGrippyRow();
-        if (aRow === grippyRow)
-          return "grippyRow";
-        if (aRow < grippyRow)
-          return this._getRowProperties(aRow);
-        return this._getRowProperties(aRow - 1);
-      };
-    view._getCellText = view.getCellText;
-    view.getCellText =
-      function CSTH_View_getCellText(aRow, aCol)
-      {
-        var grippyRow = that.getGrippyRow();
-        if (aRow === grippyRow)
-          return "";
-        aRow = aRow < grippyRow ? aRow : aRow - 1;
-        return this._getCellText(aRow, aCol);
-      };
-    view._getImageSrc = view.getImageSrc;
-    view.getImageSrc =
-      function CSTH_View_getImageSrc(aRow, aCol)
-      {
-        var grippyRow = that.getGrippyRow();
-        if (aRow === grippyRow)
-          return "";
-        aRow = aRow < grippyRow ? aRow : aRow - 1;
-        return this._getImageSrc(aRow, aCol);
-      };
-    view.isContainer = function CSTH_View_isContainer(aRow) { return false; };
-    view.getParentIndex = function CSTH_View_getParentIndex(aRow) { return -1; };
-    view.getLevel = function CSTH_View_getLevel(aRow) { return 0; };
-    view.hasNextSibling = function CSTH_View_hasNextSibling(aRow, aAfterIndex)
-    {
-      return aRow < this.rowCount - 1;
-    };
-    return view;
-  }
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