Bug 1336778 - Part 3b: Remove always-false #if WINVER < 0x0601 (Windows 7) checks in nsWinGesture.h. r?jimm draft
authorChris Peterson <cpeterson@mozilla.com>
Mon, 06 Feb 2017 13:25:40 -0800
changeset 479527 23fbe069cb9311b2f275dd740626d70fee1efdce
parent 479526 40ec7ea07a16bc5468d25a55bbcdc6a013061e84
child 479528 3dd28eb94ec63ba56faffb5bd305a959ce7e17c9
push id44280
push usercpeterson@mozilla.com
push dateMon, 06 Feb 2017 21:26:50 +0000
Bug 1336778 - Part 3b: Remove always-false #if WINVER < 0x0601 (Windows 7) checks in nsWinGesture.h. r?jimm MozReview-Commit-ID: J6TBDHhNu87
--- a/widget/windows/nsWinGesture.h
+++ b/widget/windows/nsWinGesture.h
@@ -12,165 +12,16 @@
 #include "nsdefs.h"
 #include <winuser.h>
 #include <tpcshrd.h>
 #include "nsPoint.h"
 #include "mozilla/EventForwards.h"
 #include "mozilla/TouchEvents.h"
-// Desktop builds target apis for 502. Win8 Metro builds target 602.
-#if WINVER < 0x0601
- * Gesture flags - GESTUREINFO.dwFlags
- */
-#define GF_BEGIN                        0x00000001
-#define GF_INERTIA                      0x00000002
-#define GF_END                          0x00000004
- * Gesture configuration structure
- *   - Used in SetGestureConfig and GetGestureConfig
- *   - Note that any setting not included in either GESTURECONFIG.dwWant or
- *     GESTURECONFIG.dwBlock will use the parent window's preferences or
- *     system defaults.
- */
-typedef struct tagGESTURECONFIG {
-    DWORD dwID;                     // gesture ID
-    DWORD dwWant;                   // settings related to gesture ID that are to be turned on
-    DWORD dwBlock;                  // settings related to gesture ID that are to be turned off
- * Gesture information structure
- *   - Pass the HGESTUREINFO received in the WM_GESTURE message lParam into the
- *     GetGestureInfo function to retrieve this information.
- *   - If cbExtraArgs is non-zero, pass the HGESTUREINFO received in the WM_GESTURE
- *     message lParam into the GetGestureExtraArgs function to retrieve extended
- *     argument information.
- */
-typedef struct tagGESTUREINFO {
-    UINT cbSize;                    // size, in bytes, of this structure (including variable length Args field)
-    DWORD dwFlags;                  // see GF_* flags
-    DWORD dwID;                     // gesture ID, see GID_* defines
-    HWND hwndTarget;                // handle to window targeted by this gesture
-    POINTS ptsLocation;             // current location of this gesture
-    DWORD dwInstanceID;             // internally used
-    DWORD dwSequenceID;             // internally used
-    ULONGLONG ullArguments;         // arguments for gestures whose arguments fit in 8 BYTES
-    UINT cbExtraArgs;               // size, in bytes, of extra arguments, if any, that accompany this gesture
- * Gesture notification structure
- *   - The WM_GESTURENOTIFY message lParam contains a pointer to this structure.
- *   - The WM_GESTURENOTIFY message notifies a window that gesture recognition is
- *     in progress and a gesture will be generated if one is recognized under the
- *     current gesture settings.
- */
-typedef struct tagGESTURENOTIFYSTRUCT {
-    UINT cbSize;                    // size, in bytes, of this structure
-    DWORD dwFlags;                  // unused
-    HWND hwndTarget;                // handle to window targeted by the gesture
-    POINTS ptsLocation;             // starting location
-    DWORD dwInstanceID;             // internally used
- * Gesture argument helpers
- *   - Angle should be a double in the range of -2pi to +2pi
- *   - Argument should be an unsigned 16-bit value
- */
-#define GID_ROTATE_ANGLE_TO_ARGUMENT(_arg_)     ((USHORT)((((_arg_) + 2.0 * 3.14159265) / (4.0 * 3.14159265)) * 65535.0))
-#define GID_ROTATE_ANGLE_FROM_ARGUMENT(_arg_)   ((((double)(_arg_) / 65535.0) * 4.0 * 3.14159265) - 2.0 * 3.14159265)
- * Gesture configuration flags
- */
-#define GC_ALLGESTURES                              0x00000001
-#define GC_ZOOM                                     0x00000001
-#define GC_PAN                                      0x00000001
-#define GC_PAN_WITH_SINGLE_FINGER_VERTICALLY        0x00000002
-#define GC_PAN_WITH_GUTTER                          0x00000008
-#define GC_PAN_WITH_INERTIA                         0x00000010
-#define GC_ROTATE                                   0x00000001
-#define GC_TWOFINGERTAP                             0x00000001
-#define GC_PRESSANDTAP                              0x00000001
- * Gesture IDs
- */
-#define GID_BEGIN                       1
-#define GID_END                         2
-#define GID_ZOOM                        3
-#define GID_PAN                         4
-#define GID_ROTATE                      5
-#define GID_TWOFINGERTAP                6
-#define GID_PRESSANDTAP                 7
-// Maximum number of gestures that can be included
-// in a single call to SetGestureConfig / GetGestureConfig
-#define GESTURECONFIGMAXCOUNT           256
-// If specified, GetGestureConfig returns consolidated configuration
-// for the specified window and it's parent window chain
-#define GCF_INCLUDE_ANCESTORS           0x00000001
-// Window events we need to respond to or receive
-#define WM_GESTURE                         0x0119
-#define WM_GESTURENOTIFY                   0x011A
-typedef struct _TOUCHINPUT {
-  LONG      x;
-  LONG      y;
-  HANDLE    hSource;
-  DWORD     dwID;
-  DWORD     dwFlags;
-  DWORD     dwMask;
-  DWORD     dwTime;
-  ULONG_PTR dwExtraInfo;
-  DWORD     cxContact;
-  DWORD     cyContact;
-#define WM_TOUCH 0x0240
-#define TOUCHEVENTF_MOVE       0x0001
-#define TOUCHEVENTF_DOWN       0x0002
-#define TOUCHEVENTF_UP         0x0004
-#define TOUCHEVENTF_INRANGE    0x0008
-#define TOUCHEVENTF_PRIMARY    0x0010
-#define TOUCHEVENTF_PEN        0x0040
-#define TOUCHEVENTF_PALM       0x0080
-#define TOUCH_COORD_TO_PIXEL(C) (C/100)
-#define TWF_FINETOUCH          0x0001
-#define TWF_WANTPALM           0x0002
-#endif // WINVER < 0x0602
 #define TABLET_ROTATE_GESTURE_ENABLE    0x02000000
 class nsPointWin : public nsIntPoint
    nsPointWin& operator=(const POINTS& aPoint) {
      x = aPoint.x; y = aPoint.y;
@@ -200,28 +51,28 @@ public:
   bool SetWinGestureSupport(HWND hWnd, mozilla::WidgetGestureNotifyEvent::PanDirection aDirection);
   bool ShutdownWinGestureSupport();
   bool RegisterTouchWindow(HWND hWnd);
   bool UnregisterTouchWindow(HWND hWnd);
   bool GetTouchInputInfo(HTOUCHINPUT hTouchInput, uint32_t cInputs, PTOUCHINPUT pInputs);
   bool CloseTouchInputHandle(HTOUCHINPUT hTouchInput);
   bool IsAvailable();
   // Simple gesture process
   bool ProcessGestureMessage(HWND hWnd, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam, mozilla::WidgetSimpleGestureEvent& evt);
   // Pan processing
   bool IsPanEvent(LPARAM lParam);
   bool ProcessPanMessage(HWND hWnd, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam);
   bool PanDeltaToPixelScroll(mozilla::WidgetWheelEvent& aWheelEvent);
   void UpdatePanFeedbackX(HWND hWnd, int32_t scrollOverflow, bool& endFeedback);
   void UpdatePanFeedbackY(HWND hWnd, int32_t scrollOverflow, bool& endFeedback);
   void PanFeedbackFinalize(HWND hWnd, bool endFeedback);
   // Helpers
   bool GetGestureInfo(HGESTUREINFO hGestureInfo, PGESTUREINFO pGestureInfo);
   bool CloseGestureInfoHandle(HGESTUREINFO hGestureInfo);
   bool GetGestureExtraArgs(HGESTUREINFO hGestureInfo, UINT cbExtraArgs, PBYTE pExtraArgs);
   bool SetGestureConfig(HWND hWnd, UINT cIDs, PGESTURECONFIG pGestureConfig);
   bool GetGestureConfig(HWND hWnd, DWORD dwFlags, PUINT pcIDs, PGESTURECONFIG pGestureConfig);
   bool BeginPanningFeedback(HWND hWnd);
@@ -279,10 +130,8 @@ private:
   // Zoom state
   double mZoomIntermediate;
   // Rotate state
   double mRotateIntermediate;
 #endif /* WinGesture_h__ */