Bug 1334883 - Remove code Windows XP and Vista comment about not using dde from installer. r?mhowell draft
authorSebastian Hengst <archaeopteryx@coole-files.de>
Sun, 29 Jan 2017 20:09:08 +0100
changeset 467784 61bb15df41884b006698187401d6b4ce74e02d05
parent 467783 4b34eaa806625c3b8e1d22551f215a331da07708
child 543776 78cdb1fcbff6978250e3186b45164733cc6e2d9e
push id43273
push userarchaeopteryx@coole-files.de
push dateSun, 29 Jan 2017 19:46:13 +0000
Bug 1334883 - Remove code Windows XP and Vista comment about not using dde from installer. r?mhowell MozReview-Commit-ID: HywlGo48AWi
--- a/toolkit/mozapps/installer/windows/nsis/common.nsh
+++ b/toolkit/mozapps/installer/windows/nsis/common.nsh
@@ -1371,20 +1371,17 @@
       ; attempt to propegate entries when a handler is used. CR entries are a
       ; combination of LM and CU, with CU taking priority.
       ; To disable dde, an empty shell/ddeexec key must be created in current
       ; user or local machine. Unfortunately, settings have various different
       ; behaviors depending on the windows version. The following code attempts
       ; to address these differences.
-      ; On XP (no SP, SP1, SP2), Vista: An empty default string
-      ; must be set under ddeexec. Empty strings propagate to CR.
-      ;
-      ; Win7: IE does not configure ddeexec, so issues with left over ddeexec keys
+      ; IE does not configure ddeexec, so issues with left over ddeexec keys
       ; in LM are reduced. We configure an empty ddeexec key with an empty default
       ; string in CU to be sure.
       DeleteRegKey SHCTX "SOFTWARE\Classes\$R5\shell\open\ddeexec"
       WriteRegStr SHCTX "SOFTWARE\Classes\$R5\shell\open\ddeexec" "" ""