Bug 1332506 - Treeherder actions defined in-tree. r?dustin draft
authorJonas Finnemann Jensen <jopsen@gmail.com>
Tue, 31 Jan 2017 15:34:05 -0800
changeset 480820 5bf00f85a56818d80c35487dfffa7a1afc0827f8
parent 480819 6dc167ecffae86887fd2a69f8e8364eedf0ae6ef
child 545063 f1931aba715daf7ef612b55ebca2a6d490822bda
push id44664
push userbmo:jopsen@gmail.com
push dateThu, 09 Feb 2017 00:03:55 +0000
Bug 1332506 - Treeherder actions defined in-tree. r?dustin Framework for defining actions in-tree that can be displayed and triggered from Treeherder. MozReview-Commit-ID: 3rvwgy2i4xu
new file mode 100644
--- /dev/null
+++ b/taskcluster/actions/__init__.py
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+from registry import (
+    register_task_action, register_callback_action, render_actions_json, trigger_action_callback,
+__all__ = [
+    'register_task_action',
+    'register_callback_action',
+    'render_actions_json',
+    'trigger_action_callback',
new file mode 100644
--- /dev/null
+++ b/taskcluster/actions/hello-action.py
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+from .registry import register_callback_action
+    title='Say Hello',
+    symbol='hw',
+    description="""
+    Simple **proof-of-concept** action that prints a hello action.
+    """,
+    order=10000,  # Put this at the very bottom/end of any menu (default)
+    context=[{}],  # Applies to any task
+    available=lambda parameters: True,  # available regardless decision parameters (default)
+    schema={
+        'type': 'string',
+        'maxLength': 255,
+        'default': 'World',
+        'title': 'Target Name',
+        'description': """
+A name wish to say hello to...
+This should normally be **your name**.
+But you can also use the default value `'World'`.
+        """.strip(),
+    },
+def hello_world_action(parameters, input, task_group_id, task_id, task):
+    print "This message was triggered from context-menu of taskId: {}".format(task_id)
+    print ""
+    print "Hello {}".format(input)
+    print "--- Action is now executed"
new file mode 100644
--- /dev/null
+++ b/taskcluster/actions/registry.py
@@ -0,0 +1,305 @@
+import json
+import os
+import inspect
+from types import FunctionType
+from collections import namedtuple
+from taskgraph.util.docker import docker_image
+from taskgraph.parameters import Parameters
+GECKO = os.path.realpath(os.path.join(__file__, '..', '..', '..'))
+actions = []
+callbacks = {}
+Action = namedtuple('Action', [
+    'title', 'description', 'order', 'context', 'schema', 'task_template_builder',
+def is_json(data):
+    """ Return ``True``, if ``data`` is a JSON serializable data structure. """
+    try:
+        json.dumps(data)
+    except ValueError:
+        return False
+    return True
+def register_task_action(title, description, order, context, schema):
+    """
+    Register an action task that can be triggered from supporting
+    user interfaces, such as Treeherder.
+    Most actions will create intermediate action tasks that call back into
+    in-tree python code. To write such an action please use
+    :func:`register_callback_action`.
+    This function is to be used a decorator for a function that returns a task
+    template, see :doc:`specification <action-spec>` for details on the
+    templating features. The decorated function will be given decision task
+    parameters, which can be embedded in the task template that is returned.
+    Parameters
+    ----------
+    title : str
+        A human readable title for the action to be used as label on a button
+        or text on a link for triggering the action.
+    description : str
+        A human readable description of the action in **markdown**.
+        This will be display as tooltip and in dialog window when the action
+        is triggered. This is a good place to describe how to use the action.
+    order : int
+        Order of the action in menus, this is relative to the ``order`` of
+        other actions declared.
+    context : list of dict
+        List of tag-sets specifying which tasks the action is can take as input.
+        If no tag-sets is specified as input the action is related to the
+        entire task-group, and won't be triggered with a given task.
+        Otherwise, if ``context = [{'k': 'b', 'p': 'l'}, {'k': 't'}]`` will only
+        be displayed in the context menu for tasks that has
+        ``task.tags.k == 'b' && task.tags.p = 'l'`` or ``task.tags.k = 't'``.
+        Esentially, this allows filtering on ``task.tags``.
+    schema : dict
+        JSON schema specifying input accepted by the action.
+        This is optional and can be left ``null`` if no input is taken.
+    Returns
+    -------
+    function
+        To be used as decorator for the function that builds the task template.
+        The decorated function will be given decision parameters and may return
+        ``None`` instead of a task template, if the action is disabled.
+    """
+    assert isinstance(title, basestring), 'title must be a string'
+    assert isinstance(description, basestring), 'description must be a string'
+    assert isinstance(order, int), 'order must be an integer'
+    assert is_json(schema), 'schema must be a JSON compatible  object'
+    mem = {"registered": False}  # workaround nonlocal missing in 2.x
+    def register_task_template_builder(task_template_builder):
+        assert not mem['registered'], 'register_task_action must be used as decorator'
+        actions.append(Action(
+            title.strip(), description.strip(), order, context, schema, task_template_builder,
+        ))
+        mem['registered'] = True
+    return register_task_template_builder
+def register_callback_action(title, symbol, description, order=10000, context=[],
+                             available=lambda parameters: True, schema=None):
+    """
+    Register an action callback that can be triggered from supporting
+    user interfaces, such as Treeherder.
+    This function is to be used as a decorator for a callback that takes
+    parameters as follows:
+    ``parameters``:
+        Decision task parameters, see ``taskgraph.parameters.Parameters``.
+    ``input``:
+        Input matching specified JSON schema, ``None`` if no ``schema``
+        parameter is given to ``register_callback_action``.
+    ``task_group_id``:
+        The id of the task-group this was triggered for.
+    ``task_id`` and `task``:
+        task identifier and task definition for task the action was triggered
+        for, ``None`` if no ``context`` parameters was given to
+        ``register_callback_action``.
+    Parameters
+    ----------
+    title : str
+        A human readable title for the action to be used as label on a button
+        or text on a link for triggering the action.
+    symbol : str
+        Treeherder symbol for the action callback, this is the symbol that the
+        task calling your callback will be displayed as. This is usually 1-3
+        letters abbreviating the action title.
+    description : str
+        A human readable description of the action in **markdown**.
+        This will be display as tooltip and in dialog window when the action
+        is triggered. This is a good place to describe how to use the action.
+    order : int
+        Order of the action in menus, this is relative to the ``order`` of
+        other actions declared.
+    context : list of dict
+        List of tag-sets specifying which tasks the action is can take as input.
+        If no tag-sets is specified as input the action is related to the
+        entire task-group, and won't be triggered with a given task.
+        Otherwise, if ``context = [{'k': 'b', 'p': 'l'}, {'k': 't'}]`` will only
+        be displayed in the context menu for tasks that has
+        ``task.tags.k == 'b' && task.tags.p = 'l'`` or ``task.tags.k = 't'``.
+        Esentially, this allows filtering on ``task.tags``.
+    available : function
+        An optional function that given decision parameters decides if the
+        action is available. Defaults to a function that always returns ``True``.
+    schema : dict
+        JSON schema specifying input accepted by the action.
+        This is optional and can be left ``null`` if no input is taken.
+    Returns
+    -------
+    function
+        To be used as decorator for the callback function.
+    """
+    mem = {"registered": False}  # workaround nonlocal missing in 2.x
+    def register_callback(cb):
+        assert isinstance(cb, FunctionType), 'callback must be a function'
+        assert isinstance(symbol, basestring), 'symbol must be a string'
+        assert 1 <= len(symbol) <= 25, 'symbol must be between 1 and 25 characters'
+        assert not mem['registered'], 'register_callback_action must be used as decorator'
+        assert cb.__name__ not in callbacks, 'callback name {} is not unique'.format(cb.__name__)
+        source_path = os.path.relpath(inspect.stack()[1][1], GECKO)
+        @register_task_action(title, description, order, context, schema)
+        def build_callback_action_task(parameters):
+            if not available(parameters):
+                return None
+            return {
+                'created': {'$fromNow': ''},
+                'deadline': {'$fromNow': '12 hours'},
+                'expires': {'$fromNow': '14 days'},
+                'metadata': {
+                    'owner': 'mozilla-taskcluster-maintenance@mozilla.com',
+                    'source': '{}raw-file/{}/{}'.format(
+                        parameters['head_repository'], parameters['head_rev'], source_path,
+                    ),
+                    'name': 'Action: {}'.format(title),
+                    'description': 'Task executing callback for action.\n\n---\n' + description,
+                },
+                'workerType': 'gecko-decision',
+                'provisionerId': 'aws-provisioner-v1',
+                'scopes': [
+                    'assume:repo:hg.mozilla.org/projects/{}:*'.format(parameters['project']),
+                ],
+                'tags': {
+                    'createdForUser': parameters['owner'],
+                    'kind': 'action-callback',
+                },
+                'routes': [
+                    'tc-treeherder.v2.{}.{}.{}'.format(
+                        parameters['project'], parameters['head_rev'], parameters['pushlog_id']),
+                    'tc-treeherder-stage.v2.{}.{}.{}'.format(
+                        parameters['project'], parameters['head_rev'], parameters['pushlog_id']),
+                ],
+                'payload': {
+                    'env': {
+                        'GECKO_BASE_REPOSITORY': 'https://hg.mozilla.org/mozilla-unified',
+                        'GECKO_HEAD_REPOSITORY': parameters['head_repository'],
+                        'GECKO_HEAD_REF': parameters['head_ref'],
+                        'GECKO_HEAD_REV': parameters['head_rev'],
+                        'HG_STORE_PATH': '/home/worker/checkouts/hg-store',
+                        'ACTION_TASK_GROUP_ID': {'$eval': 'taskGroupId'},
+                        'ACTION_TASK_ID': {'$dumps': {'$eval': 'taskId'}},
+                        'ACTION_TASK': {'$dumps': {'$eval': 'task'}},
+                        'ACTION_INPUT': {'$dumps': {'$eval': 'input'}},
+                        'ACTION_CALLBACK': cb.__name__,
+                        'ACTION_PARAMETERS': {'$dumps': {'$eval': 'parameters'}},
+                    },
+                    'cache': {
+                        'level-{}-checkouts'.format(parameters['level']):
+                            '/home/worker/checkouts',
+                    },
+                    'features': {
+                        'taskclusterProxy': True,
+                        'chainOfTrust': True,
+                    },
+                    'image': docker_image('decision'),
+                    'maxRunTime': 1800,
+                    'command': [
+                        '/home/worker/bin/run-task', '--vcs-checkout=/home/worker/checkouts/gecko',
+                        '--', 'bash', '-cx',
+                        """\
+cd /home/worker/checkouts/gecko &&
+ln -s /home/worker/artifacts artifacts &&
+./mach --log-no-times taskgraph action-callback """ + ' '.join([
+                            "--pushlog-id='{}'".format(parameters['pushlog_id']),
+                            "--pushdate='{}'".format(parameters['pushdate']),
+                            "--project='{}'".format(parameters['project']),
+                            "--message='{}'".format(parameters['message'].replace("'", "'\\''")),
+                            "--owner='{}'".format(parameters['owner']),
+                            "--level='{}'".format(parameters['level']),
+                            "--base-repository='https://hg.mozilla.org/mozilla-central'",
+                            "--head-repository='{}'".format(parameters['head_repository']),
+                            "--head-ref='{}'".format(parameters['head_ref']),
+                            "--head-rev='{}'".format(parameters['head_rev']),
+                            "--revision-hash='{}'\n".format(parameters['head_rev']),
+                        ]),
+                    ],
+                },
+                'extra': {
+                      'treeherder': {
+                        'groupName': 'action-callback',
+                        'groupSymbol': 'AC',
+                        'symbol': symbol,
+                      },
+                },
+            }
+        mem['registered'] = True
+        callbacks[cb.__name__] = cb
+    return register_callback
+def render_actions_json(parameters):
+    """
+    Render JSON object for the ``public/actions.json`` artifact.
+    Parameters
+    ----------
+    parameters : taskgraph.parameters.Parameters
+        Decision task parameters.
+    Returns
+    -------
+    dict
+        JSON object representation of the ``public/actions.json`` artifact.
+    """
+    global actions
+    assert isinstance(parameters, Parameters), 'requires instance of Parameters'
+    result = []
+    for action in sorted(actions, key=lambda action: action.order):
+        task = action.task_template_builder(parameters)
+        if task:
+            assert is_json(task), 'task must be a JSON compatible object'
+            result.append({
+                'title': action.title,
+                'description': action.description,
+                'context': action.context,
+                'schema': action.schema,
+                'task': task,
+            })
+    return {
+        'version': 1,
+        'variables': {
+            'parameters': dict(**parameters),
+        },
+        'actions': result,
+    }
+def trigger_action_callback():
+    """
+    Trigger action callback using arguments from environment variables.
+    """
+    global callbacks
+    task_group_id = os.environ.get('ACTION_TASK_GROUP_ID', None)
+    task_id = json.loads(os.environ.get('ACTION_TASK_ID', 'null'))
+    task = json.loads(os.environ.get('ACTION_TASK', 'null'))
+    input = json.loads(os.environ.get('ACTION_INPUT', 'null'))
+    callback = os.environ.get('ACTION_CALLBACK', None)
+    parameters = json.loads(os.environ.get('ACTION_PARAMETERS', 'null'))
+    cb = callbacks.get(callback, None)
+    if not cb:
+        raise Exception('Unknown callback: {}'.format(callback))
+    cb(Parameters(**parameters), input, task_group_id, task_id, task)
+# Load all modules from this folder, relying on the side-effects of register_
+# functions to populate the action registry.
+for f in os.listdir(os.path.dirname(__file__)):
+        if f.endswith('.py') and f not in ('__init__.py', 'registry.py'):
+            __import__('actions.' + f[:-3])
new file mode 100644
--- /dev/null
+++ b/taskcluster/docs/in-tree-actions.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,229 @@
+Writing Treeherder Actions in-tree
+This document shows how to define an action in-tree such that it shows up in
+supported user interfaces like Treeherder. For details on interface between
+in-tree logic and external user interfaces, see
+:doc:`the specification for actions.json <action-spec>`.
+Creating a Callback Action
+A *callback action* is an action that calls back into in-tree logic. That is
+you register the action with title, description, context, input schema and a
+python callback. When the action is triggered in a user interface,
+input matching the schema is collected, passed to a new task which then calls
+your python callback, enabling it to do pretty much anything it wants to.
+To create a new action you must create a file
+``/taskcluster/actions/my-action.py``, that at minimum contains::
+  from registry import register_callback_action
+  @register_callback_action(
+      title='Say Hello',
+      symbol='hw',  # Show the callback task in treeherder as 'hw'
+      description="Simple **proof-of-concept** callback action",
+      order=10000,  # Order in which it should appear relative to other actions
+  )
+  def hello_world_action(parameters, input, task_group_id, task_id, task):
+      # parameters is an instance of taskgraph.parameters.Parameters
+      # it carries decision task parameters from the original decision task.
+      # input, task_id, and task should all be None
+      print "Hello was triggered from taskGroupId: " + taskGroupId
+The example above defines an action that is available in the context-menu for
+the entire task-group (result-set or push in Treeherder terminology). To create
+an action that shows up in the context menu for a task we must specify the
+``context`` parameter.
+Setting the Action Context
+The context parameter should be a list of tag-sets, such as
+``context=[{"platform": "linux"}]``, which will make the task show up in the
+context-menu for any task with ``task.tags.platform = 'linux'``. Below is
+some examples of context parameters and the resulting conditions on
+``task.tags`` (tags used below are just illustrative).
+``context=[{"platform": "linux"}]``:
+  Requires ``task.tags.platform = 'linux'``.
+``context=[{"kind": "test", "platform": "linux"}]``:
+  Requires ``task.tags.platform = 'linux'`` **and** ``task.tags.kind = 'test'``.
+``context=[{"kind": "test"}, {"platform": "linux"}]``:
+  Requires ``task.tags.platform = 'linux'`` **or** ``task.tags.kind = 'test'``.
+  Requires nothing and the action will show up in the context menu for all tasks.
+  Is the same as not setting the context parameter, which will make the action
+  show up in the context menu for the task-group.
+  (ie. the action is not specific to some task)
+The example action below will be shown in the context-menu for tasks with
+``task.tags.platform = 'linux'``::
+  from registry import register_callback_action
+  @register_callback_action(
+      title='Retrigger',
+      symbol='re-c',  # Show the callback task in treeherder as 're-c'
+      description="Create a clone of the task",
+      order=1,
+      context=[{'platform': 'linux'}]
+  )
+  def retrigger_action(parameters, input, task_group_id, task_id, task):
+      # input will be None
+      print "Retriggering: {}".format(task_id)
+      print "task definition: {}".format(task)
+When the ``context`` parameter is set, the ``task_id`` and ``task`` parameters
+will provided to the callback. In this case the ``task_id`` and ``task``
+parameters will be the ``taskId`` and *task definition* of the task from whose
+context-menu the action was triggered.
+Typically, the ``context`` parameter is used for actions that operates on
+tasks, such as retriggering, running a specific test case, creating a loaner,
+bisection, etc. You can think of the context as a place the action should
+appear, but it's also very much a form of input the action can use.
+Specifying an Input Schema
+In call examples so far the ``input`` parameter for the callback have been
+``None``, to make an action that takes input you must specify an input schema.
+This is done by passing a JSON schema as the ``schema`` parameter.
+When designing a schema for the input it is important to exploit as many of the
+JSON schema validation features as reasonably possible. Furthermore, it is
+*strongly* encouraged that the ``title`` and ``description`` properties in
+JSON schemas is used to provide a detailed explanation of what the input
+value will do. Authors can reasonably expect JSON schema ``description``
+properties to be rendered as markdown before being presented.
+The example below illustrates how to specify an input schema. Notice that while
+this example doesn't specify a ``context`` it is perfectly legal to specify
+both ``input`` and ``context``::
+  from registry import register_callback_action
+  @register_callback_action(
+      title='Run All Tasks',
+      symbol='ra-c',  # Show the callback task in treeherder as 'ra-c'
+      description="**Run all tasks** that have been _optimized_ away.",
+      order=1,
+      input={
+          'title': 'Action Options',
+          'description': 'Options for how you wish to run all tasks',
+          'properties': {
+              'priority': {
+                  'title': 'priority'
+                  'description': 'Priority that should be given to the tasks',
+                  'type': 'string',
+                  'enum': ['low', 'normal', 'high'],
+                  'default': 'low',
+              },
+              'runTalos': {
+                  'title': 'Run Talos'
+                  'description': 'Do you wish to also include talos tasks?',
+                  'type': 'boolean',
+                  'default': 'false',
+              }
+          },
+          'required': ['priority', 'runTalos'],
+          'additionalProperties': False,
+      },
+  )
+  def retrigger_action(parameters, input, task_group_id, task_id, task):
+      print "Create all pruned tasks with priority: {}".format(input['priority'])
+      if input['runTalos']:
+          print "Also running talos jobs..."
+When the ``schema`` parameter is given the callback will always be called with
+an ``input`` parameter that satisfies the previously given JSON schema.
+It is encouraged to set ``additionalProperties: false``, as well as specifying
+all properties as ``required`` in the JSON schema. Furthermore, it's good
+practice to provide ``default`` values for properties, user interface generators
+will often take advantage of such properties.
+Once you have specified input and context as applicable for your action you can
+do pretty much anything you want from within your callback. Whether you want
+to create one or more tasks or run a specific piece of code like a test.
+Conditional Availability
+The decision parameters ``taskgraph.parameters.Parameters`` passed to
+the callback is also available when the decision task generates the list of
+actions to be displayed in the user interface. When registering an action
+callback the ``availability`` parameter can be used to specify a lambda function
+that given the decision parameters determines if the action should be available.
+The feature is illustrated below::
+  from registry import register_callback_action
+  @register_callback_action(
+      title='Say Hello',
+      symbol='hw',  # Show the callback task in treeherder as 'hw'
+      description="Simple **proof-of-concept** callback action",
+      order=2,
+      # Define an action that is only included if this is a push to try
+      available=lambda parameters: parameters.get('project', None) == 'try',
+  )
+  def try_only_action(parameters, input, task_group_id, task_id, task):
+      print "My try-only action"
+Properties of ``parameters``  is documented in the
+:doc:`parameters section <parameters>`. You can also checkout the
+``parameters.yml`` artifact created by decisions tasks.
+Skipping the Action Callback
+It is possible to define an action that doesn't take a callback, instead you'll
+then have to provide a task template. For details on how the task template
+language works refer to :doc:`the specification for actions.json <action-spec>`,
+the example below illustrates how to create such an action::
+  from registry import register_task_action
+  @register_task_action(
+      title='Retrigger',
+      description="Create a clone of the task",
+      order=1,
+      context=[{'platform': 'linux'}],
+      input={
+          'title': 'priority'
+          'description': 'Priority that should be given to the tasks',
+          'type': 'string',
+          'enum': ['low', 'normal', 'high'],
+          'default': 'low',
+      },
+  def task_template_builder(parameters):
+      # The task template builder may return None to signal that the action
+      # isn't available.
+      if parameters.get('project', None) != 'try':
+        return None
+      return {
+          'created': {'$fromNow': ''},
+          'deadline': {'$fromNow': '1 hour'},
+          'expires': {'$fromNow': '14 days'},
+          'provisionerId': '...',
+          'workerType': '...',
+          'priority': '${input}',
+          'payload': {
+              'command': '...',
+              'env': {
+                  'TASK_DEFINITION': {'$json': {'eval': 'task'}}
+              },
+              ...
+          },
+          # It's now your responsibility to include treeherder routes, as well
+          # additional metadata for treeherder in task.extra.treeherder.
+          ...
+      },
+  )
+This kind of actions is rarely useful due to the limited expressiveness of the
+template language. For further details on the template see
+:doc:`the specification for actions.json <action-spec>`. Obviously, this kind of
+action can be slightly more responsive because it doesn't create an intermediate
+task in-order to trigger a python callback inside the tree.
--- a/taskcluster/docs/index.rst
+++ b/taskcluster/docs/index.rst
@@ -23,10 +23,11 @@ check out the :doc:`how-to section <how-
+    in-tree-actions
--- a/taskcluster/mach_commands.py
+++ b/taskcluster/mach_commands.py
@@ -297,16 +297,22 @@ class MachCommands(MachCommandBase):
         import taskgraph.action
             return taskgraph.action.add_talos(options['decision_task_id'], options['times'])
         except Exception:
+    @SubCommand('taskgraph', 'action-callback',
+                description='Run action callback used by action tasks')
+    def action_callback(self, **options):
+        import actions
+        actions.trigger_action_callback()
     def setup_logging(self, quiet=False, verbose=True):
         Set up Python logging for all loggers, sending results to stderr (so
         that command output can be redirected easily) and adding the typical
         mach timestamp.
         # remove the old terminal handler
         old = self.log_manager.replace_terminal_handler(None)
--- a/taskcluster/taskgraph/decision.py
+++ b/taskcluster/taskgraph/decision.py
@@ -12,16 +12,17 @@ import re
 import time
 import yaml
 from .generator import TaskGraphGenerator
 from .create import create_tasks
 from .parameters import Parameters
 from .taskgraph import TaskGraph
+from actions import render_actions_json
 from taskgraph.util.templates import Templates
 from taskgraph.util.time import (
 logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
@@ -82,16 +83,19 @@ def taskgraph_decision(options):
     # write out the parameters used to generate this graph
     write_artifact('parameters.yml', dict(**parameters))
     # write out the yml file for action tasks
     write_artifact('action.yml', get_action_yml(parameters))
+    # write out the public/actions.json file
+    write_artifact('actions.json', render_actions_json(parameters))
     # write out the full graph for reference
     full_task_json = tgg.full_task_graph.to_json()
     write_artifact('full-task-graph.json', full_task_json)
     # this is just a test to check whether the from_json() function is working
     _, _ = TaskGraph.from_json(full_task_json)
     # write out the target task set to allow reproducing this as input