Bug 1305563 - Add a bookmark buffer and two-way merger for synced bookmarks. draft
authorKit Cambridge <kit@yakshaving.ninja>
Fri, 28 Jul 2017 11:30:59 -0700
changeset 652556 24c33d5a1c0f40d69aa5bf2a0183ac017312837b
parent 651838 d5f50320a46852ef528e479e03a02abe8a960463
child 652557 43f4d1225e67adb31662d4e2772c830c7b88e68a
push id76092
push userbmo:kit@mozilla.com
push dateFri, 25 Aug 2017 00:11:03 +0000
Bug 1305563 - Add a bookmark buffer and two-way merger for synced bookmarks. MozReview-Commit-ID: MbeFQUargt
new file mode 100644
--- /dev/null
+++ b/services/sync/modules/bookmark_buffer.js
@@ -0,0 +1,3244 @@
+/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */
+"use strict";
+ * This file implements a bookmark buffer that stores incoming synced bookmarks
+ * in SQLite, a merger that produces a complete tree from a local tree and a
+ * remote tree, and a reconciler that writes the merged tree back to Places.
+ *
+ * Let's start with an overview of the different classes, and how they fit
+ * together.
+ *
+ * - `BookmarkBuffer` sets up the database, stages downloaded records, attaches
+ *   to Places, and applies the staged records. During application, we fetch the
+ *   local and remote `BookmarkTree`s, merge the two trees into a single
+ *   `MergedBookmarkTree`, and update Places to match. Merging and application
+ *   happen in a single transaction, so applying the merged tree won't collide
+ *   with local changes.
+ *
+ * - A `BookmarkTree` is a well-formed tree with many `BookmarkNode`s. Nodes can
+ *   represent real items in the buffer or Places, or virtual items that we
+ *   insert to make tree walking easier.
+ *
+ * - A `MergedBookmarkTree` has many `MergedBookmarkNode`s. Merged nodes are
+ *   constructed from a local node, a remote node, and a `MergeState` that
+ *   indicates which node to prefer when updating Places.
+ *
+ * - `{insert, update}PlacesItem` examines the merge state of each item, and
+ *   either keeps the complete `local` state, takes the complete `remote` state
+ *   without conflicts, or applies a `new` state and flags the item for
+ *   reupload. Note that we update Places and flag items *before* uploading,
+ *   while iOS updates the mirror *after* a successful upload. This simplifies
+ *   our implementation, though we lose the ability to replay merges: if the
+ *   upload is interrupted, the next sync won't be able to distinguish between
+ *   `new` states from the previous sync, and local changes. Since this is how
+ *   Desktop behaved before we had structured application, that's OK. In the
+ *   future, we can make this more like iOS.
+ *
+ * - `BookmarkObserverNotifications` records all changes made to Places during
+ *   the merge, then dispatches `nsINavBookmarkObserver` notifications once
+ *   the transaction commits and the database is consistent again. Places uses
+ *   these notifications to update the UI and internal caches. Some observers,
+ *   like `nsNavBookmarks::OnItemAnnotationSet`, start new transactions and
+ *   query Places, so we can't notify them as we're applying changes.
+ *
+ * - After application, we discard the buffer, create records for the changed
+ *   items in Places, and upload the records to the server. We don't buffer
+ *   outgoing records yet (bug 1359200), so it's still possible to change
+ *   bookmarks during the sync and upload inconsistent data.
+ */
+  "BookmarkConsistencyError",
+  "BookmarkBuffer",
+  "BookmarkMergeState",
+  "BookmarkLocation",
+  "BookmarkNode",
+  "BookmarkTree",
+  "MergedBookmarkTree",
+  "MergedBookmarkNode",
+  "BookmarkMerger",
+  "BookmarkContent",
+  "BookmarkStorage",
+  "BookmarkObserverNotifications",
+const { utils: Cu, interfaces: Ci } = Components;
+XPCOMUtils.defineLazyModuleGetters(this, {
+  AsyncResource: "resource://services-sync/resource.js",
+  AsyncShutdown: "resource://gre/modules/AsyncShutdown.jsm",
+  Log: "resource://gre/modules/Log.jsm",
+  PlacesSyncUtils: "resource://gre/modules/PlacesSyncUtils.jsm",
+  PlacesUtils: "resource://gre/modules/PlacesUtils.jsm",
+  Sqlite: "resource://gre/modules/Sqlite.jsm",
+XPCOMUtils.defineLazyGetter(this, "BookmarkBufferLog", () =>
+  Log.repository.getLogger("Sync.Engine.Bookmarks.Buffer")
+const KIND_VIRTUAL_ITEM = -2;
+const KIND_BOOKMARK = 1;
+const KIND_QUERY = 2;
+const KIND_FOLDER = 3;
+const KIND_LIVEMARK = 4;
+const KIND_SEPARATOR = 5;
+// Keep in sync with PlacesUtils.
+const DB_URL_LENGTH_MAX = 65536;
+const DB_TITLE_LENGTH_MAX = 4096;
+class BookmarkConsistencyError extends Error {}
+ * A buffer temporarily stores incoming Sync bookmark records in a separate
+ * SQLite database.
+ *
+ * The buffer schema is a hybrid of how Sync and Places represent bookmarks.
+ * The `value` table contains item attributes (title, kind, description,
+ * URL, etc.), while the `structure` table stores parent-child relationships and
+ * position. This is similar to how iOS encodes "value" and "structure" state,
+ * though we handle these differently when merging. See `BookmarkMerger` for
+ * details.
+ *
+ * There's no guarantee that the remote state is consistent. We might be missing
+ * parents or children, or a bookmark and its parent might disagree about where
+ * it belongs. We do what we can to make the remote state into a mergeable tree.
+ * If the parent and child disagree, we take the last parent we see. We ignore
+ * missing children, and reparent bookmarks without parents to "unfiled". When
+ * we eventually see the missing items, either during a subsequent sync or as
+ * part of repair, we can fix up the local tree.
+ *
+ * We keep the buffer around for as long as it takes to download all records.
+ * If a sync is interrupted, we resume downloading based on the timestamp of the
+ * most recent record. If the server changes in the meantime, we replace the
+ * buffered records with new ones.
+ */
+class BookmarkBuffer {
+  constructor(db, { finalizeAt = AsyncShutdown.profileBeforeChange } = {}) {
+    this.db = db;
+    this.finalizeAt = finalizeAt;
+    this.finalizeBound = () => this.finalize();
+    this.finalizeAt.addBlocker("BookmarkBuffer: finalize", this.finalizeBound);
+  }
+  // Sets up the database connection and upgrades to the newest schema version.
+  static async open(schemaVersion, options) {
+    let db = await Sqlite.openConnection(options);
+    await db.executeBeforeShutdown("BookmarkBuffer: open", async function(db) {
+      await db.execute(`PRAGMA foreign_keys = ON`);
+      let currentSchemaVersion = await db.getSchemaVersion();
+      if (currentSchemaVersion != schemaVersion) {
+        await db.executeTransaction(() =>
+          migrateSchema(db, currentSchemaVersion, schemaVersion)
+        );
+      }
+    });
+    return new BookmarkBuffer(db, options);
+  }
+  // Stores a bookmark record in the buffer. Rejects if the record is invalid.
+  async store(record) {
+    ensureValidRecord(record);
+    let remoteAge = determineRemoteAge(this.currentRemoteTime(), record);
+    await this.db.executeBeforeShutdown("BookmarkBuffer: store", function(db) {
+      switch (record.type) {
+        case "bookmark":
+          BookmarkBufferLog.trace("Storing bookmark in buffer", record);
+          return storeBookmark(db, remoteAge, record);
+        case "query":
+          BookmarkBufferLog.trace("Storing query in buffer", record);
+          return storeQuery(db, remoteAge, record);
+        case "folder":
+          BookmarkBufferLog.trace("Storing folder in buffer", record);
+          return storeFolder(db, remoteAge, record);
+        case "livemark":
+          BookmarkBufferLog.trace("Storing livemark in buffer", record);
+          return storeLivemark(db, remoteAge, record);
+        case "separator":
+          BookmarkBufferLog.trace("Storing separator in buffer", record);
+          return storeSeparator(db, remoteAge, record);
+        default:
+          if (record.deleted) {
+            BookmarkBufferLog.trace("Storing tombstone in buffer", record);
+            return storeTombstone(db, remoteAge, record);
+          }
+      }
+      throw new TypeError("Can't store unknown Sync record type: " +
+                          record.type);
+    });
+  }
+  // Applies the buffered bookmark records to Places, resolving merge conflicts
+  // and de-duping local items.
+  async apply() {
+    let placesDB = PlacesUtils.history.QueryInterface(Ci.nsPIPlacesDatabase);
+    let placesPath = placesDB.DBConnection.databaseFile.path;
+    await this.db.executeBeforeShutdown("BookmarkBuffer: apply", async function(db) {
+      await db.execute(`ATTACH :placesPath AS places`, { placesPath });
+      try {
+        await apply(db);
+      } finally {
+        await db.execute(`DETACH places`);
+      }
+    });
+  }
+  // Exposed for testing.
+  currentRemoteTime() {
+    return AsyncResource.serverTime;
+  }
+  async finalize() {
+    if (!this.finalizePromise) {
+      this.finalizePromise = (async () => {
+        await this.db.close();
+        this.finalizeAt.removeBlocker(this.finalizeBound);
+      })();
+    }
+    return this.finalizePromise;
+  }
+// Upgrades an older schema to the current version, or creates fresh tables
+// for a new database. Downgrading from a newer profile to an older profile
+// will roll back the schema version, so we'll run the migration logic again
+// on the next upgrade.
+async function migrateSchema(db, currentSchemaVersion, maxSchemaVersion) {
+  let databaseInitialized = currentSchemaVersion > 0;
+  if (!databaseInitialized) {
+    await createBufferTables(db);
+  }
+  // TODO: Add future migration logic here.
+  await db.setSchemaVersion(maxSchemaVersion);
+async function createBufferTables(db) {
+  await db.execute(`CREATE TABLE value(
+    expectedParentGuid TEXT NOT NULL,
+    title TEXT,
+    url TEXT,
+    keyword TEXT,
+    description TEXT,
+    loadInSidebar BOOLEAN,
+    smartBookmarkName TEXT,
+    tagFolderName TEXT,
+    feedURL TEXT,
+    siteURL TEXT
+  )`);
+  await db.execute(`CREATE TABLE structure(
+    position INTEGER NOT NULL
+  )`);
+  await db.execute(`CREATE TABLE tags(
+    tag TEXT NOT NULL
+  )`);
+  await db.execute(`CREATE TABLE tombstones(
+  )`);
+async function storeBookmark(db, remoteAge, record) {
+  let dateAdded = PlacesSyncUtils.bookmarks.ratchetTimestampBackwards(
+    record.dateAdded, +record.modified * 1000);
+  let url = formatRecordURL(record.bmkUri);
+  let guid = ensureValidGuid(record.id);
+  let expectedParentGuid = ensureValidGuid(record.parentid);
+  let title = formatRecordTitle(record.title);
+  // A keyword should only be associated with one URL, but it's possible for the
+  // server to contain incomplete data due to a partial write. We ignore this
+  // for now.
+  let keyword = record.keyword ? record.keyword.trim().toLowerCase() : null;
+  await db.executeCached(`
+    INSERT INTO value(guid, expectedParentGuid, age, kind, dateAdded, title,
+                      url, keyword, description, loadInSidebar)
+    VALUES(:guid, :expectedParentGuid, :remoteAge, :kind, :dateAdded,
+           NULLIF(:title, ""), :url, :keyword, :description, :loadInSidebar)`,
+    { guid, expectedParentGuid, remoteAge, kind: KIND_BOOKMARK, dateAdded,
+      title, url: url.href, keyword, description: record.description,
+      loadInSidebar: record.loadInSidebar });
+  if (record.tags) {
+    for (let rawTag of record.tags) {
+      // Remove leading and trailing whitespace; ignore empty tags.
+      let tag = rawTag.trim();
+      if (!tag) {
+        continue;
+      }
+      await db.executeCached(`
+        INSERT INTO tags(itemId, tag)
+        SELECT id, :tag FROM value WHERE guid = :guid`,
+        { tag, guid });
+    }
+  }
+async function storeQuery(db, remoteAge, record) {
+  let dateAdded = PlacesSyncUtils.bookmarks.ratchetTimestampBackwards(
+    record.dateAdded, +record.modified * 1000);
+  let guid = ensureValidGuid(record.id);
+  let expectedParentGuid = ensureValidGuid(record.parentid);
+  let url = formatRecordURL(record.bmkUri);
+  let title = formatRecordTitle(record.title);
+  let smartBookmarkName = null;
+  if (record.queryId) {
+    smartBookmarkName = record.queryId;
+  }
+  let tagFolderName = null;
+  if (record.folderName) {
+    tagFolderName = record.folderName.trim();
+  }
+  await db.executeCached(`
+    INSERT INTO value(guid, expectedParentGuid, age, kind, dateAdded, title,
+                      url, description, smartBookmarkName, tagFolderName)
+    VALUES(:guid, :expectedParentGuid, :remoteAge, :kind, :dateAdded,
+           NULLIF(:title, ""), :url, :description, :smartBookmarkName,
+           :tagFolderName)`,
+    { guid, expectedParentGuid, remoteAge, kind: KIND_QUERY, dateAdded, title,
+      url: url.href, description: record.description, smartBookmarkName,
+      tagFolderName });
+async function storeFolder(db, remoteAge, record) {
+  let dateAdded = PlacesSyncUtils.bookmarks.ratchetTimestampBackwards(
+    record.dateAdded, +record.modified * 1000);
+  let guid = ensureValidGuid(record.id);
+  let expectedParentGuid = ensureValidGuid(record.parentid);
+  let title = formatRecordTitle(record.title);
+  await db.executeCached(`
+    INSERT INTO value(guid, expectedParentGuid, age, kind, dateAdded, title,
+                      description)
+    VALUES(:guid, :expectedParentGuid, :remoteAge, :kind, :dateAdded,
+           NULLIF(:title, ""), :description)`,
+    { guid, expectedParentGuid, remoteAge, kind: KIND_FOLDER, dateAdded, title,
+      description: record.description });
+  let children = record.children;
+  if (children) {
+    for (let position = 0; position < children.length; position++) {
+      await db.executeCached(`
+        INSERT INTO structure(guid, parentGuid, position)
+        VALUES(:childGuid, :parentGuid, :position)`,
+        { childGuid: children[position], parentGuid: guid, position });
+    }
+  }
+async function storeLivemark(db, remoteAge, record) {
+  let dateAdded = PlacesSyncUtils.bookmarks.ratchetTimestampBackwards(
+    record.dateAdded, +record.modified * 1000);
+  let guid = ensureValidGuid(record.id);
+  let expectedParentGuid = ensureValidGuid(record.parentid);
+  let title = formatRecordTitle(record.title);
+  let feedURL = formatRecordURL(record.feedUri);
+  let siteURLString = typeof record.siteUri == "string" ?
+                      formatRecordURL(record.siteUri).href :
+                      null;
+  await db.executeCached(`
+    INSERT INTO value(guid, expectedParentGuid, age, kind, dateAdded, title,
+                      description, feedURL, siteURL)
+    VALUES(:guid, :expectedParentGuid, :remoteAge, :kind, :dateAdded,
+           NULLIF(:title, ""), :description, :feedURL, :siteURL)`,
+    { guid, expectedParentGuid, remoteAge, kind: KIND_LIVEMARK, dateAdded,
+      title, description: record.description, feedURL: feedURL.href,
+      siteURL: siteURLString });
+async function storeSeparator(db, remoteAge, record) {
+  let dateAdded = PlacesSyncUtils.bookmarks.ratchetTimestampBackwards(
+    record.dateAdded, +record.modified * 1000);
+  let guid = ensureValidGuid(record.id);
+  let expectedParentGuid = ensureValidGuid(record.parentid);
+  await db.executeCached(`
+    INSERT INTO value(guid, expectedParentGuid, age, kind, dateAdded)
+    VALUES(:guid, :expectedParentGuid, :remoteAge, :kind, :dateAdded)`,
+    { guid, expectedParentGuid, remoteAge, kind: KIND_SEPARATOR, dateAdded });
+async function storeTombstone(db, remoteAge, record) {
+  let guid = ensureValidGuid(record.id);
+  await db.executeCached(`
+    INSERT INTO tombstones(guid, age)
+    VALUES(:guid, :remoteAge)`,
+    { guid, remoteAge });
+ * Builds a complete merged tree from a complete local tree and a partial
+ * remote tree, resolving conflicts and relocating orphans, then applies
+ * the merged tree back to Places.
+ */
+async function apply(db) {
+  let storage = new BookmarkStorage(db);
+  let observersToNotify = new BookmarkObserverNotifications(storage);
+  let mergedTree = new MergedBookmarkTree();
+  await db.executeTransaction(async () => {
+    // TODO(kitcambridge): Periodically yield to check if we're shutting down,
+    // and throw to roll back the transaction. We can try merging again after
+    // the browser restarts.
+    // Build a tree from the buffer contents, with virtual folders linking items
+    // to the local tree.
+    let remoteTree = await storage.fetchRemoteTree();
+    BookmarkBufferLog.trace("Populated remote tree from buffer", remoteTree);
+    // Build a fully rooted local tree from what's currently in Places.
+    let localTree = await storage.fetchLocalTree();
+    if (!localTree.isFullyRooted()) {
+      // Should never happen. The local tree must be complete.
+      throw new BookmarkConsistencyError("Local tree not fully rooted");
+    }
+    BookmarkBufferLog.trace("Populated local tree from Places", localTree);
+    // Build a complete merged tree.
+    let merger = new BookmarkMerger(storage, localTree, remoteTree,
+                                    mergedTree);
+    await merger.merge();
+    if (BookmarkBufferLog.level <= Log.Level.Trace) {
+      let newTree = mergedTree.toBookmarkTree();
+      BookmarkBufferLog.trace("Built new merged tree", newTree);
+    }
+    // The merged tree should know about all items mentioned in the local and
+    // remote trees. Otherwise, it's incomplete; we'll corrupt Places or lose
+    // data on the server if we try to apply it.
+    if (!mergedTree.subsumes(localTree)) {
+      throw new BookmarkConsistencyError(
+        "Merged tree doesn't contain all items from local tree");
+    }
+    if (!mergedTree.subsumes(remoteTree)) {
+      throw new BookmarkConsistencyError(
+        "Merged tree doesn't contain all items from remote tree");
+    }
+    // Walk the merged tree and apply changes to Places.
+    for (let nodeInfo of mergedTree.walk()) {
+      await applyMergedNode(storage, observersToNotify, localTree, nodeInfo);
+    }
+    // Drop remotely deleted items. We could also do this before applying,
+    // since accepted remote deletions don't exist in the merged tree and
+    // we'll never query the local tree for their content.
+    for (let guid of mergedTree.deleteLocally) {
+      // Record observer notifications first, because we need to pass the removed
+      // item's info to the observer.
+      await observersToNotify.noteItemRemoved(guid);
+      await storage.delete(guid);
+    }
+    // Drop applied records from the buffer.
+    for (let guid of mergedTree.allGuids) {
+      await db.executeCached(`DELETE FROM value WHERE guid = :guid`, { guid });
+    }
+  });
+  // 6. Whew! Now notify all observers about the work we did.
+  await observersToNotify.notifyAll();
+ * Recursively applies merged nodes to Places.
+ */
+async function applyMergedNode(storage, observersToNotify, localTree,
+                               { newLocation, mergedNode }) {
+  let localNode = mergedNode.localNode;
+  if (localNode) {
+    let oldLocation = localTree.getLocation(localNode.guid);
+    if (!oldLocation) {
+      // Should never happen. Local nodes can't be virtual.
+      throw new BookmarkConsistencyError(`Local node ${localNode} missing ` +
+                                         `location`);
+    }
+    await updatePlacesItem(storage, observersToNotify, oldLocation,
+                           newLocation, mergedNode);
+  } else {
+    await insertPlacesItem(storage, observersToNotify, newLocation,
+                           mergedNode);
+  }
+  // Recursively apply merged children.
+  for (let childNodeInfo of mergedNode.walk()) {
+    await applyMergedNode(storage, observersToNotify, localTree,
+                          childNodeInfo);
+  }
+// Inserts a new remote node into Places. This function translates between
+// how Sync and Places represent bookmarks, rewrites tag queries, and sets
+// special annotations for descriptions, smart bookmarks, and livemarks.
+async function insertPlacesItem(storage, observersToNotify, location, mergedNode) {
+  let resolvedNode = mergedNode.resolveNode();
+  let content = await storage.fetchRemoteContent(resolvedNode.guid);
+  // Rewrite tag queries to point to the correct local tag folder, and
+  // insert the new URL into `moz_places`.
+  if (content.url) {
+    let tagFolderInfo = await storage.maybeRewriteTagQuery(content);
+    if (tagFolderInfo && tagFolderInfo.created) {
+      await observersToNotify.noteItemAdded(tagFolderInfo.guid);
+    }
+    await storage.maybeInsertPlace(content.url);
+    await updateKeyword(storage, observersToNotify, content.url,
+                        content.keyword);
+    await updateTags(storage, observersToNotify, content.url);
+  }
+  await storage.insert(mergedNode.guid, location.parentGuid, location.position,
+                       content.getPlacesType(), content.title, content.url,
+                       content.dateAdded, mergedNode.getSyncChangeDelta(),
+                       PlacesUtils.bookmarks.SYNC_STATUS.NORMAL);
+  await observersToNotify.noteItemAdded(mergedNode.guid);
+  let annoInfos = content.getAnnoInfos();
+  for (let info of annoInfos) {
+    if (!info.value) {
+      // The item doesn't exist locally, so we don't need to remove
+      // annotations that aren't explicitly set.
+      continue;
+    }
+    await storage.setAnno(mergedNode.guid, info);
+    observersToNotify.noteAnnoSet(mergedNode.guid, info.name);
+  }
+async function updatePlacesItem(storage, observersToNotify, oldLocation,
+                                newLocation, mergedNode) {
+  let columnsToUpdate = new Map();
+  let changesToNotify = new Map();
+  let localNode = mergedNode.localNode;
+  if (!localNode) {
+    // Should never happen. Use `insertPlacesItem` to insert new items.
+    throw new TypeError(`Can't update item ${mergedNode} without local node`);
+  }
+  // The GUID will be different if we deduped a NEW local item to an
+  // incoming remote item.
+  if (localNode.guid != mergedNode.guid) {
+    columnsToUpdate.set("newGuid", {
+      value: mergedNode.guid,
+      fragment: `guid = :newGuid`,
+    });
+    changesToNotify.set("guid", mergedNode.guid);
+  }
+  // Update the sync status to reflect that the item exists on the server.
+  if (localNode.syncStatus != PlacesUtils.bookmarks.SYNC_STATUS.NORMAL) {
+    columnsToUpdate.set("syncStatus", {
+      value: PlacesUtils.bookmarks.SYNC_STATUS.NORMAL,
+    });
+  }
+  if (oldLocation.position != newLocation.position) {
+    // Since the merged tree is complete, we update the position without
+    // moving any siblings out of the way. This means we may have multiple
+    // bookmarks in the same position until we finish merging and the
+    // transaction commits. However, once we're done, positions should be
+    // unique and without holes.
+    columnsToUpdate.set("position", { value: newLocation.position });
+    changesToNotify.set("position", newLocation.position);
+  }
+  if (oldLocation.parentGuid != newLocation.parentGuid) {
+    // Since we apply parents before children, the new parent should
+    // always exist.
+    columnsToUpdate.set("parentGuid", {
+      value: newLocation.parentGuid,
+      fragment: `parent = (SELECT id FROM moz_bookmarks
+                           WHERE guid = :parentGuid)`,
+    });
+    changesToNotify.set("parentGuid", newLocation.parentGuid);
+  }
+  if (mergedNode.hasRemoteContent()) {
+    if (!mergedNode.remoteNode) {
+      // Should never happen. If we have remote content, we must have a remote
+      // node.
+      throw new BookmarkConsistencyError(`Can't update content for ` +
+                                         `${mergedNode} without remote node`);
+    }
+    let content = await storage.fetchRemoteContent(mergedNode.remoteNode.guid);
+    let placesType = content.getPlacesType();
+    if (placesType == PlacesUtils.bookmarks.TYPE_BOOKMARK ||
+        placesType == PlacesUtils.bookmarks.TYPE_FOLDER) {
+      columnsToUpdate.set("title", { value: content.title });
+      changesToNotify.set("title", content.title);
+    }
+    if (content.url) {
+      // Rewrite tag queries to point to the correct local tag folder before
+      // adding the new URL.
+      let tagFolderInfo = await storage.maybeRewriteTagQuery(content);
+      if (tagFolderInfo && tagFolderInfo.created) {
+        await observersToNotify.noteItemAdded(tagFolderInfo.guid);
+      }
+      await storage.maybeInsertPlace(content.url);
+      await updateKeyword(storage, observersToNotify, content.url,
+                          content.keyword);
+      await updateTags(storage, observersToNotify, content.url);
+      let placeId = await storage.fetchLocalPlaceId(content.url);
+      columnsToUpdate.set("fk", { value: placeId });
+      changesToNotify.set("url", content.url);
+    }
+    // Update or remove annotations.
+    let annoInfos = content.getAnnoInfos();
+    for (let info of annoInfos) {
+      if (info.value) {
+        await storage.setAnno(localNode.guid, info);
+        observersToNotify.noteAnnoSet(mergedNode.guid, info.name);
+      } else {
+        await storage.removeAnno(localNode.guid, info.name);
+        observersToNotify.noteAnnoRemoved(mergedNode.guid, info.name);
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  if (!columnsToUpdate.size) {
+    return;
+  }
+  let lastModified = PlacesUtils.toPRTime(new Date());
+  columnsToUpdate.set("lastModified", { value: lastModified });
+  let syncChangeDelta = mergedNode.getSyncChangeDelta();
+  if (syncChangeDelta) {
+    columnsToUpdate.set("syncChangeDelta", {
+      value: syncChangeDelta,
+      fragment: "syncChangeCounter = syncChangeCounter + :syncChangeDelta",
+    });
+  }
+  // Record observer notifications before updating Places, so that we capture
+  // the old values.
+  await observersToNotify.noteItemChanged(mergedNode.guid, localNode.guid,
+                                          changesToNotify);
+  await storage.update(localNode.guid, columnsToUpdate);
+async function updateKeyword(storage, observersToNotify, url, newKeyword) {
+  let keywordRows = await storage.fetchLocalKeywordsForURL(url);
+  for (let row of keywordRows) {
+    let existingKeyword = row.getResultByName("keyword");
+    await storage.removeLocalKeyword(url, existingKeyword);
+    observersToNotify.noteKeywordRemoved(url);
+  }
+  if (!newKeyword) {
+    return;
+  }
+  let urlRows = await storage.fetchLocalURLsForKeyword(newKeyword);
+  for (let row of urlRows) {
+    let existingURL = new URL(row.getResultByName("url"));
+    await storage.removeLocalKeyword(existingURL, newKeyword);
+    observersToNotify.noteKeywordRemoved(existingURL);
+  }
+  await storage.insertLocalKeyword(url, newKeyword);
+  observersToNotify.noteKeywordSet(url, newKeyword);
+async function updateTags(storage, observersToNotify, url) {
+  let newTags = new Set();
+  let newTagRows = await storage.fetchRemoteTagsForURL(url);
+  for (let tagRow of newTagRows) {
+    let tagName = tagRow.getResultByName("tagName");
+    newTags.add(tagName);
+  }
+  // Remove all existing tags, except ones that we don't need to change because
+  // they're already set on the incoming bookmark.
+  let existingTags = new Set();
+  let existingTagRows = await storage.fetchLocalTagsForURL(url);
+  for (let tagRow of existingTagRows) {
+    let tagName = tagRow.getResultByName("tagName");
+    if (newTags.has(tagName)) {
+      existingTags.add(tagName);
+      continue;
+    }
+    let tagGuid = tagRow.getResultByName("tagGuid");
+    await observersToNotify.noteItemRemoved(tagGuid);
+    await storage.delete(tagGuid);
+  }
+  // Set new tags.
+  for (let tagName of newTags) {
+    if (existingTags.has(tagName)) {
+      continue;
+    }
+    // Create the tag folder, if one doesn't already exist.
+    let tagFolderInfo = await storage.getOrCreateTagFolder(tagName);
+    if (tagFolderInfo.created) {
+      await observersToNotify.noteItemAdded(tagFolderInfo.guid);
+    }
+    // Tag the URL.
+    let tagGuid = PlacesUtils.history.makeGuid();
+    await storage.insert(tagGuid, tagFolderInfo.guid, -1,
+                         PlacesUtils.bookmarks.TYPE_BOOKMARK, /* title */ null,
+                         url);
+    await observersToNotify.noteItemAdded(tagGuid);
+  }
+function ensureValidRecord(record) {
+  // TODO(kitcambridge): More comprehensive validation.
+  let syncId = record.id;
+  if (!syncId || typeof syncId != "string") {
+    throw new Error(`Missing or invalid bookmark ID: ${syncId}`);
+  }
+  if (record.deleted) {
+    return;
+  }
+  let parentSyncId = record.parentid;
+  if (!parentSyncId || typeof parentSyncId != "string") {
+    throw new Error(`Missing parent sync ID for bookmark ${syncId}`);
+  }
+// Calculates and returns the age of an incoming record on the server. This
+// should not be affected by client clock skew; however, we do compare local and
+// remote ages when resolving merge conflicts. Handling this skew is tracked in
+// bug 721181.
+function determineRemoteAge(currentRemoteTime, record) {
+  let remoteAge = currentRemoteTime - record.modified || 0;
+  return Math.max(remoteAge, 0);
+// Validates and truncates a record's title.
+function formatRecordTitle(rawTitle) {
+  if (typeof rawTitle != "string" || !rawTitle) {
+    return null;
+  }
+  return rawTitle.slice(0, DB_TITLE_LENGTH_MAX);
+// Validates and canonicalizes a bookmark record's URL.
+function formatRecordURL(rawURL) {
+  if (typeof rawURL != "string") {
+    throw new TypeError(`Expected URL string in record`);
+  }
+  if (rawURL.length > DB_URL_LENGTH_MAX) {
+    throw new TypeError(`Record URL too long`);
+  }
+  return new URL(rawURL);
+function ensureValidGuid(syncId) {
+  let guid = PlacesSyncUtils.bookmarks.syncIdToGuid(syncId);
+  if (!PlacesUtils.isValidGuid(guid)) {
+    throw new TypeError(`${syncId} is not a valid GUID`);
+  }
+  return guid;
+ * The merge state indicates which node we should prefer when reconciling
+ * with Places. iOS separates this into "value state" and "structure state",
+ * but, since Places doesn't make that distinction, we use a single "merge
+ * state" instead. iOS also has an "unchanged" state that takes the mirror
+ * node, which we omit since we don't have a mirror.
+ *
+ * Recall that a merged node may point to a local node, remote node, or
+ * both.
+ *
+ * - `BookmarkMergeState.local` means no changes: we keep the local location
+ *   and content info. This could mean that the item doesn't exist on the
+ *   server yet, or that it has newer local changes that we should upload. It's
+ *   an error for a merged node to have a "local" merge state without a local
+ *   node; resolving the node asserts this.
+ *
+ * - `BookmarkMergeState.remote` means we update Places with new location and
+ *   content info from the buffer. The item might not exist locally yet, or
+ *   might have newer remote changes that we should apply. As with "local", a
+ *   merged node can't have a "remote" merge state without a remote node.
+ *
+ * - `BookmarkMergeState.new` is like `remote`, but holds a synthesized node
+ *   that overrides local and remote. We still update Places with new content
+ *   info from the buffer, but the location info is different. This happens
+ *   when we move new local items out of a remotely deleted folder, or new
+ *   remote items out of a locally deleted folder. Applying a "new" merged node
+ *   also bumps its change counter, so that the merged structure is reuploaded
+ *   to the server on the next sync.
+ */
+class BookmarkMergeState {
+  constructor(type, newNode = null) {
+    this.type = type;
+    this.newNode = newNode;
+  }
+  static new(newNode) {
+    return new BookmarkMergeState("new", newNode);
+  }
+  toString() {
+    return this.newNode ? `${this.type} (${
+      this.newNode})` : this.type;
+  }
+BookmarkMergeState.local = new BookmarkMergeState("local");
+BookmarkMergeState.remote = new BookmarkMergeState("remote");
+ * Holds the location information for a local or remote bookmark node. This
+ * is similar to the "structure state" concept on iOS, but not quite. We call
+ * it "location info" to avoid confusion: unlike iOS, we conflate value and
+ * structure, and we don't merge structure changes separately.
+ */
+class BookmarkLocation {
+  constructor(parentGuid, position) {
+    this.parentGuid = parentGuid;
+    this.position = position;
+  }
+  hasSamePosition(otherLocation) {
+    if (this.position < 0 || otherLocation.position < 0) {
+      return false;
+    }
+    return this.position == otherLocation.position;
+  }
+ * A node in a local or remote bookmark tree. Nodes are lightweight: they carry
+ * enough information for the merger to resolve trivial conflicts without
+ * querying the buffer or Places for the complete content info.
+ *
+ * There are 7 kinds of nodes: one for each Sync record kind, plus virtual
+ * folders and items. They're virtual because we create them in memory; they're
+ * not stored in the buffer or Places.
+ *
+ * A virtual folder is usually the topmost folder in a tree or subtree, without
+ * location or content. In a remote tree, virtual folders link new children of
+ * an existing parent, and children with content-only changes, to the complete
+ * local tree. Virtual folders are incomplete: we likely don't have all their
+ * children, and we don't know the child order.
+ *
+ * A local tree, which is always complete, should have exactly one virtual
+ * folder: the Places root, from which the four syncable roots descend.
+ *
+ * A virtual item node has location, but no content: we know its parent and
+ * position, but not its age, kind, title, URL, etc. In a remote tree, a virtual
+ * item's parent exists in both `value` and `structure`, but the virtual item
+ * only exists in `structure`.
+ *
+ * A local tree should never have virtual leaves.
+ */
+class BookmarkNode {
+  constructor(guid, age, kind, syncChangeCounter, syncStatus) {
+    this.guid = guid;
+    this.kind = kind;
+    this.age = Math.max(age, 0);
+    this.syncChangeCounter = syncChangeCounter;
+    this.syncStatus = syncStatus;
+    this.children = [];
+  }
+  static virtualFolder(guid) {
+    let syncStatus = PlacesUtils.bookmarks.SYNC_STATUS.UNKNOWN;
+    return new BookmarkNode(guid, 0, KIND_VIRTUAL_FOLDER, 0, syncStatus);
+  }
+  static virtualItem(guid) {
+    let syncStatus = PlacesUtils.bookmarks.SYNC_STATUS.UNKNOWN;
+    return new BookmarkNode(guid, 0, KIND_VIRTUAL_ITEM, 0, syncStatus);
+  }
+  // Creates a bookmark node from a Places row.
+  static fromLocalRow(row) {
+    let guid = row.getResultByName("guid");
+    // Note that this doesn't account for local clock skew.
+    let lastModified = row.getResultByName("lastModified");
+    let age = Date.now() - lastModified / 1000;
+    let kind = row.getResultByName("kind");
+    let syncChangeCounter = row.getResultByName("syncChangeCounter");
+    let syncStatus = row.getResultByName("syncStatus");
+    return new BookmarkNode(guid, age, kind, syncChangeCounter, syncStatus);
+  }
+  // Creates a bookmark node from an incoming buffer row.
+  static fromRemoteRow(row) {
+    let guid = row.getResultByName("guid");
+    let age = row.getResultByName("age");
+    let kind = row.getResultByName("kind");
+    // We always flag remote items as changed; otherwise, we wouldn't have
+    // downloaded them and they wouldn't exist in the buffer. Similarly, remote
+    // items are already syncing by definition, and thus shouldn't be duped
+    // to other remote items.
+    let syncChangeCounter = 1;
+    let syncStatus = PlacesUtils.bookmarks.SYNC_STATUS.NORMAL;
+    return new BookmarkNode(guid, age, kind, syncChangeCounter, syncStatus);
+  }
+  isRoot() {
+    return this.guid == PlacesUtils.bookmarks.rootGuid ||
+           this.guid == PlacesUtils.bookmarks.tagsGuid ||
+           this.guid == PlacesUtils.bookmarks.menuGuid ||
+           this.guid == PlacesUtils.bookmarks.toolbarGuid ||
+           this.guid == PlacesUtils.bookmarks.unfiledGuid ||
+           this.guid == PlacesUtils.bookmarks.mobileGuid;
+  }
+  isVirtual() {
+    return this.kind == KIND_VIRTUAL_FOLDER ||
+           this.kind == KIND_VIRTUAL_ITEM;
+  }
+  isVirtualRoot() {
+    return this.guid == PlacesUtils.bookmarks.rootGuid &&
+           this.kind == KIND_VIRTUAL_FOLDER;
+  }
+  isFolder() {
+    return this.kind == KIND_VIRTUAL_FOLDER ||
+           this.kind == KIND_FOLDER;
+  }
+  newerThan(otherNode) {
+    return this.age < otherNode.age;
+  }
+  /**
+   * Indicates if the node's structure or value state has changed. This is
+   * `true` for local nodes with a positive change counter, and always `true`
+   * for remote nodes.
+   */
+  isChanged() {
+    return this.syncChangeCounter > 0;
+  }
+  /**
+   * Indicates whether the node can dupe to another node with a different
+   * GUID and similar content. This is `true` for local nodes that haven't
+   * been uploaded to the server yet, and always `false` for remote and
+   * virtual nodes.
+   */
+  canDupe() {
+    return this.syncStatus == PlacesUtils.bookmarks.SYNC_STATUS.NEW;
+  }
+  hasSameChildren(otherNode) {
+    if (!this.isFolder()) {
+      throw new TypeError(`Can't compare children of non-folder node ${this}`);
+    }
+    if (!otherNode.isFolder()) {
+      throw new TypeError("Can't compare children of non-folder node " +
+                          otherNode);
+    }
+    if (this.isVirtual() || otherNode.isVirtual()) {
+      // Comparing the children of virtual roots doesn't make sense, since
+      // they're incomplete.
+      return false;
+    }
+    if (this.children.length != otherNode.children.length) {
+      return false;
+    }
+    for (let position = 0; position < this.children.length; position++) {
+      let child = this.children[position];
+      let otherChild = otherNode.children[position];
+      if (child.guid != otherChild.guid) {
+        return false;
+      }
+    }
+    return true;
+  }
+  toString() {
+    return `${this.guid} (${this.kind})`;
+  }
+ * A complete or partial bookmark tree with tombstones.
+ */
+class BookmarkTree {
+  constructor() {
+    this.byGuid = new Map();
+    this.locations = new WeakMap();
+    this.orphanParentGuids = new WeakMap();
+    this.deletedGuids = new Set();
+  }
+  // Creates a tree containing the Places root.
+  static rooted() {
+    let tree = new BookmarkTree();
+    let root = BookmarkNode.virtualFolder(PlacesUtils.bookmarks.rootGuid);
+    tree.insertRoot(root);
+    return tree;
+  }
+  has(guid) {
+    return this.byGuid.has(guid);
+  }
+  /**
+   * Indicates if the tree contains all items and their parents, up to the four
+   * syncable roots: menu, toolbar, unfiled, and mobile. This is always `true`
+   * for local trees, and likely `false` for remote trees except for the first
+   * sync.
+   */
+  isFullyRooted() {
+    for (let node of this.byGuid.values()) {
+      if (node.isVirtualRoot()) {
+        continue;
+      }
+      if (node.isVirtual()) {
+        return false;
+      }
+    }
+    return true;
+  }
+  isDeleted(guid) {
+    return this.deletedGuids.has(guid);
+  }
+  getByGuid(guid) {
+    return this.byGuid.get(guid);
+  }
+  getParent(childGuid) {
+    let structureInfo = this.getLocation(childGuid);
+    return structureInfo ? this.byGuid.get(structureInfo.parentGuid) : null;
+  }
+  getLocation(guid) {
+    let node = this.byGuid.get(guid);
+    if (!node) {
+      return null;
+    }
+    return this.locations.get(node);
+  }
+  /**
+   * Inserts a root to the tree. Roots must not already exist in the tree, and
+   * must be virtual folders.
+   */
+  insertRoot(rootNode) {
+    if (rootNode.kind != KIND_VIRTUAL_FOLDER) {
+      throw new TypeError(`Root node ${rootNode} is not a virtual folder`);
+    }
+    let existingNode = this.byGuid.get(rootNode.guid);
+    if (existingNode) {
+      throw new TypeError(`Can't replace node ${existingNode} with root ` +
+                          rootNode);
+    }
+    this.byGuid.set(rootNode.guid, rootNode);
+  }
+  /**
+   * Inserts a non-root node into the tree. The node must not already exist in
+   * the tree, and the node's parent must be a folder or virtual folder.
+   */
+  insert(parentGuid, node) {
+    let existingNode = this.byGuid.get(node.guid);
+    if (existingNode) {
+      throw new TypeError(`Can't replace node ${existingNode} with node ` +
+                          node);
+    }
+    let parentNode = this.byGuid.get(parentGuid);
+    if (!parentNode) {
+      throw new TypeError(`Tree missing parent ${parentGuid} for node ${node}`);
+    }
+    if (!parentNode.isFolder()) {
+      throw new TypeError(`Can't add node ${node} to non-folder ${parentNode}`);
+    }
+    parentNode.children.push(node);
+    let position = parentNode.children.length - 1;
+    let location = new BookmarkLocation(parentGuid, position);
+    this.locations.set(node, location);
+    this.byGuid.set(node.guid, node);
+  }
+  noteOrphan(guid, expectedParentGuid) {
+    let node = this.byGuid.get(guid);
+    if (!node) {
+      throw new TypeError(`Can't mark nonexistent node ${guid} as orphan`);
+    }
+    this.orphanParentGuids.set(node, expectedParentGuid);
+  }
+  isOrphan(guid) {
+    return this.orphanParentGuids.has(guid);
+  }
+  noteDeleted(guid) {
+    this.deletedGuids.add(guid);
+  }
+  *roots() {
+    for (let [, node] of this.byGuid) {
+      let location = this.locations.get(node);
+      if (!location) {
+        // Roots don't have location info.
+        yield node;
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  *guids() {
+    for (let [guid, node] of this.byGuid) {
+      if (node.isVirtualRoot()) {
+        continue;
+      }
+      yield guid;
+    }
+    for (let guid of this.deletedGuids) {
+      yield guid;
+    }
+  }
+  toJSON() {
+    let roots = Array.from(this.roots());
+    let deleted = Array.from(this.deletedGuids);
+    return { roots, deleted };
+  }
+ * A complete, consistent tree that contains merged nodes for all items seen
+ * locally and remotely.
+ */
+class MergedBookmarkTree {
+  constructor() {
+    this.allGuids = new Set();
+    this.deleteLocally = new Set();
+    this.deleteRemotely = new Set();
+    this.mergedRoots = [];
+  }
+  insertRoot(mergedNode) {
+    this.mergedRoots.push(mergedNode);
+  }
+  toBookmarkTree() {
+    let tree = BookmarkTree.rooted();
+    for (let mergedRootNode of this.mergedRoots) {
+      let rootNode = mergedRootNode.toBookmarkNode();
+      tree.insert(PlacesUtils.bookmarks.rootGuid, rootNode);
+    }
+    return tree;
+  }
+  /**
+   * Walks the children of the merged roots. Yields a `{ newLocation,
+   * mergedNode }` tuple for each child.
+   */
+  *walk() {
+    for (let mergedRootNode of this.mergedRoots) {
+      yield* mergedRootNode.walk();
+    }
+  }
+  exists(guid) {
+    return this.allGuids.has(guid) ||
+           this.deleteLocally.has(guid) ||
+           this.deleteRemotely.has(guid);
+  }
+  subsumes(tree) {
+    for (let guid of tree.guids()) {
+      if (!this.exists(guid)) {
+        return false;
+      }
+    }
+    return true;
+  }
+ * A node in a merged bookmark tree. Holds the local node, remote node,
+ * unordered merged children, and a merge state indicating which side to
+ * prefer when applying the node to Places.
+ */
+class MergedBookmarkNode {
+  constructor(guid, localNode, remoteNode, mergeState) {
+    this.guid = guid;
+    this.localNode = localNode;
+    this.remoteNode = remoteNode;
+    this.mergeState = mergeState;
+    this.mergedChildren = [];
+  }
+  /**
+   * Orders a merged folder node's children.
+   *
+   * Ordering solves two issues with our merge strategy for folders that exist
+   * locally and remotely. Recall that we walk remote children before local, and
+   * that we insert virtual parent folders for items with content-only changes.
+   * This means:
+   *
+   * - Adding new items to a folder remotely and reordering that folder's
+   *   children locally discards the new local order, since we first walk the
+   *   remote children in their original order.
+   * - For content-only changes, walking the remote children of a virtual folder
+   *   moves the changed items to the beginning of the folder, followed by the
+   *   local items that don't exist remotely.
+   *
+   * Ordering takes the newer child list, then appends remaining items from
+   * the older list, and relocated orphans that don't exist in either list.
+   * Virtual remote folders always lose to non-virtual local folders.
+   *
+   * @returns {Boolean}
+   *          `true` if the children were reordered; `false` if they're already
+   *          in the correct order.
+   */
+  orderChildren() {
+    // Decide which child list is newer. If the node only exists on one side,
+    // its children are already in order.
+    let newerChildList;
+    let olderChildList;
+    switch (this.mergeState.type) {
+      case "local":
+        if (!this.localNode) {
+          throw new BookmarkConsistencyError(`Can't take newer local child ` +
+                                             `order for ${this} without ` +
+                                             `local node`);
+        }
+        if (!this.remoteNode) {
+          BookmarkBufferLog.trace("Taking complete local child order " +
+                                  "for ${mergedNode}", { mergedNode: this });
+          return false;
+        }
+        newerChildList = this.localNode.children;
+        if (!this.remoteNode.isVirtual()) {
+          // Virtual folders are incomplete, so their child order is
+          // meaningless. Use the local order only, and append relocated
+          // orphans to the end.
+          olderChildList = this.remoteNode.children;
+        }
+        break;
+      case "remote":
+        if (!this.remoteNode) {
+          throw new BookmarkConsistencyError(`Can't take newer remote child ` +
+                                             `order for ${this} without ` +
+                                             `remote node`);
+        }
+        if (!this.localNode) {
+          BookmarkBufferLog.trace("Taking complete remote child order " +
+                                  "for ${mergedNode}", { mergedNode: this });
+          return false;
+        }
+        // No need to check if `remoteNode` is virtual here, since we always use
+        // the local merge state.
+        newerChildList = this.remoteNode.children;
+        olderChildList = this.localNode.children;
+        break;
+      default:
+        // Assume the children of a new merged folder node are already in order.
+        return false;
+    }
+    let positions = new Map();
+    BookmarkBufferLog.trace("Ordering merged children of ${mergedNode}, " +
+                            "using ${newerChildList} as base",
+                            { mergedNode: this, newerChildList });
+    // Record the positions of all children in the newer list. Note that
+    // moved or deleted items might appear in both lists. That's fine: they
+    // don't appear in the merged child list, so sorting will ignore them.
+    for (let position = 0; position < newerChildList.length; position++) {
+      let newChildNode = newerChildList[position];
+      positions.set(newChildNode.guid, position);
+    }
+    // Append remaining children from the older list. This preserves the
+    // order of the remaining children relative to each other, but not relative
+    // to the children that appear in the newer list.
+    let remainingItemPosition = positions.size;
+    if (olderChildList) {
+      for (let oldChildNode of olderChildList) {
+        if (positions.has(oldChildNode.guid)) {
+          continue;
+        }
+        positions.set(oldChildNode.guid, remainingItemPosition);
+        remainingItemPosition++;
+      }
+    }
+    // Finally, append any relocated orphans that don't appear in either list.
+    for (let mergedChildNode of this.mergedChildren) {
+      if (positions.has(mergedChildNode.guid)) {
+        continue;
+      }
+      positions.set(mergedChildNode.guid, remainingItemPosition);
+      remainingItemPosition++;
+    }
+    this.mergedChildren.sort((a, b) => {
+      return positions.get(a.guid) < positions.get(b.guid) ? -1 : 1;
+    });
+    return true;
+  }
+  resolveNode() {
+    let resolvedNode;
+    switch (this.mergeState.type) {
+      case "local":
+        if (!this.localNode) {
+          throw new BookmarkConsistencyError(`Can't resolve ${this} without ` +
+                                             `local node`);
+        }
+        resolvedNode = this.localNode;
+        break;
+      case "remote":
+        if (!this.remoteNode) {
+          throw new BookmarkConsistencyError(`Can't resolve ${this} without ` +
+                                             `remote node`);
+        }
+        resolvedNode = this.remoteNode;
+        break;
+      case "new": {
+        resolvedNode = this.mergeState.newNode;
+        if (!resolvedNode) {
+          throw new BookmarkConsistencyError(`Can't resolve ${this} without ` +
+                                             `new node`);
+        }
+        break;
+      }
+      default:
+        throw new TypeError(`Can't resolve node with unknown merge state: ` +
+                            this.mergeState);
+    }
+    if (resolvedNode.isVirtual()) {
+      // Should never happen. Local nodes can't be virtual, and we'll never
+      // take a remote or new virtual node.
+      throw new BookmarkConsistencyError(`Can't resolve ${this} to virtual ` +
+                                         `node ${resolvedNode}`);
+    }
+    return resolvedNode;
+  }
+  getSyncChangeDelta() {
+    switch (this.mergeState.type) {
+      case "local":
+        // The item is unchanged, so we don't need to bump its change counter.
+        return 0;
+      case "remote": {
+        if (!this.remoteNode) {
+          throw new BookmarkConsistencyError(`Can't determine sync change ` +
+                                             `delta for ${this} without ` +
+                                             `remote node`);
+        }
+        // If we're taking the remote state, the item doesn't need to be
+        // reuploaded, so reduce its change counter to zero.
+        let syncChangeCounter = this.remoteNode.syncChangeCounter;
+        return syncChangeCounter > 0 ? -syncChangeCounter : 0;
+      }
+      case "new":
+        // If we're taking a new merge state, the synthesized node doesn't
+        // match what's currently on the server, so bump its change counter to
+        // ensure it's reuploaded.
+        return 1;
+    }
+    throw new TypeError(`Can't determine sync change delta with unknown ` +
+                        `merge state: ${this.mergeState}`);
+  }
+  hasRemoteContent() {
+    switch (this.mergeState.type) {
+      case "local":
+        // Keeping complete local state, so no need to fetch remote item content
+        // from the buffer or update Places.
+        return false;
+      case "new":
+        // Taking new merge state. Only update the local item with new remote
+        // content if we have a non-virtual remote node.
+        return this.remoteNode ? !this.remoteNode.isVirtual() : false;
+      case "remote":
+        // Taking complete remote state, so we must have remote content.
+        return true;
+    }
+    throw new TypeError(`Can't determine remote content with unknown merge ` +
+                        `state: ${this.mergeState}`);
+  }
+  /**
+   * Yields a `{ newLocation, mergedNode }` tuple for each merged child.
+   */
+  *walk() {
+    for (let position = 0; position < this.mergedChildren.length; position++) {
+      let newLocation = new BookmarkLocation(this.guid, position);
+      let mergedChildNode = this.mergedChildren[position];
+      yield { newLocation, mergedNode: mergedChildNode };
+    }
+  }
+  toBookmarkNode() {
+    let resolvedNode = this.resolveNode();
+    if (!resolvedNode.isFolder()) {
+      return resolvedNode;
+    }
+    let node = new BookmarkNode(this.guid, resolvedNode.age,
+      resolvedNode.kind, resolvedNode.syncChangeCounter,
+      resolvedNode.syncStatus);
+    for (let mergedChildNode of this.mergedChildren) {
+      node.children.push(mergedChildNode.toBookmarkNode());
+    }
+    return node;
+  }
+  toString() {
+    return this.guid;
+  }
+ * A two-way merger that produces a complete merged tree from a complete local
+ * tree and a likely incomplete remote tree with changes since the last sync.
+ *
+ * This is ported almost directly from iOS. On iOS, the `ThreeWayMerger` takes a
+ * complete "mirror" tree with the server state after the last sync, and two
+ * incomplete trees with local and remote changes since the last sync: "local"
+ * and "buffer", respectively. Overlaying buffer onto mirror gives us the
+ * current server state; overlaying local onto mirror gives us the complete
+ * local state.
+ *
+ * On Desktop, our `localTree` is the union of mirror and local, and our
+ * `remoteTree` is buffer. All items with change counter = 0 roughly map to
+ * mirror nodes, and items with change counter > 0 map to local nodes.
+ *
+ * Unlike iOS, we can only do two-way merges, since we don't store the shared
+ * parent. Also, our merger doesn't distinguish between structure and value
+ * changes, since we don't record that state: the change counter notes *that*
+ * a bookmark changed, but not *how*. This implies that we can do the wrong
+ * thing for merge conflicts that iOS handles correctly.
+ *
+ * Fortunately, most of our users don't organize their bookmarks into deeply
+ * nested hierarchies, or make conflicting changes on multiple devices
+ * simultaneously. Changing Places to record structure and value changes, and
+ * store shared parents for changed bookmarks, means rethinking the entire
+ * storage schema. A simpler two-way tree merge strikes a good balance between
+ * correctness and complexity.
+ */
+class BookmarkMerger {
+  constructor(storage, localTree, remoteTree, mergedTree) {
+    this.storage = storage;
+    this.localTree = localTree;
+    this.remoteTree = remoteTree;
+    this.mergedTree = mergedTree;
+  }
+  async merge() {
+    // Starting at the roots, walk and merge each node. We expect all roots to
+    // exist locally, since the local tree is complete. The root may not exist
+    // remotely if it's unmodified, but that's fine: we'll take the local node
+    // in that case.
+    let rootNode = this.localTree.getByGuid(PlacesUtils.bookmarks.rootGuid);
+    for (let localRoot of rootNode.children) {
+      let remoteRoot = this.remoteTree.getByGuid(localRoot.guid);
+      let mergedNode = await this.mergeNode(localRoot.guid, localRoot,
+                                            remoteRoot);
+      this.mergedTree.insertRoot(mergedNode);
+    }
+    // Take remaining local and remote tombstones.
+    for (let guid of this.localTree.deletedGuids) {
+      if (!this.mergedTree.exists(guid)) {
+        this.mergedTree.deleteRemotely.add(guid);
+      }
+    }
+    for (let guid of this.remoteTree.deletedGuids) {
+      if (!this.mergedTree.exists(guid)) {
+        this.mergedTree.deleteLocally.add(guid);
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  /**
+   * Merges two nodes, recursively walking folders.
+   *
+   * @param   {String} guid
+   *          The GUID to use for the merged node.
+   * @param   {BookmarkNode?} localNode
+   *          The local node. May be `null` if the node only exists remotely,
+   *          but may not be a virtual node.
+   * @param   {BookmarkNode?} remoteNode
+   *          The remote node. May be `null` if the node only exists locally,
+   *          and may be virtual.
+   * @returns {MergedBookmarkNode}
+   *          The merged node, with merged folder children.
+   */
+  async mergeNode(mergedGuid, localNode, remoteNode) {
+    this.mergedTree.allGuids.add(mergedGuid);
+    if (localNode) {
+      // The node exists locally.
+      if (localNode.guid != mergedGuid) {
+        // We deduped a NEW local item to a remote item.
+        this.mergedTree.allGuids.add(localNode.guid);
+      }
+      if (remoteNode) {
+        if (!remoteNode.isVirtual()) {
+          // The node exists locally and remotely, so we do a two-way merge.
+          BookmarkBufferLog.trace("Item ${mergedGuid} exists locally as " +
+                                  "${localNode} and remotely as " +
+                                  "${remoteNode}; merging",
+                                  { mergedGuid, localNode, remoteNode });
+          let mergedNode = await this.twoWayMerge(mergedGuid, localNode,
+                                                  remoteNode);
+          return mergedNode;
+        }
+        // The local node exists remotely, but it's virtual, so we don't know
+        // its value or structure. Fall back to the local state.
+        BookmarkBufferLog.trace("Item ${mergedGuid} exists locally as " +
+                                "${localNode} and remotely as virtual node " +
+                                "${remoteNode}; taking local state",
+                                { mergedGuid, localNode, remoteNode });
+      } else {
+        // The local node doesn't exist remotely at all.
+        BookmarkBufferLog.trace("Item ${mergedGuid} only exists locally as " +
+                                "${localNode}; taking local state",
+                                { mergedGuid, localNode });
+      }
+      let mergedNode = new MergedBookmarkNode(mergedGuid, localNode, remoteNode,
+                                              BookmarkMergeState.local);
+      if (localNode.isFolder()) {
+        // The local folder doesn't exist in the remote tree, but its children
+        // might, so we still need to recursively walk and merge them. This
+        // method will change the merge state from "local" to "new" if any
+        // children were moved or deleted.
+        await this.mergeChildListsIntoMergedNode(mergedNode, localNode, remoteNode);
+      }
+      return mergedNode;
+    }
+    if (remoteNode) {
+      // The node only exists remotely, so we take the remote state.
+      if (remoteNode.isVirtual()) {
+        // We can't supply the missing content from the local tree.
+        // TODO(kitcambridge): This will throw if we upload a parent, but not
+        // its children. Consider moving the node's children to `unfiled` if
+        // it's a folder, or skipping if it's an item.
+        throw new BookmarkConsistencyError(`Can't take remote-only node ` +
+                                           `${remoteNode} without content`);
+      }
+      let mergedNode = new MergedBookmarkNode(mergedGuid, null, remoteNode,
+                                              BookmarkMergeState.remote);
+      if (remoteNode.isFolder()) {
+        // As above, a remote folder's children might still exist locally, so we
+        // need to merge them and update the merge state from "remote" to "new"
+        // if any children were moved or deleted.
+        await this.mergeChildListsIntoMergedNode(mergedNode, null, remoteNode);
+      }
+      return mergedNode;
+    }
+    // Should never happen. We need to have at least one node for a two-way
+    // merge.
+    throw new BookmarkConsistencyError("Can't merge two nonexistent nodes");
+  }
+  /**
+   * Merges two nodes that exist locally and remotely.
+   *
+   * @param   {String} mergedGuid
+   *          The GUID to use for the merged node.
+   * @param   {BookmarkNode} localNode
+   *          The existing local node. May not be a virtual node.
+   * @param   {BookmarkNode} remoteNode
+   *          The existing remote node. May not be a virtual node.
+   * @returns {MergedBookmarkNode}
+   *          The merged node, with merged folder children.
+   */
+  async twoWayMerge(mergedGuid, localNode, remoteNode) {
+    if (localNode.isVirtual()) {
+      // Should never happen. Local nodes can't be virtual.
+      throw new BookmarkConsistencyError(`Can't two-way merge virtual local ` +
+                                         `node ${localNode}`);
+    }
+    if (remoteNode.isVirtual()) {
+      // Should never happen. We always take the local state if the remote node
+      // is virtual.
+      throw new BookmarkConsistencyError(`Can't two-way merge virtual remote ` +
+                                         `node ${localNode}`);
+    }
+    let mergeState = await this.resolveTwoWayValueConflict(mergedGuid, localNode, remoteNode);
+    BookmarkBufferLog.trace("Merge state for ${mergedGuid} is ${mergeState}",
+                            { mergedGuid, mergeState });
+    let mergedNode = new MergedBookmarkNode(mergedGuid, localNode, remoteNode,
+                                            mergeState);
+    let localIsFolder = localNode.isFolder();
+    let remoteIsFolder = remoteNode.isFolder();
+    if (!localIsFolder && !remoteIsFolder) {
+      // Merging two non-folders, so no children to walk.
+      BookmarkBufferLog.trace("${mergedGuid} not folder; taking merge state " +
+                              "without merging children", { mergedGuid });
+      return mergedNode;
+    }
+    if (localIsFolder && remoteIsFolder) {
+      // Merging two folders, so we need to walk their children to make sure we
+      // handle moves and deletions.
+      BookmarkBufferLog.trace("${mergedGuid} is folder; need to walk children",
+                              { mergedGuid });
+      await this.mergeChildListsIntoMergedNode(mergedNode, localNode,
+        remoteNode);
+      return mergedNode;
+    }
+    throw new BookmarkConsistencyError("Can't merge folder and non-folder");
+  }
+  /**
+   * Determines the merge state for a node that exists locally and remotely.
+   *
+   * @param   {String} mergedGuid
+   *          The GUID of the merged node. This is the same as the remote GUID,
+   *          and usually the same as the local GUID. The local GUID may be
+   *          different if we're duping a local item to a remote item.
+   * @param   {String} localNode
+   *          The local bookmark node.
+   * @param   {BookmarkNode} remoteNode
+   *          The remote bookmark node.
+   * @returns {BookmarkMergeState}
+   *          The two-way merge state.
+   */
+  async resolveTwoWayValueConflict(mergedGuid, localNode, remoteNode) {
+    if (localNode.isRoot()) {
+      // Roots are immutable, so we always take the local state.
+      return BookmarkMergeState.local;
+    }
+    if (localNode.isVirtual()) {
+      // Should never happen. Local nodes can't be virtual.
+      throw new BookmarkConsistencyError(`Can't resolve conflicts for ` +
+                                         `virtual local node ${localNode}`);
+    }
+    if (remoteNode.isVirtual()) {
+      // The node exists remotely, but doesn't know its content, so fall back
+      // to local.
+      return BookmarkMergeState.local;
+    }
+    if (!localNode.isChanged()) {
+      // The node exists locally and remotely, and has a remote value, but is
+      // unchanged locally. Take the remote unconditionally.
+      return BookmarkMergeState.remote;
+    }
+    // At this point, we know the item changed locally and remotely. We could
+    // query the buffer and Places to determine if the content matches, as iOS
+    // does, and avoid comparing timestamps. However, that's a complicated,
+    // expensive check that requires joining `moz_bookmarks`, `moz_items_annos`,
+    // and `moz_places` to the buffer. It's also unlikely to tell us anything
+    // new, since other clients typically don't upload unchanged records. For
+    // that reason, we skip the content check and use the timestamp to decide
+    // which record is newer.
+    return localNode.newerThan(remoteNode) ?
+           BookmarkMergeState.local :
+           BookmarkMergeState.remote;
+  }
+  /**
+   * Merges a remote child node into a merged folder node.
+   *
+   * @param   {MergedBookmarkNode} mergedNode
+   *          The merged folder node.
+   * @param   {BookmarkNode} remoteParentNode
+   *          The remote folder node.
+   * @param   {BookmarkNode} remoteChildNode
+   *          The remote child node.
+   * @returns {Boolean}
+   *          `true` if the child was locally moved or deleted; `false`
+   *          otherwise.
+   */
+  async mergeRemoteChildIntoMergedNode(mergedNode, remoteParentNode,
+                                       remoteChildNode) {
+    if (this.mergedTree.allGuids.has(remoteChildNode.guid)) {
+      BookmarkBufferLog.trace("Remote child ${remoteChildNode} already " +
+                              "seen in another folder and merged",
+                              { remoteChildNode });
+      return false;
+    }
+    BookmarkBufferLog.trace("Merging remote child ${remoteChildNode} of " +
+                            "${remoteParentNode} into ${mergedNode}",
+                            { remoteChildNode, remoteParentNode,
+                              mergedNode });
+    // Make sure the remote child isn't locally deleted. If it is, we need
+    // to move all descendants that aren't also remotely deleted to the
+    // merged node. This handles the case where a user deletes a folder
+    // on this device, and adds a bookmark to the same folder on another
+    // device. We want to keep the folder deleted, but we also don't want
+    // to lose the new bookmark, so we move the bookmark to the deleted
+    // folder's parent.
+    let locallyDeleted = await this.checkForLocalDeletionOfRemoteNode(
+      mergedNode, remoteChildNode);
+    if (locallyDeleted) {
+      return true;
+    }
+    // The remote child isn't locally deleted. Does it exist in the local tree?
+    let localChildNode = this.localTree.getByGuid(remoteChildNode.guid);
+    if (!localChildNode) {
+      // Remote child doesn't exist locally, either. Try to find a content
+      // match in the containing folder, and dedupe the local item if we can.
+      BookmarkBufferLog.trace("${remoteChildNode} doesn't exist locally; " +
+                              "looking for content match", { remoteChildNode });
+      let localChildNodeByContent = await this.findLocalNodeMatchingRemoteNode(
+        mergedNode, remoteChildNode);
+      let mergedChildNode = await this.mergeNode(remoteChildNode.guid,
+                                                 localChildNodeByContent,
+                                                 remoteChildNode);
+      mergedNode.mergedChildren.push(mergedChildNode);
+      return false;
+    }
+    // Otherwise, the remote child exists in the local tree. Did it move?
+    let localParentNode = this.localTree.getParent(localChildNode.guid);
+    if (!localParentNode) {
+      // Should never happen. The local tree must be complete.
+      throw new BookmarkConsistencyError(`Local tree missing parent ` +
+                                         `for ${localChildNode}`);
+    }
+    if (localParentNode.guid == mergedNode.guid) {
+      // Remote child didn't move locally, so merge now.
+      BookmarkBufferLog.trace("${localChildNode} not moved from " +
+                              "${localParentNode}", { localChildNode,
+                                                      localParentNode });
+      let mergedChildNode = await this.mergeNode(remoteChildNode.guid,
+                                                 localChildNode,
+                                                 remoteChildNode);
+      mergedNode.mergedChildren.push(mergedChildNode);
+      return false;
+    }
+    BookmarkBufferLog.trace("${remoteChildNode} exists locally in " +
+                            "${localParentNode} and remotely in " +
+                            "${remoteParentNode}", { remoteChildNode,
+                                                     localParentNode,
+                                                     remoteParentNode });
+    // Remote child was moved into different folders locally and remotely. Use
+    // the modification times to decide where to keep the child.
+    let latestLocalAge = Math.min(localChildNode.age,
+                                  localParentNode.age);
+    let latestRemoteAge = Math.min(remoteChildNode.age,
+                                   remoteParentNode.age);
+    if (latestLocalAge < latestRemoteAge) {
+      // Local move is younger, so we ignore the remote move. We'll
+      // merge the child later, when we walk its new local parent.
+      BookmarkBufferLog.trace("Ignoring remote move for " +
+                              "${remoteChildNode} to ${remoteParentNode}; " +
+                              "local move to ${localParentNode} is newer",
+                              { remoteChildNode, remoteParentNode,
+                                localParentNode });
+      return true;
+    }
+    // Otherwise, the remote move is younger, so we ignore the local move
+    // and merge the child now.
+    BookmarkBufferLog.trace("Taking remote move for ${remoteChildNode} " +
+                            "to ${remoteParentNode}; local move to " +
+                            "${localParentNode} is older",
+                            { remoteChildNode, remoteParentNode,
+                              localParentNode });
+    let mergedChildNode = await this.mergeNode(remoteChildNode.guid,
+                                               localChildNode,
+                                               remoteChildNode);
+    mergedNode.mergedChildren.push(mergedChildNode);
+    return false;
+  }
+  /**
+   * Merges a local child node into a merged folder node.
+   *
+   * @param   {MergedBookmarkNode} mergedNode
+   *          The merged folder node.
+   * @param   {BookmarkNode} localParentNode
+   *          The local folder node.
+   * @param   {BookmarkNode} localChildNode
+   *          The local child node.
+   * @returns {Boolean}
+   *          `true` if the child doesn't exist remotely or was locally moved;
+   *          `false` otherwise.
+   */
+  async mergeLocalChildIntoMergedNode(mergedNode, localParentNode, localChildNode) {
+    if (this.mergedTree.allGuids.has(localChildNode.guid)) {
+      // We already merged the child when we walked another folder.
+      BookmarkBufferLog.trace("Local child ${localChildNode} already " +
+                              "seen in another folder and merged",
+                              { localChildNode });
+      return false;
+    }
+    BookmarkBufferLog.trace("Merging local child ${localChildNode} into " +
+                            "${mergedNode}", { localChildNode, mergedNode });
+    // Now, we know we haven't seen the local child before, and it's not in
+    // this folder on the server. Check if the child is remotely deleted.
+    // If so, we need to move any new local descendants to the merged node,
+    // just as we did for new remote descendants of locally deleted parents.
+    let remotelyDeleted = await this.checkForRemoteDeletionOfLocalNode(
+      mergedNode, localChildNode);
+    if (remotelyDeleted) {
+      return false;
+    }
+    // At this point, we know the local child isn't deleted. See if it
+    // exists in the remote tree.
+    let remoteChildNode = this.remoteTree.getByGuid(localChildNode.guid);
+    if (!remoteChildNode) {
+      // The local child doesn't exist remotely, but we still need to walk
+      // its children.
+      let mergedChildNode = await this.mergeNode(localChildNode.guid,
+                                                 localChildNode,
+                                                 null);
+      mergedNode.mergedChildren.push(mergedChildNode);
+      return true;
+    }
+    // The local child exists remotely. It must have moved; otherwise, we
+    // would have seen it when we walked the remote children.
+    let remoteParentNode = this.remoteTree.getParent(remoteChildNode.guid);
+    if (!remoteParentNode) {
+      // If the new remote parent is a virtual folder, the child must be
+      // an orphan. Merge now.
+      let mergedChildNode = await this.mergeNode(localChildNode.guid,
+                                                 localChildNode,
+                                                 remoteChildNode);
+      mergedNode.mergedChildren.push(mergedChildNode);
+      return true;
+    }
+    if (remoteParentNode.guid == mergedNode.guid) {
+      // Should never happen. If the local child didn't move, we would
+      // have seen it when we walked the remote children.
+      throw new BookmarkConsistencyError(`Remote node ${remoteChildNode} ` +
+                                         `didn't move from ` +
+                                         remoteParentNode);
+    }
+    let latestLocalAge = Math.min(localChildNode.age, localParentNode.age);
+    let latestRemoteAge = Math.min(remoteChildNode.age, remoteParentNode.age);
+    if (latestRemoteAge < latestLocalAge) {
+      // Remote move is younger.
+      return false;
+    }
+    BookmarkBufferLog.trace("Local move for ${localChildNode} is " +
+                            "younger; ignoring remote move",
+                            { localChildNode });
+    let mergedChildNode = await this.mergeNode(localChildNode.guid,
+                                               localChildNode,
+                                               remoteChildNode);
+    mergedNode.mergedChildren.push(mergedChildNode);
+    return true;
+  }
+  /**
+   * Recursively merges the children of a local folder node and a matching
+   * remote folder node.
+   *
+   * @param {MergedBookmarkNode} mergedNode
+   *        The merged folder state. This method mutates the merged node to
+   *        append merged children, and change the node's merge state to
+   *        "new" if needed.
+   * @param {BookmarkNode?} localNode
+   *        The local folder node. May be `null` if the folder only exists
+   *        remotely.
+   * @param {BookmarkNode?} remoteNode
+   *        The remote folder node. May be `null` if the folder only exists
+   *        locally.
+   */
+  async mergeChildListsIntoMergedNode(mergedNode, localNode, remoteNode) {
+    let seenInRemoteFolder = new Set();
+    let mergeStateChanged = false;
+    BookmarkBufferLog.trace("Merging remote children for folders " +
+                            "${localNode} and ${remoteNode} into ${mergedNode}",
+                            { localNode, remoteNode, mergedNode });
+    // Walk and merge remote children first.
+    if (remoteNode) {
+      for (let remoteChildNode of remoteNode.children) {
+        seenInRemoteFolder.add(remoteChildNode.guid);
+        let remoteChildrenChanged = await this.mergeRemoteChildIntoMergedNode(
+          mergedNode, remoteNode, remoteChildNode);
+        if (remoteChildrenChanged) {
+          mergeStateChanged = true;
+        }
+      }
+    }
+    BookmarkBufferLog.trace("Merging local children for folders " +
+                            "${localNode} and ${remoteNode} into ${mergedNode}",
+                            { localNode, remoteNode, mergedNode });
+    // Now walk and merge any local children that we haven't already merged.
+    if (localNode) {
+      for (let localChildNode of localNode.children) {
+        if (seenInRemoteFolder.has(localChildNode.guid)) {
+          // We already merged the child when we walked the remote children of
+          // this folder.
+          continue;
+        }
+        let remoteChildrenChanged = await this.mergeLocalChildIntoMergedNode(
+          mergedNode, localNode, localChildNode);
+        if (remoteChildrenChanged) {
+          mergeStateChanged = true;
+        }
+      }
+    }
+    let childrenReordered = mergedNode.orderChildren();
+    if (childrenReordered) {
+      mergeStateChanged = true;
+    }
+    // Update the merge state if we moved children orphaned on one side by a
+    // deletion on the other side, if we kept newer locally moved children,
+    // or if the child order changed. We already updated the merge state of the
+    // orphans, but we also need to flag the containing folder so that it's
+    // reuploaded to the server along with the new children.
+    if (mergeStateChanged) {
+      let newNode = mergedNode.toBookmarkNode();
+      mergedNode.mergeState = BookmarkMergeState.new(newNode);
+    }
+  }
+  /**
+   * Walks a locally deleted remote node's children, reparenting any children
+   * that aren't also deleted remotely to the merged node. Returns `true` if
+   * `remoteNode` is deleted locally; `false` if `remoteNode` is not deleted or
+   * doesn't exist locally.
+   *
+   * This is the inverse of `checkForRemoteDeletionOfLocalNode`.
+   */
+  async checkForLocalDeletionOfRemoteNode(mergedNode, remoteNode) {
+    if (!this.localTree.isDeleted(remoteNode.guid)) {
+      return false;
+    }
+    BookmarkBufferLog.trace("${remoteNode} deleted locally", { remoteNode });
+    this.mergedTree.deleteRemotely.add(remoteNode.guid);
+    let mergedOrphanNodes = await this.processRemoteOrphansForNode(mergedNode,
+                                                                   remoteNode);
+    this.relocateOrphansTo(mergedNode, mergedOrphanNodes);
+    return true;
+  }
+  /**
+   * Walks a remotely deleted local node's children, reparenting any children
+   * that aren't also deleted locally to the merged node. Returns `true` if
+   * `localNode` is deleted remotely; `false` if `localNode` is not deleted or
+   * doesn't exist locally.
+   *
+   * This is the inverse of `checkForLocalDeletionOfRemoteNode`.
+   */
+  async checkForRemoteDeletionOfLocalNode(mergedNode, localNode) {
+    if (!this.remoteTree.isDeleted(localNode.guid)) {
+      return false;
+    }
+    BookmarkBufferLog.trace("${localNode} deleted remotely", { localNode });
+    this.mergedTree.deleteLocally.add(localNode.guid);
+    let mergedOrphanNodes = await this.processLocalOrphansForNode(mergedNode,
+                                                                  localNode);
+    this.relocateOrphansTo(mergedNode, mergedOrphanNodes);
+    return true;
+  }
+  /**
+   * Recursively merges all remote children of a locally deleted folder that
+   * haven't also been deleted remotely. This can happen if the user adds a
+   * bookmark to a folder on another device, and deletes that folder locally.
+   * This is the inverse of `processLocalOrphansForNode`.
+   */
+  async processRemoteOrphansForNode(mergedNode, remoteNode) {
+    let remoteOrphanNodes = [];
+    for (let remoteChildNode of remoteNode.children) {
+      let locallyDeleted = await this.checkForLocalDeletionOfRemoteNode(
+        mergedNode, remoteChildNode);
+      if (locallyDeleted) {
+        // The remote child doesn't exist locally, or is also deleted locally,
+        // so we can safely delete its parent.
+        continue;
+      }
+      remoteOrphanNodes.push(remoteChildNode);
+    }
+    let mergedOrphanNodes = [];
+    for (let remoteOrphanNode of remoteOrphanNodes) {
+      let localOrphanNode = this.localTree.getByGuid(remoteOrphanNode.guid);
+      let mergedOrphanNode = await this.mergeNode(remoteOrphanNode.guid,
+                                                  localOrphanNode,
+                                                  remoteOrphanNode);
+      mergedOrphanNodes.push(mergedOrphanNode);
+    }
+    return mergedOrphanNodes;
+  }
+  /**
+   * Recursively merges all local children of a remotely deleted folder that
+   * haven't also been deleted locally. This is the inverse of
+   * `processRemoteOrphansForNode`.
+   */
+  async processLocalOrphansForNode(mergedNode, localNode) {
+    if (!localNode.isFolder()) {
+      // The local node isn't a folder, so it won't have orphans.
+      return [];
+    }
+    let localOrphanNodes = [];
+    for (let localChildNode of localNode.children) {
+      let remotelyDeleted = await this.checkForRemoteDeletionOfLocalNode(mergedNode, localChildNode);
+      if (remotelyDeleted) {
+        // The local child doesn't exist or is also deleted on the server, so we
+        // can safely delete its parent without orphaning any local children.
+        continue;
+      }
+      localOrphanNodes.push(localChildNode);
+    }
+    let mergedOrphanNodes = [];
+    for (let localOrphanNode of localOrphanNodes) {
+      let remoteOrphanNode = this.remoteTree.getByGuid(localOrphanNode.guid);
+      let mergedNode = await this.mergeNode(localOrphanNode.guid, localOrphanNode, remoteOrphanNode);
+      mergedOrphanNodes.push(mergedNode);
+    }
+    return mergedOrphanNodes;
+  }
+  /**
+   * Moves a list of merged orphan nodes to the closest surviving ancestor.
+   * Changes the merge state of the moved orphans to "new", so that we
+   * reupload them along with their new parent on the next sync.
+   *
+   * @param {MergedBookmarkNode} mergedNode
+   * @param {Array[MergedBookmarkNode]} mergedOrphanNodes
+   */
+  relocateOrphansTo(mergedNode, mergedOrphanNodes) {
+    for (let mergedOrphanNode of mergedOrphanNodes) {
+      let newNode = mergedOrphanNode.toBookmarkNode();
+      mergedOrphanNode.mergeState = BookmarkMergeState.new(newNode);
+      mergedNode.mergedChildren.push(mergedOrphanNode);
+    }
+  }
+  /**
+   * Finds a local node with a different GUID that matches the content of a
+   * remote node. This is used to dedupe local items that haven't been uploaded
+   * to remote items that don't exist locally.
+   *
+   * @param   {MergedBookmarkNode} mergedNode
+   *          The merged folder node.
+   * @param   {BookmarkNode} remoteChildNode
+   *          The remote child node.
+   * @returns {BookmarkNode?}
+   *          A matching local child node, or `null` if there are no matching
+   *          local items.
+   */
+  async findLocalNodeMatchingRemoteNode(mergedNode, remoteChildNode) {
+    let localParentNode = mergedNode.localNode;
+    if (!localParentNode) {
+      BookmarkBufferLog.trace("Merged node ${mergedNode} doesn't exist " +
+                              "locally; no potential dupes for " +
+                              "${remoteChildNode}", { mergedNode,
+                                                      remoteChildNode });
+      return null;
+    }
+    if (remoteChildNode.isVirtual()) {
+      return null;
+    }
+    let localCandidateNodes = [];
+    for (let localCandidate of localParentNode.children) {
+      if (this.mergedTree.allGuids.has(localCandidate.guid)) {
+        BookmarkBufferLog.trace("Not deduping ${localCandidate}; already " +
+                                "seen in another folder", { localCandidate });
+        continue;
+      }
+      if (!localCandidate.canDupe()) {
+        BookmarkBufferLog.trace("Not deduping ${localCandidate}; already " +
+                                "uploaded", { localCandidate });
+        continue;
+      }
+      let remoteCandidate = this.remoteTree.getByGuid(localCandidate.guid);
+      if (remoteCandidate) {
+        BookmarkBufferLog.trace("Not deduping ${localCandidate}; already " +
+                                "exists remotely", { localCandidate });
+        continue;
+      }
+      if (this.remoteTree.isDeleted(localCandidate.guid)) {
+        BookmarkBufferLog.trace("Not deduping ${localCandidate}; deleted on " +
+                                "server", { localCandidate });
+        continue;
+      }
+      let location = this.localTree.getLocation(localCandidate.guid);
+      let candidate = { location, node: localCandidate };
+      localCandidateNodes.push(candidate);
+    }
+    if (!localCandidateNodes.length) {
+      BookmarkBufferLog.trace("No potential dupes for ${remoteChildNode} in " +
+                              "${localParentNode}", { remoteChildNode,
+                                                      localParentNode });
+      return null;
+    }
+    BookmarkBufferLog.trace("Found potential dupes for ${remoteChildNode} in " +
+                            "${localParentNode}: ${localCandidateNodes}",
+                            { remoteChildNode, localParentNode,
+                              localCandidateNodes });
+    let remoteLocation = this.remoteTree.getLocation(remoteChildNode.guid);
+    let remoteContent = await this.storage.fetchRemoteContent(
+      remoteChildNode.guid);
+    let dupeGuid = await this.storage.findLocalDupeGuid(localCandidateNodes,
+                                                        remoteLocation,
+                                                        remoteContent);
+    if (!dupeGuid) {
+      BookmarkBufferLog.trace("No matching dupes for ${remoteChildNode} in " +
+                              "${localParentNode}", { remoteChildNode,
+                                                      localParentNode });
+      return null;
+    }
+    let newLocalNode = this.localTree.getByGuid(dupeGuid);
+    if (!newLocalNode) {
+      // Should never happen. `findLocalDupeGuid` returns existing nodes.
+      throw new BookmarkConsistencyError(`Local dupe ${dupeGuid} doesn't ` +
+                                         `exist in local tree`);
+    }
+    BookmarkBufferLog.trace("Deduping ${newLocalNode} to ${remoteChildNode}",
+                            { newLocalNode, remoteChildNode });
+    return newLocalNode;
+  }
+class BookmarkContent {
+  constructor(kind, dateAdded, title, url, keyword, description, loadInSidebar,
+              smartBookmarkName, tagFolderName, feedURL, siteURL) {
+    this.kind = kind;
+    this.dateAdded = dateAdded > 0 ? new Date(dateAdded) : new Date();
+    this.title = title;
+    this.url = url ? new URL(url) : null;
+    this.keyword = keyword;
+    this.description = description;
+    this.loadInSidebar = loadInSidebar;
+    this.smartBookmarkName = smartBookmarkName;
+    this.tagFolderName = tagFolderName;
+    this.feedURL = feedURL;
+    this.siteURL = siteURL;
+  }
+  static fromRow(row) {
+    let kind = row.getResultByName("kind");
+    let dateAdded = row.getResultByName("dateAdded");
+    let title = row.getResultByName("title");
+    let url = row.getResultByName("url");
+    let keyword = row.getResultByName("keyword");
+    let description = row.getResultByName("description");
+    let loadInSidebar = row.getResultByName("loadInSidebar");
+    let smartBookmarkName = row.getResultByName("smartBookmarkName");
+    let tagFolderName = row.getResultByName("tagFolderName");
+    let feedURL = row.getResultByName("feedURL");
+    let siteURL = row.getResultByName("siteURL");
+    return new BookmarkContent(kind, dateAdded, title, url, keyword,
+                               description, loadInSidebar, smartBookmarkName,
+                               tagFolderName, feedURL, siteURL);
+  }
+  getTagQueryParams() {
+    if (this.kind != KIND_QUERY || !this.tagFolderName || !this.url) {
+      return null;
+    }
+    if (this.url.protocol != "place:") {
+      return null;
+    }
+    let params = new URLSearchParams(this.url.pathname);
+    let type = +params.get("type");
+    if (type != Ci.nsINavHistoryQueryOptions.RESULTS_AS_TAG_CONTENTS) {
+      return null;
+    }
+    return params;
+  }
+  getPlacesType() {
+    switch (this.kind) {
+      case KIND_BOOKMARK:
+      case KIND_QUERY:
+        return PlacesUtils.bookmarks.TYPE_BOOKMARK;
+      case KIND_FOLDER:
+      case KIND_LIVEMARK:
+        return PlacesUtils.bookmarks.TYPE_FOLDER;
+      case KIND_SEPARATOR:
+        return PlacesUtils.bookmarks.TYPE_SEPARATOR;
+    }
+    throw new TypeError(`Unknown bookmark kind: ${this.kind}`);
+  }
+  // Notes the description, load in sidebar, smart bookmark name, livemark feed
+  // URL, and site URL to set on the item. Not all annotations apply to all
+  // types, but we validated this when we inserted the item into the buffer.
+  getAnnoInfos() {
+    return [{
+      name: PlacesSyncUtils.bookmarks.DESCRIPTION_ANNO,
+      type: PlacesUtils.annotations.TYPE_STRING,
+      value: this.description,
+    }, {
+      name: PlacesSyncUtils.bookmarks.SIDEBAR_ANNO,
+      type: PlacesUtils.annotations.TYPE_INT32,
+      value: this.loadInSidebar,
+    }, {
+      name: PlacesSyncUtils.bookmarks.SMART_BOOKMARKS_ANNO,
+      type: PlacesUtils.annotations.TYPE_STRING,
+      value: this.smartBookmarkName,
+    }, {
+      name: PlacesUtils.LMANNO_FEEDURI,
+      type: PlacesUtils.annotations.TYPE_STRING,
+      value: this.feedURL,
+    }, {
+      name: PlacesUtils.LMANNO_SITEURI,
+      type: PlacesUtils.annotations.TYPE_STRING,
+      value: this.siteURL,
+    }];
+  }
+  toJSON() {
+    // TODO(kitcambridge): More specific representations for each kind.
+    return {
+      kind: this.kind,
+      title: this.title,
+      tagFolderName: this.tagFolderName,
+      url: this.url ? this.url.href : null,
+      description: this.description,
+      loadInSidebar: this.loadInSidebar,
+      smartBookmarkName: this.smartBookmarkName,
+      feedURL: this.feedURL,
+      siteURL: this.siteURL,
+      dateAdded: this.dateAdded,
+    };
+  }
+class BookmarkStorage {
+  constructor(db) {
+    this.db = db;
+  }
+  /**
+   * Builds a fully rooted, consistent tree from the items and tombstones in
+   * Places. We include non-syncable items because they might already exist on
+   * the server, even though we'll never reupload them.
+   */
+  async fetchLocalTree() {
+    let localTree = BookmarkTree.rooted();
+    // This unsightly query collects all descendants and maps their Places types
+    // to the Sync record kinds. We start with the roots, and work our way down.
+    let nodeRows = await this.db.execute(`
+      syncedItems(id, level) AS (
+        SELECT b.id, 0 AS level FROM moz_bookmarks b
+        WHERE b.guid = :rootGuid
+        UNION ALL
+        SELECT b.id, s.level + 1 AS level FROM moz_bookmarks b
+        JOIN syncedItems s ON s.id = b.parent
+      )
+      SELECT b.id, b.guid, p.guid AS parentGuid, (CASE b.type
+        /* Map Places item types to Sync record kinds. */
+        WHEN :bookmarkType THEN (
+          CASE WHEN EXISTS(
+            /* Queries are bookmarks with a smart bookmark annotation. */
+            SELECT 1 FROM moz_items_annos a
+            JOIN moz_anno_attributes n ON n.id = a.anno_attribute_id
+            WHERE a.item_id = b.id AND
+                  n.name = :smartBookmarkAnno
+          )
+          THEN :queryKind
+          ELSE :bookmarkKind
+          END
+        )
+        WHEN :folderType THEN (
+          CASE WHEN EXISTS(
+            /* Livemarks are folders with a site URL annotation. */
+            SELECT 1 FROM moz_items_annos a
+            JOIN moz_anno_attributes n ON n.id = a.anno_attribute_id
+            WHERE a.item_id = b.id AND
+                  n.name = :livemarkAnno
+          )
+          THEN :livemarkKind
+          ELSE :folderKind
+          END
+        )
+        WHEN :separatorType THEN :separatorKind
+        ELSE :virtualItemKind
+        END
+      ) AS kind, b.lastModified, b.syncChangeCounter, b.syncStatus, (
+        SELECT a.content FROM moz_items_annos a
+        JOIN moz_anno_attributes n ON n.id = a.anno_attribute_id
+        WHERE a.item_id = b.id AND
+              n.name = :orphanAnno) AS expectedParentGuid
+      FROM moz_bookmarks b
+      JOIN moz_bookmarks p ON p.id = b.parent
+      JOIN syncedItems s ON s.id = b.id
+      ORDER BY s.level, b.parent, b.position`,
+      { rootGuid: PlacesUtils.bookmarks.rootGuid,
+        bookmarkType: PlacesUtils.bookmarks.TYPE_BOOKMARK,
+        smartBookmarkAnno: PlacesSyncUtils.bookmarks.SMART_BOOKMARKS_ANNO,
+        queryKind: KIND_QUERY,
+        bookmarkKind: KIND_BOOKMARK,
+        folderType: PlacesUtils.bookmarks.TYPE_FOLDER,
+        livemarkAnno: PlacesUtils.LMANNO_FEEDURI,
+        livemarkKind: KIND_LIVEMARK,
+        folderKind: KIND_FOLDER,
+        separatorType: PlacesUtils.bookmarks.TYPE_SEPARATOR,
+        separatorKind: KIND_SEPARATOR,
+        virtualItemKind: KIND_VIRTUAL_ITEM,
+        orphanAnno: PlacesSyncUtils.bookmarks.SYNC_PARENT_ANNO });
+    for (let row of nodeRows) {
+      let parentGuid = row.getResultByName("parentGuid");
+      let node = BookmarkNode.fromLocalRow(row);
+      localTree.insert(parentGuid, node);
+      let expectedParentGuid = row.getResultByName("expectedParentGuid");
+      if (expectedParentGuid) {
+        // TODO(kitcambridge): Handle orphans when merging, then remove annos
+        // from merged orphans when applying.
+        localTree.noteOrphan(node.guid, expectedParentGuid);
+      }
+    }
+    // Note tombstones for locally deleted items.
+    let tombstoneRows = await this.db.execute(`
+      SELECT guid FROM moz_bookmarks_deleted`);
+    for (let row of tombstoneRows) {
+      let guid = row.getResultByName("guid");
+      localTree.noteDeleted(guid);
+    }
+    return localTree;
+  }
+  /**
+   * Builds a tree from the items in the incoming buffer. We start at the tops,
+   * which exist in `value` but not `structure`, and work our way down. Parents
+   * precede children, and children are ordered by their positions relative to
+   * their siblings. It's expected that the buffer doesn't contain a fully
+   * rooted tree.
+   *
+   * All rows in `structure` should have corresponding rows in `value`, but rows
+   * in `value` might not exist in `structure`. It's easier to explain with some
+   * examples:
+   *
+   * - Reordering the children in a folder A uploads A, but not its parent or
+   *   children. A appears in `value` only, and A's children appear in
+   *   `structure` only.
+   * - Moving an item B from folder C to folder D uploads B, C, and D, but not
+   *   C's parent, D's parent, or any of B's siblings. B, C and D appear in
+   *   `value`. C and D's children, including B, appear in `value` and
+   *   `structure`.
+   * - Renaming a non-folder item E only uploads E, not its parent. E appears
+   *   in `value` only.
+   * - Renaming a folder G only uploads G. G appears in `value` only. However,
+   *   since folders also carry their children, G's children appear in
+   *   `structure` only.
+   *
+   * We represent roots and missing parents as virtual folders, and missing
+   * children of known folders as virtual items. During merging, we use the
+   * local tree to supply the missing content. If the node doesn't exist
+   * locally, either, the item is likely an orphan created by a partial upload.
+   */
+  async fetchRemoteTree() {
+    // Check the buffer to make sure we can build a tree.
+    await this.validateBuffer();
+    let remoteTree = new BookmarkTree();
+    let rootRows = await this.db.execute(`
+      WITH
+      localStructure(guid, parentGuid) AS (
+        SELECT b.guid, p.guid
+        FROM moz_bookmarks b
+        JOIN moz_bookmarks p ON p.id = b.parent
+        UNION ALL
+        SELECT guid, parentGuid
+        FROM moz_bookmarks_deleted
+      ),
+      tops(guid, parentGuid) AS (
+        /* Remote tops don't have structure. They might represent value-only
+           changes, in which case they exist locally, or partial uploads. For
+           partial uploads, we fall back to the top's expected parent, and
+           "unfiled" if the expected parent doesn't exist locally, either. */
+        SELECT v.guid, COALESCE(lt.parentGuid, lep.guid, :unfiledGuid)
+        FROM value v
+        LEFT JOIN structure s ON s.guid = v.guid
+        LEFT JOIN localStructure lt ON lt.guid = v.guid
+        LEFT JOIN localStructure lep ON lep.guid = v.expectedParentGuid
+        WHERE s.guid IS NULL
+      )
+      /* Exclude parents with remote structure, since they're not tops:
+         we'll see them when we walk remote children. */
+      SELECT t.guid AS guid, t.parentGuid AS parentGuid
+      FROM tops t
+      LEFT JOIN structure s ON s.guid = t.parentGuid
+      WHERE s.guid IS NULL`,
+      { unfiledGuid: PlacesUtils.bookmarks.unfiledGuid });
+    for (let row of rootRows) {
+      let guid = row.getResultByName("guid");
+      let parentGuid = row.getResultByName("parentGuid");
+      BookmarkBufferLog.trace("Remote top ${guid} has parent ${parentGuid}",
+                              { guid, parentGuid });
+      if (!remoteTree.has(parentGuid)) {
+        let virtualParentNode = BookmarkNode.virtualFolder(parentGuid);
+        remoteTree.insertRoot(virtualParentNode);
+      }
+      await this.insertNodeIntoRemoteTree(remoteTree, parentGuid, guid);
+    }
+    // Note tombstones for remotely deleted items.
+    let tombstoneRows = await this.db.execute(`
+      SELECT guid FROM tombstones`);
+    for (let row of tombstoneRows) {
+      let guid = row.getResultByName("guid");
+      remoteTree.noteDeleted(guid);
+    }
+    return remoteTree;
+  }
+  async insertNodeIntoRemoteTree(remoteTree, parentGuid, guid) {
+    let nodeRows = await this.db.executeCached(`
+      SELECT guid, age, kind FROM value
+      WHERE guid = :guid`,
+      { guid });
+    if (nodeRows.length) {
+      // The node has content info. Insert it into the remote tree, and
+      // recursively walk its children if it's a folder.
+      let node = BookmarkNode.fromRemoteRow(nodeRows[0]);
+      remoteTree.insert(parentGuid, node);
+      if (node.isFolder()) {
+        let childRows = await this.fetchRemoteChildRows(node.guid);
+        for (let row of childRows) {
+          let childGuid = row.getResultByName("guid");
+          await this.insertNodeIntoRemoteTree(remoteTree, node.guid, childGuid);
+        }
+      }
+      return;
+    }
+    // No content info, so either a virtual folder or virtual item.
+    let childRows = await this.fetchRemoteChildRows(guid);
+    if (childRows.length) {
+      // The node has children, so insert a virtual folder and walk the
+      // children.
+      let virtualFolderNode = BookmarkNode.virtualFolder(guid);
+      remoteTree.insert(parentGuid, virtualFolderNode);
+      for (let row of childRows) {
+        let childGuid = row.getResultByName("guid");
+        await this.insertNodeIntoRemoteTree(remoteTree, virtualFolderNode.guid,
+                                            childGuid);
+      }
+      return;
+    }
+    // No children, either, so it's a generic virtual item. It might still be
+    // a folder locally; we just don't know anything about it remotely.
+    let virtualItemNode = BookmarkNode.virtualItem(guid);
+    remoteTree.insert(parentGuid, virtualItemNode);
+  }
+  async fetchRemoteChildRows(folderGuid) {
+    // Return children in order. `position = -1` orders children with unknown
+    // positions last.
+    let childRows = await this.db.executeCached(`
+      SELECT guid FROM structure
+      WHERE parentGuid = :folderGuid
+      ORDER BY position`,
+      { folderGuid });
+    return childRows;
+  }
+  async findLocalDupeGuid(localCandidateNodes, remoteLocation, remoteContent) {
+    for (let { location: localLocation, node } of localCandidateNodes) {
+      if (node.kind != remoteContent.kind) {
+        continue;
+      }
+      switch (node.kind) {
+        case KIND_BOOKMARK: {
+          let localRows = await this.db.executeCached(`
+            SELECT IFNULL(b.title, "") AS title, h.url
+            FROM moz_bookmarks b
+            JOIN moz_places h ON h.id = b.fk
+            WHERE b.guid = :guid AND
+                  b.type = :bookmarkType`,
+            { guid: node.guid,
+              bookmarkType: PlacesUtils.bookmarks.TYPE_BOOKMARK });
+          if (!localRows.length) {
+            // Should never happen.
+            throw new BookmarkConsistencyError(`Local candidate bookmark ` +
+                                               `${node} doesn't exist`);
+          }
+          let localRow = localRows[0];
+          let title = localRow.getResultByName("title");
+          let url = localRow.getResultByName("url");
+          if (title == remoteContent.title &&
+              url == remoteContent.url.href) {
+            return node.guid;
+          }
+          continue;
+        }
+        case KIND_QUERY: {
+          let localRows = await this.db.executeCached(`
+            SELECT a.content AS smartBookmarkName
+            FROM moz_items_annos a
+            JOIN moz_anno_attributes n ON n.id = a.anno_attribute_id
+            JOIN moz_bookmarks b ON b.id = a.item_id
+            WHERE b.guid = :guid AND
+                  b.type = :bookmarkType AND
+                  n.name = :smartBookmarkAnno`,
+            { guid: node.guid,
+              bookmarkType: PlacesUtils.bookmarks.TYPE_BOOKMARK,
+              smartBookmarkAnno: PlacesSyncUtils.bookmarks.SMART_BOOKMARKS_ANNO });
+          if (!localRows.length) {
+            // Should never happen.
+            throw new BookmarkConsistencyError(`Local candidate query ` +
+                                               `${node} doesn't exist`);
+          }
+          let localRow = localRows[0];
+          let smartBookmarkName = localRow.getResultByName("smartBookmarkName");
+          if (smartBookmarkName == remoteContent.smartBookmarkName) {
+            return node.guid;
+          }
+          continue;
+        }
+        case KIND_FOLDER:
+        case KIND_LIVEMARK: {
+          let localRows = await this.db.executeCached(`
+            SELECT IFNULL(b.title, "") AS title
+            FROM moz_bookmarks b
+            WHERE b.guid = :guid AND
+                  b.type = :folderType`,
+            { guid: node.guid,
+              folderType: PlacesUtils.bookmarks.TYPE_FOLDER });
+          if (!localRows.length) {
+            // Should never happen.
+            throw new BookmarkConsistencyError(`Local candidate folder ` +
+                                               `${node} doesn't exist`);
+          }
+          let localRow = localRows[0];
+          let title = localRow.getResultByName("title");
+          if (title == remoteContent.title) {
+            return node.guid;
+          }
+          continue;
+        }
+        case KIND_SEPARATOR:
+          if (localLocation.hasSamePosition(remoteLocation)) {
+            return node.guid;
+          }
+          continue;
+        default:
+          throw new TypeError(`Unknown candidate kind: ${node.kind}`);
+      }
+    }
+    return null;
+  }
+  async fetchRemoteContent(guid) {
+    let rows = await this.db.executeCached(`
+      SELECT kind, dateAdded, IFNULL(title, "") AS title, url, keyword,
+             description, IFNULL(loadInSidebar, 0) AS loadInSidebar,
+             smartBookmarkName, tagFolderName, feedURL, siteURL
+      FROM value
+      WHERE guid = :guid`,
+      { guid });
+    if (!rows.length) {
+      throw new BookmarkConsistencyError(`Remote item ${guid} doesn't exist`);
+    }
+    return BookmarkContent.fromRow(rows[0]);
+  }
+  async fetchLocalKeywordsForURL(url) {
+    let rows = await this.db.executeCached(`
+      SELECT k.keyword
+      FROM moz_keywords k
+      JOIN moz_places h ON h.id = k.place_id
+      WHERE h.url_hash = :urlHash AND
+            h.url = :url`,
+      { urlHash: PlacesUtils.history.hashURL(url.href),
+        url: url.href });
+    return rows;
+  }
+  async fetchLocalURLsForKeyword(keyword) {
+    let rows = await this.db.executeCached(`
+      SELECT h.url
+      FROM moz_places h
+      JOIN moz_keywords k ON k.place_id = h.id
+      WHERE k.keyword = :keyword`,
+      { keyword });
+    return rows;
+  }
+  async insertLocalKeyword(url, keyword) {
+    await this.db.executeCached(`
+      INSERT INTO moz_keywords(keyword, place_id)
+      SELECT :keyword, id FROM moz_places
+      WHERE url_hash = :urlHash AND
+            url = :url`,
+      { keyword, urlHash: PlacesUtils.history.hashURL(url.href),
+        url: url.href });
+  }
+  async removeLocalKeyword(url, keyword) {
+    // Drop the keyword.
+    await this.db.executeCached(`
+      DELETE FROM moz_keywords WHERE keyword = :keyword`,
+      { keyword });
+    // Bump the change counter for the affected URLs.
+    await this.db.executeCached(`
+      UPDATE moz_bookmarks SET
+        syncChangeCounter = syncChangeCounter + 1
+      WHERE fk = (SELECT id FROM moz_places
+                  WHERE url_hash = :urlHash AND
+                        url = :url)`,
+      { urlHash: PlacesUtils.history.hashURL(url.href),
+        url: url.href });
+  }
+  async fetchLocalTagsForURL(url) {
+    let tagRows = await this.db.executeCached(`
+      SELECT b.guid AS tagGuid, p.title AS tagName
+      FROM moz_bookmarks b
+      JOIN moz_places h ON h.id = b.fk
+      JOIN moz_bookmarks p ON p.id = b.parent
+      JOIN moz_bookmarks g ON g.id = p.parent
+      WHERE g.guid = :tagsGuid AND
+            h.url_hash = :urlHash AND
+            h.url = :url`,
+      { tagsGuid: PlacesUtils.bookmarks.tagsGuid,
+        urlHash: PlacesUtils.history.hashURL(url.href),
+        url: url.href });
+    return tagRows;
+  }
+  async fetchRemoteTagsForURL(url) {
+    let tagRows = await this.db.executeCached(`
+      SELECT t.tag AS tagName FROM tags t
+      JOIN value c ON c.id = t.itemId
+      WHERE c.url = :url`,
+      { url: url.href });
+    return tagRows;
+  }
+  async getOrCreateTagFolder(tagName) {
+    let tagFolderRows = await this.db.executeCached(`
+      SELECT b.id, b.guid FROM moz_bookmarks b
+      JOIN moz_bookmarks p ON p.id = b.parent
+      WHERE p.guid = :tagsGuid AND
+            b.title = :tagName`,
+      { tagsGuid: PlacesUtils.bookmarks.tagsGuid,
+        tagName });
+    if (tagFolderRows.length) {
+      let id = tagFolderRows[0].getResultByName("id");
+      let guid = tagFolderRows[0].getResultByName("guid");
+      return { id, guid, created: false };
+    }
+    let guid = PlacesUtils.history.makeGuid();
+    await this.insert(guid, PlacesUtils.bookmarks.tagsGuid, -1,
+                      PlacesUtils.bookmarks.TYPE_FOLDER,
+                      tagName);
+    let id = await this.fetchItemId(guid);
+    return { id, guid, created: true };
+  }
+  // Rewrites tag queries to point to the local tag folder.
+  async maybeRewriteTagQuery(content) {
+    if (!content.url) {
+      return null;
+    }
+    let tagQueryParams = content.getTagQueryParams();
+    if (!tagQueryParams) {
+      return null;
+    }
+    let tagFolderInfo = await this.getOrCreateTagFolder(content.tagFolderName);
+    tagQueryParams.set("folder", tagFolderInfo.id);
+    content.url = new URL("place:" + tagFolderInfo.id);
+    return tagFolderInfo;
+  }
+  async maybeInsertPlace(url) {
+    await this.db.executeCached(`
+      INSERT OR IGNORE INTO moz_places(url, url_hash, rev_host, hidden,
+                                       frecency, guid)
+      SELECT :url, :urlHash, :revHost, 0, (CASE SUBSTR(:url, 1, 6)
+        WHEN 'place:' THEN 0
+        ELSE -1
+        END
+      ), IFNULL((SELECT guid FROM moz_places
+                 WHERE url_hash = :urlHash AND
+                       url = :url), :guid)`,
+      { url: url.href, urlHash: PlacesUtils.history.hashURL(url.href),
+        revHost: PlacesUtils.getReversedHost(url),
+        guid: PlacesUtils.history.makeGuid() });
+  }
+  async fetchLocalPlaceId(url) {
+    let placeIdRows = await this.db.executeCached(`
+      SELECT id FROM moz_places
+      WHERE url_hash = :urlHash AND
+            url = :url`,
+      { urlHash: PlacesUtils.history.hashURL(url.href),
+        url: url.href });
+    if (!placeIdRows.length) {
+      throw new TypeError(`Can't fetch ID for nonexistent Place ${url}`);
+    }
+    return placeIdRows[0].getResultByName("id");
+  }
+  async insert(guid, parentGuid, position, type, title = null, url = null,
+               dateAdded = new Date(), syncChangeCounter = 1,
+               syncStatus = PlacesUtils.bookmarks.SYNC_STATUS.NEW) {
+    await this.db.executeCached(`
+      INSERT INTO moz_bookmarks(guid, fk, type, parent, position,
+                                title, dateAdded, lastModified,
+                                syncChangeCounter, syncStatus)
+      VALUES(:guid, (CASE WHEN :url IS NULL
+                     THEN NULL
+                     ELSE (SELECT id FROM moz_places
+                           WHERE url_hash = :urlHash AND
+                                 url = :url)
+                     END),
+             :type, (SELECT id FROM moz_bookmarks
+                     WHERE guid = :parentGuid),
+             (CASE :position
+              WHEN -1 THEN (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM moz_bookmarks b
+                            JOIN moz_bookmarks p ON p.id = b.parent
+                            WHERE p.guid = :parentGuid)
+              ELSE :position
+             END), NULLIF(:title, ""), :dateAdded, :lastModified,
+             :syncChangeCounter, :syncStatus)`,
+      { guid, urlHash: url ? PlacesUtils.history.hashURL(url.href) : null,
+        url: url ? url.href : null, type, parentGuid, position, title,
+        dateAdded: PlacesUtils.toPRTime(dateAdded),
+        lastModified: PlacesUtils.toPRTime(new Date()),
+        syncChangeCounter, syncStatus });
+  }
+  async update(guid, columnsToUpdate) {
+    let fragments = [];
+    let params = { guid };
+    for (let [name, column] of columnsToUpdate) {
+      fragments.push("fragment" in column ? column.fragment :
+                                            `${name} = :${name}`);
+      params[name] = column.value;
+    }
+    await this.db.executeCached(`
+      UPDATE moz_bookmarks SET
+        ${fragments.join(", ")}
+      WHERE guid = :guid`,
+      params);
+  }
+  async delete(guid) {
+    await this.db.executeCached(`
+      DELETE FROM moz_bookmarks
+      WHERE guid = :guid`,
+      { guid });
+  }
+  async setAnno(guid, info) {
+    await this.db.executeCached(`
+      INSERT OR IGNORE INTO moz_anno_attributes(name)
+      VALUES(:name)`,
+      { name: info.name });
+    let annoId = null;
+    let lastModified = PlacesUtils.toPRTime(new Date());
+    let dateAdded = lastModified;
+    let existingAnnoRows = await this.db.executeCached(`
+      SELECT a.id, a.dateAdded
+      FROM moz_items_annos a
+      JOIN moz_anno_attributes n ON n.id = a.anno_attribute_id
+      JOIN moz_bookmarks b ON b.id = a.item_id
+      WHERE b.guid = :guid AND
+            n.name = :name`,
+      { guid, name: info.name });
+    if (existingAnnoRows.length) {
+      annoId = existingAnnoRows[0].getResultByName("id");
+      dateAdded = existingAnnoRows[0].getResultByName("dateAdded");
+    }
+    await this.db.executeCached(`
+      INSERT OR REPLACE INTO moz_items_annos(id, item_id, anno_attribute_id,
+                                             content, flags, expiration,
+                                             type, dateAdded, lastModified)
+      VALUES(:annoId, (SELECT id FROM moz_bookmarks WHERE guid = :guid),
+             (SELECT id FROM moz_anno_attributes WHERE name = :name),
+             :value, 0, :expiration, :type, :dateAdded, :lastModified)`,
+      { annoId, guid, name: info.name, value: info.value,
+        expiration: PlacesUtils.annotations.EXPIRE_NEVER,
+        type: info.type, dateAdded, lastModified });
+  }
+  async removeAnno(guid, name) {
+    await this.db.executeCached(`
+      DELETE FROM moz_items_annos
+      WHERE anno_attribute_id = (SELECT name FROM moz_anno_attributes
+                                 WHERE name = :name) AND
+            item_id = (SELECT id FROM moz_bookmarks
+                       WHERE guid = :guid)`,
+      { name, guid });
+  }
+  // Fetches info about an item to pass to the different
+  // `nsINavBookmarkObserver` methods.
+  async fetchItemObserverRow(guid) {
+    let rows = await this.db.executeCached(`
+      SELECT b.id, b.lastModified, b.type, p.id AS parentId,
+             b.guid, p.guid AS parentGuid, b.title, h.url, b.position,
+             b.dateAdded
+      FROM moz_bookmarks b
+      JOIN moz_bookmarks p ON p.id = b.parent
+      LEFT JOIN moz_places h ON h.id = b.fk
+      WHERE b.guid = :guid`,
+      { guid });
+    if (!rows.length) {
+      throw new TypeError(`Can't fetch info for nonexistent item ${guid}`);
+    }
+    return rows[0];
+  }
+  // Fetches the ID for a GUID, throwing if the GUID doesn't exist in Places.
+  // This reimplements `PlacesUtils.promiseItemId`, which we can't use because
+  // we're calling `fetchItemId` within a transaction.
+  async fetchItemId(guid) {
+    let itemIdRows = await this.db.executeCached(`
+      SELECT id FROM moz_bookmarks
+      WHERE guid = :guid`,
+      { guid });
+    if (!itemIdRows.length) {
+      throw new TypeError(`Can't fetch ID for nonexistent item ${guid}`);
+    }
+    return itemIdRows[0].getResultByName("id");
+  }
+  async fetchItemsByURL(url) {
+    let itemRows = await this.db.executeCached(`
+      SELECT b.id, b.lastModified, b.type, p.id AS parentId,
+             b.guid, p.guid AS parentGuid
+      FROM moz_bookmarks b
+      JOIN moz_bookmarks p ON p.id = b.parent
+      JOIN moz_places h ON h.id = b.fk
+      WHERE b.type = :bookmarkType AND
+            h.url_hash = :urlHash AND
+            h.url = :url`,
+      { bookmarkType: PlacesUtils.bookmarks.TYPE_BOOKMARK,
+        urlHash: PlacesUtils.history.hashURL(url.href),
+        url: url.href });
+    return itemRows;
+  }
+  /**
+   * Ensures the buffer contents are internally correct. This check only
+   * verifies that we *stored* the records correctly, not that the records
+   * actually form a consistent tree.
+   */
+  async validateBuffer() {
+    // Each `parentGuid` in `structure` must reference a folder in `value`.
+    let missingParentsRows = await this.db.execute(`
+      SELECT COUNT(*) AS missingParentsCount
+      FROM structure s
+      LEFT JOIN value v ON v.guid = s.parentGuid
+      WHERE v.guid IS NULL`);
+    let missingParentsCount = missingParentsRows[0].getResultByName(
+      "missingParentsCount");
+    if (missingParentsCount > 0) {
+      throw new BookmarkConsistencyError(`Buffer contains ${
+        missingParentsCount} child(ren) without parent`);
+    }
+    // All parents must be folders.
+    let nonFolderParentsRows = await this.db.execute(`
+      SELECT COUNT(*) AS nonFolderParentsCount
+      FROM value c
+      JOIN structure l ON l.parentGuid = c.guid
+      WHERE c.kind <> :folderKind`,
+      { folderKind: KIND_FOLDER });
+    let nonFolderParentsCount = nonFolderParentsRows[0].getResultByName(
+      "nonFolderParentsCount");
+    if (nonFolderParentsCount > 0) {
+      throw new BookmarkConsistencyError(`Buffer contains ${
+        nonFolderParentsCount} item(s) with non-folder parent`);
+    }
+  }
+ * Records bookmark and annotation observer notifications for all changes made
+ * during the merge, then fires the notifications after the merge is done.
+ *
+ * Recording bookmark additions, changes, and deletions is fairly expensive,
+ * because we need to query Places for the old state: observer notifications
+ * require a lot of information that we don't have in memory. We could make
+ * this more efficient by fetching and storing the information when we first
+ * build the local tree, but the notification system is due for an overhaul in
+ * bug 1340498, anyway.
+ *
+ * Annotation observers don't require the extra context, so they're cheap to
+ * record and fire.
+ */
+class BookmarkObserverNotifications {
+  constructor(storage) {
+    this.storage = storage;
+    this.keywordNotifications = [];
+    this.bookmarkNotifications = [];
+    this.annoNotifications = [];
+  }
+  /**
+   * Fires all recorded observer notifications. This is fairly expensive, because
+   * we need to query Places for almost every change: observer notifications
+   * require a lot of context that we don't have in memory. Bug 1340498 covers
+   * redesigning observers to remove these limitations.
+   */
+  async notifyAll() {
+    this.notifyBookmarkObservers();
+    await this.notifyAnnoObservers();
+    await this.notifyKeywordObservers();
+  }
+  noteKeywordSet(url, keyword) {
+    this.keywordNotifications.push({ url, keyword });
+  }
+  noteKeywordRemoved(url) {
+    this.keywordNotifications.push({ url, keyword: "" });
+  }
+  async noteItemAdded(guid) {
+    let itemRow = await this.storage.fetchItemObserverRow(guid);
+    let id = itemRow.getResultByName("id");
+    let parentId = itemRow.getResultByName("parentId");
+    let position = itemRow.getResultByName("position");
+    let type = itemRow.getResultByName("type");
+    let url = itemRow.getResultByName("url");
+    let title = itemRow.getResultByName("title");
+    let dateAdded = itemRow.getResultByName("dateAdded");
+    let parentGuid = itemRow.getResultByName("parentGuid");
+    let uri = url ? Services.io.newURI(url) : null;
+    this.bookmarkNotifications.push({
+      notification: "onItemAdded",
+      args: [id, parentId, position, type, uri, title, dateAdded, guid,
+        parentGuid, PlacesUtils.bookmarks.SOURCES.SYNC],
+    });
+  }
+  async noteItemChanged(mergedGuid, localGuid, changes) {
+    if (!changes.size) {
+      return;
+    }
+    let itemRow = await this.storage.fetchItemObserverRow(localGuid);
+    for (let [property, newValue] of changes) {
+      let id = itemRow.getResultByName("id");
+      let type = itemRow.getResultByName("type");
+      let parentId = itemRow.getResultByName("parentId");
+      let parentGuid = itemRow.getResultByName("parentGuid");
+      switch (property) {
+        case "guid": {
+          let oldGuid = itemRow.getResultByName("guid");
+          let lastModified = itemRow.getResultByName("lastModified");
+          this.bookmarkNotifications.push({
+            notification: "onItemChanged",
+            args: [id, "guid", /* isAnnotationProperty */ false, newValue,
+              lastModified, type, parentId, mergedGuid, parentGuid, oldGuid,
+              PlacesUtils.bookmarks.SOURCES.SYNC],
+          });
+          break;
+        }
+        case "position": {
+          let oldPosition = itemRow.getResultByName("position");
+          this.bookmarkNotifications.push({
+            notification: "onItemMoved",
+            args: [id, parentId, oldPosition, /* newParentId */ parentId,
+              newValue, type, mergedGuid, /* oldParentGuid */ parentGuid,
+              /* newParentGuid */ parentGuid,
+              PlacesUtils.bookmarks.SOURCES.SYNC],
+          });
+          break;
+        }
+        case "parentGuid": {
+          let newParentId = await this.storage.fetchItemId(newValue);
+          let position = itemRow.getResultByName("position");
+          this.bookmarkNotifications.push({
+            notification: "onItemMoved",
+            args: [id, parentId, /* oldPosition */ position, newParentId,
+              /* newPosition */ position, type, mergedGuid,
+              /* oldParentGuid */ parentGuid, newValue,
+              PlacesUtils.bookmarks.SOURCES.SYNC],
+          });
+          break;
+        }
+        case "title": {
+          let oldTitle = itemRow.getResultByName("title");
+          let lastModified = itemRow.getResultByName("lastModified");
+          this.bookmarkNotifications.push({
+            notification: "onItemChanged",
+            args: [id, "title", /* isAnnotationProperty */ false, newValue,
+              lastModified, type, parentId, mergedGuid, parentGuid, oldTitle,
+              PlacesUtils.bookmarks.SOURCES.SYNC],
+          });
+          break;
+        }
+        case "url": {
+          let oldURL = itemRow.getResultByName("url");
+          let lastModified = itemRow.getResultByName("lastModified");
+          this.bookmarkNotifications.push({
+            notification: "onItemChanged",
+            args: [id, "uri", /* isAnnotationProperty */ false, newValue.href,
+              lastModified, type, parentId, mergedGuid, parentGuid, oldURL,
+              PlacesUtils.bookmarks.SOURCES.SYNC],
+          });
+          break;
+        }
+        default:
+          throw new TypeError(`Unknown property ${property} changed for ` +
+                              `local item ${localGuid}`);
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  async noteItemRemoved(guid) {
+    let itemRow = await this.storage.fetchItemObserverRow(guid);
+    let id = itemRow.getResultByName("id");
+    let parentId = itemRow.getResultByName("parentId");
+    let position = itemRow.getResultByName("position");
+    let type = itemRow.getResultByName("type");
+    let url = itemRow.getResultByName("url");
+    let parentGuid = itemRow.getResultByName("parentGuid");
+    let uri = url ? Services.io.newURI(url) : null;
+    this.bookmarkNotifications.push({
+      notification: "onItemRemoved",
+      args: [id, parentId, position, type, uri, guid, parentGuid,
+      PlacesUtils.bookmarks.SOURCES.SYNC],
+    });
+  }
+  noteAnnoSet(guid, name) {
+    this.annoNotifications.push({ type: "set", guid, name });
+  }
+  noteAnnoRemoved(guid, name) {
+    this.annoNotifications.push({ type: "removed", guid, name });
+  }
+  notifyBookmarkObservers() {
+    let observers = PlacesUtils.bookmarks.getObservers();
+    for (let observer of observers) {
+      this.notifyObserver(observer, "onBeginUpdateBatch");
+      for (let { notification, args } of this.bookmarkNotifications) {
+        this.notifyObserver(observer, notification, args);
+      }
+      this.notifyObserver(observer, "onEndUpdateBatch");
+    }
+  }
+  async notifyAnnoObservers() {
+    let observers = PlacesUtils.annotations.getObservers();
+    for (let observer of observers) {
+      for (let { type, guid, name } of this.annoNotifications) {
+        let id = await this.storage.fetchItemId(guid);
+        switch (type) {
+          case "set":
+            this.notifyObserver(observer, "onItemAnnotationSet", [
+              id, name, PlacesUtils.bookmarks.SOURCES.SYNC]);
+            break;
+          case "removed":
+            this.notifyObserver(observer, "onItemAnnotationRemoved", [
+              id, name, PlacesUtils.bookmarks.SOURCES.SYNC]);
+            break;
+          default:
+            throw new TypeError("Unknown annotation observer notification " +
+                                "type " + type);
+        }
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  async notifyKeywordObservers() {
+    let observers = PlacesUtils.bookmarks.getObservers();
+    for (let { url, keyword } of this.keywordNotifications) {
+      let itemRows = await this.storage.fetchItemsByURL(url);
+      for (let row of itemRows) {
+        let id = row.getResultByName("id");
+        let lastModified = row.getResultByName("lastModified");
+        let type = row.getResultByName("type");
+        let parentId = row.getResultByName("parentId");
+        let guid = row.getResultByName("guid");
+        let parentGuid = row.getResultByName("parentGuid");
+        for (let observer of observers) {
+          this.notifyObserver(observer, "onBeginUpdateBatch");
+          this.notifyObserver(observer, "onItemChanged", [id, "keyword",
+            /* isAnnotationProperty */ false, keyword, lastModified, type,
+            parentId, guid, parentGuid, /* oldValue */ url.href,
+            PlacesUtils.bookmarks.SOURCES.SYNC]);
+          this.notifyObserver(observer, "onEndUpdateBatch");
+        }
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  notifyObserver(observer, notification, args = []) {
+    try {
+      observer[notification](...args);
+    } catch (ex) {}
+  }
--- a/services/sync/modules/engines/bookmarks.js
+++ b/services/sync/modules/engines/bookmarks.js
@@ -125,17 +125,17 @@ PlacesItem.prototype = {
   toSyncBookmark() {
     let result = {
       kind: this.type,
       syncId: this.id,
       parentSyncId: this.parentid,
     let dateAdded = PlacesSyncUtils.bookmarks.ratchetTimestampBackwards(
       this.dateAdded, +this.modified * 1000);
-    if (dateAdded !== undefined) {
+    if (dateAdded > 0) {
       result.dateAdded = dateAdded;
     return result;
   // Populates the record from a Sync bookmark object returned from
   // `PlacesSyncUtils.bookmarks.fetch`.
   fromSyncBookmark(item) {
--- a/services/sync/moz.build
+++ b/services/sync/moz.build
@@ -14,16 +14,17 @@ XPCSHELL_TESTS_MANIFESTS += ['tests/unit
 EXTRA_JS_MODULES['services-sync'] += [
+    'modules/bookmark_buffer.js',
new file mode 100644
--- /dev/null
+++ b/services/sync/tests/unit/livemark.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
+<feed xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom">
+  <title>Livemark Feed</title>
+  <link href="https://example.com/"/>
+  <updated>2016-08-09T19:51:45.147Z</updated>
+  <author>
+    <name>John Doe</name>
+  </author>
+  <id>urn:uuid:e7947414-6ee0-4009-ae75-8b0ad3c6894b</id>
+  <entry>
+    <title>Some awesome article</title>
+    <link href="https://example.com/some-article"/>
+    <id>urn:uuid:d72ce019-0a56-4a0b-ac03-f66117d78141</id>
+    <updated>2016-08-09T19:57:22.178Z</updated>
+    <summary>My great article summary.</summary>
+  </entry>
new file mode 100644
--- /dev/null
+++ b/services/sync/tests/unit/test_bookmark_buffer.js
@@ -0,0 +1,1362 @@
+/* global BookmarkBuffer */
+function run_test() {
+  let bufLog = Log.repository.getLogger("Sync.Engine.Bookmarks.Buffer");
+  bufLog.level = Log.Level.All;
+  let sqliteLog = Log.repository.getLogger("Sqlite");
+  sqliteLog.level = Log.Level.All;
+  let formatter = new Log.BasicFormatter();
+  let appender = new Log.DumpAppender(formatter);
+  appender.level = Log.Level.Fatal;
+  for (let log of [bufLog, sqliteLog]) {
+    log.addAppender(appender);
+  }
+  run_next_test();
+function makeLivemarkServer() {
+  let server = new HttpServer();
+  server.registerPrefixHandler("/feed/", do_get_file("./livemark.xml"));
+  server.start(-1);
+  return {
+    server,
+    get site() {
+      let { identity } = server;
+      let host = identity.primaryHost.includes(":") ?
+        `[${identity.primaryHost}]` : identity.primaryHost;
+      return `${identity.primaryScheme}://${host}:${identity.primaryPort}`;
+    },
+    stopServer() {
+      return new Promise(resolve => server.stop(resolve));
+    },
+  };
+function shuffle(array) {
+  let results = [];
+  for (let i = 0; i < array.length; ++i) {
+    let randomIndex = Math.floor(Math.random() * (i + 1));
+    results[i] = results[randomIndex];
+    results[randomIndex] = array[i];
+  }
+  return results;
+async function openBuffer(name) {
+  let path = OS.Path.join(OS.Constants.Path.profileDir, `${name}_buf.sqlite`);
+  let buf = await BookmarkBuffer.open(1, { path });
+  return buf;
+function makeBookmark(guid, { parentSyncId, title, url, description,
+                              loadInSidebar, tags, keyword,
+                              parentTitle } = {}) {
+  let record = new Bookmark("bookmarks", guid, "bookmark");
+  record.parentid = parentSyncId;
+  record.title = title;
+  record.bmkUri = url;
+  record.description = description;
+  record.loadInSidebar = loadInSidebar;
+  record.tags = tags;
+  record.keyword = keyword;
+  record.parentName = parentTitle;
+  return record;
+function makeQuery(guid, { parentSyncId, title, url, smartBookmarkName = null,
+                           tagFolderName = null } = {}) {
+  let record = new BookmarkQuery("bookmarks", guid);
+  record.parentid = parentSyncId;
+  record.title = title;
+  record.bmkUri = url;
+  record.queryId = smartBookmarkName;
+  record.folderName = tagFolderName;
+  return record;
+function makeFolder(guid, { parentSyncId, title, description, children } = {}) {
+  let record = new BookmarkFolder("bookmarks", guid, "folder");
+  record.parentid = parentSyncId;
+  record.title = title;
+  record.description = description;
+  record.children = children;
+  return record;
+function makeLivemark(guid, { parentSyncId, title, description, feedURI = null,
+                              siteURI = null } = {}) {
+  let record = new Livemark("bookmarks", guid);
+  record.parentid = parentSyncId;
+  record.title = title;
+  record.description = description;
+  record.feedUri = feedURI;
+  record.siteUri = siteURI;
+  return record;
+function makeSeparator(guid, { parentSyncId } = {}) {
+  let record = new BookmarkSeparator("bookmarks", guid);
+  record.parentid = parentSyncId;
+  return record;
+function makeTombstone(guid) {
+  let record = new PlacesItem("bookmarks", guid);
+  record.deleted = true;
+  return record;
+// A debugging helper that dumps the contents of an array of rows.
+function dumpRows(rows) {
+  let results = [];
+  for (let row of rows) {
+    let numColumns = row.numEntries;
+    let rowValues = [];
+    for (let i = 0; i < numColumns; ++i) {
+      switch (row.getTypeOfIndex(i)) {
+        case Ci.mozIStorageValueArray.VALUE_TYPE_NULL:
+          rowValues.push("NULL");
+          break;
+        case Ci.mozIStorageValueArray.VALUE_TYPE_INTEGER:
+          rowValues.push(row.getInt64(i));
+          break;
+        case Ci.mozIStorageValueArray.VALUE_TYPE_FLOAT:
+          rowValues.push(row.getDouble(i));
+          break;
+        case Ci.mozIStorageValueArray.VALUE_TYPE_TEXT:
+          rowValues.push(JSON.stringify(row.getString(i)));
+          break;
+      }
+    }
+    results.push(rowValues.join("\t"));
+  }
+  results.push("\n");
+  dump(results.join("\n"));
+async function dumpBufferTable(buf, table) {
+  let rows = await buf.db.execute(`SELECT * FROM ${table}`);
+  do_print(`${table} contains ${rows.length} rows`);
+  dumpRows(rows);
+add_task(async function test_apply() {
+  let buf = await openBuffer("apply");
+  do_print(`Insert existing bookmark to update`);
+  let mozBmk = await PlacesUtils.bookmarks.insert({
+    guid: "mozBmk______",
+    parentGuid: PlacesUtils.bookmarks.menuGuid,
+    url: "https://mozilla.org",
+    title: "Mozilla",
+  });
+  do_print("Tag existing bookmark with tags to replace");
+  PlacesUtils.tagging.tagURI(Services.io.newURI(mozBmk.url.href),
+    ["moz", "dot", "org"]);
+  do_print("Insert new bookmark to upload");
+  let bzBmk = await PlacesUtils.bookmarks.insert({
+    guid: "bzBmk_______",
+    parentGuid: PlacesUtils.bookmarks.toolbarGuid,
+    url: "https://bugzilla.mozilla.org",
+    title: "Bugzilla",
+  });
+  do_print("Tag new bookmark");
+  PlacesUtils.tagging.tagURI(Services.io.newURI(bzBmk.url.href),
+    ["new", "tag"]);
+  do_print(`Insert bookmarks and folder into buffer`);
+  let remoteRecords = [
+    makeBookmark("fxBmk_______", {
+      title: "Get Firefox",
+      url: "http://getfirefox.com",
+      parentSyncId: "toolbar",
+      tags: ["taggy", "browsers"],
+    }),
+    makeFolder("tFolder_____", {
+      title: "Folder",
+      children: ["tbBmk_______"],
+      parentSyncId: "toolbar",
+    }),
+    makeBookmark("tbBmk_______", {
+      title: "Get Thunderbird",
+      url: "http://getthunderbird.com",
+      parentSyncId: "tFolder_____",
+      keyword: "tb",
+    }),
+    makeBookmark("mozBmk______", {
+      title: "Mozilla home page",
+      url: "https://mozilla.org",
+      parentSyncId: "menu",
+      tags: ["browsers"],
+    }),
+    makeFolder("toolbar", {
+      title: "Bookmarks Toolbar",
+      children: ["fxBmk_______", "tFolder_____"],
+      parentSyncId: "places",
+    }),
+  ];
+  for (let record of shuffle(remoteRecords)) {
+    await buf.store(record);
+  }
+  do_print(`Apply buffered bookmarks to Places`);
+  await buf.apply();
+  let fxBmk = await PlacesUtils.bookmarks.fetch("fxBmk_______");
+  ok(fxBmk, "New Firefox bookmark should exist");
+  equal(fxBmk.parentGuid, PlacesUtils.bookmarks.toolbarGuid,
+    "Should add Firefox bookmark to toolbar");
+  let fxTags = PlacesUtils.tagging.getTagsForURI(
+    Utils.makeURI("http://getfirefox.com"));
+  deepEqual(fxTags.sort(), ["browsers", "taggy"],
+    "Should tag new Firefox bookmark");
+  let folder = await PlacesUtils.bookmarks.fetch("tFolder_____");
+  ok(folder, "New folder should exist");
+  equal(folder.parentGuid, PlacesUtils.bookmarks.toolbarGuid,
+    "Should add new folder to toolbar");
+  let tbBmk = await PlacesUtils.bookmarks.fetch("tbBmk_______");
+  ok(tbBmk, "Should insert Thunderbird child bookmark");
+  equal(tbBmk.parentGuid, folder.guid,
+    "Should add Thunderbird bookmark to new folder");
+  let keywordInfo = await PlacesUtils.keywords.fetch("tb");
+  equal(keywordInfo.url.href, "http://getthunderbird.com/",
+    "Should set keyword for Thunderbird bookmark");
+  let updatedBmk = await PlacesUtils.bookmarks.fetch("mozBmk______");
+  equal(updatedBmk.title, "Mozilla home page",
+    "Should rename Mozilla bookmark");
+  equal(updatedBmk.parentGuid, PlacesUtils.bookmarks.menuGuid,
+    "Should not move Mozilla bookmark");
+  await buf.finalize();
+  await PlacesUtils.bookmarks.eraseEverything();
+  await PlacesSyncUtils.bookmarks.reset();
+add_task(async function test_move() {
+  let buf = await openBuffer("move");
+  await PlacesUtils.bookmarks.insertTree({
+    guid: PlacesUtils.bookmarks.menuGuid,
+    source: PlacesUtils.bookmarks.SOURCES.SYNC,
+    children: [{
+      guid: "devFolder___",
+      type: PlacesUtils.bookmarks.TYPE_FOLDER,
+      title: "Dev",
+      children: [{
+        guid: "mdnBmk______",
+        title: "MDN",
+        url: "https://developer.mozilla.org",
+      }, {
+        type: PlacesUtils.bookmarks.TYPE_FOLDER,
+        guid: "mozFolder___",
+        title: "Mozilla",
+        children: [{
+          guid: "fxBmk_______",
+          title: "Get Firefox!",
+          url: "http://getfirefox.com/",
+        }, {
+          guid: "nightlyBmk__",
+          title: "Nightly",
+          url: "https://nightly.mozilla.org",
+        }],
+      }, {
+        guid: "wmBmk_______",
+        title: "Webmaker",
+        url: "https://webmaker.org",
+      }],
+    }, {
+      guid: "bzBmk_______",
+      title: "Bugzilla",
+      url: "https://bugzilla.mozilla.org",
+    }]
+  });
+  let remoteRecords = [
+    makeFolder("unfiled", {
+      title: "Other Bookmarks",
+      parentSyncId: "places",
+      children: ["mozFolder___"],
+    }),
+    makeFolder("toolbar", {
+      title: "Bookmarks Toolbar",
+      parentSyncId: "places",
+      children: ["devFolder___"],
+    }),
+    // Moving to toolbar.
+    makeFolder("devFolder___", {
+      title: "Dev",
+      children: ["bzBmk_______", "wmBmk_______"],
+      parentSyncId: "toolbar",
+    }),
+    // Moving to "Mozilla".
+    makeBookmark("mdnBmk______", {
+      title: "MDN",
+      url: "https://developer.mozilla.org",
+      parentSyncId: "mozFolder___",
+    }),
+    // Rearranging children and moving to unfiled.
+    makeFolder("mozFolder___", {
+      title: "Mozilla",
+      children: ["nightlyBmk__", "mdnBmk______", "fxBmk_______"],
+      parentSyncId: "unfiled",
+    }),
+    makeBookmark("fxBmk_______", {
+      title: "Get Firefox!",
+      url: "http://getfirefox.com/",
+      parentSyncId: "mozFolder___",
+    }),
+    makeBookmark("nightlyBmk__", {
+      title: "Nightly",
+      url: "https://nightly.mozilla.org",
+      parentSyncId: "mozFolder___",
+    }),
+    makeBookmark("wmBmk_______", {
+      title: "Webmaker",
+      url: "https://webmaker.org",
+      parentSyncId: "devFolder___",
+    }),
+    makeBookmark("bzBmk_______", {
+      title: "Bugzilla",
+      url: "https://bugzilla.mozilla.org",
+      parentSyncId: "devFolder___"
+    }),
+  ];
+  for (let record of shuffle(remoteRecords)) {
+    await buf.store(record);
+  }
+  do_print(`Apply buffered bookmarks to Places`);
+  await buf.apply();
+  await assertBookmarksTreeMatches("", [{
+    guid: PlacesUtils.bookmarks.menuGuid,
+    index: 0,
+  }, {
+    guid: PlacesUtils.bookmarks.toolbarGuid,
+    index: 1,
+    children: [{
+      guid: "devFolder___",
+      index: 0,
+      children: [{
+        guid: "bzBmk_______",
+        index: 0,
+      }, {
+        guid: "wmBmk_______",
+        index: 1,
+      }],
+    }],
+  }, {
+    guid: PlacesUtils.bookmarks.unfiledGuid,
+    index: 3,
+    children: [{
+      guid: "mozFolder___",
+      index: 0,
+      children: [{
+        guid: "nightlyBmk__",
+        index: 0,
+      }, {
+        guid: "mdnBmk______",
+        index: 1,
+      }, {
+        guid: "fxBmk_______",
+        index: 2,
+      }],
+    }],
+  }, {
+    guid: PlacesUtils.bookmarks.mobileGuid,
+    index: 4,
+  }], "Should move and reorder bookmarks to match remote");
+  await buf.finalize();
+  await PlacesUtils.bookmarks.eraseEverything();
+  await PlacesSyncUtils.bookmarks.reset();
+add_task(async function test_complex_orphaning() {
+  let buf = await openBuffer("complex_orphaning");
+  // On iOS, the mirror exists as a separate table. On Desktop, we have a
+  // shadow mirror of synced local bookmarks without new changes.
+  do_print("Set up mirror: ((Toolbar > A > B) (Menu > G > C > D))");
+  await PlacesUtils.bookmarks.insertTree({
+    guid: PlacesUtils.bookmarks.toolbarGuid,
+    source: PlacesUtils.bookmarks.SOURCES.SYNC,
+    children: [{
+      guid: "folderAAAAAA",
+      type: PlacesUtils.bookmarks.TYPE_FOLDER,
+      title: "A",
+      children: [{
+        guid: "folderBBBBBB",
+        type: PlacesUtils.bookmarks.TYPE_FOLDER,
+        title: "B",
+      }],
+    }],
+  });
+  await PlacesUtils.bookmarks.insertTree({
+    guid: PlacesUtils.bookmarks.menuGuid,
+    source: PlacesUtils.bookmarks.SOURCES.SYNC,
+    children: [{
+      guid: "folderGGGGGG",
+      type: PlacesUtils.bookmarks.TYPE_FOLDER,
+      title: "G",
+      children: [{
+        guid: "folderCCCCCC",
+        type: PlacesUtils.bookmarks.TYPE_FOLDER,
+        title: "C",
+        children: [{
+          guid: "folderDDDDDD",
+          type: PlacesUtils.bookmarks.TYPE_FOLDER,
+          title: "D",
+        }],
+      }],
+    }],
+  });
+  do_print("Make local changes: delete D, add B > E");
+  await PlacesUtils.bookmarks.remove("folderDDDDDD");
+  await PlacesUtils.bookmarks.insert({
+    guid: "bookmarkEEEE",
+    parentGuid: "folderBBBBBB",
+    title: "E",
+    url: "http://example.com/e",
+  });
+  do_print("Set up buffer: delete B, add D > F");
+  let remoteRecords = [
+    makeTombstone("folderBBBBBB"),
+    makeFolder("folderAAAAAA", {
+      title: "A",
+      children: [],
+      parentSyncId: "toolbar",
+    }),
+    makeFolder("folderDDDDDD", {
+      title: "D",
+      children: ["bookmarkFFFF"],
+      parentSyncId: "folderCCCCCC",
+    }),
+    makeBookmark("bookmarkFFFF", {
+      title: "F",
+      url: "http://example.com/f",
+      parentSyncId: "folderDDDDDD",
+      parentTitle: "Parent folder",
+    }),
+  ];
+  for (let record of shuffle(remoteRecords)) {
+    await buf.store(record);
+  }
+  do_print("Apply buffer");
+  await buf.apply();
+  await assertBookmarksTreeMatches("", [{
+    guid: PlacesUtils.bookmarks.menuGuid,
+    index: 0,
+    children: [{
+      guid: "folderGGGGGG",
+      index: 0,
+      children: [{
+        guid: "folderCCCCCC",
+        index: 0,
+        children: [{
+          // D was deleted, so F moved to C, the closest surviving parent.
+          guid: "bookmarkFFFF",
+          index: 0,
+        }],
+      }],
+    }],
+  }, {
+    guid: PlacesUtils.bookmarks.toolbarGuid,
+    index: 1,
+    children: [{
+      guid: "folderAAAAAA",
+      index: 0,
+      children: [{
+        // B was deleted, so E moved to A.
+        guid: "bookmarkEEEE",
+        index: 0,
+      }],
+    }],
+  }, {
+    guid: PlacesUtils.bookmarks.unfiledGuid,
+    index: 3,
+  }, {
+    guid: PlacesUtils.bookmarks.mobileGuid,
+    index: 4,
+  }], "Should move orphans to closest surviving parent");
+  await buf.finalize();
+  await PlacesUtils.bookmarks.eraseEverything();
+  await PlacesSyncUtils.bookmarks.reset();
+add_task(async function test_complex_move_with_additions() {
+  let buf = await openBuffer("complex_move_with_additions");
+  do_print("Set up mirror: Menu > A > (B C)");
+  await PlacesUtils.bookmarks.insertTree({
+    guid: PlacesUtils.bookmarks.menuGuid,
+    source: PlacesUtils.bookmarks.SOURCES.SYNC,
+    children: [{
+      guid: "folderAAAAAA",
+      type: PlacesUtils.bookmarks.TYPE_FOLDER,
+      title: "A",
+      children: [{
+        guid: "bookmarkBBBB",
+        url: "http://example.com/b",
+        title: "B",
+      }, {
+        guid: "bookmarkCCCC",
+        url: "http://example.com/c",
+        title: "C",
+      }],
+    }],
+  });
+  do_print("Make local change: Menu > A > (B C D)")
+  await PlacesUtils.bookmarks.insert({
+    guid: "folderDDDDDD",
+    parentGuid: "folderAAAAAA",
+    title: "D (local)",
+    url: "http://example.com/d",
+  });
+  do_print("Set up buffer: ((Menu > C) (Toolbar > A > (B E)))");
+  let remoteRecords = [
+    makeFolder("menu", {
+      title: "Bookmarks Menu",
+      children: ["bookmarkCCCC"],
+      parentSyncId: "places",
+    }),
+    makeFolder("toolbar", {
+      title: "Bookmarks Toolbar",
+      children: ["folderAAAAAA"],
+      parentSyncId: "places",
+    }),
+    makeFolder("folderAAAAAA", {
+      title: "A",
+      children: ["bookmarkBBBB", "bookmarkEEEE"],
+      parentSyncId: "toolbar",
+    }),
+    makeBookmark("bookmarkCCCC", {
+      title: "C",
+      url: "http://example.com/c",
+      parentSyncId: "menu",
+    }),
+    makeBookmark("bookmarkEEEE", {
+      title: "E",
+      url: "http://example.com/e",
+      parentSyncId: "folderAAAAAA",
+    }),
+  ];
+  for (let record of shuffle(remoteRecords)) {
+    await buf.store(record);
+  }
+  do_print("Apply buffer");
+  await buf.apply();
+  await assertBookmarksTreeMatches("", [{
+    guid: PlacesUtils.bookmarks.menuGuid,
+    index: 0,
+    children: [{
+      guid: "bookmarkCCCC",
+      index: 0,
+    }],
+  }, {
+    guid: PlacesUtils.bookmarks.toolbarGuid,
+    index: 1,
+    children: [{
+      // We can guarantee child order (B E D), since we always walk remote
+      // children first, and the remote folder A record is newer than the local
+      // folder. If the local folder were newer, the order would be (D B E).
+      guid: "folderAAAAAA",
+      index: 0,
+      children: [{
+        guid: "bookmarkBBBB",
+        index: 0,
+      }, {
+        guid: "bookmarkEEEE",
+        index: 1,
+      }, {
+        guid: "folderDDDDDD",
+        index: 2,
+      }],
+    }],
+  }, {
+    guid: PlacesUtils.bookmarks.unfiledGuid,
+    index: 3,
+  }, {
+    guid: PlacesUtils.bookmarks.mobileGuid,
+    index: 4,
+  }], "Should take remote order and preserve local children");
+  await buf.finalize();
+  await PlacesUtils.bookmarks.eraseEverything();
+  await PlacesSyncUtils.bookmarks.reset();
+add_task(async function test_value_only_changes() {
+  let buf = await openBuffer("value_only_changes");
+  do_print("Set up mirror");
+  await PlacesUtils.bookmarks.insertTree({
+    guid: PlacesUtils.bookmarks.menuGuid,
+    source: PlacesUtils.bookmarks.SOURCES.SYNC,
+    children: [{
+      guid: "folderAAAAAA",
+      type: PlacesUtils.bookmarks.TYPE_FOLDER,
+      title: "A",
+      children: [{
+        guid: "bookmarkBBBB",
+        url: "http://example.com/b",
+        title: "B",
+      }, {
+        guid: "bookmarkCCCC",
+        url: "http://example.com/c",
+        title: "C",
+      }, {
+        guid: "folderJJJJJJ",
+        type: PlacesUtils.bookmarks.TYPE_FOLDER,
+        title: "J",
+        children: [{
+          guid: "bookmarkKKKK",
+          url: "http://example.com/k",
+          title: "K",
+        }],
+      }, {
+        guid: "bookmarkDDDD",
+        url: "http://example.com/d",
+        title: "D",
+      }, {
+        guid: "bookmarkEEEE",
+        url: "http://example.com/e",
+        title: "E",
+      }],
+    }, {
+      guid: "folderFFFFFF",
+      type: PlacesUtils.bookmarks.TYPE_FOLDER,
+      title: "F",
+      children: [{
+        guid: "bookmarkGGGG",
+        url: "http://example.com/g",
+        title: "G",
+      }, {
+        guid: "folderHHHHHH",
+        type: PlacesUtils.bookmarks.TYPE_FOLDER,
+        title: "H",
+        children: [{
+          guid: "bookmarkIIII",
+          url: "http://example.com/i",
+          title: "I",
+        }],
+      }],
+    }],
+  });
+  do_print("Set up buffer");
+  let remoteRecords = [
+    makeBookmark("bookmarkCCCC", {
+      title: "C (remote)",
+      url: "http://example.com/c-remote",
+      parentSyncId: "folderAAAAAA",
+    }),
+    makeBookmark("bookmarkEEEE", {
+      title: "E (remote)",
+      url: "http://example.com/e-remote",
+      parentSyncId: "folderAAAAAA",
+    }),
+    makeBookmark("bookmarkIIII", {
+      title: "I (remote)",
+      url: "http://example.com/i-remote",
+      parentSyncId: "folderHHHHHH",
+    }),
+    makeFolder("folderFFFFFF", {
+      title: "F (remote)",
+      children: ["bookmarkGGGG", "folderHHHHHH"],
+      parentSyncId: "menu",
+    }),
+  ];
+  for (let record of shuffle(remoteRecords)) {
+    await buf.store(record);
+  }
+  do_print("Apply buffer");
+  await buf.apply();
+  await assertBookmarksTreeMatches("", [{
+    guid: PlacesUtils.bookmarks.menuGuid,
+    index: 0,
+    children: [{
+      guid: "folderAAAAAA",
+      index: 0,
+      children: [{
+        guid: "bookmarkBBBB",
+        index: 0,
+      }, {
+        guid: "bookmarkCCCC",
+        index: 1,
+      }, {
+        guid: "folderJJJJJJ",
+        index: 2,
+        children: [{
+          guid: "bookmarkKKKK",
+          index: 0,
+        }],
+      }, {
+        guid: "bookmarkDDDD",
+        index: 3,
+      }, {
+        guid: "bookmarkEEEE",
+        index: 4,
+      }],
+    }, {
+      guid: "folderFFFFFF",
+      index: 1,
+      children: [{
+        guid: "bookmarkGGGG",
+        index: 0,
+      }, {
+        guid: "folderHHHHHH",
+        index: 1,
+        children: [{
+          guid: "bookmarkIIII",
+          index: 0,
+        }],
+      }],
+    }],
+  }, {
+    guid: PlacesUtils.bookmarks.toolbarGuid,
+    index: 1,
+  }, {
+    guid: PlacesUtils.bookmarks.unfiledGuid,
+    index: 3,
+  }, {
+    guid: PlacesUtils.bookmarks.mobileGuid,
+    index: 4,
+  }], "Should not change structure for value-only changes");
+  await buf.finalize();
+  await PlacesUtils.bookmarks.eraseEverything();
+  await PlacesSyncUtils.bookmarks.reset();
+add_task(async function test_move_into_orphaned() {
+  let buf = await openBuffer("move_into_orphaned");
+  do_print("Set up mirror: Menu > (A B (C > (D (E > F))))");
+  await PlacesUtils.bookmarks.insertTree({
+    guid: PlacesUtils.bookmarks.menuGuid,
+    source: PlacesUtils.bookmarks.SOURCES.SYNC,
+    children: [{
+      guid: "bookmarkAAAA",
+      url: "http://example.com/a",
+      title: "A",
+    }, {
+      guid: "bookmarkBBBB",
+      url: "http://example.com/b",
+      title: "B",
+    }, {
+      guid: "folderCCCCCC",
+      type: PlacesUtils.bookmarks.TYPE_FOLDER,
+      title: "C",
+      children: [{
+        guid: "bookmarkDDDD",
+        title: "D",
+        url: "http://example.com/d",
+      }, {
+        guid: "folderEEEEEE",
+        type: PlacesUtils.bookmarks.TYPE_FOLDER,
+        title: "E",
+        children: [{
+          guid: "bookmarkFFFF",
+          title: "F",
+          url: "http://example.com/f",
+        }],
+      }],
+    }],
+  });
+  do_print("Make local changes: delete D, add E > I");
+  await PlacesUtils.bookmarks.remove("bookmarkDDDD");
+  await PlacesUtils.bookmarks.insert({
+    guid: "bookmarkIIII",
+    parentGuid: "folderEEEEEE",
+    title: "I (local)",
+    url: "http://example.com/i",
+  });
+  // G doesn't exist on the server.
+  do_print("Set up buffer: ([G] > A (C > (D H E))), (C > H)");
+  let remoteRecords = [
+    makeBookmark("bookmarkAAAA", {
+      title: "A",
+      url: "http://example.com/a",
+      parentSyncId: "folderGGGGGG",
+    }),
+    makeFolder("folderCCCCCC", {
+      title: "C",
+      children: ["bookmarkDDDD", "bookmarkHHHH", "folderEEEEEE"],
+      parentSyncId: "folderGGGGGG",
+    }),
+    makeBookmark("bookmarkHHHH", {
+      title: "H (remote)",
+      url: "http://example.com/h",
+      parentSyncId: "folderCCCCCC",
+    })
+  ];
+  for (let record of shuffle(remoteRecords)) {
+    await buf.store(record);
+  }
+  do_print("Apply buffer");
+  await buf.apply();
+  await assertBookmarksTreeMatches("", [{
+    guid: PlacesUtils.bookmarks.menuGuid,
+    index: 0,
+    children: [{
+      // A remains in its original place, since we don't use the `parentid`,
+      // and we don't have a record for G.
+      guid: "bookmarkAAAA",
+      index: 0,
+    }, {
+      guid: "bookmarkBBBB",
+      index: 1,
+    }, {
+      // C exists on the server, so we take its children and order. D was
+      // deleted locally, and doesn't exist remotely. C is also a child of
+      // G, but we don't have a record for it on the server.
+      guid: "folderCCCCCC",
+      index: 2,
+      children: [{
+        guid: "bookmarkHHHH",
+        index: 0,
+      }, {
+        guid: "folderEEEEEE",
+        index: 1,
+        children: [{
+          guid: "bookmarkFFFF",
+          index: 0,
+        }, {
+          guid: "bookmarkIIII",
+          index: 1,
+        }],
+      }],
+    }],
+  }, {
+    guid: PlacesUtils.bookmarks.toolbarGuid,
+    index: 1,
+  }, {
+    guid: PlacesUtils.bookmarks.unfiledGuid,
+    index: 3,
+  }, {
+    guid: PlacesUtils.bookmarks.mobileGuid,
+    index: 4,
+  }], "Should treat local tree as canonical if server is missing new parent");
+  await buf.finalize();
+  await PlacesUtils.bookmarks.eraseEverything();
+  await PlacesSyncUtils.bookmarks.reset();
+add_task(async function test_new_orphan_with_local_parent() {
+  let buf = await openBuffer("new_orphan_with_local_parent");
+  do_print("Set up mirror: A > (B D)");
+  await PlacesUtils.bookmarks.insertTree({
+    guid: PlacesUtils.bookmarks.menuGuid,
+    source: PlacesUtils.bookmarks.SOURCES.SYNC,
+    children: [{
+      guid: "folderAAAAAA",
+      type: PlacesUtils.bookmarks.TYPE_FOLDER,
+      title: "A",
+      children: [{
+        guid: "bookmarkBBBB",
+        url: "http://example.com/b",
+        title: "B",
+      }, {
+        guid: "bookmarkEEEE",
+        url: "http://example.com/e",
+        title: "E",
+      }],
+    }],
+  });
+  // Simulate a partial write by another device that uploaded only B and C. A
+  // exists locally, so we can move B and C into the correct folder, but not
+  // the correct positions.
+  do_print("Set up buffer with orphans: [A] > (C D)");
+  let remoteRecords = [
+    makeBookmark("bookmarkCCCC", {
+      title: "C (remote)",
+      url: "http://example.com/c-remote",
+      parentSyncId: "folderAAAAAA",
+    }),
+    makeBookmark("bookmarkDDDD", {
+      title: "D (remote)",
+      url: "http://example.com/d-remote",
+      parentSyncId: "folderAAAAAA",
+    }),
+  ];
+  for (let record of shuffle(remoteRecords)) {
+    await buf.store(record);
+  }
+  do_print("Apply buffer");
+  await buf.apply();
+  // Since we don't have a record for A, we don't know the order of the new
+  // children: either (B C D) or (B D C) are acceptable.
+  let nodeA = await PlacesUtils.promiseBookmarksTree("folderAAAAAA");
+  let childrenA = bookmarkNodesToInfos(nodeA.children);
+  let expectedChildrenA = [{
+    guid: "bookmarkBBBB",
+    index: 0,
+  }, {
+    guid: "bookmarkEEEE",
+    index: 1,
+  }];
+  if (childrenA[2].guid == "bookmarkCCCC") {
+    expectedChildrenA.push({
+      guid: "bookmarkCCCC",
+      index: 2,
+    }, {
+      guid: "bookmarkDDDD",
+      index: 3,
+    });
+  } else if (childrenA[2].guid == "bookmarkDDDD") {
+    expectedChildrenA.push({
+      guid: "bookmarkDDDD",
+      index: 2,
+    }, {
+      guid: "bookmarkCCCC",
+      index: 3,
+    });
+  } else {
+    ok(false, `Unexpected child order for known local folder A: ${
+      JSON.stringify(childrenA)}`);
+  }
+  deepEqual(childrenA, expectedChildrenA, "(B E) should precede (C D)");
+  // The partial uploader returns and uploads A.
+  do_print("Add A to buffer");
+  await buf.store(makeFolder("folderAAAAAA", {
+    title: "A",
+    children: ["bookmarkCCCC", "bookmarkDDDD", "bookmarkEEEE", "bookmarkBBBB"],
+    parentSyncId: "menu",
+  }));
+  do_print("Apply buffer with A");
+  await buf.apply();
+  await assertBookmarksTreeMatches("folderAAAAAA", [{
+    guid: "bookmarkCCCC",
+    index: 0,
+  }, {
+    guid: "bookmarkDDDD",
+    index: 1,
+  }, {
+    guid: "bookmarkEEEE",
+    index: 2,
+  }, {
+    guid: "bookmarkBBBB",
+    index: 3,
+  }], "Should update child positions once A exists in buffer");
+  await buf.finalize();
+  await PlacesUtils.bookmarks.eraseEverything();
+  await PlacesSyncUtils.bookmarks.reset();
+add_task(async function test_new_orphan_without_local_parent() {
+  let buf = await openBuffer("new_orphan_without_local_parent");
+  // A doesn't exist locally, so we move the bookmarks into "unfiled" without
+  // reuploading. When the partial uploader returns and uploads A, we'll
+  // move the bookmarks to the correct folder.
+  do_print("Set up buffer with [A] > (B C D)");
+  let remoteRecords = [
+    makeBookmark("bookmarkBBBB", {
+      title: "B (remote)",
+      url: "http://example.com/b-remote",
+      parentSyncId: "folderAAAAAA",
+    }),
+    makeBookmark("bookmarkCCCC", {
+      title: "C (remote)",
+      url: "http://example.com/c-remote",
+      parentSyncId: "folderAAAAAA",
+    }),
+    makeBookmark("bookmarkDDDD", {
+      title: "D (remote)",
+      url: "http://example.com/d-remote",
+      parentSyncId: "folderAAAAAA",
+    }),
+  ];
+  for (let record of shuffle(remoteRecords)) {
+    await buf.store(record);
+  }
+  await buf.apply();
+  let nodeUnfiled = await PlacesUtils.promiseBookmarksTree(
+    PlacesUtils.bookmarks.unfiledGuid);
+  let childrenUnfiled = bookmarkNodesToInfos(nodeUnfiled.children);
+  deepEqual(childrenUnfiled.map(info => info.guid).sort(),
+    ["bookmarkBBBB", "bookmarkCCCC", "bookmarkDDDD"]);
+  // Make sure the indices are contiguous.
+  for (let index = 0; index < childrenUnfiled.length; index++) {
+    let info = childrenUnfiled[index];
+    equal(info.index, index, `Orphan ${
+      info.guid} should have correct position`);
+  }
+  // A is an orphan because we don't have E locally, but we should move
+  // (B C D) into A.
+  do_print("Add [E] > A to buffer");
+  await buf.store(makeFolder("folderAAAAAA", {
+    title: "A",
+    children: ["bookmarkDDDD", "bookmarkCCCC", "bookmarkBBBB"],
+    parentSyncId: "folderEEEEEE",
+  }));
+  await buf.apply();
+  await assertBookmarksTreeMatches(PlacesUtils.bookmarks.unfiledGuid, [{
+    guid: "folderAAAAAA",
+    index: 0,
+    children: [{
+      guid: "bookmarkDDDD",
+      index: 0,
+    }, {
+      guid: "bookmarkCCCC",
+      index: 1,
+    }, {
+      guid: "bookmarkBBBB",
+      index: 2,
+    }],
+  }]);
+  do_print("Add E to buffer");
+  await buf.store(makeFolder("folderEEEEEE", {
+    title: "E",
+    children: ["folderAAAAAA"],
+    parentSyncId: "menu",
+  }));
+  await buf.apply();
+  await assertBookmarksTreeMatches("", [{
+    guid: PlacesUtils.bookmarks.menuGuid,
+    index: 0,
+    children: [{
+      guid: "folderEEEEEE",
+      index: 0,
+      children: [{
+        guid: "folderAAAAAA",
+        index: 0,
+        children: [{
+          guid: "bookmarkDDDD",
+          index: 0,
+        }, {
+          guid: "bookmarkCCCC",
+          index: 1,
+        }, {
+          guid: "bookmarkBBBB",
+          index: 2,
+        }],
+      }],
+    }],
+  }, {
+    guid: PlacesUtils.bookmarks.toolbarGuid,
+    index: 1,
+  }, {
+    guid: PlacesUtils.bookmarks.unfiledGuid,
+    index: 3,
+  }, {
+    guid: PlacesUtils.bookmarks.mobileGuid,
+    index: 4,
+  }], "Should form complete tree after applying E");
+  await buf.finalize();
+  await PlacesUtils.bookmarks.eraseEverything();
+  await PlacesSyncUtils.bookmarks.reset();
+add_task(async function test_duping() {
+  let buf = await openBuffer("duping");
+  do_print("Set up mirror");
+  await PlacesUtils.bookmarks.insertTree({
+    guid: PlacesUtils.bookmarks.menuGuid,
+    source: PlacesUtils.bookmarks.SOURCES.SYNC,
+    children: [{
+      // Shouldn't dupe to `folderA11111` because its sync status is "NORMAL".
+      guid: "folderAAAAAA",
+      type: PlacesUtils.bookmarks.TYPE_FOLDER,
+      title: "A",
+      children: [{
+        // Shouldn't dupe to `bookmarkG111`.
+        guid: "bookmarkGGGG",
+        url: "http://example.com/g",
+        title: "G",
+      }],
+    }],
+  });
+  do_print("Insert local dupes");
+  await PlacesUtils.bookmarks.insertTree({
+    guid: PlacesUtils.bookmarks.menuGuid,
+    children: [{
+      // Should dupe to `folderB11111`.
+      guid: "folderBBBBBB",
+      type: PlacesUtils.bookmarks.TYPE_FOLDER,
+      title: "B",
+      children: [{
+        // Should dupe to `bookmarkC222`.
+        guid: "bookmarkC111",
+        url: "http://example.com/c",
+        title: "C",
+      }, {
+        // Should dupe to `separatorF11` because the positions are the same.
+        guid: "separatorFFF",
+        type: PlacesUtils.bookmarks.TYPE_SEPARATOR,
+      }],
+    }, {
+      // Shouldn't dupe to `bookmarkC222` because the parents are different.
+      guid: "bookmarkCCCC",
+      url: "http://example.com/c",
+      title: "C",
+    }, {
+      // Shouldn't dupe to `separatorE11`, because the positions are different.
+      guid: "separatorEEE",
+      type: PlacesUtils.bookmarks.TYPE_SEPARATOR,
+    }, {
+      // Should dupe to `queryD111111`.
+      guid: "queryDDDDDDD",
+      url: "place:sort=8&maxResults=10",
+      title: "Most Visited",
+      annos: [{
+        name: PlacesSyncUtils.bookmarks.SMART_BOOKMARKS_ANNO,
+        value: "MostVisited",
+      }],
+    }],
+  });
+  // Not a candidate for `bookmarkH111` because we didn't dupe `folderAAAAAA`.
+  await PlacesUtils.bookmarks.insert({
+    parentGuid: "folderAAAAAA",
+    guid: "bookmarkHHHH",
+    url: "http://example.com/h",
+    title: "H",
+  });
+  do_print("Set up buffer");
+  let remoteRecords = [
+    makeFolder("menu", {
+      title: "Bookmarks Menu",
+      children: ["folderB11111", "folderA11111", "separatorE11", "queryD111111"],
+      parentSyncId: "places",
+    }),
+    makeFolder("folderB11111", {
+      title: "B",
+      children: ["bookmarkC222", "separatorF11"],
+      parentSyncId: "menu",
+    }),
+    makeBookmark("bookmarkC222", {
+      url: "http://example.com/c",
+      title: "C",
+      parentSyncId: "folderB11111",
+    }),
+    makeSeparator("separatorF11", {
+      parentSyncId: "folderB11111",
+    }),
+    makeFolder("folderA11111", {
+      title: "A",
+      children: ["bookmarkG111"],
+      parentSyncId: "menu",
+    }),
+    makeBookmark("bookmarkG111", {
+      url: "http://example.com/g",
+      title: "G",
+      parentSyncId: "folderA11111",
+    }),
+    makeSeparator("separatorE11", {
+      parentSyncId: "menu",
+    }),
+    makeQuery("queryD111111", {
+      url: "place:maxResults=10&sort=8",
+      title: "Most Visited",
+      smartBookmarkName: "MostVisited",
+      parentSyncId: "menu",
+    }),
+  ];
+  for (let record of shuffle(remoteRecords)) {
+    await buf.store(record);
+  }
+  do_print("Apply buffer");
+  await buf.apply();
+  await assertBookmarksTreeMatches(PlacesUtils.bookmarks.menuGuid, [{
+    guid: "folderAAAAAA",
+    index: 0,
+    children: [{
+      guid: "bookmarkGGGG",
+      index: 0,
+    }, {
+      guid: "bookmarkHHHH",
+      index: 1,
+    }],
+  }, {
+    guid: "bookmarkCCCC",
+    index: 1,
+  }, {
+    guid: "separatorEEE",
+    index: 2,
+  }, {
+    guid: "folderB11111",
+    index: 3,
+    children: [{
+      guid: "bookmarkC222",
+      index: 0,
+    }, {
+      guid: "separatorF11",
+      index: 1,
+    }],
+  }, {
+    guid: "folderA11111",
+    index: 4,
+    children: [{
+      guid: "bookmarkG111",
+      index: 0,
+    }],
+  }, {
+    guid: "separatorE11",
+    index: 5,
+  }, {
+    guid: "queryD111111",
+    index: 6,
+  }], "Should dedupe matching NEW bookmarks");
+  await buf.finalize();
+  await PlacesUtils.bookmarks.eraseEverything();
+  await PlacesSyncUtils.bookmarks.reset();
+add_task(async function test_livemarks() {
+  let { site, stopServer } = makeLivemarkServer();
+  try {
+    let buf = await openBuffer("livemarks");
+    do_print("Set up mirror");
+    await PlacesUtils.bookmarks.insertTree({
+      guid: PlacesUtils.bookmarks.menuGuid,
+      source: PlacesUtils.bookmarks.SOURCES.SYNC,
+      children: [{
+        guid: "livemarkAAAA",
+        type: PlacesUtils.bookmarks.TYPE_FOLDER,
+        title: "A",
+        annos: [{
+          name: PlacesUtils.LMANNO_FEEDURI,
+          value: site + "/feed/a",
+        }],
+      }],
+    });
+    do_print("Make local changes");
+    await PlacesUtils.livemarks.addLivemark({
+      parentGuid: PlacesUtils.bookmarks.toolbarGuid,
+      guid: "livemarkBBBB",
+      title: "B",
+      feedURI: Services.io.newURI(site + "/feed/b"),
+    });
+    do_print("Set up buffer");
+    let remoteRecords = [
+      makeLivemark("livemarkAAAA", {
+        title: "A (remote)",
+        feedURI: site + "/feed/a-remote",
+        parentSyncId: "menu",
+      }),
+      makeFolder("toolbar", {
+        title: "Bookmarks Toolbar",
+        children: ["livemarkCCCC", "livemarkB111"],
+        parentSyncId: "places",
+      }),
+      makeLivemark("livemarkCCCC", {
+        title: "C (remote)",
+        feedURI: site + "/feed/c-remote",
+        parentSyncId: "toolbar",
+      }),
+      makeLivemark("livemarkB111", {
+        title: "B",
+        feedURI: site + "/feed/b",
+        parentSyncId: "toolbar",
+      }),
+    ];
+    for (let record of shuffle(remoteRecords)) {
+      await buf.store(record);
+    }
+    do_print("Apply buffer");
+    await buf.apply();
+    // TODO(kitcambridge): The livemarks service should listen for
+    // `onItemAnnotation{Set, Removed}` and update the livemarks map.
+    await assertBookmarksTreeMatches("", [{
+      guid: PlacesUtils.bookmarks.menuGuid,
+      index: 0,
+      children: [{
+        guid: "livemarkAAAA",
+        index: 0,
+      }],
+    }, {
+      guid: PlacesUtils.bookmarks.toolbarGuid,
+      index: 1,
+      children: [{
+        guid: "livemarkCCCC",
+        index: 0,
+      }, {
+        guid: "livemarkB111",
+        index: 1,
+      }],
+    }, {
+      guid: PlacesUtils.bookmarks.unfiledGuid,
+      index: 3,
+    }, {
+      guid: PlacesUtils.bookmarks.mobileGuid,
+      index: 4,
+    }]);
+    await buf.finalize();
+  } finally {
+    await stopServer();
+  }
+  await PlacesUtils.bookmarks.eraseEverything();
+  await PlacesSyncUtils.bookmarks.reset();
--- a/services/sync/tests/unit/xpcshell.ini
+++ b/services/sync/tests/unit/xpcshell.ini
@@ -1,15 +1,16 @@
 head = head_appinfo.js ../../../common/tests/unit/head_helpers.js head_helpers.js head_http_server.js head_errorhandler_common.js
 firefox-appdir = browser
 skip-if = asan # asan crashes, bug 1344085
 support-files =
+  livemark.xml
@@ -121,16 +122,17 @@ tags = addons
 tags = addons
 run-sequentially = Hardcoded port in static files.
 tags = addons
 tags = addons
--- a/toolkit/components/places/PlacesSyncUtils.jsm
+++ b/toolkit/components/places/PlacesSyncUtils.jsm
@@ -1000,17 +1000,17 @@ const BookmarkSyncUtils = PlacesSyncUtil
    * Returns `undefined` if no sensible timestamp could be found.
    * Otherwise, returns the earliest sensible timestamp between `existingMillis`
    * and `serverMillis`.
   ratchetTimestampBackwards(existingMillis, serverMillis, lowerBound = BookmarkSyncUtils.EARLIEST_BOOKMARK_TIMESTAMP) {
     const possible = [+existingMillis, +serverMillis].filter(n => !isNaN(n) && n > lowerBound);
     if (!possible.length) {
-      return undefined;
+      return 0;
     return Math.min(...possible);
    * Rebuilds the left pane query for the mobile root under "All Bookmarks" if
    * necessary. Sync calls this method at the end of each bookmark sync. This
    * code should eventually move to `PlacesUIUtils#maybeRebuildLeftPane`; see