Bug 1282662 - Part 2: Implement the detail description in hover button case.; r?paolo
MozReview-Commit-ID: G3L0sULmRLD
--- a/browser/components/downloads/content/download.xml
+++ b/browser/components/downloads/content/download.xml
@@ -50,16 +50,38 @@
<xul:description class="downloadDetails downloadDetailsHover"
<xul:description class="downloadDetails downloadDetailsFull"
+ <xul:description class="downloadDetails downloadOpenFile"
+ crop="end"
+ value="&openFile.label;"/>
+ <xul:description class="downloadDetails downloadShowMoreInfo"
+ crop="end"
+ value="&showMoreInformation.label;"/>
+ <xul:stack class="downloadButtonLabels">
+ <xul:description class="downloadDetails downloadShow"
+ crop="end"
+#ifdef XP_MACOSX
+ value="&cmd.showMac.label;"
+ value="&cmd.show.label;"
+ />
+ <xul:description class="downloadDetails downloadCancel"
+ crop="end"
+ value="&cancelDownload.label;"/>
+ <xul:description class="downloadDetails downloadRetry"
+ crop="end"
+ value="&retryDownload.label;"/>
+ </xul:stack>
<xul:toolbarseparator />
<xul:stack class="downloadButtonArea">
<xul:button class="downloadButton downloadCancel downloadIconCancel"
oncommand="DownloadsView.onDownloadCommand(event, 'downloadsCmd_cancel');"/>
<xul:button class="downloadButton downloadRetry downloadIconRetry"
--- a/browser/components/downloads/content/downloads.js
+++ b/browser/components/downloads/content/downloads.js
@@ -1032,23 +1032,36 @@ const DownloadsView = {
DownloadsCommon.log("Context menu has hidden.");
this.contextMenuOpen = false;
* Mouse listeners to handle selection on hover.
onDownloadMouseOver(aEvent) {
+ if (aEvent.originalTarget.classList.contains("downloadButton")) {
+ aEvent.target.classList.add("downloadHoveringButton");
+ let button = aEvent.originalTarget;
+ let tooltip = button.getAttribute("tooltiptext");
+ if (tooltip) {
+ button.setAttribute("aria-label", tooltip);
+ button.removeAttribute("tooltiptext");
+ }
+ }
if (!(this.contextMenuOpen || this.subViewOpen) &&
aEvent.target.parentNode == this.richListBox) {
this.richListBox.selectedItem = aEvent.target;
onDownloadMouseOut(aEvent) {
+ if (aEvent.originalTarget.classList.contains("downloadButton")) {
+ aEvent.target.classList.remove("downloadHoveringButton");
+ }
if (!(this.contextMenuOpen || this.subViewOpen) &&
aEvent.target.parentNode == this.richListBox) {
// If the destination element is outside of the richlistitem, clear the
// selection.
let element = aEvent.relatedTarget;
while (element && element != aEvent.target) {
element = element.parentNode;
--- a/browser/locales/en-US/chrome/browser/downloads/downloads.dtd
+++ b/browser/locales/en-US/chrome/browser/downloads/downloads.dtd
@@ -84,16 +84,40 @@
<!ENTITY cmd.chooseUnblock.label "Remove File or Allow Download">
<!-- LOCALIZATION NOTE (cmd.chooseOpen.tooltip):
This is the tooltip of the action button shown when uncommon downloads are
blocked.This opens a dialog where the user can choose whether to open the
file or remove the download. Opening is the default option.
<!ENTITY cmd.chooseOpen.label "Open or Remove File">
+<!-- LOCALIZATION NOTE (showMoreInformation.label):
+ Displayed when hovering a blocked download, indicates that it's possible to
+ show more information for user to take the next action.
+ -->
+<!ENTITY showMoreInformation.label "Show more information">
+<!-- LOCALIZATION NOTE (openFile.label):
+ Displayed when hovering a complete download, indicates that it's possible to
+ open the file using an app available in the system.
+ -->
+<!ENTITY openFile.label "Open File">
+<!-- LOCALIZATION NOTE (retryDownload.label):
+ Displayed when hovering a download which is able to be retried by users,
+ indicates that it's possible to download this file again.
+ -->
+<!ENTITY retryDownload.label "Retry Download">
+<!-- LOCALIZATION NOTE (cancelDownload.label):
+ Displayed when hovering a download which is able to be cancelled by users,
+ indicates that it's possible to cancel and stop the download.
+ -->
+<!ENTITY cancelDownload.label "Cancel Download">
<!-- LOCALIZATION NOTE (blocked.label):
Shown as a tag before the file name for some types of blocked downloads.
Note: This string doesn't exist in the UI yet. See bug 1053890.
<!ENTITY blocked.label "BLOCKED">
<!-- LOCALIZATION NOTE (learnMore.label):
Shown as a text link for some types of blocked downloads, for example
--- a/browser/themes/shared/downloads/allDownloadsViewOverlay.inc.css
+++ b/browser/themes/shared/downloads/allDownloadsViewOverlay.inc.css
@@ -56,17 +56,20 @@
opacity: 0.7;
font-size: 95%;
/* Use calc() to keep the height consistent with .downloadTarget, so that the
progress bar can be vertically centered. */
margin: 4px 0 calc(1em / 0.95 - 1em);
-.downloadDetailsHover {
+.downloadButtonLabels {
display: none;
.downloadButton {
-moz-appearance: none;
-moz-box-align: center;
background: transparent;
min-width: 0;
--- a/browser/themes/shared/downloads/downloads.inc.css
+++ b/browser/themes/shared/downloads/downloads.inc.css
@@ -227,19 +227,55 @@ richlistitem[type="download"]:last-child
.downloadDetails {
opacity: var(--downloads-item-details-opacity);
/* Use calc() to keep the height consistent with .downloadTarget, so that the
progress bar can be vertically centered. */
margin: 4px 0 calc(1em / var(--downloads-item-font-size-factor) - 1em);
+/* The following rules control which message is shown under the name of the
+ download, using a set of elements that share the class ".downloadDetails".
+ At any given time, only one of these elements is displayed. We use a set of
+ rules to hide the elements that shouldn't be displayed in each case. */
+/* The full status message is only displayed in the Downloads View. */
+.downloadDetailsFull {
+ display: none;
+/* When hovering the mouse pointer over the item, instead of the normal message
+ we display a more detailed one. */
@item@:hover > .downloadMainArea > .downloadContainer > .downloadDetailsNormal,
-@item@:not(:hover) > .downloadMainArea > .downloadContainer > .downloadDetailsHover,
-.downloadDetailsFull {
+@item@:not(:hover) > .downloadMainArea > .downloadContainer > .downloadDetailsHover {
+ display: none;
+/* When hovering the action button in particular, instead of the usual hover
+ message we display the command associated with the button. */
+@item@.downloadHoveringButton > .downloadMainArea > .downloadContainer > .downloadDetailsHover,
+@item@:not(.downloadHoveringButton) > .downloadMainArea > .downloadContainer > .downloadButtonLabels {
+ display: none;
+/* When hovering the main area of a finished download whose target exists,
+ instead of the usual hover message we display the "Open File" command. */
+@itemFinished@[exists] > .downloadMainArea:hover > .downloadContainer > .downloadDetailsHover,
+@itemNotFinished@ > .downloadMainArea > .downloadContainer > .downloadOpenFile,
+@item@:not([exists]) > .downloadMainArea > .downloadContainer > .downloadOpenFile,
+.downloadMainArea:not(:hover) > .downloadContainer > .downloadOpenFile {
+ display: none;
+/* When hovering items blocked by Application Reputation, instead of the other
+ hover messages we display the "Show more information" label. */
+@item@[verdict] > .downloadMainArea > .downloadContainer > .downloadDetailsHover,
+@item@[verdict] > .downloadMainArea > .downloadContainer > .downloadButtonLabels,
+@item@:not([verdict]) > .downloadMainArea > .downloadContainer > .downloadShowMoreInfo,
+@item@:not(:hover) > .downloadMainArea > .downloadContainer > .downloadShowMoreInfo {
display: none;
@item@[verdict] > toolbarseparator {
visibility: hidden;
.downloadButton {